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Making the obsolete useful again
Radio receivers running off vibrator power
supplies were common in many rural areas
right up until the 1950s. Many of these sets were
later converted to mains operations as 240V
AC power became available but some sets were
more difficult to convert than others.
In many country areas of Australia
and New Zealand, 240V AC mains
power didn’t become available until
the 1950s. Before that, all sorts of
voltages were used in country towns,
while those living on farms may not
have had any source of power other
than batteries for their radios.
Where power did exist, voltages
such as 12, 32, 50, 110, and 250V
DC were common. Of course, some
places had their own 110V or 240V AC
supplies, although in general these
sources only covered a small area and
were rather limited in output, with
frequent interruptions to the supply.
Are you old enough to remember
having to pay the “electric light bill”?
Before the war, electricity was almost
exclusively used for lighting with
few or no power points in the home,
hence the bayonet adaptor that went
into the light bulb socket so that the
radio could be powered.
To cater for areas where there was
no mains supply, radio sets were
specifically designed to run off a
1.5V or 2V battery for the filaments
and 90-135V dry cell batteries for the
HT supply. Unfortunately, these were
expensive to operate relative to the
cost of running sets off the 240V AC
mains. As a result, to keep costs down,
many sets that used battery valves
were designed to operate from a 4V
or 6V wet cell battery via a vibrator
power supply. The valve filaments
were usually wired in a series-parallel configuration to minimise current
Suddenly, these sets became obsolete when mains reticulated power
came to an area and homes were
connected to it. As a result, many old
sets were either stored in the garage
or thrown onto the local garbage tip
– vintage radio collection and restoration was not even thought of in the
1940s, 50s and 60s. This was a shame
because these sets were generally
very good performers as they were
designed for rural areas where signals
weren’t all that strong.
I hate seeing things that
are still in good working
order go to waste and,
along with many others
during that era, converted
many of those otherwise
obsolete sets to 240V AC
mains operation. Of course,
you wouldn’t do that today
as there are few of these
Left: this is the view inside
the cabinet of the converted HMV 268 receiver. The
conversion involved replacing the valve line-up and
replacing the 6V vibrator
circuitry with a mains-operated power supply.
64 Silicon Chip
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The HMV 268 came in a
stylish wood veneer cabinet and featured
both shortwave and medium-wave AM bands.
receivers still around in original condition. At that time however, it was
much better to convert the sets rather
than have them go to the rubbish tip.
It’s worth noting that “Radio & Hobbies” (later “Radio, TV & Hobbies”)
ran articles on converting many of the
common types of sets used in country
areas to 240V AC mains operation. It
was cheaper to convert than to buy
a new set and, what’s more, the conversion was usually very successful.
Often, a converted set worked better
than before and was cheaper to run
into the bargain.
Ease of conversion
Some sets were easily converted to
mains operation, these being the 32V
sets with vibrator power supplies and
using “mains-type” valves, eg, 6AQ5,
etc. All that was necessary with this
type of set was to remove the vibrator
power supply, replace it with a mains
supply and rewire the heaters and
dial lamps for 6V operation. And because they were designed for remote
country areas, these sets usually
outperformed the newer AC mains
sets which invariably lacked an RF
stage (as used in the vibrator-powered
Unfortunately, sets using “battery-type” valves were much more
difficult to convert. This applied
regardless as to whether the set used
batteries to supply all the necessary
voltages or whether it used a vibrator
power supply to derive the necessary
voltages from one battery.
It really was much more of a challenge with the battery sets. First, it
was necessary to change all the valves
and this involved finding out which
valves in the AC range had similar
characteristics to the battery valves
being replaced. Second, AC valves
usually work on higher supply voltages (usually 200-250V), whereas the
battery sets usually ran on 135V and
some on only 90V. This meant that
many of the paper capacitors had to
be replaced with higher voltage types.
