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There’s much more than washing!
These days there is barely a device plugged
into mains power that isn’t chockablock full
of electronics. There are PC boards inside
TVs, VCRs, computers, clock radios, telephones, sound systems, washing machines…
By Julian Edgar
Washing machines?! Surely not!
Yes, if you have bought a new washing machine in the last few years it
will probably have a digital display
and pushbuttons. But isn’t that just
for the sake of cosmetics? Isn’t the
control system inside as it always
has been?
The answer is a definite ‘no’.
The old way
In the good ol’ days, the “brain”
of every automatic washing machine
was its timer – an electro-mechanical
Fig.1: a typical modern
washing machine control
system, where the electromechanical timer of previous
models has been replaced
by the electronic
control system.
24 Silicon Chip
device powered by a tiny electric
The timer motor turned a series
of gears that in turn moved cams to
activate switches. The switches controlled the various functions – wash,
spin and rinse, and so on.
While there was some control over
the length of each stage, generally the
sequence and duration of each event
was fixed.
A pressure switch sensed the level
of water within the bowl. A very sensitive device with a large diaphragm,
the pressure switch connected to a
chamber whose air pressure changed
as the washbowl filled. The ‘water
level’ control simply placed a variable
mechanical preload on the switch.
The temperature dial was also
mechanical in action, controlling
the position of a water mixing valve.
Other controls included a power
on/off switch, lid switch (preventing
operation of the machine with the lid
up) and an out-of-balance switch that
stopped a spin cycle if the washbowl
began to rock too badly.
Mechanically, the washing machine consisted of a stainless or vitreous enamel coated steel perforated
drum, an agitator (a finned device
rising from the floor of the drum),
an electric motor (either a universal
or brushless induction design) and
a gearbox.
The main function of the latter was
to convert the rotary motion of the
motor shaft into the back-and-forth
motion of the agitator. It also allowed
the washbowl to spin at high speed, to
remove excess water from the clothes.
So that was then – how about now?
Component Layout
Many modern washing machines
run to full microcontrollers, error
messages, self diagnosis, timed starts
and other sophisticated features!
Fig.1 shows a block diagram of a
current Simpson washing machine.
The range of Simpson washing machines is designed and manufactured
in Australia by the Email Washing
Products Group. Kym Mahlo, Appliance Controls Design Engineer for
washing machines, was kind enough
to give us an extensive tour of both
the R&D lab and the insides of his
favourite Simpson models.
Electro-mechanical machines are
still the majority of Email’s manufacturing base (approximately 80% electromechanical, 20% fully electronic).
However, even the electro-mechanical machines contain an electronic
Agitation Controller which controls
the agitation and spin processes.
The electric motor used in the
Simpson machines is a 1500 RPM,
induction design manufactured inhouse. It is connected via belt and
pulleys to a gearbox that slows its
speed for agitation and also allows
the agitator and the washbowl to be
locked together for the high-speed
spin cycle (ie, bypassing the gearbox).
The motor can
be run in either
direction, depending on how
the windings are
energised. During agitation, the
motor typically
runs 0.8 seconds
forward, 0.5 seconds off, 0.8 seconds reverse, 0.5
seconds off, 0.8
seconds forward,
and so on. The
agitator rotates at
100 RPM.
However, the
Simpson machines have 40
In this photo taken from directly underneath the
washbowl, the induction motor is at the top, driving the
different “agitator
gearbox through a reduction belt drive. The brake motor
profiles” stored in
is at bottom right.
the microcontroller memory, so
The motor speed is varied through its
this sequence and speed is variable. current supply being pulsed on and
During a spin cycle, the washbowl is off. For example, when the required
rotated at up to 800 RPM; woollens speed is a nominal 400 RPM, the
are spun at 400 RPM and delicates power to the motor is switched off
at 600 RPM.
until the speed drops to 300 RPM.
