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Using Linux To
Share An Internet
Connection; Pt.2
Last month, we looked at connecting a small local area network to
a Linux box, intended for use as an gateway so that all the machines
could share an Internet connection. This month, we are going to
connect the Linux box to the Internet, configure it for demand
dialling and set up a firewall.
There’s a lot to think about when setting up an Internet
gateway for a small LAN. One thing that you definitely
don’t want it to do is hold the line open indefinitely if you
forget that you’re connected – and maybe run up a big bill
with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) in the process!
Similarly, you don’t want it repeatedly dialling out,
connecting and disconnecting, if there is something wrong
at your ISP’s end. This could be a real problem if you run
a program that automatically triggers dial-outs according
to a preset schedule – eg, an email server that regularly
connects to send and retrieve email.
A 20-cent local call mightn’t sound like much but
several thousand calls made at 1-minute intervals over a
long-weekend will give you a real pain in the wallet. Do
the sums – ouch!
This Linux gateway overcomes the above problems by
automatically disconnecting after a preset “idle” time (ie,
when there has been no Internet traffic) and by limiting
the number of unsuccessful connection attempts. You can
adjust both the idle time and the number of connection
attempts to your liking.
Another important thing to be considered is security.
There are plenty of bad guys out there on the Internet, just
waiting to hack their way in and wreak all kinds of havoc.
We’ll tackle that problem as well.
Actually, we’re going to cover a fair bit of ground this
month to get the gateway working. First, we’re going to set
up the modem, then we’re going to get pppd (the pointto-point protocol dialler) working. After that, we’re going
to cover demand dialling, IP masquerading, IP forwarding
and firewalling.
What is IP masquerading?
Fig.14: the “modemtool” utility is used to create the link
between your modem and the file /dev/modem by selecting
the relevant serial port.
62 Silicon Chip
“IP masquerading” might sound intimidating but the
concept is really very simple. Our problem is that we want
to give all the client machines on our network simultaneous
Internet access. But how do we do that when each client
has a different IP address – especially when 192.168.0.x
IP addresses are not valid on the Internet?
The answer is to use IP masquerading. This “hides” the
real IP packet addresses coming from the clients, so that it
appears that everything is coming from a single machine; ie,
the Linux box. This is done by translating local IP packet
addresses into a valid Internet IP number before relaying
the packets out onto the Internet.
Conversely, IP masquerading translates any incoming
packets into local addresses, so that they can be correctly
forwarded to the client machines.
Where does the valid Internet IP number come from?
Answer – it’s dynamically assigned by your ISP to the
PPP adapter in the Linux box each time it dials out and
connects. This means that your Linux box has two IP
numbers while ever it is connected to the Internet – a valid
IP address bound to the PPP adapter and a static IP (ie, bound to the network card (eth0).
It’s the IP number assigned to the ppp adapter when you
connect that your ISP recognises (not the IP numbers of
the individual clients). Basically, IP masquerading works
transparently in the background, translating IP addresses
back and forth between the dynamically assigned Internet
IP number and the IP addresses of the clients. It’s really
all something of a masquerade – hence the name “IP
IP Masquerading is carried out in Linux using a program
called “ipchains” (older distributions of Linux used “ipfwadm”). This program is also used for building a firewall
so the rules are often bundled together in a single script
file. More on this later.
By the way, IP masquerading is virtually the same as
Network Address Translation (NAT), as used by Microsoft’s
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) utility.
Fig.15: if you’re using KDE, you can connect to the Internet
using the graphical Kppp utility. Unfortunately, you can’t
use Kppp for demand dialling.
You need this info
Before getting down to the nitty-gritty, you’ll need to
have all your ISP account information. This includes: your
username and password, the dial-in telephone number,
the IP numbers for the ISP’s nameservers or Domain Name
Servers (DNS), and whether your ISP uses PAP (password
authentication protocol) or CHAP (challenge authentication protocol) when logging on.
Most ISPs use PAP authorisation but don’t sweat it if
you don’t know which method your ISP uses – it’s easy
to cover both bases.
You will also need the name of the proxy server (if used
by your ISP) and the names of the mail and news servers. These names are required when setting up Internet
Explorer (or Netscape) and any email programs on the
client computers.
Modem configuration
OK, now that the network is running and you have all
the account details, let’s hook the Linux box up to the net.
First, we have tell Linux which COM port the modem is
connected to.
In Linux, the four COM ports are designated /dev/ttyS0
to /dev/ttyS3 and these correspond to serial ports COM1
- COM4 respectively under Windows. This means that if
your modem is connected to COM2 under Windows, it’s
on ttyS1 under Linux.
