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MARCH 1999 1
Own an EFI car?
Want to get the
best from it?
Youll find all you
need to know in
this publication
Vol.12, No.3; March 1999
4 Dead Computer? Don’t Throw It – Rat It!
There’s lots of goodies that you can scrounge from an old computer
– by Leo Simpson
7 Getting Started With Linux; Pt.1
You don’t have to run Windows on your computer – by Bob Dyball
82 Electric Lighting; Pt.12
LED lighting for traffic lights & signs – by Julian Edgar
Build A Digital Anemometer –
Page 14.
14 Build A Digital Anemometer
Low-cost unit uses a $12 LCD bicycle speedometer – by Julian Edgar
24 3-Channel Current Monitor With Data Logging
Easy-to-build card plugs into your PC and logs data to an Excel
spreadsheet – by Mark Roberts
34 Simple DIY PIC Programmer
You won’t believe how easy it is to program at home – by Michael
Covington & Ross Tester
56 Easy-To-Build Audio Compressor
Uses a single IC and can be used with guitars, microphones and other
low-level signal sources – by John Clarke
3-Current Monitor With Data
Logging – Page 24.
62 Low Distortion Audio Signal Generator; Pt.2
The full construction details – by John Clarke
19 Serviceman’s Log
Instant servicing; there’s no such thing – by the TV Serviceman
53 Radio Control
Simple Do-It-Yourself PIC
Programmer – Page 34.
Model R/C helicopters; Pt.3 – by Bob Young
78 Vintage Radio
The Radiolette Model 31/32 – by Rodney Champness
Publisher’s Letter
Circuit Notebook
Product Showcase
Ask Silicon Chip
Notes & Errata
Order Form
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Easy-To-Build Audio
Compressor – Page 56.
MARCH 1999 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Ross Tester
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Enquiries
Rick Winkler
Phone (02) 9979 5644
Fax (02) 9979 6503
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $59 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 8, 101 Darley St, Mona Vale,
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Phone (02) 9979 5644.
Fax (02) 9979 6503.
E-mail: silchip<at>
ISSN 1030-2662
and maximum
* Recommended
price only.
2 Silicon Chip
Time to save those
old TV sets
Over the last six months or so, there has
been quite a lot of discussion on what to do
with old PCs and the topic has been extended
to include consumer equipment in general.
But one type of consumer equipment that
has not been discussed is old TV sets, and
particularly, old valve TV sets. What do you
do with them?
Well the answer is clear: you keep and restore them. Just as vintage radio has a really
big following these days, “Vintage TV” is set
to take off. This has already been recognised
by the Historical Radio Society of Australia and some of their members have
already begun to acquire and restore TV sets.
There are a number of potential advantages and disadvantages in collecting and restoring old TV sets. First, the advantages: old TV sets are
not nearly so old as vintage radios and they were probably made in vastly
greater numbers. Also, there should be more information available on them,
buried away in the homes of ex-TV repairman and so on. On the other
hand, TV sets are so much larger than radios and so there would have been
more incentive for people to throw them out. Doesn’t it make you weep, to
think of those millions of potentially valuable collectible sets, now buried
in council tips . . .
Still, on the positive side, there are lots of old TV sets still out there,
particularly in the homes, garages and sheds of the nation’s retirees. Come
to think of it, my parents have an old Admiral valve TV set. I think it was
the first Australian set to use a PC board ... I must make sure it doesn’t get
heaved out.
What sets are going to be the most desirable? I don’t really know but I can
guess that those larger sets with their beautiful ornate cabinets are going to
be in demand. Remember some of those wonderful sets made by Kriesler, His
Master’s Voice and AWA? Or some of the more deluxe sets made by SABA
Electrosound? In an entirely different style, the 21-inch Pye Pedigree with
its wraparound steel cabinet is already in demand with those people who
have decorated their homes in “60’s retro” style. And some of the smaller
sets, such as those made by Ekco, have an attraction all their own.
There was a wonderful outpouring of sets by Australian manufacturers in
the late 50s, 60s and 70s. Many of those sets were world-class designs which
owed little to overseas know-how. We had a large, healthy manufacturing
sector in those days and while it might have had substantial tariff protection,
it employed a lot of people and produced a lot of TVs and other products
which gave immense enjoyment to people.
Some of those older TVs will be very collectible in the years to come.
Keep your eyes open for them. We hope to cover this subject in the Vintage
Radio column as material becomes available.
Leo Simpson
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MARCH 1999 3
Perhaps you have an old PC which is
ready for the tip. Before you put it out for
the council cleanup, have a good look
over it before consigning it to oblivion. It
has lots of parts worth salvaging.
OK, we admit it, there comes a
time when all electronic equipment
should probably be consigned to the
tip. After all, no‑one has enough space
to store all the electronic bits which
come into your possession over the
years. Therefore some of it has to be
tossed out or given away. And this
applies as much to old computers as
to anything else.
Perhaps our article on modifying
4 Silicon Chip
a PC power supply in the December
1998 issue doesn’t appeal to you but
you’re still loath to junk your old
computer. Well, let’s have a look at it
to see what can be scrounged.
The monitor
First, of all, have a look at the
monitor. Most of these look pretty
sad and sorry after six or seven years
but if it is a VGA monitor, you are
probably wise to hang onto it. It can
be a handy standby just in case your
normal monitor packs it in.
How do you know if it is a VGA
monitor? Look at the data plug: they're
almost always a sub-mini “D” plug
but VGA monitors have three rows
of pins versus an EGA monitor's two
Or, if it is in half reasonable condition after a bit of spit and polish,
Opening up the case revealed a treasure-trove of goodies and a lot of junk. A good example of the latter are the hard discs
– in their day, worth a lot of money. But now, 40MB drives are not even good paperweights. However, there are plenty of
bits and hardware worth salvaging here, even just to have a some spare parts on hand.
you might even be able to get twenty
or thirty dollars for it at a computer
recycling store. It’s worth an ask!
Moving to the computer, what can
be salvaged here? First, pull out the
video card and see what type it is –
VGA or EGA (or earlier). A working
VGA card is worth hanging on to.
The chances are that the card is
pretty pedestrian nowadays, even if it
was a pretty fancy unit in its day. But
again, it could get you out of trouble
temporarily if your existing VGA card
develops a problem.
If your card is EGA or earlier (CGA/
Hercules/etc) it’s probably not worth
Other cards which are worth saving
for a rainy day are things like hard
disc controller cards, I/O cards, SCSI
cards and so on. By the way, if you
do need to use an old I/O card in a
new computer, remember that many
computers today have the I/O on the
motherboard. You may need to move
a jumper or two or change the CMOS
setup to disable the on-board I/O
before plugging in the card.
possibility of using the RAM in
Back to the computer: again, if the another machine (even that is getting
floppy drives are still working, they less and less likely these days), most
are worth saving. While a new flop- of the semiconductor complement is
py drive might not cost a lot, if you not worth worrying about. Possibly
have an old drive on hand, it could you might save a few CMOS chips and
perhaps an EPROM which might be of
pressed into service to replace a faulty
drive - especially handy at 10pm on use if you’re able to program EPROMs.
But there are other components
a Sunday night!
With the dramatic increase
in hard
drive capacity
in recent years,
though, the old
drive is probably not big
enough to be
worth saving.
Unless you
want a paperweight, that is.
What about
the mother-board?
Aha! That's why it died! The battery decided it was sick of
Well, apart
wearing its insides on the inside – and heavy corrosion was
from the remote the result. This is a particularly common fault in old PCs.
MARCH 1999 5
ing in the junk box
are things like cable
retainers and clips,
if your computer has
Power supply
switch. OK, it mightn’t look pretty but
it’s entirely functional!
Before moving away from the power
supply, don’t forget to hang on to the
IEC cables. They’re very handy to have
around – in particular, the IEC male
to IEC female (monitor) cable. They’re
relatively uncommon but very useful.
And you’d be surprised how much a
new one will set you back!
That leaves the
power supply as the
remaining large component in the case.
Computer case
Maybe the power supply is dead but it is
By now you have an almost empty
still worth salvaging
shell but there are still bits which are
parts. For a start, there
worth retaining.
are the IEC male and
Some of the cables to the hard discs
female power sock- could be useful, as well as the speaker
ets, the 12V fan and a
and possibly the reset, turbo and powbunch of electrolytic er switches. If your old computer has
a LED readout for the speed indicator,
Without working
you might want to save the 7‑segment
too hard, you can eas- displays.
ily salvage $20 to $40
What about the metalwork itself?
of components. Con- Well, by the time you are thinking of
sidering the fact that a
throwing the machine out, the case
new 200W supply can
probably looks pretty much the worse
be readily purchased
for wear. We give up. We can’t think
today for about $30,
of any practical use for it.
that’s not bad going!
But hang on – if it’s a tower case
Don’t forget the larg- and the power supply and other bits
er switching transis- still work (oh, you’ve already pulled
tors and fast recovery the power supply apart – sorry about
diodes, the cord grom- that!), maybe it’s a contender for a
mets and the large
heart (motherboard) transplant.
AC filter capacitors.
It’s not hard to do (see the article in
The best part about this tower case is . . . the case! It's
These AC capacitors
SILICON CHIP, April 1997). You’ll end
a beauty and lends itself very nicely to a motherboard
are quite expensive.
up with a modern PC for a fraction
transplant. No stripping bits in this one!
Also definitely worth
of the cost of a new one. Why pay
saving are any large or for new bits when the old ones work
which could be worth salvaging. not‑so‑large toroid filters and finned
Things like the crystals and ceramic
resonators, the header pins and their
By the way, if you’re
shorting links, the plastic stand‑offs
saving semiconductors
and perhaps the 5‑pin DIN socket for
for the junk box, it is a
the keyboard connector are worth
good idea to check that
having in the junk box.
they are actually funcIf you have the time, you could tioning. Possibly you
possibly remove the monolithic bymight also label them
pass capacitors as well. By the way,
with their original funcmost of these will be 0.1µF or .01µF
tion if the type numbers
–some can even be 1µF, all handy don’t mean anything.
values to have.
That’s probably all
When removing the various cards
there is worth saving in
and other components you’re going
the power supply unless
to end up with a fair number of
you can use the case itscrews. Hang on to them – they’re self. If you only remove
really handy to have available. The the PC board you are left
same thing applies to the backplane with a strong case with
A few minutes work with a screwdriver and
brackets which cover unused slots a built-in cooling fan, an
soldering iron got these bits: stand-offs, screws,
on the back panel. Unless they’re the
IEC mains input socket jumpers (all very handy if you're playing with
break-out type (most early computers (and output socket) and computers) – and even an EPROM and a couple of
were not), hang on to them and their on many older power resonators (OK, so they're not so useful!). Another
screws. Other hardware worth keepsupplies, even the on-off hour or so and we'd have a boxfull.
6 Silicon Chip
Getting started
with Linux; Pt.1
Most PC users think of Windows 95/98 as
an inseparable part of their computer. Sure,
there are still a few diehard DOS users about
and some who think that Windows 3.1 is all
there is to life but it’s a relative newcomer
to the scene, Linux, that’s really starting to
make an impact in some places.
INUX BEGAN AS the brainchild
of Linus Torvalds, then at the
University of Helsinki in Finland. Basically, he wanted an affordable Unix implementation that
would run his programs without the
need for a complete rewrite, as was
necessary for Minix. He also wanted
an operating system that didn’t need
expensive hardware. He ended up
writing it himself.
Linus released a version to the public in 1991 under the Free Software
Foundation’s General Public License
(GPL). When he uploaded it to an
FTP site for public access, the person
maintaining the site felt that Linus’
choice of the name “Freix” was not
the best and renamed the upload directory Linux (after Linus and Unix).
The name stuck and has been with us
ever since.
Since then debate over Linux has
ranged from how to pronounce it,
through “what do I do with it now?”,
on to “is it a threat to Microsoft?”.
First for the easy one – the pronunciation. Linux is pronounced “Lihnucks” and doesn’t rhyme with the
American pronunciation of “Linus”.
You can download
Linux for free over the
Internet (provided you
have lots of time) or
you can take the easy
approach and purchase
a packaged commercial
version. This package
from Caldera includes
a 240-page “Getting
Started Guide”, a
non-commercial copy
of Star Office plus
some useful back-up
software. What’s more,
they provide 30-day
If you’re not convinced, go to http:// where
you can hear it from Linus himself!
Now the next two questions: what
can you do with Linux and is it a serious competitor to Microsoft? There
are no simple yes/no answers to these
questions. It really depends on your
needs, your budget and your requirements for ongoing support.
This first article looks at some of the
features that Linux offers and tells you
how to get hold of it. In later articles,
we’ll cover some of the more in depth
aspects of Linux.
The GPL license means that you can
legally copy the software and give it to
others. It also means that you get the
source code included with the software, although this is probably only
of interest if you are a programmer
or have one in your employ who can
modify it. (Note: if you are a developer
or wish to use GPL code in a commercial product, you should consult the
GPL license carefully).
By contrast, if you copied one of
the Windows operating systems, you
would be guilty of breaking the law. In
addition, you’re certainly not likely to
see the source code for say Windows
98 given to you by Microsoft free of
What to expect from Linux
With Linux, you have two basic
modes of operation. Initially, you’ll
normally see Linux in a “shell” that
looks a little like DOS. However,
closer inspection soon reveals that
it has a different prompt. It also has
different commands and a number of
other differences. For example, paths
MARCH 1999 7
Fig.1: the screen shot at left
shows Xwindows running
on Caldera’s Linux, while
above is a typical menu
from Xwindows.
don’t use the backslash but instead
use a forward slash (/) and so on.
The second mode of operation is
“Xwindows”, popularised from other
Unix implementations. You can think
of Xwindows as something like Microsoft Windows and indeed there are a
number of similarities. The GUI mode
is also more resource hungry, needing
more RAM and more PC power than
the shell mode but is still quite fast.
A fairly important consideration
with Linux is the availability of applications. An operating system isn’t
much good unless there’s also some
useful software to run with it! From
the outset, it’s important to realise
that, when it comes to applications,
Linux doesn’t have anywhere near the
same degree of support as Microsoft
Windows – you won’t find dozens of
word processors or graphics packages for Linux in your local computer
shop, for example.
Nevertheless, there are quite a few
applications available for Linux and
more are coming. For example, two
all-in-one packages, “Officesuite”
from Applix
ware and “StarOffice”
from StarDivision, are now available.
Among other functions, these offer a
spreadsheet, a database and a word
8 Silicon Chip
processor. Corel also has a Linux
version of WordPerfect on the market
and there is a Linux version of Net
scape Navigator.
For the time being, the most popular use for Linux is on PC servers. It
can be used as a file server, a printer
server and a fax server – all for a
fraction of the cost of a competing
Windows NT system. Linux is also
quite popular with Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) as a “router” for handling incoming calls via modems and
for “routing” Internet traffic.
Another common use for Linux is
as a platform for the popular Apache
web server. This is usually supplied
with commercial versions of Linux
and enables a web server to be set
up without the need for expensive
commercial software.
Getting hold of Linux
There are a quite few ways to get
Linux, apart from trying to find get
a free copy from someone under the
GPL license. If you have Internet
access, many implementations or
“distributions” of Linux are available
for free by FTP (file transfer protocol).
However, waiting for hours, or more
like days, for the files to arrive over
the net via a modem is not everyones
idea of fun. For this reason, there are a
number of companies that survive by
supplying Linux on a CD-ROM as part
of a low-cost commercial package!
These packages will save you time
and money compared to Internet access and usually also come with books
and additional programs and utilities.
As an added benefit, some of these
companies also provide a certain
level of support for their customers
or bundle in special programs to go
with their version of Linux.
Some of the more popular versions
include: Caldera Open Linux, Debian
GNU/Linux, Red Hat Linux, Slackware Linux, Pacific HiTech’s Turbo
Linux and SuSE Linux. However,
these are just some of the packages
that are available – there are a great
many more.
When choosing the distributor,
compare your hardware to the system
requirements on the particular package. Sometimes you’ll find differences
between packages when it comes to
supporting a particular SCSI card or
sound card, for example. This may not
be the end of the world, as given the
source code you can recompile Linux.
However, this isn’t for the fainthearted or something recommended for the
first-time user.
As well as the hardware considerations, you also need to look at what
Fig.2: this screen shot is
from the StarOffice
application that comes
bundled with Caldera
Open Linux. Among other
things, it offers a
spreadsheet, a database
and a word processor.
other software is bundled with the
package and consider the support
that’s offered. You might have some
special requirements for example.
If you have a situation where you
need to run low-cost PCs as Novel
Netware clients in a LAN, then you
should consider Caldera Open Linux.
Low in cost and relatively easy to
set up, this special implementation
excels when it comes to Novel connectivity. Caldera also bundle a very
useful 240-page “Getting Started
Guide”, a non-commercial copy of
Star Office and back-up software in
their standard package. What’s more,
they provide 30-day support.
Another popular distribution is
the Red Hat Linux. Red Hat features
“smart” upgrades, so popular that
the patch files used in Red Hat’s RPM
format are now also used by a number
of other distributors.
Red Hat can be installed on PCs
ranging from 386s with 16MB of
RAM to the latest Pentium IIs. You’ll
need around 120MB of free hard disc
space for a minimum installation, or
around 500MB if performing a typical
installation. The installation is very
easy to follow, the setup procedure
leading you by the hand through a
series of simple questions.
Debian GNU/Linux is becoming
another popular distribution. Debian
has 400 volunteers working on it,
making it one of the largest, if not the
largest, Linux development groups.
Installation of Debian GNU/Linux is
also quite simple and updates are in
the Red Hat RPM format.
Debian is compatible with Slack
ware updates as well as Red Hat RPM
update files. It can also be updated
over the net using FTP.
Slackware has been compiled by
Patrick Volkerding and has been distributed for some time now. There is
some debate as to whether Slackware
or Red Hat has the easiest installation
program, although I feel that both are
quite straightforward.
Slackware includes both a bootable
CD-ROM and a standard installation
CD-ROM. Hardware requirements
are 8MB of RAM and 12MB of hard
disc space for a CD-ROM dependant
installation. Of course, you get better
performance if the system is installed
on the hard disc and for this you’ll
need between 40-400MB of free space,
depending on the options you choose
to install.
Linux Pro, by Workgroup Solutions, aims to deliver a very stable
Linux package. It is not necessarily
made up of all of the latest components, on the premise that the “latest
is not always the greatest”. However, you’ll find all of the latest on a
supplementary CD in the package, if
you can’t resist keeping up with the
SuSE Linux, originally from Germany, has a very easy installation, and
is ideal for the novice. Purchasers of
the boxed package get 60 days of free
installation support with SuSE.
Finally, TurboLinux from Pacific
HiTech offers a high-performance
Linux, optimised for places where
speed is the most important factor. It
is ideal for those who want to get the
best performance from their system
but is still suitable for both novices
and experts alike.
TurboLinux is also easy to maintain
and update. It supports RPM updates
and has its own easy-to-use front end.
An alternative kernel is supplied too,
for people wishing to have APM (Advanced Power Management) support.
Turbo Linux is currently the most
popular distribution in Japan, with
sales of over 500,000 in just six
Next month we’ll describe how
Linux is installed and show you how
to set up a dual-boot system with Windows. In addition, we’ll give you some
basic command and troubleshooting
tips to keep you running.
MARCH 1999 9
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Cheap &
effective unit
uses a $12
LCD bicycle
If you’re a sailor, fly a kite or model aeroplane,
or just like knowing what the weather’s doing,
this anemometer project will be of interest. The
design would also be very useful in the geography or science departments of a high school or
perhaps you could build it for a science project.
For those who don’t know what it is,
an anemometer is a device that measures wind speed. Our battery-operated
anemometer has a digital screen that
shows wind speeds up to 99km/h
(higher if you wish to spend a little
more). It can display wind speed in
either km/h or mph, has an inbuilt
service indicator (more on this later)
and is very durable. Best of all, the
complete anemometer should cost
you well under $50!
The design uses a spinning cup-type
14 Silicon Chip
assembly that’s rotated by the wind. A
magnet positioned on one of the four
cup arms triggers a fixed-position reed
switch during each revolution, with
the output of the reed switch monitored by a combined LCD/processor
unit. Unbelievably, the LCD/processor
unit is available from Woolworths
for just $12. They call it the Acme
Cyclocomputer but basically it’s just
a digital bicycle speedometer.
While that’s the electronics out
of the way in one fell swoop, the
mechanical design is very important if the anemometer is to be both
durable and reliable. A lot of effort
was put into devising a rotor that
would last a long time, despite being
constantly exposed to the elements.
Our final design uses stainless steel
cups, polypropylene arms and a dual
ball-bearing axle.
Does that all sound expensive and
difficult to source? Not really – the
axle assembly is the front hub of a bicycle, the stainless steel cups are from
soup ladles and the polypropylene is
cut from a plastic kitchen chopping
board! All it takes is a little initiative
and you can scrounge the parts for
just about anything!
Building it
The first step in the construction
is to select the bicycle hub. A visit to
any bike shop will reveal a multitude
of front hubs – including some very
nice alloy ones! Often the shop will
have secondhand hubs available and
for our anemometer, we selected what
appeared to be a brand new steel hub
from the secondhand selection offered
to us. It cost just $6.95.
When picking a hub, make sure
that the axle spins freely but without
end-float. If it turns with a “cogging”
motion or if the grease in the ball
bearing area is old and coagulated,
don’t buy it. If you live in an area that’s
very prone to corrosion (for example,
near to the beach), you may wish to
splash out and buy an anodised alloy
hub. Either way, make sure that you
also get the nuts that go on the axle.
Next, you need to cut out the plastic
rotating arm assembly. This must be
done very carefully so that the rotor
retains good balance – more on this
later. The first step is to select a polypropylene cutting board. This should
be at least 285 x 285mm and must be
at least 10mm thick. We purchased a
board a little larger than this for $6.95
from a discount store.
The board should be cut to the
shape shown in Fig.1. The plastic
material “works” beautifully and can
be cut with an electric jigsaw or even
a coping saw. When cutting out the
rotor, don’t be tempted to replace the
curved corners shown on the drawing
with 90° cuts – the curves reduce the
Fig.1: the rotor can be cut from
a plastic chopping board. The
dimensions of your design
don’t really have to follow this
drawing exactly but make sure
that the rotor is symmetrical
about the centre mounting
MARCH 1999 15
The display can either be mounted
on the mast as shown here (because
it’s designed to be used outdoors on
a bicycle) or located remotely (eg,
inside the house).
chances of the arms fracturing later
on. Once cut, the edges can be filed
and/or sandpapered smooth.
Next carefully mark and drill the
centre hole, starting with a small drill
and then increasing the hole diameter
until it matches that of the axle. You
can then place the arm assembly on
the axle and temporarily tighten the
nut. Spin the assembly to check how
good the balance and run-out are.
If you have made a mistake and the
assembly is way off balance (perhaps
because you drilled the hole in the
wrong place), buy another chopping
board and start again. If the assembly
is only a little out of balance or is
perfect, keep going!
The next step is to detach the soup
ladle cups from their handles. When
buying the ladles make sure of two
things – that the cups are actually
stainless steel (it’s usually stamped on
the ladle) and that the cups can be easily detached. The ones we used were
spot welded to the handles and they
broke off with just some wriggling.
16 Silicon Chip
Rivets (or stronger spot welds) can be
drilled out. Our ladles cost $2.95 each
from a discount store but note that you
can pay much, much more than this if
you buy branded, fashionable ladles.
The trick is to look in bargain stores –
not trendy kitchenware places!
Attaching the cups
The cups are attached to the rotating
arm assembly by self-tapping screws
about 20mm long. These pass through
the cups near their edges and then
screw into the ends of the arms. If
you first hold a cup next to the end of
an arm, you’ll see that the end needs
to be slightly curved so that the cup
will nestle comfortably into position.
Use a hacksaw and a half-round file
to make this curved end for each of
the four arms.
This done, the holes can be drilled
through the cups to allow the screws
to pass through. On the units we selected, the spot welds used when the
cups had a previous life as soup ladles
were still clearly visible. We drilled
through one remnant spot weld on
each cup. The cup is then held against
the end of the arm, the hole position
marked and a small diameter pilot
hole drilled into the arm to take the
self-tapping screw.
Before selecting the size of drill bit
for the pilot hole, experiment with
different drill sizes on a scrap offcut
from the plastic cutting board. The
size of pilot hole that works well in
plastic is not the same as you would
use in other materials and depends
very much on the coarseness of the
thread on the screw. Experiment until
you find the hole size that best suits
the self-tapping screws you are using.
Note that over-tightening the screws
will cause the plastic to “strip”, so be
careful. For durability, the best bet
is to use stainless steel for all of the
fasteners used on the anemometer.
If you live in a very windy area
and want the rotating assembly to be
super-heavy duty, you could make the
rotor out of thick marine-grade ply.
In this case, mount the cups using
nuts and bolts, with the bolt passing
through the centre of the cup and then
through a hole drilled tangentially
into the arm. This heavier assembly
will be less sensitive to light winds,
With the cups mounted and the
rotating assembly temporarily on the
axle, you can blow on it and make it
go round and round. Once you get
bored with doing this, hold the axle
horizontally and check that the assembly stops in a different position each
time, indicating that it is perfectly
balanced. However, if one arm always
points downwards, indicating that it
is heavier than the others, mark it with
a Texta pen. This information will be
useful in a moment.
Water shield
To prevent water flowing into the
bearing from above, a shield needs
to be mounted above the hub, just
below the rotor. This extends down
over the hub without fouling it. A
plastic screw-on cap from an old oil
container (or similar) can be used to
form the shield (see photo). When
the right diameter cap is found, drill
a hole through the middle of it and
mount it on the axle under the rotor.
Remove the rotor from the axle before performing the next step. Incidentally, note that dropping the rotor can
dent the cups, so care should be taken
during the rest of the manufacturing
process. Once the rotor has been
removed, the axle/hub assembly can
be mounted on a polypropylene mast
bracket, using either saddle clamps or
a clamp fashioned from scrap aluminium (as in the prototype). We made a
mast bracket using an offcut from the
chopping board, again selecting this
material to prevent corrosion. Alternatively, you could use an aluminium
The magnet and its pick-up need to
be mounted next. Remember how you
marked the heaviest cup? To help balance the rotor, mount the magnet on
the arm directly opposite. The magnet
can be attached to the arm using two
small self-tapping screws and should
be placed with its centre about 55mm
from the rotor axle. This done, replace
the rotor assembly and mount the
sensor at the top of the mast bracket so
that the magnet passes directly over it.
One again, use a self-tapping screw to
secure it in position. Be sure to leave a
gap of a few millimetres between the
This close-up shows the mast bracket, the aluminium clamp which holds the
bearing assembly in place, the rain shield over the upper end of the bearing and
the sensor location.
magnet and the sensor.
You should now be able to spin the
rotor and read a speed on the bicycle
speedometer – after you’ve connected
the sensor leads, of course! Of course,
the speed will be wrong but the instructions in the next section will fix
that! If the assembly is out of balance
once this stage has been reached,
balance it by screwing small weights
to the outer edge of the arm that’s
opposite the heavy one. Using a cable
tie to hold the weight in place can be
useful while doing the balancing but
make sure it doesn’t fly off when the
rotor is being test spun!
