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A remote controlled
throttle for model railways
Do you have a model railway
layout? Does your speed controller
have remote control, simulated
inertia and facilities for auxiliary
outputs? If you said “no” to any
of those questions, then have a
look at this completely new design
which incorporates all the wanted
features from previous versions of
our highly successful Railpower
speed controller.
24 Silicon Chip
some notable model railway circuits with perhaps the most popular
of all time being the Railpower Walk
around Throttle published in the
April & May 1988 issues. Since then,
we have produced a version with
infrared remote control in 1992 and
a microprocessor-based version in
1995 but none of the later versions
was as popular with model railway
And while the original Walkaround
Throttle was a good design in its time,
it’s now 11 years old and lacking a lot
of features that enthusiasts now want.
About six months ago we decided
to review our previous circuits and
come up with a completely new design. The new circuit would obviously
incorporate all the good features of the
original design but would have things
like LED indicators to show all the
various modes. Each time you press a
That’s right – there are no front panel controls on the Railpower; just eight indicator LEDs and
a speed meter. All control inputs come from the handpiece which has buttons for Stop, Inertia,
Forward, Reverse and Speed, plus two more button to switch a couple of auxiliary outputs.
button on the remote, something lights
up on the control panel.
So what were the good features of
our original design? They include
pulse power for very smooth and
reliable loco operation, motor backEMF monitoring for excellent speed
regulation even at crawling speeds
and simulated inertia (momentum)
so that the model loco acts as though
it is pulling the hundreds of tonnes
of a real train.
As well, there was the very desirable feature of full overload protection
including a buzzer and LED indicator
to show the fault condition. After
all, nothing is more annoying than
having your model train come to an
abrupt stop for no apparent reason.
If you have inadvertently placed a
short across the rails or the loco was
derailed when crossing points, the
Railpower Walkaround Throttle gave
an immediate indication of the fault
OK, OK, if the Walkaround Throttle
was a brilliant design, what were its
drawbacks? The most apparent, and
one which applies to virtually all
model railway controllers, is that it
was possible to throw the loco into
reverse while it was barrelling along
in the forward direction. This is highly
undesirable, for two reasons.
First, it is not very realistic, is it? If
a real train went straight from forward
into reverse (or vice versa) without
slowing down, all the passengers
would end up in a pile at the ends of
the carriages with multiple fractures,
swearing and lawsuits!
Second and more important for railway modellers, the loco and carriages
usually derail and all the rolling stock
can end up on the floor, which also can
cause breakages and swearing!
The way around this problem is to
prevent the circuit from throwing the
loco into reverse while ever there is
voltage present across the track. This
requires some logic so that even if you
inadvertently press a button to change
the direction of the train, the circuit
won’t do anything unless the train has
come to a full stop.
Another problem involved the simulated inertia. While this provides a
very realistic effect in enabling the
train to gradually build up speed, it
can be a problem when you are doing
shunting. That’s easily fixed though;
the remote has a button to switch the
inertia feature on or off.
No more buzzing
And finally, there was the buzzing.
With the original Walkaround Throttle, locos often buzzed while they were
stationary. Why was that? All model
locomotives require a few volts DC
(sometimes as much as 6V) before they
will even start moving, so the circuit
features a “minimum” setting so that
the loco moves off immediately when
you increase the track voltage slightly
by winding up the throttle knob.
But because the track voltage from
our circuit is pulse width modulated,
October 1999 25
Main Features
• Pulse output for smooth low
speed operation.
Back-EMF detection for excellent speed regulation.
• Full remote control of all
operating features.
• Speed setting displayed on
a meter.
• Simulated inertia can be
switched on or off.
• Forward/Reverse lockout to
prevent derailment.
• Over-current protection with
audible and visible indicators.
• LED indicators for forward,
reverse, stop, reverse lockout, inertia and track voltage.
the very narrow pulses fed to the loco
while it was stationary would often
cause the motor to buzz. Sometimes
they would also cause the loco to
creep forward imperceptibly too,
which could be a bad thing when it
was supposed to be sitting at the lights
waiting for the “all-clear” signal!
This problem has been solved in
this latest version, so that if you press
the Stop button on the remote control, not only does the loco come to
a complete stop but the track voltage
is completely removed. Result: no
buzzing, no creeping.
