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Vol.11, No.9; September 1998
Blocked Air
Filter Alarm
For Cars –
Page 32 . . .
4 Troubleshooting Your PC; Pt.5
Software problems and DOS games – by Bob Dyball
14 Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing; Pt.2
Emissions and interference – by Marque Crozman
28 Time Alignment Testing of Loudspeakers
The importance of correct driver time alignment – by Terry Paget
92 Special Subscriptions Offer
Plus Gear
Indicator –
Page 66
Buy a subscription to “Silicon Chip” before end of September 1998 and
get a bonus wallchart
Pedal For
Guitars –
Page 36
32 A Blocked Air Filter Alarm
Simple device tells you when it’s time to change the air filter element
– by Adrian Cuesta
36 A Waa-Waa Pedal For Your Guitar
All the circuit details plus how to build a foot pedal – by John Clarke
58 Build A Plasma Display Or A Jacob’s Ladder
Two fun projects for the price of one – by Branco Justic
66 A Gear Change Indicator For Cars
It tells you when to change gear – by John Clarke
80 A Capacity Indicator For Rechargeable Batteries
A 3-digit display shows the remaining battery capacity in ampere-hours
– by Rick Walters
20 Serviceman’s Log
The old radio from the Cadillac – by the TV Serviceman
76 Vintage Radio
A short history of spy radios in WW2; Pt.1 – by Rodney Champness
2 Publisher’s Letter
26 Circuit Notebook
44 Order Form
53 Product Showcase
Plasma Display/Jacob’s Ladder
– Page 58
Indicator For
Batteries –
Page 80
89 Ask Silicon Chip
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 8, 101 Darley St, Mona Vale,
NSW 2103. Postal address: PO Box
139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax (02)
9979 6503.
ISSN 1030-2662
Recommended and maximum
price only.
2 Silicon Chip
What to do with all
those old computers
Just recently, a colleague of ours was faced
with an ultimatum from his wife. The whole
lower storey of his house was chock full of
olden-day electronics and he was faced with
having to get rid of most of it. Sadly, most of
it went to the tip because there was no-one or
no organisation that we knew of who had a
use for it. Simply, it was worthless; ie, having
zero worth.
Of course, this cleanout was partly prompted by the editorial featured in the December 1996 issue, entitled “Going for
the big clean-out”. This colleague had so much “good stuff” lying about that
he did not know where to start. And even though a lot of stuff has gone to the
tip, he is still sorting it out, trying to decide what to keep and what to toss.
Even more sadly, a good deal of the stuff that went to the tip was old
computers and some weren’t really all that old. Apart from old IBM PCs
and clones, there were quite a few 386 and 286 machines as well. Most of
these had no monitors but they all had keyboards, hard and floppy disc
drives and so on. And a good few of them would have been working or it
was possible to make them work with say, a repair to the switchmode power
supply. Clearly, it was just not economic to fix and put them in working
order, especially as there was no immediate use for them.
Actually, I do have a confession to make. The sight of all these computers going to the tip was too much to bear and I gave in to the temptation.
I grabbed a couple of 386 machines with the intention of using them for
word-processing at home. My rationale (which my wife will probably see
right through) is that many times I can’t use the “good” Pentium machines
at home because they are being monopolised by my daughters. With a little work, I’ll be able to set these additional machines up so that, while we
won’t have one machine per person, there will almost always be a machine
available for word-processing, editing and similar lowly tasks.
Apart from my valiant efforts to rescue some unloved machines, this
situation must be repeated many times throughout Australia. How many
of us have an old 286, 386 or 486 machine that is still quite usable but we
have no use for it as a computer? Clearly, there must be some use for these
old machines or parts of these old machines. Perhaps the power supplies
can be put to other uses or the cases can be used for other electronic equip
ment, for example.
Do any of our readers have any ideas on this topic? Perhaps you’ve come
up with a new and unusual way of using a computer that was otherwise useless. If so, we would like to know about it. Why not send those ideas in and
if there are any really worthwhile ones we might publish them in an article.
In fact, let’s make it interesting: for the best idea for using an old computer,
we will give a prize of $400. So send those ideas in and we’ll announce the
winner (hopefully there will be a winner) in the coming December issue.
Leo Simpson
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Software problems
& DOS games
Your PC; Pt.5
This month, we’ll take a break from hardware
problems and cover some of the more common
software problems. We’ll describe the cures for
these ailments and give you some tips on
preventing problems from occurring in the first
Here are some really good ways to
make your PC crash, or at the very
least make it slow, unstable and more
likely to lose the data you hadn’t quite
got around to backing up yet:
• Let your children leave school or
university homework diskettes in the
floppy disc drive. This will make it
easy for you to get a virus, particularly
if you leave the boot order set to A:,C:
in the CMOS setup.
• Always try to use the oldest utili4 Silicon Chip
ties you can find and never ever look
for patches or upgrades.
• Use old video or sound drivers,
or even drivers intended for a different card (and then blame either
Bill Gates or some other software
company when your system doesn’t
work properly).
• Buy yourself a $20 recycled DOS
game and install the old DOS sound
card, mouse and CD drivers while
in Windows 95 (this is guaranteed
to make Windows 95 run ever so
slowly and make the game virtually
• Never defragment your hard disc
• Never run Scandisk and always
press Escape to quit Scandisk if it
runs at boot-up (what’s life without
some risks, eh?).
• Always have lots and lots of utilities running in the background so
that your system resources run low.
• Always press the Reset button to
reboot (clicking Start, Shut
d own,
Restart or using Ctrl-Alt-Delete is for
• Always turn off your PC while
Windows is still running (why waste
time waiting to shutdown?).
• Run maximum disc compression,
even if you only have a 486 or P-100
with 8Mb of RAM.
• Try to get by with as little RAM as
possible and try to run Windows with
Fig.1(a): the web is
the place to go for
the latest Windows
drivers and www. is an
excellent starting
point. It also offers
a host of useful tips
bug fixes, utilities
and how to articles,
plus a wealth of
other information.
zero bytes free on the hard disc.
OK, so that’s a list of exactly what
not to do to your PC but its surprising
how often problems occur because
users do these very things. So seriously, what can you do to not make your
PC crash? Well, you can start by not
doing any of the things listed above.
Instead, here are some preventative
measures you can take:
Preventing viruses
I still find that many people are
fearful about downloading files from
bulletin boards or from the Internet
when in reality, your PC is more likely
to catch a virus because a diskette
was left in the floppy drive. In my
opinion, constantly running a background anti-virus program is usually
an unnecessary waste of computer
resources. Instead, it’s much better
to manually scan floppy discs and
any new software or downloads. In
addition, you should periodically
check your whole system.
In the prevention department, ensure that you set the “boot order” in
CMOS to C:,A: rather than A:,C: – just
in case you or someone else leaves a
floppy disc in the A: drive. Even if the
disc is not infected, it can still waste
time while booting up.
Upgrades, patches & FAQs
Most programs will need a patch
or upgrade at some time or another,
sometimes to correct minor cosmetic
problems and sometimes to correct
more serious bugs that were not
picked up during development. These
upgrades (or patches) are usually
“posted” on the software developer’s
website or FTP server.
If you are getting errors in a program, the first thing to do is to check
out the FAQs (Frequently Asked
Questions) for that program on the
company’s website. Most of the bigger companies maintain a collection
of FAQs and you will often find the
answer to your problem here. In addition, you get 24-hour 7-day support
off the net without having to make
time-wasting (and sometimes expensive) calls.
Sometimes, when support for older software has dried up, you may
need to try using a “search engine”;
eg, (see Fig.7)
or, etc. Try
searching for the word FAQ and the
names of both the program and the
Fig.1(b): Frank
Condron’s World
O’Windows is
another excellent
source of Windows
drivers, with links
to a comprehensive
list of companies.
This has to be one
the best free sources
of Windows
information and
updates on the web
Fig.1(c): most
manufacturers post
up-to-date drivers
for their products
directly on a web
site. This Diamond
Multimedia site lets
you download the
latest drivers for the
company’s range of
video cards and for
other products in the
company’s range.
company. Often, fans of a particular
game will maintain support websites
with patches, tips and hints long after
the company that developed the soft-
ware has forgotten about it.
Never underestimate the importance of using up-to-date drivers. All
too often, a program won’t work simSEPTEMBER 1998 5
colours are set for the VGA display.
Many programs require “High Colour”
or 16-bit colour (65,536 colours) to
work correctly and may not work
properly with say 256 colours.
Sometimes this will appear in an
obvious way but that’s not always
the case. For example, who would
have expected that “Failed to create
3DRM device from clipper” really
means click “Start, Settings, Control
Panel, System, Performance, Graphics; decrease hardware acceleration to
one notch back from full”; “change to
16-bit high color”; and “turn off 3D
hardware acceleration in DirectX”!
Fig.2: begin setting up your DOS
games shortcut by clicking the
Program tab in the MS-DOS Prompt
Properties dialog box.
Running older DOS software
in Win95 or Win98
ply because an old video driver, sound
driver or other driver is being used
within Windows, while everything
else works perfectly. You might even
need to update Direct X for the latest
Windows 95/98 games and this may,
in turn, require updated video drivers
to support all the new features.
Although you can use the older
16-bit software and drivers with Windows 95 or Windows 98, it’s best not
to as they will slow your system down
dramatically. For this reason, it’s wise
to use only 32-bit drivers and 32-bit
software, if you have a choice.
Sometimes the video mode you run
a driver in is critical. I’ve lost count of
how many people run into problems
with Micro
soft Encarta (and other
programs) simply because too few
Some companies specialise in
“recycled” games, buying the rights
a year or two after the program was
first released, then redistributing the
program for $20 or so. If you must run
DOS games on a Win95 (or Win98) machine and the game won’t run within
Windows itself (either in a DOS box
or full-screen), then there are a few
tricks you should know.
First, a word of advice – don’t
be provoked into setting up a “dual-boot” system until you have tried
“DOS Single Mode” (or Single DOS
Mode). A dual-boot system gives you
the choice of booting to either old DOS
or to Windows 95. This might seem
simple enough and is occasionally
necessary, but it does have its dangers.
For example, it is quite possible to
corrupt your file system, lose files or
directories, and lose long file names –
all because an older program doesn’t
write correctly to the hard disc. Old
Fig.3: clicking Advanced at Fig.2
brings up this dialog box. Select “MSDOS Mode” to bring up Fig.4.
Fig.4: selecting “Specify a new MSDOS configuration” lets you edit the
default configuration files.
6 Silicon Chip
DOS doesn’t “know” how to write
correctly to newer operating systems
like Windows 95 or Windows 98 in
all situations, either.
In some cases, older DOS programs
can run under Windows 95 or Windows 98, though some settings need to
be made to the properties of the DOS
“window” running the program. Let’s
see how you go about this.
Although many DOS games will
run under Windows 95 or Windows
98, some do not perform as well as
they do under DOS (or they might
not work at all). Normally, DOS will
single-mindedly run just one program
while Windows can multi-task; ie, it
can run a number of programs, including more than one DOS application,
at the same time.
If you find your DOS program performs poorly or not at all, you don’t
need to install DOS and try to set up
a dual-boot system. Nor do you have
to set up separate boot discs with all
the necessary drivers to boot from
your floppy drive. Instead, just follow
the steps listed below and you will
be able to run just about any old DOS
Basically, what we are going to do
is set up a desktop shortcut that exits
from the GUI (graphical user interface) and reboots the machine into
Single Mode MS-DOS. In addition,
we are going to create special auto
exec.bat and config.sys files for that
shortcut, to enable your soundcard,
CD-ROM and DOS games to work.
Note, however, that these files are
different from the autoexec.bat and
config.sys files that are normally used
when you boot your computer, so
don’t try to edit these.
Step 1: Try to identify the program’s
memory requirements. A quick glance
at the user manual, a readme file or
the carton the program was packed in
will tell you how much and what sort
of RAM (EMS or XMS) is required.
Step 2: copy the “MS-DOS Prompt”
icon from the Start menu to the Windows 95/98 desktop. To do this, right
click the “Start” button, click “Open”,
double click “Programs”, right click
“MS-DOS Prompt” and click “Copy”.
Now close the “Start Menu” window,
right click a blank area on the desktop,
and click “Paste”.
Step 3: Right click this new icon
and click “Properties”.
Step 4: Click the tab at the top
marked “Program” (Fig.2).
Fig.5: click the Configuration button at Fig.4,
then select all of the
options shown here
except “Direct Disk
Access” (ie, leave this
one unchecked). Click
the OK button to return
to the “Advanced
Program Settings”
dialog box.
Fig.6: this warning message appears each time you are about to go to
DOS mode but can be disabled if you wish by deselecting “Warn before
entering MS-DOS mode” at Fig.4.
Step 5: You now have to change
this shortcut so that it runs MS-Dos
Single Mode. To do this, first click the
“Advanced” Button to bring up the
“Advanced Program Settings” dialog
box (Fig.3).
Step 6: select the “MS-DOS mode”
checkbox (Fig.3), then select “Specify
a new MS-DOS configuration” (Fig.4).
Step 7: Click the “Configuration”
button. A warning message will now
appear. Click the “Yes” button.
Step 8: In the “Select MS-DOS Configuration” dialog box (Fig.5) select
all of the options except “Direct Disk
Access” (ie,, leave this one uncheck
ed). Click the OK button to return to
the “Ad
vanced Program Settings”
dialog box.
Step 9: Click the “OK” button to
return to the “MS-DOS Prompt Properties” dialog box. Click the “OK”
button here.
Step 10: Copy the old MS-DOS files
normally left on the Windows95/98
CD-ROM to the \Windows\Command
directory of your hard disc. Windows 95 users will find these files in
the \OTHER\OLDMSDOS directory,
while Windows 98 users will find
them in the \TOOLS\OLDMSDOS
Step 11: Double-click the new
icon you’ve just edited. You will see
a warning message (Fig.6) telling
you that you’re about to go to DOS
mode. Note: if you prefer to disable
this warning, remove the tick from
the checkbox labelled “Warn before
entering MS-DOS mode” in the “Advanced Program Settings” dialog box.
Step 12: Click “Yes” and your system will now exit from the familiar
Windows 95 interface and restart in
“Single MS-DOS mode” (normally
dropping you at the C:\WINDOWS
Step 13: Once you are in DOS Single
mode, install DOS drivers for your
mouse, CD-ROM and soundcard.
Quite often, install programs will
add device driver entries to the top
or bottom of config.sys and/or auto
exec.bat. You may need to edit config.
sys in order to place the line DOS=SINGLE back at the top. You may also
have to edit your autoexec.bat file if
the REM section, which is normally at
the very end, has anything added after
it by the driver installation program.
Check your config.sys and autoexec.bat files after you install the DOS
drivers and before you reboot. You
can either use TYPE (to view the file)
or EDIT (to view and/or edit the file),
followed by the file name.
A few rules
The rules for DOS Single mode are:
Rule 1: never move the line DOS=SINGLE from the top of config.sys (this
line is added automatically during
reboot but will not appear in the properties dialog box under Windows).
Rule 2: never move the last few
lines in autoexec.bat following the
REM statements (these are also added
in by Windows during reboot).
Rule 3: when installing DOS modem drivers in DOS single mode, be
careful not to install Windows 3.x
drivers as well (many driver install
discs will do both). If you are running
Windows 95 or Windows 98, you definitely don’t want old 16-bit drivers,
if you have a choice.
Rule 4: don’t install DOS drivers
while in Windows 95 or Windows
98 GUI mode. Although this might
allow you to boot back to DOS and run
an old game, it will adversely affect
performance when you are back at the
graphical interface.
Restarting the PC
To restart or reboot your system
but stay in DOS Single mode, simply
press Ctrl-Alt-Del. Alternatively, to
return to Windows 95 (or Windows
98), type EXIT at the DOS prompt and
press the “Enter” key.
Once back in Windows you might
like to rename the shortcut icon
Fig.7: if support for
older software has
dried up, try using a
search engine (such as or
to find what you want.
Fig.8: Typical Config.Sys File For Single Mode Dos
SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /e:384 /p
Fig.9: Config.sys With No Expanded Memory
SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /e:384 /p
you’ve been working on (right click
it, click “Rename” and enter the new
name). You can also make a couple of
copies which you can modify to suit
other games.
Three such shortcuts are all that’s
normally required: one for games requiring EMS (extended memory), one
for those requiring XMS (expanded
memory), and one for games that run
without EMM386.EXE (the expanded
memory manager).
Once you’ve renamed them accordingly, right click them in turn and
edit their properties as required. I’d
suggest a config.sys file similar to that
shown in Fig.8 but please note that
these are specific to my sound card,
mouse and CD-ROM. Your config.sys
file will differ somewhat, unless you
have exactly the same hardware.
The config.sys file shown in Fig.8
is from my machine when running
DOS Single Mode. This particular one
is for 8Mb of EMS RAM and can be
used for games like the earlier Wing
Commander series that required EMS
RAM to run.
The first line only appears in “DOS
Single Mode” and, as stated above,
is added by Windows during the
reboot into DOS. Note: if you install
new DOS software or drivers while
in “DOS Single Mode”, be sure to
check that this line stays at the top of
8 Silicon Chip
config.sys, as mentioned before. Some
install programs will simply tack new
lines to the top of config.sys, which
may confuse matters when it’s time
to return to Windows.
The fourth line is used to create
8Mb of EMS RAM (ideal for games
that need EMS). The word AUTO
could have been used in place of the
8192 and this will automatically allocate as much free EMS RAM as there
is to spare from the pool of XMS RAM.
Be careful here, as sometimes AUTO
will not work with some games, while
a fixed value will.
Note that the FRAME statement
might not work on all PCs but is useful
to try, as it can give an extra chunk
of UMB RAM in many cases. Having
this extra UMB and using it will mean
more conventional RAM is available
to your games.
The seventh line is my CD-ROM
device driver for DOS. If you can’t
find the driver disc for your CD-ROM,
try looking on your Windows boot/
install disk. There will usually be a
suitable DOS CD-ROM driver there as
Adding DEVICEHIGH= rather than
simply DEVICE= will save conventional RAM by loading the driver into
a special area of RAM known as the
Upper Memory Blocks, or UMB for
short. This area, which is squeezed in
between your VGA card’s BIOS ROM
and the System/Boot BIOS ROM, can
be used to save conventional RAM
(often, there’s as much as 192Kb of
extra space there).
The parameters required for your
CD-ROM drive may well vary, so
check the manual or the driver disc for
a “readme” file which describes the
requirements. Often, the DOS install
routine on the CD-ROM driver disc
will set the correct parameters up for
you, so you don’t have to enter them
Line 8 is an optional extra. It tells
DOS Single Mode to display dates in
the dd/mm/yy format, instead of in
the default mm/dd/yy format which
is for the US. The 061 refers to the
country code and usually follows the
ISD phone prefix.
Line 9, another optional one, sets
up the environment space. The figure
after the /e: set the number of bytes.
Too much and you waste conventional RAM, too little and you might find
you haven’t enough room for “tricks”
like SET PATH=%PATH% (as below).
A different config.sys is required for
games that don’t run with EMM386
loaded – see Fig.9. These programs
include the original DOS versions of
“Need for Speed” and the earlier EA
Sports range such as “FIFA 96”.
Note that you don’t get UMB
RAM without EMM386.EXE which
means that you need to change DOS=
HIGH,UMB to read DOS=HIGH. Since
this configuration limits how much
conventional RAM there is, you
might find you cannot add DOSKEY,
SMARTDRV or some other driver that
you might otherwise have included.
Fig.10 shows a config.sys that’s best
suited for games that don’t need EMS
but need XMS and lots of conventional RAM. Examples of programs
like this include Duke Nukem 3D,
DOOM 1, DOOM 2, and Rise of the
Triad (Rott).
Here the only thing of note that’s
different from before is the addition
of NOEMS instead of RAM 8192 in
line 4. This will save some conventional RAM and of course leave all
the free extended RAM as XMS for
your programs.
Configuring autoexec.bat
Fig.11 shows a typical autoexec.
bat, as seen from “DOS Single Mode”.
In this file, the first line and the
last seven lines (shown in bold type)
are added by Windows during the reboot from GUI mode into DOS Single
Mode. They will appear in DOS Single
Mode but not in the properties dialog
box under Windows.
Again, as with config.sys, check
the locations of these lines (using
EDIT from the DOS prompt) before
you return to Windows GUI mode. As
before, many games or device driver
install programs will simply add new
lines to the top or bottom of your autoexec.bat and this can again create
problems when you try to return to
GUI mode.
The lines in italics are ones I have
added and need only be inserted once.
The %path% trick is used to add
some of your own subdirectories to
the normal path statement. I keep
most of my DOS utilities on a third
hard disc in a \BIN directory. Placing my path before the other paths,
referred to as %path%, means I can
use a batch file or other editor with
the name EDIT in preference to the
one included in the \WINDOWS\
COMMAND directory.
The next two lines were inserted by
the soundcard’s DOS install program.
If you have a jumpered sound card,
you might see only the BLASTER
environment variable. Jumperless
(software configured) or Plug ‘n Play
(PnP) cards will need a utility such as
DIAGNOSE to set the card to the desired IRQ, DMA channels and so on.
If you don’t use a DOS PnP setup
utility or some other configuration
program, the sound card might initialise to a default setting which may
not work. I have an internal modem
on COM3 IRQ5 and so my sound card
is set to IRQ10 (by using I10 in the
SET BLASTER line). Normally, the
card would go to IRQ5, which would
conflict with the modem and possibly
cause the PC to lock up.
Mouse & CD-ROM drivers
The next line sets up the DOS
mouse driver. Sometimes if you have a
mouse on COM2, or use a 2 or 3-button
switchable mouse, you might need to
add parameters to tell the mouse what
to do. Usually, typing MOUSE /? Or
MOUSE /help will bring up a list of
options (assuming your mouse driver
Next, we load another driver for
the CD-ROM drive. MSCDEX has a
number of parameters, as follows:
/L:x sets the drive letter to the x: drive;
Fig.10: Config.Sys With XMS But No EMS
SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /e:384 /p
Fig.11: Autoexec.bat For Single Mode DOS
SET winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS
set path=e:\bin;%path%
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H5 P330 T6
LH MSCDEX /d:mscd001 /l:g /m:20 /e
REM The following lines have been created by Windows. Do not modify them.
/M:n sets the number of buffers to n
(generally, more is faster but it also
uses more memory in the process);
and /E tells MSCDEX to use expanded memory for its buffers instead of
conventional memory.
Many people simply leave the /E
there and ignore the error message
if there is no EMS, as MSCDEX uses
conventional RAM if there is no EMS
RAM anyway.
Adding Smartdrive, a caching program, is optional. If you have spare
XMS RAM, adding this will generally speed up hard disc access. And,
provided its loaded after MSCDEX,
Smartdrive will cache the access to
the CD-ROM, speeding this up as well.
Some programs, however, do not
benefit from Smartdrive. In other
cases the conventional or UMB RAM
used by Smartdrive could even reduce
the free memory to less than that required for the program to run.
If you want to cache your hard disc
but not your CD-ROM drive, place
Smartdrive before the MSCDEX line.
Rebooting into Win95
Usually, all you need to do is type
EXIT and press Enter to return to the
normal GUI mode in Windows. However, if you have forgotten to clean up
your config.sys and autoexec.bat files
as outlined above, you might get some
quirky results.
If you do strike problems, don’t
panic and reach for the reset button.
If you can’t Ctrl-Break, hit Ctrl-Alt-Del
a couple of times to reboot, then hit
shift-F5 when you see the “Starting
Windows 95” message. This will
bypass all the startup files and take
you straight to the C: prompt. From
there, you can then use EDIT to tidy
up (or rename) your config.sys and
exec.bat files before restarting
the computer.
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Pt.2: The Question
of Emissions
In the first article in this series we talked
about the various EMC standards which
are applicable to electronic equipment and
discussed the CE and C-tick symbols. In this
article, we discuss emissions – all the
signals which can be radiated by electronic
Any electric or magnetic field with
a frequency above 9kHz is classed as
an electromagnetic emission if it is
radiated by the equipment in which it
was generated (50Hz mains harmonics
or subharmonics are also classed as
Many pieces of equipment are designed to produce emissions – radio
transmitters, for example. Others are
not supposed to, but do, such as the
old hair dryer that causes lines across
the TV.
In some situations this can just be
plain annoying, others are serious and
yet others potentially life-threatening.
There are countless examples but
we’ll mention just a few.
• Certain office telephone systems
near the ABC television station in
Sydney rectify ABC audio into the
handset when facing a particular
direction - an unintentional form of
• An instrument panel of a wellknown airliner carried the warning
“Ignore all instruments while transmitting HF”. A police department in
the USA complained that coin-operated electronic games were causing
interference to their highway communications system.
14 Silicon Chip
• Most ordinary domestic telephones
suffer from buzzing caused by light
dimmers and most are also strongly
affected if someone uses a digital
mobile phone close by – the symptom is strong and rapid clicking.
• A particular make of car would stall
Fig.1: schematic diagram of a
50Ω/50uH CISPR artificial mains
network or LISN circuit. This is
used to isolate the equipment
under test from the mains supply.
The impedance graph below
shows that the circuit presents a
flat 50Ω from about 300kHz up.
on a section of freeway opposite a
high power transmitter. The cars
would have to be pushed or moved
until far enough away to restart.
Eventually the section of freeway
had to be screened with wire mesh.
• Amateur radio repeater communications have been adversely affected on the 6-metre band by set top
pay-TV decoders. Free-to-air TV
reception is also affected by set-top
units and can even be degraded by
radiations from VCRs.
• Probably the most tragic example
of an electromagnetic interference
(EMI) disaster was the sinking of the
HMS Sheffield in the Falklands war.
The missile warning radar that could
have detected the fatal incoming Exocet missile was turned off because
it interfered with the ship’s satellite
communications system.
Electromagnetic interference
events are unfortunately becoming
common and now cause the banning of use of certain devices in
sensitive areas such as hospitals,
aircraft and other places where
critical systems are in use.
As semiconductor technology continues to shrink and the
number of million transistors
per device increases, power dissipation becomes a problem. As
a result, supply voltages have
dropped. Initially the common
supply voltage for logic was 12V,
then 5V and is now 3.3V. With this
lowering of supply voltage and the
families of logic commonly used
today, immunity to noise is also
decreasing, making equipment
more susceptible to emissions
from other devices.
Also, the demands of the computing industry for more speed
and grunt are causing logic to get
faster and faster with switching
speeds now equivalent to frequencies in the UHF region. This translates
to a greater potential for emissions, if
not corrected.
