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Got an old PC power supply
gathering dust? Want to use it to
power your projects? We tell you
what to do and how to do it.
Use your old
PC power supply for
high current outputs
S TIME GOES ON, more and
more old computers are quiet ly gathering dust or worse, being
thrown on to the tip. Often these are
perfectly good machines which still
function as well as the day they were
purchased. But if you don’t want to
use them as computers you can still
use their power supplies.
Computers have big power supplies in a small box. A typical older
74 Silicon Chip
machine will have a 200W power
supply capable of delivering +5V at
20A, +12V at 8A, -5V at 0.5A and
-12V at 0.5A. You can use this power
supply for all sorts of applications
pretty well as it is, with no modifications required. And if you want,
you can crank up the +12V output
to get around +13V which is more
appropriate if you want to power CB
or amateur band equipment, audio
equipment or bench test car projects.
We’ll talk more about this aspect later.
First, let’s talk about the PC supply
as it stands. Typically it is contained
in a small folded metal box with an
inbuilt 12V fan and two IEC power
sockets, one male and one female.
The male socket is for the mains input while the female socket is for the
switched output to the video monitor.
This is a switched mode supply
Fig.1: the general circuit arrangement inside most computer power supplies. The TL494 gives precise regulation of
the main +5V rail and the other rails are unregulated. Note that all the circuitry on the primary side of the inverter
transformer runs at around +340V and is also floating at around half the 240VAC. It is lethal if touched.
and typically uses a TL494 switch
mode controller IC and a couple of
transistors driving a transformer at
around 40kHz or more to provide
the four separate supply rails. Fig.1
shows the general arrangement. We
must stress here that Fig.1 shows only
the broad outline of the circuit and
every one of these power supplies
shows great differences in the detail
of their circuits.
By the way, if you do manage to
obtain the circuit of a computer power
supply, you have rare treasure indeed.
We have yet to see a full circuit and
we understand that most serviceman
do not have the benefit of circuits
Back to Fig.1: the mains supply
comes in via a filter network and is
fed to a bridge rectifier to produce
around 340V DC. Interestingly, the
filter capacitance is usually made up
of two 200V capacitors connected in
series across the 340V and they typically have a capacitance of around
220-330µF. Each of these capacitors
generally has a diode and resistor
across it to ensure that they share the
total voltage of 340V equally.
The 340V DC is then fed to a switchmode circuit involving two transistors
(or Mosfets) in a push-pull inverter
transformer. By the way, considering
the amount of power involved, the
transformer is ridiculously small.
It looks fairly conventional in construction but instead of using steel
laminations it has a ferrite core which
enables it to run with switching
speeds of 40kHz or more. This enables
a very small transformer instead of
the very bulky and heavy unit which
would be required if the transformer
was running at 50Hz.
The transformer provides the full
isolation between the 340V DC supply
on the primary side and the low volt-
The internal wiring of switch
mode computer power supplies
is dangerous when powered up.
Not only do you have bare 240VAC
wiring to the IEC sockets but a good
portion of the circuitry on the PC
board is +340V DC floating at half
the mains voltage. IT IS THEREFORE
Use extreme care if you do decide to make measurements on the
supply when the case is open and
CIRCUIT when it is operating. Make
sure that it is disconnected from
the mains when you are making
any modifications to the internal
age supplies on the secondary side.
Note that all the circuitry on the
primary side of the transformer is at
mains potential and must be regarded
as lethal.
On the output side, the transformer
has at least four secondary windings,
each centre-tapped. Each secondary
feeds two high speed fast recovery diodes in a full-wave rectifier followed
by a toroidal inductor and another
filter capacitor. The diodes for the +5V
and +12V rails are usually clamped to
a finned heatsink. By the way, each
pair of diodes are in a three-lead
package which usually looks like a
plastic power transistor.
Block diagram
Fig.2 is the block diagram of the
TL494 switchmode controller used in
most of these supplies. If yours does
not use a TL494 you will probably
find it has a Samsung KA7500B and
guess what? It’s identical in function
and pin connections to the TL494.
