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Items relevant to "Do Not Disturb Telephone Timer":
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Al Bell invented one of the most useful – and
one of the most frustrating – communications
devices of all time. What do you do when you
don’t want the ’phone to disturb you?
here are times when you simply don’t want to be disturbed
by anything, let alone a telephone – especially by that incessant
“ring ring… ring ring… ring ring…”
Of course, the person at the other
end of the line doesn’t know that
you are, well, umm, let’s just say
you’re otherwise engaged.
But you can imagine such
times, can’t you?
What do you do? Take the
phone off the hook? Sure, that works
– until a couple of hours/days later
you start to wonder why no-one’s
ringing you.
What you need is either something
to remind you to put the phone handset back on the hook – or better still,
do it for you so the process is automatic.
And that is exactly what the SILICON CHIP “Do Not Disturb” Timer
Even better, it does it without you
lifting the handset in the first place:
you simply set the time period you’re
going to be “busy” – whatever that
is – and press the start button. The
phone then effectively goes off-hook
(ie, anyone ringing will get an engaged
signal) until the time period is com-
plete. The phone is then restored to
its “normal” (ie, on-hook and waiting
for calls) state.
As far as time periods go, you have
everything from a sprint to a marathon – 7.5 minutes to a whopping
two hours. And if the reason
for your not wanting to be disturbed ends prematurely you
can hit the “hang up” button
at any time.
You can even make the offhook time period indefinite by not
selecting a time period. If that sort of
sounds like you’re defeating the purpose for making the device in the first
place, it’s a great little security feature
if you don’t want anyone else to use
the phone while you’re away from
July 2001 43
This Telephone Timer is
an Austel-approved devi
The penalty for using a no
napproved device, if dete
and subsequent prosecut
took place, could be a he
fine, up to $10,000.
This almost-larger-than-life photograph shows the completed project. The leads
emerging top and bottom plug into the phone and wall socket. It doesn’t matter
which way around they go.
phone but that is unimportant as far
as we are concerned.
The timer works by connecting
a load across the telephone line to
simulate an off-hook condition. This
off-hook condition means that there is
a nominal 20-25mA drawn from the
line. The timer starts and maintains
the off-hook condition until the end
of the time period or until the “end”
switch is pressed.
At this time it removes the load
across the line, fooling the exchange
into believing that the handset has
been put back on the phone, readying
it for a call.
The circuit
it – especially if the little box is hid50VDC to around 3-6VDC. The voltage
The full circuit for the Do-Notden!
drops because of the load provided
Disturb Timer is shown in Fig.1. It
by the telephone. The voltage drop
Speaking of little box, the timer is
comprises a 4060 counter IC, a 7555
(or more accurately the significant
housed in a small plastic case with a
timer IC, a LED, two transistors and a
increase in current) is detected at
6P6C telephone socket located at each
few diodes, capacitors and resistors.
the telephone exchange and so the
end. It has a 4-position DIP switch and
Diodes D1-D4 provide full wave rectwo tiny pushbutton switches poking
tification for the telephone
through the box top – one to
lines, necessary since the
start the timer and one to stop
polarity of the line voltage
it manually. A LED indicates
is indeterminate.
when the phone is off-hook.
Power for IC1 & IC2 is
Installation is simple: you
via the rectified
LED indicator sh
just unplug the telephone line
telephone line voltage via
socket from the phone, plug it
a 220kΩ resistor feeding
Powered from phone line
into the timer, then plug in a
zener diode ZD1. This
Four time periods plus
modular lead from the timer to
develops a nominal 5.6V
the phone.
across the supply pins of
In case you’re feeling a sense
IC1 & IC2, smoothed by
telephone is recognised as being
of deja-vu, yes, we have described a
the 10µF capacitor.
off-hook, in anticipation of receiving
similar device before – back in July
The trigger input to IC2 (pin 2) is
either the tones or pulses required to
1992, in fact. But that used an LM3909
initially held high via the 470kΩ redial a number.
timer and alas, those devices are no
sistor connected to the positive supply
If the phone is simply left off-hook
more. Hence this new, improved
rail, while the threshold input (pin
without another number being dialled,
6) is initially held low via the 100kΩ
the telephone exchange will still recresistor to 0V. This sets the output at
How does it work?
ognise the telephone as being off-hook
pin 3 low.
or engaged and prevent incoming
When you lift the handset on a
NPN transistor Q1 is therefore off
calls. After a certain time it will autotele-phone, the voltage across the
and so is PNP transistor Q2. The
matically send “engaged” tones to the
tele-phone line drops from a nominal
collector of Q1 is held at the rectified
44 Silicon Chip
voltage from the phone line via the
2.2kΩ and 1kΩ resistors. This voltage
also pulls the reset input of IC1 (pin
12) high via a 1MΩ resistor to reset
this counter. Diode D5 prevents this
input going above the IC supply rail.