What we have to do is create a link between the relevant
serial port and /dev/modem. In Red Hat, this can be done
using a utility called “modemtool”.
To run it, type modemtool in a terminal window and
select the port that your modem is connected to, as shown
in Fig.14.
Connecting with kppp
By far the easiest way of connecting to the net if you
Fig.16: clicking the setup button in Kppp (see Fig.15)
brings up this dialog box so that you can initially setup
all the information for your ISP account.
are running KDE is to use the graphical Kppp connection
program. Alternatively, for Gnome users, there’s the Red
Hat PPP tool (also known as “rp3”). PPP stands for “Pointto-Point Protocol” and is the standard for connecting to
the Internet. Another component known as “pppd” is the
dialler portion of PPP.
To launch Kppp, click K -> Internet -> Kppp, then click
the Setup -> New to set up a new account. You’ll need to
enter in all the details of your ISP, including the phone
number, nameserver (DNS) addresses, your log-in name
(or username) and password – see Fig.15.
You will also need to choose which serial port the modem is connected to and whether you’re using PAP or a
login script.
When you’ve filled in all the details, click the Connect
button and check that Kppp dials out and makes the connection. You can then set up Netscape Navigator, which
June 2001 63
is installed by default, to browse the web and send and
receive email.
Setting up Netscape Navigator simply involves specifying any proxy servers, as required by your ISP, and setting
up your email (and news) accounts. You get to the settings
dialog boxes in Netscape by clicking Edit -> Preferences.
And while we’re talking about proxy servers, here’s a
worthwhile tip. On several occasions, I’ve found that when
you attempt to enter proxy server settings into Navigator,
it returns an error message saying that the proxy server is
unknown. The trick is to log onto the Internet first – then
when you click OK to save the proxy setup, Netscape can
actually find your ISP’s proxy server and will accept the
settings. Aaaaaaarghhh!!!
Connecting without Kppp
Unfortunately, being able to connect to the net using
Kppp doesn’t count if you want demand dialling. Instead,
you have to first edit a few script files to that you can bring
up the link (ie, make the modem dial out and connect) by
typing pppd at a terminal window.
Once that’s working, you then modify one of the script
files so that pppd runs in the background and dials out
only on demand.
By the way, it’s best to do all your editing under Linux. Don’t try to create the files on a Windows box and
copy them across because Linux treats the end of line
carriage returns differently. You can edit your files using
the Advanced Text Editor (just click the pencil icon on
the task bar).
The files that we have to edit are as follows:
(1) /etc/resolv.conf
(2) /etc/ppp/chat-script
(3) /etc/ppp/options
(4) /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
(5) /etc/pppchap-secrets
Before starting, make sure you’re logged in as root and
that X-Windows is running. You should also make sure
that the linux kernel includes ppp support. To check
this, type lsmod at a terminal window and check that
PPP appears in the list. If it doesn’t, type modprobe ppp
to load PPP support.
OK, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started. The first
step is to add your ISP’s nameserver addresses to the /etc/
resolv.conf file. Your file should look like this:
Script 1: /etc/resolv.conf
domain [your ISP’s domain name]
We’ve used fictitious IP addresses here – you must use
the actual IP addresses of your ISP’s nameservers. Replace
[your ISP’s domain name] with the correct name – eg, (be sure to leave out the square brackets
here and for any other examples below).
Nameservers play a vital role when it comes to navigating the Internet. Basically, their job is to translate names
into their corresponding IP numbers. This means, for
64 Silicon Chip
example, that you can go to the SILICON CHIP website by
typing in instead of entering in
the IP address:
OK, so pppd now knows where to do name lookups.
We now need to create a dialling script, so that it knows
which phone number to dial and what to do if errors are
encountered. Assuming your ISP uses PAP (or CHAP)
authentication, create a file called /etc/ppp/chat-script
and put this into it:
Script 2: /etc/ppp/chat-script
"" ATDT[dialup number]
Replace [dialup number] in the script with your ISP’s
phone number (without the brackets).
The first line resets pppd after 5 seconds if an “abort”
error is encountered. The following “abort” lines are
standard Hayes commands – these instruct the modem to
abandon the connection attempt if errors are encountered;
eg, if the line is busy or there’s no dialtone.
If no abort errors are encountered, the timeout is reset to
40 seconds, which should be ample time for the modem
to connect and go through the handshaking and log-on
routines. You can increase the timeout values if necessary.
Some modems may require an initialisation string (look
in the manual. If so, you can place
"" +++[initialisation string]
before the dial-out command line (ie, the line with your
ISP’s phone number).
