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Leading the way
to a cleaner
By Sammy Isreb
When you burn coal, you get ash. However, these days no-one
tolerates a thick plume of ash-laden smoke emerging from a
chimney – or in the case of a power station, multiple, highvolume chimneys. But with exhaust temperatures of 200°C or
more, it’s not quite as simple as putting a filter in the flow . . .
About two hours east of Melbourne,
nestled in the heart of Victoria’s
Gippsland region lies the Latrobe
Valley. While the valley thrives on
farming there is another noticeable
industry: power generation.
It’s been a major part of the valley
since the first station was synchronised to the Melbourne grid on the
afternoon of Tuesday, 24th June, 1924.
In fact, power stations are so much
a feature of Gippsland that anybody
who has driven through the region
will surely remember the myriad of
chimney stacks rising into the sky.
So why did the former SECV (State
Electricity Commission of Victoria)
4 Silicon Chip
decide to build more than 80% of the
state’s generating capacity in the area?
Under the region’s pastures lies
billions of tonnes of brown coal, one
of the richest deposits in the world.
The brown coal is burnt to turn water
into superheated steam, which drives
the turbines.
As a byproduct of burning the coal,
ash is produced, which brings us to
the topic of this article: dust removal
by electrostatic precipitation.
Hazelwood Power Station
Hazelwood Power Station was commissioned during 1964-1971 (in four
stages). When completed the plant
had a total capacity of 1600MW, made
up of eight 200MW units.
Each unit has an independent
boiler, turbine, generator, condenser,
precip-itator and draft systems, along
with independent controls. Two of
these units make up what is known
as a “stage”, sharing a bare minimum
of equipment. Common equipment
is basically limited to forms of data
logging and the “Pondage” – Hazelwood’s 506 hectare, 30,850 megalitre
cooling pond. The Pondage eliminates
the need for cooling towers, providing
a relatively cool supply of water for
the eight condensers.
Brown coal is supplied to the plant
from an open cut mine, a massive
hole in the ground with a perimeter
of approximately 12 kilometres and a
depth of around 100 metres in places.
Dredgers weighing up to 1800 tonnes
remove coal from the mine face, sending it down conveyor belts to bunkers
from where it is sent to the plant.
The station uses roughly 15 million
tonnes per year or about 1700 tonnes
per hour.
With this sheer amount of coal, one
can see how rigorous environmental
procedures must be put into place in
order to avoid waste products polluting the area.
In August 1996, Hazelwood Power
Corporation was sold to a private
consortium for $2.35 billion.
Since the sale, one could only describe the renovations to the station
as staggering. When it was purchased,
the operational capacity of the plant
was 1200MW, with Unit 7 damaged
(due to an overheating incident in the
boiler) and Unit 8 mothballed.
Shortly after the purchase, Unit
8 was recommissioned. In January
1998, the newly rebuilt Unit 7 was
brought into service, ending a yearplus long project worth tens of millions of dollars.
During the following summer
months of 1998, the operational
capability of the plant was restored
to 1600MW, with a peak of 1679MW
Why clean the emissions?
One of the biggest problems in coal
fired power generation is pollution
from the ash in emissions from the
chimneys. Fortunately, the brown
coal in the area has very low sulphur
content, eliminating the acid rain
which plagues some other countries.
The major constituent of pollution
from brown coal is ash, formed in the
combustion process. If no action is
taken, it is ejected from the chimney.
It is the role of the electrostatic dust
precipitator (EDP) to remove this dust
from the exhaust gas, allowing it to be
collected for disposal.
When the SECV commissioned
Hazelwood the best EDP technology
available at the time was installed.,
The old EDPs still met the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
licensing requirements, but only just.
In 1977, Hazelwood Power management decided to replace the current
Several factors led to the program
being conducted on a unit-by-unit
installation basis, with completion
not being scheduled until 2007.
Unit 3 was chosen to be the first
recipient of the new precipitator due
to it being the worst performer on an
emission basis.
What’s wrong with a screen?
Commonsense would suggest the
application of some sort of particle
screening or filtration solution. And
why not? All around us common
devices use a multitude of screening
techniques, from vacuum cleaners to
dust masks, to keep unwanted airborne particles under control.
So why deviate from this seemingly
Hazelwood Power Station, looking across one of the ash-settling dams with Hazelwood Pondage (supplying cooling water)
at the rear right. The eight units which make up the station are capable of generating 1200MW.
AUGUST 1999 5
Out with the old, in with the new: three of the old EDP flows at Hazelwood (you
can just see the new flows behind). The old units were only just capable of
meeting environmental specs but the new ones are significantly better.
simple solution into electrostatics, fluid flow and
vibration mechanics? The answer lies in economics
and practicality of scale.
On full load, each unit’s boiler at Hazelwood Power
Station emits roughly 10 tonnes of ash per hour at
a temperature in excess of 200°C.
