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A safe, convenient multi-voltage supply for cars
At last: a handy little project
that will safely power just
about any portable device
from the lighter socket in your
car. It can provide preset
voltages of 3V, 6V,
6V. 9V & 12V.
You can also use it to provide
a well-regulated output from
low-cost DC plugpacks.
owering electronic equipment of the alternator to respond instanta- transients, occur when the ignition
from a vehicle’s electrical sys- neously to load changes. The response switch is turned off while current
tem can be a risky business, time of an alternator is bound by the is flowing in inductive loads (windscreen wipers, alterespecially if the equipment
nator field coil, etc.)
wasn’t originally designed
PowerPack Feature
These are negative
for in-car use.
3/6/9/12V switcha
in direction, with
Large positive and negble output at 1A maxim
a similar energy to
ative voltage transients
Operates from ca
r cigarette lighter sock
the positive swing
occur regularly during
DC plugpack
Protects sensitive
devices from voltage tra
of load dump tran“normal” operation of
Automatic low batte
vehicle electrical systems.
ry cut-out prevents ba
ttery damage
Easy to read volta
Switching spikes
The alternator is unge selection
from inductive loads
doubtedly the main cullike windscreen wipprit. Load dump traners and power winsients, which occur when
dows generate even
heavy loads are switched
higher voltages, as much as 200V
off, can cause the alternator’s output to forces of mechanical inertia and the
swing to as much as 100V for several long time constant of the excitation positive and negative.
These transients have much lower
Other nasties, called field decay
energy in comparison to load dumps
This effect is caused by the inability
MAY 2001 87
Opened-out view of the supply,
immediately before final assembly.
The hardest part is probably drilling
the holes for the LEDs and cutting
the slot for the switch – these must be
done very accurately .
However, National Semiconductor
(and other companies) have developed versions specifically for the
automotive market, and we’ve based
this project around one of them –
the LM2941 low dropout adjustable
The LM2941 provides “out of the
box” protection against line transients
and reverse battery connection, as
well all the familiar regulator features such as thermal and overload
How it does its stuff
and field decay transients.
Automotive regulator
We’ve all seen those switchable
plastic “regulators” that are either
built into a cigarette-lighter plug or are
housed in a small plastic case which
plugs into the lighter. Believe it or not,
some of the cheaper ones we’ve seen
simply contain a resistive divider!
They take a stab in the dark at the
likely output current and assume
“near enough is good enough”. It
ain’t! Would you really trust your
$200 personal CD player to one of
these devices?
Even the better ones with some
form of regulation can’t cut the
mustard. Standard linear 3-terminal
regulators such as the 78XX series do
not provide adequate protection in
this environment.
As you can see from the circuit
diagram of Fig.1, there’s really not a
lot to the PowerPack. Input voltage
is applied to either CON1, the car
input, or CON2, the plugpack input.
Diode D1 provides reverse polarity
protection on the plugpack input. A
Schottky-type diode is used here to
minimise forward voltage losses.
Although REG1 incorporates reverse polarity protection, we’ve
included D1 on the plugpack input
Fig.1: the heart of the PowerPack is an LM2941 automotive regulator (REG1). We have combined it with a comparator to
shut off the circuit for input voltages below 11.5V, to avoid excessive discharge of the car’s battery.
88 Silicon Chip
Zener diode ZD1 forms a simple
shunt regulator, powering IC1 with
+5V, while the series LED5 gives a
“power on” indication without additional current drain on the input.
Diode D2 has been included solely
to protect the pin 2 input of IC1 when
insertion of the plugpack jack causes
pin 2 to be pulled high via the 51kΩ
In order to squeeze everything into
an easy-to-carry case, we’ve resorted
to a rather unconventional mounting
method for the PowerPack’s PC board.
It simply sits atop the integral slots in
the diecast case and is held in place
by the lid and four acrylic feet.
As the first step, check that the
blank PC board rests snugly on top of
the integral guides on all four sides
to protect the input filter capacitor
tery was completely discharged, due
as well. After all, you don’t want it
to the PowerPack being inadvertently
spewing its insides all over the PC
left on indefinitely, it could damage
board just because you accidentally
the battery.
got the supply connections wrong.