This chip provides precise voltage
regulation for the +5V rail only and
the other supply rails depend on the
basic regula
tion of the transformer
for their performance. Typically, if
you connect a 5A load across the
+5V rail it will drop by only a few
millivolts whereas if you connect a
5A load across the +12V rail it will
drop by 0.5V or more. Even if you
December 1998 75
Fig.2: this is the schematic of the Texas Instruments TL494 and Samsung KA7500B switchmode
controllers, used in the big majority of PC computer power supplies.
don’t measure the +12V rail when you
load it up, you will still know that the
voltage has dropped a bit because the
fan will sound a little slower.
By the way, when installed in a
typical computer, the fan does double
duty. Not only does it cool the switch
mode power supply components, it
also cools the componentry inside
the case of the computer. But its most
important job is to cool the power
supply itself and so it should not be
disconnected, even if your proposed
application means that the supply
will be lightly loaded most of the time.
Minimum load
While the TL494 provides very good
regulation for the 5V rail, the supply
needs a minimum load. If you disconnect all the supply leads from inside
your computer and then turn it on,
you will probably find that the power
supply will not work at all and this is
because it does not have a minimum
load. How much load is required? Difficult to say really, but we have found
that you typically need at least 100mA.
That means you need a minimum load
consisting of a 47Ω 1W resistor connected across the +5V output.
(Having said that, as part of the
preparation for this article, we purchased a brand new computer supply
and found that it did not need any
minimum loading to make it work.)
76 Silicon Chip
The other supply rails do not need
any loading to make them work but
you will generally improve their regulation if you do connect some minimum load across them. The +12V rail
already has a load because of the 12V
fan but you can improve the regulation by pulling another 100mA or so;
use a 100Ω 5W resistor. For the -12V
and -5V rails, try a minimum load of
around 10mA; use a 1kΩ 0.25W resistor across the -12V and a 470Ω 0.25W
resistor across the -5V rail.
Regulation explained
How does a minimum load make
the supply regulation better? To explain that we should first discuss what
we mean by the term regulation. There
are two types of regulation: load and
line. Load regulation refers to how the
output voltage varies between the “noload” condition and “full load” and
is usually referred to as a percentage.
For example, in a typical computer
power supply in which the +5V rail
can supply up to 20A, the no-load
voltage would typically be very close
to +5V (eg, 5.02V) and might drop to
4.88V at 20A. The difference in the
two voltages is 140mV (5.02 - 4.88 =
140mV) and when divided by the noload voltage of 5.02V, the percentage
becomes 2.8% which is pretty good.
Since the other supply rails are
not regulated (ie, directly controlled
by the TL494), their regulation is not
as good and will typically be around
6-10% at full load.
Line regulation refers to the change
in output voltage as the input voltage (ie, the mains supply) is varied.
Computer switchmode supplies are
really excellent in this respect since
the nominal input supply range is
typically 115V to 230V. In practice,
the mains voltage can be varied from
less than 110V to more than 250VAC
while the +5V rail stays rock steady.
In this respect the switchmode
power supplies in computers are
vastly superior to any conventional
linear regulated supply and they are
a great deal more efficient, as well.
To answer the question as to how
a low level of loading can improve
regulation, the main factor is the voltage drop across the diodes. When the
supply loading is zero or minimal, the
voltage drop across the rectifier diodes
becomes quite low, possibly less than
0.5V. But when the supply is loaded
up, the voltage drop across the diodes
increases to as much as 1V and then
stays more or less constant, regardless
of increasing current.
This minimises the diode voltage
drop as a factor in the output regu
lation and the result is improved
Mind you, there is a trade-off and
any increase in load leads to an in-
crease in power supply ripple and
Lead colour coding
This talk of regulation and minimum loading is all very well but how
do you identify which output wire
is which and how do you make the
connections? When you look at one
of these supplies you will find that
there is a veritable festoon of wires
coming out of it, all terminating in
multiple four and six-way plugs of
various sizes and configuration. So
you don’t just have one really heavy
gauge wire coming out for the +5V
output; there are multiple 5V wires.