If your ISP requires a log-on script, you will have to add
the following two lines right at the end of the chat-script
file (note: replace [username] and [password] with your
own username and password):
ogin: [username]
ord: [password]
Next, we need to place some commands into the /etc/
ppp/options file so that pppd can control the connection.
Open this file with a text editor and make it look like this:
Line 1 tells pppd to use the chat-script file to make the
Script 3: /etc/ppp/options
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-script"
/dev/ttyS1 115200
user [username]
idle 600
connection; line 2 defines the serial port that the modem is
connected to and the speed (use 115200 for 56Kb modems
and 38400 for 33.3Kb modems); line 3 sets up hardware
handshaking control (crtscts); line 4 locks the modem
to prevent other programs from accessing it; and line 5
prevents pppd from asking the ISP host to authenticate
itself (most won’t).
Lines 6 & 7 tell pppd to create a default route and to
accept IP numbers assigned to the Linux box by your ISP,
while line 8 passes your username to the ISP – replace
[username] with your real username.
Finally, line 8 tells pppd to hang up after 10 minutes of
inactivity. You can set the “idle” timeout to any value you
like but anything less than 10 minutes can give unwanted
hang-ups during periods of inactivity.
During the log-on process, pppd sends your username
and password to the ISP so that the connection can be
authenticated. This is done by reading either the /etc/ppp/
pap-secrets file (for PAP authentication) or the /etc/ppp/
chap-secrets file (for CHAP authentication). In fact, it’s
common practice to define your username and password
in both files, so that you don’t have to worry about which
of the two authentication protocols is used.
You need to add just one line to both the /etc/ppp/
pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets files as follows:
Scripts 4: /etc/ppp/pap-secrets & chap-secrets
# Secrets for authentication using PAP (CHAP)
[username] * [password]
Once again, replace [username] and [password] as
required (eg, bsmith * red789).
Testing the connection
OK, let’s see if all this works. Pretend that you’re using
a Windows box, reboot, log on as root, go to a terminal
screen and type: /usr/sbin/pppd
Your modem should immediately dial out and connect
to your ISP. Assuming it works, try pinging an address
on the Internet (eg, ping Don’t
leave the connection up for too long or someone may hack
their way into your unprotected machine. We’ll build a
firewall shortly.
To disconnect, enter this command: killall pppd
Dial on demand
Now that you can connect by typing pppd at a terminal window, let’s make it dial on demand. The easiest
Starting X Windows Automatically
If you didn’t choose the graphical login option during
installation and subsequently change your mind, you can
make the system boot straight into X Windows by editing
the file /etc/inittab with a text editor. Look for the first uncommented line which reads id:3:initdefault: and change
the 3 (multiuser) to a 5 (graphical).
Conversely, change the 5 to a 3 if your system boots
straight into X Windows and you want it to boot to multiuser level.
way to do this is to use the “demand” option that’s now
included with ppp (since version 2.3.7). Red Hat 6.2 or
later includes this option but users of older Linux versions
may have to upgrade.
All you have to do is add a few lines to to /etc/ppp/
options file so that it now looks like this:
It’s the “demand” statement that tells pppd to dial only
Modified Script 3: /etc/ppp/options
debug 31
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-script"
/dev/ttyS1 115200
user [username]
maxfail 4
idle 600
holdoff 5
on demand (funny, that!). Now, when you type /usr/sbin/
pppd in a terminal window, the modem no longer dials
out immediately. Instead, pppd runs in the background
and activates the dialler only when Internet access is
The two IPs specified in the /etc/ppp/options file are
bogus and are replaced by dynamically-assigned IP addresses during the log-on procedure (one for either end of
the link). The two “ipcp-accept” lines ensure that pppd
accepts the new IP addresses.
The “maxfail 4” statement sets the number of unsuccessful connection attempts to four. This prevents the unit
from continuously dialling out if there is a problem and
running up that big phone bill we talked about earlier.
If the maxfail value is reached, pppd exits and has to be
restarted manually on the Linux box to activate demand
dialling again.
As before, the “idle 600” statement disconnects the link
after 600 seconds (10 minutes) of inactivity, while the
“holdoff 5” line makes pppd wait for five seconds before
trying to re-establish a link after it disconnects (this does
not apply to idle disconnects).
You might like to initially set the idle period to a low
value (eg, 60), so that it’s easy to check that the line does
indeed disconnect after the set period of inactivity. Once
you’ve established that it works OK, you can go back and
increase the value to 600.