The digital display can show the wind
speed in km/h (as shown here) or in
mph. The odometer reading (here
12.5km) can be used as a service
indicator. The km/h symbol flashes
when the anemometer is rotating but
the wind speed is too slow for
The anemometer can be calibrated
by checking it against the speedo
of a car driven at a fixed speed on
a still day. Be sure to choose a still
day, otherwise the calibration will be
inaccurate. The anemometer should
be mounted on a short (60cm) mast
which is firmly clamped to the roof
rack, with the lead to the display run
through a side window.
You will need a willing assistant to
drive the car along a quiet backstreet
while you read the wind speed on the
digital display and compare it with
the car’s speedometer.
The Cyclocomputer bicycle speedo
can be programmed for different
wheel diameters and this facility is
used to calibrate the anemometer. If
the speed shown by the instrument is
low, you need to set the wheel diameter to a higher number. Conversely,
if the speed shown by the instrument
is high, set the wheel diameter to a
smaller number. With the prototype,
MARCH 1999 17
For best results, the anemometer
should be placed high on a mast,
away from trees, house roofs
and the like. Note here how the
arm-mounted magnet is about to
pass over the reed switch sensor.
setting the wheel diameter to its
maximum (2999) gave the correct
If you find that you run out of calibration settings at the “large wheel”
end, add a second magnet to the rotor
assembly directly opposite the first.
The LCD module will then “think”
that the rotor is spinning twice as fast
as it actually is! As a result, you will be
able to use a reduced calibration number to set the instrument accurately.
You will need to re-balance the rotor
with the extra magnet in place though.
Note that you should be careful
when carrying out this calibration procedure. At 100km/h, for example, the
anemometer is spinning very quickly
indeed – fast enough to cause injury
if your arm was to come into contact
with it. Don’t drive at 100km/h with
the unit attached, though – a speed
of 20-60km/h is the most practical
for calibration and avoids the risk
of a mechanical failure. Again, don’t
touch the unit until it stops rotating.
Note also that you should mount the
18 Silicon Chip
anemometer far enough away from the
car so that the vehicle’s aerodynamics
don’t affect the measured wind reading – 50cm should be enough.
Final setting up
The prototype was mounted on a
1-metre length of square aluminium
tube. Incidentally, if you’re wondering
how expensive materials such as aluminium can be used on a budget project like this, I’ll let you into a secret.
If you go along to a large non-ferrous
scrap metal dealer you’ll find that you
can buy (by the kilogram) offcuts of
aluminium angle, plate and tube for
next to nothing. The metre of tube
used here cost about 30 cents!
The figure-8 cable that connects
the sensor to the display can be
lengthened beyond the metre or so
provided. Quite how long you can go
with this cable we’re not quite sure
but certainly 10 metres doesn’t cause
a problem. If a very long battery life
is required, the 3V button cell in the
display can be easily replaced by an
external pair of AA cells and the new
power supply leads soldered to the
original battery clips.
If you want to read higher wind
speeds than the 99.9 km/h available
on the Cyclocomputer, select another
brand of bicycle speedo. Some can
measure speeds of up to 200km/h,
which should be sufficient for all but
tropical cyclone conditions. Incidentally, the prototype was tested at
speeds of up to 120km/h without any
mechanical problems.
For absolute maximum durability, paint the complete anemometer.
Even some stainless steels will rust if
they are of low grade and all plastics
will last better if protected from UV
Finally, what about that “service
indicator” mentioned in the first
paragraph? That’s the odometer part
of the display. When it gets to 5000km
(or whatever figure you decide is appropriate), it’s time to re-grease the
bearings in the axle and check their
Instant servicing: no such thing
Customers who demand instant, while-youwait service can make life hard for everybody
– including themselves eventually. On the
other hand, customers who are confused by
modern VCRs and similar systems have a
genuine gripe. It’s about time we had some
really easy-to-use devices.
John Carter runs a security firm
just down the road from my workshop, selling and installing alarm
systems. One day, some time ago, he
brought in a Mintron MTV-3001CB
CCD colour camera and asked if I
fixed these things. I told him that I’d
stopped fixing them a few years ago,
when the circuits and the mechanics
became almost too small to see with
the naked eye.
John pointed out that this camera
was fairly ancient but he couldn’t
find the service agency for it. In view
of that, he asked if I would give it a
go. Eventually, I agreed to give it 15
minutes when I wasn’t busy and, if I
wasn’t getting anywhere, I’d let him
In due course I removed the metal
covers and found that the camera was
split into several modules: one for the
actual CCD camera, one where the output sockets were mounted, and three
Fig.1: the relevant section of the Sony KV-F29SZ2. Transistor Q604 is at
centre left, while voltage regulator IC303 is at top centre. The OFF MUTE
connections are at lower right.
horizontal boards stacked neatly one
above the other next to a metal can.
First, I checked the +12V rail at the
input to a 3-pin IC regulator and confirmed that there was 5V coming out. I
tapped it, heated and froze it but otherwise it was completely dead. Next,
I tried to find the service agency but I
had no luck either, which meant that
the circuit wasn’t available. I didn’t
bother to venture inside the sealed
metal can as I had no idea what it did.
Anyway, I had given it my best shot
and reassembled it to give it back to
John. When he called, I told him I
couldn’t fix it economically. He said
that the camera was no good to him
and told me I could keep it for spares.
I thanked him and put it aside.
Months passed and after being burgled, I decided to upgrade my security
system. I had already obtained a time
lapse video recorder but what I really
needed now was a camera. That’s
when I remembered John’s Mintron
and thought I would give it a few
hours of my own time at weekends
(talk about a busman’s holiday).
Anyway, I reopened the camera
and examined each board assembly
very carefully. I also unsoldered and
removed the covers of the metal can
and had a good look round. By and
large, the soldering was quite good
and some boards used double-sided
printed circuit patterns. Finally, with
all the covers off, I connect
ed the
camera to a monitor and power supply
and switched on.
Once again I tried tapping, heating and freezing, desperately trying
to coax some life into it. And then,
having unsoldered the screening can,
I sprayed freezer onto a little board
inside and to my excitement a picture
suddenly appeared on the monitor in
full colour.
Well, the problem seemed to be in
this area but what could it be? I tried
heating to reconstruct the fault but
the picture was still there. Tapping
it didn’t make any difference either.
MARCH 1999 19
In fact, I couldn’t fault it at all. I examined it carefully and, on second
thought, felt perhaps the soldering
could be reworked – maybe there was
an invisible hairline fracture though I
really couldn’t see anything that was
cause for concern. After soak testing
it for an hour I decided that it had
fixed itself.
On reflection, that was a ridiculous
hope – on a par with winning the
big one!
I reassembled it completely and
switched it on. You’ve guessed it – the
picture had gone again. I disassembled it once again and repeated the
freezing treatment as before. Once
again, the picture returned. This time,
I’d tried to be very careful where I
sprayed the freezer but it still hit an
area of at least six square centimetres.
Unfortunately, because the covers
were metal, it was too risky trying to
reassemble it while it was switched
on. Instead, I did the next best thing – I
reassembled it a step at a time until
the picture disappeared, which was
just after resoldering the metal screen
covers to the small module. I unsoldered them again but still couldn’t
find out what was causing the trouble.
Next, I reworked all the solder
joints – again without success. However, when I moved a blue lead on
20 Silicon Chip
the screen side of the double-sided
PC board, I noticed that some if the
component pigtails had pierced the
plastic insulation and so were shorting to the inner conductor when the
metal screen was in place. All I had to
do was re-route the cable, clear of the
pigtails, to execute a complete repair.
Although the cause of the problem
was simple, it took a long time and a
lot of trial and error, with a few red
herrings, before it was eventually
tracked down. Initially, John wanted
it back but the repair cost was higher
than he was prepared to pay and, in
the end, he was quite happy to let me
keep the now working camera.
Quick fix wanted
Mrs Evans wanted a quick service
call on her TV set, a Sony KV-F29SZ2
(G3F chassis). Unfortunately, I
couldn’t oblige as I was snowed under
with work at the time, even though
the no-sound fault sounded simple.
Instead, I had to insist that she arrange for her husband to deliver the
set to the workshop. As a sweetener,
I offered to lend her a portable set
while it was being fixed and so we
struck a deal.
When it was delivered, she added
that the width was also intermittently
distorting. My decision to tackle it in
the workshop instead of the customer’s home had been the correct one.
On checking the picture, there
was obvious intermittent east/west
pincushion correction. Apparently,
the fault had occurred when a little
girl had been turning the set on and
off repeatedly.
I was hoping that there was a common part that connected these two
seemingly unrelated faults. I started
by examining the sound circuits,
suspecting that a common voltage
rail had failed that was shared by
the sound and east/west correction
circuits. However, there was 9V, 12V
and 30V to the sound circuit, which
was correct.
Having checked the supply voltages, I tried running my fingers over
IC202 and IC203 but this didn’t produce any sound in the speakers either.
I had to have the set face down on its
front to get access to the underside
of motherboards A and D to do this
– another good reason to have it in
the workshop!
Next, I connected an audio probe
(a small battery-powered transistor
amplifier) and found that sound was
reaching pins 19 (R OUT) and 20 (L
OUT) of IC202 (TA8776N) but not pins
2 & 4) of IC203. Between these points
are two muting transistors, Q209
and Q210, and I found that shorting
pin 1 of the “OFF MUTE” connector
(CN108) to chassis restored the sound.
I followed the lead back to pin 1
(OFF MUTE) of connector CN0528
on the D board and then to the power
supply and the collector of transistor
Q604 (2SA1309A). This PNP transistor has its base connected to a 15V rail
(pins 2 & 3 of connector CN117) and
this rail also supplies IC303, a 5-pin
voltage regulator.
As I quickly discovered, there was
roughly 12V on Q604’s collector.
However, when I shorted its base to its
emitter, this voltage would collapse
(ie, the transistor would turn off) and
the sound would recover.
The abovementioned regulator
(IC303) provided a 12V rail at its
output and this was fed to the emitter
of Q604. But the best news was that
this same 12V source also fed the
pincushion control IC2504. And the
output from IC303 wasn’t exactly 12V
but was slightly lower. It was also
varying, thus switching on Q604 in
the muting circuit.
Replacing the IC fixed both prob-
Fig.2: the switchmode power supply from the Sony KV-G21S1 (G21S11).
IC601 is at left, transformer T601 (black) is at centre, and IC602 at lower
lems simultaneously, and the customer was happily reunited with her
set after it had been soak tested for
a week.
An arrogant customer
The major drama this month was
undoubtedly Mr Sutherland’s (no,
not his real name) Sony KV-G21S1
TV set. Initially, he wanted me to call
and fix it in his home after a power
surge had killed it. Well, I nearly did
and probably would have if his attitude had been less demanding and
arrogant. When he rang, he demanded
that I call immediately and was really
quite abrupt and rude. He obviously
thought that I had nothing better to
do but wait by the phone, ready to
drop everything the instant he called.
When I told him I couldn’t call right
away, he told me that he thought I was
an overpaid idiot. And he said that he
was going to get someone else to do
the job who was “quicker, cheaper and
undoubtedly more intelligent”. Not
that that bothered me – I’d rather not
deal with petulant customers.
That was three months ago.
I thought I’d heard the last of the
matter but then, earli
er this week,
a much chastened Mr Sutherland
(please call me Peter) turned up
clutching his KV-G21S1. It was covered with tickets from at least three
other service centres. Apparently, he
had been hawking his set halfway
round the world, trying to get it fixed
quickly, cheaply and (presumably)
more intelligently by someone else.
Finally, he had collected the set from
the last of those centres after his patience (if he ever had any) had run out.
Anyway, please, please could I fix it?
Not wanting to show my obvious
pleasure at his supreme discomfort,
I humbly booked it in with the pride
and dignity befitting my lowly station
in life. Ahem!
Well, I may have won the battle but
I certainly hadn’t won the war.
The set was dead, despite having
high voltage reaching pin 1 of IC601
STR-S6707. This pin is the collector of
the internal chopper transistor in the
power supply. It couldn’t even raise a
“chirrup” on start up and, apparently, wasn’t even trying to oscillate. A
quick examination revealed that a lot
of work had been done around transformer T601, judging by the amount
of fresh soldering. Someone had been
trying all sorts of components, not
all of them original manufacturer’s
I knew this wasn’t going to be a
straightforward job and I felt I needed
to have an edge of some kind. I didn’t
want to waste lots of time and money
ordering spare parts that might not
fix the problem. Fortunately, I am
on good terms with our local Sony
service agent and it was just lucky
that a similar set, a KV-G21S11 (note
that type number) which had been
dropped, had just come in. The tube
and cabinet had been smashed but
the motherboard was OK. They had
already scrounged a few parts from
it but, provided these were replaced,
they still considered it a “goer”.
This was great. I now had all
the parts to hand I could possibly
need. The only items missing were
the Teletext module, the horizontal
output transistor (Q802) and IC602
(SE115N), the error amplifier. And I
knew that the set was virtually brand
new – this against Mr Sutherland’s
set which everyman and his dog had
had a go at and which now had how
many faults?
I decided to fit a new horizontal
output transistor and SE115 IC to
the scrapped chassis, then swap the
chassis over. When I did this, the
sound and raster came on straightaway but no pictures – just wavy, noisy
patterning. I thought tuning would
fix this. However, five minutes later I
concluded that the set was unable to
display a picture, perhaps due to the
motherboard not having its Teletext
module fitted.
Chassis comparisons
I began comparing the two chassis
in closer detail. One was made in
Malaysia and the other in Japan, the
major difference being the Teletext
module. The KV-G21S11 had two
extra links fitted, A and B, plus
some surface mounted components
underneath. Though I tried various
combinations of links and swapped
the tuners, IF transistors, jungle IC
and all coils, I couldn’t get a picture.
Reluctantly, I went back to plan A;
ie, revert to the original KV-G21S1
chassis and use the borrowed G221S11 as a component source and test
bed. First, I swapped IC601, T601 and
IC603 to see if I could get any life. I
also swapped all the electrolytic capacitors but to no avail. OK, I knew
it wasn’t going to be easy.
Next, I placed the two sets side-byside and compared the DC resistance
to chassis for each pin on IC601.
Everything meas
u red OK until I
reached pin 9, where I noticed that the
faulty set (G21S1) had less resistance
to chassis than the borrowed chassis
(G21S11). I then spent some time
measuring all the components around
MARCH 1999 21
Serviceman’s Log – continued
pin 9 before concluding that C634
(470pF) was leaky. The only problem
was C634 was surface mounted, this
device being about 1.5mm long by
0.5mm wide and glued on. However,
this problem wasn’t insurmountable
and I soon had it off and another
470pF capacitor fitted in its place.
This turned out to be the culprit
and the power supply now fired up,
but there was still little life in the set.
I measured the main HT rail and got
a reading of 150V instead of 115V.
Whoops! I quickly switched off and
fitted a new SE115N error amplifier
22 Silicon Chip
IC (IC602), which stabilised the rail
accurately at 115V. I also had 16V on
the cathode of D606 and 9V on pin
2 of IC521 but the set was still dead,
except for brief periods at start-up
during which I could hear the familiar 15,625kHz whistle from the EHT
It was difficult to decide what to try
next so I concentrated on restoring all
the desired voltage rails. I replaced
several fusible resistors (such as R851)
and also IC102 (a 33V IC zener) and
eventually re-established each voltage
rail but there was still no picture or
sound. In addition, the horizontal
output stage was closing down after
it had been on for about 30 seconds.
This turned out to be due to pin 50
of the jungle IC (EHT X-ray) being
activated by Q1513 because there was
no vertical timebase signal.
I replaced IC551 (V-OUT) but it
wasn’t until I replaced IC801 (uPC
4558G2-EI, PIN-AMP) that the vertical pulses reached the jungle and
output ICs and the safety circuit
stopped cutting in (IC801 is another
surface-mount component). We now
had a raster at last but not much else.
I was beginning to suspect the main
microprocessor IC001 but decided
instead to swap IC013 – the memory
chip EPROM – if only because it had
eight legs and was therefore much
easier and quicker to change.
Another good move; I now had
on-screen displays and movement in
the raster. Setting up the autosearch
produced all the stations in living
colour! The sound problem turned out
to be the sound IC (IC203, TA8248K).
Just for the hell of it, I went back
to my Sony friend and told him the
full story and he gave me the Teletext
module (OPTK200) to try.
First, I fitted it into the KV-G21S1
and it worked straightaway. Pressing
on the remote control puts it into the
service mode. I then set up the Text
Picture Contrast and Text Mix Mode
Picture and Blanking Off Picture according to the Service Manual, then
wrote it into memory.
I then removed it and fitted it into
the KV-G21S11. This restored sound
and picture perfectly but funnily
enough there was no text. I suspect
that in all the messing about, I had
made a mistake somewhere. Anyway,
enough was enough.
I refitted the original chassis and
put it aside to soak test while I perused the bill. Mr Sutherland was
about to find out what the word “expensive” means. He will probably
think that I’m being vindictive but
that’s life.
Mr Pile’s VCR
Mr Pile had just bought a brand
new NEC FS-6391 stereo TV set and
a VHG-105 VCR from a local electrical
discount house and was very dissatisfied with them. This surprised me
as it seemed to be a pretty desirable
package and I really couldn’t under-
stand why he was phoning me, as I
was not an NEC dealer.
Anyway, he couldn’t get Channel
10 or Channel 28 on the VCR. What’s
more, he no longer had any faith in
the retailer who had the temerity to
deliver and install the combination
but didn’t give any lessons on how
to use it. In fact, Mr Pile thought that
this was disgraceful.
I tried to explain to him that, with
the profit margins available nowadays, he was actually very lucky to
have it installed, let alone delivered.
I also asked what was wrong with the
instruction book? He disagreed with
me, saying that he used to be in the
car trade and they would certainly
show their customers how to use the
I countered by pointing out that
everyone takes driving lessons before
obtaining a licence; they’re not taught
to drive by the car dealers. More to the
point, if I was called out, he would
be up for my usual service call plus
labour costs. He nearly had a coronary
with that news but he was persistent
and I reluctantly booked him for TV
and VCR driving lessons the next
I arrived at the appointed time and
was soon checking out the installation. Apart from little things like
skipping unused channel sites and
allocating station names, both the
TV set and the VCR were installed
The reason he couldn’t get Chan-
nels 10 & 28 was because these were
two digit numbers and the “-” button
on the remote keypad had to be selected first. It was all in the manual,
if only he’d taken the trouble to look.
The VCR was connected via AV
leads to get the best audio quality and
is selected via the TV/Video button.
I then set the VCR time via the menu
(i) on-screen display system (OSD).
Mr Pile had enormous difficulty in
following this as he wasn’t used to
concepts such as menu, enter (OK),
memorise, edit, scroll and other computer type jargon.
It became worse when I explained
how to do timer recordings and record
one channel while watching another.
He had great difficult in keying in the
numbers and often mis-keyed without checking for confirmation on the
screen. I did my best to persuade him
to use G-code, which on this VCR did
not need setting up, much to my relief.
After an hour and a half and after
watching him practise it five times, I
finally managed to extricate myself,
having charged for only an hour.
Another call
The next morning, there was a
message on my answering machine,
logged at 7.15am, complaining that
the system was still not working. I did
my best to fix the problem over the
phone but in the end I had to go back.
This time he had made a real mess
of it and the tuning of the VCR was all
over the place. When I reconstructed
Mailbag: continued from page 31
in the subject of technology. We collect old fax machines, disc drives, CD
players and many old photocopiers.
This last item results in many excellent motors, gears, clutches, chain,
steel rods and bearings, to name just
a few.
With all this junk we have made
many small model sanders, robots,
cranes, miniature drill presses, small
lathes, trucks and so on. One small
problem does arise. A few motors are
of the stepper type. Your excellent
project on the “Universal Stepper
Motor Controller” has been used on
several occasions. I am working on a
modification to this circuit, to make
the board much smaller, as on most
projects we do not need the stepper
function; just on at full speed and
occasionally reverse. We have close to
50 of these, some with excellent worm
drives and gearboxes – very useful.
L. Beswick,
Newnham, Tas.
Doesn’t like
digital phones
I read with interest your article
on page 44 of the January 1999 issue
regarding Dick Smith Electronics
selling a digital mobile phone for -$1.
Your article states that there are
over 1.8 million analog users yet to
convert to digital. Perhaps I know
why. I will now transfer to a digital
phone. Many of us anaee a mobe aaa
eee useee preaaaee th method mobile
communieeeeaaa beep beep beep.
Oh, I’m sorry, you didn’t under-
what had happened, I discovered he
had tried to get into the timer pro
gramming menu but had accidentally
placed the cursor on the wrong item
and had selected the automatic tuning
instead. This tunes all the stations
automatically from program 01 until
it stops. It took nearly half an hour to
put it back the way it was and give
him one last lesson. Of course, he had
no intention of paying for any of this.
I left him with instructions that
he was now on his own; I would
only help him over the phone and I
wouldn’t call out again. I left with my
fingers crossed.
That probably sounds callous but
I can’t afford too many free calls.
The truth is, I have a great deal of
sympathy for this customer and a lot
of other customers who have similar
The problem is that many people really don’t understand current
technology and are frightened of it.
There certainly is a market for “nofrills” basic TV sets and VCRs using
remote controls with large buttons, idiot-proof on-screen displays and LEDs
to show that they are transmitting.
In addition, the instruction booklets should be easy to read and understand. The manufacturers could help
in this regard by not using jargon or
new buzz words or incomprehensible
acronyms. I know of one case where
someone sent for an instruction book
to explain his instruction manual –
and received one!
stand the last paragraph. Well, with
the way these new-fangled phones
“digitise” I’m not surprised. Many
of us mobile phone users prefer
analog as the method of communication because we can still hold a
conversation in suspect signal areas
and our phones work where digital
ones don’t.
I know of many analog users who
will hang on to their phones until
Telstra finally “flick the switch” because they know the digital system
just doesn’t live up to the advertising
hype. Dealers can offer any figure
they like to convert. I for one will
keep my Motorola “Brick” on line
as long as the little green LED in the
top left hand corner of the display
keeps flashing.
B. Sheargold,
Collaroy, NSW.
MARCH 1999 23
You can use this
easy-to-build card to
monitor the current
through three
external loads or
to monitor battery
charging currents. It
plugs into the
parallel port of your
PC, is software
controlled and can
even automatically
log sampled data to
an Excel spreadsheet.
HIS IS A VERY versatile circuit. It accepts an external DC
voltage input (up to 36V max.)
which is then fed to three outputs via
low-value current sensing resistors.
It then individually monitors the
currents through any external loads
connected to the outputs and displays
the results on a computer monitor.
In use, the unit plugs into the
parallel port of a PC via a DB25M
connector and a DB25 male-to-female
cable. An on-screen “virtual” instrument panel is used to control the card
and display the results – see Fig.1.
This display is software generated,
which means that you don’t have to
buy expensive hardware items such
as meters, cases, switches and knobs.
As shown, the display is dominated
24 Silicon Chip
by four meters – three to display the
load currents and a fourth to display
the external voltage input.
Immediately below each current
meter are two “Set Current Limit”
buttons. These allow you to set individual current limits from 0-3A for
each channel. Note, however, that the
unit doesn’t act to limit the current
as such; instead, it simply lights an
indicator LED on the PC board if
the current in a particular channel
exceeds the set limit. A separate indicator LED is used for each channel.
As well, there are Limit indicators
on the control panel and these also
light if the current limits are exceeded. This is shown on Fig.1, where the
current in channel 3 (0.68A) has ex
ceeded the set current limit of 0.67A.
A bargraph to the left of each Limit
indicator gives a quick visual indication of the current in each channel,
while the meters themselves show
both analog and digital readouts.
By the way, there’s nothing to stop
you from adding extra circuitry to
the LED indicators on the PC board.
The LED indica
tor outputs on the
DB25 socket go high (+5V) when the
current limits are exceeded. These
outputs could thus be used to drive
logic circuits; eg, transistors and relays. These could be used to switch
the external DC supply voltage or to
disconnect the load, if the current
rises above the set limit.
The “Set Voltage” section on the
panel has nothing to do with the
external input voltage. Instead, the
Fig.1: this is the on-screen
virtual instrument panel
generated by the software. It
shows the applied external
voltage plus the current flowing
in each output channel. Note
that the Limit indicator for
channel 3 is lit here. That’s
because the current in that
channel has exceeded the set
down buttons are used to set an external voltage output on the board
anywhere from 0-2V. Again, this particular output could be used to control external circuitry or to provide a
variable voltage reference.
Charging currents
As an alternative to monitoring
load currents, this unit can also be
used to monitor charging currents.
That’s because the current can flow
through the output channels in either
direction; ie, the three outputs can
also be used as inputs.
In practice, this means that you
could connect a solar panel to one
or more of the outputs and monitor
the charging currents into an external
The remaining feature of note
on the main panel is the “Logging”
function in the top lefthand corner.
Clicking this brings up the dialog
box shown in Fig.5, so that you can
automatically log sampled data into
an Excel spread
s heet. You could
use this to monitor the charging
performance of a solar cell array, for
The functions logged include the
date, the time, the input voltage at
the input (RS+) terminals and the current in each channel (ie, the current
through each current sense amplifi
er). There are four separate logging
intervals for you to choose from: 10s,
1 minute, 10 minutes or 60 minutes.
All you have to do is click the one
you want.
Main Features
Plugs into the parallel port of
a PC. Software generates the onscreen instrument display.
Three current sensing channels
Instrument display has three
ammeters plus a voltmeter to
display the applied voltage.
Each current sense channel
can be sampled and automatically
logged to an Excel spreadsheet.
Logging interval can be set to
10 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes
or 60 minutes.
rent-Sense Amplifier”. In fact, three
of these ICs are used in the design,
one for each output channel.
Fig.2 shows the basic internal
circuitry of the MAX471. It contains
a current sensing resistor (RSENSE),
two amplifiers (A1 & A2), a couple of
transistors and a comparator.
Basically, the device is designed to
accurately monitor current flow. In
operation, the battery/load current
flows from RS+ to RS- (or vice versa)
via RSENSE. As a result, some current
also flows through either RG1 and Q1
or through RG2 and Q2, depending
on the current direction through the
sensing resistor.
Note that only Q1 or Q2 can be on
at any one time. The two transistors
are prevented from both turning on at
the same time by additional internal
circuitry (not shown on Fig.2 for the
sake of clarity).
Let’s assume initially that a load
current flows from RS+ to RS- and that
the OUT terminal (pin 8) is connected
to ground via a resistor (ROUT). In that
case, amplifier A1 supplies base current to Q1 which turns on. As a result,
Q1 supplies current to the external
resistor on pin 8 and this current
(let’s call it IOUT) is proportional to
the load current.
Fig.2: this block diagram
shows what’s inside the
MAX471. It contains a
current sensing resistor
(RSENSE), two amplifiers
(A1 & A2), a couple
of transistors and a
comparator. Only one
transistor (either Q1 or
Q2) can be on at any
given time.
The MAX471
To understand how the circuit
works, we first need to look at one
of its most important parts – the
MAX471 “Precision, High-Side CurMARCH 1999 25
Fig.3: the final circuit uses six ICs. ICs2-4 are the current sense amplifiers, while
IC5 performs A/D conversion of the analog data on its inputs. This data is then
fed to the PC via the parallel port. IC6 provides the reference voltage for IC5.
