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from magnetite to digital
Compasses have not changed much since they were first
invented. All compasses react to the Earth’s low level magnetic
field and it is only now that electronic compasses are able to
properly discriminate between the horizontal and vertical
components of that field using technology developed by
Precision Navigation, Inc.
Compasses have helped guide people over the land and oceans for thousands of years. Historians date the first
vehicle compass to 2634 BC, when a
Chinese inventor suspended a piece
of magnetite from a thread to guide
his chariot. The problem is, most
compasses available today, whether
mechanical or electronic, are not a
great improvement upon the original.
They still bounce over bumps, get
thrown off course by magnetic interference and are adversely affected
by factors such as vibration, tilt and
acceleration. Only recently has technology been employed to improve on
the original concept.
The basic mechanical compass is
still just a magnetised needle suspended on a jewelled bearing. The biggest
innovation in mechanical compasses
within the last few thousand years
has been to envelop the magnetic
needle in a viscous damping fluid.
This allows the compass needle to
settle more quickly after the compass
14 Silicon Chip
has been moved and greatly reduces
needle oscillation.
Electronic magnetometers were
developed decades ago but it wasn’t
until the 1970s that there were any
real production versions of electronic
compasses available to the general
public. Most of these compasses were
based upon flux-gate magnetometers,
a technology first invented in the
1930s. All had mechanical gimbaling
in order to eliminate errors due to tilt
and were fairly limited for navigation.
Most found application on sailboats.
Designing a compass
The most fundamental step in
designing any compass is to have a
device which reacts to the direction
of the Earth’s low-level DC magnetic
field. The mechanical compass magnetised needle has done this task
fairly well for thousands of years. The
electronic compass, however, requires
some sort of electrical transducer to
measure this low level field, which
can then be transformed into a heading
for display.
A common approach used in the
past combines a magnetised card
which is optically encoded and a
photodiode pair which can decode
the position of this card. The magnetised card then acts as a normal
mechanical compass and the optical
electronics provide input to a microprocessor which allows the heading
t ion to be processed and
Unfortunately, this approach has
all the same weaknesses as any mechanical compass. To obtain a really
improved compass, a different approach is required.
Magnetic compass variables
The Earth’s magnetic field is
three-dimensional, having two horizontal components (X and Y axes) and
one vertical component (Z axis). The
closer you travel towards the Earth’s
north or south magnetic poles, the
Fig.1: block diagram of a digital compass
based on the Precision Navigation variable
permeability magnetometer.
stronger becomes the Z component of
the total magnetic field. For example,
at the latitude of San Francisco, the
Z-component accounts for almost 70%
of the Earth’s total magnetic vector.
This creates a problem when a compass with fixed magnetometers for its
X and Y axes is tilted. The relatively
large Z component of the field gets
mapped into the X-Y plane and is
subsequently translated into a heading
error. Depending upon the orientation
of the compass and the latitude, this
tilt error typically translates into two
to five degrees of heading error for
each degree of tilt from level.
Tilt compensation
There are three solutions to this
problem. The first and most obvious
is to ensure that the compass always
remains level which is not always
practical. The second is mechanical
gimbaling of the magnetic sensors to
ensure that they remain level when
pitch and roll are present.
The third method is electronic tilt
compensation. This requires measurement of the Z component of the
magnetic field via a third magnetometer and the measurement of pitch
and roll of the system with some sort
of tilt sensor. Tilt compensation is
then taken care of mathematically via
a microprocessor.
In applications where the system
remains level, fixed two-axis magnetic
compasses are quite accurate and are
less expensive than tilt-compensated
On rolling platforms requiring continuous accuracy, mechanical gimbal
ing is the most common solution. A
2-axis magnetic sensor is attached to a
pendulum (gimbal) which is encased
in a viscous damping fluid to reduce
Typical pendulum designs accommodate tilts from ±20 degrees up to
±45 degrees. Should the compass tilt
beyond that range, the gimbaling is
no longer effective and the accuracy
is greatly reduced. This approach
suffers from weaknesses such as
gimbal lock, large size, fragility and
the relative movement of the sensor
with respect to the reference frame
of the system.
The third approach is a so-called
“strapped down” solution. By using a
triaxial magnetometer to measure the
X, Y and Z axes of the magnetic field
and including the input of the inclin
ometer, errors generated by tilting the
compass module are mathematically
corrected by the module’s microprocessor. The inclinome
ter’s angular
evaluation also can be displayed to
the user or output to a host system.
Dynamic environments
Tilt-compensated magnetic compasses are vulnerable to varying levels
of vibration and acceleration. The limiting factor is not the magnetic sensors
but the tilt-compensating mechanism,
be it mechanical gimbaling or inclination sensors. Mechanically gimbaled
compasses are the most susceptible to
“sloshing” and slow response time on
rolling or rumbling platforms. Liquid
inclinometers are also compromised
where there is rapid accelera
Varying the viscosity of the liquid can
diminish this problem.
For very dynamic platforms – military aircraft, for instance – accelerometers and gyroscopes, combined with
ters provide the highest
In applications where the system remains level, fixed two-axis magnetic
compasses are quite accurate and can be catered for by Precision Navigation’s
Vector-2X compass module, shown on the right. Where tilt compensation is
required as well, the Precision TCM2 module on the left is available with ±20
degrees, ±50 degrees and ±80 degrees of compensation.