Happily there is a consensus on the
colour coding and it is generally as
follows: +5V red; +12V yellow; -12V
blue; -5V white and common (0V)
black. There may also be an orange
lead which is the Power Good (PG)
signal wire.
Now if you want to use the supply
to provide +12V at 8A, for example,
you really need to connect all the yellow wires in parallel to your output.
If you try to pull 8A from just one of
the yellow wires, you will find that the
output regulation is not as good as it
could be and in an extreme case, you
could end up melting the wire insulation; so connect ‘em up in parallel
and the same comment goes for the
black (0V) wires.
Powering op amps
Now while the thrust of this article
has been about using the +12V rail to
power equipment in a variety of situations, these computer power supplies
can also be used to power audio equipment which requires balanced ±15V
supplies, most of which employs op
amps which are not critical as far as
regulation is concerned. Therefore
you can use the +12V and -12V rails
to power equipment where ±15V is
normally required.
There is a proviso here and that is
that the -12V rail usually can only
supply up to 0.5A. Another factor
which must be considered in all of
this is that computer supplies have
switching hash superimposed on their
outputs and this could be a problem
if you are using it to power sensitive
audio equipment. On the other hand,
if the equipment has onboard regulators, the problem is solved. Remember
that sound cards in computers do have
sensitive low level analog circuitry
There’s lots of lethal wiring inside every computer switchmode power supply. In
particular note the bare wires to the IEC power sockets (240VAC) and all the
circuitry above the transformer in this picture which sits at around 340V DC
and at half mains potential. Do not touch any part of the circuit while it is
and they cope with the hash situation
pretty well.
And what about the main +5V
rail? What can you use that for? This
question has us stumped. Perhaps
some of our readers can make a few
suggestions. Keep them clean please.
Boosting the output
So far we have discussed using
a computer power supply just as it
comes but a lot of 12V equipment for
use in cars, particularly CB radios,
amateur transceivers and audio equipment, per
forms considerably better
if the supply is increased to around
+13.6V DC. In fact, a lot of nominal
12V equipment is performance-rated
at 13.6V or 13.8V. Can the computer
supply be tweaked to deliver this? The
answer is maybe. Some supplies can
be made to go that high and others
wimp out before they get there.
To make the supply deliver more
than 12V you need to open up the case
and here we must stress that this is
dangerous territory indeed. Not only
do you have bare 240VAC wiring to
the IEC sockets but a good portion
of the circuitry on the PC board is
+340V DC floating at half the mains
voltage. You have been warned. Once
you open the case, you have a lethal
With the warning out of the way,
how do you go about making the
supply deliver more than 12V? The
answer is to tweak the feedback circuit to the TL494 which monitors the
+5V rail. First, you must identify the
feedback resistor which connects to
pin 1 of the TL494 as this is almost
always the op amp input used for this
purpose. To make the identification,
make sure that the power supply is
disconnected from the 240VAC mains.
Then switch your multimeter to its
lowest “ohms” range or the audible
continuity test and find out which
resistor adjacent to pin 1 is actually
connected to pin 1. You must find
the resistor pigtail which is a short
circuit to pin 1.
Now before you go any further, you
might have struck it lucky and you
may find that also close to pin 1 of the
TL494 is a small trimpot. Bingo! You
can tweak that to increase the +12V
supply. Remember here that you will
actually be increasing the +5V rail and
all the other DC rails will increase in
the same proportion. If you want to
December 1998 77
If you are going to boost the output of the +12V rail, you need to identify the
feedback resistor connected to pin 1 of the TL494 switchmode controller. It is
shown arrowed here but you have to go through the exercise with your supply.
get to +13.8V you will need to increase
the 5V rail by 15% or to +5.75V.