We can determine the value for
IOUT using the following equation:
IOUT = (ILOAD x RSENSE)/RG1. Similarly, the voltage across ROUT is given by
the equation: VOUT = (RSENSE x ROUT
x ILOAD)/RG. In practice, a value of
2kΩ for ROUT gives a value of 1V per
amp of load current.
The Sign output indicates the current’s direction and can be used to indicate whether a battery is charging or
discharging, for example. This output
is driven by a comparator which monitors the outputs of amplifiers A1 and
A2. It is high for positive current flow
from RS+ to RS- and low if the current
flows in the opposite direction.
How it works
Now take a look at the circuit – see
Fig.3. It uses six ICs, four LEDs and
a handful of other parts, including a
DB25M connector to interface to the
PC’s parallel port.
The three main ICs in the line-up
26 Silicon Chip
are the MAX471s (IC2-IC4), which
provide the three channels of current sensing. In addition, there’s an
MC145041 8-bit A/D converter (IC5),
a MAX504 10-bit D/A converter (IC6)
and a DS2401 silicon serial number.
As shown on Fig.3, pins 2 & 3 of
IC2-IC4 are all wired together and
connected to the positive rail of the
external power supply. Diode D1
is there to protect the circuit from
reverse polarity protection. If the external supply is connected the wrong
way around, D1 conducts heavily and
blows the fuse inside the supply.
Of course, this assumes that the
external supply is fused at the output.
If it isn’t, then you should add a 5A
fuse in the positive supply line at the
input of the Current Monitor.
The “outputs” from the MAX471s
(RS- & RS-1) appear at pins 6 & 7.
These outputs are simply the other
side of the internal current sense
resistor, as shown in Fig.2.
IC5 is used to sample and digitise
the data applied to four of its address
inputs (A0-A3). The data applied to
A3 is derived from the paralleled RS+
inputs and reflects the applied input
voltage. This voltage is fed to A3 of
IC5 via a divider network consisting
of resistors R6 & R7.
The A0-A2 address lines independently sample the OUT pins of ICs
2-4 and this data is used to calculate
the current through each device (ie,
the individual load currents). In each
case, a 2kΩ resistor is connected to
the OUT pin so that we get 1V at the
OUT terminal for each amp of load
current. This voltage is then sampled
via resistive dividers and fed to IC5.
The signal on pin 17 (Address) of
IC4 (applied from pin 7 of the parallel
port) selects the input voltage to be
converted. The EOC (end of conversion) output at pin 19 then goes low
when conversion is completed and
this signals the PC via pin 10 of the
parallel port. The converted digital
data is then clocked out from the
DOUT pin (pin 16) and applied to
pin 13 of the port, after which it is
Parts List
1 PC board, 76 x 68mm
1 PC-mount DB25M connector
2 PC-mount 3-way screw
terminal blocks
1 3-disc software package
1 PC stake
1 DS2401 silicon serial number
3 MAX471 current sense
amplifiers (IC2-IC4)
1 MC145041 8-bit A/D converter
1 MAX504 10-bit D/A converter
1 1N4001 diode (D1)
4 PC-mount miniature LEDs
2 10µF 16VW PC-mount
4 0.1µF monolithic
Fig.4: install the parts
on the PC board as
shown here, taking
care to ensure that
all parts are correctly
oriented. Note that the
external supply should
be fused; if it isn’t,
connect it to the PC
board via a 5A in-line
the parallel port, while SCLK and
CS-bar are the clock and chip select
inputs respectively. The converted
analog output voltage appears at pin
12 (VOUT) and can be varied from
0V to 2.048V.
In addition, IC6 generates a fixed
2.048V reference voltage (REFOUT)
and this is applied to pin 14 (V+REF)
of IC5.
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
4 1MΩ (R7,R11-R13)
3 470kΩ (R8-R10)
1 100kΩ (R2-R4)
1 56kΩ (R6)
4 2.7kΩ (R5,R14,R15,R20)
3 2kΩ (R17-R19)
1 1kΩ (R16)
1 56Ω (R1)
Silicon serial number
processed by the software.
The clock signal comes from pin 8
of the parallel port and is applied to
pin 18 of IC4 (I/O-CK). Pin 6 of the
parallel port controls the chip select
(CS-bar) input of IC5.
IC6 is a MAX504 10-bit digital-to
analog (D/A) converter. The serial
data generated by the software is
fed into pin 2 (DIN) from pin 2 of
IC1 is a Dallas Semiconductor
DS2401 “Silicon Serial Number”. Its
function is to confirm that the correct
hardware is connected to the printer
port. This is done to eliminate possible damage if you attempt to run the
Current Monitor software and a printer or some other device (eg, a scanner)
is connect to the parallel port.
The DS2401 comes in a standard
TO-92 package but only two of its pins
(ie, Data and GND) are used. Each device comes with a unique registration
number and this number is read by
the software via pin 16 of the parallel
port. If the number matches the number programmed into the software, the
software functions normally. If the
numbers don’t match or it cannot find
the device, the program won’t load.
This means that the software supplied with each individual DS2401
is tailored to match that device. The
same software will not work with other hardware because the code number
will be different.
Power for the circuit is derived
directly from pin 9 of the parallel
port which supplies a +5V rail. This
means that no external power supply
is required to run the circuit.
All the parts, including the DB25M
connector, are installed on a PC board
measuring 76 x 68mm. Fig.4 shows
the assembly details.
Begin the assembly by installing a
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
yellow violet yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
green blue orange brown
red violet red brown
red black red brown
brown black red brown
green blue black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
yellow violet black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
green blue black red brown
red violet black brown brown
red black black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
green blue black gold brown
MARCH 1999 27
Fig.5: clicking “Logging” on the virtual
instrument panel brings up the Logging
System dialog box shown at right. This
lets you select the logging interval, after
which you can automatically log to an
Excel spreadsheet, as shown above.
PC stake at the Analog Output position (near pin 1 of IC6), then install
the 13 wire links. Note that one of
these links (shown dotted) goes under
the DB25M connector (SK1).
The resistors and capacitors can go
in next. Take care to ensure that the
two 10µF electrolytics are installed
with the correct polarity. Table 1
shows the resistor colour codes but
it’s also a good idea to check the values using a digital multimeter.
The six ICs (including the DS2401)
should now be installed. Note particularly that IC5 and IC6 face in
opposite directions to each other. IC
sockets were used on the prototype for
the three MAX471 devices but these
are not really necessary – just solder
the devices directly to the PC board.
Finally, complete the assembly
by installing the DB25M connector,
the insulated screw-terminal blocks,
diode D1 and the LEDs. Make sure
that the LEDs are correctly oriented
– in each case, the anode lead is the
longer of the two, while the LED lens
is slightly offset towards the cathode.
Go over your work and check the
PC board carefully for mistakes before
connecting the unit to a computer,
28 Silicon Chip
ready for testing. You can either plug
the unit directly into the parallel
port or connect it via a DB25 maleto-female printer cable. The latter is
certainly the most convenient, particularly when is comes to connecting
external power supplies and loads.
Installing the software
The software comes on three floppy
discs and runs under Windows 3.1x,
Windows 95 and Windows NT. You
install it by running setup.exe on the
first disc and then following a few onscreen instructions. In Windows 95,
for example, you click Start, Run and
then type A:\setup.exe in the space
provided (assuming that the floppy
disc is in the A: drive). The installer
program creates the appropriate program group and installs a shortcut in
the Start menu.
In Windows 3.1x, you click File,
Run and type A:\setup.exe.
When you boot the software, it first
opens a dialog box that lets you select
between two printer ports (LPT1 and
LPT2). LPT2 is the default but most
users will have to select LPT1 since
they will only have one parallel port
on their computer. You then click OK
to bring up the panel shown in Fig.1.
Initially, the display will be off,
since the Power is off. You turn the
display (and the unit) on by clicking
the Power button at bottom left. Check
that the power LED (LED4) on the PC
board lights when you do this. Don’t
worry if one or more of the LEDs
(including the Power LED) on the PC
board lights while the computer boots
up – everything should be normal
after the Cur
rent Monitor software
is loaded.
By the way, once you’ve selected
a port, it can be saved as the default
by clicking the Power button on and
then off again (this rewrites the io.ini
file). The software will now always
boot with the new port as the default,
unless you change it again. Clicking
the power button to off also saves
the three current limit settings and
the analog voltage output setting, so
that they are automatically reloaded
the next time you run the software.
It’s now simply a matter of checking
that everything works correctly. First,
connect an external DC power supply
to the Input and GND terminals (via
Where To Buy Parts
Parts for this design are available from Softmark, PO Box 1609, Hornsby,
NSW 2077. Phone/fax (02) 9482 1565; email softmark<at>
MAX471 precision, high-side current sense amplifier (price ea.) ........... $6
MAX504 10-bit D/A converter .............................................................. $10
MC145041 8-bit A/D converter ............................................................... $5
DB25M connector .................................................................................. $2
PC board .............................................................................................. $10
Full kit (hardware only, with three MAX471 ICs) .................................. $45
Optional parallel port card .................................................................... $15
Version 2.0 with logging ....................................................................... $30
Version 1.0 without logging .................................................................. $20
Payment by cheque or money order only. Please add $5 for postage. Note:
the software associated with this design is copyright to Softmark.
a suitable fuse – see above) and vary
the supply between 0-30V. Check
that the supply output is accurately
shown on the voltmeter (lefthand side
of the on-screen display), then set the
supply to 5V.
You can now simulate an external
load by briefly connecting a 5.6Ω 5W
resistor between O/P1 and GND. The
meter for Current Output 1 should
show a reading of about 1A. Don’t
leave the resistor connected for more
than a minute or so though, since
it will be running at the limit of its
rating and will get very hot.
Now do the same for the other two
output channels; ie, connect the resistor between O/P2 and GND, then
between O/P3 and GND. In each case,
check that you get the correct current
reading (1A) on the ammeter for that
If all is well, you can now check the
current limit warning indicators. You
do this simply by setting the current
limits for each channel to a figure less
than 1A, then briefly connecting the
5Ω resistor to each output in turn. In
each case, the Limit indicator should
light for the channel that’s being tested and should go out again when the
resistor is removed or if the current
limit is increased above 1A. In addition, the corresponding Limit LED
should light on the PC board.
The analog voltage output should
also be checked. This is done by connect a voltmeter between the analog
output and GND and clicking the Set
Voltage buttons on the display. Check
that the output can be varied between
0V and 2.048V.
Data logging tests
Finally, the logging feature should
be checked out. To do this, first click
“Logging” at the top left of the main
window to bring up the dialog box
shown in Fig.5, then select the “Logging Interval” and click the On/Off
Excel should now automatically
launch and log the sampled data at
the selected time interval into the
spreadsheet. To stop the logging process, click the On/Off button on the
Logging System dialog box. The program will then instruct you to click
the Save + Exit button, after which
you can save the spreadsheet to a file
and directory of your choosing. The
Logging System dialog box is then
closed by clicking the “Back To Main
Form” button.
14 Model Railway Projects
THE PROJECTS: LED Flasher; Railpower Walkaround Throttle;
SteamSound Simulator; Diesel Sound Generator; Fluorescent
Light Simulator; IR Remote Controlled Throttle; Track Tester;
Single Chip Sound Recorder; Three Simple Projects (Train
Controller, Traffic Lights Simulator & Points Controller); Level
Crossing Detector; Sound & Lights For Level Crossings; Diesel
Sound Simulator.
Our stocks of this book are now limited. All we have left are
newsagents’ returns which means that they may be slightly
shop-soiled or have minor cover blemishes.
SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE: $3.95 + $3 P&P (Aust. & NZ)
This book will not be reprinted
Order by phoning (02) 9979 5644 & quoting your credit card number; or fax the details to (02) 9979 6503; or mail your
order with cheque or credit card details to Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
MARCH 1999 29
Cheap engine
I have one of the older cars referred
to in your article on engine immobilisers in the December 1998 issue. It
spends most of its time idle in my
driveway while I drive the new economical one. There is no doubt these
cars are easy to break into and steal
compared to late model cars.
An easy fix more suited to the economics and usage pattern of an older
car is to transpose the plug leads from
the coil and one of the cylinders.
The car then fires occasionally when
cranking but will not run. If the battery
is a bit old and tired, like mine often
is, then it will flatten quickly and the
thief will give up! And if the car is
to be left for any period of time then
removing the distributor rotor is an
old standby too. It is easily carried in
the pocket and not so easily “worked
around” by a thief.
Ross M. Daly,
Salisbury, SA.
Hints on using
PC power supplies
I read with interest the article on
using old PC power supplies in the
December 1998 issue. I have modified
several into useful 13.8V supplies,
including one unit that was able to
put out 25A. Generally when modifying the units I remove any compon
ents from non required rails like 5V,
-12V, etc. I then upgrade the 12V rail
components (bigger diode packs, more
filter capacitors and probably a bigger
filter choke) and then finally, I reroute
the feedback loop that is generally on
the 5V line to the 12V line. Ripping
out disused components helps make
the supply appear simpler and also
gives you somewhere to put in extra
filter capacitors for the upgraded 12V
rail. (Common the +5V and +12V outputs, then fill all the 5V rail capacitor positions with 25V-rated capacitors.)
I have long ago given up trying to
just use the 12V rail, as this path generally leads to lousy regulation due to
the fact that most if not all PC supplies
have only one switchmode controller/
30 Silicon Chip
transformer and therefore can only
actively regulate one output, the +5V
rail as number one priority, the 12V
rail falling into place as a result, by
virtue of the transformer turns ratio. If
you put a heavy load on the 12V rail
without a proportional load on the 5V
rail, the 12V rail will sag.
One other modification I have done
is to change the input circuit on a PC
supply to allow it to run off a 10.5V
to 15V supply; eg, a car battery. This
was a lot more involved as it requires
rewinding the transformer and replacing the switching devices and their
driving circuits.
I have also been following the letters
about uses for old PCs. My favourite in
this area is finding uses for old laptop
computers. Generally, laptops are easy
to store away for a future project and
secondly, if you select the right unit,
they use very little power and as such
can be left on for extended periods
without causing a large power bill.
Toshiba T1000s are a good example.
On average they consume about 4W
of power on the main 9V power input,
making them useful as data displays,
data loggers and dumb terminals.
I even had one hanging on the wall
at work acting as a wall clock!
P. Stubbs (via email).
Asynchronous alternators
are not possible
Your article on the Vestas V44600kW wind turbine in the January
1999 issue was of interest and reminded me of the 400kW units I had seen
in the UK near Tintagel. However,
Fig.1 in the article indicates that the
machine is an alternator and the box
marked Technical Data notes that
the generator is asynchronous, 15001560rpm and the output is at 50Hz.
These rotation speeds indicate that
the rotor is being run at above synchronous speed, as far as the system
frequency is concerned. If the machine
has been described as an inductive
generator connected to the grid supply, (so that the grid supply would determine the generator frequency and
supply its magnetising volt-amperes),
it would put power into the grid when
run at rotation speeds of 1500-1560
RPM; ie, above synchronous speed
where the slip is negative.
If my comments are correct it would
seem that an opportunity for reminding readers of some of the characteristics of induction machines might have
been missed.
C. Arndt,
Lesmurdie, WA.
Alternator speed
and frequency
I hate to be a “knocker” but you
have not done your home
work. I
refer to the article on page 41 of the
January 1999 issue on the subject of
“Wind Power”. The NSW grid and for
that matter the whole of Australia, is
a 50Hz supply system. 50Hz requires
that the alternators rotate at one of the
following exact speeds: 2-pole, 3000
RPM; 4-pole, 1500 RPM; 6-pole, 1000
RPM etc.
“Around” any speed is just not
good enough. The combination of
rotor speed and gear ratio must,
with any non-electronic alternator
arrangement, line up with one of the
above; even the Snowy Mountains
alternators have to follow this basic
law of physics.
The panel at the bottom of page 42
is meaningless unless the “graphs”
have related bases; try superimposing
K. Russell,
Willaston, SA.
Comment: we are quite aware of the
fixed relationship between alternator
poles, shaft speed and frequency. As
you will note, the article specifically
mentions a patented system called
Opti-Slip which allows the generator
speed to vary while still maintaining
a constant output frequency. Vestas
have not provided any information on
how Opti-Slip works and at the time of
writing the article we had not figured
out how they might achieve this.
However, on inspection of the cutaway diagram on page 41, we believe
that the slip system could involve
rotating the stator of the alternator
in the opposite direction to the rotor.
The stator would then require slip-
rings. By being able to vary the speed
of the stator in response to wind gusts,
it would be possible to maintain a
constant output frequency which as
you say, must occur.
In fact, close examination of the
cutaway diagram appears to show
two output shafts from the gearbox to
the alternator. Could one shaft be the
main rotor drive while the other drives
the stator? Vestas don’t say. The diagram on page 41 is much clearer than
when we saw it originally on screen
and in our black and white proofs.
There is another point to be noted
in the specifications. The generator is
described as asynchronous and this
does imply that the generator can run
at above synchronous speed.
Plea for
test equipment
Help! I’m a relative newcomer to
the wonderful world of electronics
servicing, having completed my Basic
Certificate in Electronics and my Advanced Certificate in Electronics (TV
and Audio stream) at TAFE. I am now
trying to find employment in the TV
servicing industry but this is proving
to be extremely difficult mainly due
to my lack of hands-on experience.
Whilst many employers have been
impressed with my certificate results,
they have expressed their desire to
employ a person who already has
considerable experience.
Unfortunately, I have yet to find
an employer willing to offer me the
opportunity to acquire this experience. Therefore, I am attempting to
complete as many repairs as possible
from my home, with the belief that
with each repair I am adding to my
possibilities of finding full-time employment.
As I am quickly discovering however, repairing equipment from home
can prove to be very difficult and
time-consuming. Now I must admit,
I never for one minute expected it to
be easy and I knew I would have to
locate, order and then receive various
circuit diagrams and replacement
components, etc.
What is becoming more and more
frustrating and disheartening is not
having the appropriate test equipment to carry out my servicing in a
competent, orderly and time efficient
manner. I have the very basic equipment such as a digital and an analog
multimeter, a pattern generator, a soldering iron and other hand tools. But
due to my lack of finances, things such
as a signal generator, alignment tools
and tapes, a degaussing wand and
more important than anything else,
an oscilloscope, seem to be nothing
more than wishful thinking.
This brings me to the main point of
this letter. I am asking if there may be
a sympathetic reader out there who,
for whatever reason, may have some
items of test equipment which they
no longer need or want and are willing to pass it on to a struggling and
desperate newcomer.
R. Fox,
Narre Warren, Vic.
Phone (03) 9704 7464.
Time programmable
audio recorder
For some time now I have been
using an old VCR, that a friend was
about to send to the tip, as a mono
audio tape recorder. The advantages
over an audio cassette recorder include three hours playtime and the
ability to program it to record favour
ite radio programs that are broadcast
during the wee hours.
Incidentally, with regard to your
interesting article on old PC power
supplies, the earlier XT/AT supplies
have a built-in on/off switch which
makes them convenient and maybe
safer for bench testing of mother
T. Porritt,
Upper Hutt, NZ.
get hot
I read the article on the BASIC
Stamp application board in the
January 1999 issue and I would like
to make a suggestion regarding the
ULN2003 peripheral driver chip. It
gets hot and you’re only using two
of the drivers in the chip! How long
will it last? Heat reduces the life of
electronic components and reducing the power dissipation increases
I would like to suggest that in your
PC board it would be quite feasible to
replace the ULN2003 with seven resistor-BC337-diode components and
you could still fit them on the same
size board and you will not have any
heat problems. I have repaired equipment where ULN2003s have failed but
rarely if ever has a transistor failed in
this application. I am not suggesting
the ULN2003 is unreliable but in my
design I would use the transistors.
Salvatore Sidoti,
Lilyfield, NSW.
Lots of carbon
diode emissions
I have been induced to write after
having my worst fears confirmed, on
page 40 of the January 1999 issue of
SILICON CHIP. I have long held the
belief that CO2 emissions are just
a cover-up for the whole mess the
electronics industry has gotten us
into. You confirm that a mere 4.8MW
of power generation produces 8000
tonnes of carbon diodes. These diodes
are clearly a one-way path to global
I am concerned that your efforts to
expose this have been suppressed. I
could find no further mention of this
startling revelation in the remainder
of the “Wind Power” feature nor in
your editorial.
The other conspiracy evident is the
continued resistance of manufacturers who keep pushing silicon devices
when clearly there is a surplus of
carbon-based material!
S. Hodges,
Perth, WA.
Comment: This article merely confirms that diodes do have emissions
although previously we thought that it
was only thermionic diodes that had
emissions. So now we have carbon diodes which must be extremely cheap
to make, don’t you think? Seriously
though, were mortified to have the
mistake pointed out by a number of
readers. Of course, it should have
been carbon dioxide emissions that
we were referring to.
Re-using old
consumer products
I refer to your excellent editorial
in the December 1998 issue, dealing
with the reuse of parts from reject
consumer electronics. I am a retired
technician and enjoy my retirement in
part-time work in many local schools
continued on page 23
MARCH 1999 31
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter;
Experiments For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch
For Car Radiator Fans; Coping With Damaged Computer Directories; Guide Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound
Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR;
Build An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To
9V DC Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A
Simple 6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector;
Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout
For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The
Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer
For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Build A Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies;
Speed Alarm For Your Car.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (covers 0-500kHz);
Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Build A Simple
Electronic Die; A Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal
Burning Power Station.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: A Low-Cost 3-Digit
Simple Shortwave Converter For The
Lifestyle Music System (Review); The
Battery Packs (Getting The Most From
Counter Module; Build A
2-Metre Band; The Bose
Care & Feeding Of Nicad
Nicad Batteries).
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory;
Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell;
Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote
Control For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio
Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher
For Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads,
Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
August 1992: Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers; Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; The MIDI
Interface Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal
Stereos; A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout);
An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.5.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads;
Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V
Light Chaser; Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical
Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders;
A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; Build A
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For
Transceivers, Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In
To Satellite TV, Pt.1.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV
Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D
& D/A Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1;
SteamSound Simulator For Model Railways Mk.II; Magnetic
Field Strength Meter; Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military
Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1;
A Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter
For Your PC, Pt.2; Build a Turnstile Antenna For Weather
Satellite Reception.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter; Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper; Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Story of Aluminium.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The
Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Build A Windows-Based Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Windows-Based Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why
They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake
Light Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern
Cross Z80-Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger;
Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit
Transistor Tester; +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
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32 Silicon Chip
Card No.
November 1993: High Efficiency Inverter For Fluorescent
Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren
Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments For
Games Cards.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer &
Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
August 1997: The Bass Barrel Subwoofer; 500 Watt Audio Power
Amplifier Module; A TENs Unit For Pain Relief; Addressable PC
Card For Stepper Motor Control; Remote Controlled Gates For
Your Home; How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit Works, Pt.2.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; Build A
LED Stroboscope; Build A 25W Audio Amplifier Module; A 1-Chip
Melody Generator; Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transv erter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
September 1997: Multi-Spark Capacitor Discharge Ignition;
500W Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.2; A Video Security System
For Your Home; PC Card For Controlling Two Stepper Motors;
HiFi On A Budget; Win95, MSDOS.SYS & The Registry.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller;
Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock
Sensing In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
October 1997: Build A 5-Digit Tachometer; Add Central Locking To Your Car; PC-Controlled 6-Channel Voltmeter; 500W
Audio Power Amplifier, Pt.3; Customising The Windows 95
Start Menu.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic
Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote
Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries
For Long Life.
November 1997: Heavy Duty 10A 240VAC Motor Speed Controller; Easy-To-Use Cable & Wiring Tester; Build A Musical
Doorbell; Relocating Your CD-ROM Drive; Replacing Foam
Speaker Surrounds; Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.1.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC
As A Reaction Timer.
December 1997: A Heart Transplant For An Aging Computer;
Build A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Two-Axis Robot With Gripper;
Loudness Control For Car Hifi Systems; Stepper Motor Driver
With Onboard Buffer; Power Supply For Stepper Motor Cards;
Understanding Electric Lighting Pt.2; Index To Volume 10.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill
Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design;
Engine Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable
Power Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags In Cars – A
Look At How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876)
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple
LED Chaser; Engine Management, Pt.6.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings;
Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control;
Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine
Management, Pt.8.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For
Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based
Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Diode Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems;
20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Audio Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; High Voltage Insulation
Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser; Simple Duplex
Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
January 1998: Build Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.1 (runs
off 12VDC or 12VAC); Command Control System For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Pan Controller For CCD Cameras; Build A One
Or Two-Lamp Flasher; Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.3.
February 1998: Hot Web Sites For Surplus Bits; Multi-Purpose
Fast Battery Charger, Pt.1; Telephone Exchange Simulator
For Testing; Command Control System For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Demonstration Board For Liquid Crystal Displays; Build
Your Own 4-Channel Lightshow, Pt.2; Understanding Electric
Lighting, Pt.4.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed; Stereo
Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low Ohms Tester
For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
April 1998: Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.1; 40V 8A Adjustable Power Supply, Pt.1; PC-Controlled 0-30kHz Sinewave
Generator; Build A Laser Light Show; Understanding Electric
Lighting; Pt.6; Jet Engines In Model Aircraft.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine Management,
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
May 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.1; Build A 3-LED
Logic Probe; Automatic Garage Door Opener, Pt.2; Command
Control For Model Railways, Pt.4; 40V 8A Adjustable Power
Supply, Pt.2.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night
Viewer; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner
For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the
Windows Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For
Fluorescent Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier
Module; Masthead Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
June 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.2; Understanding
Electric Lighting, Pt.7; Universal High Energy Ignition System;
The Roadies’ Friend Cable Tester; Universal Stepper Motor
Controller; Command Control For Model Railways, Pt.5.
October 1994: How Dolby Surround Sound Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Build A Talking Headlight Reminder;
Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Build A Temperature
Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic Engine Management,
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell
Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); How To Plot Patterns Direct
to PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket;
Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Prea mpl ifier.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer
With LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; IR Stereo Headphone
Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur
Radio Receiver; Feedback On Prog rammable Ignition (see March
1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
July 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.3 (Installing A Modem
And Sorting Out Any Problems); Build A Heat Controller; 15Watt Class-A Audio Amplifier Module; Simple Charger For 6V
& 12V SLA Batteries; Automatic Semiconductor Analyser;
Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.8.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable;
Power Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter For
Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; IR Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2; Build A
Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter, Pt.8.
August 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.4 (Adding Extra
Memory To Your PC); Build The Opus One Loudspeaker System;
Simple I/O Card With Automatic Data Logging; Build A Beat Triggered Strobe; A 15-Watt Per Channel Class-A Stereo Amplifier.
November 1996: Adding A Parallel Port To Your Computer; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter; How
To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound
System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
September 1998: Troubleshooting Your PC, Pt.5 (Software
Problems & DOS Games); A Blocked Air-Filter Alarm; A WaaWaa Pedal For Your Guitar; Build A Plasma Display Or Jacob’s
Ladder; Gear Change Indicator For Cars; Capacity Indicator For
Rechargeable Batteries.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
October 1998: CPU Upgrades & Overclocking; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.1; PC-Controlled Stress-O-Meter; Versatile
Electronic Guitar Limiter; 12V Trickle Charger For Float Conditions; Adding An External Battery Pack To Your Flashgun.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (For Sound Level
Meter Calibration); Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1;
Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
November 1998: Silicon Chip On The World Wide Web;
The Christmas Star (Microprocessor-Controlled Christmas
Decoration); A Turbo Timer For Cars; Build Your Own Poker
Machine, Pt.1; FM Transmitter For Musicians; Lab Quality AC
Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Beyond The Basic Network (Setting Up
A LAN Using TCP/IP); Understanding Electric Lighting, Pt.9;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.1.