Standards covering emissions
When CE was put together, the greatest urgency was placed on generating
generic and Information Technology
Equipment (ITE) standards. ITE equipment commonly had microprocessors
in it with clock frequencies in the MHz
range - with the largest possibility of
causing interference within the VHF
and UHF radio bands. Therefore, this
type of equipment was one of the first
Fig.2: different kinds of interference produce widely differing
responses from average, peak and quasi-peak detectors.
to be tackled.
One of first generic standards to
emerge was EN50081 and this called
up the product standards of EN550022,
EN550011 and EN550014 (See inset
box). These standards had significant
consequences, since as well as being
product standards, they set up limits
and testing procedures that are now
being applied in other standards - with
wording such as “Limits and testing
methods as per Class B EN550022”.
In theory, the frequencies covered
in the EMC Directive range from DC
to daylight but in practice, what has
Fully Accredited Testing
determined the frequency bands and
methods for testing relates closely
to the physics of the particular phenomena. Thinking back to basic radio
theory, consider what is involved to
effectively transmit a signal on frequency X.
On the AM radio band (520kHz to
1630kHz), antennas are extremely
large and require long lengths of wire
for effective radiation of the signal. A
quarter wavelength antenna suitable
for the AM band is of the order of 62
metres. To transmit a signal in this
band requires a source on that fre-
Global Markets
EMC Technologies' Internationally recognised Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
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EN50081 part 1:1992 Also known as AS/NZS
Generic emission standard, part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry environment
All apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light industrial environments - both indoor and
outdoor, for which no dedicated product or product-family
emission standard exists.
Equipment in this environment is considered to be
directly connected to the public mains supply or to a
dedicated DC source. For the purposes of testing, the
equipment is considered to be operating normally, ie,
fault conditions are not taken into account.
* Radiated emissions 30MHz to 1000MHz as per
EN55022 Class B (applicable only to apparatus containing
processing devices operating above 9kHz).
AC mains:
* Mains harmonics up to 2kHz (applicable only to
apparatus covered within the scope of EN60555-2 and
* Conducted emissions 150kHz to 30MHz as per
EN55022 Class B
* Discontinuous interference measured at spot frequencies as per EN55014 if relevant.
An appendix outlines proposed additional tests
on signal, control and DC power ports: conducted
current 150kHz to 30MHz as per draft amendment
to EN55022.
EN50081 part 2:1993 Also known as AS/NZS
4251.2:1994 Generic emission standard, part 2: Industrial
All apparatus intended for use in the industrial environment - both indoor and outdoor, for which no dedicated
product or product-family emission standard exists.
Equipment in this environment is not connected to the
public mains network but is considered to be connected to
an industrial power distribution network with a dedicated
distribution transformer.
For the purposes of testing, the equipment is considered to be operating normally, ie, fault conditions are not
taken into account.
* Radiated emissions 30MHz to 1000MHz as per
AC mains:
* Conducted emissions 150kHz to 30MHz as per
EN55011; impulse noise appearing more often than 5
times per minute is also covered. Applicable only for
apparatus at less than 1000V RMS AC.
An appendix outlines proposed additional tests on
signal, control and DC power ports: conducted current
150kHz to 30MHz as per draft amendment to EN55022
plus limits on mains harmonic emissions
EN55014: 1993 Also known as AS/NZS 1044:1995
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance
characteristics of electrical motor-operated and thermal
appliances for household and similar purposes, electric
tools and electric apparatus.
All appliances whose main functions are performed by
motors and switching or regulating devices, unless the RF
energy is intentionally generated or intended for illumination.
Excluded are apparatus covered by other CISPR standards as well as regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices with a rated input current of more than 25A
per phase and stand-alone power supplies.
For the purposes of testing, the equipment is considered
to be operating normally; fault conditions are not taken into
AC mains:
* Conducted emissions from 148.5kHz to 30MHz measured on a test site using 50Ω/50µH CISPR artificial mains
* Conducted emissions from 30MHz to 300MHz by means
of the absorbing clamp; battery-operated appliances which
cannot be mains connected, regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices, rectifiers, battery chargers and
converters excluded.
* Discontinuous interference (clicks) measured on spot
frequencies for appliances which generate such interference
through switching operations.
16 Silicon Chip
EN55022: 1994 Also known as AS/NZS 3548:1995
now AMDT 2
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment.
All appliances whose primary function is either (or a
combination of) data entry, storage, display, retrieval,
transmission, processing, switching or control and which
may be equipped with one of more terminal ports for
information transfer and with a rated supply voltage not
exceeding 600V.
Class A equipment is for use in other than class B
environments; class B equipment is suitable for use in
domestic establishments.
For the purposes of testing, the equipment is considered to be operating normally; fault conditions are not
taken into account.
* Radiated emissions from 30MHz to 1000MHz measured at 10 metres on a test site.
AC mains:
* Conducted emissions from 150kHz to 30MHz measured on a test site using 50Ω/50µH CISPR artificial mains
EN55011: 1991 Also known as AS/NZS 4251.1:1994
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM) radio frequency equipment.
Apparatus designed to generate and/or use locally
radio frequency energy for industrial, scientific, medical,
domestic or similar purposes, excluding telecommunications equipment, information technology and applications covered by other CISPR standards.
ISM equipment is divided into classes:
Class A equipment is for use in all establishments
other than domestic.
Class B equipment is suitable for use in domestic
Group I equipment is that in which the RF energy
generated is necessary for its internal functioning.
Group 2 equipment is that in which RF energy is
generated for material treatment and spark erosion.
For the purposes of testing, the equipment is considered to be operating normally; fault conditions are
not taken into account.
* Radiated emissions 30MHz to 1000MHz measured
on a test site (Class A or B) or in situ (Class A only).
Group II Class A equipment to be measured from
150kHz to 1000MHz but with relaxed limits, below
30MHz measurement is performed with a loop antenna.
AC mains:
* Conducted emissions 150kHz to 30MHz measured
on a test site using 50Ω/50µH CISPR artificial mains
network. Group II Class A equipment subject to less
stringent limits.
Some of the first Information Technology Equipment
(ITE) standards were those developed for equipment
with the greatest possibility of causing interference
on the VHF and UHF radio bands. The ITE standards above were significant in not only setting up the
standards for the type of equipment itself but also set
the testing procedures for later standards for other
types of equipment.
quency and a radiator – to get the signal to propagate into
the atmosphere. In other words, the signal source has to
be connected up to a long length of wire for propagation
to take place.
Moving up to the shortwave band, say at about 15MHz,
requires a 5-metre cable to make a radiating quarter wavelength. For our piece of equipment to effectively radiate at
these frequencies, we require these lengths of wire for it
to propagate. Most pieces of equipment do not have cables
this long, or do they? If the equipment is connected to the
240VAC 50Hz mains in some way, we find that we now have
lengths of wiring that easily approach quarter wavelengths
at these frequencies.
Experience has shown that most interference in these
bands has been due to emissions getting into the mains
wiring and propagating in this way.
Consequently, frequencies between 150kHz (some standards such as EN55015–lighting, test from 9kHz up) and
30MHz are measured by testing the RF voltage levels that
are injected into the 240VAC 50Hz mains supply. These
are known as “conducted emissions”.
Above 30MHz, the lengths of wiring required to make
an effective antenna become much shorter (2.5 metres or
less). This comes within the realm of cables commonly
found in or connected to electronic equipment. Testing
is therefore carried out with the equipment’s signal and
interconnecting cables attached.
In the VHF bands and above, the lengths of cable required
to provide an effective antenna come down to very short
pieces of wire – equivalent to the tracks on PC boards.
Measuring these kinds of emissions can be done with
PMM7000 Precompliance System
The One Simple Low Cost Solution For All Your Emission Problems
• Very easy to use Windows Software included
• A High Quality and Performance EMI Receiver
• Internal 16 Amp LISN for Conducted Emission
• Antenna Included for Radiated Emissions
• Bandwidth from 150kHz - 1GHz
• Ideal for Product Development and Precompliance
• Average, Peak and Quasi-Peak Detectors
• In-built Pulse Limiter Protection
Telephone (02) 9452 3831 Facsimilie (02) 9451 7421
Fig.3: the response of a quasipeak detector varies
depending on the repetition
rates of pulse interference.
Thus, to make an accurate
measurement using a quasipeak detector, the receiver
must listen to the signal for a
period longer than the timeconstants of the detector itself.
dipole antennas but broadband antennas, typically bi-conicals and
log-periodics, are more practical.
Measurements of directly radiated
signals extends from where the conducted emissions leave off at 30MHz
and continues up to 1GHz.
Above 1GHz, special techniques are
required to generate and propagate
signals. Experience has shown that
without the use of these techniques,
emissions in these bands are unlikely.
Technically, there is no magical
transition at 30MHz but measuring
conducted emissions above this
frequency leads to problems of cables resonating (at multiples of half
wavelengths). On the other side,
using antennas to measure signals
below 30MHz (commonly with loop
antennas) generally means that you
are within the near-field of the source,
which can lead to either false high or
low readings.
Sometimes these methods have to
be used. For example, in places where
very large pieces of equipment cannot
be moved to a laboratory for testing,
they are tested on-site instead.
Testing emissions
Measuring conducted emissions is
done via an artificial mains network
device known as a Line Impedance
Stabilising Network (LISN) as shown
in Fig.1. It provides well-defined impedance at RF across the measuring
point, with a coupling point for a
measuring device, and it isolates the
“equipment under test” (EUT) from
unwanted interference signals on the
50Hz mains supply.
Typically, a high-pass filter with
a cut-off frequency of 9kHz is also
inserted in the line of the measuring
device . This is to prevent the measuring device from being affected by
high level harmonics from the mains
itself. The circuit shown is for a single
line only. Testing is carried out on all
mains connections: Active and Neutral
18 Silicon Chip
on single phase systems or otherwise
on all three Actives and Neutral on
3-phase systems.
Testing is carried out inside a
screened room with adequate filtering
on the 50Hz mains supply side of the
LISN device. This is to ensure that
the hash is at least 10dB below any
signals like to be measured (-20dB is
a better figure).
Test receivers
Conformance measurements are
normally made using what is known
as a test receiver. It is similar to a
spectrum analyser, but has a distinct
difference in that it has a tunable preselector. Spectrum analysers suffer
from the problems of having a wideband front end. A wideband front end
lets in all signals so that if there is a
strong signal close to the one you are
trying to measure, it may swamp the
signal of interest.
Test receivers, on the other hand,
use a tracking filter that only lets
through the frequency bandwidth you
want to look at, thereby eliminating the
problems found in normal spectrum
Test receivers therefore can only
look at a single frequency at a time.
Most are now software-controlled;
scanning bands of frequencies is done
by automatically stopping the receiver
momentarily at each frequency and recording the level, to build up the same
type of display shown on a spectrum
analyser. In fact, many test receivers
are special digital spectrum analysers
with a box sitting next to them holding
a digitally controlled tracking filter.
Signal detection
Test receivers have three types of
detection: peak, quasi-peak and average. The differences between the levels
measured by these three detectors
when responding to various types
of emissions are shown in Fig.2. All
detectors respond to the RMS value of
the unmodulated RF voltage. Some test
receivers also include various types of
demodulators, so that ambient signals
can be distinguished from equipment
The peak detector follows the
top of the envelope of the signal and
measures the highest level present.
EMC tests do not use the peak detector
but it is good for quick measurements
and gives an indication where possible
problems may be, providing a "worst
case" picture of emissions.
The average detector will provide
the same reading as the peak detector
where a signal is continuous (ie, unmodulated) but otherwise the reading
will be lower. The drawback of this
kind of detector is that it is completely
insensitive to pulsed interference. The
standards allow for this and require
that limit levels of 10dB to 13dB lower
be used with average detection compared with the quasi-peak detection
Quasi-peak detection has come into
vogue with the advent of EMC testing.
It is basically a peak detector with a
weighted response, tailored to represent the subjective human response to
pulse-type interference. Interference
that is intermittent and occurs infrequently is far less annoying than that
occurring frequently. Fig.3 shows the
response of the quasi-peak detector to
increasing repetition rates of constant
amplitude pulse interference. Thus, to
make an accurate measurement using
a quasi-peak detector, the receiver
must listen to the signal for a period
longer than the time-constants of the
detector itself.
A peak detector would typically
take less than 5 seconds to make a
sweep of the conducted band from
150kHz to 30MHz, whereas doing the
same sweep with a quasi-peak detector
could take about 2-1/2 hours.
A software-controlled test receiver
will normally make an initial measurement using the peak detector and tag
all frequencies where the peak measurement was less than 10dB below
the limit line. The quasi-peak detector
would then look at these tagged frequencies to gain a true reading of the
level being emitted. This data would
then be combined to form the total
emissions graph for the equipment
under test (EUT).
Fig.4 shows the quasi-peak limit
lines for EN55011 and EN55022
Class A and B equipment conducted
emissions. Fig.5 shows the radiated
emission limits for the same standards.
Testing equipment for conducted emissions
The equipment is set up inside
the screened room either sitting on a
non-conductive table or on the floor,
depending on its size. 3-metre lengths
of cable are then connected to any
ports that have cables connected to
them in its normal operation. For
instance, a modem will have cables
connected for connection to the
phone line, RS232 lines and a power
supply. These cables do not have to
be connected to anything – with the
stipulation that we need to operate
the equipment in a manner that simulates normal operation. The cables
are there so that if any port is leaking
emissions, they will provide a path of
Assuming the equipment is table-mounted, the cables are hung off
the table and bundled up so that they
do not come in contact with or near
the floor.
The device’s power connection is
then hooked up to the LISN device and
made to operate in its normal mode.
Assuming also that the device just
plugs into the wall, the test receiver
then makes swept measurements of
both the Active and Neutral lines using
its peak detector.
Any measurements then found to
be less than 10dB from the limit line
are then looked at again but this time
using the quasi-peak detector.
These results, together with the rest
of the peak results, are combined to
give the conducted emissions result.
As long as the equipment does not
exceed the limit line for the standard
being tested, it has passed and it’s on
to radiated emissions testing.
Radiated emissions
Radiated testing is generally carried
out on an Open Area Test Site (OATS)
that is low in ambient emissions. Such
an installation is located at Mount
Colo, north west of Sydney. An OATS
consists of a meshed ground plane
around the immediate area of testing.
A mechanically operated turntable on
which the EUT is placed sits at one
end of the meshed area and a movable
mechanically operated antenna sits
at the other. It is normally situated 10
metres away from the EUT, although
this is determined by the standard
Fig.4: this shows the quasi-peak limit lines for EN55011 and
EN55022 Class A and B equipment conducted emissions.
Fig.5 the radiated emission limits for the same standards.
being applied. Some standards require
3m or 30 metres.
Tuned dipole antennas are more accurate but take a long time to perform
tests. Broadband antennas are more
convenient and allow faster testing, so
they are what is normally used. Two
kinds of broadband antenna are used,
the bi-conical and the log-periodic.
The bi-conical antenna is used for the
band spanning 30MHz to 300MHz,
while log-periodics continue from
300MHz to 1000MHz. Horn antennas
are used above 1GHz.
Again, the equipment is set up
on a non-conducting table which is
is mounted on the turntable, if it is
deemed a table-mounted piece of
equipment; otherwise, it sits directly
on the turntable. 3-metre cables are
connected to all the ports. An access
point in the centre of the turntable
provides power.
Testing is carried out with antennas
in both the horizontal and vertical
axes. As with the conducted measurements, a pre-scan is initially carried
out using the peak detector. Peaks less
than 10dB below the limit line are then
looked at more closely.
This involves using the quasi-peak
detector as previously used, but with
a difference in that the maximum
level of the peak is then determined.
As the antennas are directional and
the equipment may be emitting in a
particular direction (which may be
away from the antenna), both the EUT
and the antenna are moved to look for
the peak of the emission.
This involves initially altering the
height of the antenna while looking
for a maximum and once found, the
turntable is rotated until the absolute
maximum is reached. This reading
then becomes the emitted level that
is used as the final measurement. This
continues for each peak which less
than 10dB below the limit.
One can easily see how time-consuming this can be if the emissions
from the device are close to the limit.
This whole process is done in the
horizontal axis and then repeated in
the vertical axis. Many hours can be
taken up just looking at peaks. On the
other hand, if the designers have done
the utmost to minimise emissions and
all emissions are 10dB below the limit,
the test can be carried out in less than
an hour – allowing for set-up and antenna changing.
The old radio from the Cadillac
Your serviceman is not a vintage radio buff.
Even so, one can find oneself propelled into
the vintage scene without looking for it. And
if the customer wants a special job done and
is happy to pay for it, who am I to quibble?
I never cease to be surprised at the
types of jobs servicemen are asked to
take on. I suppose because the larger,
more impersonal businesses specialise
more, there are gaps in the market for
small operators to fill. As a result, some
rather unusual jobs often wind up on
my counter.
Recently, three ancient AM car
radios were brought in by a garage
owner who specialises in modifying
and restoring old 1950s Cadillacs –
in particular, left to righthand drive
conversions. The items in question
were all dead and before anyone
pooh-poohs a simple device such as
an AM car radio, these were anything
but (simple, that is).
20 Silicon Chip
The first set belonged to a 1955
Cadillac Eldorado convert
ible, one
of 4500 sold worldwide for that year.
This once top-of-the-line limousine
had electric everything (almost), such
as windows, seats, soft top and even
a photocell to automatically dip the
headlights for oncoming traffic.
Ironically though, it didn’t have an
electric-powered antenna. Instead,
this was operated by a vacuum line
from the inlet manifold but controlled by the radio. The radio was,
prisingly, 12V negative chassis;
this at a time when many American
vehicles still used a 6V battery (some
with a positive chassis). The set was
manufactured by Delco in Indiana,
USA (model No. 7265845).
In the car, the radio appears to be
the same size as a modern unit, with
the usual pushbuttons and rotary
controls. However, the front facia is
just the tip of the iceberg because once
it’s out on the bench, the complete
unit is actually quite large and heavy
(see photo).
The tuning uses an automatic
self-seeking motorised search system
which is really quite ingenious. A
concealed front flap hides a number
of red plastic markers and these move
switch contacts that function as preset
memory marker stops. When a switch
closes, the tuning pointer stops.
There is a large bar at the top. When
this is pressed, the radio will stop at
every station it can receive. One rotary
The front facia of this old AM car
radio (from a 1955 Cadillac Eldorado
convertible) is just the tip if the
iceberg, as the complete unit is really
quite large and heavy. The defunct
3-pin vibrator is shown in front of the
control varies the sensitivity for town
or country use. If you press one of the
pushbuttons, the tuning will travel
from left to right and back again until
it stops at the corresponding marker
for that pushbutton.
The circuit for the set uses eight
valves (some of them dual types) and
one vibrator, plus assorted transformers, relays and vacuum switches. The
incoming 12V rail is applied via the
usual capacitor/inductor interference
suppressor and power switch and is
then fed to the vibrator power supply.
With power applied, the lamps and
filaments all glowed but the 12V could
be measured only up to the vibrator (a
3-pin Delco 507; part no. 1220155).
Vibrator power supplies
Many of our readers will be too
young to be familiar with vibrator
power supplies but most old hands
will remember them. They appeared
a few years before the war and lasted
until the solid state era took over. They
became the heart of most mobile radio
The basic requirement was to take
DC from the vehicle battery and transform it to an HT rail voltage, typically
250V. And, since DC cannot be transformed directly, the battery voltage
had to be first converted to AC, applied
to a suitable step-up transformer, and
the stepped-up AC then converted
back to DC. It was a rather clumsy,
roundabout process but it was the best
that was available at the time.
Converting the 12V DC to AC was
the fundamental requirement and
this was the function of the vibrator.
In its simplest form, it consisted of a
vibrating reed which was driven at
about 100Hz by a coil with its own
set of interrupter contacts. The reed
itself was fitted with two contacts (one
on each side) and these alternately
mated with two fixed contacts (this
was called a non-synchronous type).
The vibrator output is fed to the
primary winding of the step-up
transformer, which is centre-tapped.
The centre-tap is connected to the
negative rail, while the reed is connected to the +12V rail. Each side of
the primary is connected to one of the
fixed contacts and so +12V is applied
alternately to each half of the primary
The overall effect is to apply a 100Hz
square wave to the primary. And the
end result is a high voltage 100Hz
square wave across the transformer
secondary. From here on, there are
several options: (1) the AC may be
rectified by a bridge rectifier; (2) the
secondary may be centre-tapped and
rectified by a second set of contacts on
the reed (a synchronous vibrator); or
(3) the AC may be rectified by a conventional rectifier valve or, as in this
case, by a cold cathode gas-filled OZ4
rectifier valve (the OZ4 is an unusual
approach in this country).
The vibrator was an expendable
device. The contacts eventually eroded to the point where they no longer
functioned effectively and the unit
had to be discarded. Because of this,
it was fitted with a valve type base –
typically 4-pin or 6-pin – and mounted
in a conventional valve socket.
So much for basic background. The
vibrator in this set was fairly conventional but was fitted with a 3-pin base.
More importantly, it wasn’t functioning, probably because its contacts had
eroded. It was vibrating in the physical sense but was not generating any
worthwhile voltage.
So where to from here? The chance
of finding a replacement vibrator, particularly a “foreign” one, was virtually
nil. The best one could hope for would
be to find a local one in an old set that
was gathering dust in somebody’s
shed. However, this would involve
rewiring the set to suit and, in any
case, I didn’t yet know whether the
rest of the set was functional.
To test this, I removed the vibrator
and connected 12V AC (from a spare
mains transformer) across half the primary of the vibrator transformer. And
I was rewarded with signs of life. The
OZ4 was glowing a magenta colour
(which is not unusual in a gas-filled
device) and there was a HT voltage of
about 150V. This was too low and it
was varying but at least it was a start.
They sure don’t make ’em like this any more. The ancient AM radio came from
this 1955 Cadillac Eldorado convertible which, at the time, was undergoing
restoration and conversion from lefthand to righthand drive.
Despite its size, there’s plenty of room behind the dashboard for the old radio.
Removal of the dashboard was necessary so that it could be restored and to
improve access to the floorpan so that a new hole could be cut on the righthand
side for the steering column.
There was a 15kΩ resistor and a
0.007µF 1.6kV capacitor across the
secondary winding. The wax had
melted off the paper capacitor and
the resistor was discoloured. Both
measured within 20% of their rated
values but I replaced them anyway.
I also replaced a 0.47µF 100V paper
capacitor across the primary of the
vibrator transformer but it was all to
no avail.
By now, it looked as though the OZ4
rectifier was also faulty. I removed it
22 Silicon Chip
and fitted two 1N4007 diodes in its
place and suddenly we were in business. The EHT shot up to nearly 300V
at switch-on and then, as the valves
began drawing current, dropped to a
respectable 240V. Furthermore, sound
was now emerg
ing from the loudspeaker and the radio was working!
Replacement vibrator
Having established that this 43-year
old radio still worked, there remained
the problem of finding a suitable
replacement vibrator. But even if one
was found it would almost certainly
be secondhand. Could I justify using
it? What if it failed in a few months?
Could a solid state multivibrator
circuit be substituted? Perhaps – but
this would amount to a major design
exercise and would be prohibitively
It looked as if this was the end of
this historic radio when I happened to
mention the problem to Phil Watson,
an edito
rial contributor to SILICON
CHIP. He promptly informed me that
he had already written an article nearly
25 years ago for another magazine on
how to make a solid-state “vibrator”
When we finally unearthed the
actual article, I discovered that it had
all the information that was necessary.
All I would have to do was build the
circuit and make a few modifications
to suit. I went back to the garage
proprietor and told him to advise his
client that I believed the radio could
be repaired but that it would be fairly
costly because of the modifications
involved. He telephoned back the next
day and said to go ahead.
The original magazine article described a plug-in replace
ment unit.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have room
inside the radio to mount this so I decided to build it using discrete components mounted directly on the chassis.
Instead of using 2N3055 transistors
with TO-3 cases, I used MJE3055s
with TO-220 cases instead. These
were screwed to the main chassis with
insulating washers and bushes.
The other components were simply
wired in point-to-point fashion, in a
similar manner to the other parts in the
set (see photo). This was made easier
by the fact that modern electrolytic
capacitors are now one third the size
of their counterparts from 1975.
By playing around with the series
resistors and capacitors in the base
circuits of the transistors, I was able
to adjust the unit to oscillate comfortably at 100Hz and deliver 260V. The
completed multivibrator circuit drew
2A at 13.6V and the radio now worked
perfectly. And with the metal screen
refitted over the vibrator circuitry, it
was hard to guess that any modifications had been made – except that
there was no mechanical vibrator or
rectifier valve fitted.
I called around a month later to see
the radio installed in the car, which
tell you about them in next month’s
The Masuda TV set
Fig.1: this solid state multivibrator circuit was used to replace the defunct mechanical vibrator in the old Delco car radio.
The various components for the solid state multivibrator were wired into the old
radio in point-to-point fashion, to match the style of the other parts.
was now perfectly converted to right
hand drive (in fact, you would never
guess that the steering wheel had
once been on the left). The radio was
working in-situ and it sounded very
good indeed.
However, there was still a minor
problem. Because of the larger current drain (6A), the battery now has
a tougher job. If its voltage drops, the
reduced valve gain due to lowered
filament voltages causes the radio’s
self-seeking tuning system to become
erratic. It may be necessary to have
the car’s electrical system modified to
cope but that’s up to the mechanics.
The other sets
The other two Delco radios were
slightly later models (7272505) with
five valves and one transistor. I haven’t
tackled these yet but hope to solve all
the problems in these two sets in the
next week or so. All going well, I’ll
The next customer’s problem involved a Masuda TV set with one
of the most puzzling series of faults
I have encountered for a long time.
Mr Cleary’s set was a late-model
S21TXS Chinese-built 51cm Multi
System Stereo set with Teletext. His
main complaint was that he couldn’t
tune the set because it kept drifting.
However, he did list five other faults:
(1) no colour, even when the set was
correctly tuned; (2) no Teletext; (3)
no stereo; (4) no remote control; and
(5) the set would cut off after a few
I tackled problem 4 first and on
disassembling the remote control,
found it to be full of some unspecified liquid. The only thing for it was
a complete wash and clean in sugar
soap. Fortunately, the liquid had not
been there long enough to corrode the
PC board tracks and after drying it
thoroughly and applying a little CRC
2-26, it worked perfectly.
But I despaired over the five remaining faults, although I suspected that
there was a common denominator – if
only I could find it. The thought of
fixing five separate faults, all difficult,
did not bear contemplating.
