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The role
role of
In many parts of the world there is a vast problem with
mines. In some cases these have been in place since
World War I – yet they are still lethal. Huge numbers of
civilians are still being killed or maimed by mines, years
after hostilities have ceased. In this article, we
investigate the role of electronics in mine clearing and
discuss the many different types of mines which
have to be dealt with.
A second more sinister reason takes
Australian veterans of the Korean
hen dealing with this subinto account the fact that the sight of
War can tell chilling stories of standing
ject we enter into one of the
maimed men can be quite demoralisin the face of Chinese human wave
most ghastly fields of human
ing for their friends and other soldiers.
attacks, where it was virtually imposendeavour imaginable. Just read the
sible to fire their guns fast enough to
two accounts in the breakout panels
However, in defence of military
slow or stem the onslaught. A mineif you need any proof – and these
“Chyeng was fetching
field between such an enemy
are about civilians!
the cow from our field wh
adds greatly to the firepower
The laying of vast fields of he stepped on a mine,” explained
his father, Nyeng, in
of a defending force, as the
anti-personnel mines with the hospital with him. “We did not
know there was any
following descriptions of
express purpose of maiming sol- danger there. I ran into the field to
rescue him, but then
mines clearly indicate.
diers rather than killing them is I stepped on a second mine and
lost my leg. I am a
quite diabolical, as the following widower with eight other children.
But in virtually every
am very fearful for
my children as I have no
quote will illustrate quite clearly;
the military forces
money and now I canno
“Research has shown that it is work the land.”
have callously walked away
better to disable the enemy than
from the battlefield and left
to kill him” (Advertisement for
their silent sentinels to
Pakistani mines.)
continue their grisly work
thinking, there is another side to
long after hostilities have
The thinking is that injured men
this story.
require more resources than dead men.
ilicon Chip
58 Silicon
As a result, minefield clearance
is left mainly to civilian agencies to
organise. This is largely because it is
civilians who are suffering the agony
of living with these lethal devices.
With approximately 120 million
mines scattered throughout 71 countries, few people in the western world
have any idea of the immensity of the
task facing the mine disposal teams.
And nor do they have any real idea of
the cost in terms of human suffering.
There are up to 800 deaths and 1200
maimings each month – a tragedy of
colossal proportions.
danger of mine clearance can be
gleaned from the following summary of information contained in the
Norwegian People’s Aid landmine
database at
This is another very extensive
landmine database, here discussing
the Russian PMN blast mine.
“The PMN has a circular bakelite
body with a rubber plate on the top.
The rubber plate is secured to the
mine body by a thin metal band. The
detonator/booster well is placed on
the side of the mine body, opposite
the fuse assembly well. The booster
housing is made of plastic and the
A plethora of mines
detonator is fitted into the booster.
To understand mine detection it is
A plastic plug is screwed into the
necessary to understand mine design
detonator/booster well to close it. The
Blast mines
and construction. The designers of
fuse assembly is screwed into the well
these diabolical devices go to exThese are the most commonly
on the opposite side of the detonator/
traordinary lengths to make them as
booster well. The fuse is secured
difficult to detect as is huwith a safety pin to prevent the
r the Guazapa
manly possible. Given the
striker from moving forwards.
pped on a mine planted
human capacity to devise
The fuse is delay armed. A thin
weekend when they ste
re. Ironically, their par
ways to kill people, they
metal wire is attached to the back
the period of civil warfa
ys earlier. The
have succeeded beyond returned to the area only a few da
part of the striker enclosing a
ars old. Parts fro
lead strip.”
far as 30 metres from
Land mines are composed children’s bodies were found as
“When the safety pin is reof an endless array of diffi- the explosion site.”
moved, the spring-loaded striker
cult-to-detect materials such
is released, causing the steel wire
as plastic, Bakelite, phenolic
to start cutting through the lead
encountered type of land mine. The
fibreglass, rubber, cardboard,
delay strip. After the delay strip is
Soviet PMN, also known as the Black
neoprene and on occasions when the
cut, the striker is allowed to move
Widow, is one of the most widely
designers really mean business, sheet
forward until it stops on a step in
used. Its large explosive content, 240g
metal and steel.