In normal operation, IC1’s outA bi-directional transient suppresput (pin 1) is close to 0V, holding
sor, TVS1, clamps all transients to
the regulator in the ON state. If the
less than ±150V, protecting the input
voltage on pin 2 falls below that on
capacitor somewhat and extending
pin 3, the output at pin 1 swings to
the inbuilt protection in the regulator
+5V, switching the regulator off. The
to well over ±1100V.
switching, or “threshold”, point is set
by the ratio of the resistors connected
On the output side, a 220µF capacto pin 3. The 360kΩ resistor from pin
itor provides the required filtering.
1 to pin 3 provides a small amount
Unlike most other linear regulators,
of hysteresis to prevent the output
the ESR (equivalent series resistance)
oscillating about the threshold point.
of the LM2941 output capacitor is
critical for stable regulator operation.
Inserting a plug in the plugpack
input (CON2) disconnects one end
The output voltage is programmed
of the 51kΩ resistor from the 0V line,
by the ratio of the two resistors conforcing pin 2 of IC1 high and effectivenected to the ADJ pin (see “Getting
ly disabling the cut-out circuit. This
other output voltages” on page 93).
allows use of 6V and 9V DC plugpacks
Slide switch S1 allows selection of
on the lower voltage selections.
four different values for the top leg
of the voltage divider, providing
outputs of 3V, 6V, 9V and 12V.
LEDs1 - LED4 give indication of the
selected voltage range. We’ve used
a different value current limiting
resistor with each of the LEDs so
as to keep the brightness roughPOWER
ly equal at each setting.
REG1 is a “low dropCON1
out” regulator, meaning
in this case that we only
need about 0.5V (at 1A
load) more at the input
than the output to mainF1
tain regulation. For lower
current levels, the drop360k
out voltage is even less.
For example. with a load
of 100mA, only 12.1V is
required on the car input
A 12V K
(CON1) to provide 12V at
+ LED2
the output.
Note that about 12.5V
would be required on the
plugpack input for the
same result, allowing for
the voltage drop across D1
and some ripple.
IC1, an LM393 voltage
comparator IC, forms the
heart of the low battery
cut-out circuit. It has been
included to prevent discharge of the car’s battery
below about 11.5V. If the battery was
discharged below this level, there is a
fair chance it will not be able to start
the motor. And ultimately, if the bat-
Low battery cut-out
Fig.2: use this diagram and the photo above as a guide
when installing the components onto the PC board.
Note the special comments in the text about mounting
the 5-terminal regulator.
MAY 2001 89
Parts List – PowerPack
1 PC board coded 11305011, 108mm x 59mm
1 115mm x 65mm x 30mm (LxWxH) diecast metal case (Jaycar Cat HB5036)
1 DPDT PC-mount miniature toggle switch (S1) (Jaycar Cat ST-0565)
1 DP4T miniature slide switch (S2) (Altronics Cat S-2040)
1 2.5mm PC-mount DC jack socket (CON1) (Altronics Cat P-0621)
2 2-way 5mm pitch miniature PC-mount terminal blocks (CON2, CON3)
2 M205 PC-mount fuse clips
1 M205 2A slow-blow fuse
1 Plugpack extension cable (DSE Cat M-9601) OR 1 Plugpack cable and
8 adaptor plugs (DSE Cat M-9603)
1 Cigarette lighter plug
4 Clear acrylic feet (DSE Cat H-1740)
1 3/16" x 5/16" rubber grommet (“Zenith” brand, from hardware stores)
1 2m medium duty 3.5A figure-8 cable
1 M3 x 6mm cheese head screw, nut and star washer
1 LM2941CT low dropout voltage regulator (REG1) (DSE Cat Z-6620)
1 LM393 dual comparator (IC1)
1 1N5822 3A 40V Schottky diode (D1) (Altronics Cat Z-0042)
1 1N4148 small signal diode (D2)
1 1.5KE33CA Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS1) (Farnell Cat 166-492
or 752-307)
1 1N751A 5.1V 0.5W Zener diode (ZD1) (Altronics Cat Z-0314)
5 5mm high brightness red LEDs (LED1-5) (Jaycar Cat ZD-1793)
1 1000µF 50VW PC electrolytic
1 220µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 0.1µF 100V MKT polyester (Code 104 or 100n)
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 360kΩ
1 160kΩ
1 8.2kΩ
1 3.6kΩ
1 270Ω
1 220Ω
2 100kΩ
1 1.8kΩ
1 110Ω
1 51kΩ
1 1.3kΩ
1 68Ω
1 22kΩ
1 680Ω
2 56Ω
1 10kΩ
2 470Ω
5cm 22AWG (0.71mm) tinned copper wire
Cardboard for insulator
Non-acidic silicone sealant
of the case. Note that the copper side
faces up, so the switch and LEDs
will protrude through the bottom
(which becomes the top!). If the
board falls into the case on any side,
it is undersized; compare it with the
dimensions of the PC board pattern
shown in Fig.7.
