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Improving AM broadcast reception; Pt.1
Interference and poor set design have combined
to give AM radio a “low quality” image.
However, there are lots of things you can do to
reduce interference and boost signal quality.
There are new FM broadcast
radio stations appearing regu
throughout Australia. Conversely, AM
broadcast radio is out of favour, with
a reduction in the number of AM stations operating. However, many people only listen to AM radio stations,
either because they are the only ones
available to them, or they carry the
programs that they wish to listen to,
or because they only have AM radios
in the household.
Most FM stations transmit in stereo
and some AM stations do too. Both
AM and FM transmissions are of high
technical quality, with wide audio
frequency response and low distortion, etc. The highest audio frequency
area well separated in terms of frequency allocation. Typically, stations
are spaced at least 45kHz apart and
usually more than 100kHz apart.
This means that even in the most
closely spaced parts of the spectrum
in Sydney, it is not difficult for the
average AM radio to discriminate
between the stations.
Even so, interference from stations
on adjacent channels can be a problem.
This usually occurs at night when stations some distance away are received
along with the “local” stations. This
causes “monkey chatter” and 9kHz
beats between stations only 9kHz apart
“Many people hold the mistaken belief that AM
broadcast transmitters are restricted to a maximum
audio frequency of 4.5kHz, to minimise the
possibility of interference between stations on
adjacent 9kHz channels.
broadcast by FM transmitters is 15kHz,
while the corresponding figure for AM
transmitters is at least 10kHz.
Many people hold the mistaken
belief that AM broadcast transmitters
are restricted to a maximum audio
frequency of 4.5kHz, to minimise the
possibility of interference between
stations on adjacent 9kHz channels.
Instead, adjacent channel interference
is reduced by keeping the radio stations in any particular geographical
78 Silicon Chip
and these beats will be heard on the
better quality receivers if they don’t
have a 9kHz notch filter.
If more than one station is assigned
to the same channel, the more distant
ones can interfere too, even taking over
the channel for a short time in some
cases. It can be intriguing to listen as
several stations fade in and out on
the one channel but it’s frustrating for
anyone trying to listen to just one of
those stations.
Electrical storms also often cause
interference to AM radio reception,
particularly in summer and towards
the equator. Unfortunately, there are
no easy methods that can be used to
eliminate this type of interference,
although noise limiters can provide
some relief.
In summary, AM radio suffers from
various interference problems and
this is why it has lost popularity,
particularly for night-time reception.
However, some listeners like to log as
many distant AM broadcast stations
as possible (DX) and these articles,
although not specifically aimed at such
listeners, will provide ideas that will
assist them too.
AM tuner quality
In most developed countries, there
has been a definite swing to FM broadcasting and AM has been relegated to
the position of the poor relation. If a
check is made of the specifications of
an AM/FM receiver/tuner, it will be
noticed that the FM section is usually
extremely good in all areas. Conversely, the specifications of the AM section
will be markedly inferior to those for
the FM section.
But that’s not all – the AM section
will generally be inferior to the sets
produced in Australia from the late
1930s to the 1960s. These include
both valved sets and the later Austra
lian-made transistor receivers. These
sets were very sensitive and capable
of receiving stations hundreds of kilometres away in daylight. And some
were designed to have quite reasonable
fidelity as well.
In short, the sensitivity, bandwidth,
AGC characteristics, detector distortion, etc, of the average imported set
is almost sure to be inferior to the best
of those old receivers. The average AM
receiver is really quite a poor perform-
Fig.1: AM reception can often be improved by running a separate earth
lead from the radio’s earth terminal (if it has one) to a metal stake driven
into the ground. Note that a .001µF - .01µF capacitor may need to be
inseted in series with the lead at the set’s earth terminal – see text.
er these days and its inability to reject
interference has given AM broadcast
radio a reputation for poor quality –
which is really not true.
Australia no longer has a consumer broadcast receiver manufacturing
industry, so most of our domestic receivers are imported from Asia, Europe
or North America. Because of their
population densities, they can afford
to have many FM broadcast stations
to serve their needs, as only relatively
short distances need to be covered. The
same goes for AM broadcasts.
