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Pt.14: Mixing Daylight And Electric Lighting
Using natural light to illuminate building interiors during
daylight hours could significantly reduce energy consumption
and cut power bills. The concept is simple: collect the sunlight
falling on the roof and use light pipes to distribute it throughout
the building to provide natural lighting.
82 Silicon Chip
during the 24 hours of a day,
would you expect the greatest
power consumption due to the use of
electric lighting? If you said “at night”
you would be wrong. The greatest
demand for artificial lighting is at the
very time of day when the Sun is at
its highest and natural light is most
The cost, in both energy and dollar
terms, of switching on a light instead
of making use of daylight is considerable. In the US, the power bill for
electric lighting is about $US100
million every day and electric lighting uses about one-quarter of all the
electricity generated.
In addition to the direct energy
cost, electric lighting also has an
indirect energy cost. Electric lighting generates heat and about 10% of
total cooling and ventilation costs go
towards removing this heat.
One obvious way to reduce the cost
of lighting is to supplement artificial
light with natural light. In the past,
this meant using large windows and
skylights. However, these traditional
forms of natural lighting do not distribute light to remote locations.
One way around this is to “pipe”
natural light to dim locations and
add artificial lighting as necessary.
This approach, which relies on the
use of “light pipes”, is called “hybrid
A hybrid lighting system consists
of four main parts: (1) natural light
collectors; (2) artificial light sources;
(3) transport and distribution systems
for both light types; and (4) a control
Natural light collection
On a cloudless day and with the
Sun high in the sky, the amount of
sunlight falling on a square metre
of the Earth’s surface is more than
1kW. All this power is in the form of
visible radiation – a quite different
situation to a 1kW incandescent lamp
that might emit only 180W of visible
radiation. One square metre of bright
sunlight is therefore equivalent to
about 55 100W light bulbs.
FACING PAGE: Oak Ridge National
Laboratory’s Mike Cates (left) and Jeff
Muhs with a light pipe of the type that
could be used in commercial hybrid
lighting systems. (Photo: ORNL).
This means that a square metre’s
worth of bright sunlight could theoretically light about 20 rooms. Or to
put it another way, enough sunlight
falls on the roof area of a multi-storey
building to light every room in the
building – even if it’s more than 100
storeys high! However, this assumes
that the light can be both efficiently
collected and then transported without loss to where it is needed.
The most efficient method of collecting sunlight is to use a collection
mechanism that tracks the movement
of the Sun across the sky. Solar furnaces and solar energy plants take
this type of approach, using large
mirrored reflectors. However, such
tracking systems are mechanical
in nature, with moving parts. They
require energy to operate and often
use sophisticated and relatively expensive electronics to maintain their
tracking position.
For these reasons, moving collectors are not frequently used in hybrid
lighting systems. Instead, efficiency is
traded off for reliability and cost-effectiveness.
Solar collectors for lighting systems
are not required to have optical quality reflective surfaces. Instead, coated
plastic collectors (concentrators) can
be cast, moulded or extruded into the
appropriate shapes. In addition, a system can use three such collectors in a
passive arrangement – one facing east,
one west and the other north (in the
southern hemisphere), so that morning, afternoon and midday sunshine
can be caught. Although much less
efficient than an active tracking system, the system can be easily scaled
up in size to more than compensate
for the reduced efficiency.
However, some systems do use
tracking reflectors. One such system
is claimed to provide enough interior
light on sunny days to make electric
lighting unnecessary from one hour
after sunrise to one hour before sunset.
Artificial light sources
If artificial light is to be used with
daylight, its colour temperature
should be about the same. However, achieving this is very difficult,
especially if light sources with high
efficacies are to be used. As one commentator put it, if we are to exactly duplicate daylight, the “artificial lights
would have to look like a 5750K black
Hybrid lighting systems use rooftop
collectors and light transmission
pipes to gather and distribute natural
light within a building. Either fixed
or tracking collectors can be used,
although the lower cost and greater
reliability of fixed collectors makes
them the preferred option for most
applications. (Photo: ORNL).
body shining through several miles
of atmosphere made up mostly of
nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapour!”
