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This is the top
model in the
Agilent 54600
series. It has two
analog input
channels and
16 digital input
channels so it can
perform as a
analog scope and
logic analyser.
Agilent 54622D Mixed
Signal Oscilloscope
Back in October 1991 we reviewed the first of the “new
generation” digital scopes from Hewlett-Packard, the
HP 54601. Now we review one of the successors of that
unit, the Agilent 54622D, a 200 megasample/second
“mixed signal” machine. But while the two machines
might bear the same 3-digit prefix, the performance of
the new series is radically better.
26 Silicon
This is the rear panel of the 54621A 60MHz 2-channel oscilloscope. This is
identical on the 54622D mixed signal scope except that the latter unit also has
the trigger input socket on the back panel.
N NOVEMBER 1999, the instrumentation side of Hewlett-Packard
was spun off into a new company
called Agilent Technologies Inc and
this company has finally released its
new series of digital scopes. There
are five models in the series, two
60MHz models and three 100MHz
units: the 54621A 2-channel 60MHz;
the 54621D 18-channel 60MHz mixed
signal scope; the 54622A 2-channel
100MHz; the 54624A 4-channel
100MHz; and the mixed-signal
54622D which has two analog chan
nels and 16 digital channels.
Over a period of several weeks
we had the chance to try out the
2-channel and 4-channel 100MHz
models and the 54622D mixed signal
oscilloscopes. Apart from the more
comprehensive trigger
ing facilities
and 16-channel input capability of
the 54622D, all the scopes have the
same operating features so virtually
everything in this review will apply
to all models in the series.
First up, we will state that the ba
sic “spec” for the 54600 series seems
pretty standard – 100MHz or 60MHz
bandwidth and 200 megasamples/
second (for analog channels). How
ever, this tells only a small part of
the story because this series of scopes
does not have the sampling rate tied
to the timebase speed, giving low
sample rates at low timebase speeds.
Instead, the 54600 series run at a high
sampling speed all the time and in
fact, it runs at the maximum 200MSa/
sec speed for all timebase speeds
above 1ms/div. This is a huge step
up in performance compared to most
digital scopes.
And it has a large memory, with
2MB of RAM per channel or 4MB
in single channel mode. These two
factors make it a potent scope indeed.
We’ll come back to the performance
aspects later. For the moment, let’s
look at the basic operating features.
Compared with other brands of
digital scopes with CRT screens, the
Agilent 54600 series is quite compact,
measuring 352mm wide (including
handle), 172mm high (including feet
but not accessory bag) and 317mm
deep. It is quite light at 6.3kg.
The scope screen is a nominal
7-inch CRT with a live screen area
measuring 127 x 99mm while the
screen graticule has the standard
arrangement with 8 vertical and 10
horizontal divisions.
Along the bottom of the screen are
six “soft keys” and their functions all
change, depending on what button
has been pushed on the control panel.
Below these soft keys is the 3.5-inch
1.44Mb disk slot, the power on-off
switch and the intensity control.
This latter knob only controls the
intensity of the channel traces, not
the graticule or the various screen
labels. The screen labels are fixed
in intensity but you can change the
brightness of the graticule (the ruled
grid on the screen) by pushing the
Display button, the Grid soft-key and
then rotating the multi-purpose knob
to the right of the screen.
The control panel has a number
of control groupings which make it
easier to use. For example, there are
groupings for the analog (vertical)
and digital inputs, the horizontal
timebase, triggering and so on. In
the analog group, there are two BNC
sockets, one for each channel, a sen
sitivity control and position control
for each and three buttons, one to
select each channel and one to select
MATHematic operations.
Each of these three buttons is
brightly illuminated when it is press
Digital inputs
Similarly, for the selection of digital
(logic) channels, there are two buttons
plus a “label” button and these are
also illuminated when pressed.
The 16 digital inputs are connected
via a special 16-way connector and
two 8-way woven ribbon cables each
of which terminate in a “pod” which
has nine leads – ground and eight
probe leads which can be connected
to header pins on PC boards, or when
probe tips are attached, connected to
individual IC pins.
You can select either or both of the
8-channel banks which are labelled
D0-D8 and D9-D15. Individual chan
nels can be turned off and any or all
channels can be separately labelled
by using the “label” button. You can
(laboriously) feed in your own labels
or you can select from the scope’s own
fairly comprehensive logic library.