By the way, you don’t have to restart pppd after a
timeout disconnect. Instead, pppd continues to run in
the background, waiting for the next dialling request –
which is just what we want. You do, however, have to
restart pppd if you issue a disconnect command from a
terminal window.
Normally, in an office setup, you’ll simply let the
June 2001 65
Script 5: /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
# Firewall & Masquerading Script
# Flush all existing rules
/sbin/ipchains -F input
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
/sbin/ipchains -F output
# Set default policy to deny everything
/sbin/ipchains -P input DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -P output DENY
# Enable IP forwarding and defragging protection
echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag
echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
# Enable IP masquerading timeouts
/sbin/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 180
# Enable IP masquerading for the local 192.168.0.x network
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
# Accept all packets on the loopback interface
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p all -i lo -j ACCEPT
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p all -i lo -j ACCEPT
# Allow all traffic on the local network
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p all -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p all -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
# Set up rules for Internet (ppp0) traffic
# (1) Allow all packets out
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
# (2) Accept return packets
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p tcp -s $ANY -i ppp0 ! -y -j ACCEPT
# (3) Accept incoming ftp-data connections (for outgoing active ftp)
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p tcp -s $ANY ftp-data -d $ANY 1024:65535 -i ppp0 -y -j ACCEPT
# (4) Allow UDP packets out (necessary for DNS lookups)
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p udp -s $ANY -d $ANY -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
# (5) Accept UDP packet responses
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p udp -s $ANY -d $ANY -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
# (6) Reject any incoming authorisation requests
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p tcp -d $ANY auth -i ppp0 -j REJECT
# Allow outgoing and incoming ping
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p icmp -s $ANY -d $ANY -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/ipchains -A input -p icmp -s $ANY -d $ANY -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT
# Block samba housekeeping traffic from triggering pppd autodial
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s $ANY 137:139 -p tcp -j DENY
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s $ANY 137:139 -p udp -j DENY
# Support masquerading of FTP file transfers, IRC, RealAudio, etc; uncomment lines to load required modules
/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
continued next page
66 Silicon Chip
rc.firewall script – continued
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
# /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc
# /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_cuseeme
# /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_quake 26000,27000,27910,27960
# /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_vdolive
# Set telnet, www, smtp, pop3 and FTP for minimum delay
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 80 -t 0x01 0x10
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 22 -t 0x01 0x10
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 23 -t 0x01 0x10
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 21 -t 0x01 0x10
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 110 -t 0x01 0x10
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 25 -t 0x01 0x10
# Set ftp-data for maximum throughput
/sbin/ipchains -A output -p tcp -d $ANY 20 -t 0x01 0x08
# Log everything else to syslog and drop the packet
ipchains -A input -l -j DENY
ipchains -A output -s $ANY -d $ANY -l -j DENY
connection time out so that you don’t have to continually
restart pppd. It’s also a nuisance to have to manually restart pppd each time the machine boots; far better to have
it start automatically each time the machine boots. We do
that by adding the /usr/sbin/pppd command to the /etc/
rc.d/rc.local file as described later.
You can test all this by restarting pppd and then pinging
the IP address of your ISP’s primary nameserver (from the
Linux box). For example, if your ISP’s primary nameserver
is at, type: ping
Alternatively, you can try pinging a named web address;
eg: ping
The modem should dial out after a brief pause and you
should get a response after the connection has been made.
Enter <Ctrl> C to stop the pinging and killall pppd to make
the modem disconnect.
IP masquerading & building the firewall
There is no gateway yet – you can dial out from your
Linux box but there’s still no Internet access for the
Windows ma
chines. We’re going to fix that problem
right now by turning IP forwarding on and enabling IP
IP forwarding is normally disabled by default. There
are several ways of turning it on but this method works
with any version of Linux. All you have to do is add the
following line to a startup script:
echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
In our case, we’ve included this line in a script file
called /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall. The command to turn on IP
masquerading is also included in this file, along with all
the firewall rules. The file is shown in Script 5.
Don’t leave out the “#!/bin/sh” statement at the start of
rc.firewall – this invokes the native Linux shell interpreter
to process the rest of the script. Save the script and make it
Download From Our Website
The following script files are available
for download from the SILICON CHIP
website at
• /etc/ppp/chat-script
• /etc/ppp/options
• /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
executable by issuing the following command at a terminal
prompt to change the file’s permissions:
chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
This command makes rc.firewall readable, writable and
executable by root.
How the firewall works
There are two approaches to building a firewall: (1) start
by allowing everything in and then blocking what we don’t
want; or (2) start by blocking everything and then allowing
in what we do want.
