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How does a servo work?
This month we take a look at the principles
underlying the operation of servos designed
for use with R/C systems. You move the stick
on your transmitter and the servo moves to a
new position. Why? We shall find out.
in a high level of interchangeability.
Fig.2 shows an exploded view of
a typical servo. Item 19 is the potentiometer which in this servo is a
replaceable ceramic element which
screws into a housing moulded into
the servo case. Modern servos use a
miniature sealed potentiometer.
Pulse width modulation
Not only is the design of the typical
R/C servo an elegant example of modern mass production but the system
whereby six, seven or more channels
of data are modulated onto the radio
carrier is elegant as well.
It is here that the great mystery
begins for the average electronics
buff. Just what is the system of
modulation and how does it result
in such precise clockwise (CW) and
counter-clock-wise (CCW) control of
an electric motor?
The basic servo is best defined as a
closed loop, error cancelling system
in which some of the output is fed
back into the input in such a way
that the system automatically seeks to
come to rest in a state of zero error. In
this null or neutral position it should
draw negligible current. Fig.1 is the
block diagram of such a system.
A typical modern R/C servo has
the following components: a plastic
housing and gear train, electric motor,
feedback potentiometer and a servo
amplifier. The feedback potentiometer is mechanically linked to the servo
output arm either directly or indirectly via a gear train. The indirect
drive servo minimises the vibrational
wear on the potentiometer but is more
expensive. A three-pin plug is fitted
as standard to most servos, resulting
Fig.1: block diagram of a typical servo motor. A positive-going input
pulse is compared with an internally generated negative going reference
pulse in the error amplifier and used to drive the motor.
66 Silicon Chip
The input signal to the servo amplifier is a variable width pulse and
it is here that the magic begins. The
position of the servo output arm is
slaved (or proportional) to the width
of this input pulse. Thus it can be described as a pulse width modulation
(PWM) system.
Modern PWM systems have a virtually universal standard positive
input pulse of 3-5V amplitude with a
neutral of 1.5ms and varying between
1-2ms. The repetition rate of this
pulse (Frame Rate) is typically
between 14-25ms (70Hz to 40Hz)
depending upon the number of channels transmitted. Don’t worry if this
terminology is all Greek to you at the
moment. We will explain it.
The diagram of Fig.3 shows typical
input pulse parameters. This pulse
signal comes from the decoder which
produces separate pulse signals for
each servo. We will discuss encoders
and decoders next month.
While the basic elements of the
modern servos differ little from their
early counterparts, the same cannot
be said about the servo amplifier
which is now just an integrated circuit with a few external components,
taking up little space inside the servo
Example circuit
As the modern IC servo amplifier is
difficult to analyse, it is easier for us
to look at a discrete servo amplifier
developed before the IC took over.
Fig.4 shows the circuit of an old
Silvertone servo. RV is the feedback
potentiometer which is coupled to
the motor.
A positive-going pulse of 4.8V
amplitude is fed from the receiver
decoder into the base of transistor
Q1 which operates as an emitter
follower. The pulse signal appears
across R1 in the same phase but with
the base/emitter voltage drop of about
0.6V subtracted. This positive-going
pulse is then fed via R6 to the summing junction and via capacitor C2
and R2 to the input of IC1, a UL914
dual OR gate.
IC1 is configured as a one-shot
multivibrator with a time constant
set by C3, R3 and RV. This one-shot
generates a negative-going reference
pulse of about 4.2V amplitude which
is then fed via R7 to the summing
junction R8, R9, C4, C5. The values
of R5, R6 and R7 are chosen to deliver
pulses of equal amplitude but opposite phase to the summing junction.
R5 along with C1 also forms the
supply decoupling network for the
one-shot IC1.
Timing diagrams
Now we need to look at some timing diagrams which show how the
input pulse and the reference pulse
are summed to produce a drive signal
to the servo motor.
Fig.5 shows the first condition.