The digital channels can be set
for TTL, CMOS, ECL or user-defined
threshold levels and by setting dif
ferent thresholds for the two-channel
banks you can work on mixed logic
This whole 16-channel digital fa
cility means that you have the best of
both worlds in the Agilent 54622D – a
high performance two channel analog
(well, digital storage) scope and a
16-channel logic analyser. Well, not
quite but you get the picture.
In the “trigger” panel there are five
buttons and a level control. Again,
four of these buttons (edge, pulse
December 2000 27
Fig.1: this is the “help” screen you get when you press
and hold down the channel 1 selector button. Similar
help screens are available when you press any button on
the Agilent scope, regardless of whether it is a front panel
button or one of the softkeys below the screen. These help
screens would make it much easier for any novice to
become competent in using an oscilloscope.
width, pattern & more) are illuminat
ed when pressed and they also bring
up their associated softkeys below
the scope screen. Four other buttons
can be illuminated: run/stop, single
(for single shot mode), cursors and
“quick meas”.
Finally, the knob below the main
b ase control has an adjacent
anticlockwise arrow and when some
function can be varied by this knob,
the arrow is illuminated. This last fea
ture might be simple but it indicates
just how much thought has gone into
making this scope easy to use.
Overall then, the control panel of
the new Agilent 54600 series is dis
armingly simple. You immediately
feel as though you can sit down and
use it straight away without having
to read through a manual.
And just in case you do need help
with any feature, all you have to do
it hold down the relevant button and
some text will immediately appear on
the screen to give the information. For
example, say you are looking at the
channel 1 menu which has soft keys
for coupling (GND, DC, AC), BW limit,
vernier and probe. You want to know
what BW limit is. Press the softkey
and text will come up to tell you that
this key sets the scope bandwidth to
20MHz (instead of 100MHz) and this
can be used to remove unwanted high
frequency noise from the signal.
Bandwidth limiting has been
around for a long time on scopes but
if you were a novice user you may
28 Silicon Chip
Fig.2: here is a 100kHz sinewave with a small amount
of noise superimposed, as shown by the small amount of
frizzle on the waveform. Note the vertical cursors which
are brought into play when the frequency measurement is
called for.
not have an inkling of what it meant.
By the way, while all the oscillo
scope labelling and operating features
are in English, the help screens can
also be in Chinese, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Korean or Spanish.
Fig.1 shows the help screen you ob
tain when you hold down the channel
1 selector button.
Before we leave the channel 1 menu
we should mention the probe softkey.
The 54600 comes standard with 10:1
passive probes and these will auto
matically be sensed by the scope as
soon as they are plugged in. The scope
then changes the input sensitivity by
a factor of 10. So if the sensitivity was
1V/div with no probe connected, it
will automatically go to 10V/div as
soon as the 10:1 probe is connected.
On the other hand, if you are using
a probe without the auto-sensing fea
ture, the probe softkey will let you set
the attenuation to suit, anywhere from
a factor of 0.1:1 to 100:1, in a 1,2,5
sequence. Apart from using probes
without auto-sensing, this feature
could be useful when you are moni
toring a circuit via a voltage divider
and you want the appropriate factor
to be used and displayed by the scope.
Screen saver
We mentioned the controls for
screen brightness (intensity) previ
ously and that brings up another good
feature of these Agilent scopes – a
screen saver. Many a time I have come
across a scope with a bright display
(with no-one watching it) and I in
stinctively lean across and turn down
the intensity. But these scopes have
a screen saver which moves around
the screen and thereby avoids burning
any pattern into the screen, as well as
increasing the life of the tube, as the
beam current is reduced.
There is a choice of three screen
saver patterns (Agilent logo, etc) and
you can set the time after which it
cuts in, from one minute to 435 min
utes (default time is 360 minutes or 6
hours). Anyway, this is another good
idea from Agilent.
If nothing else, the triggering facili
ties on the 54600 series are outstand
ing. If you can’t get a stable display
with this scope, you’re not likely to
do so on any other machine.
We’ve already mentioned the illu
minated buttons which bring up the
triggering options: Edge, Pulse Width,
Pattern & More. “Edge” triggering al
lows you to trigger the scope timebase
on the positive or negative edge of
pulse waveforms. The “Pulse Width”
button allows you to select triggering
on positive or negative pulses and to
select the pulse width, greater or less
than a variable value or between two
variable values.
