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Getting started
with Linux; Pt.4
In our final article on Linux, we take a look
at firewalls and security issues. In particular,
we describe the risks and tell you how to
protect yourself from some of the “nasties”
on the Internet.
Your local network IP addresses
may be “invisible” to the Internet but
that doesn’t mean you’re totally protected. There are still some important
security issues to consider and this
includes filtering both incoming and
outgoing communications.
Although your network “packets”
are protected to some extent by being
non-routable, your network is still
connected to the Internet via the router (see Pt.3). When a machine on the
network accesses the Internet, packets
of information for an outside address
are first placed in a wrapper labelled and sent to the gateway/
router. The router then forwards the
a firewall as a super-fast censor. By
way of analogy, it looks at the outside
label on any envelopes going out or
coming in and if they don’t have the
correct details, drops them in the bin
or records the information in a log file
(or both). Do this to IP packets and
you have a firewall.
There are two basic ways of running
a firewall: (1) either let everything
through to begin with and then decide
what you don’t want and block it; or
(2) let nothing through until you need
something specific and then allow
only this information to pass.
The first method has the advantage of being easy to set up and is
Once your system is “infected”, these programs
can be used remotely by a third party connected
to the Internet to read, write or delete files from
your PC.
information to the correct address on
the Internet.
Conversely, each time a response is
received, the router passes it back to
the correct machine on the network.
That’s all very well but what if
you would like to stop people (staff,
children, students, etc) from playing
Quake over the Internet and get them
back to work? Is there a way of doing
this but still allow them to use email
or a web browser?
The answer to both these questions
is “yes” and here we find that the
“firewall” comes into play. Think of
86 Silicon Chip
probably the best approach for those
implementing their first firewall. On
the other hand, if you don’t want to
separately specify a block on IRC,
Quake, DOOM or any number of other
programs, the turn-everything-off-first
approach is the best.
The latter approach can get rather
complicated. On my own system, a
relatively simple configuration file
for ipfswadm – a firewall program
for Linux – just fits on 20 printed A4
pages. This compares to just 2 or 3
A4 pages for a moderately complex
Samba configuration file (/etc/samba.
By the way, the ipfswadm program,
as used on Linux kernels up to 2.0.36,
is now being replaced by ipchains
under the newer 2.2.x kernel. This
shouldn’t prove too much of a problem, since the tried and true 2.0.35
kernel is used in Caldera’s OpenLinux
1.3, while 2.0.36 is also used in the
latest RedHat 5.2 or Slackware.
Unless you have a penchant for
adventure, stick to the older tested
kernels, especially where security is
an issue. That’s because you’ll be able
to check the net for any patches to fix
up security leaks in the older versions,
instead of wondering if, or when,
they’ll be found on a new release.
If you are using ipfswadm and intend using the “let nothing in” (well
almost nothing) approach, you should
check out the following website:
This site lets you design your
own firewall. The author also offers
a “home network” version of this
great on-line configuration tool at no
charge. You simply enter the details
of your firewall requirements and it
helps you set up an ipfswadm configuration file – called rc.firewall – to suit.
If you want to use ipchains, check:
This site includes the release itself,
as well as documentation, version
information and links to a number
of other related firewall and security
IP masquerading
IP Masquerading is another method
of letting some packets through while
denying access to others. Various
preset packages for this are available
with many current distributions.
Similarly “binaries” (ie, pre-compiled
program files) for ipchains, along with
the “how to” files, are available from
various sources on the net.
Which ever way you go, be sure
to check the version numbers. Some
kernels will not work with various
versions of ipfswadm or ipchains. If
you want to find out how to use IP
Masquerading, check for a text file
entitled /doc/HOWTO/mini/IP-Masquerade (again, watch the case) on the
CD-ROM for your Linux distribution.
Take a look at:
Netbus & Back Orifice
Back Orifice (a pun on the Microsoft
“Back Office” product range) and NetBus are both “Trojan horse” programs;
ie, they appear to be something other
than what they really are. Both can
seriously compromise the security of
your network and can allow a hacker
to get up to all sorts of mischief. Usually, they are distributed disguised as
a joke program and are often spread
via email.
Not long back, it was the “Free
Coke Tray” joke. This often appeared
as a simple email attachment called
runme.exe or some other appealing
name. When clicked, it displayed a
message asking “Do you want a free
Coke tray” and, of course, when you
answered yes, out popped the CDROM drawer.
The joke might have ended there
but for the fact that this program has
been used by some people to hide
the NetBus or Back Orifice programs.
Once your system is “infected”, these
programs can be used remotely by a
third party connected to the Internet
(they can be anywhere in the world)
to read, write or delete files from your
PC. They also have the ability to allow
that person to “see” a screenshot of
what you have on-line, to “see” what
you type, to type in keyboard entries,
to move the mouse pointer and to even
display OK/cancel dialog boxes on
your screen.
But that’s not all. The person who
releases these Trojan horses (and this
might not be the person who gave it to
you; they too might be a victim) can
scan a block of IP addresses, waiting
for one of their victims to go on-line.
After that, it’s only a short step to
learning trade secrets, “borrowing”
credit card details, or simply deleting
files on the victim’s computer just for
the fun of it.
It wouldn’t even matter if you were
viewing a web page from a secure site.
Another party could still (in theory)
Linux is available
from a lot more places
than it used to be. Once
you had to “troll” the
net looking for Linux
and spend interminable
periods downloading
the files. Having done
that, you would then
often find that a later
version had already
been released and was
available somewhere
To overcome this
problem, a number
of software retailers
are now selling boxed
copies of Linux off-theshelf, complete with manuals. No,
it’s not illegal and yes you have to
pay but the price is usually less than
$100.00. The GPL (or Gnu Public
License) allows for books, support
packages and so on to be added to
the Linux package and sold together
for a reasonable amount.