Remote control
We’ve already mentioned the Inertia and Stop buttons on the remote
control. But there are seven buttons
in all. There are two buttons to switch
two auxiliary outputs on or off and
another two buttons select forward or
reverse operation. Finally, there is an
elongated button to speed up or slow
down the locomotive.
The Railpower itself is housed in
a plastic instrument case with nine
LEDs on the front panel, a power on/
off switch and a small analog meter to
indicate the speed setting.
At the back of the case are a pair of
terminals for the track connections,
another pair of terminals for the
12VDC output and an access hole for
the wiring to the auxiliary outputs.
Inside the Railpower case is a large
26 Silicon Chip
PC board which takes up most of the
available space. All the LED indicators
are along the front edge of the board
while the four power transistors and
power supply components are near
the back edge. The components are
well spread out to make construction
as easy as possible.
There are six trimpots provided
to set the following: maximum track
voltage, minimum track voltage, inertia, braking, meter calibration and the
forward/reverse lockout adjustment.
The maximum track voltage (VR1) is
usually set to the rated voltage for the
particular locomotive, typically 12V.
The minimum track voltage (VR2) is
set to just below the threshold before
the loco begins to move. This setting
will be a compromise to suit most of
the locos used on your layout.
The inertia adjustment (VR4) determines the time the train takes to
accelerate to its set speed, as indicated by the analog meter on the front
panel. Typically, the time taken to
reach maximum speed can be adjusted
from about five seconds to about one
minute. If you have a large layout and
run long trains you will want the long
inertia setting and conversely, if you
have a small layout and run short
trains, then you will want the small
inertia setting.
By way of explanation, inertia also
affects the braking of the train. So if
you have a large inertia setting the
train will take a long time to stop,
if you just wind the throttle setting
The Stop trimpot (VR5) has its own
inertia setting and can bring the train
to a halt more quickly. The adjustment
range is from about 10 seconds down
to half a second.
VR3 is the Lockout adjustment, to
set the track voltage speed at which
the forward/reverse buttons can be
used. You can set between 0V and
about 2.5V.
VR6 sets the full-scale reading on
the speed meter. This is simply set so
that the meter reads 100% when the
train speed is set at maximum. Its adjustment is made after the maximum
and minimum speed settings have
been finalised.
Block diagram & circuit
The block diagram for the Railpower is shown in Fig.1. The infrared receiver (IC1, IC2) decodes all
the commands from the handheld
remote. Depending on which button
is pressed, one of IC2’s outputs goes
high to drive a particular section of
the circuit.
The full Railpower circuit is shown
in Fig.2. It requires three different supply rails. The infrared receiver circuit
needs 5V while most of the rest of the
circuit runs from 12V so quite a few
transistors are required to shift from
the 5V output of IC2 to the 12V levels
of the rest of the circuit.
IC1 & IC2 are supplied with 5V from
regulator REG1. IC1 is a 3-pin infrared
receiver which incorporates a filter
centred on 38kHz and a demodulator
to recover the digital coding pulses
produced by the infrared transmitter.
Its output at pin 1 is inverted by transistor Q1 and then fed to pin 2 of IC2,
the decoder chip. The 39kΩ resistor
and .001µF capacitor at pin 13 set
the oscillator so that it matches the
IC2 has toggle outputs and momentary outputs. The momentary outputs
are high only while the respective
transmitter buttons are pressed. The
toggle outputs alternate between high
and low, each time their respective
buttons are pressed. We use the toggle
outputs to control the Aux1 output
(pin 10) of the Railpower and the
Inertia on/off feature (pin 9).
Hence, if the Inertia button is
pressed once, the Inertia can be turned
on and the next press will turn it off.
Similarly, one button press turns the
Aux1 output high and the next press
turns it off.
All the other outputs are momentary
and are high only while the respective
transmitter pushbuttons are pressed.
As noted above, trimpots VR1 and
VR2 set the maximum and minimum
track voltage. Op amp IC3a buffers
VR1 while IC4a buffers VR2 and these
buffered voltage sources are used to
set the range of track voltages which
are stored in capacitor C1, depending
on how the speed button is pressed.