“Pattern” allows for triggering on
a logical AND condition of selected
channels and each channel may be
high (H), low (L), don’t care (X) or a
rising or falling edge. Thus you can
Fig.3: this low level 90kHz burst signal is the source of
the frizzle on the waveform of Fig.2. Expanding out the
waveform and using the frequency measurement facility
showed that it was ringing at frequencies up to around
set up triggering on a whole range
of pulse/channel combinations. By
the way, you also have the option of
inverting the channel 1 & 2 inputs,
giving a further range of conditions.
The “More” button brings up an
advanced trigger menu encompassing
TV, Sequence, I2C (for I2C bus signals)
and Duration. TV triggering is really
impressive as you can set triggering
generic TV waveforms, using positive
or negative sync polarity.
You can trigger on field 1 or 2, all
fields, all lines or you can select a
particular line number in field 1 or 2.
Interestingly, the maximum line count
catered for in a generic TV waveform
is 1024. Agilent have certainly catered
for every possibility.
Sequence triggering is pretty fancy
too. In this mode the scope looks for
a specified pattern and then triggers
on another specified pattern. You can
even specify a reset event.
Duration triggering lets you trigger
on an AND logic combination of in
puts with a duration greater or less
than a specified value, with or without
a timeout and so on. If you think about
it, the specified triggering possibilities
are enormous.
Measurement options
As you might expect, the measure
ment options on the Agilent 54600
series are pretty wide as well. You
can initiate measurements by push
ing the “quick meas” or “cursor”. In
Fig.4: monitoring video waveforms is dead easy. Here
we’ve fed in a signal from an NTSC colour camera and
with line 238 selected from field one. The line frequency
comes up as 15.65kHz but we assume that the error
(15.65kHz versus a correct 15.75kHz) is due to noise in
the measurement.
cursor mode you can have vertical
(X) or horizontal (Y) cursors. For
vertical cursors, the scope displays
the time difference between the two
(ie, along the X (time) axis) and also
displays the reciprocal value which
is the frequency.
When horizontal cursors are set, the
scope displays the voltage difference
between the two. By the way, you can
also have binary and hex cursors – the
mind boggles.
Pushing the “quick meas” button
allows you to select time (frequency,
period, rise & fall times, etc) or am
plitude measurements (RMS, average,
peak-peak, etc) from five menu pages.
Only three measurements can be dis
played at a time though, which is a
bit of a downer.
While it may not be thought of as
part of the measurement features, the
mathematics of the 54600 series are
particularly strong. Not only can you
do standard operations like multiply
ing channel 1 by channel 2 or taking
the sum or difference, you can also get
a plot of the derivative (ie, dV/dt) or
integral (∫ V.dt) of the analog channels.
The integral is calculated using the
“trapezoidal rule” (now there’s a blast
from my distant past – I was surprised
that I could even remember it!).
And there’s FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) analysis which can be
done with Hanning, Flat Top or Rec
tangular window settings.
The number of points in the FFT
is fixed at 2048 while the noise floor
ranges from -70dB to -100dB depend
ing on the level of averaging.
High resolution display
On the face of it, the display of the
new Agilent scope is not anything out
of the ordinary; the screen resolution
is quoted as 255 vertical by 1000 hori
zontal points (for the graticule area)
but, and it is a big BUT, there are 32
levels of grey scale. However, there are
several factors which lead to a scope
display which is far better than you
would expect, even given that there
are 32 levels of grey scale. First, there
is the very high sampling rate, even
at low timebase speeds, and second,
there is the deep memory. Third, the
acquisition system has a vertical res
olution (linearity) of 12 bits.
Combine all of this with Agilent’s
so-called MegaZoom tech
n ology
and the result is a display which is
far better than most digital storage
scopes. Not only that but it is better
on most signals then even the best
analog scopes.
No longer do you see jitter on
“smooth” signals such as sinewaves,
due to the sampling system being
tricked by noise. Instead, if there
is noise superimposed on a signal,
you see a smooth trace with lower
intensity “frizzle”. The waveform of
Fig.2 is a classic example of this. Here
is a 100kHz sinewave with a small
amount of noise superimposed. Look
December 2000 29
Fig.5: using the same signal as in Fig.4, we wound up the
timebase to 1µs/div, and set the horizontal position knob
to bring up the colour burst. A rock steady waveform is
the result.
closely and you will see the frizzle.