Pressing the start switch (S6) pulls
the trigger input of IC2 (pin 2) low, setting the output (pin 3) high. Q1 is then
switched on via the 10kΩ base resistor.
In turn, transistor Q2 is switched on
via the base current flow through the
1kΩ resistor and Q1. Transistor Q2
connects two 180Ω resistors in series
across the phone line (via the D1-D4
bridge rectifier) to simulate the offhook loading.
The voltage across the telephone
line now drops to around 6V. Supply is maintained to IC1 and IC2 via
diode D10 at the collector of Q2. The
indicator LED1 will now be lit via the
1kΩ dropping resistor to indicate the
off-hook condition.
At the same time, the IC1 reset (pin
12) is released because of the low voltage at Q1’s collector. Components at
pins 9, 10 & 11 of IC1 form an oscillator
with the internal inverters operating
at a nominal 0.88Hz rate.
IC1 is a counter – each of its outputs,
Q10, Q12, Q13 and Q14, goes high
when the IC counts a certain number
of pulses from the oscillator. In the
case of Q10, it goes high when the
count reaches 512 pulses. So if the
oscillator is running at 0.88Hz, the
output goes high after about 7.5 minutes.
Similarly, Q12 counts 2048 pulses,
or about 30 minutes, Q13 4096, or
about 60 minutes and Q14 8192, or
about 120 minutes.
In case you were wondering what
happened to Q11, 1024 pulses/15
minutes, the answer is that the chip
does the count but there are insufficient pins on the IC to bring out all
the counter outputs, hence we don’t
get 15 minutes!
If switch S1 is closed, this high will
pull pin 6 of IC2 high to reset it. Pin
3 then goes low, switching off Q1, Q2
and the off-hook loading resistors. As
far as the exchange is concerned, the
telephone is now back on hook.
Fig.1 (right): the circuit diagram
shows the simplicity of the design: just
one counter IC, one timer IC and a
handful of other components.
July 2001 45
Here’s the completed PC board out of its case, with the component overlay (Fig.2, right) printed at the same 1:1 scale.
What you cannot see here is the switches and LED mounted high off the board to poke through the front panel.
For longer times, IC1’s Q12, Q13 &
Q14 outputs can also be selected to
give timeout periods of thirty minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours respectively.
These are chosen with switches S2S4 respectively. Note that if more
than one switch is closed, it will be
the lowest-time switch which will
determine the timeout period, since
its output will go high first. The others
will be ignored.
The “end” switch, S5, can be used
to manually (and immediately) end the
time period. It pulls IC2’s threshold
input (pin 6) high regardless of the
outputs of IC1, returning the circuit
back to “on-hook”.
High voltage transistors are specified to minimise the possibility of
breakdown when the phone rings. The
ring voltage can be 100Vp-p above the
50VDC line voltage. These transistors
are rated at 250V, which will be adequate for preventing breakdown.
The terminals for the incoming
phone line are labelled as the tip and
ring. These names are a throwback to
the days when phones actually used
6.5mm phone plugs – the names are
used these days to label which of the
two wires is nominally “hot”.
The two sockets are paralleled,
allowing a phone connected to the
socket to directly plug into the line,
as if the timer were not there.
Because the Timer takes the mini-scule amount of power it needs
from the telephone line, no battery or
other supply is required. This makes
it extremely safe.
All components for the Timer mount
on a PC board coded 12107011 and
measuring 50 x 79mm. It all fits inside
a plastic case which measures 83 x 54
x 31mm. A 50 x 77mm label is glued
to the top of the case.
Begin construction by checking the
PC board for shorts and possible breaks
in the copper tracks. The four corners
of the PC board need to be cut to shape
Fig.3: same-size artwork for the PC board. At right is the
empty case, clearly showing the cutouts required for the
phone sockets and the “surgery” done to the internal
46 Silicon Chip
to clear the integral pillars in the case.
The outline is shown on the copper
side of the PC board.
You will also need to drill holes for
the integral mounting pins on the 6P6C
sockets so that they clip in correctly
to the PC board. The Altronics type of
socket differs slightly to the one sold
by Jaycar and so we have provided
both hole positions for the mounting
The plastic case has integral side
clips which will need to be removed
with a sharp knife or chisel so that
the PC board will slide into the case.
Check that the PC board fits into the
case without fouling.