Op amp IC4a is actually set up as
a voltage clamp so that C1’s voltage
cannot go below the setting of VR2.
If C1’s voltage goes above the setting
of VR2, as it will when the speed setting is increased, diode D2 becomes
reverse biased and therefore has no
effect on the capacitor voltage.
So let’s look at how the speed setting
is increased or decreased, when the
speed button on the remote is pressed.
When pin 6 (Speed+) of IC2 goes high
Fig.1: the block diagram for the Railpower. The infrared receiver (IC1, IC2)
decodes all the commands from the handheld remote control unit. Depending
on which button is pressed, one of IC2’s outputs goes high to drive a particular
section of the circuit.
it turns on transistor Q2 and this pulls
pin 9 of analog switch IC5a low, turning it on. This causes C1 to charge via
the 10MΩ resistor towards the +12V
supply rail. Ultimately, C1’s voltage
is limited by D1 which will conduct
to clamp the voltage according to the
setting of VR1. Thus C1 is limited to
the voltage set by VR1 plus the forward
voltage of D1.
When pin 6 of IC2 goes low, Q2
turns off and switch IC5a goes open
circuit, leaving C1 to sit at the previously stored voltage.
When pin 5 (Speed-) of IC2 goes
high, it turns on transistor Q3 which
discharges capacitor C1 via a 4.7MΩ
resistor. Note that C1 is prevented
from totally discharging by the clamping action of IC4a and diode D2, as
described above.
Some readers may be wondering
why we used such a complicat
system to charge and discharge C1.
Couldn’t we have simply charged
and discharged C1 via high value
resistors from the wipers of trimpots
VR1 & VR2? The answer lies in how a
capacitor charges up via a resistance.
Initially, the capacitor charges at quite
a fast rate but when the voltage reaches
about 2/3rds of its final value, it takes
much longer to complete the charge.
The response is exponential.
In practice, this means that C1’s
voltage would be very slow to rise
above the medium to fast settings and
be similarly slow when going from a
slow setting to stop. If we charge and
discharge capacitor C1 from the full
supply rail and clamp the voltage at
around 1/3rd and 2/3rds the supply,
then we are charging and discharging
over a more linear range. Thus the
speed buttons have a much better response, particularly at the very slow
and fast speeds.
Capacitor C1 is buffered with
FET-input op amp IC4b. Its very high
input impedance means that it has
virtually no effect on C1’s voltage.
The 1kΩ resistor in series with pin 5
probably looks unnecessary in view
of the high circuit impedance but is
included to prevent any chance of
spurious oscillation.
IC4b drives the analog meter via
VR6 and charges the inertia capacitor
C2 via the inertia trimpot VR4, the
10kΩ resistor and analog switch IC5c.
Switch IC5c is arranged as a single
pole double-throw (change-over) type,
so that its pin 14 connects to pin 12
or pin 13, depending on the state of
its control pin 11.
Stop function
Pin 11 is controlled by pin 1 of IC6a,
a 4013 D-type flipflop. When pin 1 of
IC6a is high, it causes pins 13 & 14 of
IC5c to connect together which conFig.2 (following page): it controls the
speed of the locomotives by applying
a variable pulse width modulation
(PWM) waveform (from pin 7 of IC8b)
to a H-bridge transistor output stage
October 1999 27
28 Silicon Chip
October 1999 29
instead will force the circuit to be in
reverse mode at power up.
Pulse width modulation
The H-bridge transistors (Q16, Q17, Q20 & Q21) are all mounted on the rear
panel, which provides the necessary heatsinking.
nects the Stop trimpot, VR5, across
capacitor C2. C2 then discharges so
that the train comes to a stop. At the
same time, pin 1 of IC6a turns on transistor Q13 which powers the LED4,
Stop indicator.
Pin 1 of IC6a is toggled low or high
at each positive transition of the clock
input at pin 3, as driven by IC7c and
transistor Q5. So each time the Stop
output from pin 7 of IC2 goes momentarily high, IC6a is clocked and it
selects or deselects the Stop function
via switch IC5c.