That said, the human eye quickly
adapts to light sources of varying
colours (and, of course, the colour
temperature of daylight varies during
the course of the day, anyway). As a
result, “daylight white” fluorescent
lamps are usually used in hybrid
Transport and distribution
Hybrid lighting systems use light
pipes to “transport” the natural light
from the roof to various rooms. Often
called “hollow light guides”, they
must be highly efficient in order
for hybrid lighting systems to work
VN Chakolev in Russia and Professor William Wheeler in the US
invented hollow light guides in the
1880s. They were motivated by the
introduction of the electric carbon
arc lamp, a light source too powerful for normal indoor illumination.
However, if the light from the arc
lamp could be piped to each room,
it could become a practical means of
domestic illumination.
Unfortunately, the mirrors used
in these early light guides were both
expensive and inefficient. The metalon-glass mirrors had an absorption of
more than 10%, a figure which becomes significant when it is realised
that a great many reflections can occur
within a light guide.
Subsequently, in 1946, Henry Pear
son of the Rohm and Haas Company
AUGUST 1999 83
Either light-pipes or direct radiation can be used to distribute any artificial light
that’s being used to complement natural lighting. New developments in artificial
lighting (for example, microwave sulphur lamps) also lend themselves to lightpipe technology. (Photo: ORNL).
used acrylic rods and sheets to transmit light from one place to another.
Unlike metallic mirrors, this material
guides light with high efficiency because it employs a technique called
“total internal reflection” (TIR). This
means that very little light is lost
through the walls as the light travels
along the guide.
Another important development
was the advent of low-cost optical
surfaces in the mid-1960s, made
possible by the mass-production of
optically-treated polymeric films.
Vacuum metallisation of polyester
film can produce a flexible mirror
84 Silicon Chip
that is as specular as an ordinary glass
mirror but costs far less. These films
were commonly used in light guides
installed in the former USSR and
similar films are now employed in
many current commercial light pipes.
In 1978, Lorne Whitehead at the
University of British Columbia developed the prism light guide. This
also employs the total internal reflection technique, with the guide’s
transparent walls containing precise
longitudinal rightangle prisms. Light
rays incident on the inside surface of
the wall undergo total internal reflection at the prismatic exterior surface,
re-entering the central airspace or
gel filling to continue propagating
along the pipe. While commercially
successful, these light guides were expensive due to the precision required
for the prisms along the walls.
Most recently, researchers at the
3M company have developed a technology known as “micro-replication”.
This allows the large-scale manufacture of micro-prismatic structures
with surface irregularities substantially smaller than the wavelength
of light. The 0.5mm thick prismatic
polymethylmethacrylate film developed by 3M is now widely used in
light guides.
Incidentally, the use of glass or
silica optical fibre is generally not
considered viable for this application.
That’s because of the high expense
of the fibres, which would have to
be quite large to carry the luminous
flux required for conventional illumination.
Light guides are capable of transporting large amounts of light. The
bright sunlight from one square metre
can be focused into and transported
by a guide with a cross-sectional are
of just 1cm2. This guide, in turn, can
feed a number of smaller guides, each
about the size and weight of electrical
However, even the best currently-available hollow light guides still
require improvement if multi-storey
buildings are to be effectively illuminated using light collected at roof
level. Today’s light guides have a loss
of 1% in 30cm and researchers are
currently trying to reduce that by a
factor of 10, to 1% in three metres. Using current technology, the maximum
effective length of a hollow light guide
carrying sunlight is about 30 metres.
Some hollow light guides are used
to distribute as well as transport the
light. In these designs, the light is
allowed to “leak” at a controlled rate
as it travels along the guide. This
is achieved by lining the pipe with
longitudinal strips of “extractor film”.