Referring to the board overlay
diagram in Fig.2, begin construction
by installing the three wire links and
all resistors. You will notice from
the photographs that some resistors
are mounted vertically instead of
horizontally. These are identified on
the overlay diagram by a circle (the
body) and line.
Next, install diodes D1, D2 and ZD1
90 Silicon Chip
and the transient suppressor TVS1,
taking care with their orientation.
The three connectors CON1- CON3
should be mounted next, followed
by toggle switch S1, slide switch S2
and the fuse clips for F1. Be sure that
these components are seated squarely
against the PC board before soldering.
Note that the cable entry side of CON1
faces the adjacent 10µF capacitor.
The five capacitors can be installed
next. All the electrolytic types are
polarised, so check their orientation
carefully. The 1000µF capacitor is
mounted horizontally, so bend its
legs over at 90° (at about 3mm from
the body) and align it as shown on
the overlay diagram before soldering.
To complete the first part of the
assembly, install IC1, aligning pin 1 as
shown on the overlay diagram. Now
set the board aside for a moment and
reach for your trusty drill!
Pass the silver cheese, please
Altogether, 10 or more holes need to
be drilled in the case sides, ends and
bottom. All holes should be marked
with a sharp centre punch before
drilling. For good results, start with
a small drill size for the initial hole,
then drill with several intermediate
sizes before finishing with the indicated size.
The easiest way to get everything
in the right spot is to photocopy the
drilling template (Fig.3) and label
(Fig.6), cut the pieces out and tape
to the indicated face of the case. The
rounded edges of the case make exact
alignment of the templates difficult –
patience, patience!
Centre punch each “hole” directly
through the template, remove the
template and drill.
Make sure that the surface around
the internal side of the regulator
mounting hole is smooth and free
from rough edges after drilling. If
necessary, de-burr the hole.
The slot for the slide switch (S2) can
be made by drilling a series of holes
inside the marked outline, then filing
out with a fine jeweller’s file. Test-fit
the PC board as you go to make sure
that the switch is going to line up with
your handiwork.
Did we mention there is a tricky
bit, involving a rabbit, hat and stick?
Would you believe a blind screw?
Our challenge was to devise a method of mounting the LM2941 regulator
The regulator (right side of board) is
shown here soldered in place – but
The regulator is bolted to the case, the
PC board is slipped over it THEN it is
Fig.4: this diagram
and the photo
above shows how
the 5-terminal regulator has its legs
bent and how it is
secured inside the
case (see text).
Fig.3: use these diagrams as a guide when drilling the diecast case. Note that the
access hole does not line up with the regulator mounting screw (see text).
(REG1) in such a confined space. As
the PC board mounts “upside-down”
in the case, there is no access to the
regulator to screw it down once the
board is installed.
To solve this problem, we placed
a screwdriver access hole on the
opposite side of the case. Note that
this hole is not directly in line with
the regulator hole, as one of the LEDs
effectively blocks that path.
Begin by bending the regulator
leads into shape so that it will assume
a position like that shown in Fig.5.
when inserted in the PC board.
This photo, taken before the front
panel was applied, shows the “plugpack” input socket and power switch
on the top of the box.
To reduce the possibility of the
leads breaking off, don’t bend them
right at the body of the regulator;
allow a couple of mm space from the
body. Take your time with this step, as
radical bends that need to be undone
might mean a replacement LM2941...