Flipflop IC6a is also controlled by
the speed (+) or speed (-) outputs of
IC2, ie, pins 5 & 6. If either of these
outputs go high, diode D3 or D4 will
conduct, turning on transistors Q6
& Q7 which pulls the reset at pin 4
of IC6a high. This sets the Q output
(pin 1 of IC6a) low, to release the stop
Inertia on/off
Pin 9 of IC2 controls the inertia
function and as mentioned above, it is
a toggle output and it drives transistor
Q4. When pin 9 is high (Inertia Off),
Q4 is on, pulling the control pin 10 of
switch IC5b low, closing the switch;
ie, pin 2 of IC5b connects to pin 15.
This shorts the inertia trimpot, VR4,
and this means that C2 charges and
discharges almost instantaneously
in response to speed changes. At the
same time, LED3 lights to indicate that
Inertia is off.
Comparators IC3c and IC3d monitor
the voltage across capacitor C2. Pin 14,
the output of IC3c, goes low whenever the voltage across C2 is above the
voltage set by the Forward/Reverse
30 Silicon Chip
Lockout trimpot, VR3. Pin 14 going
low causes both diodes D5 & D6 to
conduct which prevents the forward
and reverse outputs, pins 3 & 8 of IC2,
from having any effect.
Buzz off
Comparator IC3d prevents the locos
from buzzing when they are stationary,
as mentioned above. Its non-inverting
input, pin 10, monitors the voltage
between IC3a and IC3b’s outputs via a
voltage divider comprising a 100kΩ resistor and a 1kΩ resistor. This voltage
is only slightly higher than the minimum track voltage setting provided
by trimpot VR2 (ie, buffered by IC3b).
So when the voltage across C2 is
below pin 10 of IC3d, pin 8 goes high,
pulling up pin 6 of NAND gate IC7d.
If the Stop function is also activated,
then IC7d’s pin 4 will go low and
prevent the pulse width modulation
circuit from working. We’ll come back
to that section later.
Forward & reverse
So what happens when the lockout
comparator and diodes D5 & D6 are not
inhibiting the forward/reverse outputs
from IC2? When pin 8 is momentarily
high to select Forward operation, Q11
is turned on and this sets flipflop IC6b
via gate IC7b. This causes pin 13 of
IC6b (the Q output) to go high and
pin 12 to go low. IC6b controls the
direction of the motor drive circuit,
as we will see later on.
The 0.1µF capacitor at pins 8 & 9
of IC7b will force the circuit to be in
the forward mode when the power
is applied to the circuit. Placing the
0.1µF capacitor at pins 12 & 13 of IC7a
As mentioned previously, the Rail
power provides pulse drive to the
track, using a system called pulse
width modulation. This is widely
used these days in switching power
supplies and refers to the fact that the
average DC voltage is varied by varying
the width of pulses applied to the load
or in this case, the railway track.
However, while switching power
supplies use pulse width modulation to obtain high efficiency, in the
Railpower we use it not so much for
efficiency (although that is an advantage) but to obtain very smooth and
reliable low speed running from the
Part of the reliable running comes
about because the pulse voltage applied to the loco’s motor is considerably higher than if DC was applied.
For example, in the Railpower the
pulse amplitude is around 16V or
so, regardless of the average voltage
applied to the track. Consider how
this affects starting and low speed
running. Normally, with a conventional train controller, if you want to run
the loco at low speed, you must use
a low track voltage and you increase
the throttle setting gradually to make
the smoothest possible starts.
The problem is that model loco
motors don’t necessarily respond well
to low track voltages. The slightest bit
of friction in the gears, a bit of dirt on
the track or less than perfect contact
between brushes and commutator
can mean that the loco does not start
smoothly or it may not start at all. Or
perhaps the track voltage needs to
be wound up to quite a high level at
which point the loco suddenly lurches
forward – hardly the most realistic
model operation.
With the Railpower however, the
track voltage is always high (ie, 16V)
and we just vary the pulse width
to vary the amount of power fed to
the loco. Result: much more reliable
starting and really realistic low speed
running, even with long trains, double-headed locomotives and dirty
track and so on.
After using a conventional train
controller, the Railpower is a revelation!
The pulse width modulation (PWM)
circuit comprises op amps IC8a, IC8b,
Most of the parts are mounted on a single large PC board, so that the Railpower
is a snap to build. We’ll give the full wiring details in next month’s issue.
the comparator from delivering pulses
to the motor drive circuit.