February 1997: Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled
Moving Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply,
Pt.2; Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For
Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power
PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Model Railways;
Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
December 1998: Protect Your Car With The Engine Immobiliser
Mk.2; Thermocouple Adaptor For DMMs; A Regulated 12V DC
Plugpack; Build Your Own Poker Machine, Pt.2; GM’s Advanced
Technology Vehicles; Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.2;
Mixer Module For F3B Glider Operations.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Mother
board Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio
Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel
Decoder For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
April 1997: Avoiding Win95 Hassles With Motherboard Upgrades;
Simple Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Loudspeaker
Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train Controller; A Look At
Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
January 1999: The Y2K Bug & A Few Other Worries; High-Voltage Megohm Tester; Getting Going With BASIC Stamp; LED
Bargraph Ammeter For Cars; Keypad Engine Immobiliser;
Improving AM Radio Reception, Pt.3; Electric Lighting, Pt.10
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video
Security System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For
Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
May 1997: Teletext Decoder For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL
Converter; Neon Tube Modulator For Light Systems; Traffic
Lights For A Model Intersection; The Spacewriter – It Writes
Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
February 1999: Installing A Computer Network (Network Types,
Hubs, Switches & Routers); Making Front Panels For Your Projects; Low Distortion Audio Signal Generator, Pt.1; Command
Control Decoder For Model Railways; Build A Digital Capacitance Meter; Remote Control Tester; Electric Lighting, Pt.11.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled
Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1;
Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed Controller
For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For A Stepper
Motor; Fail-Safe Module For The Throttle Servo; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October 1988
to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, December 1989, May
1990, August 1991, February 1992, July 1992, September
1992, November 1992, December 1992 and March 1998 are
now sold out. All other issues are presently in stock. For
readers wanting articles from sold-out issues, we can supply
photostat copies (or tear sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes
p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies, we
automatically supply any relevant notes & errata at no extra
charge. A complete index to all articles published to date is
available on floppy disc for $10 including p&p, or can be
downloaded free from our web site:
April 1995: FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic Timer For
Darkr ooms; Balanced Microphone Preamp. & Line Filter; 50W/
Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains
On A Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite
TV Ground Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE
Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For
Model Railways, Pt.1; Keypad Combination Lock; The Vader
Voice; Jacob’s Ladder Display; Audio Lab PC-Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible Interface
Card For PCs; Points Controller For Model Railways; Simple
Square/Triangle Waveform Generator; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For Radio Control Receivers; How
Holden’s Electronic Control Unit works, Pt.1.
MARCH 1999 33
With few exceptions, designs published in SILICON CHIP
have steered clear of PIC microcontrollers because of the
difficulty home constructors have had in programming
them. All that is about to change
34 Silicon Chip
IRST OF ALL, we should deBoth the flash program memory
most popular PIC, the 16F84 (and
scribe the PIC microcontroller and the EPROM inside the PIC can be with very minor program mods, the
because many readers might erased and re-programmed so, within
16F83 and 16C84). When we say simthink they haven’t come across them reason, you can keep on using the
ple, we mean just that. It contains no
before. That is almost certainly not same chip over and over. In fact, the specialised components, it connects
true, because these days there is flash program memory is only guaran- to the printer port of any PC running
hardly an electronic device which
teed for 1000 erase/write cycles while
freely downloadable software, and it’s
doesn’t have a microcontroller buried
the EPROM is guaranteed for just a inexpensive: the whole kit including
somewhere in it. And a huge number few more cycles – ten million, in fact! a PIC 16F84 sells for less than $30.
of those would be PICs.
Of course, there are many other
This project first appeared in the
But using and/or programming
microcontrollers but it is the PIC
September 1998 edition of the US
the PIC as a device in its own right?
which has captured most attention
magazine, “Electronics Now”. The auWe agree, that’s an entirely different
in the d-i-y market because of its thor, Michael A Covington, described
matter. Again, though, just what is
price and ease of use. It is made by his project as a “no parts” PIC proa PIC? Come to think of it what is a Microchip Inc in the USA and a lot
grammer because of the very few extra
more information about PICs can be bits needed. Much of the text in this
obtained from their website, www.mi- article is adapted from the original.
It is a tiny computer, complete with – it’s well worth a visit. Michael also acknowledged the work
CPU, ROM, RAM and I/O circuits all
A word to the wise: be careful about of David Tait in England in producing
on the one chip. There are various
downloading if you’re on a time- or a PIC programming package called
versions of the PIC microcontroller,
megabyte-based ISP. The PIC16F8X “TOPIC”, of which this programmer is
the most common (for our purposes)
a direct descendant.
being the 16 series: 16F84
(the most popular, with
Also described
68 bytes of RAM and 1024
in the article was a
words of program memory
companion “demo”
in “flash” EEPROM which
circuit of an 8-LED
can be rewritten at least a
chaser (partly as a
million times); the 16C84
learning aid but also
(similar but with an older
handy for checking
type of EEPROM); and
that the main prothe 16F83 which has only
ject worked). Branhalf the memory of its big
co Justic, of Oatley
Electronics, saw the
project and liked
We will concentrate on
the idea – and its
the 16F84 (even though this
simplicity. He also
project will also program
knew it would be
the 16C84 and 16F83). It
much more popular
operates from a supply
if based on a PC
anywhere from 4V to 6V
board rather, than
(some versions work down
Pin connections for the 16F84 PIC from Microchip, Inc. Pins 1-3,
the Veroboard used
to 2V!) and there are 13 pins 6-13 and 17-18 are all input or output ports, depending on what
by the original.
which can be either inputs the program tells them to be.
or outputs.
So he designed a
board for not only the
These PICs are extremely
programmer but also the chaser. While
versatile little chips, capable of being data sheet pdf file alone is 124 pages
long (1.35MB) – and the MPLAB pro- both the programmer and chaser are
programmed (in assembly language,
on the one board, they are easily sepbut don’t let that scare you!) to do an gram is over 8MB.)
(For more background on PICs, arated. Therefore the programmer and
enormous range of tasks. What’s more,
refer to the article in the August 1994
chaser can be operated independently,
the program will stay in memory for a
issue. Though now rather dated as far if you want.
guaranteed 40 years. As an old friend
as devices are concerned, the basic
of SILICON CHIP often says, “It’ll see
All of that resulted in the project
information is still current).
me out . . .”
presented here: a simple, cheap but
A PIC microcontroller also formed
effective PIC programmer. If you’ve
What sort of tasks? Virtually anything capable of being switched, the “heart” of the BASIC Stamp pro- ever thought about getting into PICs,
controlled, measured, actuated, com- ject (January 1999) – the big advantage this is the way to do it!
of using a PIC alone, of course, is the
pared. . . You’ll find PICs in everything
Getting the data in
difference in cost. The downside (at
from the mouse attached to your
least until now) has been the difficulty
computer to the car you’re driving,
We keep talking about ease of use.
from microwave ovens to washing in programming the PIC.
So how do you use a PIC? How do you
machines, from digital clocks to inget your program into it?
The PIC programmer
ter-stellar rockets. Well, maybe not
It’s quite simple: with power apinterstellar rockets . . . but you get
And that brings us to this project. plied to the PIC, the voltage on pin 4
the picture.
It’s a very simple programmer for the
is raised to between +12V and +14V.
MARCH 1999 35
taking D2’s anode low.
This turns off D2, blocking
current flow. The PIC chip
is then free to receive data
from pin 14 of the printer
port, with the programming voltage switched by
transistor Q1.
The connection that D1
creates between printer
port pins 11 and 17 lets
the programming software
detect if the programmer is
connected to the port.
There are also two
LM317 regulators – one
of which is a fixed 13V
supply while the other
is a variable 4-6V supply
which covers the 5V rail.
Both of these are powered
from a nominal 13.8VDC
plugpack which actually
supplies around 17-18V.
Fig.1: the PIC Programmer, which plugs into your PC via its parallel
You might be wondering
port (printer) socket. IC1 is the PIC actually being programmed.
why the second supply is
variable, not fixed at 5V
Data is then clocked in one bit at a PC can read data from pin 13 of the which, of course, would be easier. It’s
time into pin 13. As each bit goes in, PIC through pin 11 of the printer port. variable to allow reliability checking
the voltage on pin 12 is raised to +5V
OK, we’ve got that far. But where of the data – but more of this anon.
for at least 0.1µs (yes, microsecond!) does that data going into the PIC
If plugging the DB25 connector
before being sent low (0V) again.
come from?
directly into your computer’s paralThe data stream going into pin 13
That’s the job of this little program- lel port is inconvenient or difficult,
contains both the commands that
mer. In conjunction with virtually any you can use a suitable DB25-male to
specify the various steps in the pro- PC with a parallel port and suitable DB25-female parallel printer extengramming process, as well as the data
(free!) programs, the programming sion cable. But make sure that it is
itself that will be stored in the chip.
data and clock signals are applied to not a serial cable – some of these are
The PIC can also send its contents
the appropriate PIC pins at the right not wired “straight through” but have
back out through pin 13 to verify that
time. We’ll get to the programs in a
crossovers built in.
it has stored the correct data. When moment.
Before moving away from the cirpin 17 of the printer port is high, the
cuit diagrams, Fig. 2 shows the PIC
The circuit
demonstration circuit. This simply
Refer now to Fig.
has eight LEDs with current-limiting
1 – the PIC program- resistors connected to eight of the 13
mer circuit diagram. I/O ports. The “demo.asm” file proAs you can see, when
grams the PIC to make the LEDs chase
we claimed it was
each other, wait a short time, then start
simple we weren’t
again, ad infinitum.
kidding: just two
Such a chaser could be made with
s t e e r i n g d i o d e s , an oscillator/pulse generator and a
a transistor and a
counter, probably at a much lower
sprinkling of pas- cost than this demonstration circuit.
sive components and But look at the component count on
that’s about it.
the demo board: just the PIC, a supThe diodes are
ply bypass capacitor, an R/C circuit
used to sense when
which generates the pulses (using the
data is going from PIC itself) and nothing else except the
the PIC back to the LEDs and their series resistors! All the
PC. R1 & D2 provide work is done by the PIC.
pull-up for the data
What’s more, if you want to change
chase pattern, the timing or any
The completed PIC Programmer, shown separated from
of the printer port is
other factor in this version, it’s just
the demo PC board. As you can see, the number of
low, D1 conducts,
a matter of re-programming. With
components is small.
36 Silicon Chip
Fig.2 (left): the circuit of
the add-on PIC
demonstration board
which is an 8-LED chaser.
The separated chaser PC
board is shown at right.
As supplied, the chaser
board will be attached to
the PIC programmer PC
board (as shown on the
opening page and in the
component overlay
below). There is no
reason to separate these
boards unless you have
a reason to do so. The
chaser will confirm your
PIC Programmer is
working properly and
you can always re-use the
conventional chaser circuits, you’re
up for a new PC board and probably
additional components.
Both the programmer and chaser
have been combined on one PC board,
the component overlay of which is
shown in Fig.3.
Because of the few components,
construction is relatively straightforward. Just keep in mind that many
of the components are polarised,
including the LEDs. These all mount
the same way down the edge of the
PC board – so if one looks different to
the others, it’s probably back to front.
Speaking of different, the prototype
chaser had four different LED colours
– red, yellow, green and orange. While
this looks pretty, we reckon it tends
to spoil the “chase” effect. Hopefully
kits will have all the one colour LED.
The DB25 socket is soldered directly to the PC board, not forgetting the
shell earthing pins at each end. Like
the IC sockets, spacing of the DB25
pads is pretty close so you’ll need a
fine iron and a good light. Check and
double check that you haven’t bridged
any pads together.
The PIC chip(s) should be left until
last and inserted into their sockets
only after you have thoroughly check
ed your component placement and
soldering. In fact, it’s probably a good
idea to do a voltage check prior to
inserting the PIC: the two wire links
make excellent test points. There
should be about 13V between the link
alongside C5 and the shell of the DB25
socket and there should be somewhere
Fig.3: the component overlay for both the PIC programmer and demonstration
chaser, in this case together on one PC board. If you do decide to separate them,
it’s best to do it before assembly and soldering!
between 4V and 6V (depending on the
setting of VR1) between the link below
R8 and the DB25 shell.
If you get these figures (or close to
them) turn off the power, ready for
insertion of the PIC. If not, send out
the search party for your mistake or
poor solder joint!
It’s important to have all the pins of
the PIC straight and lined up with the
holes in the socket before insertion.
Many a time we’ve seen projects not
working because one pin is folded
up under the IC, or missed the socket
entirely and gone down the side! The
notch (or dot) on the PIC goes towards
the top of the PC board when held
with the DB25 socket on the left (ie,
so the printing on the PC board reads
The software you need
Now we come to the good bits (sorry
about the pun!) – actually writing a
PIC program, compiling it and “burning” the program into the PIC’s memory. The easiest way to learn to use
the programmer is to write a simple
program, in this case, the LED Chaser.
That’s why space for the chaser is
included on the PC board.
The program is first written in
assembly language. Unfortunately,
a primer on assembly is outside the
scope of this article but for those who
don’t know anything about assembly
language, we’ve listed the code for
the chaser (demo.asm) in Listing 1.
You can either type in the code in
any text editor or word processor or
MARCH 1999 37
; Assembly code for PIC16F84 microcontroller
; Blinks LEDs on outputs in a rotating pattern.
; With 75-kHz osc, each LED stays on 1/2 second.
; CPU configuration
(It’s a 16F84, RC oscillator,
watchdog timer off, power-up timer on)
processor 16f84
include <>
__config _RC_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON
; Declare variables at 2 memory locations
; J = address hex 1F
; K = address hex 1E
; Program
; start at address 0
; Set port B as output and initialize it
movlw B’00000000' ; w := 00000000 binary
; port B ctrl register := w
movlw B’00000001' ; w := 00000001 binary
movwf PORTB
; port B itself := w
; Rotate the bits of port B leftward
mloop: rlf
; Waste some time by executing nested loops
movlw D’50' ; w := 50 decimal
movwf J
; J := w
jloop: movwf K
; K := w
kloop: decfsz K,f
; K = K-1, skip next if zero
goto kloop
decfsz J,f
; J = J-1, skip next if zero
goto jloop
; Do it all again
goto mloop
Listing 1: the listing of demo.asm, ready for compiling.
It can also be downloaded – see panel at the end of
this feature.
you can download the listing (see
panel). We've also printed the PIC
16XFX instruction set and opcode
field descriptions to give you a better
Incidentally, while on the subject of
downloading, two items of software
are needed to use the PIC programmer.
That’s the bad news. The good news
is that both are free!
The first of these is a program
called “MPLAB” and is just one of
the goodies available from the Microchip website (
Designed to operate under Microsoft
Windows, it’s a full-featured development program for compiling and
testing PIC programs.
MPLAB is called an assembler:
it lets you edit assembly-language
programs (also called source code),
assemble them into object code, then
step through the resulting binary code
to see if it will actually work in the
microcontroller. This is before you’ve
committed any code to the PIC chip
38 Silicon Chip
– you can spot any
logical errors in your
program first.
The second program
is which,
(when unzipped)
contains the software
which controls your
computer’s parallel
port and sends the
programming data to
the PIC.
It’s available from
the Oatley Electronics website, or from
Michael Covington's
website, (links
also available from
Let’s look briefly at
that chaser program
assembly language
code. Note the notes:
throughout the listing there are notes,
or comments, (each
line or part of a line
commencing with a
semicolon [;]). These
have no effect on the
program (the assembler will ignore them)
but remind the programmer later on
what, or why, parts of the program
achieved. They’re like a “rem” statement in BASIC and other programs.
The first few lines are such comments. The first “real” instructions
are the lines which begin:
processor 16f84 (tells the assembler to
use the instruction set for the 16F84
include <> (says to include
a set of predefined constants in a file
called P16F84.INC; and
_config RC _OSC & _WDT_OFF &
PWRTE_ON (sets various configuration bits in the PIC to turn some
hardware features on and off – the RC
oscillator on, the “watchdog” timer
off and the automatic power-up reset
timer on.
It is important to use the _config
instruction in any programs used with
this PIC Programmer. The assembler
program will not be doing the actual
programming, only creating a file with
the numbers that will be transferred to
the PIC chip as a second step.
The two equ instructions reserve
memory space in the PIC’s RAM for
two variables called J and K at hex 1E
and 1F. Counters are stored here to
keep track of how many times a loop
has been repeated. This is similar
to declaring variables in BASIC but
we need to tell the PIC which RAM
locations will be used.
The org instruction tells the assem-
Fig.4: MPLAB, a free (but lengthy) download from, allows
you to assemble and test PIC programs before committing them to the chip. Not
only does that save you time, it also saves you wearing out the PIC chip (you
only have 1000 or so erase/program cycles to play with!)
Parts List
1 PC board, 107 x 60mm
1 DB25 male socket, PCB
1 18-pin IC socket
1 plugpack supply, 13.8VDC
(nominal) <at> 1A (around 1718VDC no load)
1 PIC16F84, PIC16C84 or
PIC16F83 microcontroller
1 BC548 NPN transistor
2 1N914 signal diodes
2 LM317 adjustable positive
Fig.5: one of the screens from Michael Covington's “NOPPP” PIC programming
software. The first screens allow you set your printer port and the type of PIC.
After inserting the PIC and turning power on, you are presented with the
programming options (shown) from which you can load the HEX file compiled
by MPLAB, change the type of PIC, program a PIC, erase a previously
programmed PIC and verify that the PIC has been programmed correctly.
bler that the program starts at location
0 in program memory and that the
actual program is next.
The follows a comment (;Program)
and the first of the real PIC instructions:
movlw B’00000000' clears a working
register called W. That number is
coped into the TRIS control register for port B (tris PORTB), setting
pins 6-13 to output pins instead of
input pins. Next, the program puts
a binary 1 into the W register (movlw
B’00000001') and copies it to port B,
(movwf PORTB) which lights the LED
connected to pin 6.
Almost immediately, though, the
program executes a RIF command
which rotates the contents of port
B to the left, changing the data to
Because the processor works so fast,
you wouldn’t actually see the “chase”,
so a delay loop is built in before the
data shifts and the next LED lights.
This stores the decimal number 50 in
locations J & K then uses the decfsz
instruction to count down from 50
to 0. This gives a delay of about half
a second, after which time the goto
mloop instruction repeats the process.
The next LED (on pin 7) is lit and
the LED on pin 6 is extinguished. The
data then changes to 00000100, then
00001000, and so on, lighting each
LED in turn after the delay loop.
The end control is not a CPU instruction; rather it tells the assembler
that the program is over.
Compiling the program
Having typed, or downloaded the
assembly language program, now we
come to compile it using the Microchip MPLAB program.
MPLAB comes with ample instructions so we won’t go into it in depth
here. As downloaded, MPLAB is
zipped so must be unzipped and installed. Then it is opened in Windows.
Just one point, though: when compiling demo.asm, MPLAB will give
you an error message because the TRIS
instruction previously mentioned has
been discontinued by Microchip. As
we have used it, though, it still works
fine on the PIC chips described. TRIS
should not be used on “real” applications, as distinct from this demo program. (There are other ways to do the
same task but they are not as simple).
PIC “Burning”
This is where the second program,, comes in. Again, as downloaded, it is zipped. This program,
though, operates under DOS or Windows 95/98/3.11. If you’re still using
Windows 3.11 (unlikely, if you’re
into programming PICs!), it’s better
to use full screen mode rather than
a window.
2 10µF 25VW PC electrolytics
2 1µF 25VW PC electrolytics
3 0.1µF monolithic bypass
1 4.7kΩ
1 2.2kΩ 1 1.2kΩ
3 1kΩ
1 270Ω 2 120Ω
1 200Ω horizontal trimmer
Extra components required for
demonstration “Chaser”
1 programmed PIC16F84
8 LEDs, same colour
8 390Ω resistors
1 10kΩ resistor
1 0.1µF polyester or monolithic
1 .01µF monolithic capacitor
1 18-pin IC socket
It was written to run under DOS to
provide the clock pulses necessary for
programming. You will recall these
pulses need to be at least 0.1µs long.
In practice, they are made longer to
avoid any signal “bounce” in the cables. But they cannot be too long, or
programming will be slowed down
too much. Because of the huge range
of computer speeds now available,
it was also important that the timing
pulses not depend on the CPU speed.
This has been done using one of the
timers built into the PC motherboard.
One of these timers, the one normally
used to produce tones from the internal speaker, can be set to provide a
delay of 25µs. So even on the fastest
Pentiums the programming pulses are
not too short. By the way, the software
will even work on a 4.77MHz XT!
A screen grab of the NOPPP program
is shown in Fig.5. As you can see, it is
MARCH 1999 39
a simple menu-driven program which
gives you a number of self-explanatory options. Before you get this far,
however, you should have connected
the programmer to the parallel port
without power connected to the programmer. In fact, you should NEVER
connect the programmer with power
on, nor should you insert or remove
a PIC chip from the programmer with
power on. The PIC chip should be in
place before plugging the programmer
into the parallel port.
In general, you would load an object-code file (with .hex extension)
into memory, select the type of PIC
to be programmed, apply power to
the programming board and program
the PIC. You should always verify
that the program has transferred to
the PIC before exiting the program,
turning power off to the programmer
and removing the PIC chip.
Obviously, the same menu is used
to erase an existing program in a PIC.
Variable 5V supply
Earlier, we mentioned that the 5V
supply can be varied between +4V and
+6V. This is used in the verify process
to ensure that the PIC has indeed been
programmed correctly and guarantees
By far the greatest unreliability in
EPROMs is caused by some cells not
being completely erased before being
re-used, or not being completely programmed.
If a particular location is only partly
programmed it might read correctly
for a while but then shift to a wrong
value with age or changes to the sup-
ply voltage. By programming the PIC
with a 5V supply, then verifying it at
4V, 5V and 6V, you change the threshold voltages that define the 0s and 1s
and so any marginally programmed
bits will change with the changed
supply voltage.
It’s a double check that even many
high-priced commercial programmers
don’t have available. But with this
cheap and easy to use programmer,
once you have fully verified your PIC
is programmed, you know it really is!
Exact voltages aren't important –
simply program with the trimmer at
its centre position (5V), then verify
with the trimmer at its centre, minimum (4V) and maximum (6V).
Each instruction is a 14-bit word
divided into an OPCODE which
specifies the instruction type and
one or more operands which further
specify the operation of the instruction. The instruction set summary
lists byte-oriented, bit-oriented,
and literal and control operations.
Opcode field descriptions are shown
For byte-oriented instructions, ‘f’
represents a file register designator
and ‘d’ represents a destination
Where do you get it?
The complete kit of parts – PC
board, components to build both the
PIC Programmer and the demo chaser
– is available by mail order from Oatley Electronics for $29.00 plus $6.00
pack & post. (PO Box 89, Oatley NSW
2223, phone (02) 9584 3563, fax (02)
9584 3561, email oatley<at> or
via website www.oatleyelectronics.
A 13.8V/1A (nominal) plugpack
power supply (which actually puts
out about 17V or so) is available for
$12.00, while additional PIC16F84
chips are also available for $12.00.
*Michael Covington's own website (see
below) is regularly updated with latest
versions of software, etc and is a good
site to visit for a mine of information if
you're at all interested in PICs or PIC
Here's where to find the file downloads or links to
downloads mentioned in this article.
* In general, ftp sites are better for larger files
Filename/Size Details
Downloadable from
NOPPP(1).ZIP Zipped file containing
noppp.exe, noppp.c
nopppf4s.tif, demo.asm,
demo.hex, readme.txt &
MPL40(1).ZIP Zipped file containing
MPLAB software *
Adobe PDF file containing full MPLAB manual *
Adobe PDF file containing full PIC 16F8X
application notes *
40 Silicon Chip
Register file address (0x00 to 0x7F)
Working register (accumulator)
Bit address within an 8-bit file
Literal field, constant data or label
Don’t care location (= 0 or 1) The
assembler will generate code with
x = 0. It is the recommended form of
use for compatibility with all
Microchip software tools.
Destination select; d = 0: store
result in W, d = 1: store result in
file register f. Default is d = 1
label Label name
Top of Stack
Program Counter
PCLATH Program Counter High Latch
Global Interrupt Enable bit
Watchdog Timer/Counter
Time-out bit
Power-down bit
Destination either the W register or
the specified register file location
Assigned to
Register bit field
In the set of italics User defined
term (font is courier)
Note 1: When an I/O register is modified as
a function of itself ( e.g., MOVF PORTB, 1),
the value used will be that value present on
the pins themselves. For example, if the data
latch is ‘1’ for a pin configured as input and
is driven low by an external device, the data
will be written back with a ‘0’.
2: If this instruction is executed on the TMR0
register (and, where applicable, d = 1), the
prescaler will be cleared if assigned to the
Timer0 Module.
3: If Program Counter (PC) is modified or
a conditional test is true, the instruction
requires two cycles. The second cycle is
executed as a NOP.
designator. The file register designator
specifies which file register is to be
used by the instruction.
The destination designator specifies
where the result of the operation is to
be placed. If ‘d’ is zero, the result is
placed in the W register. If ‘d’ is one,
the result is placed in the file register
specified in the instruction.
For bit-oriented instructions, ‘b’
represents a bit field designator which
selects the number of the bit affected
by the operation, while ‘f’ represents
the number of the file in which the bit is
For literal and control operations, ‘k’
represents an eight or eleven bit constant or literal value.
The instruction set is highly orthogonal
and is grouped into three basic categories: Byte-oriented operations
Bit-oriented operations
Literal and control operations
All instructions are executed within
one single instruction cycle, unless a
conditional test is true or the program
counter is changed as a result of an
In this case, the execution takes two
instruction cycles with the second
cycle executed as a NOP. One instruction cycle consists of four oscillator
periods. Thus, for an oscillator
frequency of 4MHz, the normal
instruction execution time is 1µs. If a
conditional test is true or the program
counter is changed as a result of an
instruction, the instruction execution
time is 2µs.
MARCH 1999 41
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Optical pickup for
5-digit tachometer
The 5-Digit Tachometer described in the October 1997
issue of SILICON CHIP is ideal for
measuring the rotational speed of
engines and shafts. It provides a
resolution of 1 RPM and can measure up to very high shaft speeds.
A number of readers have requested an optical pickup adaptor
so that shaft or propeller speeds
can be measured without any
mechanical pickup system. This
circuit produces an infrared signal which is reflected by one or
two painted spots on the shaft and
then it processes the resulting reflected signal so it can be counted
by the tachometer.
The circuit is based on the
front end section of the Optical
Tachometer described in the May
1988 issue of SILICON CHIP. The
infrared transmitter comprises a
555 timer (IC1) which is set to oscillate
at around 20kHz and with a markspace ratio of about 21:1. This drives
transistor Q1 and the infrared LED.