The speed of the motor is moni- This means that the actual speed of
tored by a Hall Effect sensor, working the motor varies within a 100 RPM
in conjunction with an 8-pole ring band. This approach to motor speed
magnet mounted on the motor shaft. control is taken because it achieves
(Right): A cutaway view of a Simpson model a few years old
shows the general layout of parts. The motor and gearbox
are at the base, with the perforated stainless steel washbowl
above. Behind the control panel is the PC board for the con
trol system.
(Below): At the bottom left is the induction motor, with the
gearbox to its right. The main shaft (supported on hefty roller
bearings) rises vertically, ending inside the base of the
agitator. The brake motor is just to the right of the gearbox.
March 2000 25
(Right): The front side of the
PC board in a first generation
Simpson design. Directly
below the PC board are (from
far left) an inductor-type
pressure sensor, the hot and
cold water solenoids, and the
motor run capacitor.
(Below): The exposed side of
the PC board is covered in a
bright orange “conformal”
coating, designed to repel
water. Much of the PC board
is at 240VAC potential.
diverter valve is also used during the water save function,
directing water into the laundry trough rather than into
the waste water system. Incidentally, the diverter valve
is a slow-acting device that relies on the melting of a wax
pellet to move its internals.
The hot and cold water valves are 240VAC solenoid
actuated, controlled by Triacs. Directly switching the
240VAC is cheaper than taking other approaches. However, it does mean that you shouldn’t lift off the covers and
go fishing around behind the washing machine control
the lowest energy consumption. As with each of the panel with the power on . . .
eight electronic control system outputs, Triacs are used
The final output of the control system is the brake moto perform this motor switching function.
tor, used to slow the washbowl at the end of the spinning
The pump (out) and pump (in) are respectively used cycle. It consists of a small induction motor and gearbox,
for emptying and filling the washbowl. The filling pump to which a stainless steel wire is attached. When switched
is used only when the “water save” function is activated. on, the wire is gradually pulled out of the gearbox casing,
This is where either the sudsy wash water or non sudsy causing a pawl to engage the brake band.
deep rinse water is stored in a laundry trough and pumped
The lid microswitch has two purposes: it goes open
back into the machine for the next washing load. Normally, circuit when the lid is lifted, to stop the machine when
mains water pressure is used to fill the washbowl. The the lid is raised; it also functions as an out-of-balance
shut-off, being reset when the
lid is opened. The cost-saving
Fig.2: the various inputs and outputs
effected by using the switch for
to the microcontroller. Compared to
both purposes is important:
older models, virtually all functions
again and again Kym Mahlo
are now variable.
stressed that even a saving of
a few cents was vital in this
very competitive market.
Two of the input sensors
can also be seen in Fig.1. As
with old machines, the level
of water within the washbowl
is sensed by air pressure but
instead of a switch, a Motorola solid state sensor is used.
It has a 0-5V output and is
calibrated over the range of
0-400mm of water. The use of
an analog sensor rather than
the old on/off switch allows
the micro to sense the speed
with which the washbowl is
being filled, in addition to the
26 Silicon Chip
The brake motor slows the washbowl at the
end of the spinning cycle. It consists of a small
induction motor and gearbox, to which a
stainless steel wire is attached. When switched
on, the wire is gradually pulled out of the
gearbox casing, causing a pawl to engage the
brake band.
water level itself.
In fact, another approach was used in the
model prior to this machine. That design
used a sensor whose inductance varied with
pressure. The sensor was used to change the
frequency of an oscillating circuit, with the
frequency then being roughly proportional to
the water level. Temperature sensing is carried
out with an LM335 solid state sensor which is
embedded in a mixing chamber through which
the water passes before entering the bowl.
The Microcontroller
Two different micros have been used in the
Simpson washing machines, an SGS Thomson ST9 or a Toshiba TMP870. Both of these
controllers are designed for appliance appliFig.3: an excerpt from
cations. Both have interrupt inputs, allowing
part of the software logic.
synchronisation of the microcontroller (and
The software is written in
so Triac operations) with the mains. These
C and the microconcontrollers use an 8MHz external oscillator,
troller program length
have analog and digital inputs and digital
varies from 5 to 30KB,
outputs for driving the LEDs and Triacs via
depending on the
higher current buffers or transistors. “A micromachine in which the
controller is a one chip solution” said Kym,
control system is being
“It’s the most appropriate technology at the
lowest cost.”