The high temperature is only one problem; the
smoke also contains a high moisture content, due
to that of the brown coal.
Standard filtration through a filter medium is
impractical. Even if the medium did not immediately try to combust due to the high temperature or
become clogged due to the high moisture content
of the exhaust gas, the need to constantly replace
or clean the filters would prove to be the downfall
of the system.
Also, the twin 1768kW induced draught (ID) fans,
responsible for extracting the exhaust gases from the
boiler, would be unable to to pull the gas through
the extremely fine filters necessary to remove ash.
In fact, EDP is one of the most efficient and convenient solutions to many gas cleaning situations. It
is impervious to high temperatures and high moisture
content, allowing removal of filtrate while in operation and providing little resistance to the gas flow.
How does this technology work? As its name
suggests, electrostatic rather than mechanical forces
are the key.
In a nutshell, the ash particles are charged by a
high voltage while in the gas flow and are then attracted to an opposite-charge collection plate. The
particles cake on the plate, the cake drops and the
ash is transported away. (For a more detailed explanation, see the separate panel).
Modern EDP design
The first few generations of EDPs used thyristor-controlled transformer/rectifier HT sets, with
6 Silicon Chip
little control of the output. While
this arrangement achieved dust extraction, several flaws existed in the
Firstly, there was no accurate
method to determine optimum voltage/current settings to maximise ash
Second, arcing would often occur
between the discharge and collection
When arcing was detected, the
thyristor would simply be turned off
for several cycles, allowing quenching
of the spark. However, this minimised
power flow through the EDP.
Manufacturers of new generation
EDPs have recognised the advantage
of automation in improving efficiency.
The biggest breakthrough has been
the use of “pulsed” controllers for the
removal of “tough” particles from gas.
Rather than simply increase the
voltage for tough dust, which would
The specially-made trolleys can be seen underneath the EDP unit
with one of the enormous prime movers carefully moving it into
position. Each 400-tonne EDP was manufactured on site, then
moved into place during the generating unit’s scheduled
maintenance shutdown.
be ineffective due to arcing and
back-corona, the new microprocessor
controlled EDPs send high “pulses”
of power into the EDP. Overall, the
average power entering the EDP will
be the same but this method results
in increased efficiency.
While it might be imagined that
between pulses of power, dust-laden
gas would be escaping the EDP, there
is no loss of collection capacity.
In fact, the dust/ash layer represents a resistive/capacitive circuit
with a time constant significantly
greater than a second or so.
Therefore the pulses of high power
can break down the resistive dust
layer and before back-corona or arcing occurs, power is reduced greatly,
with no net effect due to the slow step
response of the dust/ash system.
As well as implementing this
“pulsed” system, modern controllers
determine optimum power levels for
performance right up to the point at
which back-corona and arcing occur.
Hazelwood’s EDP system
Adapted directly for Hazelwood
Power by ABB, the new EDP consists
of three “flows”, basically separate
units connected in parallel.
The rationale behind this modular
setup is not only for ease of construction and installation but also for
maintenance. If one or more flows are
to be taken out of service for repair,
the remaining flows are able to operate
under heavier load in the meantime.
Each of the three flows consists of
main components integrated to form
the EDP:
• Main support structure.
• Six collection hoppers at the base
to collect waste ash.
• Three electrically isolated bus
sections containing emitting and
collecting electrodes (along with
the associated rapping equipment)
and T/R (Transformer/Rectifier)
• Inlet and outlet distribution evases/transitions which contain gas
distribution screens designed to
maintain optimal gas flow distribution within the EDP.
• Roof structure, comprised of HT
chambers and T/R sets.
• Insulation around the unit to minimise heat losses during operation.
• Ash disposal system, consisting of
conveyor from ash hoppers into a
mixing system which forms a slurry
Each of the 8 units at Hazelwood consumes nearly 200 tonnes of coal and emits
10 tonnes of ash each hour. That ash would be a major source of pollution if it
wasn’t removed from the exhaust.
to be discharged into sluice ways.
Controlling each of the three T/R
sets per flow is the EPIC II (the initials
standing of Electrostatic Precipitator
Integrated Controller), a microprocessor based system, mounted in the
switchboards on ground level. Therefore, there are nine EPIC II systems per
unit, as there are three T/R sets per
flow, and three flows per unit.
Each of these nine EPIC II microprocessors feed into a remote terminal unit (RTU) in the control room.
Information on each EDP such as
sparks, general alarms and trends can
be displayed.
Mode settings can be altered
for each of the EPIC II units, with
anything from the standard mode,
to “sootblowing” mode, in which
current is kept artificially high, even
during sparking.
Rapping sequences are also available to be viewed and altered from
the RTU.
As part of Hazelwood Power’s reporting obligations to the EPA, dust
monitoring equipment is installed
throughout the station.
On each chimney is an Erwin Sick
opacity dust monitor, which log the
dust levels to remote control rooms
and dataloggers throughout the station.
