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The era of high performance sets:
the Radiolette Model 31/32
Commonly called the “Empire State”, the
Radiolette 31/32 represented the new breed of
high performance sets that were introduced in
the mid-1930s. It’s a 5-valve receiver with some
interesting features.
By 1935, the autodyne converter
and the anode bend detector were
on their last legs, at least as far as
their inclusion into superheterodyne
receivers for the consumer market
was concerned. The depression was
about over too, hence there was feverish activity within the various radio
manufacturing plants to design new,
better and bigger sets. These would
use the new pentagrid converters in
lieu of the autodyne configuration and
the new duo-diode triode/pentode
detector and first audio valves in place
of the previous anode bend detector/
In reality, no major improvements
in domestic radio design and performance came after these two important circuits. Any developments of
importance for AM radio reception
had already occurred by the time
octal-based valves appeared. Sure
we ended up with miniature dual
valves, more efficient RF/IF coils and
transformers, and eventually used
iron-dust and ferrite core with good
results but these were refinements on
what had already been invented and
With the advent of ICs, a number
of design variations have been introduced which have made sets quite versatile. However, that’s another story.
The Radiolette Model 31/32
The Radiolette model 31/32 was
one of those much-improved sets,
being designed and built circa 1936. It
is commonly called an “Empire State”
because of the stepped arrangement
of the bakelite case, as seen in the
photograph. Some vintage radio buffs
will, no doubt, have observed that the
correct knobs are not on this particular
set at this stage.
I was asked to service this set which
had apparently been bought for $25 – a
bargain. Yes, a few bargains are still to
be had when it comes to vintage radios. My job was made easier by the fact
that not a lot of work had been done
on it over the years. What’s more, the
78 Silicon Chip
work that had been done was quite
With such an old set and one that
is so difficult to work on in various
areas, I believed it was prudent to first
test all the transformers and coils for
continuity. All wound components
including the speaker transformer
proved to be in good order and the
exercise was worthwhile, even though
I knew it would be a slow job doing
the restoration because of accessibility
For its time, the Radiolette was a
very compact receiver, considering
it had an RF stage and a reflexed
IF-cum-audio stage. However, fitting
everything into a relatively small cabinet meant that the layout became quite
cramped. As a result, gaining access
to many of the components can take
quite a bit of work.
The standard of the hook-up wire
used in the radio is noticeably better than that used on many sets of
the same era, with no obvious signs
that the rubber under the fabric had
perished (although it probably has
to some extent). Having tested the
wound components, it was time to
test and replace any leaky capacitors
and out-of-tolerance resistors. All the
paper capacitors would have made
good resistors so they were replaced
with either polyester or ceramic
equivalents. The resistors generally
were within tolerance which says
something for their performance after
60 years.
The end of the chassis was removed
by undoing four screws. This done, all
the components in a wrapped cylinder
(see photo) were removed from their
chassis strap. The leads from this
block of components go to all parts
of the set and why there wasn’t more
interaction between the various stages is difficult to understand. A fresh
block of components was made up
and fitted in its place. This took up
substantially less space due to the
smaller size of modern components.
Various other blocks of components
were also swung out for checking
and the leads to these unsoldered as
necessary. As previously mentioned,
all the paper capacitors proved quite
leaky, typically giving readings of
around 2MΩ when checked on the
high voltage tester.
Switching on
Having tested most of the passive
Most of the parts in a wrapped cylinder at the end of the chassis proved to be
faulty and were replaced with a fresh block of components. In addition, all
paper capacitors throughout the chassis were replaced with either polyester or
ceramic equivalents.
components and replaced any defective ones, I fired the set up and
checked all the main voltage points
as the set warmed up. The voltages
all nominally coincided with those
marked on the data sheets and nothing
got hotter than it should have. The
volume control was noisy and was
given a squirt of a contact cleaning
fluid, after which the noise stopped.
Sometime later, however, I discovered
that the volume control had gone open
circuit. Did the cleaning fluid dissolve
the track in the volume control? I don’t
know; I’ve certainly never had this
happen before.
Prior to the volume control throwing in the towel, the set was aligned.
The IF is on 175kHz and has only one
trimmer (and thus only one tuned
circuit) in each transformer. For a
175kHz IF amplifier, the tuning is
relatively broad.
The tuning of the front end is quite
another story. The three tuned circuits
(aerial, RF and oscillator) only have
one adjustment – a trimmer capacitor
which is adjusted at the top end of the
band (around 1400kHz). The radio is
nominally intended to tune from 5501500kHz, although by carefully positioning the dial pointer, 530-1600kHz
is obtainable while still retaining the
correct dial calibration. Having tuned
the set at around 1400kHz, it was
found that the sensitivity was around
3µV, which is very good for a receiver
of that vintage.