IC8c and IC8d, all in one LM324 quad
op amp package. IC8d is connected
as an oscillator and it produces a
triangular (sawtooth) waveform by
alternately charging and discharging
a 0.1µF capacitor via a 560kΩ resistor.
Capacitor C2 (the inertia capacitor)
is buffered with op amp IC8a which is
connected as a unity gain non-inverting stage. Its variable DC output is fed
to pin 5 of IC8b via diode D9. IC8b is
connected as a comparator, comparing
the triangle waveform at its pin 6 with
the DC voltage at pin 5. Whenever the
triangle waveform at pin 6 goes below
the DC at pin 5, IC8b’s output at pin 7
goes high and conversely, whenever
the triangle waveform at pin 6 goes
above the DC at pin 5, the output at
pin 7 goes low.
The result is a pulse waveform running at about 160Hz and with a duty
cycle which is directly proportional
to the DC voltage at pin 5. If the DC
voltage at pin 5 is high, the duty cycle
H-bridge motor drive
of the pulse waveform will be high and
the average DC output will be high
also, say 9V or higher.
The operation of the pulse width
modulation circuit is shown in the
oscilloscope waveforms of Fig.3.
The upper trace is the pulse output
waveform at pin 7 of IC8b. This has
a nominal 10% duty cycle, giving an
average DC track voltage of about 1.7V,
assuming that the supply is 17V. The
lower trace is the triangle waveform
at pin 13 of IC8d and the horizontal
line (Ref1) is the DC voltage at pin 5 of
IC8b. If the voltage at pin 5 rises then
the pulse width at pin 7 of IC8b increases to provide more track voltage.
As noted previously, when the train
is brought to a stop with the speed
down control, the track voltage pulses
will be very narrow and while the loco
may stop, its motor may buzz. However, if the Stop button is pressed, IC7d’s
output will go low and pull pin 5 of
IC8b low via diode D10 and this stops
The motor drive circuit uses four
Darlington transis
t ors (Q16, Q17,
Q20 & Q21) connected in an H-bridge
tion. The beauty of this
circuit is that it can drive the motor
in the forward or reverse directions,
depending on which two diagonally
opposite transistors are turned on.
For example, to make the motor go
forward, Q21 is turned on continuously, while Q16 is pulsed on and off
at 160Hz.
Conversely, to make the motor go
in reverse, Q20 is switched on continuously, while Q17 is pulsed on and
off. Transistors Q15 & Q18 ensure that
Darlington transistors Q16 & Q17 turn
on hard so that their power dissipation
is minimal. They also provide voltage
translation from the 12V logic control
signals from IC9a and IC9c to the +17V
supply for Q16 & Q17.
Q19 & Q22 ensure that their respective Darlingtons turn on fully, again to
October 1999 31
Fig.3: these waveforms show the operation of the PWM
circuit. The top trace is the pulse output waveform at pin
7 of IC8b, the lower trace is the triangle waveform at pin
13 of IC8d and the horizontal line is the DC voltage at pin
5 of IC8b. If the voltage at pin 5 rises, then the pulse width
at pin 7 of IC8b increases to provide more track voltage.
ensure that their power dissipation is
As we noted previously, flipflop
IC6b controls the H-bridge circuit
and thus the direction of the motor.
For forward motor operation, the Q
output, pin 13, of IC6b is high and the
Q-bar output, pin 12, is low. So pin 13
switches on transistors Q22 & Q21.
Meanwhile the pulse waveform from
IC8b drives pin 1 of the 3-input NAND
gate IC9a and thence Q15 & Q16.
For reverse operation, the Q output
of IC6b is low and Q-bar is high. Thus
IC9a’s output will not follow the pulse
waveform at its pin 1, since its pin 2
is low. But pin 13 of IC9c is now high,
being connected to the Q-bar output
of IC6b. So the pulsed waveform from
IC8b passes through to drive Q18 &
Q17. And Q19 & Q20 are switched on
by the Q-bar output of IC6b.
The forward and reverse modes are
indicated by LEDs 6 & 7 which are
driven by the Q-bar output of IC6b,
AND gate IC9b and transistor Q25.