The pulses of light reflected from the
shaft are detected by infrared diode
PD1. The resultant 20kHz bursts are
buffered by FET source follower Q2
and then amplified by a DC-coupled
transistor pair, Q3 & Q4. The 680pF
input coupling capacitor filters out low
frequency signals such as the 100Hz
from fluores
cent and incandescent
The amplified 20kHz pulse train
PC-controlled LED
matrix display
This 7 x 10 LED matrix display
connects to your PC’s parallel port.
The display works by using the computer’s eight data lines in a multiplex
mode. The first seven data lines (D0D6) are used to power a LED on each
row while the columns are driven
42 Silicon Chip
is then squared using Schmitt trigger
IC2a. It drives diode D2 to discharge
the .022µF capacitor. This circuit
effectively “demodulates” the pulse
train, removing the 20kHz pulses and
leaving a pulse signal which corre
sponds to the reflected signal from the
rotating shaft or propeller. This signal
is further squared using Schmitt trigger
inverter IC2b and this feeds the 5-Digit
Tachometer Circuit.
Power for the circuit can come
from the 12V supply in the 5-Digit
Tachometer. The frequency reading on
the display is divided by the number
of pulses that the optical detector will
sense in one revolution. For example
a 2-bladed propeller will produce
two pulses per revolution and so the
reading should be divided by two to
obtain the rpm.
Pay attention to the earthing when
building the circuit – the 33Ω resistor
for IRLED1 connects directly to the
input supply ground. This will prevent this signal entering the sensitive
receiver. The receiver diode (PD1)
should be mounted close to the gate
of Q2 or alternatively, use shielded
cable if it is located more than 10mm
away from Q2.
by the 10 outputs of a 4017 counter.
Only one column is on at a any given
time but the rapid switching gives the
illusion that all columns are on at the
same time.
The circuit uses the eighth data
line (D7) to control a 4017 decade
counter (IC1). Each time D7 changes
state, the counter is clocked to drive
the next column of LEDs via a BC447
transistor. At the same time the data
for that column is sent via D0-D6 and
the LEDs are illuminated.
The sample pattern is produced in
the following way. Data lines D0-D6
remain low during the first and second counts of D7. When the display
subsequently gets to the third column,
data lines D1-D5 are high and D0 and
D6 are low, creating the first side of the
box. On the fourth column, data lines
D0, D2, D3, D4 & D6 are low and D1
and D5 are high. This is repeated for
the next few columns until the eighth
column which is the same as the third,
then on the last two columns all data
lines (D0-D6) are low. The program
should be looped to repeat the image
so it stays visible.
Programs to run the LED display
can be written in any language but
a DOS-based one is best compared
to Windows. If Windows is running
while the LED display is being used
it tends to slow down the parallel
port, which makes the display flicker. A program could be written to
display small graphics or even scroll
A Pascal listing to run the pattern
shown here is available on our web
site at
Kane Partridge,
Thomastown, Vic. ($40)
This diagram shows the LED
matrix displaying a sample
MARCH 1999 43
Circuit Notebook – continued
Using the LED
Ammeter on 24V
12V charge
This circuit was designed to overcome the lack of alternator charge
indication on a motorcycle. It is
basically an “idiot light” which is
lit when battery voltage is below a
preset level (12.6V in this case) but
can be varied by VR1. The indicator
LED should be a high brightness
type. The complete unit was mounted in the clear plastic case from an
old edge meter, hence the need for
compactness, which precludes the
use of a comparator IC.
P. Noyes,
Homebush, NSW. ($30)
The LED Ammeter described
in the December 1998 issue
of SILICON CHIP can be used
in a 24V system by adding a
simple 12V regulator circuit,
as shown here. The other two
circuit connec
t ions, to the
negative battery strap, are the
same as for the 12V version of
the circuit.
Circuit Ideas Wanted
Do you have a good circuit idea.
If so, why not sketch it out, write a
brief description of its operation &
send it to us. Provided your idea is
workable & original, we’ll publish it
in Circuit Notebook & you’ll make
some money. We pay up to $60
for a good circuit but don’t make
it too big please. Send your idea
to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO
Box 139, Collaroy, 2097.
Solid state
relay circuit
This solid
state relay circuit provides
complete isolation between
the input and
output switching circuit because of its use of an optocoupler, the
4N26. The input side, which would
normally be the relay coil, drives the
internal LED of the optocoupler and
in doing so, takes less current than a
typical 12V relay coil.
The output side has the internal
phototransistor driving a compound
transistor arrangement to give a low
ON voltage. The output circuit is
suitable only for DC loads. With the
component values shown the circuit
gave a voltage drop of 1.05V at a load
current of 1A.
G. LaRooy,
Christchurch, NZ. ($30)
alarm circuit
A 555 timer IC is used both as
the alarm driver and loop sensor
in this circuit. A normally closed
loop system is em
ployed, using
reed switches, trip wires, window
tape, photoelectric relays, etc. The
loop will hold the 555’s “inhibit”
input (pin 4) low during normal
operation. When the loop is broken, pin 4 will go high and the 555
will start to oscillate.
It drives the speaker or a piezo
sounder via a 100Ω resistor and
10µF capacitor. The circuit will
44 Silicon Chip
operate from any supply rail between 5V and 15V DC. Standby
current is less than 3mA at 6V, so
the alarm is capable of being run
from a small battery. Set the 100kΩ
potentiometer for the desired
alarm tone. A horn loudspeaker
is recommended.
J. Draper,
Glenview, Qld. ($25)
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Model R/C Helicopters; Pt.3
This month, we will look at some aspects of flying
model helicopters. With a modern transmitter
and a tail rotor gyro, a lot of the difficulty has
been taken out of learning to fly a helicopter but
they are still not simple by any means.
As with most aspects of radio controlled models, ultimate success rests
in the preparation of the model during setting up. In model helicopters,
this applies even more so than with
fixed-wing aircraft because you need
a clear understanding of the complex
interaction between all the angles (or
thrust vectors) generated by these
exotic machines.
Because helicopters are so convenient to operate, many beginners
tend to go it alone, never setting foot
on a club field and therefore cutting
themselves off from a pool of valuable
experience. As a result, many do not
make the transition to a successful
flyer and thus the “Trading Post”
abounds with adverts for secondhand
model helicopters, many virtually
So if you want to be good at helicopter flying, I cannot stress too strongly
the need for help and guidance from
a mentor.
So what has to be done to set up
your new helicopter. First, make
sure that all linkages work freely,
all screws are fitted with lock nuts,
sealed with Locktite or otherwise
held in place so that there is no risk
of them coming loose under vibration.
Next, you need to set up the transmitter controls. There are two recognised modes and Fig.1 shows the
correct setup for these. Regardless of
the mode you choose, high throttle
is always with the stick towards the
top of the transmitter case (closest to
antenna) and the forward cyclic is to
the top of the case. Left and right are
natural but we’ll talk more on this
point later.
Model memory is a two-edged
sword to my mind, useful but potentially dangerous. The best place for
Fig.1: this diagram shows the two most common modes for setting up the
transmitter controls. Regardless of the mode you choose, high throttle is always
with the stick towards the top of the transmitter case (closest to antenna) and
the forward cyclic is to the top of the case.
model memory is in the model itself.
That way there is no chance of the
wrong memory being loaded. Many
a model has crashed because of this
If you must insist on using model
memory on your transmitter, try to
give yourself the best chance of surviving a momentary lapse by always
maintaining the same servo directions
on the main flying controls (at least)
wherever possible. And it is no use
saying it will not happen because it
does, as one of my flying mates found
out to his horror during the Nationals
this Christmas.
Control angle variations
During the learning period it is also
very important to set the control angle
variations a little on the soft side so
that the risk of over-controlling is
reduced as far as possible. The instruction sheets for your helicopter
will guide you in this regard.
Fig.2 shows the setup for the
collective pitch angles on the main
rotor blades. When learning, pitch
variations from 0° to 5° positive are
usually recommended. Personally, I
prefer one to five degrees as this keeps
the helicopter a little more buoyant
on low throttle settings.
For advanced flying including auto-rotations, pitch variations of -3° to
+10° are more usual. When learning,
-3° is enough to drive the helicopter
into the ground like a corkscrew if you
get excited and chop the throttle in a
hurry. Remember here that collective
pitch and throttle are both coupled
to the throttle stick. Incidentally, if
you are confused about collective
pitch control, we did talk about this
briefly in the January 1999 issue of
The instruction sheets will also
show you the correct location for the
MARCH 1999 53
While I do not like serious flyers
using these accessories, when you
are learning you need all the help
you can get. So my advice is use a
gyro until you master the monster
and then experiment with switching
it off. Believe me it adds a whole new
dimension to your dexterity and skill!
from idle to full throttle is a recipe
for disaster.
Watch out for signs of the motor
overheating or ingesting its own
exhaust gas during extended hover
in still air. Make sure the correct
fuel is used and that you are familiar
with the difficulties and dangers of
working around a helicopter with
the motor running. Remember that
spinning rotor blades can be lethal!
That should be obvious but it needs
to be stated.
While you might think that a ready-to-fly helicopter would not need it,
you need to pay particular attention
to the static and dynamic balancing of
the main rotor blades and check that
both blades are tracking (ie, set to the
same coning angle). The coning angle
corresponds to the dihedral on fixed
wing aircraft. One blade tip painted
a vivid colour is a great help in this
regard. A blade not tracking will show
up quite clearly if you watch the tips
on one side of the disc. If the coloured
tip is above the unpainted tip, reduce
the pitch angle on the high blade or
increase the pitch on the low blade,
whichever is most appro
priate at
the time.
Fig.3 is a plan view of a helicopter
showing the torque reaction which
results from the rotation of the main
rotor. Torque reaction means that
while the main blade rotates in one
direction (ie, clockwise), the torque
reaction causes the body to rotate
in the other direction. The small
tail rotor is there to counteract this
torque reaction and by varying the
thrust (pitch angle) on the tail rotor
it is possible to move the nose of the
helicopter either left or right.
Now there is a tricky little piece
of logic involved with setting up the
tail rotor and it is important to get
this correct from the very beginning.
By increasing the thrust (pitch angle),
the tail will be pulled left and by decreasing the thrust it will move to the
right as result of the torque reaction.
Check the motor
Flying by the nose
Before we get that far however,
there are still the basic things to check
before you even think about getting
into the air. Make sure the motor
runs reliably above all else. A motor
failure when learning is serious. Pay
particular attention to the idle and the
transition from idle to full throttle. A
motor that sags during the transition
Now here is the tricky bit: we want
to fly the nose of the helicopter not
the tail. This is a mistake that many
beginners make; they concentrate on
the tail when learning to hover. Quite
often they even set up the transmitter
controls in the correct sense to control
the tail, whereby moving the transmitter stick to the left moves the tail to
Fig.2: the setup for the collective pitch angles on the main rotor blades.
When learning, pitch variations from 0° to 5° positive are usually
Fig.3: this plan view of a helicopter shows the torque reaction which
results from the rotation of the main rotor. Torque reaction means
that while the main blade rotates in one direction (ie, clockwise), the
torque reaction causes the body to rotate in the other direction. The
small tail rotor is there to compensate for this.
centre of gravity of the helicopter, a
most important point. Incorrect CG
locations can cause serious problems,
particularly when you are learning.
The usual CG location is just in front
of the main rotor shaft.
Should you use a gyro or not?
Gyros are a wonderful development
which make all the difference for the
tyro flyer. Before we go any further I
should briefly mention what a gyro
does, although you could write a
whole chapter on this subject alone.
There are two types, gyroscopic and
piezoelectric, but they both do the
same job –they sense sudden tail rotor
movements and apply an appropriate
correction to the servo which controls
the tail rotor pitch.
54 Silicon Chip
the left. Then when they move into
forward flight all hell breaks loose
because their perceptions of direction
are suddenly reversed.
Thus we want to set up the tail rotor control on the transmitter (Fig.1:
horizontal axis of the lefthand stick)
so that when the stick is moved left,
the nose moves to the left! This is a
most important point.
Tail rotor pitch
Now how much pitch do we apply
to the tail rotor blades during setup?
Too much and the helicopter will
spin to the right immediately it breaks
ground and too little will see it spin
left. The instruction sheets will serve
as a guide but unfor
tunately they
do not necessarily give the correct
Fortunately, gyros now help take
the sting out of any tail rotor setting
error. It is in trimming the model
that a helpful friend who is an experienced helicopter pilot comes into
his own.
Fig.4 shows the forces acting on a
helicopter in hover. While you may
think that the rotor disc would remain
horizontal to produce lift and no horizontal thrust, it doesn’t work out that
way. In fact, because the tail rotor acts
to stop the helicopter spinning out
of control, it also applies horizontal
thrust and this means the helicopter
will move sideways.
So if you are to hover in the one
spot, you must have side
ways tilt
applied to the main rotor to counteract the sideways thrust from the tail
rotor. This is achieved by increasing
the cyclic pitch on the lefthand side
of the main rotor disc and reducing
it on the right.
Now here is the point. Every time
we change the throttle/collective
pitch control, the tail rotor requires
a change in pitch. Consider now the
situation in landing where the helicopter is in equilibrium, hovering
just centimetres above the ground and
about to touch down. The main rotor
is applying torque to the left which is
countered by the thrust from the tail
rotor. And the sideways thrust of the
tail rotor is countered by the sideways
tilt of the main rotor.
Suddenly power is reduced to allow the helicopter to settle onto the
ground. That means we reduce the
thrust from the main and tail rotors
but the sideways tilt of the main rotor
Fig.4: if you are to hover in the one spot, you must have
sideways tilt applied to the main rotor to counteract the
sideways thrust from the tail rotor. This is achieved by
increasing the cyclic pitch on the lefthand side of the main
rotor disc and reducing it on the right.
is still there. Unless we correct this,
the helicopter will move to the right
at a most critical moment, just as the
skids touch the ground. So the tilt
must be reduced at the same time
as we reduce the power. The mixing
in a modern transmitter solves these
problems to a very large degree.
Without a modern transmitter and
a tail rotor gyro, landing a helicopter
on narrow skids is difficult indeed.
It requires a very definite sequence
of powerfully executed, reflexive
mands. You must not dribble
a helicopter onto the ground. Like
horses, they require a firm hand at all
times and it takes hours of practice
to acquire this. Every action must be
precise, calculated and well executed.
A helicopter taking off suffers from
the same complex interaction of forces. The throttle is being constantly
increased as it leaves the ground and
conditions are changing rapidly as
it passes through ground effect into
clean air. Again good solid reflexive
actions built up over an extended
period of practice will see the take
off look smooth and well executed.
The modern radio and gyro make
this a breeze.
Practising the hover
Try to practice the hover out of
ground effect whenever possible,
particularly when first using narrow
skids. Letting the helicopter dribble
around the field an inch from the
ground is just setting the model up
for a serious accident. A tuft of grass,
a rock or any similar projection can
catch a skid at any time
Now you can see why helicopters
are fitting with training wheels (or at
least large, wide spaced outriggers).
Helicopter blades are expensive and
the risk of a bent main shaft is ever
present. One very popular form of
training undercarriage is in the form
of a pair of crossed dowels strapped to
the skids with ping-pong balls glued
to each of the four ends of the dowels.
The aim is to prevent the helicopter
tipping on landing.
The advice given to me was to learn
to “hover out the tank” (ie, use up a
tank of fuel) out of ground effect (at a
height exceeding one main rotor disc
span above the ground) and exactly
over a designated spot on the ground.
When you can do this with the nose
pointing away from you at first and
later with the nose pointing towards
you, you are getting somewhere.
Then and only then, are you ready to
undertake out and return flights. That
advice was given to me 27 years ago
and it is as true today as it was then.
Keep practising.
So there you have it: a rudimentary
guide into some of the complexities
of getting a helicopter into hover and
more importantly, out of hover and
safely back onto the ground.
MARCH 1999 55
1-Chip Microphone
Audio Compressor
This simple project can be used for a number
of audio effects, including compression,
automatic level control, sustain and limiting.
It can be used with a guitar, microphone or
any other low-level signal source.
Many audio enthusiasts would
argue that a signal shouldn’t be altered in any way from its original
source, whether it is from a guitar,
a microphone or any other source.
However, in many cases it is necessary
to change the signal so as to provide
the very best intelligibility or simply
to produce a sound effect to add life
to a musical score.
A microphone in a PA setup, for example, can be called upon to respond
56 Silicon Chip
to a huge variation in sound levels. At
one extreme, you have people who
speak very softly at some distance
from the microphone while at the
other you have people who speak very
loudly and get quite close to the microphone. This means that some type
of automatic level control is necessary
to maintain a relatively constant audio
output level, regardless of the volume
from the person speaking.
Generally, this automatic control
takes the form of signal compression,
whereby the lows are made louder
and the highs are made softer. Set
correctly, signal compression can
greatly increase the intelligibility of
the amplified signal. In many cases,
it may even be necessary to prevent
severe signal overload (and the high
distortion that results).
As well as signal compression, this
unit can be used for other special
effects. Guitarists, in particular, are
always keen to add effects to their
music – the more controls and adjustments the better, it seems.
To this end, we have designed a
versatile compression unit which has
controls to allow for adjustment of
the major parameters. This includes
the amount of compression, ranging
from 1:1 where there is no effect on
the signal up to a 15:1 compression.
The threshold and limiting signal
• Low noise
• Low distortion
• Adjustable compression
Adjustable limiting level for
large signal clamping
Adjustable minimum level
for compression
Adjustable gain
Adjustable output level
Signal bypass switching
Facility for electret microphone supply
level positions are also adjustable and
there is an overall gain control facility.
So the four controls, from left to
right, are: (1) Gain; (2) Threshold; (3)
Compression Ratio; and (4) Limit.
The compression setting produces
a range of effects on the signal. Low
compression settings, ranging from
say 2:1 to 5:1, will restrict the dynamic
range of the signal but there will still
be some variation in volume. This
effect is usually called “compression”
or “dynamic range control”.
Higher compression ratios will produce a sound level that’s reasonably
constant, regardless of the input level.
This effect is called “automatic level
control” or “sustain”.
The Limit control effectively produces a constant output level even
if the input level is increasing. It is
useful for preventing excessive noise
levels from being amplified, as can
occur if a microphone or a guitar is
The Threshold control operates at
the other signal level extreme and
prevents compression from occurring
below a preset input level. This reduces noise and hum on the output when
little or no signal is present.
Finally, the Gain control allows
a wide range of signal levels to be
tailored to the compressor circuit. It
can provide extra gain, ranging from
0dB (x1) up to 20dB (x100).
Fig.1 shows the response of the
compressor for different compression
ratios. Below the noise gate threshold,
the signal is “downward expanded”,
which means that the signal is attenu-
Fig.1: this graph shows the response of the compressor for different
compression ratios. The limiting threshold is adjustable and sets the
point where compression ceases and limiting occurs
Fig.2: block diagram of the SSM2166 preamplifier/compressor IC.
The buffer stage accepts the input signal and in turn applies a sample
signal to the level detector. The level detector then produces a DC
voltage output and this controls the internal voltage controlled
amplifier (VCA).
ated below its normal level. The noise
gate threshold is adjustable and above
this is the compression region.
Note that you can adjust the
compression between the ex
shown (from 1:1 to 15:1). The limiting
threshold is also adjustable and sets
the point where compression ceases
and limiting occurs. Any gain added
to the compressor simply shifts the
graph upwards by the gain value.
Block diagram
Fig.2 shows the block diagram
for the Microphone Compressor. It’s
based on a single SSM2166 preamplifier/compressor IC which includes
a buffer, a level detector, a control
circuit and a voltage controlled amplifier (VCA). The buffer stage accepts
the input signal and in turn applies
a sample signal to the level detector.
The level detector then produces a DC
voltage output that follows the buffer
output signal.
The output from the level detector
charges an “average” capacitor which
is connected to pin 8 and this in turn
sets the voltage applied to the control
circuit. Note that the value of the
MARCH 1999 57
Fig.3: the complete circuit for the microphone compressor. R1 is only necessary
if an electret microphone is to be used, while C1 should be 22µF for voice
signals and 2.2µF for music signals (eg, from a guitar).
“average” capacitor sets the attack
and decay times for the compression
Finally, the control circuit has
facilities to allow adjustment of the
three affects parameters – ie, the compression ratio, the rotation point (or
limit) and the noise gate threshold.
Its output in turn controls the voltage
controlled amplifier (VCA), which ad-
justs its gain accordingly. In addition,
the VCA is fitted with a separate gain
control facility, so that its overall gain
can be adjusted.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.3 for the full circuit
details of the Microphone Compressor. Apart from the SSM2166 preamplifier/compressor, it consists of four
Gain control
Anticlockwise 0dB; mid-setting 10dB; clockwise 20dB
Threshold control at 0dB gain
Anticlockwise at noise floor; mid-setting 0.2mV; clockwise 30mV
Ratio control
Anticlockwise 1:1; mid-setting 7:1; clockwise 15:1
Limit control at 0dB gain 1:1 ratio
Clockwise 600mV; mid-setting 10mV
Total Harmonic Distortion at minimum gain before limiting
0.16% at 1kHz and 200mV input; 1.2% at 10kHz and 200mV input; 0.32% at
1kHz and 200mV input; 3% at 10kHz and 500mV input
Frequency response
-3dB at 30Hz and -1dB at 30kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio with respect to 300mV, input threshold anticlockwise
1:1 ratio and 600mV limit: 75dB with 20Hz to 20kHz filter, 78dB A-weighted. 15:1
ratio: 60dB with 20Hz to 20kHz filter, 64dB A-weighted
58 Silicon Chip
pots, a couple of 6.35mm jack sockets
and a handful of minor parts.
The input signal is fed in via a jack
socket and applied to the pin 7 input
(Buffer In) of IC1 via a 0.1µF capacitor.
Resistor R1 (2.2kΩ) is included to provide for an electret microphone input
(an electret microphone requires a
bias current in order to function).
The buffer amplifier has a gain of
-1, as set by two 10kΩ feedback resistors. One of these resistors is connected between pins 5 & 6 (ie, between
the buffer amplifier output and its
inverting input), while the other is
connected between ground and the
inverting input via a series 1µF capacitor. This 1µF capacitor provides
low-frequency rolloff below 16Hz.
Different values are used for the
“average” capacitor at the output for
the level detector (pin 8), depending
on whether the circuit is to be used
for speech signals or music signals.
If the circuit is used predominantly
for speech signals, a value of 22µF is
used. Conversely, if the circuit is used
mainly for music signals, a value of
2.2µF is best.
If the circuit is to be used for both
music and speech on a regular basis,
you can add a switch to select between
two different capacitors.
Potentiometer VR1 sets the VCA
gain, while VR3 between pin 10 and
ground sets the compression ratio.
Similarly, VR2 sets the noise gate
threshold, while VR4 sets the limit.
The output from the VCA appears
at pin 13 and is fed to the output
socket via VR5, a 1µF capacitor and
switch S1. S1 is a bypass switch – it
simply switches the compressor circuit in or out of circuit. In the OUT
position, the signal at the input is fed
straight through to the output socket,
bypassing IC1.
VR5 is a level control. This trimpot is adjusted during the setting up
procedure so that the output from the
compressor matches the sensitivity of
the amplifier that’s being used.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 12V DC supply (eg, a plugpack or a
battery). Diode D1 provides reverse
polarity protection, while the 470µF
capacitor provides filtering of the
supply line. Regulator REG1 then
provides a 5V rail for IC1, while LED1
is the power indicator.
Building it is easy since all the
parts are mounted on a PC board
coded 01303991 and measuring 104
x 57mm. Note that IC1 is available
in two versions – either as a normal
14-pin DIP IC or in a surface-mount
package. In the latter case, a second
small PC board (coded S0-14) is required to mount the IC. This board is
then mounted on the main board in
the normal IC position (see photo).
This technique allows the main
board to accommodate both versions
of the IC.
Start the construction by checking
the PC board against the published
pattern. Repair any broken tracks or
shorts that may be evident. If you
have the surface-mount version of
IC1, this can now be mounted on the
small S0-14 board using a fine-tipped
soldering bit.
You will need keen eyesight and
preferably a magnifying lamp for this
job. To mount the IC, position it so that
Fig.4: install the parts on the PC board and complete the wiring as shown here.
The bypass switch (S1) is optional and can be left out if not required. If you do
leave it out, be sure to link the IN and COM terminals on the PC board. Take
care when installing the potentiometers, as their values differ.
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
MARCH 1999 59
This photo shows how the bodies of the potentiometers are connected together
and earthed using a single length of tinned copper wire. This is done to prevent
hum injection into the signal whenever a pot is touched.
its pins contact the pads on the top
of the board and lightly solder each
pin in turn. Once this has been done,
insert short lengths of tinned copper
wire into the holes down the outside
edges of the board and solder these
in position.
The assembly can now be installed
on the main PC board, just like a regular 14-pin IC. Alternatively, if you
have the DIP version of the IC, solder
it in instead. In either case, make sure
that the IC is oriented correctly, with
pin 1 adjacent to the 100µF capacitor
at the back of the board.
Next, install the diode (D1), the
resistors and the link in the locations
shown. You should also install a link
between the “IN” and “COM” pads
(near the output socket) if you don’t
intend installing a bypass switch.
Note that D1 must be oriented with
the polarity shown. The banded end
is the cathode (K).
R1 is only installed if an electret
microphone is to be used. Table 1
shows the resistor colour codes but it
is a good idea to also measure them
using a digital multimeter.
Install the PC stakes now, followed
by the capacitors. Apart from the
0.1µF unit adjacent to the input socket, the capacitors are all electrolytic
types so make sure they are correctly
oriented. Use a 22µF capacitor for C1 if
you intend using the compressor with
Fig.5: the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
The section labelled “S0-14” is required only if you
have the surface-mount version of the SSM2166 IC.
60 Silicon Chip
a microphone. Alternatively, make
C1 2.2µF if you intend using the unit
with a guitar or other music sources.
The regulator can be mounted next,
then trimpot VR5 and the four potentiometers (VR1-VR4). Take care when
mounting the pots to ensure that you
use the correct type and value in each
position. In particular, note that VR1
is a logarithmic pot, while VR2-VR4
are linear pots. It’s quite easy to tell
them apart – log pots are marked with
an “A”, while linear pots are marked
with a “B’.
Use the 50kΩ log pot for VR1, the
1MΩ linear pot for VR2, and the 50kΩ
linear pots for VR3 and VR4.
The LED and the two 6.35mm jack
sockets can go in next. Watch the orientation of the LED – its anode lead
(which is the longer of the two) goes
towards the nearby wire link.
Finally, the PC board assembly
can be completed by connecting the
bodies of the pots together using a
length of tinned copper wire. One end
of this wire is then connected to the
GND PC stake adjacent to the input
socket. This measure is necessary to
prevent hum from being injected into
the signal whenever a pot is touched.
Fig.4 shows how the bypass switch
(S1) is connected, using shielded
cable. This will usually be required
for guitar use and with line level inputs but not when the compressor is
used with a microphone. In the latter
case, simply short the IN and COM
terminals by installing a wire link, as
described previously.
The circuit can be powered up using
a battery or power supply which can
deliver 9-12V at about 50mA. Check
that the voltage between pins 1 and
14 is 5V and that LED1 illuminates
when power is applied.
Next, feed a signal into the input (either from a guitar, a line level source or
a microphone) and connect the output
to an audio amplifier. This done, set
VR1, VR2 & VR3 fully anticlockwise
and VR4 fully clockwise. Trimpot VR5
should also initially be set to its full
clockwise position.