the actuating plunger. The mine is
of TNT, is often fatal. It has probably
now armed. The delay arming time is
To detect, defuse and clear these
killed and maimed more civilians
from 15 to 37 minutes depending on
grisly gadgets taxes human ingenuity
than any other type of mine. It is
the temperature. Pressure on the rubeven further. Sadly, the designers of
pressure-activated, generally buried
ber plate will depress the actuating
the detection equipment to date have
by hand and is deployed in vast
plunger until the striker is released.
fallen behind in the race, for the task
numbers in Afghanistan, Cambodia,
The striker fires the detonator and the
has proven extraordinarily difficult.
North Iraq/Kurdistan, Iran, Nicarabooster, which in turn detonates the
Nor is it made any easier by the fact
gua, Angola, Mozambique and many
main charge.”
that in many cases cleared fields are
other countries.
“The mine cannot be neutralised
re-laid with a new stock of mines as
because the forward motion of the
soon as the clearance teams depart.
striker when the safety pin is reThe Mines Advisory Group has
Some idea of the complexity and
moved prevents the safety pin being
documented more than 300 identified
replaced. To disarm, hold the mine
by the bakelite sides only. Unscrew
and remove the detonating plug.
Remove the detonator and booster
from the mine. After disarming the
mine, the striker can be removed by
depressing the pressure plate to fire
the striker out through the hole for
the detonator plug.”
“The Iraqi version of the PMN is
named PMN HGE. It is black in colour
This is the PMN landmine in cut-away and fully assembled. It has probably
and is known to be extremely unstable
killed more people than any other type of mine. Incidentally, we must apologise
after years in the ground therefore no
for the standard of photographs in this story: needless to say, mine manufacturattempt should be made to disarm
ers are not all that forthcoming when asked for press photographs. Most of these
this mine.”
photos came as low-res pictures direct from the various websites mentioned.
land mines and even this is not a
comprehensive list of the different devices. There is a very comprehensive
landmine database at This
database includes all known mines,
type, description, general information, characteristics, components,
performance, analysts’ information,
neutralisation and detecta-bility. This
information is given so that people
who have to live with these mines
can clearly identify and deal correctly
with the type of mine confronting
them. However many mines have
similar characteristics and a brief
summary of common anti-personnel
mines is given below:
August 2001 59
Height........................................ 56mm
Diameter.................................... 112mm
Mine weight................................ 600 grams
Explosive weight........................ 240 grams of TNT
Casing material and colour......Brown body with black rubber plate or
olive green body with green rubber plate.
Fuse type................................... Integral cocked striker with delay arming.
Sensitivity................................... 8-25kg pressure
Detectability............................... Yes
Anti-handling.............................. No
Millions of
these small green
mines were scattered
from helicopters or launched from artillery throughout the war in Afghanistan.
They became so familiar that children
began to call them “green parrots”. One
‘wing’ contains liquid explosive.
When pressure is applied, the explosive is forced into contact with the
fuse. The amount of explosive is small
but it can still take off a child’s hand.
Fragmentation mines
Developed in
World War 2, these
consist of a cast iron
body on a wooden
stake. Often known
as ‘stake’ mines,
they are triggered
by trip-wire, causing jagged metal
fragments to spray
over a 100-metre radius. Anyone within
25 metres is likely
to die. These were
used extensively in
Often known as Claymore mines,
these propel 700 steel balls forward
in a 60° arc. They kill at up to 50
metres and maim at up to 100 metres.
70 percent remain lethal for over 20
years. This type of mine is often used
in peri-meter defence.
Usually activated by trip wire, some
designs incorporate radio remote
triggering. It requires no great imagination to envisage more exotic forms
60 Silicon Chip
of triggering, such as passive infrared,
sound, etc.
Bounding mines
Arguably one of the more sinister mine types, when triggered, the
bounding mine leaps 45 centimetres
in the air before shattering into more
than 1000 metal splinters. The killing
radius is at least 25 metres.
A common example, the Italian
Valmara 69 (illustrated above right),
can be found all over northern Iraq.