The top trace (a) is the positive-going
input pulse while the second trace
(b) is the negative-going reference
pulse. When these two pulses are
applied to the summing junction the
result is trace (c). As you can see, the
pulses have exactly cancelled out
since they have equal amplitude and
duration. The result is zero output,
the condition required for neutral or
rest position.
Fig.6 shows the conditions for
clockwise drive (CW) of the servo
motor. Here the positive pulse (a) is
of longer duration than the negative
reference pulse (b). The output of the
summing junction is a positive pulse,
the duration of which equals the difference between the input (positive)
and reference generator (negative)
pulses. This positive pulse is transferred to the bases of Q2 and Q3 via
capacitors C4 and C5. As Q2 is a PNP
transistor it will not respond to this
Fig.2: exploded view of a typical servo. Item 19 is the potentiometer which in
this servo is a replaceable ceramic element which screws into a housing
moulded into the servo case. Modern servos use a miniature sealed
November 1997 67
Fig.3: typical input pulse parameters for an R/C servo. This
pulse signal comes from the decoder which produces separate
pulse signals for each servo.
positive-going pulse but NPN transistor Q3 will. Capacitor C6 is a pulse
stretcher and provides smoothing
until the next pulse arrives 20ms later.
The drive circuit for the motor
is unusual in that it is the old centre-tapped 4.8V system (four wire
system). Modern IC servo amplifiers
use a bridge drive circuit which will
give bidirectional drive from a single
4.8V battery (three wire system).
With Q3 now conducting, transistors Q5 & Q7 will also conduct
and drive the motor in a clockwise
When we have the conditions
shown in Fig.7, where the input pulse
is shorter the than the reference pulse,
the output of the summing junction
Fig.4 (below): the circuit of an old
Silvertone servo using discrete
components. RV is the feedback
potentiometer built into the servo
mechanics. It adjusts the reference
pulse width as the motor is driven to
the desired position.
68 Silicon Chip
is a negative pulse (c). This causes
transistors Q2, Q4 & Q6 to conduct,
driving the motor in the counter
clockwise direction.
Feedback seeks the neutral
Now we come to the clever part.
The feedback potentiometer RV is
connected to the output shaft of the
servo mechanics and is wired in such
a manner that the servo motor always
moves to reduce the error (difference)
signal to zero by changing the width
of the reference generator pulse.
You can visualise this happening.
Say, we have the condition shown
in the waveforms of Fig.7 and the
input pulse is wider than the reference pulse. The motor will be driven
clockwise and at the same time the
setting of RV changes to widen the
reference pulse. This narrows the
pulse from the summing junction
until ultimately the input pulse and
reference pulse cancel each other exactly and the result is zero output to
the motor. The servo is now in the null
or neutral position and will stay that
way until the input pulse changes.
The same thing happens when we
have the conditions shown in Fig.8.
Here the input pulse is narrower than
the reference pulse and the motor is
driven anticlockwise. This changes
the setting of RV to reduce the duration of the reference pulse until
again, the input pulse cancels out the
reference pulse and the motor arrives
at the neutral position.
To sum up, if the input pulse is
narrow, the servo will move until
the reference pulse is also narrow.
If the input pulse is wide, the servo
will move until the reference pulse
is equally wide. Relating this back
to the beginning of the article when
we said that the neutral pulse width
is typically 1.5ms, this means that
when the input pulse width is also
1.5ms, the servo seeks the neutral or
null position which is usually in the
centre of its travel.
If the input pulse is 2ms wide, the
servo will move clock
wise. If the
input pulse is 1ms wide, the servo
will move anticlockwise.
Servo phasing
In case you are wondering how to
work out the correct sense for the
potentiometer wiring let me tell you
a simple way. You wire the positive
and negative leads to the two outside
tabs on the pot and the wiper to the
lead coming from R14. When you
plug the servo in, if it races down to
R4 is the main damping resistor,
advancing or retarding the reference
pulse generator slightly according to
the direction of rotation. In this way
the motor drive can be shut down
just before the null point is reached,
allowing the servo to coast smoothly
to a stop at the correct position.