The first thing was to check the
main voltage rails. I was lucky enough
to have a circuit diagram and even
though this didn’t give voltages, I
could guess at what they should be.
The main HT rail was 105V and there
was also a secondary rail of 14V, the
latter feeding a subsidiary 5V rail.
I also established that there were
18V and 12V rails derived from the
secondary of the horizontal output
transformer (T302). There was no
significant ripple on these rails when
checked with the CRO and I concluded that they were correct and that the
other rails also looked reasonable.
When the set was switched on,
it initially gave a very good monochrome picture on all channels, which
gradually slipped off tune. What’s
more, the self-seeking tuning system
never stopped on the stations and
couldn’t be persuaded to lock in. I
checked the 33V tuning voltage source
which supplies the tuning voltage
(VT) via IC004 and transistor Q001
(2SC1815Y), the latter controlled by
pin 1 of the microprocessor (IC001).
Serviceman’s Log – continued
which seemed OK. However, when
I removed the coil from within the
ferrite pot, there was a tiny green spot
of corrosion on the winding itself.
After an hour of microsurgery, I
managed to connect another fine wire
to the break and reassemble the coil.
To my delight, reinstalling the coil
fixed all the problems at once – even
the Teletext now worked. The circuit
has pin 17 marked as “Demo” or presumably demodulator but I suspect
that this is in fact the AFC coil. Subsequently, I found that Canberra TV
in Melbourne has all the spare parts
for the Masuda and I ordered a new
(secondhand) coil from them. The
customer is nearly as happy as I am.
The Philips VCR
The whole chain was spot on and was
rock steady.
Despite heating and freezing the
entire set and bashing the daylights
out of it, I found there no were no dry
joints and the fault was not influenced
by temperature. This was getting to
be too difficult. Why not concentrate
on one of the easier faults? I thought
of having a go at fixing the no colour
but before that, I would isolate the
Teletext functions by unplugging the
This uncovered a whole new can
of worms when I discovered that the
Teletext circuit did not really match
the set I was working on. The Teletext
module has four plugs into the main
motherboard but only three were
shown on the circuit: CN701, CN703
and CN704 (CN702 was not shown).
And CN703 was incorrectly drawn.
Eventually, I worked out that CN702
was connected to an unmarked S201
connector (which went to the AV
sockets) and to pins 53, 51, 50, 49 and
47 of IC201, which is a TA8659AN
64-pin jungle IC.
Unplugging the Teletext module
killed the vertical and horizontal sync
and I worked out that the video went
through CN704 and into pin 27 of
IC701 on the Teletext module. From
there it came out on pin 1 of IC701
and back through CN704 to pin 33
of IC201. I installed a temporary fix
24 Silicon Chip
by shorting the two pins of CN704 to
restore the sync. All the faults were
still there.
Next, I connected the colour bar
generator to the AV socket. The set
gave perfect colour bars and the picture was steady for well over an hour.
This told me that most of the colour
decoder circuitry was working and
confirmed the power rails must be
OK as well.
This meant that the fault had to be
either in the IF module, the tuner or
the microprocessor-controlled tuning
circuit. Because this set boasted a video output socket, I connected this to a
monitor. The picture on the monitor
was still drifting off tune and there
was no colour, so the colour decoder
and jungle circuits had to be OK.
The fact that there was no colour or
sometimes only a flash of colour on
one side indicated that a tuned circuit
or IF amplifier was faulty. As I had a
TDA2459 IF amplifier IC in stock, I
decided to replace it.
But first I checked the surrounding
coils with an ohmmeter, and – surprise, surprise – when I measured
L107 (213908) it was open circuit.
Well, I was happy at finding this but, at
the same time, I worried about where
I was going to get another one.
The coil was encased in a ferrite pot
and fitted with an adjustable slug. I
pulled it out and examined the leads,
My last story for this month involves a Philips VR3442/75 video
recorder, which uses a JVC mid-drive
“mecha” deck. It belonged to Mr Arnott who complained that the picture
and sound were slow and that there
were noise bars. The problem had
tially been intermittent but had
now become permanent, much to the
customer’s frustration.
After he had gone, I plugged it
in and put in an SP (standard play)
pre-recorded tape and it worked perfectly. I made a recording and played
it back too, and was beginning to think
he had done something silly. I left it on
soak test with an E240 tape in it and
went on with other work, checking it
every so often in passing.
About two hours later, I finally saw
the problem and it was exactly as had
been described. And the reason was
obvious – the display showed it was
now in LP (long play) mode and not
in standard play as I had left it. I put
it back on the workbench, removed
the covers, lifted the motherboard and
examined the tape alignment.
Usually if a machine switches itself
from SP to LP it is due to a problem
with the ACE (Audio, Control, Erase)
head and the fault is accompanied
by no real-time clock display, However, in this case, the clock was still
working and the tape alignment was
correct. It is not normally possible to
measure the control pulse output from
the head as it is so low and tends to
be noisy but there was no signal at
TP401, the official test point after the
amplifiers inside IC401.
I spent some time testing and checking all the circuits around IC401 but
to no avail. The problem was intermittent but getting more and more permanent with time. Heating, freezing
and vibrating it made no difference.
Another symptom was that it played
fast in the LP mode.
I decided to mull it over with
some of my colleagues in the trade.
One mentioned that quite often the
ACE head may be worn and still give
enough output to operate the real-time
clock. However, the output may be insufficient for it to decide which speed
it was on. Fired with fresh confidence,
I delved inside the video’s entrails
and examined the ACE head under a
strong light. Eureka! – it was indeed
pitted and worn.
I ordered a replacement and fitted
it a few days later. My joy was immediately crushed – it had made no
difference at all. Fortunately, one of
my mates had recently scrapped the
very same model because the deck
was beyond economic repair. He had
robbed it for parts but I was welcome
to the carcass for test purposes.
I immediately seized the offer because I felt that I should be able to get
to the bottom of this – especially as I
also had a copy of the service manu-
al. My first course was to swap over
IC401, BU2827AS, the servo control
IC, which had just about all the circuits pertaining to the missing control
pulses but it still made no difference.
I also fruitlessly replaced C421,
C420, C418 and then tried measuring
the voltages on all the pins but they
were all pretty close. However, when
I checked the nominal 5V rail at test
point TP903, I found that it measured
5.6V despite being marked on the
circuit as 5.3V.
Initially, I didn’t think that this
was all that significant, until I found
a reference in the manual indicating
that it should be 5V exactly. And
as I was becoming more and more
desperate, I grasped at the straw and
set preset pot R805 to exactly 5.00V,
at test point TP903.
Although I was making only a 0.6V
adjustment, the pot’s wiper had to be
moved nearly 45°. But suddenly the
speed switched back to SP mode and
the picture and sound were perfect.
I altered the position of pot R805
several times to confirm this and
then examined the circuit, expecting
some component to have failed that
required this change in the preset.
However, even swapping the transistors with those from the other
chassis made no difference – although I did notice that there was an
extra driver transistor (Q804) on my
chassis, which wasn’t fitted on the
scrapped chassis.
To cut a long story short, I couldn’t
fault the power supply and can only
assume that the pot had been set carelessly during manufacture at one extreme of the operating voltage range.
Subsequently, this preset voltage
changed slightly due to component
aging and this was enough to upset
the apple cart. I now appreciate the
service manual statement that “if the
working voltage becomes higher or
lower the VCR will malfunction”. But
I really can’t see why they didn’t fit a
3-pin IC regulator such as an LM7805
Anyway, I soak tested the video for
a further week before allowing it to go
home and thanked all my colleagues
for their help, although I did get a
few “I knew that” comments when
quizzed as to what fixed the problem.
But then, there is always some
smart Alec who knows the answer
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
0V output for adjustable 3-terminal regulators
Three-terminal adjustable regulators are widely used but they have one
major shortcoming. This is the inability to adjust right down to 0V, due to
the 1.25V reference voltage between
the “adj” and “out” pins.
This circuit overcomes the problem
by applying -1.25V to the “adj” pin,
allowing the output to stabilise at 0V.
In effect, the 0V line is raised by the
voltage drops across diodes D1-D3
and then a regulated negative supply
is provided by diodes D4 & D5. The
zero adjustment is then provided by
trimpot VR1. VR2 then adjusts the
output voltage in the normal way.
S. Carroll,
Timmsvale, NSW. ($25)
Simple relay
voltage booster
Have you ever needed to power a
12V relay from 6V or 9V? If so, this
simple circuit might be what you
A typical relay needs close to its full
rated supply voltage at the moment of
power-up to ensure that the contacts
pull in reliably but then only about
half of that voltage is necessary to
hold them in.
This circuit takes advantage of that
fact by initially providing double the
supply voltage to the relay, allowing
reliable operation of 12V relays from
a 6V or 9V supply, or 24V relays from
a 12V supply.
26 Silicon Chip
When power is first applied, C1 is charged rapidly
to +6V while the relay is not
energised. A positive voltage
greater than about 3V applied
to the control input switches
on Q1, which also turns on
Q2. Q2 connects one side of
the relay’s coil to the +6V rail
while Q1 effectively shorts
the positive terminal of C1
to 0V.
The negative terminal of C1 is now
at a potential of -6V, which is applied
to the other side of the relay, raising
the potential across the relay to 12V
and energising it. The relay voltage
then fairly rapidly falls back to the
supply voltage, the period being
determined by the RC time constant
of the relay coil resistance and the
value of C1.
S. Carroll,
Timmsvale, NSW. ($25)
Automatic reversing
for model trains
Many enthusiasts do not have room
for a large model railway layout but
they do have space for a long shelf
layout with perhaps a single or a pair
of tracks. The trains must then be reversed each time they come to the end
of the track. This circuit accomplishes
that automatically.
In operation, the train travels along
the length of track, slows and then
stops. It then sets off smoothly in the
other direction, where the process is
repeated. The delay at each end is
adjustable from a few seconds to over
a minute.
It is designed to operate in conjunction with a speed controller incorporating inertia and braking. This
prototype circuit was used with the
speed controller which appeared in
the February 1993 issue of SILICON
CHIP. The circuit uses three relays,
one with its contacts in parallel with
the speed controller’s brake switch,
one to provide forward/reverse track
switching and the third to switch between a pair of reed switches.
The train has a small magnet fixed
underneath and when it comes to the
end of the track it passes over reed
switch 1 (RS1). This causes C2 to be
discharged via diode D2 and RS1. This
pulls pin 3 of IC1 low which causes
pin 2 of IC1 to also go low and rapidly
discharge C3 via diode D3. This causes
pin 12 to go high, turning on Q1 and
relay RLA which then operates the
brake on the speed controller. This
causes the train to slow and stop.
C3 recharges slowly until Q1 turns
off, releasing the brake and also feeding a positive pulse to the clock input
of JK flipflop IC2a which then changes
state. This causes Q2 to turn on (or off),
reversing the train which now starts in
the opposite direction. Relay RLC also
selects reed switch RS2 so that when
the train arrives at the other end of the
track, RS2 will operate to discharge C2
and so the cycle repeats.
Adjusting trimpot VR1 or changing
the capacitance of C3 can vary the stop
time at the end of each trip.
Reed switches were used instead of
phototransistors so that this automatic
reversing facility would only be triggered by a loco fitted with a magnet
Steve Opperman,
Mowbray, Tas. ($45)
DVM adaptor for
high frequency AC
Most inexpensive DVMs will not accurately
measure AC voltages above the audio range. This
circuit doesn’t have the low frequency accuracy
of the precision rectifiers inside most DVMs but
it is not limited by the op amp. Instead, diodes
D1 & D2 establish the upper frequency limit,
allowing meaningful peak-to-peak RF voltage
measure-ments to be made to around 100MHz.
Maximum input voltage with a 12V supply is 10V
Diodes D3 & D4 establish a DC bias voltage for
the non-inverting input of the op amp and this is
matched, at the inverting input, by diodes D1 &
D2. Signals rectified by D1 & D2 are filtered by the
0.1µF capacitor associated with D1 and then IC1
amplifies the voltage difference at its inputs and
is set for a gain of -1.
Because the input diodes are forward-biased,
the circuit responds to very small signals instead
of being limited to the diode forward conduction
G. LaRooy, Christchurch,
NZ. ($35)
Time-alignment te
of loudspeakers
While there are a whole host of factors to be
considered in the design of a loudspeaker
system, such as drivers, enclosure, crossover
network and so on, one factor which is often
neglected is time-alignment. This article
demonstrates how critical time alignment
can be.
Australian Audio Consultants has
recently commissioned new testing
equipment designed to test a pair of
loudspeakers, such as tweeter and
woofer, for accurate time alignment.
Time align
ment ensures that when
the same signal is fed to a tweeter
and woofer, the acoustic wavefronts
combine for the most linear frequency
We believe that accurate time
alignment is critical for loudspeaker
development. A widely held belief is
that time alignment is only necessary
for 1st order (6dB/octave) crossover
networks and that it is unnecessary
for 2nd order or steeper crossover
slopes. While this may hold true for
the crossover’s effect on frequency
response, it does not take into account
time alignment’s effect on clarity. If a
complex music signal from two different drivers arrives at your ears with
a slight time difference, the resultant
signal will be degraded and not as
clean as it should be.
This is often referred to as “timesmear” in some industry circles. Now
a 1st order crossover network centred
at, say 3kHz, may combine the outputs
from woofer and tweeter over the
range 1kHz to 10kHz. A time alignment error would have an effect over
this very wide frequency band. With
a second order crossover network, the
frequency overlap would be restricted to 2kHz to 6kHz. Thus, the “time
smear” effect would be less noticeable
but would still be important since the
2kHz to 6kHz frequency band is most
important for music reproduction.
Some pundits hold that a driver’s
acoustic centre is in line with the
voice coil for both woofers and tweeters. Others hold that it is in line with
the voice coil for woofers and that it is
just in front of the dome for tweeters.
The truth is that a driver’s acoustic
centre varies with frequency and with
driver mechanical design.
Equipment is available to test individual drivers to determine their
acoustical centres but that information is not what a loudspeaker designer really needs. What is needed is the
relationship between the acoustical
centres of the drivers being considered in a design.
Test method
Fig.1: the top two traces here show the on-axis response of two identical Morel
MW-144 142mm bass-mid drivers. The bottom trace is the zero offset position
(where the drivers are in perfect time alignment), while the middle two traces
are for the ±5mm offset positions.
28 Silicon Chip
Our new test method measures the
summed output of two drivers, both
in-phase and out-of-phase. A single
microphone is used to record the
results and the high frequency driver
is physically moved away from or towards the low frequency driver. Gated
sinewaves provide the measurement
signals and are used to remove boundary reflections that would otherwise
make the results unusable.
In the first example of Fig.1, two
identical Morel MW-144 142mm
bass-mid drivers are used. The top
* Terry Paget is the principal of Australian
Audio Consultants.
two traces are the on-axis response of
the two drivers. As you can see they
are nearly identical. The bottom trace
is the zero offset position, where the
drivers are in perfect time alignment.
You can see that cancellation causes
an almost identical trace some 20dB
down in amplitude, which is what
is expected to happen. The middle
two traces are for the ±5mm offset
positions. Cancellation is not perfect
and the -5mm position does not follow
the original driver response curve.
Remember that these offset errors are
a mere 5mm!
With these drivers placed on a flat
baffle with an ordinary dome tweeter, the typical offset error would be
20mm or so.
Fig.2 shows the zero offset position
with the traces for 10mm and 20mm
added. As you can see, cancellation
does not take place evenly and in
fact some reinforcement occurs as
frequency increases.
Real world example
While the above graphs prove the
system’s capabilities, they do not
show a real world example, so let’s
Fig.2: this graph shows the zero offset position with the traces for 10mm and
20mm added. As you can see, cancellation does not take place evenly and in
fact some reinforcement occurs as frequency increases.
Fig.3: the responses of the woofer and tweeter between 1kHz and 10kHz. These
limits are sufficient to show all likely frequencies that will overlap when these
two drivers are used in a speaker system.
look at one. For this example, the
drivers under test are the Morel MW
168 160mm woofer and the DMS 37
soft-dome horn-loaded tweeter. Fig.3
shows the response of the woofer and
tweeter between 1kHz and 10kHz.
These limits are sufficient to show all
likely frequencies that will overlap
This is the Morel MW-144 142mm bass-mid driver,
as used in the first test. Figs.1 & 2 show its on-axis
response for different time alignments.
Fig.4: the woofer and tweeter responses, with their outputs summed for tweeter
offsets of 0mm, 5mm, 10mm, 15mm and 20mm.
The Morel DMS 37 soft dome tweeter.
Fig.5: the combined response with one driver driven out of phase. The results
are now dramatically different, compared to Fig.4.
Fig.6: this was the optimum response found by trial and error for the tweeter
and woofer pair.
when these two drivers are used in a
speaker system.
Fig.4 shows both woofer and
tweeter responses, with their outputs
summed for tweeter offsets of 0mm,
30 Silicon Chip
5mm, 10mm, 15mm and 20mm. There
do not seem to be any major differences in the graphs.
Now let’s look at the combined
response with one driver driven out
The MW-168 160mm mid-bass driver
features very high peak power
of phase. The results in Fig.5 are dramatically different. The offsets are for
0mm, 5mm and 15mm and none of
these are what we would expect for
a correct level of cancellation with
these drivers. These graphs require a
considerable interpretation but consider the quite dramatic differences
in the traces for differences as small
as 5mm.
Further testing provided the best
tweeter offset for this pair of drivers and this is shown in Fig.6. The
two drivers were placed on a baffle,
properly time aligned and a crossover
signed. The resulting frequency
response is depicted in Fig.7.
The two lines are for the normal
response with 552 data points and
with 1/3rd octave smoothing of the
response. The 1/3rd octave smoothed
response has been shifted down 5dB
for clarity. The response is better than
2.0dB for the normal response and
better than 1.5dB for the smoothed
Fig.8 shows the impedance curve
for the system shown in Fig.6. The
crossover network used only six
Fig.7: the frequency response for the system depicted in Fig.6. The two lines are
for the normal response with 552 data points and with 1/3rd octave smoothing
of the response. The 1/3rd octave smoothed response has been shifted down 5dB
for clarity.
In conclusion, the single most critical area of loudspeaker development
is driver selection. Get this correct
and all your efforts can be directed
into being creative and designing a
great loudspeaker. Get driver selection
wrong and most of the development
time goes into fixing problems. We
believe that accurate time alignment
data is a critical parameter for driver
Fig.8 shows the impedance curve for the system shown in Fig.6.
selection and thus loudspeaker development.
For further information on this
service, contact Australian Audio
Consultants, PO Box 11, Stockport, SA
5410. Phone/fax (08) 8528 2201. SC
Australian Audio Consultants - Sole Australian Distributors
P.O. Box 11, Stockport S.A. 5410 Phone or fax 08 85 282 201
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$1551.00 tax ex
Automated Quality Control system also
Morel Loudspeaker Drivers
Highest Quality Loudspeaker Drivers
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• MW 168 162mm bass driver 150W 88dB $159.00
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Save dollars and time with this easy-to-build indicator that tells
you when you need to change your car’s airfilter element.
Modern EFI cars house the airfilter
inside an airbox (above). But what
is the condition of the filter inside?
This Blocked Filter Alarm will tell
you when a filter change is needed.
Blocked Filter Alarm
Modern cars with electronic fuel
injection use a flat panel airfilter
contained within an airbox. The filter
catches dust, rocks, birds and small
children, preventing these potentially
damaging entities from entering the
Over a period of time the filter
gradually gets blocked as the holes in
the “sieve” get filled. This restricts
the air flow entering the engine which
adversely affects power and economy.
As a result regular changing of the air
filter is required. The owner’s manual
will generally state a time period or
a distance travelled between filter
But is your car’s filter being changed
when it actually needs to be changed?
If you live in a dusty area, the filter may need replacing well before
32 Silicon Chip
the manufacturer’s specified time or
distance requirements are exceeded.
In fact, most owners’ manuals state
something along the lines of “Filters
will need to be changed more frequently if the vehicle is operated in
dusty areas for extended periods”.
That means that your vehicle may be
suffering in performance and economy, even if you (or your car service
company) are strictly following the
nominated service intervals.
Conversely, if you drive only on
sealed roads, the filter may be being
changed when it’s unnecessary. And
some air filters are not cheap – you
can pay up to $80 for a filter element
for some imported cars!
So what do you do? We have the
answer – build this Blocked Filter
Alarm and change the filter only
when it’s necessary to do so!
How it works
The Blocked Filter Alarm uses a
pressure switch to detect when there
is a lower pressure on the downstream
side of the element than on the upstream. When the switch closes, a
piezo buzzer inside the cabin sounds,
indicating the filter is restricting
But how does it work?
Any restriction of the intake to
the engine will cause the pressure to
drop to below atmospheric. In fact,
the throttle butterfly can be regarded
This VT Commodore filter is so dirty that the alarm sounded whenever full
throttle was applied over 3000 rpm.
as a huge restriction when it is in
any position other than fully open,
explaining why there is normally a
partial vacuum present in the inlet
If the air filter is flowing freely,
there will be very little pressure drop
across it. As the filter becomes more
and more blocked, the pressure drop
will increase. If a pressure switch
of the right sensitivity is fitted, it
will close when the filter blockage
becomes excessive.
Two different switches
There are two different pressure
switches that can be used. Both are
available from RS Components (stores
in each Australian capital city) and
both are compact and light. Which
one you decide to use will depend
on how sensitive you want the alarm
to be.
The first goes by the official name
of Cat No 317-948. It costs about $18
and is designed to close when it is
subjected to a differential pressure of
0.9 psi (6.2kPa). Now that pressure
might not mean much to you – is a
0.9 psi pressure drop across a filter
high or low?
Pressure drops across air filters are
usually measured in inches of water
and 0.9 psi represents about 25 inches
of water – a heck of a lot!
This means that Switch #1 is only
suitable for vehicles for which you
are prepared to tolerate a high amount
of filter blockage. An earthmoving
machine or stationary engine working
well below its rated output could
use this switch to trigger the alarm.
However, in your family car, a pressure drop of this magnitude would
be excessive – unless you are a real
skinflint when it comes to changing
air filters!
The second switch has the Cat No
317-443. It is a much more sensitive
switch and is also much more expensive - about $67. This switch closes
when the pressure differential reaches
0.072 psi (0.5kPa) – about 2 inches
of water.
During the development of this project, we experimented with a Holden
VT Commodore V6 with a heavily
soiled filter. Switch #1 would not trigger, however Switch #2 sounded the
alarm whenever full throttle and more
than 3000 rpm was used. Changing to
a clean filter silenced the alarm.
Installing the alarm shouldn’t take
you longer than an hour or so. Step
number one is to examine the airbox
closely. Take particular note of where
the induction tube leaves the airbox
and heads to the airflow meter or directly to the engine. The box half that
contains this exit tube is the one on
which you need to install the switch.
The next step is the same whichever switch you chose to use. Drill a
small hole through the plastic of the
box to allow the installation of the
pressure sensing port. Before drilling
the hole, look inside the box to make
sure that there is room for the port to
extend a few millimetres into the box.
Also consider where the switch will
be when the box is re-installed – you
don’t want the switch body fouling
Switch #1 can be mounted directly
Switch #1 (left) costs
about $18 and
operates at a
pressure differential
of 25 inches of water.
This makes it
suitable for use
where a high degree
of filter restriction is
Switch #2 (right) is
very sensitive,
operating at two
inches of water. At
$67 it is also much
more expensive
than Switch #1.
The piezo buzzer is mounted within the
cabin. We used a pulsing Matsushita
buzzer but any low current buzzer can
be used.
on the airbox. The switch has two
ports; you need to use the one that is
sticking out of the side of the switch,
rather than the one surrounded by the
threaded collar.
If you drill a hole of the correct
diameter, you will be able to push-fit
the projecting switch tube through the
hole, causing the switch to be a snug
fit up against the airbox wall. Some
silicone rubber sealant will hold the
switch in place, or alternatively you
can make a small bracket and screw
it to the airbox. If you do this, use self
If you decide to use Switch #2 you
will need to buy a few miniature
plastic irrigation fittings (bottom).
These are available from hardware
stores at a cost of about 10 cents each,
and are used to plumb the switch to
the airbox. The PVC hose is supplied
with the switch.
34 Silicon Chip
tapping screws inserted
from the outside of the
box - you don’t want
nuts inside the box that
could fall off...
Switch #2 is more
easily mounted adjacent to the airbox – on
the inner guard, for
example. The switch is
supplied with a length
of PVC tube which is
easily connected to
the airbox. A miniature
plastic irrigation “connector” fitting (available for about 10 cents
from hardware stores)
can be screwed into the
drilled hole and the connecting tube
pushed over the top. There is no need
to use clamps to hold the hose on but
make sure that you connect the hose
to the pressure port on the switch that
is closest to the two spade terminals.
If the vehicle is being used in very
harsh conditions, it would be wise to
house the switch in a small box. This
prevents any chance of the switch
being adversely affected by heat or
dust. Note that both switches are rated
for a maximum temperature of 50°C.
As the above circuit shows, the
wiring is very simple – just make
sure that you get the polarity of the
buzzer correct.
We used a pulsing Matsushita piezo buzzer but
any other low current 12V
buzzer is fine. Mount the
buzzer within the cabin
and power the circuit
from an ignition-switched
fused supply. The power
supply to the radio is often
easy to access, as is the
cigarette lighter circuit. If
using the cigarette lighter
as the power source, fit
a low current fuse to the
buzzer circuit – the cigarette lighter probably uses
a 20A fuse!
With the ignition switched on, test
that the buzzer sounds when you
apply suction to the pressure switch
port. The easiest way to do this is to
suck on the port (or on a new tube
going to the port!).
Switch #1 requires a good suck
while Switch #2 triggers very easily
Once you have ascertained that the
buzzer sounds when tested in this
way go for a drive. The buzzer should
remain quiet – unless the filter is very
dirty, of course!
Remove the filter element from
the box and block off a good portion
with a piece of cardboard. Hold this
Drill a single small hole in the airbox to provide a pressure tapping point for the
switch. On this VT Commodore airbox the air temperature sensor is adjacent.
Switch #1 in place. The pressure sensing nipple pushes
through the drilled hole, bringing a flat on the switch body
snugly up against the side of the airbox. The switch can be
glued into place or a small bracket made to hold it.
temporarily in place with some electrical tape, and place the cardboard on
the side of the filter which faces the
atmosphere (ie, not the engine side!).
When you drive the car hard in
this form the alarm should sound,
indicating that the filter is posing a
NS_PC101 card for XT/AT/PCs
allows access to 48 I/O lines.