In short, the emphasis in these
countries is on FM and in any case,
the distance to the nearest FM or AM
stations will be quite small. For this
reason, the AM sections are designed
for urban use only and have low RF/
IF gain, indifferent IF selectivity and
usually poor overload characteristics.
These sets also have poor RF selectivity (with no RF stage) and an autodyne
oscillator/converter which produces
significant oscillator harmonics. This
in turn can result in considerable
breakthrough of shortwave stations
into the broadcast band at times.
In Australia, the distance between
AM broadcast transmitters is generally greater due to our low population
density. As a result, these imported
sets perform poorly in regional areas
and on city margins. The only thing
going for them is that they are cheap
compared to the good AM transistor radios that were produced in Australia.
There are other reasons why people
listen mainly to local stations, apart
from the fact that the receivers now
available are poor distance performers. One of the bugbears of AM radio
reception is man-made interference.
Electrical interference of various
sorts is predominantly an amplitude
variable phenomena which is readily
reproduced by AM receivers. Properly designed FM receivers respond to
frequency variations and reject amplitude variations. As a result, they reject
most forms of interference, whether
natural or man-made.
Interference reduction
Electrical interference from power
lines and various elec
t rical/electronic devices can be minimised or
even eliminated by employing one
or more of the techniques described
in this and the following article. AM
reception can be poor due to the use
of mediocre AM receivers, ineffective
aerial/antenna systems and the high
level of interference in some locations.
However, many of the problems can
be resolved or at least minimised so
that good AM radio reception can be
Interference does not have to be as
strong as the station being monitored
to be annoying. Many of the broadcast
stations that listeners may wish to
receive are not all that strong (I listen
in daylight to 5CK which is 750km
away from Benalla) and hence even
weak interference is annoying.
Part of the problem is that we belong to the “portable” society, where
everything has to be easily transportable. The concept of “portability” is
equally applied to radios and so radios
designed for the domestic market are
generally not provided with an external antenna connection. And if they
were provided with one, the design
inadequacies would soon become
The most convenient place to put
the radio is on the refrigerator, a kitchen bench or on a workshop bench.
Unfortunately, these are usually the
worst locations for interference in
our homes. The “quietest” place is
out in the backyard, away from all
power sources, cars in the street, lawn
mowers, etc. A few really electrically
quiet locations are at the beach, in a
row boat at sea or in the outback away
from it all.
Modern homes are often worse than
older dwellings for radio reception.
For example, they may have metallised
insulation paper in the walls, while
the floor and sometimes the ceiling
cially in units) can be a reinforced concrete slab. This forms a very
effective radio frequency (RF) shield,
which means radio signals have a
hard job getting into the dwelling,
except through breaks in the shield
and via the electrical power mains.
For this reason, placing the radio near
a window or near power wiring often
improves reception.
Interference sources that affect
radios within this RF shield include
computers, fluorescent lights (particularly the electronic types), food mixers,
TV receivers, light dimmers, shavers,
electric drills and touch lamps, etc.
The interference generated by these
sources is easily picked up directly
by the radio. Some of it also travels
along the mains wiring in the home
and then radiates into the radio. It can
also travel via the mains and interfere
with the radio reception in neighbouring houses or units.
Another source of interference is
from high-voltage power lines. The
interference can be due directly to
problems on the mains (eg, arcing in
wet weather) or generated by an electrical appliance.
November 1998 79
Looking for an old valve?
or a new valve?
to the set via the external antenna
must be much stronger than the signal picked up by the usual loop stick
antenna in the set, otherwise interference may still be a problem.