Temporarily screw the regulator
to the case as shown in Fig.4 (head
of screw goes inside, nut and washer
outside), and gently slide the PC board
into position, making sure that all five
regulator leads enter their correct PC
board holes. Adjust the bends in the
leads if necessary so that the board
rests against the integral guides without applying any pressure at all to the
regulator leads. There should also be
approximately even spacing between
all edges of the PC board and the sides
of the case.
Once you are happy with the position, solder REG1 in place. From now
on, you’ll need a small Philips head
screwdriver with a strongly magnetic
tip in order to insert and remove the
regulator mounting screw though the
access hole on the opposite side of
the case. Remove the screw now and
remove the board from the case.
OK, we’re almost there. Insert all
the LEDs into the PC board, but don’t
solder them or trim the leads just yet.
Note the flat (cathode) side on the
LED body is aligned as shown in the
overlay diagram of Fig.2. Now slip the
board back into place in the case and
manipulate the LED leads protruding
through the back of the PC board so
as to place each LED in its hole in the
bottom of the case. Adjust each LED
so that its tip is flush with the case
surface – easily achieved if the case
itself is sitting on a flat surface – then
solder in place.
At this point, you should trim all
component leads so that they are no
more that 2mm above the surface of
the PC board. This is very important,
Fig.5: this chart shows the predicted maximum output current at the
four selected output voltages, for
variations in the input voltage.
MAY 2001 91
The PC board really is a snug fit in the case – in fact, the odds are that you will
have to file a little off commercial boards to make them fit. You can clearly see
the acrylic stick-on feet in this picture.
as leads much longer than this will
short out on the lid of the case when
we put the whole shebang together.
Remove the board once more and
glue the 1000µF capacitor to the PC
board using non-acidic silicone sealant. Now is a good time to check that
you’ve inserted the 2A fuse, too.
Pre-flight checks
It’s a good idea to perform some
basic function tests at this point. At
a minimum, you will need a digital
multimeter and a 12V DC plugpack
or similar power source. Before applying power, check for short circuits
between the positive (+) and negative
(-) terminals of both CON1 and CON2.
With no load connected to the
output, apply power and check that
the “power” LED illuminates. If it
doesn’t, check the orientation of D1,
ZD1 and LED5. Next, connect your
meter across CON3 and measure the
output voltages for all four positions
of the slide switch.
Assuming you have sufficient input
voltage, all measurements should be
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
360kΩ orange blue yellow brown orange blue black orange brown
160kΩ brown blue yellow brown
brown blue black orange brown
100kΩ brown black yellow brown brown black black orange brown
green brown orange brown green brown black red brown
red red orange brown
red red black red brown
brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
8.2kΩ grey red red brown
grey red black brown brown
3.6kΩ orange blue red brown
orange blue black brown brown
1.8kΩ brown grey red brown
brown grey black brown brown
1.3kΩ brown orange red brown
brown orange black brown gold
680Ω blue grey brown brown
blue grey black black brown
470Ω yellow violet brown brown yellow violet black black brown
270Ω red violet brown brown
red violet black black brown
220Ω red red brown brown
red red black black brown
110Ω brown brown brown brown brown brown black black brown
blue grey black brown
blue grey black gold gold
green blue black brown
green blue black gold gold
92 Silicon Chip
Fig.6: actual size front panel artwork.
It goes on the underside of the case
which then becomes the top. Use a
photocopy of this as a template when
drilling the underside of the case.
within 0.1V of the advertised value.
For example, when the “6V” position is selected, the output should be
between 5.9V and 6.1V. If all voltages
are incorrect, suspect a problem with
the 1kΩ resistor or the associated
connection to pin 1 of the regulator.
If some voltages are OK but others are
not, check that you have the correct
resistor values in the feedback circuit
associated with the problem voltage;
refer to the circuit and overlay diagrams here.
If you have a variable power supply, you can also check that the low
battery cut-out circuit works. Starting
from above 12V, slowly decrease the
input voltage. At around 11.5V, REG1
should be switched off by IC1, disconnecting the output. Now increase the
voltage slowly. At around 12.2V, REG1
should be switched on again.
We won’t do any testing with a load
connected just yet. Let’s continue on
with the construction...
Construction (episode 2)
Fit the rubber grommet to the case.