There are 5 groups (0 to 4)
available on a de-facto industrial
standard 50-way ribbon cable
used in STEbus and VMEbus
19" rack mount control systems.
The board uses 2 x 8255 ICs.
Multiple boards can be used if
more I/O lines are required.
NS_LED PCB gives visual
access to five groups (0 to 4) of
the NS_PC1OX. There is a total
of 40 status LEDs. The board
offers a 25-way “D” type female
socket. The lines are driven by
74244 ICs & configured as a
parallel printer port. This socket
gives access to printer port kits,
eg, stepper motors, LCDs, direct
digital synthesis.
NS_16_8 PCB is a system conditioning card with 16 optically
isolated inputs set-up for either
12V or 24V operation. The board
provides 8 single pole, double
throw relays with 10 Amp contact rating.
The second type of switch can be mounted on the inner
guard or strut tower and connected to the airbox by the
provided PVC hose. In very harsh conditions mount the
switch in a small box.
With system installed as described,
the switch detects the total pressure
drop of the filter, the filter box and
the inlet duct to the box.
We have taken this approach because any pressure drop (wherever it
occurs) will have a negative impact
on engine performance.
NS_DC_DC is a step down
converter with an input range
11 to 35V DC and an output of
5 volts DC at 5 Amps, with an
output ripple of approx 150mV.
There is an IN/OUT 50-way
connector isolating the 5V and
12V+ &12V- rails of the PC
power supply. This segregates
PC’s power when working on
NSDC_DC1 module used with
converters is a 5V to 12V(+/-)
step- up converter. The board
utilises 743 switch mode IC with
2 x 12V regulators, with output
ripple of approx 200mV.
NS_UTIL1 prototyping board
has 1580 bread board holes access to any 3 groups (0 to 4) on
the 50-way cable pinout. Power
is available from the 50-way
cable format 5 volts at 2 Amps
& 12V+ 12V- at 1 Amp. There
is provision for array resistors
with either a ground or positive
common connection.
For brochure write to: Reply Paid 68, NORBITON
SYSTEMS, PO Box 687, Rockingham WA 6968
However, if your alarm is over-sensitive because the intake in front of
the airbox is too restrictive, you may
need to plumb the switch so that its
second port is connected to the other
side of the filter. That way, just the
pressure drop of the filter element is
being monitored.
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Just fill in & mail the handy order form in this issue; or
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One of the most
popular sound effects
with guitarists is waa-waa.
There are two components
to waa-waa – the
electronics which
shape the guitar’s
output waveform
and the foot
pedal which the
guitarist uses to
control the amount of
waa-waa introduced.
This project not only gives
you the electronics but
the all-important
construction details
for the waa-waa
pedal too!
What is waa-waa? It’s one of the
classic guitar sounds, still very popular
today even though it’s been around
since the late 1950s. The name is very
close to the sound – instead of the pure
guitar note, it goes waa-waa.
How does waa-waa work?
The sound of the guitar is altered by
passing it through a narrow tunable
bandpass filter and the tuning is done
by varying the position of the foot pedal. Well, what does that mean? Say we
had a narrow filter centred on 2kHz.
The sound of the guitar would be quite
36 Silicon Chip
shrill and quite different to the sound
that would be obtained if the filter was
centred on say 500Hz or 1kHz.
If you have a graphic equaliser, you
can get the same effect by just pushing
the slider for 1kHz all the way up and
all the others, all the way down; then
trying do the same thing with other
If we now vary that tunable filter by
moving the foot pedal up and down we
can change the guitar sound at will. We
can make it go “Wee waa waa we ooo ..”
Well, hopefully you now get the
general idea.
There are a couple of other subtle
changes to the tone. One is in fact that
at centre frequency a purer tone is
produced because the bandpass filter
attenuates the harmonics produced
by the guitar strings. Another is that
the harmonics are even more pronounced as the bandpass filter centre
frequency is adjusted away from the
One big advantage the SILICON CHIP
circuit has over many commercial
waa-waa units is that its sharpness
of response (or “Q”) is fairly constant
over its range. This contrasts with
many units where the sharpness falls
away at higher notes, resulting in a
much inferior sound.
Another advantage: because the
pedal adjusts a DC level, there won’t
be the hum often experienced with
many waa-waa units. And finally, the
SILICON CHIP waa-waa unit has excellent linearity over its range, making
it not only easier to control but also
producing a better sound.
The Design
The SILICON CHIP Waa-Waa Effects
Unit is described in two parts –
the electronics and a separate foot
pedal which controls the amount
of “waa”.
With the obvious exception of the
foot-pedal control potentiometer, all
the waa-waa effects unit electronics
Bandpass frequency :............................................. 50Hz to 2.8kHz
Bandpass Q: ......................................................... 4.35 to 4.76 from 100Hz to 2kHz
Bandpass adjustment with VC................................ 16%
Bandpass frequency linearity with control pot ....... <5%
Maximum input signal ........................................... 220mV rms
Frequency response .............................................. -3dB <at>47Hz and 2.8kHz
Signal to Noise Ratio ............................................. 78dB with 20Hz to 20kHz filter
(with respect to 220mV input)
Total Harmonic Distortion ...................................... 0.3% <at> 1kHz and 200mV input
mount on a small PC board. This can
be housed inside the guitar itself or
in a small plastic case. Connection is
simple: a pair of 6.35mm jack sockets
mounted on the PC board accept standard phono plugs – one for input from
the guitar and the other the output to
the amplifier.
Also on the PC board is a small slider
switch which selects effects “in” or
“out” – effectively an on/off switch
for the waa-waa unit. Power for the
The complete waa-waa setup: the electronics
housed on a small PC board, along with the
matching foot pedal which controls the level.
Fig.1: in conjunction with the text
below the block diagram details the
operation of the waa-waa unit.
unit is taken from a 12V DC plugpack.
Block diagram
The waa-waa unit connects between
the guitar and the amplifier. To understand the operation of the waa-waa
unit, refer to the block diagram (Fig. 1).
The nominal 50mV output from
the guitar is increased to a little over
500mV by amplifier IC1a (gain of 11).
Maximum input before clipping is
220mV so there is plenty of headroom
– 12dB in fact.
This amplified signal is then fed into
the “heart” of the circuit, the adjustable bandpass filter (IC2), whose centre
frequency is controlled by the voltage
controlled oscillator, IC3, in turn adjusted by the foot controller VR1.
What happens is this: as the foot
pedal potentiometer is varied from
minimum to maximum resistance, the
output of IC3 varies from 5kHz up to
280kHz. IC2, a National Semiconductor MF5CN, first divides this by 100,
giving a bandpass centre frequency
range of 50Hz to 2.8kHz.
But the MF5CN does very much
more than that. While it is called an
adjustable bandpass filter, it can be
considered as a number of cascaded
filters in which the capacitors are
varied by switching them rapidly in
and out of circuit.
This has the effect of varying the
amount of capacitance in each of the
filter stages and thereby causes the
filter’s cutoff frequency to track the
clock frequency – just as we want.
There is a negative, though: this rapid switching generates a fair amount of
hash on the signal. So the signal then
passes through a low pass analog filter
(also part of IC2) which reduces these
switching artefacts to a minimum.
Fig.2, the oscilloscope waveforms,
shows the difference between the
unfiltered and filtered signals.
The processed signal is then adjusted in level by preset pot VR2. The
purpose of this is to give the same level
whether the waa-waa unit is switched
in or out of circuit. This switching is
accomplished by S1.
The circuit
While the circuit achieves a great
deal, the SILICON CHIP Waa-Waa Unit
is remarkably simple and easy to build.
It comprises just three low cost ICs and
a few other components.
Signal at the guitar input jack is
AC-coupled to the non-inverting input
of op amp IC1a via a 0.22µF capacitor.
Fig.2: the top trace
shows the switched
output from the
bandpass filter; the
lower trace after
smoothing by the
2.8kHz pass filter.
38 Silicon Chip
A 10Ω resistor and 10pF capacitor
at this input prevents any radio frequency pickup which could easily be
brought in from the guitar leads. The
op amp is biased via the 22kΩ resistor
tied to the 5V rail. The gain of IC1a is
set by the 220kΩ and 22kΩ feedback
Parts List - Waa Waa
Unit Electronics
1 PC board ,code 01307981,
105 x 60mm
1 miniature DPDT slider switch
2 PC board mounting 6.35mm
mono jack sockets
11 PC stakes
1 slider pot (10kΩ to 50kΩ)
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot
1 TL072 dual op amp (IC1)
1 MF5CN switched capacitor
filter (IC2)
1 4046 phase lock loop (IC3)
1 1N4004 1A 400V diode (D1)
1 10V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
1 470µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.22µF MKT polyester
4 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .039µF MKT polyester
1 .0047µF MKT polyester
1 470pF MKT polyester or
1 47pF ceramic
1 10pF ceramic
1 1.8-22pF trimmer (VC1)
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 1.5MΩ
2 7.5kΩ 1 100Ω
1 220kΩ
1 3.6kΩ 1 33Ω
2 22kΩ
2 2.2kΩ 1 10Ω
6 10kΩ
1 220Ω
resistors at the pin 2 inverting input.
High frequency rolloff is about
15kHz and is set by the 47pF capacitor across the 220kΩ resistor. The low
frequency rolloff is 7Hz, as set by the
1µF capacitor connecting the 22kΩ
resistor to ground. This rolloff is also
augmented with the 0.22µF coupling
capacitor and 22kΩ resistor combination at the guitar input which causes
rolloff below about 33Hz.
As already mentioned, IC2 is the
MF5CN, a universal monolithic
switched capacitor filter. It comprises
a general purpose active filter block
and an op amp all in the one package.
The Q and gain of the filter is set
by the resistors at pin 3. We selected
a Q of about 4.5 as set by the ratio of
the 10kΩ resistor at pin 1 and 2.2kΩ
resistor at pin 2. Gain is set at -1 by
the 10kΩ resistance at pin 1 and 10kΩ
input resistor to pin 3.
The bandpass output is at pin 1 and
this signal is filtered with a 2-pole low
pass active filter comprising the 7.5kΩ
resistors, 3.6kΩ resistor, the .039µF
capacitor and the .0047µFcapacitor
connecting to pins 12 and 13 of IC2.
These pins are the inverting input
and output of the op amp which is
internal to IC2.
The filter rolls off at 2.8kHz to suppress the switching noise from the pin
1 output. This filter is a Chebychev
type which rolls off at a steeper rate
beyond the -3dB point than the standard Butterworth filter.
Since the minimum switching frequency is 5kHz when the bandpass
filter is centred on 50Hz, the filtering
will provide a significant attenuation
of the resulting 5kHz noise. At higher
bandpass frequencies, the attenuation
will be greater.
Output from the filter is AC-coupled via a 1µF capacitor to the VR2
attenuator and thence to the effects
in/out switch, S1. The out position
of S1 effectively bypasses the whole
waa-waa circuit.
The 100Ω resistor in the output prevents oscillation of the op amp in IC2
when connected to a capacitive load
such as a screened cable. The 10kΩ
resistor to ground provides a charging
path for any coupling capacitor con-
Fig. 3: The circuit diagram
reveals that most of the hard
work is done by IC2 and IC3. All
components fit onto a small PC
board which could be mounted
inside the guitar if you wish.
nected to the output.
The voltage controlled oscillator
comprises just the oscillator portion
of a 4046 phase-locked-loop, IC3.
Minimum oscillator frequency is set
by the 1.5MΩ resistor at pin 12 and
the 470pF capacitor between pins 6
and 7. Maximum frequency is set by
the 10kΩ resistor at pin 11 and the
470pF capacitor. Trimmer capacitor
VC1 provides a small amount of frequency adjustment.
Oscillator range can be varied between these two extremes by adjusting
the voltage at pin 9. When VR1 takes
pin 9 to the +10V supply, the oscillator produces its maximum frequency.
Conversely, the lowest oscillator frequency is produced when VR1's wiper
is at ground.
Fig.4: use the component overlay in conjunction with the PC board photograph
below and the PC board pattern (facing page) when placing components and
you shouldn't go wrong. Just remember to take care with polarised components.
Two supply rails are required,
10V and 5V. The regulated 10V rail
is obtained in the conventional way
but the way the 5V rail is obtained is
a little unusual.
Power for the circuit is from a 12V
DC source such as a plugpack. Diode
D1 prevents damage to the circuit if
the power supply is connected backto-front while the supply is filtered
with a 470µF capacitor. Zener diode
ZD1 and the series 33Ω resistor regulate the supply to 10V. A regulated
Value IEC Code EIA Code
❑ 0.22µF 220n 224
❑ 0.1µF 100n 104
❑ 470pF 470p 471
❑ 47pF 47p 47
❑ 10pF 10p 10
40 Silicon Chip
Value 4-Band Code (1%)
brown green green brown
red red yellow brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
violet green red brown
orange blue red brown
red red red brown
red red brown brown
brown black brown brown
orange orange black brown
brown black gold brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown green black yellow brown
red red black orange brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
violet green black brown brown
orange blue black brown brown
red red black brown brown
red red black black brown
brown black black black brown
orange orange black gold brown
brown black black gold brown
All components for the waa-waa
effects unit mount onto a PC board
coded 01307981 and measuring 105
x 60mm. It can be fitted into a plastic
utility box measuring 130 x 68 x 43mm
or, as previously mentioned, mounted
inside the guitar if space permits.
The foot pedal can be made up from
some Medium Density Fibreboard
(MDF) and a slider pot – see details
overleaf – or a commercial unit can
be used.
Begin construction by checking the
PC board for shorts between tracks or
open circuits. Follow the overlay diagram of Fig. 4 and start by soldering
in the two links and all the resistors,
using the accompanying colour code
table as an aid in checking the values. Next insert and solder the 11 PC
stakes – note that 6 are located in the
S1 position.
When inserting the ICs, make sure
they are oriented with pin 1 in the
position shown.
Similarly, diode D1 and the zener
diode ZD1 mount with their stripes
towards the edge of the board. Ensure
that all polarised capacitors are correctly inserted.
S1 is installed by soldering the
switch pins on top of the PC stakes.
If you elect to mount S1 off the board
(for example, on the guitar itself), these
PC stakes can be used to connect flying
leads. LED1 mounts on the PC board or
it too can be externally mounted – just
make sure you keep the orientation
the same.
The last components to install and
solder are the trimpot (VR2) and the
two 6.35mm phono sockets. If building the waa-waa unit from a kit, you
should be supplied with PC board
mounting sockets.
Croydon Ph (03) 9723 3860
Fax (03) 9725 9443
MilduraPh (03) 5023 8138
Fax (03) 5023 8511
supply is necessary to ensure that the
VCO operates over the same frequency
range regardless of variations in the
input supply.
The 5V rail is derived from the 10V
rail using a 10kΩ resistive divider and
a 100µF capacitor. While this gives 5V,
it is at too high an impedance to be
usable. The Op amp IC1b (actually a
“spare” op amp in IC1) converts this
to a low impedance source. The 0.1µF
capacitor decouples the output, while
the 220Ω resistor in IC1b’s output prevents oscillation due to the capacitive
600 WATT - $15 EACH OR 10 FOR $100
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ACN 069 935 397
30 Lacey St
Croydon Vic 3136
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Mildura Vic 3500
Connect a 12V source to the appropriate PC stakes and check that the
LED is lit. If not, you probably have
the supply wrongly connected. If the
LED is lit, check that there is about 10V
between pin 4 and pin 8 of IC1 and
5V between pin 10 of IC2 and pins 4,
7, 9 and 11. There should also be 10V
between pin 10 of IC2 and pins 5 and
6 and between pins 8 and 16 of IC3.
Temporarily connect a linear poten-tiometer (any value from 10kΩ to
50kΩ will do) to the VR1 PC stakes.
You are now ready to test the waa-waa
unit with your guitar.
Plug in and switch on power and
with S1 set for “in” play a few notes.
Adjust VR1 to get the waa-waa effect.
You may need to adjust VC1 for best
frequency range coverage.
VR2 is adjusted to give the same
volume is between effects in and out.
Overleaf: How to construct a foot pedal
How to construct a foot pedal
Here's how we built our foot pedal using MDF, aluminium
pieces and a slider pot.
Because the slider pot is horizontally mounted the overall
height of the foot pedal is kept low compared to a vertically
mounted pot. This increases player comfort.
Build the foot pedal as shown with 12mm MDF and 12mm
square timber – a softwood such as pine is ideal. The lid is
fitted with a standard cupboard door hinge secured with
countersunk wood screws. We painted the foot pedal black
inside and out. The top of the pedal, both hinged and fixed
sections, were covered in speaker carpet.
The slider pot actuator is made up using 12mm x 3mm
42 Silicon Chip
The choice is yours: you can buy a commercial pedal suitable for a waa-waa
or a swell unit, or build your own. Here's how we built a robust foot pedal
using MDF, scrap timber and aluminium pieces and a slider pot.
Parts List - Foot pedal
1 300 x 300mm piece of 12mm MDF
1 1m length of 12 x 12mm timber (pine is ideal)
1 160mm length of 12 x 3mm aluminium
1 20mm length of 12 x 12mm aluminium angle
1 6.35mm stereo jack socket
1 cupboard door hinge (50 to 60mm long)
1 slider pot with 45mm travel 10kΩ to 50kΩ
1 tension spring 22mm when closed
1 10mm OD rubber grommet
1 cable tie
1 rubber foot for lid stopper
4 rubber feet for underside of pedal
These photographs of various internal views of the
pedal, in conjunction with the dimensioned drawings
at left, should enable even a novice constructor to
build a robust, reliable foot pedal for the waa-waa
Wood screws, 3mm screws, PVA glue, speaker carpet.
aluminium, 110mm long. It is bent in a
vyce to curve around a 9mm mandrel
(eg, a drill) as shown. The other end
is bent at about 45 degrees and a 4mm
spigot formed on the end using a file.
This spigot is designed to insert into
a 5mm hole in the actuator pivot plate
(also made from aluminium) which
mounts on the foot pedal lid.
A tension spring is secured to the
slider pot actuator as shown with a
cable tie. The other end is screwed to
the spring tie point on the base of the
foot pedal.
The slider pot is secured to the
base of the foot pedal with 12 x 12mm angle brackets 10mm long. M3
screws secure the pot to the angle bracket while the bracket is secured
to the foot pedal with countersunk wood screws. The 6.35mm jack
socket mounts on the side of the foot pedal and part of the wooden
side will need to be recessed with a chisel so that the threaded portion
can protrude and be secured with its nut. The actuator pivot plate is
attached to the underside of the foot pedal lid with short wood screws.
The slider pot actuator is attached to the slider pot by inserting the
small rubber grommet into the 9mm bend and then placing this over
the slider pot actuator.
The slider pot is wired as shown, with the wiper going to the tip
connection on the socket. The earth end of the socket connects to the
earth end of the slider pot. The pot should be wired to the waa-waa
unit so that the bandpass filter operates on higher frequencies as the
pedal is depressed.
When the slider actuator is attached into the pivot plate the pot should
slide back and forth as the pedal is pressed. A small amount of grease
or graphite will lubricate the slider pot actuator where it contacts the
base of the foot pedal.
Transporting the foot pedal is as simple as lifting the lid slightly
and disconnecting the actuator from the pivot plate. The lid can then
be closed onto the stop.
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Tektronix recalls LCD scopes
Tektronix has announced that it is
voluntarily recalling its TDS210 and
TDS220 oscilloscopes after determining that certain incorrect uses of
the product could cause the ground
connection to fail.
Although Tektronix has received reports of situations in which the ground
lead on the oscilloscope has opened
when the products were incorrectly
used, the company is not aware of any
injuries to users. However, a failure of
the ground connection does have the
potential of exposing the user to the
risk of serious personal injury or death.
If a user incorrectly connects a
probe ground lead to a voltage source
or incorrectly touches the ground
ring near the probe tip to a voltage
source, a circuit board track in the
oscilloscope’s electrical ground path
may open.
Once this occurs, the product may
appear to function normally; however, the unit is no longer properly
Subsequent use of the product could
then result in a serious electrical shock
to the user.
Tektronix is conducting the voluntary recall to prevent this possibility
of injury to its customers and is part of
the company’s overall commitment to
providing reliable, safe and high-quality products.
This recall applies to approximately
60,000 TDS210 and TDS220 units, as
TDS210 - serial numbers below
BO49400 or CO10880
TDS220 - serial numbers below
BO41060 or CO11175
Customers should stop using the recalled oscilloscopes immediately and
contact Tektronix to receive instructions on how to return the product for
Customers should not assume the
product is properly grounded even if
it appears to be functioning properly.
Customers can receive instructions
for returning the product by contacting Tektronix Australia at 1800
023 342 ext. 193, or by visiting the
com-pany’s web site at
NiCd & NiMH fast charger uses microcontrollers
This super fast charger employs a
microcontroller and uses the patented
Reflex charging method. This avoids
the well-known memory effect in
NiCd cells and completely does away
with the need to discharge a battery
before re-charging.
Charging times are very short and
can be as little 3 minutes, ranging up
to one hour, depending on the depth
of discharge and the cell capacity,
which can range from 110mAh to
The charger also handles the new
“fast-charge” NiCd batteries, ranging
from 1.4A.h to 10.9A.h, including the
new 2000 SCR. Minimum time for fast
charge batteries is 3 minutes, maximum only 15 minutes, depending
on the depth of discharge. Batteries
can be left indefinitely on the charger
without any detrimental effect whatsoever. There is no time limit.
The patented Reflex charging method involves a high positive current
charge pulse once every second,
followed by a high current short duration discharge pulse. The discharge
pulse removes gas bubbles which
accumulate on the cell plates during
fast charging. This not only increases
the available plate surface, but it also
keeps the cell impedance low and
reduces operating temperature. This
allows higher charge currents and
therefore faster charging times.
The Smart Fastcharger can be used
in the workshop or out in the field,
powered either from an optional
power supply or from 12v or 24V car
batteries, depending on your needs.
For complete, technical detail, supplied free. contact Smart Fastcharg-
ers, 2567 Wilmot Road, Devonport,
Tas 7310. Phone (03) 6492 1368; fax
(03) 6492 1329.
Laser power meter for CD players
Leader Instruments have released the handheld LE 8010 Laser Power
Meter for measuring optical power output
from a laser diode. Since the meter
is calibrated at a wavelength of
780nm, this instrument is suitable
for CD player and Mini Disc recorder maintenance applications. It
features a wide measuring range of
up to 10mW.
For further information,
contact Stantron Australia
Pty Ltd, PO Box 4760
North Rocks, NSW 2151.
Phone (02) 9894 2377;
fax (02) 9894 2386.
IQFive battery charger analyser
Premier Batteries has released
the IQFive battery charger analyser.
This is an enhanced version of the
IQ Plus Six Station unit adding an
RS232PC interface. The interface
permits users to print out test results of each station for easy reference and improved monitoring of
battery performance.
The IQFive also offers the ability
to conduct long term cycle tests
for life testing or forming of new
batteries. A range of additions have
been added to enhance the performance, reliability and ease of use
of the unit.
A 6-module unit is currently
available and a 3-module unit will
be released in early 1999.
For further information, contact
Premier Batteries Pty Ltd, 9/15
Childs Road, Chipping Norton,
NSW 2170. Phone (02) 9755 1845;
fax (02) 9755 1354.
Variable motor speed control ICs
Two ICs from GEC Plessey Semiconductors (GPS) have been released
for variable speed motor control
applications in white goods such
as washing machines, fan drives
in air-conditioning systems, water
pumps and general purpose industrial inverters.
The SA828 3-phase PWM generator
IC is designed for use in high efficiency AC induction motor drive systems.
Switching carrier frequencies up
to 24kHz allow ultrasonic operation
of inverter power switches. The
power waveform is stored in an onchip ROM. Two standard waveform
options are available: sine plus
third harmonic (a popular means of
increasing motor power output for
a given line supply voltage to the
inverter) or pure sinewave. Other
waveforms can be provided to customer order.
The SA828 operates as a stand-alone
microprocessor peripheral, imposing
just a small processing overhead on
the microprocessor as it requires
attention only if the frequency of am54 Silicon Chip
plitude of the output waveform needs
to be changed. Any of the popular 4
or 8-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers can be interfaced with
the SA828.
The SA838 is a single-phase variant
and is available for applications such
as uninterruptible power supplies or
single-phase induction motor drives.
SA828/838s are available in both
plastic DIL and SOP packages, for
the temperature range -40 degrees C
to +85 degrees C.
There is an evaluation board (PWMDEMO) to provide engineers with
a quick low-cost method of assessing
the SA828/838 ICs. It has everything
needed to develop a low-cost controller for variable speed 3-phase
induction motor drives and the other
applications. PWDEMO can also be
connected to a PC for programming
via Windows.
For further information, contact
GEC Electronics Division, Unit 1, 38
South Street, Rydalmere NSW 2116,
Phone (02) 9638 1888; fax (02) 9638
EMC modular test
system for conducted
The new Schaffner model 2050
modular EMC immunity test system is
suited for applications such as design
and manufacture of industrial electronics, office automation, telephone
and data communication equipment,
medical appliances, as well as domestic appliances and components.
The Schaffner model 2050 modular
EMC immunity test system can be
configured for conducted immunity
testing on single and 3-phase power
lines, data and telephone lines. Its
capabilities cover immunity compliance testing to EN50082-1/2 (and
related product standards), as well as
IEC1000-4-x and ANSI-IEEE standards. Telco options available allow
for testing to CCITT, FCC, ETSI and
Bellcore specifications, with special
modules available for component
The range of plug-in modules and
extension units includes surge and
burst pulse generators, simulation
sources and a range of line couplers
for power, data communication and
telephone lines. Plug-ins and extensions are automatically recognised
by the mainframe control unit and
appropriate menu options provide
integrated control of the entire test
system from the 2050 panel or from
an optional remote PC.
For further information contact
Westek Industrial Products Pty Ltd,
Unit 2, 6-10 Maria Street, Laverton
North, Vic 3026. Phone (03) 9369 8802;
fax (03) 9369 8006.
Keyboard and
mouse adapter
for Notebooks
P I E n g i n e e r i n g ’s
Keyboard and Mouse
Adapter is an active device that allows the simultaneous use of both
a full-size keyboard
and normal mouse on
a notebook computer.
The adapter works
with all notebooks
that feature a PS/2
keyboard/mouse port.
It requires no external
power supply, drawing
its power directly from
the notebook port. Driver software is included for Windows 95 and Windows 98. No additional IRQ’s or Com
ports are required.