Now check that the signal can be
heard. At this stage, the sound will
not appear any different from normal
because the compression is 1:1. Assuming that a signal can be heard, you
can now adjust VR3 for the desired
compression effect.
Parts List
1 PC board, code 01303991,
104 x 57mm
1 PC board (S0-14) for
surface-mount 14-pin IC (S
version only)
2 6.35mm PC mount mono or
stereo jack sockets
1 16mm 50kΩ log pot (VR1)
1 16mm 1MΩ lin pot (VR2)
2 16mm 50kΩ lin pots
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR5)
1 SPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 500mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 500mm length of single
shielded cable
7 PC stakes
1 SSM2166P or SSM2166S
preamplifier with variable
compression (IC1); available
from Insight Electronics,
phone (02) 9585 5511
1 78L05 low power regulator
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
1 1N4004 1A diode (D1)
1 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 22µF 16VW PC electrolytic
(C1) – see text
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16VW PC electrolytic
(C1) – see text
2 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 100kΩ
1 2.2kΩ (R1)
2 10kΩ
2 1kΩ
2 4.7kΩ
1 680Ω
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VR2 (the Threshold pot) is adjusted to reduce the noise level with no
signal. Don’t set it too high though,
otherwise it will adversely affect the
compression process at low signal levels. VR4, the Limit control, is adjusted
anticlockwise to allow compression
up to a selected level before limiting
Finally, VR1 (Gain) is adjusted to
give the required signal sensitivity,
while trimpot VR5 is adjusted so that
the output level matches the sensitivSC
ity of the following amplifier.
MARCH 1999 61
Low distortion audio
signal generator; Pt.2
This wide range audio signal generator has low
distortion, very good envelope stability and a
digital display. Last month we presented the
circuit details and in this article we present the
construction procedure.
There is very little wiring inside this
project because just about everything
is mounted on the two PC boards.
This includes most of the front panel
hardware. Most of the assembly work
just involves putting the two PC boards
The two PC boards used are the main
board coded 01402991 and measuring
212 x 141mm and the front panel PC
board coded 01402992 and measuring
210 x 73mm. These two PC boards are
soldered together at right angles and
62 Silicon Chip
they mount in a plastic instrument
case measuring 256 x 190 x 84mm. The
front panel has a red Perspex panel
inserted directly in front of the LED
displays. There is a label measuring
249 x 76mm which is fitted to the
front panel.
You can begin construction by
checking the PC boards for any
shorted or broken tracks and that the
holes are drilled to accept the various
components. You will need 1.5mm
(1/16") holes for the terminals of the
rotary switches on the front panel PC
board and also there should be 3mm
(1/8") holes for the corner mounting
positions on the main PC board. Also
1.5mm holes are required for the
potentiometers VR1 & VR2. Holes
for the PC stakes should be such that
they are a tight fit into the PC board
before soldering. Two 10mm holes are
required for the potentiometer shafts
to protrude through the front panel
PC board.
Start assembly of the PC boards by
inserting all the links and resistors.
You will need to follow the component
overlay diagrams of Fig.1 & Fig.2. Table 1 shows the resistor colour codes,
to help you in choosing the correct
value. Alternatively, you can use a
digital multimeter to measure each
resistor before it is inserted. The 27Ω
5W resistor is mounted so that its body
is about 1-2mm above the PC board to
allow cooling.
Fig.1: this is the component overlay for the main PC board. Note that the LDR and LEDs1 & 2 are mounted
in a light-tight tube (see text and photographs). Take care to ensure that all polarised parts are correctly
oriented and note that regulator REG3 is bolted to the PC board and a U-shaped heatsink.
MARCH 1999 63
Fig.2a (left): this is the component overlay for the display PC board. Note that the decimal points of the 7-segment
displays should be adjacent to the associated driver transistors. Fig.2b at right shows the full-size PC artwork.
Next, mount the PC stakes which
are located at the wiring positions on
the main PC board. On the front panel
board, PC stakes should be inserted
for the BNC outputs, for switches S3,
64 Silicon Chip
S4 & 6, and for the earth connections
near S3 and the sync output. Mount
the PC stakes for the switch and earth
connections from the rear of the PC
board to facilitate wiring and so that
there is less to cut off when mounting
the switches.
Now insert the ICs, making sure that
you place them in their correct positions with the orientation as shown.
The display board carries the two rotary switches, the three toggle switches and
the 7-segment LED displays. Note that the displays are mounted off the PC board
using 5-way pin headers. The two BNC sockets on the front panel connect to the
display board via PC stakes.
Diodes D1-D12 can then be mounted,
paying attention to their orientation.
Make sure that the power diodes are
placed in the D9-D12 positions. The
regulators can also be mounted at
this stage. Note that the 7805 (REG3)
is mounted horizontally and onto a
Next, the capacitors can be mount
ed. Table 2 shows the IEC and EIA
marked with EIA codes rather than
the resistance value. VR3 is 100kΩ and
may be coded 104. In the same vein,
trimpots VR4-VR6 may be marked
10k or 103.
When mounting the transistors, insert them so that their leads are about
6mm long above the board.
The two LEDs and the LDR are at
first inserted into the PC board and
oriented as shown. Both the LDR and
the LEDs are bent over at 90° so that
the LEDs can shine directly onto the
face of the LDR. Keep the front lens
of the LEDs about 3mm away from
codes which may be found on the MKT
and ceramic types. Use the table to sort
out the values and insert them in the
positions as shown. The electrolytic
types must be oriented with the polarity shown. Be sure to use 35V rated
capacitors where indicated.
You can mount the trimpots next.
Make sure you insert each one in its
correct position. Often trimpots are
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
green blue yellow brown
yellow violet yellow brown
orange blue yellow brown
orange orange yellow brown
brown red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
red black orange brown
brown black orange brown
green blue red brown
yellow violet red brown
orange orange red brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
green brown brown brown
yellow violet brown brown
brown blue brown brown
green brown black brown
orange white black brown
red yellow black brown
brown blue black brown
violet green gold brown
5-Band Code (1%)
green blue black orange brown
yellow violet black orange brown
orange blue black orange brown
orange orange black orange brown
brown red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
red black black red brown
brown black black red brown
green blue black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
orange orange black brown brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
green brown black black brown
yellow violet black black brown
brown blue black black brown
green brown black gold brown
orange white black gold brown
red yellow black gold brown
brown blue black gold brown
violet green black silver brown
MARCH 1999 65
The display board is attached at right angles to the main board by soldering
two sets of matching copper pads together. Note that the two potentiometers are
mounted on the main board and their shafts pass through holes drilled in the
display board and the front panel.
the LDR surface; this will allow the
maximum amount of light coverage.
The whole assembly is encapsulated in
black heatshrink tubing with the ends
blocked with some light proof sealant. You could use some automotive
windscreen sealant or the commonly
available “Blu Tak” or similar sticky
adhesive for temporarily mounting
lightweight items to walls.
Setting the rotary switches
Cut the shafts for the rotary switches
to a length of 10mm and cut the potentiometer shaft 30mm long. Remove the
nuts for each rotary switch and take
out the locking pin washer. Rotate each
switch fully anticlockwise. Now insert
the locking pin washer for S2 (3-pole)
in the “4” position and replace the nut.
Check that this switch only rotates to
four positions. Switch S5 (1-pole) has
its locking tab washer inserted in the
“9” position so that it can be rotated
to nine positions.
Having been adjusted, the rotary
switches can be installed onto the PC
66 Silicon Chip
board. Be sure that you do not stress
the pins of the switches when inserting
them into position. If the switch is
difficult to insert, check that the holes
are large enough and that the switch
body is rotated so that the wiper pins
are aligned correctly with the holes on
the PC board.
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
IEC Code EIA Code
0.56µF 560n 564
0.47µF 470n 474
0.18µF 180n 184
0.1µF 100n 104
.039µF 39n 393
.018µF 18n 183
.01µF 10n 103
.0047µF 4n7 472
.0018µF 1n8 182
.0015µF 1n5 152
180pF 180p 181
10pF 10p 10
3p3 3.3
The two potentiometers (VR1 &
VR2) are mounted directly onto the
main PC board. Switches S3, S4 &
S6 mount by soldering the terminals
onto the PC stakes allocated. Cut these
down almost flush with the PC board
so that the switch will sit as low as
possible. Solder the terminals to the
PC stakes.
The four 7-segment LED displays
are mounted off the PC board using
pin headers. Install the 5-way pin
headers in position for the displays
and solder each display’s 10 pins to
two 5-pin headers. They should be
soldered so that the front face of the
display is 20mm above the PC board.
Make sure that each display is oriented
with the decimal point located near
the transistors.
Connecting the PC boards
As mentioned previously, the front
panel PC board is attached to the main
PC board by being soldered to it at right
angles. To do this, first place the main
PC board in position in the base of the
case and check that none of the integral
standoff pillars prevent the board from
sitting on the four corner pillars. Any
unused pillars can be cut down with
a large drill to prevent them fouling
Fig.3: this chassis wiring diagram shows the connections to the two PC boards and the power supply wiring.
MARCH 1999 67
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the main PC board. Check your board carefully against this pattern before installing any parts.
the PC board.
Now place the front panel PC board
at right angles to the main PC board,
with its lower edge on the base of the
68 Silicon Chip
case and check that the edge is not
siting on a raised rib section; some
cases have these ribs and others don’t.
If one of the ribs is in the way, remove
it using a sharp chisel.
Mark each end of the front panel
PC board where it meets the main PC
board. Then remove both boards and
The aluminium rear panel carries the fused IEC mains socket, plus the power
transformer and the earth terminal lugs on the inside of the case. Fit star
washers and locknuts to all mounting screws, so that they cannot work loose.
turn the main board upside down.
Align the two PC boards so that the
copper patterns for each match and
the markings are in the correct position. Temporarily tack solder the two
boards together at right angles in a
couple of positions on the large copper
areas and check that the positioning is
correct when placed back in the case.
If all is correct, you can now solder
the remaining connections. Make sure
all connections are soldered to ensure
circuit continuity.
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Front and rear panels
The front panel can now be drilled
out for the switches, potentiometers,
LED display and input sockets, plus
the Earth screw. Use the front panel
artwork as a guide to drill the holes.
Once the panel is drilled and the rectangular cutout made for the displays,
you can attach the front panel label.
The LED display cutout will require a
red Perspex window which should be
made to fit tightly in the hole.
Place the front panel over the front
panel PC board and wire the output
and sync socket to the PC pins on the
board using short lengths of tinned
copper wire.
You can now use the chassis diaThe LDR and
the two LEDs are
bent over at 90°,
so that the LEDs
shine directly
onto the face of
the LDR. These
parts are then
encapsulated in
black heatshrink
tubing and the
ends blocked
with light proof
The input sockets must be insulated
from the panel using an insulating kit.
This requires two fibre washers and a
short length of tubing. Secure these
in place and do not forget to place a
solder lug beneath a retaining screw
for each socket.
The rear panel requires mounting
holes for the transformer, the earth
terminal and the cutout for the fused
IEC mains socket. This can be cut out
by drilling a series of holes around the
cutout border and removing the inside
piece. The hole can then be filed to
shape. Two holes are required for the
mounting screws for this socket. Install
these components with screws, nuts
and lockwashers.
ACN 069 935 397
30 Lacey St, Croydon, Vic 3136
gram of Fig.3 to complete the remaining wiring. The mains wires must be
250VAC-rated and must be insulated at
the switch terminals with heatshrink
sleeving. An insulating boot should be
fitted over the IEC socket to prevent
accidental contact with the terminals.
The Earth wires must be run in
the standard green/yellow striped
wire and are terminated to solder or
crimp lugs. These lugs are secured to
the panels with a screw and nut and
star washers, plus a further locknut
to ensure that the earth lugs cannot
possibly come loose. Tie the mains
wires together with cable ties at the
switch and the IEC socket.
An Earth lead runs from the front
panel solder lug to the GND PC stake
on the front panel PC board. A separate
wire is then soldered from this pin
to the potentiometer bodies of VR1
and VR2. You will need to scrape the
plating off the pot where it is to be
soldered, to allow a clean joint.
When you have completed the
assembly and wiring, check all your
work carefully for mistakes. In particuMARCH 1999 69
audio signal generator
70 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
Setting up
lar, be sure that the ICs are oriented correctly. Also check that
each regulator is in its correct position and that it is oriented
Now apply power and check that the Neon glows in the
power switch (S1) and that the displays are alight.
Check the voltages on the circuit using your multimeter.
Clip the negative lead of your multimeter to the metal tab of
REG1 and measure the supply pins for each IC. IC1, IC2, IC4
and IC5 should each have +15V at pin 8 and -15V at pin 4. IC3
should have +5V at pin 11 and -5V at pin 6. IC6 should have
+5V at pin 14 and -5V at pin 7. IC7 should have +5V at pin
18. IC8, IC10 and IC12 should have +5V at pin 16. IC9 should
have +5V at pin 14 and IC11 should have +5V at pins 4 & 8.
Now check that the display is operating correctly. Firstly,
make sure the display on/off switch is in the ON position.
Now check that the display indicates a reading and that the
decimal points light for the upper two frequency ranges. Note
that you may not obtain a correct reading of frequency yet
since the signal generator needs to be set up first.
There are several adjustments required on the trimpots
and trimmer capacitor before the Audio Signal Generator
can work properly. First, the output level must be adjusted
so that the generator produces a maximum of 3.16V RMS.
This can be done by measuring the output with a multimeter
which is set to read AC volts. The multimeter should have
a useable AC response to at least 1kHz.
Set VR3 to its mid setting and set the range switch to 1001000Hz, with the frequency adjust pot set midway. Now set
the attenuator to the 3.16V setting and the output level pot
to maximum (fully clockwise). Select the sinewave output.
Measure this output level with your multimeter and adjust
VR5 so that the level is 3.16V.
Next, set the output to square wave. If your multimeter
reads in RMS then set the square wave level using VR6 for a
reading of 3.16V. If your multimeter does not read true-RMS
values, it will be average-indicating and it will be calibrated
to read the correct RMS value for a sinewave. To do this, it
scales (or multiplies) the average value of a sinewave by
1.11. 1.11 is the “form factor” of a sinewave and is the ratio
between the RMS value and the average value of a sinewave.
When an “average indicating” multimeter reads the average value of other waveforms, it also multiplies them by the
same scaling factor of 1.11 and this leads to an error when
measuring the RMS value of square wave signals.
Now the average value of a square wave when it is fullwave rectified is equal to its peak value and this is also equal
to the RMS value. In other words, when rectified, a square
wave signal of 1V RMS will have an average value of 1V and
a peak value of 1V.
So instead of setting the Audio Signal Generator to produce a reading of 3.16V on the top scale, we set it to 3.51V
(ie, 3.16V x 1.11). The multimeter will read 3.51V but the
generator will actually be delivering 3.16V RMS.
Frequency setting
Next, you can adjust VR4 so that the frequency readout
reads correctly. On the 100-1000Hz range the meter should
display from about 90Hz to 1100Hz.
The last two adjustments set the operation of the oscillator
at the lowest and highest frequencies. VR3 sets the operation
of the feedback control so that it maintains the amplitude
This is the view inside the completed prototype. Keep the mains wiring neat
and tidy (use cable ties) and be sure to earth the front and rear panels and the
pot bodies as shown in the wiring diagram of Fig.3.
level at the output of IC1b over the
frequency range. You will not be
able to use a multimeter to measure
the output signal below about 45Hz
and above about 2kHz since most
multimeters are extremely inaccurate
beyond these frequencies. However,
you will be able to gauge the output
quite simply by using the frequency
display itself.
Any sudden change in the frequency readout back to 0000 will indicate
that the signal level has changed from
its correct 3.16V maximum output,
either to a value lower than or higher
than this. The digital frequency readout thus becomes a signal indicator
which stops working if the signal level
is too high or too low.
Adjust the frequency control to
its lowest frequency and check that
the display reads about 9Hz. If it
is showing 9Hz and then suddenly
drops back to 0000, then adjust VR3
slightly more anticlockwise and set
the frequency control to maximum to
regain amplitude control. The display
should now read correctly. Now return
to the lowest frequency and check
that the readout stays at about 9Hz.
If it drops back to 0000 again, readjust VR3. Note that you will need to
wind the frequency control to a higher
frequency again each time to regain a
frequency readout.
When you can obtain a constant 9Hz
readout, observe this for a few seconds
to be sure that the reading remains. At
this low frequency, the amplitude can
slowly drift higher and higher unless
VR3 is set correctly.
Now set the range switch to the
10-100kHz position and wind the
frequency control up to its maximum.
The frequency readout will probably
drop back to 000.0, either because the
signal has dropped to zero or because
it has begun to oscillate of its own
accord. Either way, trimmer capacitor
VC1 will need to be adjusted to regain
control. This is simply a trial and
error adjustment until the frequency
display reads correctly on this range.
Finally, you may wish to calibrate
the frequency meter. This will usually
not be necessary because it will be
accurate enough for most purposes.
You can check the frequency accuracy
using a frequency meter or by checking the period on an oscillo
Most oscilloscopes have a calibration
output which produces a 1kHz signal.
The 1kHz output from the signal generator should match this calibration
Calibration involves changing the
value of the .01µF capacitor on pin 2
of IC11. Make the value larger if the
reading is too low or smaller if the
reading is too high.
MARCH 1999 71
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
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prevent misunderstandings.
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If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
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Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
World’s first integrated, portable
compactPCI and PXI computer
National Instruments have announced the imminent release of the
world’s first completely integrated
portable computer based on CompactPCI and PXI specifications.
The PXI- 1025 MegaPac is intended
for field test applications such as in-vehicle instrumentation, portable telecommunications tests and transportation system monitoring. It features
compact size, rugged construction
and completely integrated functionality with a flat-panel LCD, keyboard,
pointing device and CD-ROM drive.
It can run standard Windows NT or
98 software.
With the wide variety of Comp-actPCI and PXI plug-in modules available,
users can customise the PCI- 1025 to
meet specific application demands.
National Instruments supplies more
than thirty different data acquisition,
instrumentation, motion control, im-
age acquisition,
bus interface
and industrial
Unlike other
portable systems
that use desktop
PC mechanics,
the PXI-1025 uses
rugged Eurocard
Users can easily remove or replace controller and
peripheral modules without having to
remove the computer’s cover.
For more information, contact National Instruments Australia, PO Box
466, Ringwood, Vic 3143. Phone (03)
9879 5166, fax (03) 9879 6277, email
info.australia<at> or via the
National Instrument's website, www.
PLA Training from TAFE
Hunter Institute of Technology, TAFE NSW’s largest regional
education provider, has recently
developed an innovative new
training program in Programmable
Logic Arrays.
Programmable logic devices are
semiconductor devices capable of
synthesizing or copying and creating any logic control circuit. They
can also be programmed to clone
microprocessor circuits
The training program will enable
a technician to eliminate the time
necessary to implement a circuit
design from logic chips that contained only dedicated or pre-wired
It will also allow technicians
and engineers to modify logic or
fine-tune circuit designs without
requiring any costly circuit board
With programmable logic knowledge and skills the technician can
design and implement working
circuits at a considerably lower
cost and requiring much less circuit board space than ever before.
Hunter Institute of Technology’s
training program has been developed by Electronic Engineering
teachers Peter Jansen and Gary
Brooker through close liaison
with industry, who also provided
significant technological support
for the program.
The course is offered in introductory and advanced levels and
covers most of the device brands
available on the market. It also
provides after-training support.
Courses for 1999 will commence
in March and people wanting more
information are invited to phone
the course developer Peter Jansen
of Hunter Institute ‘s Department
of Electrical Engineering on 02
49237525 or email to peter.jansen<at>
Inverter for solar
power applications
Solar Energy Australia have released
a high performance, competitively
priced 1500 watt sine wave inverter.
Intended for medium sized remote
power application, the SEAP-24-1K5
inverter has a half hour rating of
1.8kW and a surge rating of 3.9kW.
Continuous output is 240V, 6.25A AC,
operating from an input of 21-32V DC.
It is Y2K compliant, conforms to
AS3100 wiring standards and the enclosure is IP20 rated. With a two year
warranty, list price is $1995.
For further information, contact
Solar Energy Australia, 11/24 Stud
Rd, Bayswater, Vic 3153. Phone (03)
9720 9399.
broadcast quality
Manufactured in Australia
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
MARCH 1999 75
Help! CSIRO needs
Aussie manufacturer
The CSIRO Division of Building,
Construction & Engineering (DBCE)
provides research, consulting and
testing services in many facets of the
construction, engineering, utilities and
transport industries.
One of these is the Fire Testing & Assessment group which has developed
comprehensive testing facilities, many
of which are NATA registered, to undertake a wide range of tests for industry
based on International (ISO), Australian
(AS1530 etc.), British (BS 476, etc.),
American (ASTM, UL, NFPA, FM), IMO
and other standards.
Most of the fire tests use type K thermocouples (in some cases up to 200 or
so) for the test specimen and furnace
temperature sensing, and datatakers
for temperature recording and logging.
Each fire test specimen may have a
unique setup and is generally no longer
than four hours duration, so there is a
need for rapid thermocouple wiring up
and disconnection from the datatakers.
Some years ago they had some terminal
panels constructed, consisting of twenty
pairs of spring loaded terminals (similar
to the old B&W TV antenna connectors)
manufactured from type K Chromel and
Alumel rod material and red and yellow
In the near future the CSIRO is building
new fire test laboratories and as part
of the re-instrumentation want to use
similar panels with 50 and 100 pairs of
terminals on each.
The total quantities are likely to be
a thousand of each type, in a “high
temperature” (105+°C) plastic. They’d
like to hear from any Australian manufacturer that might be interested in
Contact Jim Hooke, CSIRO Division of
Building, Construction & Engineering
Fire Testing & Assessments, PO Box
310, North Ryde, NSW, 1670. Phone:
(02) 9490 5440; Fax: (02) 9490 5528
email: jim.hooke<at>
76 Silicon Chip
Mono Surveillance
A 12-inch monochrome monitor
intended for video surveillance monitoring is available from Allthings Sales
& Services in Perth.
Housed in a commercial quality metal case, the mains-powered
monitor has an 800 line horizontal
resolution to provide crisp, high contrast images from single or multiple
switched mono video cameras.
There is a BNC video input and
a loop-through video output socket
together with a high/75 ohm terminating impedance switch, making the
monitor suitable for a wide variety of
video sources.
The monitor weighs 9.4kg and is
priced at $193.
For more information, contact Allthings Sales & Services, phone (08)
9349 9413, fax (08) 9344 5905, or via
their website at
1500W 3-phase SCR for
industrial heating
The CBM3000 SCR burst power
controller has been released by PCS.
It is intended for use in industrial
heating applications, particularly
processes such as the heating of air
in ventilation ducts where uniform
temperature is required
The SCR based unit can switch
loads of up to 70 amps per phase and
is supplied complete with heatsink,
cooling fan and over temperature
cut out.
Semiconductor protection fuses are
also included. Zero volt switching is
Temperature fluctuation caused by
switching hysteresis is often found
in systems using electromechanical
By tightening the dead band of the
temperature controller to reduce such
fluctuation will result in premature
contractor failure due to the excessive
The CBM3000 gives a fast cycle
pulse. This results in a near constant
heater temperature for any given
input which improves heater life by
minimising thermal stress.
For a data sheet or further information, contact Practical Control Solutions Pty Ltd, P.O Box 1052, Mount
Waverly Delivery centre, Mount
Waverly, VIC 3149. Phone (03) 9532
0869; Fax (03) 9532 0879.
New QSC amplifier: 9kW!
QSC’s new Powerlight 9.0PFC
amplifier delivers over 1800W per
channel into 8Ω and a massive 9kW
into 4Ω in bridged-mono mode.
Designed primarily to drive 2Ω
sub-woofer loads, the amplifier is
housed in a 450mm deep 3RU case
and weighs 23kg.
The amplifier features innovative power supply and output
circuitry. Power factor correction
(PFC) is said to lower peak AC
current requirement by as much
as 40% – always a critical issue
for high power amplifiers whose
extreme demands can easily exceed
available supplies. Line and load
regulation makes the amplifier’s
peak power capacity insensitive to
drops in supply voltage.
High speed components and
large die, N-channel MOSFETs
plus a four-tiered DC supply yield
efficiency comparable to class-D
A data port is included for amplifier monitoring and flow-through
cooling with fully variable-speed
fans keep heat under control. Special shrouded speaker terminals
are used to handle the high power.
Retail price is $14,495 (inc tax).
QSC is distributed in Australia by
Technical Audio Group, 558 Darling St, Balmain NSW 2041. Phone
(02) 9810 5300, fax (02) 9810 5355,
email sales<at>
instrumentation amp
National’s DAQ
Designer goes online
Analog devices has released a micro-power instrumentation amplifier
which offers superior performance
in less space and a lower cost than
discrete designs.
The AD627 delivers rail-to-rail output swing
and single (+2.2V)
supplies. It
draws only
85uA maximum and
has excellent AC and
DC specifications.
Low voltage offset
(200uV), offset drift (3uV/°C), gain
error (0.1%) and gain drift (10ppm/°C)
keep DC errors to a minimum.
It is well suited to battery-operated
applications and offers single resistor
gain programming. As supplied, it
has a gain of five but with an external
resistor can be programmed for gains
up to 1000.
Much more information on the
AD627 can be obtained from the
Analog Devices website, www.analog.
com or from the local distributors,
Hartech Pty Ltd.
National Instruments’ DAQ Designer configuration utility is now
accessible to system developers at DAQ Designer
Online is an interactive, easy-to-use
tool that gives suggestions on how
to efficiently build data acquisition
systems and which products to use.
Visitors to the web site are not required to download any software; they
simply use the online utility which
analyses the answers to questions
about their application. DAQ Designer
Online produces a summary report
with recommendations on hardware
and software. However, if they wish,
users can download a personal copy
of DAQ Designer from the site.
For further information contact National Instruments Australia, PO Box
466, Ringwood, Vic 3134. Phone (03)
9879 5166, fax (03) 9879 6277; email
info.australia<at> - or visit
the website above.
Unlike large EPIRBs intended
for use in boats and aircraft, the
new GME MT310 EPIRB available
through Dick Smith Electronics
stores is specifically intended for
personal use.
It is small (155 x 66 x 25mm and
175g), it is low in cost (retails for
$269) and it could mean the difference between being rescued or
not rescued. Each person aboard
an ocean-going yacht, for example,
could have one of these attached
to their life jacket or even clothing
when on deck. The same applies
to light plane pilots, remote-area
travellers and even bushwalkers.
Housed in a tough waterproof
case, it is powered by a lithium
battery with a storage life of up to
ten years.
When activated, the radio signal from an EPIRBs (emergency
position indicating radio beacon)
is received on the aviation and
military distress frequencies and
by satellite.
The GME MT310 EPIRB is available from Dick Smith Electronics
stores and dealers throughout Australia, or via mail order from Dick
Smith Electronics Direct Link on
1300 366 644.
AC Induction Motor
Development Kit
Hioki colour screen
data recorder
With a maximum of sixteen
analog and sixteen digital channels, the Hioki 8841 Memory
Recorder offers very fast sampling - 1MS/s even when simultaneously sampling all channels.