We were a little puzzled when we
first saw this frizzle because it came
from our low distortion sine/square
oscillator described in the January
& February 1990 issues. And since
Fig.6: to measure the colour burst frequency on the signal
of Fig.5 we wound up the timebase setting on the Agilent
to 100ns/div, took a single-shot trace and the result is at
the bottom of the screen: 3.584MHz.
we thought our oscillator was above
reproach, we initially thought that the
scope was wrong.
Looking further, we turned the
oscillator’s output down to zero and
the signal was still there. Even when
we turned the oscillator off, the noise
was still there. Not only that but we
were able to obtain a stable triggered
display with all sorts of spikey noise
on it. Fig.3 shows the result; a low
level 90kHz burst signal which is
apparently radiated by our 100Mbit/s
Cat.5 network (and it has a CE mark
too – so much for EMC compliance!).
The point is that the Agilent scope
had no trouble seeing this noise. By
the way, we got that scope trace with
an averaging setting of one; the Mega
Zoom cleans up the signal while still
leaving the noise detail in there.
We also measured the waveforms
from a 555 circuit recently featured
in the magazine and it was interesting
that the 54622D showed up the spikes
at the crests of the sawtooth; these are
not visible on other digital scopes.
TV waveforms
The 54622D mixed signal oscilloscope has a special input socket for the 16
digital channels and these are brought out to two pods, each of which has nine
leads – ground and eight probe leads. These can be connected to header pins on
PC boards, or when probe tips are attached, connected to individual IC pins.
30 Silicon Chip
The 54600 is particularly good on
TV waveforms, because of its com
prehensive sync facilities, including
line number selector. Fig.4 gives an
indication of this. Here we’ve fed in
a signal from an NTSC colour camera
and selected line 238 from field one.
As you can see, on the scope picture,
we’ve measured the line frequency
and video amplitude. The line fre
quency comes up as 15.65kHz but
we assume that the error (15.65kHz
versus a correct 15.75kHz) is due to
noise in the measurement.
Want to measure the colour burst
frequency? Easy. Just increase the
timebase to 1µs/div and wind the
horizontal position knob to bring
up the colour burst. Fig.5 shows the
Fig.7: using a
100MHz analog
scope on the signal
of Fig.5, this was
the best result we
could get. Since the
analog scope did
not come with a TV
line selector there
was no way to get
the rock steady
and bright
waveform which
is so easy to obtain
with the 54600
This ability to display TV wave
forms was so good that I thought I
might crank up our workhorse analog
scope, a Kenwood 100MHz model
which I’ve always regarded as being
fairly good in the sync department
(for an analog scope).
Anyway I fed in the same waveform
and by judicious use of the main and
delayed timebases I was able to obtain
the waveform shown in the photo of
Fig.7. It’s not bad but since the old
faithful Kenwood analog scope did
not come with anything as fancy as a
TV line selector there was no way I
was going to get the rock steady and
bright waveform which is so easy to
obtain with the 54600 series.
Oh, we wanted to measure the col
our burst frequency, didn’t we? Wind
up the timebase setting on the Agi
lent to 100ns/div, take a single-shot
trace and the result is Fig.6. There
is the measurement at the bottom of
the screen: 3.584MHz. It should be
3.579MHz (alright, 3.579545MHz, to
be precise but who is counting?).
We could go on but by now you
should have the overall picture. The
Agilent 54600 scopes are delightfully
easy to drive and the overall features
in the package are very comprehen
sive. Sure, it doesn’t feature runt
triggering but you could play with
sync settings to achieve a given result
if you want.
We think the 54600 series will
be a real winner. Agilent have had
plenty of time to think through all
the features on this scope and the
competition will be scrambling to
match them.
For further information on the
54600 series you can check the web
site at or phone 1
800 629 485. Pricing on the 54600
series starts at $4300 plus GST for
the 54621A 60MHz 2-channel model,
ranging up to $8514 plus GST for the
full-featured 54622D 100MHz mixed
signal oscilloscope complete with
two analog probes and the digital
probing pods.
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