Recommended retail price is $129.00, including sales
tax and it comes with a 12-month warranty.
For further information, contact the Australian
distributor, BJE Enterprises Pty Ltd, 124 Rowe Street,
Eastwood, NSW 2122. Phone (02) 9858 5611; fax (02)
9858 5610.
Floating voltage measurements with
Fluke Scope Meter
Phillips Test & Measurement and Fluke Corporation
has introduced the new Fluke DP 120 Differential Voltage
Probe for oscilloscopes. This allows users to safely make
floating voltage measurements on electrical and industrial
power systems.
Each instrument channel used with a DP 120 probe can
be connected to a different ground potential. When used
with a battery-operated instrument like the ScopeMeter,
for example, a single DP 120 provides a dual-channel
measurement capability on systems with two different
ground potentials.
The DP 120 has a 20MHz bandwidth and selectable 20x
or 200x attenuation. It is designed for use with the handheld, battery-powered Fluke 123 Industrial ScopeMeter
test tool and ScopeMeter B series, as well as (bench type)
Fluke oscilloscopes.
Typical applications for the DP 120 include measurements on variable-speed motor controls, UPSs, process
controllers and other systems with multiple ground levels.
The DP 120 is designed and built to meet industrial safety
standards. Double insulation and an insulated BNC connector allow use for measurements in 600V RMS IEC1010-1
CAT III and 1000V RMS CAT II overvoltage conditions.
UL listing and CSA approval are pending.
For more information on the DP 120 probe contact Philips
Test & Measurement, 34 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW
2113. Phone (02) 9888 0416; fax (02) 9888 0440.
Measuring adjustable
speed drives
Phillips Test & Measurement and
Fluke Corporation have extensively
updated the application note entitled,
“Measurement of Adjustable Speed
Drives with Fluke Meters.” Available
free of charge, the new 28-page application note comes in response to
the high demand from maintenance
technicians who service adjustable
speed drive (ASD) motors.
ASDs control the speed and
torque of a motor electronically. Industry experts estimate that within
the next three to five years, adjustable
speed drives will control 50 percent
of motors. While these devices are
making facilities and mechanical
equipment more efficient than ever before, they are also presenting new challenges for maintenance and troubleshooting.
The pamphlet focuses on electrical measurements that can be used to diagnose bad components and other conditions that may lead to premature motor
failure in adjustable speed drives. It covers the topics of safety, traditional and
unique motor measurements, as well as how power quality problems affect ASD
operation. The application note also addresses possible causes and solutions,
in addition to how to make the measurements.
For a free copy of the application note, “Measurement of Adjustable Speed
Drives with Fluke Meters,” contact Phillips Test and Measurement, 34 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113. Phone (02) 9888 0416; fax (02) 9888 0440.
One charger for all your
Nicad & NiMH batteries
As featured in ‘Silicon Chip’ Jan. ’96
Designed for maximum battery capacity
and longest battery life
Charge: Power tools Torches Radio
equipment Mobile phones Video
cameras Radio controlled models
Field test instruments Lap-top computers
Toys Dust busters Others
The REFLEX® charger is powered from a
Power Supply (optional) or from 12 or 24V
SAVES MONEY and TIME. Restore Nicads
with memory effect to remaining capacity and
rejuvenate many 0V worn-out Nicads.
NEED TO DISCHARGE: charge standard batteries
in max. 1 hour and the ‘fastcharge’ batteries in max.
15 min. Partially emptied batteries are just topped
up. Batteries always remain cool, increasing both
the total battery life and the useful discharge time.
For a FREE detailed technical description please
Ph: (03) 6492 1368 or Fax: (03) 6492 1329
2567 Wilmot Rd, Devonport, TAS 7310
Low-cost calibrators with
measure & source functions
Two new hand-held calibrators for use in the
maintenance of industrial process instrumentation have been released by Yokogawa. Called
the “Handy Cal”, both units feature simple
operation with a basic accuracy of 0.05%, a
large 5-digit liquid crystal display and auto
power-off. With weight and size about the
same as a digital multimeter, they operate from
either AA batteries (50 hours life) or optional
AC plug-pack adaptor. Both come with carrying
cases and extra long leads.
The CA11 is a voltage/current calibrator
capable of sourcing and measuring up to 30V
or 24mA DC. Output can be changed from 4 to
20mA in 4mA steps or 1 to 15V in 1V steps. Alternatively, output can be increased or decreased
at a constant rate for either 16 or 32 seconds
sweep time. It can also sink up to 24mA from
an external supply, making loop checks simple.
The CA12 is a temperature calibrator which
can deliver signals equivalent to thermocouple
types K, E, J, T, N and R as well as PT100 resistance
thermometer sensors. When generating thermocouple signals, a sensor
for reference junction compensation provides high accuracy. An optional
external RJC sensor is also available.
For further information contact Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd, Centrecourt
D1-D2, 25-27 Paul St, North Ryde, NSW 2113. Phone (02) 9805 0699; Fax
(02) 9888 1844.
240V inverter with high start-up capacity
While many inverters can deliver
150W, there are some which do not
have enough power to drive electronic
items which require a higher starting
The Portawatz 150i from Bainbridge
Technologies (Statpower) has a continuous rating of 150W but has a surge
capacity of 400W and a peak power
rating of 300W, making it suitable for
use with many domestic products such
as computers, TVs and stereos.
The inverter meets the European
CE Standard and also has Australian
C(tick) approval. It weighs only 500
grams and measures 158 x 68 x 48mm.
It plugs into a standard 12V cigarette
lighter socket as found in cars, boats,
buses, etc.
The inverter is claimed to run 3 to 5
hours without draining the battery and
automatically shuts down before the
battery is discharged, leaving enough
power to start the engine.
For further information contact
Bainbridge Technologies Pty Ltd, 77
Shore St Cleveland, Qld 4163. Phone
(07) 3821 3333; Fax (07) 3821 1333
56 Silicon Chip
Manufactured in Australia
Comprehensive data available
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
Oscilloscope adapter
for fine pitch probing
This new oscilloscope probing kit
from Emulation Technology enables
designers and technicians to perform
fine-pitch probing from 0.8mm to
0.3mm on IC packages.
Three separate probing kits are
available, depending upon the lead
pitch being probed. Each kit contains
parts for use with two probes, including
four MicroGrippers and two Dual-lead
For further
contact the
distributor, BJE
Enterprises Pty
Ltd, 124 Rowe
St, Eastwood,
NSW 2122.
Phone (02)
9858 5611; fax
(02) 9858 5610.
(6" with riser blocks)
Precision and
to suit industry, school or
hobby use.
Over 25,000
sold worldwide.
Made in USA
2 year warranty
buys a lathe with
drilling tailstock, pulleys and
belt, 3 jaw chuck, Jacobs
chuck etc. You supply the
motor – an old appliance
motor will do!
Accessories available:
Compound slide,
4 jaw chuck, faceplate,
collets, milling attachment,
and many more.
Write or phone for photo
brochure and price lists.
59 Gilmore Crescent. Garran. ACT. 2605.
Ph: 015 26 9742 (Business); (02) 6281 5660 (AH); Fax: (02) 6285 2763
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Two fun projects for the price of one!
Build a
. . . or a
These two projects have
absolutely no practical
use at all; they are just
gimmicks but they
are a lot of fun.
The one PC board can
be used to build a
Plasma Globe Display
or a Jacob’s Ladder.
58 Silicon Chip
This photo shows the "works" of the
Plasma Display version, with the inset
showing the insulating shield in place.
Be careful if you need to apply power
when the case is open: some parts of
the circuit can bite!
About ten years ago, Plasma Balls an award-winning school or science lation circuit to control the output.
were all the rage and lots of people
Let’s have a look at the Jacob’s Ladder
had them. Now, they are nowhere to
circuit first, as shown in Fig.1.
But be warned – this project can
be seen. But while those Plasma Balls
“bite” the hand that feeds it (more on
IC3, a 555 timer, is connected as a
looked quite fancy they were relatively
this subject anon).
standard astable oscillator with its freexpensive. The Plasma Ball to be dequency of around 25kHz determined
For those who want to know more
scribed is really cheap and is based on,
by the components connected to pins
about the Jacob’s Ladder, you can
wait for it, a standard 240VAC electric refer to the September 1995 issue of 2, 6 & 7. The approximate square wave
light bulb. Virtually any size, rating or SILICON CHIP.
output from pin 3 is connected to IC1,
style of light bulb may be used, provida hex inverter package. IC1a inverts
High voltage power supply
ed it has a clear glass bulb. After all,
the signal from pin 3 of IC3 before it
there wouldn’t be much point in using
drives three paralleled inverters IC1b,
Both the Plasma Ball display and
one with a frosted bulb, would there?
1c & 1d which provide base current
the Jacob’s Ladder depend on a high
And just to show how cheap
to two transistors connected
it is, you could even use an
as complementary emitter folelectric light bulb with a blown
lowers, Q1 & Q2.
filament! Bet that’s the first time
Pin 3 of IC3 also drives paryou’ve ever seen a possible use
alleled inverters IC1e & IC1f
for a blown light bulb, except
which provide base current
The inverter in this project produces a
perhaps, as a meal for a perto another two transistors
high AC voltage of around 25kV or more
former in sideshow alley!
connected as complementary
at around 25kHz.
The second use for the PC
emitter followers, Q3 & Q4.
board is to drive a Jacob’s LadIn turn, the complementary
Do not be tempted to touch the Jacob’s
der. This consists of two vertical
emitter follower pairs drive
Ladder display or the Plasma display as
wires which are close-spaced at
the gates of two Mosfets, Q5 &
it will give a strong burning sensation
the bottom and splayed apart to
Q6, and these drive the stepup
rather than an electric shock.
increase the gap. A high voltage
transformer, T1. This is a teleapplied to the wires causes a
vision flyback transformer and
spark discharge which rises
it gives the maximum high
magically to the top and then restarts voltage supply. This is generated by an voltage output at its resonant frequenat the bottom.
inverter which steps up 12V DC from cy. Trimpot VR1 varies the operating
frequency of IC3 and this is adjusted
This is accompanied by fizzing
a plugpack supply to an AC voltage of
and crackling noises which add to
around 20kV. This inverter is basically to give the maximum output voltage,
the effect. It’s spectacular and a real all there is to the Jacob’s Ladder circuit as we will discuss later.
attention getter – just the thing for while the Plasma Ball adds a moduThat’s really all there is to it as far as
(Right): The internal view of the
complete Jacob's Ladder version,
albeit with all the components on
the board to also suit the Plasma
Display version.
The PC board pattern suits both
the Jacob's Ladder and Plasma
Displays – building the
“universal” version (with all
components) means you can
swap between versions merely
by inserting (Jacob's Ladder) or
removing (Plasma Display) one
Note the generous dollops of
silicone sealant over the ladder
wire connection points to help
prevent flashover inside the case.
the inverter is concerned because the high voltage
secondary drives the Jacob’s Ladder wires directly.
Since the inverter runs at about 25kHz, a power
supply filter consisting of inductor L1 and the
1000µF capacitor, decouples the supply for the
transformer from the rest of the circuit.
Plasma display circuit
The Plasma display circuit uses the inverter
circuit just described together with a pulse width
modulator (PWM) circuit which varies the supply
voltage. The full circuit is shown in Fig.3 and as
you can see, it is virtually identical with Fig.1 apart
from the addition of the PWM circuit involving IC2,
a 4093 quad NAND Schmitt trigger and Mosfet Q7.
IC2a is connected as a standard Schmitt trigger
oscillator with its on/off times variable by trimpots VR2 & VR3. Its output at pin 3 drives three
paralleled gates (IC2b, 2c & 2d) acting as inverters
to drive the gate of Q7. This rapidly switches on
and off the supply to the main inverter and thereby varies the high voltage drive to the light bulb.
PC board assembly
A close-up of the“universal” PC board, made to suit either the
Plasma Display version or the Jacob's Ladder version. In this
case it is for the Plasma Display as the shorting link (circled
centre top of PC board) is missing. The inset shows this link in
place for the Jacob's Ladder version.
60 Silicon Chip
All of the circuit components, with the exception
of the flyback transformer (T1), are mounted on a
PC board measuring 81 x 71mm. Fig.2 shows the
component layout for the Jacob's Ladder version
while Fig.4 shows the "universal" version.
Insert the wire links, resistors and capacitors
first, followed by the transistors and trimpots. Then
insert and solder the ICs followed by the Mosfets.
Each Mosfet is fitted with a flag heatsink.
Note that in both prototypes depicted in the
Fig.1 (above): The simpler
circuit of the two – this one is
for the Jacob's Ladder version.
In some ways it is the more
spectacular display. An added
bonus is that you don't need to
replace light globes!
Fig.2 (below): There are
several differences between
this Jacob's Ladder PC board
layout and the universal
board layout overleaf. If you
don't want to build the Plasma
Display, you can save on quite
a few components.
photos, trimpot VR1 is mounted on the copper side of the
PC board. A hole is then drilled in the case lid to allow
VR1 to be adjusted for maximum EHT output.
Both the PC board and the flyback transformer are mounted on the lid of a standard plastic utility box measuring
158 x 95 x 53mm. Before doing that though, you need to
connect four primary wires from the flyback transformer to
the PC board. As supplied, the primary leads are enamelled
copper wire, with two wires having red enamel and the
others having clear enamel. The idea is to join a red and
clear wire together and connect the pair to the centre-tap
(CT) connection on the PC board. The remaining red and
clear enamelled wires are connected to the other primary
terminations on the PC board.
Before soldering the wires, the ends should be stripped
of enamel and then sleeving should be slipped over their
full length to prevent any possibility of shorts.
With the wires connected, the transformer is then secured to the lid of the case using contact adhesive. Do not
use hot-melt glue for this task as it will not work. The PC
board is mounted on the lid using screws and nuts in the
corners but not before drilling an access hole for screw-
Parts List - (Plasma Display)
1 PC board, 81 x 71mm
1 plastic utility box, 158 x 95 x 53mm
1 TV flyback transformer (see text)
1 ferrite cored inductor (L1)
1 5kΩ trimpot (VR1)
2 50kΩ trimpots (VR2,VR3) *
3 flag heatsinks
1 12-15V DC plugpack transformer
1 240VAC light bulb (see text)
1 4049 hex inverter (IC1)
1 4093 quad NAND Schmitt trigger (IC2) *
1 555 timer (IC3)
2 C8050 NPN transistors (Q1,Q3)
2 C8550 PNP transistors (Q2,Q4)
2 BUK453-100A Mosfets (Q5,Q6)
1 IRF9530 Mosfet (Q7) *
2 1N4148 or 1N914 diodes (D1, D2)*
2 1000µF 25VW electrolytic
1 220µF 25VW electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16VW electrolytic *
2 0.47µF monolithic
1 .012µF metallised polyester (greencap)
1 .01µF metallised polyester (greencap)
1 .0022µF ceramic
2 220pF ceramic
(0.25W, 5% tolerance)
4 10kΩ
1 3.9kΩ
2 33Ω
2 22Ω 1W
Fig.3: the circuit for the Plasma Display contains the components necessary to modulate the supply.
62 Silicon Chip
1 470Ω
2 1Ω 1W *
Hookup wire, screws, nuts, washers, hot melt glue,
silicone sealant, spaghetti sleeving, insulator, solder.
* Not required for Jacob's Ladder version - see text
driver adjustment of
trimpot VR1.
To make the Jacob’s
Ladder, use a coat
hanger or similar
heavy gauge wire,
with two lengths cut
to around 150mm
long. Solder a couple
of loops to the wires
at one end so that
they can be secured
with screws and nuts
to the base of the
plastic box. You will
want to attach solder
lugs to the screws so
that you can terminate the EHT wires.
You need to space
and bend the Jacob’s
Ladder wires so that
they have about a
5mm gap at the bottom, widening gradually to around 30mm
at the top. This is to
ensure that the spark
travels upwards.
Once the EHT connections are made,
give them a liberal
coating of silicone
sealant or hot melt
glue to prevent the
possibility of flashover inside the box.
For the Plasma
display, any size
240VAC light bulb
will work but you get
Fig.4: The
"universal" PC
board component
layout with wiring
diagram for the
Plasma Display.
The dotted link
(arrowed) must be
removed for Plasma
Display operation.
Here the wire halo can clearly be
seen. It is made from some stiff wire,
bent into a circle so it sits just clear of
the glass surface. That gap between
wire and glass is important, because...
...This is what happens if you let the
halo touch the globe: the display is
briefly more spectacular but very
quickly burns a hole through the glass.
Here endeth the lesson (and the globe)!
The connection to the globe (bottom)
and halo (top) from the underside.
The globe mounting is a push fit in
an appropriate-sized hole with little
notches for the bayonets to fit through.
Silicon Chip
Where To Buy The Kit
All parts for this project are available from Oatley Electronics who own the
design copyright.
Their address is PO Box 89, Oatley, NSW 2223.
Phone (02) 9584 3563; Fax (02) 9584 3561.
Pricing is as follows:
PC board plus all on board components:.................................... $29.00
13.8V 1A plug-pack.................................................................... $12.00
Suitable plastic box...................................................................... $5.00
Note: the basic kit may be supplied with a few unused but
surplus-recovered parts (eg, Mosfets) to keep the price low.
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64 Silicon Chip
a much better display with as large a
bulb as possible. Cut a hole in base of
the case to take the bulb’s metal base
(either bayonet fitting or Edison screw
bases may be used).
Solder one of the EHT wires from
the transformer to either or both of the
filament connections of the lamp (it
doesn’t matter that you “short” them).
The other EHT lead goes to a “halo”
wire which is mounted close to and
around the bulb, as shown in the
photos. This halo wire is essential
to obtain a good discharge pattern in
the bulb.
Note that the halo wire must not
touch the bulb otherwise the electric
discharge will concentrate at that
point and will melt a hole through the
bulb within a few seconds.
Again, give the EHT lead connections inside the case a liberal coating
of silicone sealant or hot-melt glue to
prevent the possibility of flashover.
It’s also a good idea to glue a piece
of good insulation material (thick
plastic, perspex, elephantide, etc)
right over the electronics.
One of the photos shows what we
mean: a piece of stiff PTFE cut to the
size of the PC board and glued to the
top of the EHT transformer using holt
melt glue or silicone sealant. This
is especially important for the plasma display version (where the bulb
connections could be close to the PC
board) but won’t be out of place in the
Jacob’s ladder version either.
Adjusting the voltage
Once you have the Jacob’s Ladder
unit complete, it is time to connect a
12V to 14V DC plugpack and apply
power. The Jacob’s Ladder wires must
be vertical otherwise the spark will
not climb. However, to make your
initial adjustment, turn the unit on its
side, apply power and adjust trimpot
VR1 for the most intense electric discharge across the wires. Turn off the
power and sit the case normally, so
the ladder wires are vertical. Apply
power again and the discharge should
climb up the wires and then restart at
the bottom.
Don’t even think of touching the
electrodes as they will give you a nasty
sting or burning sensation. Always
be wary of young children as it is a
fascinating device and little fingers
love to touch . . .
Plasma display
The procedure for setting up the
Plasma display is similar but you have
three trimpots to adjust. Again, VR1 is
adjusted for the strongest discharge.
VR2 and VR3 are then adjusted to
rapidly switch the display on and off,
if that’s what you want, or merely to
adjust the brightness of the discharge.
A word of warning here: we’ve
already mentioned how it is possible
to melt a hole in the glass bulb if the
halo wire touches the glass. The same
thing can happen if you turn up the
discharge intensity too high; all of
sudden the discharge will concentrate
at one point and a pin hole appears
in the glass. That then spells the end
of the display as far as that particular
bulb is concerned.
Still, as we said earlier, you can
use blown bulbs so it is still a cheap
* Branco Justic is the Managing Director
of Oatley Electronics Pty Ltd.
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Get maximum acceleration with this:
Changing gear in your car at the optimum
speed can improve your acceleration times
drastically. This Gear Change Indicator tells
you when to change gear to obtain the best
possible acceleration.
Many car enthusiasts are prepared
to invest large sums of money improving engine performance, traction and
suspension. They do this to improve
their driving pleasure but also to
obtain the best possible acceleration
from their car.
That is all well and good, especially as money spent in improving the
66 Silicon Chip
performance generally leads to a safer
and more enjoyable vehicle. But those
same enthusiasts often overlook the
fact that a better driving technique
can produce an improvement that far
outweighs the cost.
In other words, while one person
may invest several thousand dollars
in a turbocharger system and engine
management modifications, zero-cost
improvements in acceleration times
can be had simply by driving the car
more intelligently.
While this may seem unlikely,
let’s look at the facts. First, the person with the turbocharged car may
lose valuable acceleration time in
excessive wheel spin and sideways
movement at the start and second,
he may “red
line” the engine rpm
before changing gears. But another
driver with a similar car may have
accelerated down the track not having
spun the wheels once or having lost
traction. The benefit can be greatly
improved accel
eration, without all
the sound and fury.
How do you know when to change
gears for optimum acceleration? The
gear change points for best acceleration are usually not at the tacho
meter’s redline limit in each gear.
In general, while you might drive to
the redline in first and second gear,
you would not attempt to wind it out
in 3rd and 4th. We’ll see why, later.
Conversely, changing gear too early
may result in less than the maximum
possible acceleration.
This is where the SILICON CHIP
Gear Change Indicator comes into the
picture. First of all, you need to know
what engine speed gives maximum
acceleration in any gear. Later in this
article, we’ll tell you how to make a
precise measurement of acceleration
at all engine speeds in all gears. Surprising though it may seem, the best
acceleration is obtained at a different
engine speed in each gear, regardless
of what car you have. The trick is to
change gear just as the acceleration in
a particular gear falls below the maximum available in the next gear. Fig.1
shows acceleration versus road speed
for a particular car through the gears.
Regardless of how good your mem
ory is, you won’t have time to think
about these different gear change
points while you are driving, so the
idea is to program them into the Gear
Change Indicator. It then sounds a
buzzer and flashes a lamp to indicate
when a gear change is due.
The S ILICON C HIP Gear Change
Indicator is a small box with four adjustment control knobs, one for each
gear change. The Indicator is suitable
for cars with 3, 4 or 5-speed gearboxes.
1st Gear
2nd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
Fig.1: this graph shows maximum acceleration versus speed through the gears
for a 4-cylinder car. Maximum acceleration in 1st gear is obtained by taking it
to the redline limit on the tacho but in second gear you would change up earlier.
Third gear gives better acceleration than fourth at speeds above 100km/h.
You can adjust the controls to indicate
gear change points at any speed. Any
control can be disabled by setting its
knob fully clockwise.
The lamp lights and the buzzer
sounds whenever one of the preset
speeds is reached. By making a
simple change to the circuitry, you
can arrange to have the gear change
indication provided on Up changes,
or both Up and Down changes. When
you set the indicator to provide both
Up and Down changes, there is a
6km/h difference in the speed indicat
ed for changing up compared to the
change down point. This hysteresis
is necessary for correct circuit operation.
The vehicle speed is detected by a
magnet and Hall Effect sensor, with
the magnet installed on the tailshaft
or on the drive shaft of a front wheel
drive car. The magnet spins past the
Hall Effect sensor, producing a signal
which is proportional to the shaft
Note that there is no need to measure the engine speed and nor is there
any need, strictly speaking, to have a
Block diagram
Fig.2 shows the block diagram of
the Gear Change Indicator. As mentioned, the magnet spins past the Hall
Effect sensor and this sends a signal
to the frequency-to-voltage converter, IC1. This produces a DC voltage
proportional to speed. The higher the
speed, the higher the voltage output
from IC1. Four comparators, IC2aIC2d, monitor this converter voltage
Fig.2: the block diagram
of the Gear Change
Indicator. The magnet
spins past the Hall Effect
sensor and this sends a
signal to the frequencyto-voltage converter,
IC1. This produces a DC
voltage proportional to
68 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: the circuit of the Gear Change
Indicator uses an LM2917
frequency- to-voltage converter to
generate a voltage which is
proportional to the vehicle and this is
fed to four comparators to drive the
lamp and buzzer.
and each compare it against their own
The reference is the speed setting
for each gear change. VR1 sets the
reference voltage level for IC2a which
in turn switches its output when the
speed voltage just goes above this
reference. Similarly, VR2, VR3 and
VR4 set the reference voltages for
comparators IC2b, IC2c and IC2d,
VR1 adjusts the speed setting for
the 1-2 gear change. VR2 is for the 2-3
change, VR3 is for the 3-4 change and
VR4 is for the 4-5 change.
Each comparator output includes
a delay which triggers the buffer, Q1
& Q2, for a short time, whenever a
comparator detects a voltage rising
(or falling) from its reference level.
The buffer drives the buzzer and lamp
to indicate that the speed for a gear
change has been reached.
Circuit description
The full circuit for the Gear Change
Indicator is shown in Fig.3. The speed
sensor to detect shaft movement is
a UGN3503 Hall effect sensor. Its
output at pin 3 is filtered with a series 100Ω and a .001µF capacitor to
remove high frequency hash and the
signal is then applied directly to pin
1 of IC1 and to pin 11 via a voltage
divider. These two pins are part of a
comparator which switches its (internal) output each time the magnet
passes the sensor.
Following the comparator within
IC1 is a charge pump. This basically
shuffles charge from the 0.1µF capacitor at pin 2 to the 10µF capacitor connected to pins 3 & 4, at each
comparator switching. The 10kΩ
resistor and trimpot VR5 at pins 3 &
4 discharge the 10µF capacitor.
The output at pin 5 of IC1 is a buffered version of the pin 3/4 capacitor
voltage. As noted previously, this
voltage is directly proportional to
the drive shaft speed; the higher the
speed, the higher the voltage.
Pin 5 of IC1 drives the inverting
comparator inputs of IC2a, IC2b, IC2c
& IC2d, all of which are part of an
LM324 quad op amp package. Potent
iometers VR1-VR4 are the reference
voltage potentiometers for the four
comparators. One side of each pot is
connected to ground while the top
side is connected to a +3.8V supply
derived via diodes D9 & D10 from
the +5V rail. Thus, the potentiometer
wipers can be adjusted to produce any
voltage between 0V and +3.8V.
The wiper outputs of the potent
iometers are applied to the comparator non-inverting inputs (pins 3, 5,
10 & 12) via 22kΩ resistors. The 1MΩ
resistors between the comparator
outputs and the non-inverting inputs
provide the “hysteresis” we referred
to earlier. This hysteresis causes the
output of the comparator to quickly
go low when the speed voltage at the
inverting input goes above the reference input. The comparator will not
go high again until the speed voltage
drops by more than about 80mV.