Basic memory capacity is 12 bits
per analog channel x 5000 kilo
words per channel (for 16 analog
channels) or x 4 mega words per
channel (2 analog channels).
It is ideally suited to such tasks as
engine characteristic determination,
electrical circuit analysis, circuit
breaker maintenance, vibration
analysis, machine monitoring and
protection tasks such as ground fault
detection in transmission lines.
A 264mm colour TFT screen is
provided with full on-screen help
displays available. A floppy disc
Personal EPIRB
drive for storage of data in MS-DOS
format and a PC-card slot suitable
for SRAM card storage (maximum
32MB) or ATA/hard disc card (maximum 528MB) are also included. An
optional MO drive (640MB storage) is
available. Interfaces include RS-232
and GP-IB.
For further information, contact
Nilsen Technologies, 150 Oxford St,
Collingwood, Vic 3066. Freecall 1800
623 350, freefax 1800 067 263.
US corporations Analog Devics Inc
and Applied Microelectronics Inc
have an AC induction motor development kit for OEMs, said to easily create variable-speed AC motor control
solutions and reduce time-to-market
for DSP motor control applications.
Using Analaog Devices’ new
ADMC331 single-chip DSP motor
controller, the MOTIONPRO DSP
ADMC331 induction motor demonstration kit is available exclusively
through Applied Microelectronics and
is priced at $US1850.
The kit includes a complete hardware and software system solution
including a DSP development board,
integrated power electronics, current
sensing, techometer and a 1/5HP AC
induction motor along with fully documented software, Further information
is available through
MARCH 1999 77
The era of high performance sets:
the Radiolette Model 31/32
Commonly called the “Empire State”, the
Radiolette 31/32 represented the new breed of
high performance sets that were introduced in
the mid-1930s. It’s a 5-valve receiver with some
interesting features.
By 1935, the autodyne converter
and the anode bend detector were
on their last legs, at least as far as
their inclusion into superheterodyne
receivers for the consumer market
was concerned. The depression was
about over too, hence there was feverish activity within the various radio
manufacturing plants to design new,
better and bigger sets. These would
use the new pentagrid converters in
lieu of the autodyne configuration and
the new duo-diode triode/pentode
detector and first audio valves in place
of the previous anode bend detector/
In reality, no major improvements
in domestic radio design and performance came after these two important circuits. Any developments of
importance for AM radio reception
had already occurred by the time
octal-based valves appeared. Sure
we ended up with miniature dual
valves, more efficient RF/IF coils and
transformers, and eventually used
iron-dust and ferrite core with good
results but these were refinements on
what had already been invented and
With the advent of ICs, a number
of design variations have been introduced which have made sets quite versatile. However, that’s another story.
The Radiolette Model 31/32
The Radiolette model 31/32 was
one of those much-improved sets,
being designed and built circa 1936. It
is commonly called an “Empire State”
because of the stepped arrangement
of the bakelite case, as seen in the
photograph. Some vintage radio buffs
will, no doubt, have observed that the
correct knobs are not on this particular
set at this stage.
I was asked to service this set which
had apparently been bought for $25 – a
bargain. Yes, a few bargains are still to
be had when it comes to vintage radios. My job was made easier by the fact
that not a lot of work had been done
on it over the years. What’s more, the
78 Silicon Chip
work that had been done was quite
With such an old set and one that
is so difficult to work on in various
areas, I believed it was prudent to first
test all the transformers and coils for
continuity. All wound components
including the speaker transformer
proved to be in good order and the
exercise was worthwhile, even though
I knew it would be a slow job doing
the restoration because of accessibility
For its time, the Radiolette was a
very compact receiver, considering
it had an RF stage and a reflexed
IF-cum-audio stage. However, fitting
everything into a relatively small cabinet meant that the layout became quite
cramped. As a result, gaining access
to many of the components can take
quite a bit of work.
The standard of the hook-up wire
used in the radio is noticeably better than that used on many sets of
the same era, with no obvious signs
that the rubber under the fabric had
perished (although it probably has
to some extent). Having tested the
wound components, it was time to
test and replace any leaky capacitors
and out-of-tolerance resistors. All the
paper capacitors would have made
good resistors so they were replaced
with either polyester or ceramic
equivalents. The resistors generally
were within tolerance which says
something for their performance after
60 years.
The end of the chassis was removed
by undoing four screws. This done, all
the components in a wrapped cylinder
(see photo) were removed from their
chassis strap. The leads from this
block of components go to all parts
of the set and why there wasn’t more
interaction between the various stages is difficult to understand. A fresh
block of components was made up
and fitted in its place. This took up
substantially less space due to the
smaller size of modern components.
Various other blocks of components
were also swung out for checking
and the leads to these unsoldered as
necessary. As previously mentioned,
all the paper capacitors proved quite
leaky, typically giving readings of
around 2MΩ when checked on the
high voltage tester.
Switching on
Having tested most of the passive
Most of the parts in a wrapped cylinder at the end of the chassis proved to be
faulty and were replaced with a fresh block of components. In addition, all
paper capacitors throughout the chassis were replaced with either polyester or
ceramic equivalents.
components and replaced any defective ones, I fired the set up and
checked all the main voltage points
as the set warmed up. The voltages
all nominally coincided with those
marked on the data sheets and nothing
got hotter than it should have. The
volume control was noisy and was
given a squirt of a contact cleaning
fluid, after which the noise stopped.
Sometime later, however, I discovered
that the volume control had gone open
circuit. Did the cleaning fluid dissolve
the track in the volume control? I don’t
know; I’ve certainly never had this
happen before.
Prior to the volume control throwing in the towel, the set was aligned.
The IF is on 175kHz and has only one
trimmer (and thus only one tuned
circuit) in each transformer. For a
175kHz IF amplifier, the tuning is
relatively broad.
The tuning of the front end is quite
another story. The three tuned circuits
(aerial, RF and oscillator) only have
one adjustment – a trimmer capacitor
which is adjusted at the top end of the
band (around 1400kHz). The radio is
nominally intended to tune from 5501500kHz, although by carefully positioning the dial pointer, 530-1600kHz
is obtainable while still retaining the
correct dial calibration. Having tuned
the set at around 1400kHz, it was
found that the sensitivity was around
3µV, which is very good for a receiver
of that vintage.
The low frequency end of the dial
was not so good. In this case, the
sensitivity was around 300µV which
is relatively poor. The reason for this
is that sets of this era used air-cored
coils which had no adjustments on
them. Iron-dust adjustment cores were
not common at that stage, so it simply
wasn’t possible to easily adjust the
However, it is always possible to
squeeze more out of a receiver if it
can be accurately aligned so that it
tracks correctly. How should I overcome this problem? I could remove
the RF and aerial coils and either add
or remove turns as necessary, to get
the inductance right. However, the
coils are so difficult to get at that this
was not considered an economically
viable option.
Next, I tried adding coils and capacitors in series with the aerial coil.
My aim was to alter the effective
inductance of the tuned winding and
hence peak the tuning. Unfortunately,
this didn’t give any improvement, so
I didn’t even bother trying the same
thing with the RF stage. Perhaps it
should have been tried but generally
MARCH 1999 79
Fig.1: the circuit diagram for the Radiolette Model 31/32.
the coils in the aerial and RF stages
are reasonably well matched.
So it seemed that the set would be
left with very good performance at one
end of the dial and mediocre performance at the other. But wait – in some
sets there is a minor modification that
often improves the performance of the
oscillator stage and hence the overall
performance of the receiver. Sets using
6A7 converters, as in the Radiolette,
often benefit from this alteration.
That said, I don’t normally contemplate modifying vintage radios unless
there is a very good reason to do so.
Indeed, some manufacturers published lists of alterations that could be
carried out to improve performance.
Getting back to the Radiolette, if
the oscillator circuit is altered to the
configuration shown in Fig.2, the grid
current will be more constant across
the band and the conversion efficiency will be improved. If you compare
the complete circuit (Fig.1) and the
amended oscillator circuit, it will be
80 Silicon Chip
seen that the major difference is the
placement of the padder capacitor. In
this case, the performance of the set
was improved at the low frequency
end of the band and is now quite
Volume control
Fig.2: modifying the oscillator
circuit as shown here improves
the set’s performance at the
low-frequency end of the band.
Replacing the volume control is
a major job in these radios. The set
has to be virtually dismantled and
a particularly narrow potentiometer installed, otherwise the floating
sub-chassis will be shorted to the
main chassis. In this case, however,
a normal potentiometer was installed
(as shown in the under-chassis view),
coupled with a piece of heavy-walled
plastic tubing as a universal coupling.
This meant that the control had to be
offset so that it didn’t foul the tuning
A small piece of galvanised steel
sheet was used to support the new
volume control and this sheet was
soldered to a metal dividing panel on
the gang. Actually, I’d rather not have
had to do this but there was no other
easy solution. Sometimes things like
Looking for an old valve?
or a new valve?
Australasia's biggest selection
Also valve audio & guitar amp. books
PO Box 381 Chadstone Centre VIC 3148
Tel: (03) 9571 1160 Fax: (03) 9505 6209
Mob: 0411 856 171
email: evatco<at>
reach its full potential. What a shame;
it could have been one of the very best
sets of the time.
The replacement volume control was larger than the original and was mounted
on a separate steel bracket and offset to avoid fouling the tuning capacitor. A
piece of plastic tubing functions as a universal coupling between the pot shaft
and the control spindle.
this just have to be done.
The dial scale is usually a casualty
of the heat from the dial lamp, which
sits immediately behind it. It buckles
and cracks and often fouls the dial
pointer. This set was no exception and
the dial was glued and clamped to the
metal dial-mounting trough.
To help keep things cool, a 9mm
hole was drilled in the bottom of the
trough to allow better ventilation
around the globe and the dial scale.
In addition, a 10Ω 1W resistor was
installed in series with the globe to
lower its dissipation. The amount of
illumination is not as great as before
but the dial is now unlikely to buckle
and crack any further.
The Radiolette is a very good per-
former, even by modern standards.
It’s puzzling though as to how they
got away with the wiring layout they
had, with inputs running alongside
outputs and long unshielded grid
leads. Was it a matter of good luck
or genius?
Luck probably played the biggest
role. Each stage would have had
relatively low gain in the RF and IF
sections, due to the inferior coils and
transformers used and the relatively
low gain of the valves employed. A
normal 5-valve set has only four active
stages but in this case there are five,
due to the reflexed IF/audio stage
based on the 6B7.
The lack of tuning adjustments at
the low-frequency end of the tuning
range meant that a receiver that was
potentially a hot performer failed to
Awkward design
Basically, the radio is well put together but its mechanical design and
layout are a disaster. Why do some
manufacturers have to make things
so difficult for the serviceman (and
now the restorer) when with a little
more thought the set could have been
very good.
OK, no doubt the designers had to
fit the radio into a cabinet of a shape
and size that the sales people dictated.
However, there is some spare space
that could have been used if they
had applied more lateral thinking.
Thankfully, the set appears to be a
reliable model.
This is a highly sought-after set
and considering its performance, it
deserves to be. However, it falls down
in some mechanical areas, the main
drawbacks being poor accessibility
and complicated assembly. The circuitry used could be improved with
very little real change and this did
occur in later models.
MARCH 1999 81
Pt.12: LED Lighting For Traffic Lights & Signs
New manufacturing techniques are
producing high-brightness LEDs in a
variety of colours. Their applications
include traffic lights, street signs
pathway lighting and vehicle tail lights.
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have
been used as indicators and in displays since the early 1970s. However,
it is only recently that LEDs have been
produced with sufficient brightness to
allow their use in applications where
they can directly replace incandescent
and fluorescent lamps. LEDs can now
be found providing the light source in
some torches, traffic lights, vehicle tail
82 Silicon Chip
lights and even in gardens.
In fact, some prototype high-brightness LEDs now have luminous efficacies exceeding those of incandescent
lamps and rivalling mercury and
fluorescent lamp technologies.
Depending on the application, LEDs
can give clear benefits in terms of lamp
life, lumen depreciation and efficacy.
However, LEDs can have some signif-
icant disadvantages as well.
Light Emitting Diodes
LEDs are basically solid-state devices with a p-n semiconductor junction.
When a forward voltage is applied to
the p-n junction, the charge carriers
inject across the junction into a zone
where they recombine and convert
their excess energy into light. The materials used at the junction determine
the wavelength of the emitted light.
Fig.1 shows the internal structure of
a LED, while Fig.2 shows the performance details of the latest LEDs,
ranging from red to blue in colour.
The aluminium indium gallium
phosphide (AlInGaP) LED is one of
the more recent designs and has been
used to develop yellow, amber and red
LEDs (incidentally, aficionados of LED
design pronounce AlInGaP as “Allen
Gap” – something to remember if you
want to impress!). The use of this
material results in much lower lumen
depreciation over the life of the LED.
More recently, indium gallium nitride (InGaN) has revolutionised green
and blue LEDs – just look at the 200
times improvement in the efficiency of
the InGaN blue LED over the previous
SiC (“sick?”) design!
Although the luminous efficiency
of LEDs has greatly increased in recent years, many LEDs must be used
together to produce a large amount of
light. LEDs emit light which is highly
saturated and nearly monochromatic.
Fig.3 shows the wavelengths of light
developed by a variety of Hewlett
Packard Super Flux LEDs.
White LEDs are a recent development and can be constructed in a
number of ways. The first technique
is to add a phosphor to the epoxy of a
blue LED. The Nichia Corporation of
Japan and Siemens of Germany have
developed this process, whereby a
layer of phosphor material is used
to translate most of the light emitted
from a blue LED die into a wide band
of essentially white light.
The first LEDs to use this technique
were quite inefficient, with a net
luminous output only 17% that of a
blue LED operated at the same current.
However, the more recent Siemens
designs use gallium nitride (GaN)
or indium gallium nitride (InGaN)
blue LEDs coated with a luminescent
pigment based on Y3Al5O12 doped
with caesium ions. This phosphor is
actually incorporated into the epoxy
resin coating of the LED.
These white light LEDs are better
than earlier designs, being currently
about 20% more efficient than incandescent lamps. Fig.4 shows the spectral output of the Siemens white LED.
Mixing the light from blue, green
and red LEDs can also generate white
light. Similar in nature to RGB colour
displays, these white LEDs employ
three separate colour dies (red, green,
FACING PAGE: these traffic lights
show their green lights for 99% of the
time, 24 hours a day. Replacing the
green incandescent bulbs with LED
signal indicators would save a
considerable amount of energy.
blue) in one device to
mix the three primary
colours and thus produce
white light.
In summary, it’s now
possible to produce
high-brightness LEDs in
a range of colours. This
makes them particularly
attractive as light sources
in road signs and traffic
Traffic lights
Incandescent lamps
have been used in traffic
lights for over 70 years.
Fig.1: the internal structure of a LED.
Other lamps that have
(Hewlett Packard).
been considered in the
past include cold-cathode fluorescent lamps,
in the traffic signal may be on for more
l uminescent panels and
high-frequency fluorescent lamps. than 99% of the time.
Inevitably, this means that some of
However, LEDs in traffic lights have
now become widespread, especially the lamps within the array need replacing earlier than others. However,
in the USA. This is primarily for two
for safety reasons, all the lamps inside
reasons: (1) longer lamp life; and (2)
traffic lights are generally renewed at
lower power consumption.
the same time, rather than when failLamp requirements
ure requires it. Long life (8000 hour)
Although seldom considered by Krypton gas-filled incandescent lamps
are replaced yearly in some locations.
most people, traffic lights place
unique demands on lamps. First, the This approach results in high mainlamps of a particular colour within the tenance costs and disrupts the traffic
array generally burn for longer hours during lamp replacement.
The incandescent lamps used in
than the others. For example, in many
installations, the lamps behind the red traffic lights are quite high-powered,
being typically 67-150W. The wattage
lenses are illuminated for the longest
periods, while in some pedestrian required varies with the colour – red
crossing applications the green lamp signals require the highest wattage,
Fig.2: LED Performance
Wavelength (nm)
Efficiency (lm/W)
R ed
B l ue
Si C
MARCH 1999 83
The use of LEDs in traffic light signals gives a massive
decrease in power consumption. Signals using red LEDs
have been used in the USA for some time and green
LED indicators suitable for use in traffic lights have also
recently been released. (Dialight),
while green and amber signals require
lower wattages.
In the US, it is estimated that
there are 3-4.5 million traffic signals
operating, each of which has an approximate annual energy demand of
990kW/h. Together, they use nearly
three billion kW/h per annum. The
traffic lights in California alone are
estimated to consume 310 million
kW/h per year.
As a result, low current consumption LEDs have major advantages in
traffic light applications, particularly
While early traffic light designs used over 300 LEDs, more
recent designs based on the latest high-brightness devices
have reduced this to just 18. This traffic light has a power
consumption of just 14.5W, while incandescent lamps vary
from 67-150W. (Dialight).
when it comes to longevity and saving
The LEDs used in red and amber
traffic lights use an aluminium indium gallium phosphide (AlInGaP)
construction. Special lens structures
are used to direct the light and the
epoxy packages of the LEDs contain
ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B inhibitors, to reduce the effects of long-term
exposure to direct sunlight.
Intensities of up to 4500mcd <at>
20mA are available in LEDs with 15°
viewing angles, dropping to 2800mcd
Fig.3: this graph plots the wavelengths of light produced by
four Hewlett Packard LEDs. As can be seen, most LEDs produce
monochromatic light. This gives LEDs advantages in some forms
of lighting and disadvantages in others. (Hewlett Packard).
84 Silicon Chip
at 23° viewing angles. The red LEDs
have a dominant wavelength of
630nm, while the amber LEDs emit
light predominantly at 592nm.
Green LEDs use indium gallium
nitride (InGaN) construction with a
wavelength of 505nm and intensities
of up to 2300mcd <at> 20mA with a 23°
viewing angle.
Energy savings
In the US, the Massachusetts Highway Department last year replaced all
red incandescent bulbs in that state’s
highway traffic lights with red LEDs.
The $US1.8 million cost was partially supported by a $US250,000 grant
from several energy companies, while
annual power savings of $US340,000
also helped reduce the financial pain.
The state of Philadelphia also has
one of the largest LED traffic light installations in the world, with 14,000
LED lights installed since 1992. When
the Philadelphia LED traffic light installation program is completed this
year, it is expected to reduce power
demand by 1MW and save just under
$US1 million per year in electricity
costs. It is estimated that changing
just the red lights for LEDs at an intersection saves $US50-100 per year
in reduced energy consumption. In
addition, the low power consumption
of the LED units allows effective battery backup during power cuts.
In a traffic light application, the
life of the LEDs is expected to be
about 10 years, which is about 5-10
times the life of incandescent lamps.
Depending on energy cost, the cost of
the LED unit and possible financial
incentives offered by government or
energy utilities, the payback period
can vary between one and seven years.
What’s more, the costs are steadily
falling. The cost of a red LED traffic
light unit has fallen from $US750
when they were first introduced, to
$US350 by 1993 and $US230 in 1995.
Since then, the price has fallen even
further, with the current price now
just $US110.
The first traffic lights using LEDs
had an array of no less than 324 LEDs
behind each lens. However, a joint
venture between Philips Lighting and
Hewlett-Packard has recently resulted
a new LED “light engine” that contains
just 18 LEDs. When used in conjunction with a special polycarbonate lens,
the nominal power rating of the light
source has been reduced from 25W
to just 14.5W.
The new lamp features automatic
temperature compensation and includes correction circuitry for power
factor and harmonic distortion. This
ensures a power factor of greater than
0.9 and less than 20% THD, the latter
being important in minimising noise
on system lines (early LED traffic
signal units had power factors of less
than 0.6).
Unlike an incandescent lamp
(which greatly varies its light output according to input voltage), the
High-intensity coloured LEDs can easily be used in arrays to make arrow
signals. (Dialight)
intensity of the LED system does
not alter by more than 10% from the
value at 117VAC, over a range from
Although only the red incandescent
lamps are replaced in many installations, green LED traffic signals have
also recently been released and these
are now also being used in increasing
Temperature compensation
Temperature compensation circuitry in LED traffic lights is required
because the luminous output of the
LEDs varies with temperature. The
rate of variation in luminous output
depends on the materials used within
the LED and ranges from about 1% per
Fig.4: the spectral output of the Siemens white LED. The
phosphor layer (the “converter”) considerably broadens
the spectrum of the emitted light. (Siemens).
°C for some red and orange LEDs to
0.4% per °C for some blue and green
For example, at -40°C, AlInGaP
LEDs have an output that’s 192% of
the value measured at 35°C. Conversely, at 55°C, the luminous output is
only 75% of that measured at 25°C.
Elevated temperatures frequently
occur during LED lamp operation.
These elevated temperatures are
caused both by the ambient conditions
in which the lamps are operating and
by the heat generated by the LEDs
themselves. The latter source can contribute as much as 25-30°C in traffic
light applications.
The greatest problems are likely to
occur when the temperature within
Fig.5: a temperature compensation circuit is
used to maintain LED brilliance with ambient
temperature changes. In this case, a photodiode
is used to monitor the LED output and the
circuit responds by increasing the current when
the LED dims. (Hewlett Packard).
MARCH 1999 85
This US pedestrian crossing sign uses a raised hand (for don’t walk) and a
symbol of a human figure (for walk). High-intensity blue LEDs are now being
trialled for these applications. The elderly, especially, find blue LEDs very
visible. (Dialight).
the traffic signal housing reaches 75°C.
Since most LED modules are retrofitted into unventilated signal heads,
heat can rapidly build-up due to solar
radiation and adjacent incandescent
lamps – this in addition to the heat
that the lamps generate themselves
during operation. As a result, LED
junction temperatures can reach 93°C
or more!
If steps are not taken to address
this situation, the diminution in light
output that results can be as much as
65%. It should be noted that such a
decrease in lamp output is most likely
to occur when the Sun is at its brightest – just when the traffic lights need
to be as bright as possible!
The internal heat generated by a
LED can be minimised by keeping
86 Silicon Chip
the thermal resistance of the LED
die/lead assembly as low as possible.
Using copper lead frames instead of
the more common steel lead frames
helps to achieve this.
Another approach is to automatically supply additional current to
the LEDs as they dim, using an electronic control circuit. However, this
approach is only feasible if provision
for heat removal from the LED dies
has been made, otherwise thermal
runaway can occur. This means that
heatsinks and ventilated traffic signal
housings are required when variable
current supply techniques are used.
Some recent designs include temperature-compensating drive circuitry
to maintain legally-required luminous
intensities over a temperature range
from -40°C to +74°C.
Fig.5 shows a suggested temperature compensation circuit for maintaining a constant LED brilliance. It
is essentially a current source with
feedback to a photodiode. The op
amp’s output drives the base of a PNP
transistor (Q1) which supplies current
to the LED.
As the temperature increases, the
intensity of light produced by the LED
decreases. This reduces the amount
of light falling on the photodiode and
thus reduces the photodiode current,
thereby increasing the amount of current fed through the feedback resistor
(Rf). This causes the op amp to increase the drive to the PNP transistor
and thus increases the LED current.
So the LED’s luminous output is maintained at a constant value.
Long exposures to high temperatures can also cause a permanent
reduction in LED light output. Indeed,
the normally quoted 100,000 hour life
(to half-intensity) of LEDs is probably
not applicable to the typical operating
environment of traffic signals, the
LEDs in fact having a much shorter
useful life. One study showed that
LED traffic signal intensity was reduced by 27% from its initial value
after just two years.
This means that LED traffic lights
need to be tested for light output on
a regular basis, as the LED signal may
remain operational well past its useful
or “safe” life.
Colour blindness
One potential problem with LED
traffic lights concerns recognition
by people who are colour-blind.
Approximately 8% of men and 0.5%
of women have congenital red-green
Incandescent lamps produce light
over a wide spectrum, so even when
the light is colour-filtered, it still has
a fairly wide spectral band across
many wavelengths. While individuals
with colour blindness may perceive
such lights as being less intense than
colour-normal people, the decrease
in brightness is moderated because
the individual still sees many wavelengths at normal brightness. Slightly
increasing the luminous intensity
of incandescent lamps above that
required for colour-normal people
can thus compensate for the colour
Conversely, LED traffic signals have
near monochromatic characteristics
– ie, the light produced covers a very
narrow spectral band. If this narrow
band lies within the spectral region
where the individual’s visual sensitivity is poor, the traffic light may not
be seen or recognised quickly.
Although the intensity of the illumination could be increased, this
could cause the light to be too bright
for people who aren’t colour blind.
To overcome this problem, AlInGaP
and InGaN LEDs that produce peak
wavelengths throughout the visible
spectrum are being developed.
Now with 240V AC + 12V DC operation
PLUS fully automatic voltage detection
Use these REFLEX® chargers for all your
Nicads and NIMH batteries: Power tools
Torches Radio equip. Mobile phones
Video cameras Field test instruments
RC models incl. indoor flight Laptops
Photographic equip. Toys Others
Blue LEDs
One interesting recent development
is the use of high-intensity blue LEDs
in pedestrian “Walk” signals. In the
US, these signals use emblems depicting a walking person (walk) and
a raised hand (don’t walk). The use
of gallium nitride (GaN) blue LEDs in
these signs gives them high visibility,
without the risk of the signs being
misinterpreted as signals for drivers.
Another attraction is that the blue
LEDs provide excellent visibility for
the elderly. That’s because as people
age, their visual colour sensitivity
shifts towards the blue end of the
The first generation of blue LEDs
was based on silicon carbide (SiC) and
had very poor luminous efficacy. However, several years ago, Japan’s Nichia
Corporation developed a new process
to produce highly efficient, brilliant
blue LEDs. These devices develop
light intensities an order of magnitude greater than their predecessors
and other manufacturers have since
followed suit. Typically these blue
LEDs produce dominant wavelengths
in the range of 450-470nm.
Initial testing of high-intensity blue
LED “Walk” indicators was carried
out by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University. In
the daytime, both normally-sighted
viewers and those with a degree of
colour blindness preferred the blue
LED indicators over the standard incandescent indicators by margins of
80% and 50% respectively. However,
at night the picture changed. In this
case, 73% of people with colour blindness preferred the blue LED signal but
this dropped to only 25% for those
with normal vision, the latter seeing
the sign as too bright and “blurry”.
As a result, a digital night dimming
Rugged, compact and very portable.
Designed for maximum battery capacity
and longest battery life.
Fig.6: a blue LED walk sign as seen
through a pair of blue sunglasses.
Because most LEDs emit light over
a very narrow spectrum, the effects
of blue-blocker sunglasses and other
filters need to be carefully researched.
The latest bright blue LEDs have a
relatively wide spectrum compared
to other LEDs, so the sign is still quite
visible. (Hochstein).
SAVES MONEY & TIME: Restore most Nicads with
memory effect to capacity. Recover batteries with
very low remaining voltage.
NEED TO DISCHARGE: charge standard batteries in
minimum 3 min., max. 1 to 4 hrs, depending on mA/h
rating. Partially empty batteries are just topped up.
Batteries always remain cool; this increases the total
battery life and also the battery’s reliability.
For a FREE, detailed technical description please
Ph: (03) 6492 1368 or Fax: (03) 6492 1329
2567 Wilmot Rd., Devonport, TAS 7310
system was added to the design.