Third, quite a bit of redesign was
necessary in order to obtain good
performance from the new valve lineups. However, many servicemen in
country areas rose to the challenge
and many fine conversions were made
to radios otherwise destined for the
local rubbish tip.
Converting 32V sets that used only
32V of high tension was a challenge
too. That’s because the valves, although AC types, run at very low voltage and have low gain. For starters,
it was necessary to replace the 25L6
valves with 6V6GTs or similar but
because of the large increase in gain
with the increased supply voltage,
considerable redesign was necessary
– even to the point of removing some
The RF and IF sections were usually
left running off 30-45V which meant
that no modifications were necessary
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May 2000 65
This end view shows the location of the “new” power transformer and audio
output valve. The new supply was much simpler than the vibrator supply it
to their operating conditions. This
usually achieved a satisfactory result
– after all it was only the audio section
that needed beefing up.
Converting an HMV 268 6V
vibrator Receiver to 240V AC
My parents owned an HMV 268
dual-wave table model, a 6V vibrator
receiver using five 2V battery valves.
The circuit is shown on page 193 of
Volume 7 of the Australian Official
Radio Service Manual.
In its original format, the old HMV
268 was an excellent set. The short
wave band extended from 6-18MHz
but where I lived, the local emergency fire service used a frequency of
2.836MHz and we had no radio capable of listening to important fire calls.
As a young and relatively new devotee to radio, I decided that I would
modify the shortwave coils so that
it tuned from around 1.7-5MHz, so
that the fire calls and amateurs on the
1.8MHz and 3.5MHz bands could be
heard. The receiver was duly modified and I had a lot of fun listening
to these stations – when my parents
weren’t using the set of course.
Unfortunately, recharging the 6V
battery that powered the receiver
was something of a chore, requiring
a trip to the local garage. However,
my parents had a smart, young son
66 Silicon Chip
who reckoned he could save them the
trouble of this ritual.
I decided that I could charge the
unit directly from our 32V lighting
plant by putting two 12V globes in
series with the battery. The total
calculated voltage added up to 30V,
so the globes weren’t going to be
drastically overloaded. What’s more,
by only charging the battery at night,
the two globes would become part
of our home lighting system – waste
not want not.
I found out after I had installed
the system that it was very effective,
provided the 32V batteries were off
charge. However, it was a different
story when they were on charge, the
12V globes glowing brilliantly for a
short while until they blew!
The real test of my radio prowess
came at the end of the 1950s, when
we got 240V AC power after having
had 32V DC for about 15 years. The
set would either have to be converted
to 240V AC operation or thrown out,
as we no longer had a ready source to
charge the battery. Fortunately, there
was an article on converting receivers
to mains operation in the December
1953 issue of “Radio & Hobbies” and
this steered me in the right direction.
Using the article as a guide, I started
by checking out which AC valves had
similar characteristics to those that
were being replaced. I decided on a
12AH8 converter to replace the 1C7G
but a 6J8G or a 6K8G may have been
a better choice, as I wouldn’t have
needed to change the valve socket. In
addition, a couple of 6K7GT valves
were wired in place of the 1M5G and
1K7G valves in the IF amplifier, as
their mutual conductance is similar to
the valves they replaced and I didn’t
want any problems with instability.
A 6B6G was used in place of a 1K7G
for the second detector and first audio
stage, the gain of a pentode being considered unnecessary in this position
as the overall gain of the set would be
higher with AC valves anyway. The
audio output stage became a 6AM5
instead of a 1L5G. I would have liked
to have used an octal output valve but
I didn’t have one with a similar output impedance and the 6AM5 nearly
matched the 1L5G.
It was then necessary to look at the
voltage ratings of the capacitors. The
set ran on 135V but now it would run
on about 250V. Most of the capacitors
had a 200V rating and were replaced
with 400V units where necessary.
At this stage, the 6V vibrator power
supply was taken out of the set and
consigned to the junk box. A metal
sheet was then bolted across where
the vibrator supply had been and a
power transformer and a selenium
block rectifier fitted in its place. The
electrolytic filter capacitors were
wired into position under the chassis.