This hysteresis prevents the comparators oscillating above and below
the threshold voltage, due to ripple
or hash on the speed voltage at the
output of IC1.
Each comparator’s output connects
to a delay unit consisting of an exclusive-OR (XOR) gate and a 100kΩ
resistor, a 10µF capacitor and a diode.
The four XOR gates are in IC3, a quad
XOR gate package. The output of an
XOR gate goes high whenever its inputs are different. In other words, if
one input is high and the other input
low, then the XOR gate output will be
high. If both inputs are either high or
low, then the output will be low.
We use this property of the XOR
gate to provide a high output for a
short time on every change in the
comparator output.
When comparator IC2a’s output
goes from a high to a low, which
happens when the speed voltage is
increasing, pin 8 of IC3a also immediately goes low. But pin 9 remains
high, since the 10µF capacitor at
this pin was previously charged via
diode D1. Consequently, the output
of IC3a goes high for one second and
it drives the base of transistor Q1 via
its respective output diode (D5) and
the 47kΩ resistor. When Q1 is on, it
also switches on transistor Q2 to drive
the 12V lamp indicator and buzzer.
Diode D11 and the 10µF capacitor
Parts List
1 PC board, code 05308981, 117
x 102mm
1 PC board, code 05308982, 31
x 25mm
1 plastic case, 140 x 111 x
1 front panel label, 133 x 27mm
4 10kΩ linear 16mm PC mounting pots (VR1-VR4)
1 200kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR5)
4 19mm diameter knobs
1 12V indicator lamp and bezel
1 12V buzzer
1 or 2 button magnets
1 M3 screw and nut
4 self-tapping screws
1 rubber grommet
1 100mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
10 PC stakes
1 LM2917 frequency-to-voltage
converter (IC1)
1 LM324 quad op amp (IC2)
1 4030 quad XOR gate (IC3)
1 UGN3503 Hall sensor
(Sensor 1)
1 7805 5V 3-terminal regulator
1 BC547 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BC327 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 16V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
10 1N914, 1N4148 signal diodes
1 1N4004 1A diode (D11)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
8 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
4 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .001µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
4 1MΩ
1 2.2kΩ
4 100kΩ
1 470Ω
1 47kΩ
1 100Ω
4 22kΩ
1 10Ω
5 10kΩ
Hookup wire, aluminium bracket,
solder, etc.
reduce the voltage spikes when the
buzzer switches off.
UP/DOWN change indication
So far we’ve seen what happens
when a change UP is indicated but
Capacitor Codes
what happens when the output of IC1
flicks below the reference voltages of
each of the comparators IC3a-IC3d?
Looking at IC3a, when the comparator output goes high, which occurs
with a falling speed voltage, the 10µF
capacitor at pin 9 is quickly charged
via diode D1. Thus the output of IC3a
at pin 10 goes high only very briefly
and so there is no lamp or buzzer
So what if you require the circuit
to indicate a gear change point when
changing up or down a gear? You
only need to remove the diode at the
input to each XOR gate (D1-D4). This
will give a delayed output from the
XOR gate on both rising and falling
Power for the circuit comes from
the vehicle’s 12V battery via the ignition switch. The 10Ω resistor and
16V zener (ZD1) suppress any voltage
transients on the supply before it is
applied to the regulator (REG1). The
100µF capacitor at the input to REG1
decouples the supply, while the 10µF
and 0.1µF capacitors at the output
improve transient response of the regulator and also decouple the supply
rail. REG1 provides the +5V supply
for sensor 1, IC1, IC2 & IC3. Note that
the 12V lamp and buzzer are powered
via Q2 directly from the +12V supply.
Fig.4: the component layout for the main PC board and sensor PC board. Note
that the sensor board should be given an overall coating of silicone sealant to
make it weatherproof.
The Gear Change Indicator is wired
Resistor Colour Codes
70 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
yellow violet brown brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet red black brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
brown black black black brown
brown black black gold brown
The indicator buzzer mounts directly on the PC board but could also be
mounted remotely and connected back to the board via flying leads if you wish.
Make sure that all parts are correctly oriented.
up on two PC boards. The main PC
board (code 05308981) measures 117
x 102mm, while the smaller sensor PC
board (code 05308982) measures 31
x 25mm. The main PC board mounts
into a plastic case measuring 140 x
111 x 35mm.
You can begin construction of the
Gear Change Indicator by checking
the PC boards for shorts between
tracks, possible breaks and undrilled
holes. Fix any defects before proceeding further. Then you can insert and
solder in all the wire links, as shown
on the overlay diagram of Fig.4.
Next, insert and solder the resistors
and then the ICs can be installed, taking care with their orientation. Be sure
to place the correct IC in each place.
Solder in the diodes, including the
zener (ZD1), and take care with their
orientation. The transistors can be
installed next and be sure to place the
correct type in each position. Insert
the capacitors and note that the electrolytic capacitors need to be inserted
with the correct polarity.
The 3-terminal regulator (REG1) is
mounted horizontally, with its metal
tab towards the PC board. Bend the
leads to insert them into the holes allocated, before securing the regulator
with a screw and nut.
Next, insert the PC stakes and trimpot (VR5). The potentiometers mount
directly on the PC board.
The sensor board is assembled with
the Hall Effect sensor and capacitor
mounted flat on the board, with the
labelled side of the sensor facing up.
Later on, this board will be installed
underneath the vehicle but we’ll talk
about that later.
Drilling the case
The front panel of the case requires
four holes for the potentiometers and
one for the indicator lamp. Use the
front panel label as a guide to the
positioning of the holes. Drill the
hole in the rear panel for the rubber
grommet. Affix the front panel label
in position and trim around the holes
with a sharp hobby knife. The main
PC board and front panel can then be
secured with four self-tapping screws
into the integral standoffs in the base
of the case.
Connect hookup wire from the
+12V and GND terminals on the main
PC board and pass these through the
Using A
Above: the LEV-O-GAGE sailing clinometer
is available from ships’ chandlers such as
Whitworth’s Nautical World. It should be
mounted horizontally inside the car on a
window or door using double-sided
adhesive tape.
Fig.5: a clinometer can indicate the direction of the vector sum of the car’s
acceleration and the force of gravity which is 1G. At 1G acceleration, the
clinometer will indicate an angle of 45 degrees.
grommet. Similarly, connect up wires
to the +, Sig and GND terminals which
are required to connect to the sensor
PC board. The lamp bezel is secured
to the front panel and wired to the
PC board as shown. We secured the
buzzer to the PC board using self-tapping screws. Alternatively, you could
mount the buzzer outside the case so
that it can be heard more easily. Make
sure that the red (+) wire on the buzzer
is connected to the positive terminal
on the PC board, as shown.
Apply 12V between the +12V and
72 Silicon Chip
GND terminals on the main PC board.
Check that the output of regulator
REG1 is +5V and that the voltage at
the cathode (K) of diode D9 is about
+3.8V. If you want to check operation
of the buzzer, you will need to apply
some voltage to pins 5 & 10 of IC1
using a 10kΩ resistor between these
pins and the +3.8V supply at the
cathode of D9. Now adjust VR1 and
check that the buzzer and light come
on for a short time for each downward
rotation of the pot past the threshold
Note that if you want to check the
circuit operation using a signal gener-
Measuring acceleration in terms
of G is easier than you think and
can be done using an inexpensive
boating clinometer. This measures
the angle of slope from the horizontal axis. It comprises a semi-circular
sealed tube which is filled with a clear
fluid and a small metal ball. The fluid
damps the movement of the ball but
does not affect the accuracy of the
reading. As the instrument is tipped
off axis, the ball moves along the tube
and indicates the angle of inclination.
To make measurements, the clin
ometer is mounted in the car so that
forward acceleration causes the ball
ator, pin 1 of IC1 needs to be biased to
about +2.5V. This can be done using a
10kΩ resistor from pin 1 to pins 9 & 8
(ie, +5V). We recommend that you use
a 10µF coupling capacitor from the
output of the signal generator to the
input of the Gear Change Indicator.
The Gear Change Indicator can be
installed using automotive connectors to make the connection to the
+12V ignition supply, via the fused
accessories line. Use automotive
wire for this connection. The ground
connection can be made to the chassis
Fig.6: you can use this graph to convert the clinometer angle readings to acceleration.
to move backwards. When the car
is stationary or not accelerating (or
braking) the clinometer will measure
zero degrees. If your car was able
to accelerate at 1G, the clinometer
would indicate 45°.
What the clinometer is doing is
indicating the direction of the vector
sum of the 1G acceleration and the
force of gravity which is also 1G.
Without going into the physics
involved, the tangent of the angle
indicated by the clinometer is equal
to the G force due to acceleration.
Fig.5 illustrates the concept. So, for
example, if the angle is 45°, its tan-
gent is 1, for 1G. If the angle is 10°,
the acceleration is 0.18G and so on.
The clinometer we used was called
a LEV-O-GAGE sailing clinometer.
It is available from ships’ chandlers
such as Whitworth’s Nautical World
who have stores in Brisbane and
Sydney. Whitworth’s catalog number
is 52381 and it can be purchased
via mail order by phoning (02) 9939
The clinometer needs to be mount
ed horizontally (using double-sided
adhesive tape) to a passenger side
window or door. This will allow a
passenger to take the readings of
with an eyelet and self-tapping screw.
You will probably want to suspend
the case underneath the edge of the
dashboard, in a position convenient
to the driver.
By the way, while our prototype
does not show it, you will need an on/
off switch for this indicator, otherwise
it will drive you to distraction when
you are travelling in normal traffic.
It is possible to install a miniature
toggle switch next to the lamp on the
front panel.
The sensor board is mounted near
the drive shaft as shown in Fig.7. Temporarily mount the button magnet in
place with a cable tie and secure the
board so that the magnet will directly
pass the sensor with about 2-3mm
clearance. Wire the sensor board to
the main PC board using hookup wire.
Test that the Gear Change Indicator
works at low speed by rotating pot
VR1 as you travel along.
If nothing happens, try adjusting
trimpot VR5. If this does not help,
remove the magnet and turn it around
so that the opposite pole is facing out
and test again. If the Gear Change
Indicator cannot be made to work at
any speed, the magnet may not be
powerful enough or the gap between
angle as measured on the clinometer
as the driver calls out the speed.
This procedure should be done at
maximum throttle in each gear on
a straight and level stretch of road,
traffic and speed limits permitting.
The measurements can be later
plotted on a graph displaying acceleration in G against speed in km/h,
as in Fig.1. You can use the graph of
Fig.6 to convert the angle readings
to acceleration.
You can also use this clinometer
to check the rate of deceleration
during braking. In this case, the ball
will move in the opposite direction.
sensor and magnet is too big.
When you have the unit operating,
use epoxy resin to permanently secure
the magnet to the drive shaft. The
sensor PC board should be protected
from moisture with a generous coating
of non-corrosive silicone sealant (roof
and gutter sealant). Now adjust VR5 so
that you can get a good useful range of
rotation on the gear change controls.
If VR5 is too far anticlockwise, then
the controls will only operate down
at very small angles of rotation. This
is because the voltage change against
speed will be small. If VR5 is wound
fully clockwise, then you may not
The sensor PC board should be
protected from moisture by applying
a generous coating of non-corrosive
silicone sealant (roof and gutter
sealant) to both sides.
be able to adjust a gear change pot to
work at high speed. This is because at
high speed, the output from IC1 may
be higher than the 3.8V adjustment
available on each gear change pot.
Some compromise therefore must be
found with the adjustment of VR5.
Fig.7: the button magnet is secured to the driveshaft using
epoxy resin and a cable tie, as shown here.
Fig.8: here are the actual size
artworks for the two PC boards.
Gear-change points
It is now time to find out at what
speed you should be changing each
gear. To do this, you need to measure
and plot full-throttle acceleration in
each gear, using a boating clinometer,
as discussed in a panel in this article.
When you have done this, you need
to adjust the potentiometers, so that
the lamp lights and the buzzer sounds
when the requisite speeds are reached.
The adjustment is best done by
initially setting all pots fully clockwise. Then by driving at the gear
change speed (in any gear), adjust
the relevant pot slowly anticlockwise
until the alarm goes off. This is the
setting for that pot. If you only have
a 4-speed gear box car or if fifth gear
provides less acceleration than fourth
at any speed, then the 4-5 control can
be disabled by winding VR4 fully
74 Silicon Chip
Change Indicator
Fig.9: at left is the fullsize artwork for the front
panel. You can use it as
a template for drilling
the holes.
LEDs that most STANDARD LEDs are
only 1mC or less!!)
3000 mC - YELLOW..... 10 for $5
300 mC - GREEN..... 10 for $3
1400 mC - RED.....
10 for $6
Photo Transistor.....
10 for $5
3000 mC - YELLOW..... 10 for $6
300 mC - GREEN..... 10 for $4
3500 mC - RED.....
10 for $6
400 mC - BLUE.....
10 for $6
Photo Transistor.....
10 for $5
3000 mC - YELLOW..... 10 for $10
60 mC - GREEN.....
10 for $10
300 mC - RED.....
10 for $10
3000 mC - YELLOW..... 10 for $12
100 mC - GREEN..... 10 for $12
3000 mC - RED.....
10 for $12
***** MYSTERY BAG OF 100 LEDs *****
Contains: No standard LEDs!!!
All premium quality. or better with at least
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Unlike most this colour
cameras available has
only 1 42mm X 42mm
PCB, with high quality
picture. 12v<at>100mA,
composite video out
just connect to video
monitor or recorder $190
In a tough wall or ceiling
mountable dome, same
camera modules as on
this page with internal
universal swivel bracket
Ideal for security installation
Colour:$240 B / W:$150
20X21mm. Includes microphone, cable
& connector, requires 12VDC $10
With every camera.(Rm2). This unit allows
you to use your Tv’s antenna
input & if you need sound
just add $4 to the price
of a camera for our VHF
modulator sound kit
mount, strong adjustable
universal bracket : $4
Bracket only :$1.50
FM TRANSMITTER 33 x 23 x 10mm
In a small black metal
case. Built in switch &
microphone. Specs.:
88 to 108- MHz (adj.),
with a wire ant. bat. life 60
hrs, Range 50M:(G14) $39
(Std. watch battery LR44, inc.)
30 oz./in. TORQUE, 2.5 DEG. 144 STEP,
MOTOR KIT: can drive larger motors, has
optoisolation. Inc. software and notes: $50
or $65 with two used 2.5 deg. motors!!
DRIVER KIT Inc. a large
used 2.5 deg. (144 step /
rev) motor & uses SAA1042A IC. Controls inc. ext. clock,
on-board clock CW or CCW rotation, half /
full step, enable/disable,with one: $25 / 2
PO Box 89 Oatley NSW 2223
Ph ( 02 ) 9584 3563 Fax 9584 3561
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
major cards with ph. & fax orders,
Post & Pack typically $6
12VDC - 240AC INVERTER Features include modified square wave output, Auto
start with load sensing, Uses six power MOSFETS with minimal heatsinking required.
200 - 600VA. dependant on trans former
size. To save money you can use an rewind
your own transformer. Basic kit includes
pcb & all on-board components + 4 60A
MOSFETS. $35 Requires 240V to 8-0-8 V
transformer. Some surplus 200VA transformers available with the kit for a total of $60.
Ring or E-Mail for more details.
Professionally built 30mmX
34mm PIR module with an
attached Freznel lens and
This kit could be used as an answering machine at your front door or as a personal cable with 4 pin connector
Ideal for switching cameras,
reminder device and is very easy to assemble.
alarms etc. bargain priced at
Produces very good quality sound at 25
jist:$18 or 3 for $45
sec (better than most expensive units),
Uses Large Scale Integration
chip with memory etc. all
built in. Kit includes
PCB, all on-board
components, electret
microphone, switches &
small surplus speaker.$19
PC Data Acquisition Unit
**********CLEARANCE SPECIAL********
Use the parallel port of your PC as a real UHF AUDIO-VIDEO TRANSMITTER.
world interface. It enables your PC to both Your own mini Tv broadcast station.
monitor & control external events and Send video from VCR's or
$15 Ref: SC Jul
95. Allows two trains to run on
devices. The world is a mixed analog & cameras to TVs in your
without hitting each other due to
digital world. With the appropriate sensors home. Inc. Metal case
When a train breaks an
the PC can monitor physical variables telescopic antenna & leads:
IR beam it switches off power to a portion
such as pressure, temperature, light 12V operation, tunable (G01)
of track, until the other train catches up &
intensity, weight, switch state, movement, $20 or $15 with camera purchase
breaks another beam at another location.
relays, etc, process the information and
uses a relay to switch sections of track.
then use the result to control physical
devices such as motors, sirens, other LOGGER KIT FOR PC'S, Fits into a Main PCB: 96 x 66mm, IR Sensing PCB's:
59 x 14mm: (K58) $28
relays, servo motors (up to 11) & two
port, samples over a 0-2V or 0-20V range,
stepper motors :$200
over intervals of 1 hr.-100uS. Useful, to SOLID STATE 4-6A PELTIER EFFECT
LASER DIODE POINTER ( Key-chain ) monitor battery charging. Can also be COOLER / HEATER
3 . 3 A <at> 1 4 V P E LT I E R : $ 2 7 , 6 A
Very bright small ( 650 nM ) pointer. used as a basic low 5KHz CRO!
<at>15VPeltier: $35, both are approx.
supplied with 5 extra lens caps that Inc. all on-board
40X40X4mm, temperature controllable
produce various patterns,
by reducing supply voltage /current, will
shapes and symbols
PCB, Db25
even work from a 1.5V battery!! With data
like animals etc.
housing &
sheet, diagram & circuit for a fridge /
heater. Peltier
(K90) $25
effect Device:
Same quality module that
is used in the above
secs, & is adjustable. Each motor has 8
laser pointer: $24
speeds, one motor is reversible, & one can COMPUTER POWER SUPPLY PCB:
stop. Countless great displays from single New assembly. 45 x 108 x 200mm. 120 /
to multiple flowers, collapsing circles, 230V AC input. DC outputs are +5V<at>
Brand new 240V
rotating single and multiple ellipses, stars, 6A,+ 12V <at> 1A,-12V<at>1A,-5V<at>1A. Data
30cm enclosed
etc. No more mirror & motor alignment Inc.RU approval. Mains
computer monitor
hassles with motor mounting on the PCB input . Be Quick:
+ video conversion
and align with “Allen Key”. Kit includes (Ps6) $12 ea.
kit. Gives better
all on board components, three or 4 for $36
resolution than TV!
small DC motors, mirrors, precision
Limited good qty.
adjustable mirror mounts : (K83)
This device contains an IR
receiver diode, an amplifier
tuned to 38KHz, a bandpass
Cf300, LOW NOISE (NF=1.1<at>800Mhz)
filter, an AGC section & deWould make extremely low
tector circuit. $2 Ea or 10 for $15
noise RF amp (Gps 23db).
With brief info. $3 Ea or 5 for $13
High Power High Frequency
EHT generator that will give an
exciting plasma discharge with
Three spring units. Dim.: 425 x 110 x
33mm. Input Z=190 ohms, output Z=2.6 a std light bulb or make Jacobs
Ladder or Laden Jar & other EHT
k ohms, recommended AC drive =
applications. Can be converted to
6.5 mA. A circuit diagram
a DC. Supply with a HV diode.
of a stereo pre$5.00
EHT transformer + PCB
+ all on-board parts & 1KV. fast
using this
Diode + application notes. Req
Great for cars, radios mobile phones, fog **CCD CAMERA SPECIAL 32 & 40mm** 12V <at> 0.5-2A. Special price $29. $29
Diode $1.50
lights etc. 4 colours, 2 guages of wire, The best "value for money" CCD camera
Spade connectors, fuse holders, fuses. on the market! 0.1 lux, High IR response & BRAND NEW STD LCD DISPLAYS
17+ mtrs. of wire. Limited offer!!! just $1 hi-res. Performs better than most cheaper 1 line x 16 char. : $16
models. 42mm With: Pinhole (60deg.), 78 2 line x 16 char. with
LED back-light:$24
12V/7Ah GEL BATTERY BARGAIN deg.; 92 deg.; 120 deg.;$89
Fresh stock of NEW standard battery $25 or 150 deg: $104
32mmWith: Pinhole (60
40mW / 785 nM For scientific,
NEW ! 4Ch. UHF
deg.), 78 deg.; 92 deg.;120
medical & industrial applications :
deg.;$110, 150 deg: $125
$65 35 mW / 650 nM : $90
Can be programmed as
a spare for your current
3V - 8v DC motors with feedback winding BRAKE LIGHT INDICATOR-60 LED KIT
remote or to replace up
for speed sensing ect. 40mm diameter This kit has two PCB's + current limit
to 4 other units and
X35mm long $3
combine into 1:(TX1) $39
resistors + 60 LED's to make a very bright
*** HALF PRICE SUPER SPECIAL*** brake light etc. 600mm long: $15
Stamp sized Xtal locked 433.9MHz Lm338 adjustable ( TO3 package ) 5A
superhetrodyne receiver module $25 voltage regulator with internal overload
Small matching transmitter kit: $12
protection, + application
*********CLEARANCE SPECIAL*********
notes for a variable
1.2V- 33V 5-20A
power supply.
line" high frequency electronic ballasts.
Half price at
Flickerless starting, long tube life, high
just $6 Ea
efficiency, Dimable. limited stock 1 x 36W
or 4 for $16
tube, 28 x 4 x 3 cm: (G09F) just $18
Behind the Lines: A Short History
of Spy Radios in WW II; Pt.1
Operating a spy radio within occupied
Europe during World War 2 was a risky
business. In this, the first of three articles, we
take a look at the equipment used and the
techniques employed to avoid getting caught.
Since World War II, we have seen
many films which have shown snippets of the French Resistance and the
spy radios that were used for their
clandestine activities. These films,
although based on fact, were dramatised and were certainly not always
as accurate as they could have been.
After all, why should the facts spoil
a good story!
Gathering information about a
country that you are at war with and
arranging for people behind the lines
to create sabotage was considered
a legitimate activity by all sides. In
Britain, the organisations that were
very involved in this activity during
World War II were the Special Operations Executive (S.O.E.) and Military
Intelligence (MI6).
How did these radio transmitter
units get into the hands of the Resistance? They were largely flown
in by the various aircraft such as the
Westland Lysander and the Lockheed
Hudson. These aircraft were able to
land on makeshift airfields, to drop
off materiel and to transport agents
in and out of the country. Two and
four-engine bombers were used for
larger airdrops.
The radio operators who used the
small radio transceivers were always
in considerable danger of discovery.
German radio direction finding groups
76 Silicon Chip
from the Gestapo had large numbers
of receivers with panoramic displays
attached to them and could monitor
virtually all high frequencies (HF) at
the one time.
Once a suspect signal was detected, it was then observed on a normal
communications receiver and a
recording made on a wire recorder.
Radio direction finders were also
immediately put into operation and a
direction obtained from each station
listening to the signal. It was normal
to use three of these stations to get
the direction to a clandestine station.
The three directions were plotted
onto a map and a small area, called
a “cocked hat”, was obtained where
the three lines nearly intersected (the
direction finding equipment wasn’t
accurate enough to have all three lines
intersect at the one point).
The clandestine radio transmitting
station would be within the cocked
hat, which was a triangle of about
16km per side. A triangle of this size
occurred because the direction finding
stations were usually several hundred
kilometres away from the transmitter
being traced. The main fixed direction
finding stations were at Brest, Nuremberg and Augsbourg.
Because the radio operator usually
only had about three different crystals
to control the transmitter frequen-
cy, the German monitoring service
could easily keep an eye on these
q uencies. When transmissions
were again heard they started from
the extremities of the cocked hat triangle and took more bearings. By this
means, often over a period of several
days or even weeks, the size of the
area that the transmitter was located
in would be reduced to something like
a triangle of about 200 metres a side.
If the clandestine/spy radio operator
kept on operating from this location
he or she was very likely to be caught.
To minimise the chances of being
caught, the operator was told to only
transmit for very short periods - about
3 minutes maximum - and to shift
location regularly. One feature of
the early spy radios was the use of a
simple two or three-valve regenerative
receiver. However, when being used
for Morse code (CW) reception, the
regenerative detector would radiate
enough signal for it to be picked up
by any German radio detection groups
in the near vicinity. As a result, superhet receivers quickly superseded
TRF receivers.
Another favourite technique of the
Gestapo radio detection groups when
closing in on a spy radio installation
was to remove the mains power from
a building block. If the transmission
immediately ceased, then it was highly likely that the clandestine radio
was located in that block. After that,
it was only a matter of time before
the operator was found and “suitably
dealt with”.
To overcome this tactic, many of the
later sets were fitted with both battery
Fig.1: the 3-valve Paraset featured a regenerative receiver based on detector stage V1 and audio output stage
V2, plus a crystal-controlled transmitter stage (V3). The RF power output was 4-5W, while the operating
frequency range was from 3-7.6MHz.
and mains power supplies and could
be switched from mains to battery
operation within a second or so. The
break in the transmission was so short
as to be unnoticeable and this could
be a real life saver.
The operators also often had what
we would call “cockatoos” or lookouts
to warn of suspicious activities, so
that they could close down quickly.
Although the Germans had a very extensive network of listening sets and
radio direction finding equipment, not
many of the spy radio operators were
caught. However, the activities of the
radio direction finding troops meant
that the agents couldn’t go about their
clandestine work in a careless way.
If they did, they soon ended up in a
German prison, which usually had
fatal results.
Technical history
Obviously, the radio transmitting
and receiving equipment used by
the resistance radio operators was
purpose-built to suit the job in hand.
The equipment needed to be:
(1). Small enough and light enough
to be carried in an incon
suitcase. Small enough to fit in a
coat pocket was even better and such
equipment was available late in the
(2). Usable with both mains (110V
and 230V) and battery supply (usually 6V).
(3). Able to change over from mains
to battery operation quickly to avoid
detection as detailed earlier in the
(4). Able to transmit on a variety of
radio frequency bands between about
3MHz and 8MHz and preferably up
to around 16MHz. This meant that
communications could be maintained
at almost any time of the day or night
from anywhere in occupied Europe.
(5). Sufficiently powerful to achieve
the previous requirement. This
usually required 3-30 watts of radio
frequency (RF) output. The receiving
stations in Britain and elsewhere had
sensitive receivers and large antennas.
(6). Able to transmit CW (Morse
code). Transmitters for Morse code
are simpler to make and have a much
greater range for the same power
than an AM (amplitude modulated)
transmitter. Additionally, the voice of
the operator would not be recognised
by those hunting him/her and Morse
code is much more accurately copied
than voice transmissions under diffi-
cult reception conditions.