When the Q-bar output from IC6b
goes high, Q25 switches on and LED6
is powered via the 1.2kΩ resistor, to
indicate the reverse mode. When IC6b
changes state for the forward mode,
Q25 is turned off and LED7 can turn
on via diode D13.
Overload protection
The Railpower incorporates overload protection so that if the loco stalls
while crossing points or a short is
placed across the track, the current is
limited to a safe value. What happens
32 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: how the motor back-EMF is monitored. The top
trace is the track voltage applied to the motor and the
back-EMF is the wavy line between the pulses. The lower
trace is the voltage fed to op amp IC8c. Note how the
back-EMF is shorted out by Q14 during the period that
the pulses are applied to the track.
is that the motor current flows through
the emitter of Q20 or Q21 and then via
a common 0.1Ω resistor which is used
to monitor the pulse current supplied
to the track. The voltage developed
across the 0.1Ω resistor is filtered with
a 10kΩ resistor and 0.1µF capacitor
and fed to the base of transistor Q23.
If the averaged track current exceeds
more than about 5 or 6A, Q23 will turn
on and pull pins 8 & 11 of IC9 low.
This causes the outputs of IC9a and
IC9c to stay low and stops any pulse
drive to the H-bridge. Q23 also lights
overload LED8 and switches on the
buzzer via transistor Q24. Q24 also
pulls the positive side of the 22µF
capacitor connected to Q23’s base high
which maintains base drive while the
capacitor charges.
With the track current shut down to
zero and the 22µF capacitor at Q23’s
base fully charged, Q23 & Q24 turn
off. Gates IC9a or IC9c then reapply
What About A Walk-Around
Throttle Version?
For those who want to build the Rail
power without infrared remote control,
it is possible to build a walk-around
throttle version with a small handheld
control which you can plug into sockets
at various points around your layout.
The modifications are quite simple
and involve omitting IC1 and IC2 on
the Railpower PC board. Depending on
available space, we hope to publish the
details next month or in December.
switching pulses to their respective
transistors to power up the track again
and the 22µF capacitor discharges via
the buzzer. However, if the overload
condition has not been fixed, Q23 &
Q24 will turn on again and repeat
the cycle. In effect, the circuit keeps
“looking” to see if the fault has been
removed and the buzzer keeps sounding at about one-second intervals.
Speed regulation
One of the outstanding features of
the Railpower is its speed regulation
and this contributes to smooth and
reliable running at any speed setting.
The circuit accomplishes this by moni
toring the back-EMF from the motor.
Model locomotives mostly use
permanent magnet motors and these
produce a back-EMF which is directly
proportional to their speed. So this circuit monitors the motor back-EMF and
varies the pulse drive to ensure that
the back-EMF is maintained more or
less constant for a given speed setting.
This ensures that the loco does not
slow down when going up an incline
and also enables much more realistic
shunting manoeuvres.
The trick is, how do you measure
motor back-EMF while power is
applied to it? The answer is that we
measure the back-EMF in the time
between the individual track pulses,
using two 10kΩ resistors, one connected to each rail. Depending on
whether the loco is going forward or
backwards, the back-EMF comes from
only one rail and the respective 10kΩ
Parts List For RailPower Controller
1 PC board, code 09310991, 216
x 170mm
1 front panel label, 246 x 75mm
1 remote control label, 28 x 62mm
1 plastic instrument case, 260 x
190 x 80mm
1 8-channel infrared remote
control transmitter & receiver
(from Oatley Electronics)
1 60VA 24V centre-tapped or 2 x
12V transformer (see text)
1 MU45 1mA panel meter
1 mini buzzer
1 SPST mains rocker switch with
Neon indicator (S1)
1 IEC mains cord
1 IEC mains panel socket with
1A fuse
1 IEC insulating boot
1 red binding post terminal
1 black binding post terminal
2 white binding post terminals
5 TO-220 mica washers or
silicone insulating washers
5 TO-220 insulating bushes
2 eyelet terminals for earth
1 3mm star washer
5 self-tapping screws for PC board
8 M3 x 15mm screws and nuts
2 M4 x 10mm screws and nuts
2 4mm flat washers
3 10mm OD 5mm ID rubber
4 cable ties
15 PC stakes
1 400mm length of brown 250VAC
1 200mm length of blue 250VAC
resistor feeds this voltage via D11 to
pin 3 of IC8c, the error amplifier.