The retrofitted power supply can be
seen in the photographs. The new AC
supply was certainly much simpler
than the vibrator supply it replaced.
Wiring the heaters of the new valves
was straightforward, since it was no
longer necessary to use a series-parallel arrangement. However, it was
necessary to fit a resistor and capacitor
between each cathode and earth to
give the bias required and rewire the
valve sockets to suit the new valves.
In my enthusiasm to stabilise the
screen voltages, I also wired in a
VR105 105V gaseous regulator. This
was really an overkill and quite unnecessary (at that time, I wasn’t as
competent as I thought I was).
Anyway, it all worked reasonably
well and the old HMV once again took
pride of place in the lounge room.
Eventually, my sister took possession
of it and it continued to work satisfactorily until a brush with lightning
caused the shortwave aerial coil to
This “under-chassis” view of the converted HMV 268 shows the wiring layout.
The electrolytic capacitors for the new power supply are at left, adjacent to the
socket for the audio output valve.
go open circuit. After that, she didn’t
want it any more so I got custody of it
and decided to get it operating again.
Being more knowledgeable now
than I was then, I soon found a few
problems with my original conversion
which caused the set to be slightly
unstable. After some investigation, I
found that the automatic gain control
(AGC) line was radiating a signal at
the intermediate frequency (IF) and
this was being picked up by the IF
front end – hence the instability.
Don’t assume that the AGC line
is always “cold” with no signals on
it –some have quite a lot of IF signal
on them. The original valves in the
old HMV didn’t have as much gain
as their replacements, so this problem
didn’t occur with the original circuit.
Carefully re-routing the AGC lead
and adding some extra bypassing
solved the instability problem and the
set now goes extremely well. It is one
of the favourites in my collection and
has quite a lot of sentimental value.
Converting an AWA 532MF
32V receiver to 240V AC
A number of these radios were
going to be thrown out as the reticulated power mains snaked around
the country area in which I lived.
These sets used a 6BA6 RF amplifier,
a 6BE6 converter, a 6BA6 in the IF
stage, a 6AV6 detector and a 6AQ5
audio output stage. They also used a
synchronous vibrator power supply
which ran from a 32V DC supply.
This valve line-up is the same as
used in many high-performance AC
sets, so they were well worth converting. And the conversion was even
simpler than for the HMV 6V vibrator
set described above.
In brief, the vibrator power supply
was removed from the set and the dial
lamps and valves heaters all wired
in parallel to run off 6.3V. A power
transformer was also installed and
solid-state diodes used to rectify the
high-tension voltages. The electrolytic capacitors were reused since they
were quite adequate for the job.
These sets and similar 32V sets that
had AC valves and a vibrator supply
were very easy to convert and the sets
performed better than before. That’s
because there was no longer any residual vibrator hash.
Should we convert sets now?
My personal belief is no, we
shouldn’t convert any more vibrator
sets to mains operation. There are
several reasons for this: these radios
are now quite scarce, they are a part
of our radio heritage and they are interesting receivers in their own right.
Some collectors wrongly believe
that these battery or vibrator-powered
radios are useless because there is no
easy way of powering them. However,
suitable AC-operated power supplies
are available to operate these sets and
occasional advertisements can be seen
in electronics magazines. Articles
on making your own power supplies
have featured in the magazines too, so
there is no reason why these radios
cannot be made fully operational.
So why did I do conversions on
these sets if I now believe that they
shouldn’t be done? Well, it was a different era and the conversions were
done to save good high-performance
sets from the rubbish tip during the
period that the 240V reticulated
mains spread throughout the countryside. In the period from the mid-50s
into the early 60s, these conversions
were commonplace and made good
economic sense.
And even though those converted
receivers are no longer ‘standard’ they
are an example of what happened in
that era. It was a short but interesting period in the history of radio in
May 2000 67