Wired into the engineering office
via the internal network, a dedicated
dust monitoring PC logs half-hour
averages of dust levels throughout the
units against their megawatt outputs.
Monthly databases are then stored
for record keeping and for reporting
to the EPA.
The new 26m high EDP flows, ready
for installation, are dwarfed by
Hazelwood’s eight chimney stacks.
Construction of the new Unit 3 EDP
began about six months before the unit
was taken offline, in March 1998. The
EDP was constructed in three separate
flows, with the plan being to remove
the old EDP casings and place their
newly constructed successors on the
same foundations.
AUGUST 1999 7
How An Electrostatic Dust Precipitator Works...
1: Corona generation
Inside an EDP are alternating rows of collecting electrodes (rigid steel plate curtains) and
emitting electrodes. A high voltage negative DC
supply, typically -50kV or more, is connected
to the emitting system.
In the region known as the corona (near
the emitting electrodes where the electric field
strength is greatest) the gas is ionised.
The ionisation of gas produces positive and
negative ions. The positive ions are attracted to
the negatively charged emitting electrode and
the negative ions are attracted to the grounded
collecting electrodes.
Fig 1: a cut-away view of an
2: Particle Charging
Along the way, the negative ions collide electrostatic dust precipitator.
with suspended dust particles, charging them
proportionally as a squared function of their size. Once charged, the dust particles are
attracted towards the collection plates. Hence, the particles “migrate” towards the plates
with a velocity dependent on their size (larger particles travelling faster). When they reach
the collection plate, they stick and begin to form a layer.
It is at this stage in the process that problems sometimes occur. As the dust begins to
build up on the collection plate, it will exhibit a resistance to the flow of current.
If the resistance of the particles is too low, a high current flow will occur, causing the
particles to quickly lose their charge and possibly re-enter the gas stream. Conversely, if
the accumulating layer is of high resistivity, an abnormally high electric field will be present
in the dust layer.
A “back-corona” can occur, breaking down interstitial gas and producing ions and
spontaneous electrical discharges from the dust layer.
The resulting reduction in performance is twofold: the electrical discharge from the dust
layer allows collected dust to re-enter the gas stream and the positive ions counteract the
approaching charged particles.
The resistivity of the particles will depend on the type of fuel and how well it has burnt.
Luckily for Hazelwood, the ash passing through the EDPs is of moderate resistivity and
causes no problems of this nature.
Each of the three flows of the Hazelwood EDPs are divided into three equal-sized fields
(or zones) operating in series.
Because the larger particles are much
easier to collect, the first field removes approximately 80% of the ash and dust entering
the EDP, with the second field removing
around 15% and the third field 5%.
3: Rapping
The layer of ash and dust particles on
the collector plate is removed by a process
called “rapping”.
This simply uses heavy metal hammers
to strike an anvil on a shockbar, to which
four collection plates are attached by huckbolts. The hammers produce a force of up
to 300Gs.
This effectively shears the dust from the
plate surface, dislodging “cakes” of dust
which fall into hoppers below.
From there it is carried away by screw
conveyors before being mixed with water
and removed via sluiceways to settling dams.
8 Silicon Chip
Built on temporary foundations, the
three flows each measured 26m high
x 13.5m x 19.5m and weighed around
400 tonnes.
Once the new Unit 3 EDP flows had
been successfully fabricated about 50
metres from their final resting places
and with the unit offline for its major outage, it was time to commence
the gargantuan task of moving and
installing them.
To begin with, each old flow was
disconnected from its foundations
and placed on a hydraulic trailer,
containing 144 wheels on nine separate axles. With the aid of three prime
mover trucks the flows were moved
to their storage place.
The new EDP flows, also jacked
up and pre-positioned onto a similar
trailer, were then guided into place
and anchored. The entire operation
took just 13 days.
Once the new EDP had been
positioned and with the relevant
ducting and electrical connection
work completed, it was time for the
The ultimate test
While computer models predicted
what modifications to the inlet and
outlet screens and deflectors were
needed to ensure uniform airflow
throughout each flow, these models
were only a guide, being no substitute
for real testing.
Flow testing began, in late October
1998. The 12 painstaking tests, conducted around the clock and requiring
modifications after each test, took
eight days.
The tests were conducted with the
unit still offline, with the test team
running the ID fans and taking air
flow readings in a multitude of places
in the EDP.
Finally, the unit was brought back
into service on the 7th January 1999,.
Dust emissions for Unit 3 on full load
dropped from around 300-400mg per
cubic metre to a new level of less than
Fig 2: a somewhat stylised representation of the inside of the precipitator
above. Exhaust gases flow in the direction of the arrow.
I would like to thank the following
engineering staff from Hazelwood
Power for their extensive help in
the compilation of this article: Tony
Innocenzi, Chris Morley and Daryl
Anderson, along with Sara Stigsson,
Wayne Bassee and Jason Price from