January 1998 15
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16 Silicon Chip
Made by Precision Navigation, Inc, this handheld digital compass has inbuilt tilt
compensation up to ±15 degrees and many features that were undreamt of years
ago. It can be referenced to true or magnetic north, has red and green lights to
allow a fixed course to be maintained at night and can store up to 10 bearings
and even multi-leg courses with a heading and time for each leg. It even alerts
you to magnetic interference from nearby metallic objects, power lines, etc.
reliability but at a substantially higher
Magnetic distortion corrections
All compasses can perform well in
a controlled environment, where the
ambient magnetic field consists solely
of the Earth’s field. In most practical
applications however, an electronic
compass module will be mounted in a
host system such as a vehicle, and this
will contain large sources of magnetic
fields such as steel chassis, transformer
cores, electrical currents and permanent magnets in electric motors.
This “hard iron” magnetism remains relatively stable over time
and therefore can be measured and
calibrated out of compass readings.
Calibration typically involves rotating
the vehicle through 360 degrees and
storing several magnetic readings.
er, once the local magnetic
fields which cause the distortion errors have been measured, the magnetic
sensors must stay fixed in relative
position to that local distortion field.
This is a serious limitation of mechanically gimbaled compasses. The
sensors are mounted on the end of a
pendulum and therefore change their
relative position within the distortion
field and this can degrade compass
Precision Navigations’s TCM2
module has fixed magnetometers that
never move with respect to its host
system, thus calibration data is valid
through its full tilt range. This calibration data is stored in the device’s
non-volatile EEPROM so that it is
preserved during power-down.
“Soft iron” magnetism is a more
difficult local distortion which varies
in strength and direction – ie, it can
add or subtract to the Earth’s magnetic
field within a vehicle or system. Only
a few electronic compass modules can
handle soft iron anomalies.
and can be made quite small. Because
they work inductively, they draw a
fraction of the current of flux-gate
sensors, typically 2-3mA instead of
Flux gate technology
Magnetoresistive (MR)
Flux gate sensors typically comprise
a low-coercivity core surrounded by
drive and sense coils. The core is saturated with an AC current in the drive
coil, inducing an AC voltage in the
sense coil which includes the drive
frequency and its second and higher
order harmonics. The presence of an
external magnetic field will cause
a shift of the core’s hysteresis loop,
creating a second harmonic which
can be correlated to the strength of
the external magnetic field.
Most flux gate magnetometers are
biaxial; ie, they only sense the Earth’s
horizontal (X and Y) magnetic field.
Accurate sensing of the vertical (Z
axis) magnetic field component is critical when a compass is electronically
gimbaled. Some flux gate compass
manufacturers do offer electronically
gimbaled modules. These are typically coupled biaxial sensors with one
redundant axis combined with a tilt
Permalloy and other materials
exhibit a variation of their ohmic
resistance when subjected to varying
external magnetic fields. Magnetoresistors are typically fabricated by
depositing thin film or nickel-iron
(NiFe) onto a silicon substrate as a
standalone magnetoresistive bridge,
or integrated with signal processing
circuitry. A magnetic field rotates
the internal magnetisation vector in
the film and the varying angle of this
vector with the current flow alters the
MR sensors are relatively inexpensive to manufacture but like fluxgates, their analog output needs to be
converted through A/D circuitry for
many applications, which increases
costs and complexity.
Precision Navigation’s magnetoinductive sensors were patented in
1989. Each single-axis sensing coil is
wound on an elongated strip of high
direct-current permeable magnetic
al and is self-biasing. Each
sensor provides an oscillation signal
that varies in frequency when oriented at different angles with respect to
the Earth’s magnetic field. A microprocessor can then receive sensor
information in frequency form, which
is converted into an orientation with
respect to the Earth’s magnetic field.
The frequency of the oscillating
signal at the output of the sensing circuit varies substantially (eg, by about
100%) as the sensing coil is moving
from a parallel to an antiparallel orientation, with respect to the Earth’s
magnetic field. These substantial
frequency differences mean that a
very accurate digital readout of angle
between the sensing coil orientation
and magnetic North is obtained from
the microprocessor.
Due to the simplicity of design and
materials, magneto-inductive sensors
are very inexpensive to manufacture
This advertisment
is out of date and
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to prevent
Hall effect
Hall effect sensors are at the low end
of the sensitivity spectrum. They are
fabricated with monolithic integrated
circuit processes and are thus small
and inexpensive. However, they are
largely impractical for measuring the
Earth’s field because they suffer from
drift, instability and poor sensitivity.
In the future, we can expect to see
this technology in consumer products
ranging from hand-held GPS receivers
with built-in compassing to toys and
mobile communications equipment.
Brings you advanced
technology at affordable prices
For further information on the
Precision Navigation Vector-2X and
TCM2 modules, contact Sphere
Communications, PO Box 380, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010. Phone (02) 9344
9111; fax (02) 9349 5774. For information on the Precision Navigation
Outback-ES digital compass, contact
Sphere Communications or Av-Comm
Pty Ltd, phone (02) 9949 7417 (see
their 32-page catalog elsewhere in
this issue).
Acknowledgement: this article was
adapted from an ar ticle entitled
ic Compass
ing” by George
Hsu of Precision Navigation originally
published by Measurements & Control,
September 1995.
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January 1998 17