Detecting and clearing mines
Minefield clearance is a tedious,
costly and a very dangerous undertaking. By and large the work involves
people locating and removing mines
by hand and even “cleared” fields
present their dangers. Thus we see a
proliferation of research projects into
automated mine clearance in order to
remove the human dimension, but it
is proving to be a difficult task indeed.
Electronics plays a prominent part
in experimental automated clearance
systems and they are not meeting the
challenge at all well. In the meantime,
aid agencies are using older, well-proven methods such as “flail” machines
(first used in WWII) and sniffer dogs.
Although there are high investment
costs related to mechanical mine clearance, the running costs are moderate
compared with manual clearing. The
distinct advantage of being able to
clear areas faster than even large manual de-mining operations makes mechanical mine clearance cost effective.
Used in conjunction with dogs and
manual de-mining, rapid clearance
rates can be achieved.
For example Norwegian People’s
Aid (NPA) purchased two refurbished
Aardvark flail machines that had
earlier seen service in the Gulf War,
for Angola in October 1996. In July
1998, NPA increased its mechanical
mine clearance capacity with two
of the more powerful Hydrema flail
machines. A third Aardvark machine
was also donated to the organisation
and arrived in Angola in October 1998.
NPA is generally satisfied with its
Aardvark and Hydrema machines.
In Balombo, in Benguela province,
the machines effectively identified
the boundaries of a large minefield
and cleared base lines for the manual de-mining teams. This made it
possible to deploy 150 de-miners in a
targeted area at the same time. Without
mechanical support the job would
have taken 3-4 weeks and the boundaries of the minefield would still be
unknown. In Ucua, a road which was
de-mined mechanically would have
taken 6-8 months to de-mine manually.
Aadvaark in action
In action the Aardvark is driven
in reverse and a gyroscope is used to
guide the driver, as it is sometimes
at the GCS. This machine operates in
vertical takeoff and landing modes, so
there is no need for launch or recovery
equipment. Modular in design, the
Camcopter is transported to a field
site via a light utility vehicle and can
be carried into the field and set up by
a single individual. It has integrated
fail-safe mechanisms that reduce the
Camcopter; a small unmanned helicopter fitted with sensors to locate and
mark various mine types.
The Camcopter’s primary payload
is a dual-sensor gimbal system. It consists of an azimuth-over-elevation gimballed turret with integrated thermal
imaging and monochrome television
sensor modules.
impossible to see due to the dust
from the flails and exploding mines.
A strong crosswind is a great help in
this job, as well as nerves of steel. It
is not unknown for flail drivers to die
in the line of duty.
For the flail concept to be successful
ground conditions have to be suitable.
Flails can work well in areas with
vegetation and high grass but high
vegetation causes the loss of chains
and reduction of the clearance speed.
By now the reader will have gained
some appreciation of the complexity
and danger involved in mine clearing.
There is a great need for more effective
methods of mine detection and clearance but developing these systems is
proving to be very difficult indeed.
To illustrate just how difficult, the
following is a summary of several experimental systems. This list is by no
means exhaustive but serves to demonstrate the complexity of the task facing
engineers designing these systems.
Perhaps the most novel idea is the
The Ground Control Station allows
operators to program flights and monitor the Camcopter throughout the
Aimed at providing an aerial platform to be used for identification,
detection, digital mapping and marking, and mission planning of mines
and minefields, the Camcopter is a
remotely controlled, fully autonomous
aerial platform for use in locating and
detecting individual mines and minefields. It is designed to carry equipment
that can be used for data gathering,
minefield mapping and de-mining
mission planning.
The Camcopter system consists of
the Camcopter aerial platform, currently configured with a dual sensor
gimbal assembly consisting of a CCD
camera and infrared sensor, a dedicated Ground Control Station (GCS),
a Flight Control Unit and a Sensor
Control Unit.
The Camcopter can be operated
manually or automatically by programming preselected routes or way-points
risk of injury or inadvertent damage
and is simple to operate.
During testing, the Camcopter
perfor-med at cruising speeds up
to 90km/h and altitudes up to 1700
meters. With ideal conditions, the
Camcopter may be operated within
a 10km radius of a remote operator.
