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Build your own
Want to impress your
friends? Build this neat
little project to control
your PC’s MP3 player
remotely! Alternatively, if
you’re interested in
adding remote control
and/or LCD readout to an
existing project, read on!
Part 1:
24 Silicon Chip
we will describe how you can
transform your PC into a veritable jukebox, able to play any of your
favourite MP3s at the press of a button.
And if you’re really serious about
your MP3 music, you can even build
a standalone PC-based player without
a monitor or keyboard.
We’ve received so many requests
for MP3 projects that we just couldn’t
ignore them. This project includes
the most-requested features but omits
some of the more radical – such as a
Pentium III PC strapped in the car boot
with a custom power supply, up-front
console and remote control!
What will the finished project do,
Essentially, we’ve taken one of the
most popular freeware music players
on the Internet, Winamp, and added
some software to allow it to be controlled remotely.
IR Remote Receiver
& Display Features
• Works with most off-the-shelf
universal remote controls
16 character, 2-line LCD with
Simple serial interface
In-built mini-terminal makes
programming easy
Microcontroller (IC1) can be
programmed in-circuit
No messy wiring
Next, we designed a small board to
do the remote bit. It receives codes
from any universal remote control
and also provides an LCD readout big
enough for MP3 track data. Plug it into
a free serial port on your PC (or even
build it right into your PC) and you’ve
got a mean MP3 machine!
This month, we describe the hardware part of the project. Next month,
we’ll look at the Windows-based
software, including Winamp and the
control software that makes it all work
as an MP3 player.
The hardware – it ain’t hard!
The brains of our little project is an
AT90S2313 microcontroller chip from
Atmel. We’ve chosen this particular
microcontroller because it has plenty
Fig.1: an Atmel AT90S2313-4P microcontroller (IC1) does most of the work in the circuit. It outputs control signals to a
MAX232 RS232 receiver/driver IC (IC4), which in turn driver the serial port of your PC. IC3 is the IR receiver chip.
September 2001 25
Table.1: all the characters that can be displayed by the LCD module, along with
their respective ASCII codes.
characters received from the serial
input are displayed on the LCD.
In addition to displaying the usual
ASCII characters (listed in Table 1),
the program (or firmware) in the microcontroller allows our little board
to recognise a number of “control”
If you’ve worked with ASCII before,
you’ll know that the first 32 bytes of
the character set are used as “control”
codes – they’re not displayable and are
intended solely for, strangely enough,
control purposes.
Using control codes, the programmer can change the cursor type, position the cursor, clear the display, and
so forth. Table 2 lists all the control
codes our project supports.
Two codes in the table require further explanation. The first is the cursor
positioning code, Ctrl-P. Unlike other
control codes that are just one byte in
length, to set the cursor position you
need to send two bytes – Ctrl-P (16)
followed by the required position (0
= first position of first line, 31 = last
position of second line) plus an offset
of 64. For example, to position the
cursor at the beginning of the second
line, you would send 16 and then 80
(16 + 64).
The second code of interest is Ctrl-[,
also known as “escape”. This code
is used as the prefix for functions
that require more than a single byte.
Typically, a character identifying the
function, then one or more characters
containing the relevant parameters
follows the escape code. This is known
as an escape sequence.
Our project defines just one escape sequence, which we’ve used to
program the custom LCD characters
– we’ll look at how these work a little
The IR receiver
of memory and runs fast enough to be
able to handle all the tasks that we’ve
thrown at it.
What’s a microcontroller? Put simply, it’s a microcomputer integrated
with a bunch of useful devices that
makes interfacing to things like our
LCD and infrared receiver really easy.
In short, the microcontroller connects the LCD and infrared receiver to
the outside world via a simple 4-wire
serial interface. For our MP3 Jukebox
project, the outside world is the serial
port on a PC but it could just as easily
be any microcontroller or computer
26 Silicon Chip
project (see our Basic Stamp example
The whole lot fits on a PC board not
much bigger than the LCD module
itself and is easily mounted behind
any flat panel. As you can see from our
photos, we’ve mounted ours behind a
drive-bay blanking plate on a standard
ATX PC computer case.
So what can it do? Well, let’s look
at the display part first.
The liquid crystal display
The display part functions as a
simple serial terminal, meaning that
This project differs from past infrared remote control projects described
in Silicon Chip in that it doesn’t
require a purpose-built transmitter.
It works with most off-the-shelf universal transmitters, like the one you’re
probably already using with your TV
and VCR!