Insert the resistors in the appropriate place in the PC board using the
accompanying resistor colour code
table to select the right values. Alternatively, you can use a multimeter to
measure the values directly.
As the diodes are inserted, make
sure the orientation is correct; likewise
the transistors, LED, ICs and electrolyt-
case and cut out the holes with a
sharp knife.
Connect the telephone to one socket
using a 6P2C (or 6P4C or 6P6C) extension lead and the telephone line into
the other socket.
You can test the unit by pressing
the start switch and checking that
the LED lights. You can also measure the voltage between pins 16 & 8
of IC1 and pins 4 and 1 of IC2. This
voltage should be be around 5.6V as
set by ZD1.
Press the finish switch to check that
Parts List –
"Do Not Disturb" Timer
1 PC board coded 12107011, 50
x 79mm
1 panel label, 50 x 77mm
1 plastic case, 83 x 54 x 31mm
1 4-way DIP switch (S1-S4)
2 snap action PC board
momentary closed switches
2 4-way pin header
8 PC stakes
2 6P6C PC board mounting
modular sockets
1 6P2C (or 6P4C or 6P6C) extension lead
And here’s how it all goes together inside the case. There’s not much room to
spare; in fact you’ll have to cut the corners off the PC board to allow it to fit around
the corner pillars in the box. The case side guides also need to be removed.
ic capacitors are also polarised. Note
that Q1 and Q2 are oriented differently
to each other.
The electrolytic capacitor requires
positioning with the positive lead
where indicated. LED1 mounts with its
top dome 19mm above the PC board,
oriented with the cathode toward the
edge of the PC board.
The 6P6C sockets can be installed
now, followed by the switches.
Switches S5 & S6 must be oriented
with the “flat” as shown.
To be at the correct height, these are
mounted on top of PC stakes which
are cut down so that the top of the
switch is 18mm above the PC board.
Switches S1-S4 are mounted on a 2
x 4-way pin header so that its height
is sufficient to protrude through the
front panel.
Place the PC board assembly in
position over the case and mark out
the cutout positions for the sockets.
We cut the box with a fine toothed
hacksaw and broke off the piece with
pliers. The cutout then was filed to
shape. Only cut the hole to the depth
of the socket on each end of the box.
Test the PC board for fit into the case
and adjust any of the cutout sides
The lid will require a hole for the
LED, the two switches and the DIP
switch. Use the front panel label as a
guide to positioning these. Also the
flanges on the lid directly above the
sockets will need to be filed flat so
that the lid will sit flush on the case.
Glue the front panel label to the
1 5mm high brightness red LED
1 4060 binary counter (IC1)
1 7555 timer (IC2)
1 BF469 NPN high voltage
transistor (Q1)
1 BF470 PNP high voltage
transistor (Q2)
4 1N4004 1A 400V diodes (D1D4)
6 1N4148, 1N914 switching
diodes (D5-D10)
1 5.6V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.47µF MKT polyester (code
474 or 470n)
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
2 1MΩ
1 470kΩ
1 220kΩ
2 100kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
2 1kΩ
2 180Ω 0.5W
July 2001 47
the LED goes off. Set the DIP switch
to 7.5 minutes and press start again
and check that the LED goes out after
about 7-8 minutes. The time is only
nominal and will vary depending on
component tolerances and the particular 4060 IC.
You can make the time periods
shorter by changing the 0.47µF capacitor to a smaller value. Longer time
periods can be achieved by changing
the 0.47µF capacitor to a larger value.
A bipolar electrolytic capacitor can
be used in place of the MKT type
but do not use a standard polarised
A final check can be made by lifting
the telephone handset and listening
for the dial tone. This tone should
last for about eight seconds, after
which the tone will change to an engaged signal.
Now try this with the handset back
in place. Press the start switch on the
timer and wait for, say, 10-15 seconds.
Lift the telephone handset and check
if there is engaged signal.
If it is engaged you can be sure that
the timer has caused the telephone to
be off hook.
5-Band Code (1%)
4-Band Code (1%)
No. Value
brown black black yellow
ck green brown
❑ 2
yellow violet black ora
yellow brown
❑ 1 470
red red black orange bro
yellow brown
❑ 1 220kΩ red red
brown black
black yellow brown
❑ 2 100kΩ brown
brown black bla
brown black orange brown
❑ 1 10kΩ
red red black brown brown
❑ 1 2.2
brown black black brown
❑ 2 1kΩ
brown grey black black bro
brown grey brown brown
❑ 2 180Ω
48 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: 1:1 artwork for the front panel. Use a photocopy as a template to
drill the holes required. (This panel
and the PC board artwork can also
be downloaded from the SILICON CHIP