One lingering area of concern regarding the use of blue LEDs for traffic
signal applications is the availability
of “blue blocker” sunglasses. It has
been suggested that these could reduce the visibility of the monochromatic light produced by blue LEDs.
However, unlike other LEDs, blue GaN
LEDs emit energy over a relatively
wide band. For example, the spectral
output of the Nichia NLPB500 blue
LED is over 75nm wide, whereas a
Hewlett Packard CJ-15 “Portland Orange” LED has a spectral output less
than 17nm wide.
As a result, it is quite difficult to
filter out the light emitted by broad
band blue LEDs using a narrow
band optical filter such as a pair of
blue-tinted sunglasses. Fig.6 shows
the appearance of a blue LED walk
sign with blue sunglasses placed on
top. While the reduction in luminous
intensity is significant, the LEDs are
still clearly visible.
Next month, we will look at the use
of LEDs in vehicle lighting.
MARCH 1999 87
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Capacitor explosions
in battery charger
I am writing about the battery
charger featured in the February &
March 1998 issues. I naturally assembled everything except the two transistors until last and failed to check
that Q2 was a TIP142; everything was
fine until power up! Actually, it was
more of a power down! I replaced Q1,
Q2, D1 and D2. My problem is that I
have no idea how to check IC1 with
a standard digital meter and would
like to check the whole unit a bit
more thoroughly than described in
your magazine.
My other problem is that the 100µF
25VW electrolytic across THS1 (“No
Battery” electro) has exploded twice!
I have replaced it with a higher voltage unit but it feels hot to touch. I
have charged a number of batteries
(NiCd, SLA etc) but I’m not sure about
whether IC1 has been damaged by Q2.
(D. D., Double View, WA).
• The 100µF capacitor should not
become hot unless there is a high
resistance connection between the
wiring to the thermal cutout, fuse F2
Electric fence ain't
got dat zing!
I have assembled and built two
low-cost electric fence controllers,
as described in the July 1995 issue.
Both units have the same problem.
I have tested their output with a
digital fence meter and both only
produce 0.5kV. I have purchased
both a new ignition coil and a
secondhand one with the same
results. I noted the “Notes and
Errata” in the December 1998 issue
that mentioned the resistance of
the fuse. Shorting the fuse only
produces 0.8kV. I have checked
all components and they appear
OK. Have I missed any circuit
changes etc?
I asked the supplier of the secondhand coil if it was from a car
88 Silicon Chip
or the connecting leads to the battery.
You should check that the resistance
in these components and wiring is
well below 1Ω by measuring with a
The capacitor is only used to filter
the supply on no load so that the
TEA1102 can determine that there is a
battery connected or not. Are you sure
that you don’t have the capacitor in
back-to-front? If it is reverse-polarised
it will get hot very quickly and will
eventually pop.
There are no easy current and voltage checks that can be made on the
circuit apart from those mentioned in
the article. Many of the outputs are
switching on and off at a fast rate and
so any voltage readings on a multimeter would be meaningless.
If you are successfully charging batteries, then it can be safely assumed
that the circuit is functioning.
Confusion over
transistor tester
I recently bought a kit for your May
1995 low cost transis
tor tester for
DMMs. Sometime ago I had made a
requiring a ballast and he said yes.
I will have access to a CRO in the
future but I don’t see how this
will help as the meter indicates
that the circuit is pulsating and at
the right frequency as the output
peaks every second or so. Help!
(S. M., via email).
• There are several things you
could do to increase the high
tension output. Firstly, you can
increase the value of the 1.5kΩ
resistor between pins 6 & 7 of IC1
to 3.3kΩ. Secondly, the 1.2Ω 1W
resistor can be replaced with a
wire link. Check also that there
is a good connection between the
case of Q2 and the tracks under the
PC board via the mounting screws
and nuts. Check also that the zener
diodes ZD1-ZD3 are oriented correctly and are 75V types.
simple tester for transistors and the
designer of that stated that it could
not test Darlingtons or power transistors reliably, due to the low base currents. So what makes yours suitable?
is it the pulsed output? Please clear
this up for me as I'm a bit confused.
I have never seen an IC tester
featured in SILICON CHIP although
there were several in ETI magazine.
It would be nice to see an easy to use
tester for CMOS types as I’m sure most
junk boxes have a few dozen 4001s,
4011s etc and 74 series devices. (P.
G., Orient Point, NSW).
• This tester actually produces pulses of base current into the transistor
under test and the output level on
the collector is sampled to provide a
measure of the device gain. The fact
that other transistor testers do not
measure gains for power Darlingtons
is more to do with the collector load
resistor rather than the fact that they
use 1mA base current. If, for example,
you apply 1mA to the base of a Darlington transistor then even if it only
has a gain of 500, which is quite low
for a Darlington which typically have
gains above several thousand, then it
can sink a 500mA collector current.
Thus the collector resistor must be
less than 24Ω if you do not want the
transistor to saturate, ie, turn on fully
with the full 12V supply across the
collector resistor. You cannot measure
the gain of the transistor once it has
saturated. This 24Ω resistor, by the
way, must be rated at 6W or more if
it is not to burn out.
The only satisfactory way to
measure high gains is to use a very
small collector resistor of around 1Ω
which is what our design used. The
dissipation problem is solved by only
applying short pulses of base current
so that the average dissipation in the
collector resistor is very low. This was
explained in the May 1995 article.
As far as we know transistor testers
which supply a 1mA base current
can measure the Beta of low gain
power transistors without problem.
The 1mA base current is necessary
with 1 of these lenses
3.6mm-92 deg./4.3mm
-78 deg. 5.5mm60 deg.
Special introductory
Price of just $189
The best "value for money" CCD camera
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92 deg.; 120 deg. or for
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This amp/pre-amp is Ideal
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Add a security channel to your TV using a
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Optional VHF modulator/mixer $18
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jist: $18
With strong universal swivel
mount & 50X50X50mm
housing:10 LED $10...
30 LED $20...80 LED $36
Fully built & tested fast NICAD battery
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indicator LED's, 3 power MOSFETS, a
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FREE ADS should be E-mailed with “FREE ADS” in the subject window
input 13.7V DC, 900mA charge current.
Appears to use volt slope to end charge,
and timer to end charge. We supply a
thermistor for temp sensing. Probably for
12V DC 12Hr. clock for automotive / domestic/ timer use,
fast-charging 7.2V AA nicads. 3 trimpots
large (13mm) Green LED display, AM-PM indicator, Date,
for adjustment + Basic info. $9 or 3 for $21
Month, 24Hr. Alarm, 59 Min. sleep timer, back up battery.
Xtal controlled 50Hz (20ms) clock can also be used for
The new improved design uses a larger
CRO calibration and inverters. Can switch external load
transformer & a SG3525 switch mode
during Alarm/timer, 0.5A load directly, or 10A with additional
Chip This very Efficient Driver kit can
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drive up to 11 X 10w CFL’s from
comp’s kit: $14...Small Piezo speaker to suit $1 extra
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ender or caravan Kit inc. 1 inverter
Full data sheet for LSI IC used (MM5382): $0.80
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eyepiece lens worth $5 + 1 X prism worth
Could be used for cooling overcolcked PC CPUs
$12.50 + 1 X large object lens worth $27 +
T 65deg. 40 X 40mm Qmax 42W $25
plans all for the price of just $35
T 65deg. 40 X 40mm Qmax 60W $27.50
T 65deg. 40 X 40mm Qmax 75W $30
Device comes with instructions to build cooler /
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heater plus data. Some used surplus heatsinks avail.
PELTIER DEVICE CONTROLLER This kit is a switch-mode design to correctly speeds, one motor is reversible, & one can
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IR transmitter and receiver kits (two separate PCB’s), basic range is up to 20M but Key”. Kit inc. PCB, all on board components, three small DC motors, mirrors,
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precision adjustable mirror mounts: (K115)
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4 2. 34
Options: 2 suitable boxes + two swivel mounts: $6,
Buzzer: $3,
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DIODES 10 for $2
Based on a low noise (2.8dB noise figure)
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14 X Yellow clear...6 X
Red (clear)
dogs, most animals, rodents and
possibly on some bugs etc. kit inc.PCB 24deg....2 X Yellow LED (clear) 24deg.
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piezo tweeter: (K112) $29
Additional Piezo Tweeters (AP1) $4 ea
(One is good, but up to four can be used) 14 X Red LED diffused 70deg.
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Suitable DC Plugpack: (PP12) $10
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WE BUY NEW & USED SURPLUS p o w e r M O S - F E T S w i t h m i n i m a l
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PO Box 89 Oatley NSW 2223
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Very bright 650Nm laser pointer
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NSW new laws may apply soon
500V 20A N channel
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Ref: EA Mar 94. Control up to 4 output
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Stamp sized Xtal locked 433.9MHz
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Ref EA Feb. 97.Gives a signal when
preset speed is exceeded. 12Vdc. A small
PCB is provided for a Hall Effect pick-up
sensor. This is mounted near the drive
shaft & connected to the main PCB by
three wires. Kit inc. 2 PCBs & all on-board
components, a small speaker, & two small
powerful 'rare earth' magnets: $22
Small modern used pagers, brands inc.
L I N K , P H I L I P S , RT C . c o n d i t i o n
“unknown”, all have two small (grain of
wheat) 1.5V lamps and lots of other parts.
All are powered by one AA cell. 4 for $5
KIT: Uses a Magnavox remote control
housing & 8 keys, & replace the existing Tx
PCB with ours. The RX uses an IR RX
module <at> 38KHz. The output of this
simply feeds the matching SM5032B
decoding IC. There are 8 outputs, 2 toggling & 6 momentary. To convert the TTL
outputs to drive a relay, use our (K65D)
Dual Relay Kit below. Transmitter PCB: 89
x 30mm. Receiver PCB: 48 x 34mm:
Tx Kit (K65T) $20 Rx Kit: (K65R) $20
VOLUME CONTROL KIT: With the above
Tx and Rx kits you can add a motorised
pot. / volume control to anything (K65V)
$16 This kit can also be purchased with the
above two kits, an RCA & suitable
Plugpack: (K65C) $55
DUAL RELAYS KIT: With the above Tx &
Rx kits you can control 2 relays to be momentary or latching: (K65D) $8
to overcome the voltage developed
across the base to emitter resistors
often internally connected to the
transistor terminals.
We note your request for a CMOS
tester. It would be rather a complicated instrument since there are
many parameters to test apart from
the simple logic operation. Things
such as rise and fall times, propagation delays, clock speeds and trigger
levels can be out of specification and
prevent the correct operation of a
particular IC in a circuit. The IC may,
however, operate in a less demanding
Robots wanted
Any chance you guys could do a
BEAM robot? I’ve been looking them
up on the net for a while but am no
closer to finalising a design. It would
be nice to have a bunch of robots
cleaning the floor for me.
The circuit boards seem no more
complex then a simple project, the
mechanical bits would I assume
need other bits that might be tricky
to obtain. Anyway, just a thought. (J.
B., via email).
• We’re not sure what you mean by
a BEAM robot. We have described
two robot arms in SILICON CHIP, in
November 1995 and December 1997.
Dilemma of electronic
ignition systems
I’m interested in improving the
performance, reliability and ease of
maintenance of my car and so your
High Energy Ignition System described
in the June 1998 issue caught my eye.
But the Multi-spark CDI described in
September 1997 also took my fancy. I
am a complete beginner and it would
be good to understand why you recommended the High Energy Ignition
System over the CDI. Then I could
make an informed choice as to which
one I would settle on. Does the CDI
system have the infrastructure to handle the addition of the programmable
Ignition System described in March
1996? Where can I find the latest full
circuit diagram for the Programmable
Ignition System? (B. R., Cooranbong,
• The main reasons why we recommend the High Energy Ignition for
most cars instead of CDI are that it
has a much simpler circuit, is easier
90 Silicon Chip
to build and costs a lot less. It is also
less likely to cause interference to
radio reception and with less parts,
it should be more reliable.
The two relevant articles on programmable ignition were published
in March and September 1996. We
can supply back issues for $7 each,
including postage.
Trouble shooting an
audio amplifier
I have this kit and it was working
but now it isn’t. It uses two MJL21194
and MJL21193 Mosfet transistors and
I am afraid that these might have
blown but am not sure. Do you have
any extra information you could send
me about these transistors, such as
how to test them? I have checked
the voltages that were given in the
instruction manual and the negative
side is fine but the positive side reads
0.2V instead of +55.8V! The positive
(NPN) transistors get extremely hot
and the PNP ones stay cold. (S. E.,
St. Ives, NSW).
• Since your amplifier uses two
MJL21194/94 pairs, it is likely to be
a SILICON CHIP design from April
1996 or March 1997. Either way,
the transistors are bipolar types, not
Mosfets. From your description, it
appears that you might have blown
the positive rail fuse. If you are lucky,
this might be all you have damaged.
If the output or driver transistors are
damaged they will usually be a direct
short between collector and emitter
and you can check this with your
multimeter (switch to a low OHMs
Wondering about
Windows 98
I am considering installing Windows 98 onto my computer which
originally was a 100MHz Pentium
with 16MB of RAM, now boosted to an
IDT 200MHz with MMX capabilities
and 32MB of RAM. My problem is
that I have some files backed up onto
floppies; ie, sounds, Internet files,
wallpapers, etc. How will this effect
restoring these to Windows 98?
I was going to install Windows 98
onto a fully formatted hard drive for a
fresh installation. Not understanding
the FAT 16, FAT 32 situation, will
this affect the restored files or is FAT
32 put on after installation? Also, if
I am not happy with Windows 98 do
I have to revert back to FAT 16 and
then move on from there?
I would like to get the best from
my computer but am confused and
a little bit wary of the new operating
system. I hope you can enlighten me
about this. (Z. G., via email).
• You can convert to FAT 32 after
Windows 98 is installed using the
FAT 32 conversion utility that comes
with Windows 98 (click Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools,
Drive Converter (FAT 32) and follow
the prompts).
Alternatively, you can leave the
drive as a FAT 16 - Windows 98 will
work just as well but the cluster sizes
on your hard disc drive will be larger.
You don’t have to use FAT 32 if you
don’t want to. Your backed up files
can be copied to the hard disc before
or after the FAT 32 conversion. However, it’s usually more convenient
to do the conversion before copying
backed up files across, as the conversion process will be faster.
A word of warning though – don’t
run any old DOS or Windows disc
utilities with your new Windows
98 installation unless you’re certain
that the utility is compatible. You
can wreck your installation if you do.
Search for OM350
hybrid amplifiers
I thought I’d solved the problem
of the lady of the house wanting to
regularly relocate the second TV set
in the house when I found the TV
transmitter for VCRs circuit in the
December 1991 issue of SILICON
CHIP. However I have been unable to
source the two critical components,
namely the OM350 ICs and the 4312
020 3670 chokes, both from Philips.
The local Philips agent (St. Lucia
Electronics) has not heard of either.
Can you shed any more light on
these? Is there an alternative IC that
would be suitable? Can you tell me
the value of the chokes? (B. A, via
• We have only just realised it but
the TV transmitter for VCRs is not
really an economic proposition now
since the OM350s have become rare
and very expensive. You can still get
them from Dick Smith Electronics at
around $28. These days you would be
better off considering a similar circuit
based on the cheap MAR-6 mono-
Timing for Little
Both of my children are members of the local Little Athletics
club and I’m looking for a relatively cheap way of improving the
club’s timing of races.
At the moment the races are
timed with hand stopwatches and
the accuracy of the timing isn’t
good and in a close finish it is
almost impossible to get accurate
times (A finger can only move so
The idea I had was to use a video
camera to record the finish line
with a “race clock” in the field of
view. The clock would be started
when the starters gun fired, so that
each racer’s time and place could
be accurately recorded. I’ve looked
on the internet and have found
some race clocks but they’re too expensive and not really appropriate.
What I need is a clock with a LED
display about 15 to 20mm high. It
would need to measure accurately
at 100th of a second. I’ve recorded
my stopwatch and found when
lithic amplifier. This was featured in
a masthead amplifier project in the
August 1996 issue. We are considering an update of that project.
Ignition system for an
ancient Celica
I have recently completed the Universal High Energy System project
(June 1996) to replace an ageing TAI
system installed in my 1976 Toyota
Celica. The ignition was fitted with
a breakerless system manufactured
by “Sparkrite” using a Hall effect
pickup. The Hall effect device used
by Sparkrite consist of a 3-terminal
device converted to a two-terminal
device by the connection of a 150Ω
resister between the output and Vcc.
This leaves a single lead to connect to
the TAI unit, similar to the standard
contact breaker.
The manufacturer for the vane rotor
(Bosch) for use with the Siemens Hall
device does not have a suitable unit
to install in the NipponDenso distributor used in the Celica and before I
start to modify a similar vane for a
different distributor I would like to
viewing the image one frame at a
time the 100ths digit is blurred.
To overcome this I thought that
the 10ths and 100ths of a second
could be displayed as two rows of 9
LEDs, with each LED representing
one unit. The seconds would be
shown as numerals.
As mentioned earlier, the clock
needs to start when the starters gun
fires. It would also need a stop and
reset facility. My question then is.
Can a race clock as I have described
be made relatively cheaply? Maybe
there’s a kit I could use/modify?
And how might I go about calibrating the unit? (A. T., via email).
• An LCD or LED stopwatch along
the lines you suggest is certainly
feasible although you probably
would not use a video camera to
detect the end of the race; an infrared beam would be just as effective
and much more accurate. However
the whole project would still be
quite expensive: commercial units
we've seen sell for $3000 plus.
Unfortunately, we cannot suggest
a suitable project that could be of
use to you.
ask the following question. How can
I connect the Sparkrite Hall Device
to the UHEI system? The device appears to be suitable for the published
circuit. (H. F., Mt. Kuringai, NSW)
• You can use the Hall Effect interface to connect your Sparkrite pickup.
Instead of the 820Ω resistor we show,
you can use the 150Ω resistor originally called for.
Switchmode power
supplies for amplifiers
In the December 1998 editorial
page you mention the possibility of
using PC power supplies for use with
audio amplifiers. I think you can just
wind on the required secondary. You
would have to replace the windings
for the existing rails with thinner
wire to make the additional windings
fit. This way we don’t have to worry
about regulation (because the existing
feedback setup will still do that) or
isolation from the mains. A small
load may have to provided in order to
guarantee starting. (C. P., via email).
• In principle you could adapt a PC
power supply to drive an amplifier by
just winding on a new secondary as
you suggest. In practice though, you
would probably need to change the
rectifiers and filter capacitors to cope
with the higher output voltage and
you would also need to change the
feedback resistor to set the desired
output voltage.
Signalling for model
I have delved slightly into digital
electronics in order to solve a model railway signalling problem and
have purchased a book from Jaycar
that looked like it might solve the
problem...but to no avail. What I am
trying to do is, have a signal light
change from red to green or green
to red automatically when a railway
point switches back and forth.
I believe a simple T-gate IC will do
the job (in conjunction with the quick
burst of power used to switch the
solenoid back and forth on a point),
but I am a bit confused as to how to
actually wire it all up. I understand
the voltage for the solenoid control
will have to drop down from 15V to
a workable IC range but from there I
guess I just get lazy. (A. D., via email).
• The ideal way to provide the signalling you require would be to use a
flipflop circuit which is triggered by
the points driver circuit. However, we
have not published a circuit which
exactly meets your requirements.
Most model railway enthusiasts take
the easy way out and use a small slide
switch on the underside of the points
to drive railway signal lighting.
Tachometer for a
I have been reading your magazine
for a couple of years now and enjoy
it thoroughly. I am not an electronics
expert but I know some basics. I am
interested in making a digital tacho
for my 2-stroke Go-Kart. My major
obstacles are that it does not use a
points system so some other pickup
would be required, and they happily
rev to 15,000 RPM. My question is
as follows. In the Circuit Notebook
pages of the December 1998 issue,
there is a digital speedo. The circuit
is designed to produce 1V at input
frequency of 75Hz. How could this
circuit be changed to produce 1V at
167Hz (10,000 RPM with an inductive
MARCH 1999 91
pickup on a kart)? Any help would
be highly appreciated. (W. M., Newcastle, NSW).
• The voltage output produced by
the LM2917 is directly proportional
to the product of the resistance and
capacitance at pin 3 so if you want
to obtain 1V at 167Hz, you need to
reduce the resistance or capacitance
by a factor of 75/167. For example,
you could use 47kΩ instead of 100kΩ
and then use a trimpot on the output
for final calibration.
Current drain for
interface card
I bought the “Flexible Interface
Card For PCs” kit from Jaycar electronics and have a question about
it. Could you tell me what current
should it draw on the 5V line? It
seems to be drawing an average of half
an amp and is burning out the power
supply we have. (J. A., via email).
• The current drain from the 5V
rail should be quite modest; no more
than 50 to 100mA at a guess; nothing
like 0.5A. You have a fault there
Current sharing in
amplifier output stage
I have constructed several of
the 125W amplifiers based on the
MJL21193/4 output transistors (April
1996) to use in my home theatre system. All went find for a while but I
am currently having a problem with
two of the channels blowing pairs of
output transistors. I have checked for
dry joints shorts etc and can‘t find
anything obvious. When I power the
amplifier up all goes well until it
blows the fuses, which could be half
an hour later or even a couple of days.
After replacing the transistors
one time I ran the amplifier again,
resetting the bias as described in the
instructions and let it run. A while
later the fuses popped again and
on removing the amplifier from the
heatsink I noticed one each of the
MJL21193 and MJL21194 transistors
were extremely hot (and blown) while
the other pair was quite cool. Is this
thermal runaway?
Could it be the gain of the output
transistors are mismatched? I don‘t
think I am overloading the amplifier
as I have run it very hard into low
impedances with no problems before
with the heatsink getting very hot.
Unfortunately I have no oscilloscope
or any other test equipment other than
a DMM. Can you please help me? (G.
W., Auckland, NZ).
• If one pair of transistors is getting
hot while the other pair is cool, it
suggests that the second pair are not
connected at all. You can verify this
by checking the voltage drops across
the 0.47Ω resistors. They should all
be roughly the same. It sounds to us
as though one pair of transistors is
doing all the work and yes, they are
ultimately suffering from thermal
runaway or just straight-out overload.
Check that the bases of all the transistors are connected to the relevant
points on the circuit. You could possibly have open circuits on the copper
tracks of the PC board.
Confusion with Low
Ohms Tester
I am currently building the Low
Ohms Tester as described in the June
1996 issue. I have checked your Notes
and Errata file, but have not come
across this problem. On the last page
of the above article, under Test &
Calibration, there is an incorrect statement under paragraph two. It states
that pin 2 of IC1 should be at the same
voltage as pin 3. I can understand
how you can draw this conclusion,
if this is an op amp voltage follower
circuit. However it is not, because the
feedback loop is also in parallel with
the RANGE switch S2b.
Only with the S2b disconnected,
can you get identical vol
tages appearing at pins 2 & 3 (the BE emitter
junction of Q1 was bypassed under
test. Otherwise, there is a voltage
differential of 1.2 volts if switch S2b
is left in, let’s say on position 4 (see
schematic diagram). Therefore does
this outcome in anyway affect the
calibration procedure? (P. B., Canterbury, NZ).
• IC1 simply buffers the reference
voltage which is applied to its input
at pin 3. The pin 6 output drives
transistor Q1 so that its emitter, which
is connected to pin 2, is at the same
voltage as pin 3. Thus the statement
in our article that the pin 2 voltage
will be equal to the pin 3 voltage is
If you are measuring a 1.2V difference between pins 2 & 3, then this
will be due to the lack of a collector
load for Q1. Connect up a low value of
resistance across the Rx terminals and
then check the voltages at pin 2 and
pin 3. Assuming that IC1 is operating
correctly, there will be no problems
with the calibration procedure.
Notes & Errata
Command Control Decoder, May
1998: the circuit on page 62 shows a
100kΩ resistor connected to pin 1 of
IC3 whereas the component overlay on
page 65 shows it as 3.3kΩ. It should
be 100kΩ.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to
the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact
with mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high
voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in
SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing
or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant
government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices
Act 1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
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$110.00 (12V 140W). High quality pure
sine wave inverters from $390.00. Call
with your requirements.
WIND GENERATORS: wide variety
available, call with requirements.
TASMAN ENERGY Free call 1800
dreams into reality. “An absolutely
marvellous book for the true experiment
alist!” Elektor Electronics.
laser power monitor, IR laser diode with
housing, greatly reduced price, e-mail
lmatthee<at> for details and pictures.
MARCH 1999 95
Silicon Chip Binders
Heavy board covers with
2-tone green vinyl covering
Each binder holds up to 14
Advertising Index
Altronics................................. 72-74
Av-Comm Pty Ltd.........................96
Dick Smith Electronics........... 10-13
SILICON CHIP logo printed
in gold-coloured lettering on
spine & cover
Price: $12.95 plus $5 p&p each
(Aust. only)
Harbuch Electronics....................77
Just fill in & mail the handy order
form in this issue; or fax (02) 9979
6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 &
quote your credit card number.
Instant PCBs................................95
Jaycar .............................. 45-52,95
RTN Australia Parallax distributor:
Basic Stamps, SXKey develop
tools and SX chips. Wireless RF
modules, serial LCD modules, Basic
Stamp Bug, etc, etc. FerretTronics
>R/C servo control chips. NEW: Handy
Scope 2 from Europe, 2-channel/12-bit
portable measuring instrument, it’s a
voltmeter, digital storage CRO, transient
recorder and spectrum analyser. All in
a very small box powered off a parallel
port. DOS and Windows software provided. Ph/Fax (03) 9338 3306.
email: nollet<at>;
WE PAY UP TO $60 for contributions
to Circuit Notebook. Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, 2097.
station sprinkler controllers, 60 channel
temp monitor uses DS1820s over 500
metres. Has PC Data logging. Mantis
Micro Products,
magazine project, then goto http://
RCS Radio – Bexley (+61 2) 9587 3491.
Oatley Electronics........................89
Printed Electronics.......................95
ANY KITS assembled/calibrated:
professional, speedy service. Phone
Neville Walker (07) 3857 2752.
Quest Electronics........................87
Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 32-33
This is the 68HC705-C8P pro
grammed microprocessor IC for the
Digital Effects Unit (see Feb. 1995).
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Payment by cheque, money order
or credit card to: Silicon Chip Pub
lications, PO Box 139 Collaroy 2097.
Phone (02) 9979 5644; Fax (02)
9979 6503.
We are looking for a motivated person with an interest in electronics/
communications to work in our Balgowlah office. Emphasis is more on
practical aptitude rather than academic qualifications. Duties are varied
and range from dish installations, equipment evaluation and repair, and
providing technical advice to customers. Necessarily, this means dealing
with the general public. Applicants must have good verbal communications
skills, possess a drivers licence and be neatly presented. Specific training
relating to satellite TV will be provided on the job. Applicants undertaking
part-time studies will be considered. This position will become available in
Feb. 1999. Please send written applications to Av-Comm Pty Ltd, PO Box
225, BALGOWLAH, NSW 2093.
96 Silicon Chip
Microgram Computers...................3
Silicon Chip Bookshop...............IBC
Silicon Chip Subscriptions...........93
Silicon Chip Binders/Wallcht....OBC
Smart Fastchargers.....................87
Solar Flair/Ecowatch....................94
Truscott’s Electronic World...........69
Zoom EFI Special......................IFC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
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