The low frequency end of the dial
was not so good. In this case, the
sensitivity was around 300µV which
is relatively poor. The reason for this
is that sets of this era used air-cored
coils which had no adjustments on
them. Iron-dust adjustment cores were
not common at that stage, so it simply
wasn’t possible to easily adjust the
However, it is always possible to
squeeze more out of a receiver if it
can be accurately aligned so that it
tracks correctly. How should I overcome this problem? I could remove
the RF and aerial coils and either add
or remove turns as necessary, to get
the inductance right. However, the
coils are so difficult to get at that this
was not considered an economically
viable option.
Next, I tried adding coils and capacitors in series with the aerial coil.
My aim was to alter the effective
inductance of the tuned winding and
hence peak the tuning. Unfortunately,
this didn’t give any improvement, so
I didn’t even bother trying the same
thing with the RF stage. Perhaps it
should have been tried but generally
MARCH 1999 79
Fig.1: the circuit diagram for the Radiolette Model 31/32.
the coils in the aerial and RF stages
are reasonably well matched.
So it seemed that the set would be
left with very good performance at one
end of the dial and mediocre performance at the other. But wait – in some
sets there is a minor modification that
often improves the performance of the
oscillator stage and hence the overall
performance of the receiver. Sets using
6A7 converters, as in the Radiolette,
often benefit from this alteration.
That said, I don’t normally contemplate modifying vintage radios unless
there is a very good reason to do so.
Indeed, some manufacturers published lists of alterations that could be
carried out to improve performance.
Getting back to the Radiolette, if
the oscillator circuit is altered to the
configuration shown in Fig.2, the grid
current will be more constant across
the band and the conversion efficiency will be improved. If you compare
the complete circuit (Fig.1) and the
amended oscillator circuit, it will be
80 Silicon Chip
seen that the major difference is the
placement of the padder capacitor. In
this case, the performance of the set
was improved at the low frequency
end of the band and is now quite
Volume control
Fig.2: modifying the oscillator
circuit as shown here improves
the set’s performance at the
low-frequency end of the band.
Replacing the volume control is
a major job in these radios. The set
has to be virtually dismantled and
a particularly narrow potentiometer installed, otherwise the floating
sub-chassis will be shorted to the
main chassis. In this case, however,
a normal potentiometer was installed
(as shown in the under-chassis view),
coupled with a piece of heavy-walled
plastic tubing as a universal coupling.
This meant that the control had to be
offset so that it didn’t foul the tuning
A small piece of galvanised steel
sheet was used to support the new
volume control and this sheet was
soldered to a metal dividing panel on
the gang. Actually, I’d rather not have
had to do this but there was no other
easy solution. Sometimes things like
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reach its full potential. What a shame;
it could have been one of the very best
sets of the time.
The replacement volume control was larger than the original and was mounted
on a separate steel bracket and offset to avoid fouling the tuning capacitor. A
piece of plastic tubing functions as a universal coupling between the pot shaft
and the control spindle.
this just have to be done.
The dial scale is usually a casualty
of the heat from the dial lamp, which
sits immediately behind it. It buckles
and cracks and often fouls the dial
pointer. This set was no exception and
the dial was glued and clamped to the
metal dial-mounting trough.
To help keep things cool, a 9mm
hole was drilled in the bottom of the
trough to allow better ventilation
around the globe and the dial scale.
In addition, a 10Ω 1W resistor was
installed in series with the globe to
lower its dissipation. The amount of
illumination is not as great as before
but the dial is now unlikely to buckle
and crack any further.
The Radiolette is a very good per-
former, even by modern standards.
It’s puzzling though as to how they
got away with the wiring layout they
had, with inputs running alongside
outputs and long unshielded grid
leads. Was it a matter of good luck
or genius?
Luck probably played the biggest
role. Each stage would have had
relatively low gain in the RF and IF
sections, due to the inferior coils and
transformers used and the relatively
low gain of the valves employed. A
normal 5-valve set has only four active
stages but in this case there are five,
due to the reflexed IF/audio stage
based on the 6B7.
The lack of tuning adjustments at
the low-frequency end of the tuning
range meant that a receiver that was
potentially a hot performer failed to
Awkward design
Basically, the radio is well put together but its mechanical design and
layout are a disaster. Why do some
manufacturers have to make things
so difficult for the serviceman (and
now the restorer) when with a little
more thought the set could have been
very good.
OK, no doubt the designers had to
fit the radio into a cabinet of a shape
and size that the sales people dictated.
However, there is some spare space
that could have been used if they
had applied more lateral thinking.
Thankfully, the set appears to be a
reliable model.
This is a highly sought-after set
and considering its performance, it
deserves to be. However, it falls down
in some mechanical areas, the main
drawbacks being poor accessibility
and complicated assembly. The circuitry used could be improved with
very little real change and this did
occur in later models.
MARCH 1999 81