A large inductor is fitted to the PC board at
the motor drive outputs, to protect the motor drive Triacs fail to switch off, resulting in a flood! It can be seen that
against noise which could cause the micro to turn both the prevention of noise from disrupting the micro is very
the forward and reverse Triacs on together. In fact in the important.
A 5VA 5V power supply is used to supply the microconarea of EMC, Kym commented that it was the immunity
of the washing machine control system from external troller, sensors and their signal conditioners and the LEDs.
noise - rather than preventing the emission of EMI - that A buzzer is also mounted on the PC board, giving audible
indication that the buttons have been pressed, signalling
was the more important design requirement.
Another potential disaster is where the water solenoids the end of the washing cycle, and also indicating errors.
March 2000 27
A test bench system is used to
debug the software. It consists
of a modified washing
machine control panel,
EPROM emulator and PC.
The potentiometer inputs for water level and motor
speed can be seen, along with the toggle switch that
simulates the operation of the lid microswitch.
The LED display is able to indicate
more than 16 codes, displaying cycle
times, machine status (eg ‘SP’ - start/
pause) and error codes (eg ‘PU’ – drain
hose blocked). All fault codes are
stored in an EEPROM that – depending on which of the micros is being
used – is either internal or external
to the microcontroller.
In addition to storing error codes,
the EEPROM is also used to store the
information for the user’s “favourite
wash” program. This can be set by the
user to provide their favourite cycle,
load and water temp parameters.
Another feature possible is delayed
start, where the washing machine can
be programmed to start its operation
after up to 23 hours. Finally, the EEPROM is used to configure the control system to the washing machine
model in which it is being used. Fig.2
shows the inputs and outputs to the
The PC board tracks are entirely
covered with a bright orange “conformal” coating which repels water.
This is applied so that water cannot
come in contact with the board, much
of which is working at 240VAC potential. Part of the Email test sequence
is to pour a bucket of water over the
top of the working machine, a behaviour apparently not unknown in
In fact, in the R&D lab, a number of
washing machines are set up to allow
wet testing. Monitoring equipment
displays factors such as the ‘on’ and
‘off’ time of the agitator, hot and cold
water flows, and the temperature of
the hot water, cold water or washbowl
The software writing and debugging is carried out entirely in-house.
28 Silicon Chip
Written in C, the microcontroller
program length varies from 5 to 30KB,
depending on the machine in which
the control system is being used.
Fig.3 is an excerpt from part of
the software logic. Laying out the
complete program in this way would
require literally hundreds of pages,
Kym suggested.
For example, he made the point
that the second box in Fig.3 (“Turn
hot and cold on in a ratio according
to temperature selection”) is a very
simplistic representation. This process in fact uses the feedback from
both the temperature and pressure
sensors to modify the ‘on’ times of
each of the solenoids to achieve the
required water temperature.
The monitoring gear measures
and displays factors such as the
‘on’ and ‘off’ time of the
agitator, hot and cold water
flows and water temperatures.
In order that the program can be
debugged and the effect of software
changes easily studied, a control system test bed is used. This consists of a
microcontroller emulator working in
conjunction with a PC. It is connected to a modified washing machine
control panel that incorporates the
normal LEDs, electronic control board
and buttons. In addition, other LEDs
have been fitted to indicate the status
of each of the outputs. Potentiometers
are used to simulate the input of water
level and motor speed, while a toggle
switch replaces the lid microswitch.
So as you can see, electronics
is making major inroads into all
consumer goods – even the humble
washing machine!
A wet washing machine test area is set up in the Email R&D lab. It allows the
testing of a wide variety of parameters, from washing efficacy to the temperature
and flows of the water. And yes, there was a basket of washing just out of the shot!