In a feedback system there are three
types of damping conditions possible:
under-damped, over-damped and
dead-beat. An under-damped servo
will swing past the neutral point
and then kick back past neutral and
kick back again in increasingly small
oscillations until the zero error point
is reached.
An over-damped servo will shut
down well before the zero error point
is reached and slowly creep back to
neutral. The dead-beat servo will
come straight back to the correct neutral with no over or undershoot. By
adjusting R4 the correct amount of ref-
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one end of the throw, tearing the teeth
off the output gears, you know you
got it wrong. You then reverse either
the two outside wires on the pot or
reverse the two motor wires but not
both and the servo operates normally.
These days the servo manufacturers
usually wire the motor and pot leads
directly into the amplifier PC board
and servo reversing is no longer
possible. Servo repairing is no longer
possible or cost effective in most cases, thereby increasing the pressure on
transmitter designers to provide servo
reversing at the transmitter end.
To tidy up the remaining parts of
the amplifier description, R14 is the
feedback voltage set resistor, setting
the throw of the servo. The higher the
value of R14, the more travel required
before sufficient control voltage was
available to null the error. R3 will also
provide throw adjustment. Throw
is defined as the amount of angular
displacement on the output arm for
any given pulse width variation.
D1 is an isolation diode. R8, R9 &
R10 also act as base tie-down resistors
for thermal stability. R13 is a current
limiting resistor. Capacitors C7 & C8
are connected from each motor termi
nal to the case. These capacitors must
be mounted on the servo motor and
form the noise suppression network
for the motor. R15 prevents both
sides of the amplifier switching on
November 1997 69
Fig.5: the top trace (a) is the positive-going input pulse
while the second trace (b) is the negative-going reference
pulse. When these two pulses are applied to the summing
junction the result is zero output (c), the condition required
for neutral or rest position.
Fig.6: conditions for clockwise drive (CW) of the servo
motor. Here the positive pulse (a) is of longer duration than
the negative reference pulse (b). The output of the summing
junction is a positive pulse, the duration of which equals
the difference between the input (positive) and reference
generator (negative) pulses.
Fig.7: conditions for CCW drive. The input pulse is shorter
the than the reference pulse, so the output of the summing
junction is a negative pulse (c) which drives the motor
erence generator adjustment may be
achieved. A slightly under-damped
servo (one kickback) is the best compromise for heavily loaded servos.
Setting the damping on any servo
70 Silicon Chip
is the most difficult part of the servo
design. The problem begins with the
pulse stretching network and encompasses such factors as servo power,
slew rate, operational load, dead band
This is a Silvertone servo, circa 1973,
showing the double deck amplifier
board complete with 11 transistors.
Also visible is the drive motor and
feedback potentiometer.
and most importantly the minimum
impulse power of the servo amplifier.
The dead band is the notch that the
servo comes to rest in. If this notch
is too wide, then centring inaccuracies occur; if too narrow, the servo
chatters away because it cannot find
a spot to come to rest. This results in
excess current being drawn by the
servo, overheating of the amplifier
and brush wear on the motor.
The minimum impulse power of
the amplifier is the ability of the amplifier to obtain the maximum torque
from the motor on the minimum error
pulse. The higher the minimum impulse power the better the resolution
of the servo and the less demands on
the damping network. As you can
imagine, if the servo is over-damped
and it shuts down too early it must
rely on the minimum impulse power
to creep it back to the correct neutral.
If the servo is heavily loaded and
with too high a dead band, then the
servo may sit just short of the correct
neutral, introducing a control error
which is annoying to the operator of
the model. Worse still the servo is
drawing excessive current, reducing
battery life and overheating the transistors. Four or more servos doing this
could reduce battery life to half and
possibly result in a crash.
So there you have it! Now you
should have good understanding of
the theory of servo operation. Just
coincidentally, next month’s Circuit
Notebook will include a servo based
on a windscreen wiper motor. The
operating principles are the same.
Next month we will look at how
the input pulse arrives via a remote
or local link.