Some trimming with a sharp knife
Getting other output voltages
Setting the output voltage on the LM2941 is a fairly simple matter. Referring to Fig.8, you can see that all we need to do is set the ratio of R1 to R2
according to a simple formula. The PowerPack uses a fixed 1kΩ resistance
for R1 and a switchable resistance for R2, selected via switch S2.
For example, suppose we would like to produce 4.5V instead of 3V at the
bottom-most switch position. We already know R1 (1kΩ), so we calculate R2
by massaging the formula in Fig.8 a little, so that:
R2 = 1kΩ x (4.5/1.275 - 1) = 2.529kΩ
2.529kΩ is obviously not a “standard” resistor value, so we select two standard
values (to be placed in series) that are the closest to the calculated value,
namely 2.4kΩ and 130Ω. To check what the output voltage will be for our
selected values:
VOUT = 1.275 x (1kΩ + 2.4kΩ + 130Ω/1kΩ) = 4.50075V (Close enough!)
The 2.4kΩ and 130Ω resistors are then installed in place of the 1.3kΩ
and 56Ω resistors to get 4.5V at the bottom-most switch position.
For more detailed information on the LM2941, you can download the data
sheet from the National Semiconductor web site at
If you’ve read the datasheet already and want to know how the PowerPack can provide a 3V (or 4.5V, for that matter) output when the data sheet
specifies 5V as the minimum voltage, we’ll have to own up – we’ve made some
assumptions about the internal workings of the regulator. We recommend
keeping the input voltage (measured at the IN pin) above about 6V, and to be
conservative with output loading at these low output voltages.
Fig.7: the PC board must have the
exact dimensions of the pattern shown
here in order to be a snug fit into the
specified diecast case.
will be required to get a neat fit. Next,
we’ll prepare and install the two cables. For the output side, we’ve used
a plugpack extension cable for the
job, as it already has a moulded connector on the end ready to accept all
the various plugpack connector tips.
The other end of this cable probably
has crimped connections; cut these off
and pass the end through the grommet
and strip and tin it.
For the car connection side, simply
solder one end of the length of figure-8
cable to the cigarette lighter plug (wire
with the white trace goes to the tip),
and pass the other end through the
same grommet and strip and tin.
Hook up the cables to their respective terminal blocks (CON1 and
CON3), connecting the wires with the
white traces to the positive (+) sides.
Secure a cable tie around both cables
at the point they exit the grommet (inside the case) to provide strain relief.
Apply a thin smear of heatsink
compound to the back of the regulator as well as to the area that it will
contact in the case. The metal tab of
the regulator is connected to ground,
so we don’t need to isolate it from the
Fig.8: R1 and R2 are used to
set the output voltage of the
regulator according to the
formula shown here.
case. This significantly improves heat
transfer and makes it much easier to
get the board in and out of the case.
Slip the assembly into the case,
complete with attached cables. You
may need to adjust the cable position
and length in the case so as to avoid
fouling the LEDs and slide switch,
etc. Check that the board is correctly
seated on the guides and then screw
the regulator to the case.
Turn the nut on the outside rather
than the screwdriver so as to tighten
up the works without applying a
twisting force to the regulator package. If you wish, you can cut or file the
screw flush with the nut for a neater
The last step is to secure the board
inside the case. To do this, stick four
acrylic feet onto the PC board (copper
side) in positions roughly as shown in
blue outline on Fig.2. We had to cut
down one foot with a sharp utility
knife so that it didn’t sit over the top
of component leads. Next, cut out a
piece of cardboard (a manilla folder
is ideal stock) to fit neatly inside the
inner ridge of the case lid.
The lid should be an almost “perfect” fit on the case, meaning that it
shouldn’t sit proud of the case by any
appreciable amount. Don’t install the
seal that is supplied with the case.
Screw down the lid and proceed to
the testing phase!
When you’re sure that your Power-Pack is working properly, remove
the lid and apply a daub of non-acidic
silicone sealant to each corner of the
PC board, right at the edge – in effect
“gluing” the PC board to the case.
This does make it a little harder to
remove the board in future, but it is
a necessary evil – it prevents the PC
board from moving whenever the
switch is toggled or the DC plug is
inserted. Without this, the regulator
leads and solder joints would take
all the strain.
MAY 2001 93