Antenna types
Australasia’s biggest selection
PO Box 381 Chadstone Centre VIC 3148
Tel: (03) 9571 1160 Fax: (03) 9505 6209
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email: evatco<at>
Because of the effects described
above and because they don’t know
how to overcome interference problems, most listeners give up and listen
only to the local stations. However,
there are a number of ways that the
interference can be dealt with. The
source of the interference can be
suppressed or ways can be found to
minimise the effect of the interference
and increase the radio signal into the
The easiest approach (apart from
moving the receiver) is to improve
the signal so that it overrides any interference or set noise. One approach
is to site an antenna (preferably a
noise-reducing type) in a relatively
noise-free environment and where
there is good signal strength. This
will usually involve using an outside
antenna in the backyard, at least five
metres away from any building or
electrical catenary wiring. The signal
is then fed to the radio receiver via a
cable that does not pick up any signals
or any interference as it passes through
what may be an electrically noisy area.
Either a coaxial cable or some form
of twin cable can be used. The signal
80 Silicon Chip
Two types of external antenna can
be used: (1) a loop antenna which
responds to the magnetic field component of the radio signal; or (2) a
“long” wire antenna which responds
to the electrostatic/electric field component of the radio signal. The loop
antenna is a little more awkward to
install but its advantage is that the
near field intensity of interference
from the magnetic field is much lower
than that from the electric field at the
same location.
In practical terms, this means that
the interference level picked up by
a loop antenna is much lower than
when using a “long” wire antenna –
particularly if the antenna cannot be
located in a noise-free area.
Portable transistor receivers use a
loop antenna so they will do a better
job of receiving signals in a noisy environment compared to sets using a
wire antenna run around the skirting
board. However, the loop in the transistor receiver cannot elim
inate all
interference or intercept radio signals
if they are almost non-existent.
A good earth
It is also very important to have
a good earth system, to improve
the strength of radio signals and to
minimise interference. This is more
important with the long wire antennas,
although some loop antennas will also
benefit from an earth system.
It is well known that the earth wire
of a 3-pin power socket goes to an
earth stake via the switchboard. This
earth lead may be up to 30 metres
long, or more. However, AC mains
sets which have a 3-core lead and
an earthed chassis do not seem to
generally benefit from having an additional earth fitted when an external
antenna is used.
In some cases, however, a noticeable
improvement in reception quality can
be obtained by installing an independent earth system as close as practical to
the radio (assuming that the radio has
a separate earth terminal). The reason
for this is that the mains earth lead is
encapsulated with other mains leads
and these may have interference on
them. This interference will be capacitively and inductively coupled into
the earth lead. Therefore, the mains
earth cannot be assumed to be free
of interference and usually isn’t. An
independent earth can help eliminate
this interference.
A independent radio earth can
consist of a pipe driven into moist soil
for a distance of at least a metre. An
electrician’s mains earth clamp is used
to attach a reasonably heavy insulated
wire (such as an electrical mains earth
lead) to the pipe and the wire is taken
by the shortest practical route to where
the radio is located. Make sure that
the pipe, clamp and cable (where it is
stripped at the ends) are free of corrosion. Paint the junction of the cable and
pipe to slow corrosion effects.
The earth wire should be insulated over its entire length (except at
the ends), so that it does not touch
other metallic objects; eg, a metallic
insulation sheet in the house wall. If
it touches these sheets, interference
may be produced due to the minute
voltage differences between the sheet
and the wire.
For best performance, the radio
should be located near an outside wall
so that the earth lead can be kept as
short as possible. The longer the earth
lead, the less effective it becomes at
reducing interference.
To eliminate low-frequency earth
currents through the set, you can
insert a capacitor of between .001µF
and .01µF between this lead and the
radio’s earth terminal. Fig.1 shows
how the earth is arranged (capacitor
not shown). In my case, I have a radio
earth in my workshop which almost
eliminates fluorescent light noise.
Another one in the kitchen reduces
a myriad of electrical noises that had
previously marred reception.
Next month
A variety of loop and long-wire
antennas have been developed over
the years and these will be described
next month. Some are conventional
while others are noise/interference
reducing types.
One device – the “Radio Reception
Booster” (a tuned inductive coupler) –
can be used with any of the described
antennas and markedly improves the
performance of sets using loop-stick
antennas. No modifications are required to sets that have no external
antenna/earth terminals.