That is quite a big increase and in
practice, some supplies cannot be
pushed that far; they will get to around
+5.5V and then audibly “squeal”,
possibly because of an overvoltage
protection circuit. If that happens,
back off on the adjustment until it
settles down. Even so, you should
be able to get more than 13V on the
+12V output.
Making the adjustment
Adjusting the trimpot while the
supply is powered and with the case
open is a dangerous procedure because you will almost certainly find
that the trimpot is right underneath
the 240VAC wires to the IEC sockets.
You can do the adjustment but you
will need an electrician’s Phillips
head screwdriver with a completely
insulated shaft. We used an electrician’s screwdriver with a label rating
of 1000V. Don’t even think of using
an ordinary screwdriver – we don’t
want to lose any readers!
To make the adjustment, connect
your minimum load to the +5V rail.
We used a 12V 50W halogen lamp as
it could easily be plugged into one
of the output sockets. Connect your
multimeter to measure the +5V rail
or the 12V rail.
Make sure you have someone with
you when you do the adjustment. If
the worst comes to the worst, and
you get an electric shock, you want
78 Silicon Chip
someone next to you to kill the power
Position your electrician’s screwdriver in the trimpot and have your
companion switch on the power.
Rotate the trimpot in the direction to
increase the supply as desired. Note
that the fan will become louder as the
+12V rail increases. When satisfied
that the adjustment is what you want,
have your companion switch off the
supply, unplug it from the mains and
then replace the lid.
Finding the feedback resistor
Back to the continuity testing: if
your power supply does not have
a trimpot you still have to find the
5V feedback resistor. Having found
the end that connects to pin 1 of the
TL494, now check whether the other
end connects to the +5V output. You
can do this by connecting one of your
meter prods to a red wire in one of the
multi-way output plugs. Again, you
should have a short circuit between
the red +5V wire at one end and the
+5V end of the feedback resistor.
Once you have clearly identified the
resistor in question, you can measure
its value. More often than not you will
find that it is labelled 4.7kΩ but will
measure half that value. That means
that another resistor is shunting it
somewhere in the circuit. Now it is
unlikely that you will want to trace
the circuit out but you don’t have to
do it anyway. All you have to do is to
increase the resistance of the identi-
fied feedback resistor.
Unfortunately, to do this, you have
to gain access to the underside of the
PC board. Remove the four screws
securing the board inside the case and
then you can manoeuvre it to access
the underside. Unsolder one end of
the resistor and then solder a 560Ω
resistor in series with it. That done,
replace the PC board and the four
screws. Be warned: don’t take a shortcut and just sit the board back where it
was without fitting the screws. If you
do that, there is the danger of a short
circuit underneath when you turn it
back on and the whole power supply
could be destroyed.
When you turn the supply on, measure the +5V and +12V rails and note
the increase. If the +12V rail is now
over +13V, you probably have gone
far enough. If not, note the increase
in voltage and then calculate the
required additional series feedback
resistor to get the increase you want.
Current rating
There are a couple of other points
we need to make concern
ing this
boosting of the +12V rail. While you
can increase the voltage, you cannot
increase the overall power output.
Any increase in voltage must result in
a proportional decrease in current. So
if your supply is rated +12V at 8A and
you increase it to +13.6V, the overall
current will be reduced to around 7A.
Remember also that none of the DC
outputs has any short circuit protection so if you overload the supply, you
are liable to damage it. For that reason
you cannot use the supply for battery
charging unless you put in a suitable
current limiting resistor.
On/off switch
If you want to remove the power
supply from the computer case, you
will no doubt want to change the
on/off switch which is normally on
the computer’s front panel. Very old
computers had their power switch on
the back of the supply.
An easy way of installing a power
switch would be to remove the IEC
female socket and install a large illuminated rocker switch instead. Most
of these switches snap into a standard
cutout and a little work with a file or
a chassis nibbler will do the trick.
However, make sure that there are no
metal particles floating around inside
the case when you have finished. SC