(7). Simple in design and easy to
(8). Fitted with a non-radiating
receiver, which ultimately ruled out
regenerative receivers. The receiver
did not have to be tremendously
sensitive as the transmitters in Britain were reasonably powerful at 250
watts. And there was access to a 15
kilowatt transmitter if needed.
(9). Maintained accurately on frequency so that the operator at the
listening station knew where to look
for the signal. This was achieved by
using a small selection of quartz frequency crystals.
(10). Headphone operation only. Radios were banned in occupied countries, so no “radio” noise could be
tolerated. In any case, it was easier to
produce sets for headphone operation.
The Third Reich did have a number
of approved broadcast band only sets
which had limited reception range
so that stations outside their borders
could not easily be tuned.
(11). A quiet Morse key. Some were
quieter than others and many were
enclosed to keep noise down and to
make sure the operator didn’t receive
an electric shock.
Fig.2: the 51/1 transmitter used three 6AM5 valves, two to rectify the high voltage from the
transformer and the third as the oscillator. The whole circuit operated at half mains supply and
this, together with the dangerously high DC voltages that were present at many points, meant that it
had to be well insulated from the operator.
Did the spy radios achieve all of
these ideals? No, but there were a
number of really good tries and most
of the later sets did incorporate most
of the criteria listed above.
The sets of the Resistance
A number of radios had been developed prior to World War II and
the Mark XV transceiver is probably
the oldest and best known of its kind.
Built around 1938, it weighed in at
more than 20kg and certainly wasn’t
a lightweight suitcase set.
The Mk.XV operated from 3.516MHz and the transmitter had two
valves - a 6F6 crystal oscillator and
a 6L6 RF power amplifi
er - which
produced an output power of 15-20W.
The receiver was a 3-valve regenerative set and had the disadvantage of
radiating a signal which proved useful
for the German radio location groups.
Following on from the Mk.XV was
the Paraset transceiver. This set, complete with its power supply, weighed
in at around 4.5kg and featured an
operating frequency range was from
3-7.6MHz. It was a very simple unit
with a 2-valve regenerative receiver
based on 6SK7 valves – one used as
a regenerative detector and the other
as the audio output.
Like the Mk.XV, this receiver
also radiated a handy signal for the
78 Silicon Chip
Gestapo radio detection groups. Because of this, the Paraset was mainly
used in country areas where the receiver’s signal would not be detected.
The transmitter section was based
on a single 6V6 valve, used as a crystal
controlled oscillator cum power output stage. The RF power output was of
the order of 4-5W and the communica
tions range was around 800km.
Following on from the Paraset
were the “Polish Sets”, designed and
built by a group of Polish civilian
refugees. These sets were a considerable improvement over the previous
sets and were only surpassed by the
British-designed Type 3 Mk.II and the
Type A Mk.III later in the war.
The BP3 was a relatively large and
heavy set that could be operated from
either the AC mains or from 12V DC.
It covered the frequency range from
2-8MHz and was suitable for both AM
and CW operation. It used a 2-valve
30W transmitter stage and a 4-valve
superhet receiver. Correct tuning
of the transmitter was achieved by
observing the meter on the front
panel and three neon or incandescent
The AP3 was manufactured in 1943
and weighed about 18kg without the
ancillary pieces of equipment that
went with it.
By contrast, the AP4 was a smaller
transceiver which weighed in at about
4kg (including the 120/220V AC power supply). It operated from 2-8MHz
using a single valve in the transmitter (with 8W output) and a 3-valve
superhet receiver. The correct tuning
of the transmitter was accomplished
by observing the brightness of a neon
and an incandescent lamp.
In 1942, SOE (Special Operations
Executive) was authorised to build its
own sets. The Type A Mk.II was the
first transceiver produced and started the trend towards using the more
rugged American Loctal valves. This
set would appear to be the predeces
sor of the Type A Mk.III, as many of
the features are similar although not
as well thought out as in the Mk.III.
The Mk.II came as three separate
units: transmitter, receiver and power
supply. Its operating frequency range
was from 3-9MHz and it used a single
valve for the transmitter stage and another three valves for the superhet receiver (with a regenerative detector).
Receivers like this were commonly
called “super-gainers” within the
amateur radio fraternity.
Packed in its suitcase, this set
weighed about 8kg. The Mk.II was
superseded by the much improved
Mk.III which will be described in the
third article in this series. The Type 3
Mk.II (B2) and the Type A Mk.III, ar-
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The Type 3 Mk.II (B2) was arguably one of the best of the World War 2 spy
radios. It was supplied in either a suitcase or in two waterproof steel boxes and
consisted of three separate assemblies (more on this set next month).
guably the best of the spy radios, will
also be described in future articles.
Miniature valves
From 1944 onwards, sets using
miniature valves became available
and these sets were much smaller than
earlier types. They did not replace
the earlier sets like the Type 3 and
the Type A however, as each had its
own niche in the clandestine radio
communications networks.
One example was the 53 Mk.I receiver which used some of the first
miniature valves and measured just
100 x 89 x 32mm. Its accompanying
110/220V AC power supply was the
same size and the combined weight
of the two units was just over a 1kg.
This was a 3-valve TRF unit with
regenerative detector and a tuning
range from 3-12MHz. It was quite an
achievement to fit the parts into such
a small space at that time.
Another interesting set is the MCR1
“Biscuit” receiver. It was given the
name “Biscuit” because it was delivered in a biscuit tin! About 10,000
of these sets were produced and a
number made their appearance on the
Australian surplus market somewhere
around 1947.
The MCR1 measured 240 x 89 x
64mm and weighed about 1kg. It cov-
ered the frequency range from 150kHz
to 15MHz using four plug-in coil
boxes, with a gap above the broadcast
band. The set is somewhat unusual in
that the lowest band tunes from 1501600kHz in one go. I suspect that it
used low pass filters in lieu of tuned
circuits in the aerial and RF stages to
get this tuning range.
The MCR1 was a 5-valve superhet
and was based on miniature 1.4V
battery valves. I understand that it
used 1T4s, a 1R5 and a 1S5 and fed
headphones. It could be used on
batteries or with a separate AC/DC
power supply that could operate from
Smallest transmitter
The smallest transmitter commonly
used was the coat pocket-sized 51/1.
It measured 146 x 114 x 38mm and
weighed 0.6kg com
p lete with its
inbuilt 200/260V AC power supply.
It operated from 3-10.5MHz, the output power from the transmitter stage
was 3-4W and the transmitter tuning
controls were adjusted for maximum
brilliance from an inbuilt neon tube.
This set was intended as an emergency transmitter, to be used where
there was considerable risk attached
to using the superior but much more
obvious Type A Mk.III or Type 3 Mk.II.
242 Chapel Street (PO Box 2029)
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A person carrying a suitcase could
easily create some suspicion whereas
a transmitter carried in a coat pocket
was much less obvious. The set used
three 6AM5/CV136 valves, two as
mains rectifiers and one as the transmitter oscillator/output valve (Fig.2).
In the period from 1941-1945, the
equipment used was progressively
miniaturised and reduced in weight.
Some types like the 51/1 transmitter
weighed in at only 600 grams, had
a power output of 3W and could be
carried in a coat pocket. In general, the
transmitters were improved while the
receivers evolved from simple TRF regenerative units to high-performance
multi-band superhets.
The early regenerative receivers
were a liability when used for Morse
code reception as the oscillating detector could easily be picked up by
any radio direction finding equipment
in the near neighbourhood. This made
capturing a spy radio operator and
the equipment a relatively easy task.
Next month, we’ll take a close look
at the Type 3 Mk.II set.
Are you one of
those modern day
adventurers who
has a van or a
“boat” which uses
solar panels to
keep the batteries
charged? The
question always is
“how full is the
battery? Do we
watch TV tonight
or will it flatten
the battery?” This
capacity indicator
will answer those
The 3-digit display
shows the available
battery capacity in
A capacity indicator for
rechargeable batteries
What is a battery capacity indicator?
It is a monitor which computes the
charge, in ampere-hours (A.h), fed into
and out of a battery and then shows
the result on a 3-digit display. If the
battery is fully charged and then put
into service, the monitor will thereafter give an indication of the remaining
charge available at any time.
As presented, the Battery Capacity
Indicator is housed in a standard
plastic instrument case with a 3-digit
display set into the top cover. In this
80 Silicon Chip
form it could be wall-mounted to
give a permanent display of available
battery charge.
Yes, that means that it is designed
to monitor the charge into just one
battery or bank of batteries and once
calibrated, it cannot be connected to
another battery without the setting
up procedure being repeated for this
new battery.
To do the setup, the top cover of the
case is removed to reveal the PC board.
First, there is a 2-position slide switch
(S1) which has settings labelled “USE”
and “CAL”. There is also a red LED
and up near the 3-digit display, three
tiny pushbutton switches. These are
labelled “SET H”, “SET T” and “SET
U”. There are just two steps involved
in the calibration procedure.
In use, the battery to be monitored
must first be fully charged and connected to the Battery Capacity Indicator. The 3-digit display must then
be set to indicate its ampere-hour
capacity. This is done by moving the
slide switch (S1) to the CAL setting.
The red 3mm LED will light, indicating that you are in setup mode.
The SET H, SET T and SET U buttons are now pressed and released in
turn until the digits, which continuously cycle through 0-9, display the
correct battery capacity. This done,
the slide switch is set to USE. From
then on the display will count down
as the battery is discharged and will
count up as it is charged.
Brief circuit description
Have a look now at the circuit of
Fig.1. Essentially, it monitors the current into and out of the battery through
a shunt resistor of 100mΩ; that’s 100
milliohms or 0.1Ω.
IC1 monitors the shunt resistor
and its output voltage swing of 0-3V
DC represents a current of 0-3A. (If
your battery needs to work at higher
currents, you will need to use a proportionately lower value of shunt. For
example, if you wanted to work over
a range of 0-12A, the shunt resistor
would need to be 25mΩ to keep the
same input voltage range; ie, a maximum of 300mV DC.
Q1, IC2 and IC3 form a voltage-tofrequency converter which produces
a frequency output of 100Hz/amp.
This frequency is fed to pin 8 of the
microcontroller (IC4) via transistor
Q2. Pin 9 senses whether the battery
is charging or discharging. As just
explained above, the maximum battery capacity is set by switches S2,
S3 and S4.
IC4 checks the status of jumpers J1,
J2 and J3 and performs the appropriate
division to match the input shunt.
IC4’s output is on pins 15-18 and is
BCD (binary coded decimal). This is
fed to IC5, a BCD to 7-segment decoder
which decodes and drives the multiplexed 3-digit display.
REG1 provides a stable 5V supply
for the digital ICs. IC6, Q3 and Q4
provide a -18V supply which is stabilised by REG2 to -12V and REG3 to
As the battery is charged and discharged, the display will change to
represent the available ampere-hours
in the battery. When the battery discharges below 10% of its capacity,
the display will begin to blink, which
should catch your eye, warning you
that the battery is nearly discharged.
Once the hundreds digit reaches zero,
it is blanked and the tens digit is
Parts List
1 PC board, code 11106961, 155
x 84mm
1 plastic case, 190 x 100 x 40mm
(Jaycar HB6036 or equivalent)
1 8MHz crystal
1 slide switch (S1; DSE P7602 or
3 miniature pushbutton switches
(S2-S4; Jaycar SP0730 or
1 47kΩ 5-pin 4-resistor network
1 20kΩ 25-turn trimpot (Altronics
R-2384 or equivalent)
1 MAX472CSA current monitor
(IC1; available from Veltek)
2 TL071 operational amplifier
1 BCIu programmed micro
controller (IC4; available from
SILICON CHIP for $25 including
postage & packing)
1 4543 decoder driver (IC5)
1 4093 quad NAND Schmitt trigger (IC6)
3 HDSPH101 7-segment common
anode LED displays (DS1DS3)
1 78L05 voltage regulator (REG1)
1 79L12 voltage regulator (REG2)
1 79L05 voltage regulator (REG3)
1 2N7000 N-channel Mosfet (Q1)
2 BC548 NPN transistor (Q2,Q4)
1 BC558 PNP transistor (Q3)
7 1N914 diodes (D1-D7)
1 10V 500mW zener diode (ZD1)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
2 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
5 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
3 0.1µF monolithic ceramic
1 .018µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
1 .0022µF MKT polyester
2 22pF NPO ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
4 10kΩ
2 120kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
2 100kΩ
1 1kΩ
3 47kΩ
3 470Ω
1 33kΩ
2 220Ω
2 22kΩ
1 100Ω
1 18-pin IC socket (IC4)
1 14-pin wire wrap IC socket
1 16-pin wire wrap IC socket
3 PC stakes
2 mini shunt
4 3mm x 6mm screws
4 3mm x 10mm countersunk
4 3mm flat washers
4 3mm toothed washers
4 3mm x 12mm threaded spacers
also blanked once the display counts
below ten.
This information is fed to pins 9 &
10 of IC4.
Detailed circuit description
Voltage-to-frequency converter
The heart of the monitor is a new
IC from Maxim (a MAX472) which
amplifies and converts the current
flowing through a shunt resistor at
its input to an output voltage across
a load resistor. The voltage across this
resistor is directly proportional to the
current through the shunt.
What’s more, the output voltage is
always positive, although the shunt
current obviously reverses direction
depending upon whether the battery
is being charged or discharged. The
direction of the current is indicated
by the voltage at pin 5 of this IC, being
zero when the battery is charging and
+5V when it is discharging.
IC2, IC3, Q1 and their associated
components form a vol
t age-tofrequency converter. The output
voltage from pin 8 of IC1 is applied to
the inverting input (pin 2) of IC2. This
IC has a .018µF capacitor connected
from its output to this input, while
its other input is at ground potential.
The positive voltage at the output
of IC1 will tend to pull pin 2 of IC2
high through the 120kΩ resistor, but
its output (pin 6) will swing negative
to hold the potential at pin 2 the same
as pin 3 (ground) via the .018µF capacitor. The outcome of this is that the
output of IC2 ramps down at a linear
rate towards the -12V supply.
82 Silicon Chip
IC2’s output is fed through a 47kΩ
resistor to the inverting input of IC3
which is used as a comparator. The
non-inverting input is fed from the
CAL control VR1 which can set the
potential at pin 3 between -3V and
When the voltage at pin 2 reaches
this preset level, the output of IC3
(which was low because the inverting
input was higher than the non inverting input) will swing high (+12V). The
1MΩ resistor from the output to the
non-inverting input applies positive
feedback which makes this output
transition more rapid.
This high output at pin 6 is fed via
D1 and the 10kΩ resistor to turn on
Mosfet Q1. The .018µF capacitor is
discharged through the 100Ω resistor and the 120kΩ resistor from IC1
which was connected to the input,
is now effectively connected to IC2’s
output where the voltage from IC1
can have no effect.
Thus IC2 becomes a unity gain
buffer and its output will sit at the
potential of the non-inverting input
(ground). Once this happens, the comparator output will swing low (-12V)
again and D1 will cease conducting.
The .0022µF capacitor which would
have charged to +10V now discharges
through the 100kΩ resistor and when
it reaches Q1’s gate threshold voltage
the Mosfet will turn off and the cycle
will begin all over once more.
The 10V zener diode (ZD1) protects
the gate of Q1 from excessive voltage.
It also acts as a voltage clamp for the
.0022µF capacitor. The net result is
that IC2 & IC3 oscillate at up to 300Hz,
depending on the current through the
input shunt resistor.
Each time the output of IC3 swings
high, it turns on Q2 and its collector is pulled down to ground. This
negative edge of this 5V transition
is recognised by IC4, as will be explained later.
Power supply
The battery and the external charger
are used as the positive supply for
the operational amplifiers and the
3-terminal regulator REG1 provides
Fig.1 (left): the circuit monitors the
current into or out of the battery
and displays the battery charge in
ampere-hours on the 3-digit display.
a stable +5V supply for the digital
We use IC6, a 4093 quad Schmitt
trigger, to generate the required negative supply rails. IC6a is connected
as a Schmitt trigger oscillator, with its
operating frequency determined by
the 22kΩ resistor and .01µF capacitor.
Its square wave output is buffered by
IC6d before driving transistors Q3 &
Q4 and is also buffered by the paralleled gates, IC6b & IC6c. This is done
to provide plenty of current drive
for the following rectifier stage. This
works as follows.
When the output of IC6d (pin 11)
is high Q4 will turn on, pulling the
100µF capacitor at its collector to
ground. When pin 11 is low, Q3 will
be turned on and the 100µF capacitor
will be pulled up to the battery voltage
(+12V). The paralleled outputs of IC6b
& IC6c feed the square wave to D2 and
D3 through another 100µF capacitor.
D2 conducts each time the negative
side of its capacitor tries to swing
positive and clamps the potential at
the anode of D2 and the cathode of
D3 to +0.6V. When the square wave
swings negative, D3 will conduct and
pull the negative end of the capacitor
at the junction of D3 and D4 low and
at the same time Q3 will be turned, on
pulling the positive end towards the
battery potential. Thus, this capacitor
should be charged to roughly twice
the battery voltage.
The next time pin 11 swings high
Q4 will turn on, holding the positive
side of the electro at ground and
causing D4 to conduct and charge the
100µF capacitor at the input of REG2.
Unfortunately, we don’t get twice the
battery voltage, due to diode voltage
drops, transistor voltage drops and so
on but you can expect around -18V at
the input of REG2 with a 12V battery.
This advertisment
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Silicon Chip
Some readers may be disappointed
that we have used a microcontroller
for IC4 but be assured that it would
have been almost impossible to include all the functions that we have,
using discrete integrated circuits. We
certainly would not have been able
to fit it all in the plastic case that we
have used.
The main details of the micro
controller program are outlined in a
separate panel in this article entitled
“Main Program Subroutines” (if
you want the full listing, it will be
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available on floppy disc from the Silicon Chip offices at
$10 including p&p). The software consists of four main
routines, CAL (calibrate), JSET (jumper settings), COUNT
and BLINK. After carrying out each of these routines it
jumps back to CAL which starts the whole sequence all
over again.
This microcontroller has three sets of input/outputs
known as ports. Port 0 has three pins, P00, P01 and P02,
which can be programmed all as inputs or all as outputs.
We have assigned these as outputs to turn on the display
digits. Port 2 is able to have each pin set individually as
an input or an output. It has been set up with P20-P23 as
outputs which supply BCD information to the decoder,
IC5. P24-P27 have been programmed as inputs. The Port
3 lines can only be used as inputs but here we have the
choice of digital inputs or analog inputs if we switch them
to the non-inverting inputs of two comparators. In analog
mode, the P33 input is switched to the inverting input of
both comparators. This allows us to carry out A-D (analog
to digital) conversions and so on.
Calibration (call CAL)
IC4’s pin 4 (P27) is normally pulled high by the 47kΩ
resistor. When slide switch S1 is set to CAL, the port is
pulled low and LED1 is lit. The LED is a reminder to make
sure you don’t leave the switch in the CAL position as the
unit will not count in this mode. P24, P25 or P26 which
may have been held at ground by having jumpers J1-J3
fitted will now be pulled high by the 47kΩ resistors as the
22kΩ pullup resistor reverse-biases diodes D5, D6 & D7.
When P27 is low, the micro scans P24, P25 and P26 in
turn, checking whether they are high or low. A port can
only be low if the SET switch for that port is pressed. Once
it finds a low port it begins to increment the digit for that
display. Each display digit is individually set until the
fully charged battery capacity is shown. Switch S1 should
now be moved to USE. This allows P27 to be pulled high
again and any ports with jumpers fitted to be pulled low.
Divider (call JSET)
Fig.2: the component layout for the PC board. IC1 is a
surface-mount type on the copper side of the board.
The second subroutine checks to see which jumpers (if
any) are fitted. This goes back to the input requirements
of IC1. It’s not much use fitting a 600A shunt if you only
intend to draw 8-10A from the battery as the output from
Resistor Colour Codes
84 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
brown red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
red red brown brown
brown black brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
brown red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
red red black black brown
brown black black black brown
Table 1: Current Division Ratios
Shunt Imax Pre Main Jumpers
100mΩ 3A /18 /200 J2 + J3
25mΩ 12A /18 /50 J1 + J3
10mΩ 30A /18 /20 J3
2.5mΩ 120A /18 /5 J2
1mΩ 300A /18 /2 J1
0.5mΩ 600A /18 /1 none
IC1 will be only 10% of 3V and temperature and component tolerances
may affect the accu
racy. Once the
input current range is selected and a
suitable shunt connected, the matching jumpers must be fitted. The micro
scans P24, P25 and P26 and calculates
the division ratio JDIV (1 - 200) listed
in Table 1.
Counter (call COUNT)
The counter is a register in IC4
which is pre-loaded with a value of
1800. Each time a negative transition
occurs at P31, an interrupt is generated (see panel entitled “Interrupts –
Programmable Dividers”). The micro
then looks at the voltage at P32 to see
whether the count represents a unit
of charge (low) or a unit of discharge
(high). A count is then added to or
subtracted from the total. When the
register reaches 3960, a count is added to COUNTC (the charge counter).
If it reaches zero, a count is added to
COUNTD (the discharge counter) and
then it is reset to 1800.
But why 3960 and not 3600? When
a lead acid battery (and probably all
others) is charged you can never get
as many A.h out of it as you put into
it. We have been given figures from
10-20% less. To make the reading
conservative (we’re sure you would
rather have more A.h than indicated
rather than less), we elected to allow
1800 + 20% x 1800 + 1800; thus 3960.
COUNTC and COUNTD are continually compared with JDIV and once
either reaches the value of JDIV, a
count is added to or subtracted from
the display.
P33 is not used and is tied to P32 as
this was a lot easier than taking it to
ground when laying out the PC board.
Blink (call BLINK)
As mentioned earlier, once the
display shows the battery has less
than 10% of its maximum capacity,
This is the view inside the completed prototype. The three small pushbuttons
at top right are used to set the full battery capacity, after which the unit will
indicate the available charge.
it will begin to blink. This is done in
this subroutine where the displayed
values are compared with the blink
values and if the displayed digits indicate less, then the display is made
to blink by loading the decoder with a
value of 10, which causes the display
to be blanked.
The display digits are multiplexed
(sequentially switched) to eliminate
the need for three BCD (binary coded
decimal) to 7-segment decoders and
12 BCD output lines on the micro
controller. The BCD value to be dis-
played is loaded into P20-P23 and
this is decoded by IC5 and applied
to the appropriate segments of the
display. The relevant P0 output is then
taken high to display the value. One
millisecond later, the next P0 value
is loaded and the next BCD value is
output. The 4543 was chosen as it displays a horizontal bar at the top of the
six and the bottom of the nine which
our old favourite, the 4511, doesn’t.
The multiplexing is done at a 1ms
rate and due to the persistence of vision of the eye, the digits all appear
to be lit at once. The Hewlett Packard
displays that are used give high brightSEPTEMBER 1998 85
Check the continuity from each
track to the IC pin with a multimeter,
as it can look like the joint is soldered
when it is really open circuit.
The wire-wrap sockets for the displays should now be fitted. Cut each
socket in half and use one 14-pin and
one 16-pin section for each row. The
tops of the LED displays, when they
are seated in the sockets, should be adjusted so that they are 19mm above the
PC board. This done, solder the four
corner pins and check that everything
is square before soldering the other 26
pins. The displays should be recessed
about 1mm from the front of the case
when the board is mounted on the
12mm spacers specified.
We fitted a piece of neutral density
Polaroid, which is 0.5mm thick, in
front of the displays. If you plan to
use anything else, you may have to
vary the distance from the PC board
to the front of the displays.
Finally, recheck the polarity of all
diodes and capacitors, and the orientation of the ICs against the overlay
diagram. DO NOT fit IC4 at this stage.
Fig.3: check your PC board against this full-size etching
pattern before installing any of the parts.
ness at very low currents and should
not substituted with any other type.
Assembling the PC board
The first step is to inspect the
copper pattern against the artwork
pattern of Fig.3. Fix any faults before
proceeding. Next fit and solder the
17 links, followed by the resistors,
diodes, the socket for IC4 and the
integrated circuits. Keep adding parts
in ascending height order.
There are two components to be
mounted on the copper side of the
board. The first is a 0.1µF monolithic
ceramic capacitor between pins 5 and
86 Silicon Chip
14 on IC4. There are round pads to
solder the leads to and also to help
you identify the correct pins.
The second is IC1, the surface-mount
MAX472. First, you must fit the finest
tip you own to your soldering iron
and pre-tin the pads on the board.
This done, position the device on the
pads, with the dot which indicates pin
1 adjacent to the 1 numeral etched in
the copper. Hold the IC with tweezers
or place a finger on it, then solder pin
8. Next, get it centred on the pads and
solder pin 4. Once you are satisfied
that it is located properly, solder the
other pins.
To test the unit you will need a
power supply or a 12V battery. Connect a link between the LOAD and
the BATT+ pins on the lower edge of
the PC board. Then connect the 12V
supply to the BATT+ and BATT- pins
and measure the current. It should be
about 20-25mA.
Measure the following voltages (all
with respect to BATT-): +5V on pin 16
of IC5 and pin 5 of IC4, +12V on pin
7 of IC2 and IC3 and pin 14 of IC6,
-12V on pin 4 of IC2 and IC3 and -5V
at the output of REG3. If all voltages
are within 10% they are acceptable.
Disconnect the power supply.
Fit IC4 into its socket, making sure
that pin 1 is towards the centre of
the PC board. Reconnect the power
supply and set S1 to CAL (if it is not
already) and the LED should light. The
displays should show 315.
Holding down the SET H button
should cycle the hundreds digit, the
other buttons should do the same for
their respective digits. Set the display
to show 025 and switch S1 to USE.
The hundreds digit should blank. If
005 is set both digits should blank.
Disconnect the power supply again.
Remove the link and wire a 4.7Ω resistor across the LOAD and BATT+
pins. Do not fit any jumpers to J1, J2 or
Main Program Subroutines
The main program consists of four subroutines:
;See if calibrate switch is set
;Look at jumper settings
;See if count needs updating
;Blink the display if under-range
;Do it all again
The following is extracted from the assembler listing. It can be written with any word processor that can save as an ASCII
text file. The semicolons at the beginning or anywhere in a line indicate to the assembler that the rest of the line is a comment
and should be ignored.