Note that Q14 is turned on when
ever a pulse is fed to the track and this
shorts out the voltage signal from the
respective 10kΩ monitoring resistor.
Hence, op amp IC8c never “sees” the
track voltage pulses and we effectively
monitor the motor back-EMF only
while no voltage is applied to it.
The oscilloscope waveforms of Fig.4
shows how the motor back-EMF is
monitored. The top trace is the actual
track voltage applied to the motor. The
back-EMF is the wavy line between
the pulses. The lower trace is the
voltage fed to op amp IC8c. Note how
the back-EMF is shorted out by Q14
during the period that the pulses are
1 200mm length of green/yellow
250VAC wire
1 250mm length of blue heavy
duty wire
1 200mm length of red heavy duty
1 75mm length of black heavy duty
1 75mm length of yellow light duty
hookup wire
1 75mm length of red light duty
hookup wire
1 30mm length of black 20mm
diameter heatshrink tubing
1 30mm length of black 5mm
diameter heatshrink tubing
1 PIC12043 infrared receiver (IC1)
(Oatley Electronics)
1 SM5032B 8-channel decoder
(IC2) (Oatley Electronics)
2 LM324 quad op amps (IC3,IC8)
1 TL072, LF353 dual JFET op amp
1 4053 CMOS analog switch (IC5)
1 4013 dual D flipflop (IC6)
1 4093 quad 2-input NAND gate
1 4073 triple 3-input AND gate
1 75L05 5V low power regulator
1 7812 12V regulator (REG2)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q1)
17 BC338 NPN transistors (Q2Q6, Q8-Q11, Q13-Q15, Q18,
Q19, Q22, Q23,Q25)
3 BC328 PNP transistors
applied to the track.
Back to the error amplifier: this
has a gain of 3.2 and it amplifiers the
chunks of motor back-EMF and filters
them with the 22kΩ resistor and 2.2µF
capacitor at its output. The resulting
smoothed DC voltage is used to shift
the output of the triangle waveform
generator, IC8d.
If the back-EMF from the motor is
lower than it should be, the DC level
of triangle waveform will be lowered.
When applied to pin 6 of IC8b, the
PWM comparator, this will have the
same effect as if the DC fed to its pin
5 was raised. The result is a slightly
wider pulse width fed to the track,
to restore the motor speed to what it
should be.
2 BD650 PNP transistors
2 BD649 NPN transistors (Q20,
11 1N914, 1N4148 switching
diodes (D1-D6,D9-D13)
3 1N4004 1A diodes (D7,D8,D14)
8 5mm red LEDs (LED1-LED8)
1 bicolour 5mm LED (LED9)
2 2200µF 25V PC electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF RBLL electrolytic (C2)
1 22µF 16VW PC electrolytic
8 10µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2µF RBLL or tantalum
electrolytic (C1)
1 2.2µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
1 .01µF MKT polyester
1.001µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ 5%
3 22kΩ
1 4.7MΩ 5% 36 10kΩ
1 560kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 220kΩ
2 3.3kΩ
1 120kΩ
3 2.2kΩ
8 100kΩ
7 1.2kΩ
1 47kΩ
6 1kΩ
1 39kΩ
1 0.1Ω 5W
1 1MΩ (105) horizontal (VR4)
1 220kΩ (224) horizontal (VR5)
2 100kΩ (104) horizontal (VR1,
1 10kΩ (103) horizontal (VR3)
1 5kΩ (502) horizontal (VR6)
Turning now to the power supply,
the Railpower uses a 60VA power
transformer which may be either a
centre-tapped 24V unit or one with
two separate 12V windings. The
transformer with two 12V windings
is connected to a bridge rectifier using
four diodes, while the centre-tapped
24V transformer can drive a full wave
rectifier using two diodes.
The rectified AC is filtered with two
2200µF capacitors to supply about 17V
DC to the H-bridge circuit. A 7812
3-terminal regulator (REG2) provides
12V for the remainder of the circuit.
That’s all we have space for this
month. Next month, we will describe
the transmitter circuit and give the full
constructional details.
October 1999 33