The dual-sensor gimbal system, with
its InSb-based 256 x 256 thermal imager and monochrome CCD camera,
demonstrated the ability to locate
mine-like objects. These objects were
digitally marked using the on-board
DGPS. The video tapes produced can
be used for de-mining mission planning in previously unmapped areas.
Hopefully the digital map could
be used to determine the size and
location of new mine-fields as well as
individual mines when the system is
fully developed.
The limitations are that Camcopter
must fly above the
tree-line of heavily
Camcopter Aerial Platform:
vegetated areas and
Power Plant: .......11kW (14.8 hp) two-stroke engine
urban environments
Cruise Speed: .............................. 90km/h (56 mph)
can be difficult to fly
Mission Radius: ................ 10km (6 miles) standard
in because line-of-sight
Data Link: ............................. S-Band, bi-directional
communication is reVideo Link: ................................. C-Band (downlink)
Tracking: ..................... Fully-autonomous, remotely
Navigation: ................ INS-based and DGPS-based
Mini flail tank
Climb Rate: ...........................300m/min (990 ft/min)
The Mini-Flail is a
Hover Ceiling: ..............1700m (weather permitting)
remotely controlled
Length: ......................................... 2500mm (98.43")
utility vehicle that
Main Rotor Diameter: ................ 3020mm (118.76")
clears AP mines from
Payload: ................................... Up to 25kg (55 lbs.)
off-road areas that are
August 2001 61
not accessible to large-area mine
The Mini-Flail system uses chains
attached to a spinning rotor to beat
the ground and will detonate most
AP mines.
The Mini-Flail is effective against
bounding, tripwire-fused and simple
pressure-activated AP mines.
found most AT mines but had difficulty identifying AP mines and proved
very complicated to operate.
Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector (VMMD)
Completed Detection Projects
Much of this work, as the reader can
quite easily sense, is purely experimental or under development.
The following section contains
descriptions of completed detection
projects and a brief description of the
outcome from testing.
Additional results are documented
in the FY1995 test report, Countermine
Technologies for Humanitarian Demining, Test Results Report, December
19, 1995, available from the Defence
Technical Information Centre (DTIC
Vehicle Mounted Detection
System (VMDS)
The VMDS concept is based on a
commercial skid steer chassis modified to incorporate a remote control
The VMDS sensor package consists
of a 2-metre wide Schiebel metal
detection array, a Thermal-Neutron
Analysis (TNA) sensor and an infrared
sensor. The 2-metre array detects metal
objects in the vehicle’s path, while
the TNA indicates those targets that
contain explosives.
In testing, the 2-metre array performed extremely well. The TNA
The VMMD is also a small modified
utility vehicle. The VMMD sensor
package consists of ground penetrating radar, infrared and ultraviolet
The VMMD did well in detecting AT
mines but had difficulty identifying
AP mines and proved very complicated to operate.
Ground Based Quality Assurance
The Ground Based QA prototype
was an assembly of four cameras (3-5
micron and 8-12 micron IR, UV and
normal video).
The concept was to feed the signals
from all four cameras which are aimed
at the same spot, to a computer software program that would analyse the
images and use an automatic target
recognition (ATR) algorithm to mark
suspected mine locations on the operator’s screen. Although the system
showed potential, the prototype did
not consistently discriminate mines
from clutter.
Humanitarian Innovative
Mine Sensor (HIMS).
In 1997, the Humanitarian De-min62 Silicon Chip
ing Program investigated the use of
polarised IR cameras to detect mines.
The advantages of polarimetric imagery over conventional radiometric
IR for detection of mines were not
K9 program
In 1995, the Humanitarian De-mining R&D Program demonstrated the
effectiveness of using dogs for mine
The program evaluated two systems,
free leash, which used a dog and handler in a mined area and the Mechem
Explosive and Drug Detection System
(MEDDS), which collects air samples
in suspected mined areas for dogs to
smell at a remote location.
The program also investigated what
effects burned areas and explosive
material scattered on the ground had
on the dogs’ ability to detect buried
Both dog programs performed well.
In fact, after a great deal of research,
sniffer dogs are still more effective
overall than electronic methods for
mine detection.
So there you have it, a brief excursion into one of the less edifying
aspects of human creativity.