Note: sometimes the additions
can be illegal to copy and distribute,
as they are licensed for one person
to use only. Many distributions can,
however, be quite legally copied and
given to your friends, so check the literature that came with your package
carefully for copyright information.
This GPL license system allows
companies like EverythingLinux to
operate. This Australian company
exists to sell and support Linux and
offers a package called “Bleeding
Edge Linux”.
And it really is “bleeding edge”
stuff. They burn the CD-ROM for you
after you place an order, so that you
get all the latest updates and drivers.
The CD-ROM is self-booting and
costs just $10 plus postage.
EverythingLinux also offers support packages for Linux (24 hours
per day 7 days per week). Check out
their website at:
for all the details.
JUNE 1999 87
Getting started with Linux; Pt.4
see what was happening from a screen
grab sent independently of the secure
log on.
OK, before you panic and turn off
your PCs, you can tell if your system
has been “infected” fairly easily
(strictly speaking, they’re not really
viruses). An up-to-date anti-virus
program will detect either of these
programs and tell you how to remove
them if necessary.
Provided you take some basic precautions, a personal standalone PC
should be relatively safe. That means
keeping your anti-virus software upto-date and never executing email
attachments unless you’re absolutely
certain that it comes from a trusted
source and you know what it is.
The situation with networked PCs
can be rather different. In this case, it’s
all to easy for a disgruntled employee
or student to infect a network.
Note that, with NetBus and Back
Orifice, the person wishing to remotely control a PC can only do so while
there is an active IP connection. If you
have a network which only runs either
the NetBeui or IPX/SPX protocols (or
both), then you are safe from these
particular programs, at least. That’s
because they only work with the TCP/
IP protocol.
If you are running the TCP/IP
protocol internally, then it’s possible for someone within the LAN to
access another system on the same
LAN using these programs. And, of
course, if you are running a dial-up
or permanent Internet connection, an
external hacker can access you while
ever you are on the net.
To prevent access from the outside
world, you need a firewall. Back Orifice defaults to port 31,337, while
NetBus defaults vary from version to
version, with ports 12,345, 12,346 and
12,331 being commonly used. Setting
up blocks on the ports used by NetBus
and Back Orifice will go a long way
towards preventing problems but
don’t forget that it’s quite possible
Mailbag – continued from page 27
depend on such factors as peak load
current, the type of load (inductive,
capacitive or resistive) and leakage
inductance in T2.
Variations in leakage inductance
due to variations in the gaps between
core halves can be quite large. That
might explain why some units will
operate quite happily forever without
distress, while others might consistently break down no matter how many
times the transistors are replaced.
I would suggest fitting a 15V or 18V,
1W zener diode from gate to source of
each Mosfet. A resistor of, say 47Ω in
series with each of D5 and D6 might
also be worthwhile (to reduce current
surges through the zener diodes).
Sometimes feedback loop instability, due either to inade
quate phase
margin or to noise pick-up in the
loop, can cause adverse effects such
as double-pulsing of the main inverter
transistors. This, in turn, can increase
stresses in the transis
tors due to
overheating or excessive voltage and
current spikes.
An unstable loop can often be identified by strange squealing noises from
88 Silicon Chip
a switching inverter. Placing a capacitor in the feedback loop will usually
help, though it can make things worse
if inadequate phase margin is the problem. A resistor (eg, 1kΩ) in series with
a capacitor (eg, .001µF) from pin 1 to
earth may help if instability persists.
H. Nacinovich,
Gulgong, NSW.
Compiler for the PIC microcontroller
After reading with great interest
your PIC programmer featured in the
March 1999 issue of SILICON CHIP, I
have found a compiler for the PIC
16F84 microcontroller that does not
require any knowledge of assembly
code. It uses a high level language
similar to C. The compiler has commands for Delay, LCD displays, RS232
communications and many other commands, making the PIC very simple
to program.
The compiler is called JAL (Just
Another Language). It comes with a
number of examples and a fairly comprehensive manual and best of all, it
is free. The web site can be found at
for a program to use ports that are
normally used for something else.
As an example, this technique
is used legitimately by DCOM and
CORBA on port 80, where you might
normally use a web browser.
The Happy99.exe Trojan horse is
another recent example of a program
that works along these lines. It sends
unwanted email with the Happy99.
exe attachment though a conventional
port but as far as a firewall is concerned, it “looks” the same as your
email client. As with Netbus and
Back Orifice, Happy99.exe can easily
be detected by up-to-date anti-virus
Achieving a happy balance between
speed, security and access restrictions
is not always that simple. At the very
least, a log can alert you to peculiar
activity. An early warning of unauthorised access will go a long way
towards preventing problem people,
either inside or outside your organisation, from causing real damage.
Acknowledgement: to Larry Ewing at
lewing<at> for the Linux
penguin “Tux”.
D. Chinnery,
Tom Price, WA.
Ventilation in cars
I note your comments in the article
on the Carbon Monoxide Alarm in the
May 1999 issue, where you suggest
that car air condi
tioning be set to
recirculation in heavy traffic. Please
note that the current Ford Falcon AU
model does not have flow-through
ventilation. The lack of flow-through
ventilation will permit the buildup of
carbon dioxide. Mercedes Benz has a
sophisticated system which vents the
car at predetermined intervals but the
system used by Ford is not as good.
I would suggest a dual model to
monitor both carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide or alternatively, a
separate carbon dioxide model. The
greater number of vehicle passengers,
the faster the carbon dioxide builds up.
I. Deal,
Melbourne, Vic.
Comment: while the suggestion to periodically vent the car is a good one,
we do not know of any source for a
carbon dioxide sensor.