In operation, the extractor film
changes the incidence of the light so
that total internal reflection no longer
occurs. If necessary, a uniform light
distribution can be achieved along the
entire length of the guide by varying
the widths of the extractor strips.
Incidentally, hollow light guides
are also a very important part of microwave sulphur lamps, a lighting
Oak Ridge National
Laboratory’s Mike
Cates with a light
pipe. The efficiency
of light pipes needs
further improvement
if their use is to
become widespread,
especially in multistorey buildings.
(Photo: ORNL).
technology that’s currently undergoing major research and development.
Control systems
Electronic systems are used to
automatically control the electric
lighting part of a hybrid installation
(the natural lighting always works at
full power). These systems use light
level sensors and control circuits
with adjustable hysteresis to prevent
the lights from rapidly cycling on
and off due to small or momentary
changes in ambient light conditions.
This can easily occur when clouds
pass overhead, for example.
Some controllers rely on one or
more strategically placed sensors to
operate all the lights within a room,
while others use one sensor per fixture. The latter system is the most
energy efficient. That’s because it only
turns on those lights that are necessary to compensate for natural light
variations (eg, through windows) as
the Sun moves across the sky.
Hybrid lighting systems
In the US, hybrid lighting systems
are now being installed in new buildings. One recent example is the Durant Middle School in Raleigh, North
Carolina. However, instead of using
hollow light guides, this single-sto-
rey building uses special skylights
and carefully orientated windows to
provide daylight illumination of the
The school is built on an east-west
axis and has north and south-facing
solar roof collectors of various sizes.
The collected sunlight is diffused by a
series of baffles within each collector,
so that good-quality natural light is
spread evenly throughout the classrooms. The windows on the north and
south walls allow further light from
the outside to illuminate the rooms.
The electric lighting controls are
equipped with motion and light level
sensors and operate automatically.
Despite adding to the building
cost, the economic benefits of the
new system are impressive. The advanced hybrid lighting system itself
cost around $US230,000, much of this
spent designing and testing the new
systems. This was offset by a reduction of $US115,000 in the cost of the
cooling system (it no longer had to
remove much of the heat generated
by artificial lighting), leaving a net
additional cost of $US115,000.
This extra outlay was recouped in
less than a year by the energy saving,
estimated at around $US165,000 per
Another recent hybrid lighting
system can be found in the Bay de
Noc Community College in Michigan,
USA. This system uses 14 x 330mm
diameter light pipes in its Extension
Center Building. The sunlight is collected through clear roof-mounted
acrylic domes and is reflected down
mirrored tubes to ceiling-mounted
The light pipes were installed as
part of a complete lighting refit in the
building, which also involved replacing the existing standard fluorescent
luminaires with more energy-efficient
T8 fluorescent bulbs and electronic
ballasts. This new electric lighting
system, on its own, reduced annual
power consumption by 29%, with
consumption subsequently dropping
a further 15% after the installation of
the light pipes.
The efficiency of the system could
be further improved by fitting an
automatic control system to the
fluorescent lights. At present, the
electric lighting is switched off manually when sufficient natural light is
Future goals
The US Government is preparing
to pour a great deal of money into
making hybrid lighting a commercial
success. For example, the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National
Laboratory has developed a Hybrid
Lighting Partnership with 10 private
companies which are expected to
contribute some $US5 million for
research. A further $US3-6 million
is expected from the Department of
The aims of the Hybrid Lighting
Partnership are as follows:
(1). Successfully deploy a working,
first generation proof-of-concept
hybrid lighting system by the end of
financial year 2001;
(2). Begin introducing commercial
hybrid lighting systems by 2003;
(3). Create a multi-billion dollar industry by 2010;
(4). Reduce electric light energy consumption by about 50 billion kWh
in the year 2020 and save electricity
users $US7 billion annually by 2020.
Although the concept of hybrid
lighting is quite simple, it has the
potential to drastically reduce the
amount of electrical energy used for
lighting! And that can only be good
news for consumers and for the enSC
AUGUST 1999 85