;Calibrate updates the display to show the maximum battery ;capacity. This can only occur when S1 is set to CAL
;If bit 7 is low S1 has been set to
;If calibrate not required - exit
;If the display is U/R stop the blink
;If the hundreds digit is blanked
;then unblank it and display zero
;If the hundreds are not blanked
;then the tens cannot be blanked
;If the hundreds are blanked
;then check the tens display
;while in CAL mode keep
;looking at the pushbuttons
;If button SETH is pressed
;set the value of hundreds
;If SETT is pressed
;set the value of tens
;If SETU is pressed set value
;for units
;If bit 7 is still low S1 is
;still set to calibrate
;look at pushbuttons again
;Then load one tenth of hundreds max
;& 1/10 of tens max in blink registers
;If the hundreds digit displays zero
;then blank it, and if it is blanked
;check to see if the tens digit is
;displaying zero. If so then also
;blank the tens digit
;Set the prescaler to its median
COUNTPL,#%08 ;count of 1800
;and get rid of any counts which may
;have accumulated in these registers
;Then load the maximum capacity
;registers with the count values
;for the fully charged display
;and return
J3. Reconnect the power supply. The
display should show 315 and after
about 18 seconds should indicate 314
and continue to count down.
What we are doing is monitoring
the current drawn by the unit itself,
using a very high (by comparison)
value of shunt resistor. The fact that
the display is counting down indicates that the unit is discharging the
battery or power supply you are using.
If you now carefully ground pin 9 of
IC4, the unit will count up until it
reaches 325 and then stop. This only
occurs if you don’t set the display to a
different value. Once you set it, to say
275, the reading will never go above
this value and the display will begin
to blink at 10% of the value you set
(in this example 27).
The final step is to calibrate the
voltage to frequency converter. For
this you will need a 5.6kΩ resistor,
a 2kΩ variable resistor, an accurate
multimeter and a frequency counter.
Connect the resistors in series, with
the 5.6kΩ resistor connected to the
+12V supply and the 2kΩ variable to
the 2.2kΩ resistor at the output of IC1.
Adjust the variable resistor until
the voltage across the 2.2kΩ resistor
is exactly 3V. Now adjust VR1 until
the frequency at pin 6 of IC3 is 300Hz.
VR1 is a calibration control. If you
Interrupts – Programmable Dividers
The frequency of the crystal at pins 6 and 7 of IC4 is divided by 2 for the internal clock and by 8 for the internal timers. In this
device there are two pre-scalers which can divide by any ratio from 1 to 64, and two programmable dividers with ratios from 1 to
256. Each pre-scaler is connected to a divider so we can get division ratios from 1 to 16,384.
This means that with our 8MHz crystal we can program internal frequencies from 1MHz to 61Hz. If we program a pre-scaler to
divide by 50 and a divider to divide by 20 we end up with a frequency of 1kHz (1ms) which is used to step the multiplexer.
What’s more we can cause the micro to execute a certain subroutine (interrupt) each time the divider counts down to zero.
Put very simply the processor stops whatever it is doing and begins executing the interrupt program. The code for the multiplex
display interrupt is shown below. On the final line, iret (Interrupt RETurn), means go back to what you were doing before the interrupt occurred.
;MPX is T0, the multiplex timer, set to switch the digits
;sequentially once per millisecond
MPX: push
cp REGC,#08
ld REGC,#01
cp BLKFLG,#00
cp BLINKC,#30
find that your battery still has a reasonable capacity when the display
reading is low, turn it clockwise one
turn and see what improvement this
makes in due course. This makes the
V-F converter run slightly slower,
which will indicate a lesser discharge
;Add one millisecond to the blink counter
;Blank display before stepping to next digit
;Step to the next digit
;If it points past the units digit
;set it to point to the hundreds
;Then get the data back in synch
;with the digits
;Display the desired digit
;and the corresponding data
;If the blink flag is reset
;do the normal display
;but if it is set and the
;blink counter has accumulated
;30ms or more then blank
;the display for the remaining
;200 odd milliseconds
and thus indicate a larger reserve.
Once all the checks are satisfactory,
remove the 4.7Ω resistor and mount
the spacers in the case using the countersunk screws, then mount the case
on the wall or wherever and retain the
unit in the case using 3mm screws.
Fig.4: here is the full-size front panel artwork.
88 Silicon Chip
Normally you will set the maximum
battery capacity and put the top on
the case but you could drill three
small holes in it above the setting
switches and a small slot above the
slide switch, maybe even mounting
the LED on the full length of its leads
so that it just protrudes through the
cover. The battery capacity could then
be set without removing the top.
Three leads must be run from the
indicator: two to the battery and one to
the load end of the shunt. For obvious
reasons, the shunt must be very close
to the battery. The big decision is what
value of shunt to use.
If you were using the indicator to
monitor a car battery, then even if
your starter motor draws 600A for 5
seconds, this is less than 1 A.h, and
if you choose a 30A shunt the loss of
an ampere-hour is insignificant. Obviously the shunt must be able to carry
this high current without damage.
Of course, if you started the motor
10-15 times a day then the error becomes significant. Only you can make
the decision. Once you decide on the
shunt, you must fit the appropriate
jumpers on J1-J3 to match it.
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Changes to multipurpose battery charger
I have assembled a Multi-Purpose
Battery Charger (as described in the
February & March 1998 issues) from
a Dick Smith Electronics kit. While
most of the late changes found their
way into this kit, the instructions
specified 20 turns on L1, although this
has been amended to 10 turns in the
Errata in the May 1998 edition of the
magazine. Modifying the coil at this
stage is likely to be messy. What is
the effect if the coil is left at 20 turns?
The four times increase in inductance
should not be critical but does the
ferrite core saturate?
I have some other comments on the
(1) The versatility could have been
improved if one or two other battery
voltages had been included. You and
your advertisers promote the charger
for “radio control” purposes but it is
suitable neither for 4.8V NiCd receiver
batteries nor 8.4V (7-cell) NiCd batter
ies, the most common configuration
for electric model aircraft. Using the
sixth position on the multi-position
voltage selector switch could have
accommodated one or other of these
Jump starting
modern cars
I understand that when
jump-starting modern cars (with
sensitive electronic equipment), it
is desirable to place a filter across
the battery terminals of the car being started. As I understand it, the
filter is to protect the car’s electronic
I would be grateful if you could
let me know if you have further
information on this. In particular I
would like to see the filter circuit
that has been used. (B. T., , Shelley,
• We do not know of any filter
(2) Describing the charger as delivering almost 6A is misleading. What
is the relevance of RMS current to
battery charging? Charge is the integral of current with respect to time, so
average (arithmetic mean) current is
the only relevant measure. Referring
to the formulas in the Philips data
sheet, the fast charge current with the
circuit values shown is about 3.1A
(average). So the claims of charging
a 1.2Ah battery in under 15 minutes
are fanciful.
(3) The series pass transistor (Q1)
is operated in switching mode. It is
surprising to find no resistor between
base and emitter. This is usually included to provide a discharge path for
base charge and speed up the turn-off
characteristics, thereby reducing power dissipation in the device. Is there a
reason why it has been omitted in the
present case? (K. H., Glen Iris, Vic).
• The 20 turns on inductor L1 can
be left as is unless you are having
problems with the charger operating
correctly. The core will not saturate
with 20 turns in place.
Although we attempted to produce
a truly multi-purpose charger (hence
the name) it is not possible to cater
for everything. You can of course readjust the divider resistors on the
which could be effective when
connected across a car battery. Nor
do we know of any special requirement for jump starting modern cars,
apart from the typical procedure
set out in the instruction manual
regarding the final connection via
the vehicles’ chassis.
Jump starting should not damage
a car’s electronics but it may be necessary to reload the identification
number (PIN) for the radio to work
again. Also in some cars where the
engine management or transmission
has a “learning” capability, it may
be necessary to drive a reasonable
distance for the car to relearn your
driving habits.
voltage selector switch to suit your
application. For a 4-cell battery (4.8V),
use a 33kΩ resistor between the junction of the 100kΩ resistor and the
10kΩ resistor at pin 19 of IC1 and the
new 4.8V selection on switch 5a. For
an 8.4V battery (7 cells) use two 33kΩ
resistors in parallel.
RMS current is crucial to battery
charging since it is this value which
provides the charging energy. In virtually every battery charger except one
charging at pure DC, the RMS current
will be much higher than the average
current. To calculate the charging energy you need to take the integral of
the RMS current over time.
The formulas given in the Philips
data do not strictly apply for our
circuit design since the charging current results from a full-wave rectified
AC source rather than DC. We have
verified that a 1.2Ah battery can be
charged in about 15 minutes and this
was also verified by the Dick Smith
Electronics kit department staff who
built their own prototypes.
There is no need for an external resistor between base and emitter of the
series pass transistor. This is because
the TIP147 already has a nominal
4.7kΩ resistor incorporated between
base and emitter.
AC camera
supply wanted
A couple of months ago my AC
power adapter for my camcorder
packed up. I have built a NiCd battery
charger since then and it works quite
well but I don’t have an AC supply
to run my camera.
I have built up a couple of power
supplies but they both have the
same problems of overheating. I
have tried several output transistors
like MJ10012 & TIP2955 but they all
suffer from the same problem.
I was browsing through some
back issues and came across the 2A
SLA battery charger of July 96. This
looked very interesting to me, as
it was a switchmode design which
Command decoder
won’t fit
I have followed your articles
on Command Control with great
enthusiasm and have purchased
kits for the encoder and decoders.
The only trouble is, now that I have
the encoder PC boards in my hot
little hands, I realise that I can’t fit
them into my locomotives. They
are 48-class diesels (NSW outline,
HO scale).
I noticed that the lead photo
for this project, showing an array
of NSW locomotives, included a
couple of 48 class locomotives so
I had automatically assumed that
the decoder would fit into them.
It’s just not possible. I think I will
have to return the kits. What do I
do now? (E. D., Dooralong, NSW).
• By any standards, the 48-class
is quite a small diesel loco and
its plastic body is largely filled by
the heavy diecast chassis, so you
really are up against it. We’re afraid
that when the lead photos were
taken for that story, the requirement was for any array of locos
that “looked good”. No-one had a
second thought about whether the
decoders would fit into all those
locos. We apologise for that.
looks capable of providing 7.2V at
the necessary current. Can you tell
me if this idea will work and what
alterations will be necessary? If not,
have you designed or printed anything along these lines? I don’t want
anything elaborate, just a straightforward power supply of 7.2V and
enough current to run my camera.
(K. L., Tweed Heads South, NSW).
• As we understand it, you actually
need a 7.2V DC supply for your camcorder and this could be provided by
a circuit we published in the May
1992 issue, called “The Eliminator”.
This was used in conjunction with a
12V DC plugpack and employed an
LM317 adjustable regulator to provide a number of selectable output
This circuit could be easily modified to provide close to 7.2V. It should
be capable of delivering 500mA or so
which should be adequate for your
90 Silicon Chip
Even if you were using a commercial DCC encoder with a surface
mount PC board, you would be up
against it in trying to fit it into a
48-class. However, all is not lost.
Most modellers tend to run their
locos with at least a small “consist”
of rolling stock and typically, the 48
would pull at least five or six wagons. The solution is to permanently
couple a wagon to the loco and it
can contain the encoder board with
space to spare.
Some modellers have taken the
same approach when adding our
“Diesel Sound Simulator” to their
locos. It makes it much easier to
fit the sound board and the small
loudspeaker. Yes, it does mean that
you won’t be able to operate your
48-class locos as “light engine” (ie,
running by themselves) but in most
layout operations that should not
present a problem.
A similar problem occurs with
British outline HO model steam
locos. Since the loco itself has very
little space inside, the motor is
mounted in the tender (ie, tender
drive). Again, in this situation, the
only practical way to add Command Control or DCC encoders is
to install them in a permanently
coupled wagon or carriage.
Speed control for
fast fridge
Could you advise if the 12/24V
speed control circuit described in the
June 1997 issue would be suitable to
run a large 12V camping fridge from a
24V supply in a 4WD vehicle that will
be travelling in Northern Australia
for two months. Once they have gone
there is not much I can do, so I have
to make something that is as close as
possible to “bullet proof”.
The fridge draws 7A and will be
running 12-14 hours per day. My
friend will also want to run three
or four 12V fluoro units. There may
be short periods of time that 15-18A
will be drawn by other stuff, like tyre
pumps, etc.
If you feel this design is not suited,
can you suggest an alternative that
may do the job? (T. C., Grovedale,
• The speed control is certainly up
to the task of running the fridge from
24V but we’re not keen on using the
same speed control for all the other
tasks. A better approach would be to
dedicate one speed control for the
fridge and another for the lights, etc.
That way, there is less risk of being
without the fridge if the speed control
circuit is blown.
Multiple windings
for 600W inverter
I have an enquiry regarding the
600W DC-DC converter described in
the November 1996 issue of SILICON
CHIP: can the transformer have multiple windings? I would like to use an
amplifier module that has the output
and driver stages powered separately. I
am assuming that the primary winding
is for 12-14V. Is this the case? (L. W.,
Prospect, Tas).
• The transformer could have multiple centre-tapped secondary windings but only one secondary winding
would have the feedback connected
and would be the only one to be precisely regulated. The primary winding
is for 12-14V, as you suggest.
NiCd discharge
Would you please illustrate for me
and other readers who may be interested, a circuit for a warning light to
illuminate when an individual NiCd
cell in a bank of cells is approaching
full discharge. I use five NiCds in
series to externally power some 6V
electronic devices (radio, CD player
and tape player) and as always, one
cell discharges first and if I am not
careful, it gets driven beyond full
I would favour a circuit that powers an OK green light which would
go out and be replaced by a red light
which would come on when total
battery voltage falls below say 5.5V,
or whatever you recommend, when
under load. (J. A., Casuarina, NT).
• Your requirement to individually
monitor all the NiCd cells in a pack
of five is a fairly tall order. It means
that you need separate window comparators for each cell and with two
op amps per window comparator,
that means a total of 10 op amps and
then you would need LEDs to provide
the warning indication. There may be
simpler ways of doing this but they
Explaining logic
I am writing with regard to your
article on Command Control in the
May 1998 issue, of which I have
enclosed copies of pages 62, 68
and 69. Please could you explain
what Table 1 and Table 2 mean?
And what does “pins tied high or
tied low” mean? Also how are they
“hard wired?” Could you supply a
diagram or a couple of examples of
how to wire the receiver/decoder
channels? (C. B., Ferntree Gully,
• In general, whenever a pin is said
to be tied “high” it is connected
to the positive supply rail for that
are not immediately obvious.
Since you say that one cell is always
in danger of being driven beyond full
discharge, we wonder if your problem
is really one of cell mismatch. When
you discharge a pack of cells, they
should all come down more or less
evenly to around 1V/cell or 5V for
a 5-cell pack. If, when you do this,
one cell is a good deal less than 1V
or worse, is reverse-charged, then
clearly that cell is faulty and should
be replaced.
We have published a number of
NiCd cell dischargers which will discharge a pack to 1V per cell and then
stop. The relevant projects in question
were: Automatic NiCd Discharger,
November 1992; and Automatic
NiCd Discharger, September 1994. In
addition, we published a Single Cell
Discharger in May 1993.
We can supply the above back
issues for $7.00 including postage,
except the November 1992 issue, in
particular chip. So in the decoder,
tying a pin high means that it is
connected to the +5V rail. In this
case, the relevant pins are “hardwired” by soldering a small link
of tinned copper wire (or a resistor
pigtail) from the relevant pin to pins
5 or 16 (ie, +5V; high) or pins 8 or
14 (ie, 0V, low).
For example, if you wish to wire
your locomotive decoder for channel 3 operation, tie pins 9 & 10 to
pins 8 or 16 and tie pins 1 & 15 to
pins 5 or 16. In this case, it would be
easy to bridge across between pins
15 & 16 and then just have one link
to connect pin 1 across to pin 16.
We hope this makes the concept a
little clearer for you.
which case we can photocopy the
article for $7.00.
Using the HEI in
twin-coil systems
As the building and successful
installation of the original SILICON
CHIP High Energy Ignition into my
Nissan Patrol marked my entry into
the world of electronic kits, I read
with interest about the new improved
universal system in the June 1998
issue. It looked ideal for improving
the spark on my modified motorbike.
Unfortunately, despite having the
feature of “twin points input for
twin coil engines”, further reading
revealed that this was for use on
2-stroke twin-cylinder engines.
Foiled again! But there neatly boxed
in was the answer in the Multi-Spark
CDI, designed for 2-stroke and
4-stroke engines in motorbikes” as
published in the September 1997
A back issue was obtained and
I sat down, ready to make out the
shopping list, but despite reading
the article many times, I cannot see
how the unit can be used on 4-stroke
motorbikes. Is this false advertising
by SILICON CHIP or a lack of understanding on my part?
My problem is that, like most
Japanese bikes, mine has twin coils
with each one triggered by a separate
reluctor pickup and firing two plugs
simultaneously, one on the compression stroke and the other on the
exhaust. Even if a dual reluctor pickup assembly was constructed, there
is still the problem of only a single
coil output. As the system is in two
sections, would it be possible to duplicate the capacitor switcher circuit
for each reluctor/coil and run them
off a single high voltage inverter? Or
is there an easier answer? With cost
and space consideration, building
two complete units is not really feasible. (M. H., Wembley Downs, WA).
• As far as we can tell from your
accompanying diagram, your existing
bike ignition system effectively comprises two ignition systems, one for
each coil and separately fired by reluctor. If this is correct, the only way
to build an equivalent system would
be to build two high energy systems
or two multi-spark CDI systems.
We would not recommend the
building of the high energy system,
as described in June 1998, as it is
unlikely to give any more output than
the original equipment on your bike.
You could build two multi-spark systems but there is little point unless
your bike’s modifications are likely
to require an increased spark. Such
modifications could include porting
and polishing, higher compression
ratio or supercharging.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to
the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact
with mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high
voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in
SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing
or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant
government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices
Act 1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
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94 Silicon Chip
ISP cable. $189, $35 tax, $10 p&p.
20-pin SOIC adaptor only $70. Credit
cards accepted. GRANTRONICS PTY
LTD, PO Box 275, Wentworthville 2145.
Ph (02) 9896 7150 or Internet:
HOUSINGS $10! 50 LED DIY Infra
Red Illuminators $19! MODULES:
400 x 0.05 SONY CCD & CHIPSET
from $91. CAMERAS: 36 x 36 from
$88. Dome from $91. DIGITAL COLOUR MODULES: 330 TVL from $220.
$180. 450 TVL from $370. DIGITAL
COLOUR DOME from $189. ACCESSORIES: 30 + Lenses, Infra-Red
Illuminator Kits, IR LEDs, Polarising,
Colour, Infra-Red Cut & Pass Filters
for Image Enhancement, Exposure,
Focus & Glare Control. ANCILLARY
EQUIPMENT: Quads 4 pix 1 screen
from $280. SWITCHERS 4 & 8 Ch
Recording/Playback from $826. ALSO:
Monitors, Outdoor Housings, Brackets,
Dummy Cams, CCTV-TV/VCR I/F
Modules, Motorised Pan Units etc. TV
Modulator/Mixer/Amplifier Modules
+ 4 CAMERAS + Power Supplies from
$689. 400 + Page CCTV Technical
Reference Manual $95 or FREE! 2
Year WARRANTY available for most
our Illustrated Catalogue/Price List
with Application Notes. Allthings
Sales & Services 08 9349 9413 Fax
08 9344 5905
dreams into reality. “An absolutely
marvellous book for the true ex
perimentalist!” Elektor Electronics.
Single thru quad outputs
Huge range in stock.
5V - 48V models
Custom Circuit Design and Component Sales
Phone: (02) 6654 5458
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SIMULATOR, SC February 1998. Test all sorts
of equipment without the cost of extra
telephone lines. Melbourne 9806 0110.
LOGIC ANALYSER 100Ms/s 32-Channel Kit $1275. Stand alone, not a plug
in PC Card. Requires a VGA or EGA
monitor - user supplied. Edge and Level
Triggering. Multiple Triggering Modes
such as, Trigger on pulse width too long
or too short, Clock Stop, User Defined
Storing, 2 Level Sequencer. Request
brochure from: Peter Baxter, Tantau
Australia, PO Box 1232, Lane Cove
1595, Sydney. Ph: 02 9878 4715 Fax:
02 9888 7679
Email: peter.baxter<at>
All manuals on the website: Revised, no prototype area, “8051 Proto-Board” EA
Feb 93. $30.
direction, inside temperature, outside
temperature & windchill. Records highs
& lows with time and date as they
occur. $399.00 complete plus sales
tax if applicable. Optional rainfall and
PC interface. Used by Government
Departments, farmers, pilots, and
We have the solutions – we print electronics!
Four-day turnaround, less if urgent; Artwork from your own
positive or file; Through hole plating; Prompt postal service; 29
years technical experience; Inexpensive; Superb quality.
Printed Electronics, 12A Aristoc Rd,
Glen Waverley, Vic 3150.
Phone: (03) 9545 3722; Fax: (03) 9545 3561
Call Mike Lynch and check us out!
We are the best for low cost, small runs.
Corporation Ltd
6 Sarich Way, Technology Park, Bentley, WA, 6102
Ph. 08 9470 1177 Fax 08 9470 2844
Specifications at
651 Forest Rd, Bexley 2207
makes all the project PCBs
published in SILICON CHIP
and other Australian magazines
Tel +61 2 9587 3491 Fax 9587 5385
Need prototype PC boards?
PO Box 314 Blackwood S.A.
Ph/fax 08 8270 3175
FMTX2A Universal Stereo Coder $49
FMTX2B 30mW Xtal Locked 100MHz Transmitter $49
FMTX1 1-3 Watt Free Running Transmitter $49
FMX1 200mW Full Broadcast Transmitter, built & tested $499
FM220 10-18 Watt FM BGY133 Philips Linear $499
FM1525 25 Watt Discrete Linear FM Band $499
FM2100 110 Watt Discrete Linear FM Band $699
FM3000 300 Watt Discrete Linear FM Band $1499
Philips 828E/A VHF Receiver Boards (6 metres) $9
AWA 721 VHF Receiver Boards (2 metres) $9
AWA 721 VHF transmitter boards 1 watt (2 metres) $19
Philips 323 UHF transmitter boards 500mW (70cm) $19
AEM 35 Watt Little Brick Audio Power Amp $15
Digi-125 200W RMS Audio Power Amp $39
CA Clipper Compiler, new in box $49
6dBd Gain Colinear FM Band Antenna $999
Roll Smart-1 FM Station Audio Processor $999
Free catalog on disk of discounted surplus components
Same day shipping, credit cards OK, circuits supplied.
Applications are invited Australia wide
for service agents, especially in remote
areas. We require specialists in the repair
and maintenance of professional audio,
RF and electronic lighting equipment.
Written applications can be forwarded
to the following address or faxed to 02
9582 0999. Applications close Friday
30th October 1998.
The Service Manager
Locked Bag 15
Positions At Jaycar
We are often looking for enthusiastic staff for positions in our retail
stores and head office at Rhodes
in Sydney. A genuine interest in
electronics is a necessity. Phone
02 9743 5222 for current vacancies.
weather enthusiasts. Other models
with barometric pressure, humidity, dew
point, solar radiation, UV, leaf wetness,
etc., etc. Just phone, fax or write for our
FREE catalogue and price list. Solar
Flair/Ecowatch ph: (03) 5968 4863 fax:
(03) 5968 5810, PO Box 18, Emerald,
Vic., 3782.
Also 60 channel Moni-temp with alarms
and PC Data logging. Mantis Micro
Products, 38 Garnet Street, Niddrie,
3042. (03) 9331 4786. Fax (03) 9331
industry we will find you a solution
that meets your needs. Specialising
in schematic & PCB design, custom
Windows based software, embedded control, Windows/PC based test
equipment, turnkey solutions. Fast turn
around with competitive rates. DAMUE PTY LTD, 46 Whitby Road, Kings
Langley NSW 2147. Phone (02) 9624
2802. Fax (02) 9624 2651 or E-mail
A NEW address for Acetronics
On-line PCB quotes, free software,
DIY PCB supplies plus many other
items & services. 02 9743 9235.
ANY KITS ASSEMBLED: professional,
speedy service. Phone Neville Walker
(07) 3857 2752.
SILICON CHIP is having a once-only
warehouse sale on Saturday, September 12th between 9.00 AM and
5.00 PM.
ON-SALE: SILICON CHIP back issues, binders and data wallcharts,
old and newish semiconductor
data books which are excess to
our requirements, electronics reference books, surplus electronic
components, some working project
Come and pick up some data books
at bargain prices – once they’re
gone, they’re gone forever.
The address: SILICON CHIP, Unit
8/101 Darley St, Mona Vale, 2103.
14 Model Railway Projects
Advertising Index
Australian Audio Consultants.......31
Shop soiled but HA
Our stocks of this book are now limited.
All we have left are newsagents’ returns
which means that they may be slightly
shop soiled or have minor cover blemishes. Otherwise, they're undamaged and in
good condition.
$3.95 + $3 P&P (Aust. & NZ)
This book will not be reprinted
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order for $A__________ or please debit my
Consultant Technology Aust. ......17
Dick Smith Electronics.....................
................................ IFC,OBC,10-13
EMC Technologies.......................15
Harbuch Electronics....................56
Instant PCBs................................95
Jands Electronics........................95
Jaycar .............................. 45-52,95
Microgram Computers...................3
Norbiton Systems........................35
Oatley Electronics........................75
Printed Electronics.......................95
Procon Technology......................95
Quest Electronics........................41
Bankcard Visa Card MasterCard
RCS Radio...................................95
Card No.
Resurrection Radio......................79
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Scan Audio..................................83
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Send your order to: SILICON CHIP, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097; or fax your
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Silicon Chip Bookshop.................65
Silicon Chip Wallchart..................25
Silicon Chip Subscriptions..... 92-93
Smart Fastchargers.....................55
Taig Machinery............................56
Training OnLine Pty Ltd...............26
Truscott’s Electronic World...........41
We are losing our heritage of starry night skies. Poor, inefficient
outdoor lighting is causing glare and “light pollution”. This wastes
energy and increases greenhouse gas emissions.
You can help by joining SYDNEY OUTDOOR LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY (SOLIS). SOLIS aims to educate and inform about
quality outdoor lighting and its benefits. We also lobby councils, government and other bodies to promote good lighting practice. SOLIS meetings
are held third Monday night of each month at Sydney Observatory.
Individual membership is $20 pa. Donations are also welcome. Cheques payable
to “SOLIS c/- NSAS”, PO Box 214, West Ryde 2114.
Email: tpeters<at>
96 Silicon Chip
Zoom EFI Special......................IBC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
Own an EFI car?
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