The firewall listed here adopts the latter approach. Basi
cally, it’s designed to allow only outgoing connections
so that you can browse the web, send and receive email
and retrieve ftp files, etc. Conversely, it blocks incoming
connections to prevent a hacker from using your Linux
box as a server or for some other purpose.
If you do want to use the Linux box as a server (eg, as
an ftp or web server), it’s simply a matter of adding a few
additional rules to the firewall script.
The firewall begins by flushing all the existing rule
tables, then sets the default policy to deny all incoming,
outgoing and forwarded IP packets. The first echo command then turns on IP forwarding, while the next line
turns on IP defragging (this enhances security). The third
echo command is recommended if you receive a dynamic
IP address from your ISP – delete this line if you have a
permanent Internet connection with a fixed IP address.
Next, the script sets the masquerading timeouts and
enables IP masquerading for the 192.168.0.x network. The
following four rules then tell ipchains to allow all internal
packets on the loopback (lo) interface and the local network
(eth0), before setting up the rules for Internet traffic (ie,
the ppp0 interface).
There are six rules here. Rule 1 allows all IP (tcp)
June 2001 67
Fig.17: typing route -n in a terminal window
brings up the routing table. This figure shows
what the routing table looks like when the Linux
box is connected to the Internet.
packets to go out to the Internet, while rule 2 allows the
return packets (but only the return packets) back in. The
next rule accepts incoming ftp data and is necessary for
active ftp connections – you can increase security by
commenting this line out (or deleting it) if you use passive
mode ftp only.
Rules 4 & 5 are necessary for DNS (udp) lookups, while
rule 6 tells ipchains to reject unauthorised connections
from external sources to the ppp0 interface.
The next two rules are necessary to allow outgoing and
incoming ping (icmp) requests – comment these rules out
if you don’t need this facility. Following this, ipchains is
instructed to block local Samba “housekeeping” traffic
from unnecessarily triggering autodial. You can leave these
lines in place, even if you don’t have Samba set up on the
Linux box for file and printer sharing.
After that, the firewall loads specialised modules required for various services, such as FTP, IRC, RealAudio,
Quake and CuSeeme. It then sets up minimum delays for
various services and sets outgoing ftp data transmissions
for maximum throughput. Finally, all other incoming and
outgoing traffic requests are blocked and logged.
This firewall should be quite effective at blocking out
any nasties (no guarantees though). If you want something
fancier or want to set up your Linux box as a server, take
a look at the “IP Masquerading Howto”, the “Ipchains
Howto” and the “Security Howto”.
Making it happen automatically
Want it all to happen automatically at boot-up? That’s
easy – just add the following lines to the end of the /etc/
rc.d/rc.local file:
# Enable IP masquerading and firewall
logger Firewall up
# Start pppd for demand dialling
logger Demand dialling started
The rc.local file is executed each time the computer
boots, so pppd, IP masquerading, IP forwarding and the
firewall are all loaded by default.
Now reboot your Linux box and log on as root – you
should now have a working gateway. You can test it by
launching a web browser on one of your Windows boxes,
typing in an address and hitting <Enter>. The modem
should dial out after a brief delay and connect.
Note that your browser will invariably time out while
the modem dials and connects – that’s normal with this
type of setup. Give it time to connect, then reload the address and try again – everything will then work normally.
In fact, once you’re online, it will seem as though your
Windows box is directly connected to the Internet. The
Linux gateway will be completely transparent.
By the way, you can restart the firewall at any time while
logged on as root by typing /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall (this can
be handy for testing). You can also check the ipchains
rules by typing /sbin/ipchains -L in a terminal window
– see Fig.18. Switch off the modem if
you run this command while offline,
otherwise it will attempt to do a reverse
DNS lookup and trigger a dial-out. If the
modem is off, the chain input policy
rules will scroll quickly through, then
nothing more will be shown until the
reverse DNS lookup attempt times out.
Typing route -n in a terminal window brings up the routing table – see
Coming next month
Fig.18: you can inspect the ipchains rules by entering the command /sbin/ipchains -L in a terminal window but switch the modem off first to stop
unwanted dial-outs. These are the rules for the firewall listed in Script 6.
68 Silicon Chip
OK, that’s enough for now. Next
month, we’ll show you how to run pppd
as a user, as it’s not a good idea to be
logged on as root. We’ll also show you
how to log the connection and describe
how to make it all easy to drive.
When it’s all done, you’ll be able
to start pppd or hang up the modem
by clicking a couple of icons on the
desktop or by typing a couple of simple
command lines.