Why do we need a different remote control for every new piece of
equipment we buy anyway? Simply
because there is no single remote
control standard in use for consumer
equipment. Many households have
at least two (usually more) remote
The completed IR
receiver & LCD
module is attached to
a modified drive-bay
blanking plate and
simply clips into the
front of the PC. The
cable from the PC
board is then plugged
into a serial port on
the PC’s motherboard.
controls, while some have opted for a
“universal” unit that can be set up to
work with equipment from different
Naturally, we chose a “standard”
that is probably supported by all universal remotes. This is the RC5 system,
developed by Philips and in wide
use throughout Europe. If you want
to know a little about the workings of
the RC5 system, then refer to the accompanying panel: “The RC5 Remote
Control Specification”.
To prove our system, we obtained
two completely different universal
remotes; one from Jaycar Electronics
(model BC-3000, Cat AR-1710) and
one from Coles Supermarket (Remote
Master brand). When selecting a remote, you need to make sure that it
has all the keys you would typically
use to control a VCR or CD player
(play, fast-forward, rewind, etc), as
these aren’t included on the simpler
TV-only models.
Another important consideration is
the number and type of devices it can
control. If you only intend to use the
remote for this project, then all you
need is support for “VCR” or “CD”
If, however, you want to use the
same remote for other equipment,
then you need to make sure that it will
accommodate all intended devices.
Our MP3 player can masquerade as
a VCR or CD player, so in most cases
you will be able to work it in with
what you already have. An exception
to this would be if you already have a
Philips brand VCR and a Philips brand
CD player – a fairly unlikely (and in
our case, unlucky) situation.
To reliably receive data from one of
these infrared transmitters, we need
quite a bit of electronics, specifically
an IR diode, amplifier, limiter, band
pass filter and demodulator. Thankfully, all of these circuits are available in
a single IC package. Jaycar Electronics
has just what we are looking for in
their ZD-1952 IR receiver IC, while
Dick Smith Electronics has the Z1955.
The output from this IC is the recovered digital signal, which we pipe
directly into the microcontroller chip
for decoding.
After successfully decoding, the
microcontroller flashes the “received”
LED and sends the codes out the serial
transmit line. To maintain data integrity, the codes are packaged with a
couple of extra bytes, as follows:
Byte 1 – Start byte (254)
Byte 2 – Control bit (bit 7) + System
address (bits 4-0)
Byte 3 – Command (bits 5-0)
Byte 4 – Checksum of bytes 2 & 3
The start byte serves as a simple
synchroniser, indicating the start of
incoming data. The second and third
bytes are the expected address and
Table 2: Display Control Codes
Null (ignored)
Home cursor
Hide cursor
Underline cursor
Blinking block cursor
Horizontal tab
Linefeed (cursor down one line)
Vertical tab (cursor up one line)
Formfeed (clear screen)
Carriage return (cursor to start of line)
Set cursor position
Auto-scroll on
Auto-scroll off
Escape (start of multi-byte instruction)
September 2001 27
command codes. The fourth byte
allows simple verification of the previous two bytes. If bytes 2, 3 and 4 are
added together (modulus 256), then
the result should always be zero.
A number of components in this
project are static sensitive and should
be treated accordingly. This applies
particularly to the LCD module and
IC1, the microcontroller. Wear a properly earthed anti-static wrist strap and
use a soldering iron with an earthed
tip during the following steps.
All parts, including the LCD module, are mounted on a single PC board
measuring 115 x 36mm. Referring to
the overlay diagram (Fig.2), begin by
installing the 9 tinned copper wire
links, taking care to keep the links as
straight as possible, as many of them
will pass quite close to component
leads. Next, install all the resistors,
diode D1, and then the socket for IC1.
The crystal (X1) can be installed
next. Its leads should be bent at 90°
about 2mm from the body so that they
slip easily into their holes with the
package lying flat against the PC board.
Before soldering, make sure that you
can just see the hole in the PC board
at the top edge of the crystal. You need
to use a short length of tinned copper
wire to solder the body of the crystal
to the pad underneath at this point.
Next, install IC2, S1, VR1, CON1 &
CON3. Note: CON1 is optional; it isn’t
needed if you have a pre-programmed
microcontroller (IC1).
Fig.2: the assembly details for the PC board. The body of the crystal (X1) is
anchored to an earth track on the board using tinned copper wire.
Fig.3: install the 5V regulator on the copper side of the board, as shown here
(see also Fig.5).
Fig.4: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
This view shows the fully assembled PC board, prior
to mounting the LCD module. The LCD module plugs
into a 16-way header socket and is secured using
12mm spacers and machine screws.
This photo shows how
the 5V regulator is
installed on the back
of the board.
28 Silicon Chip
Now flip the board over and install
REG1 on the copper side, following
the mounting details shown in Fig.5.
The insulator is necessary to prevent
the tab of the regulator shorting out
the tracks that pass underneath. Solder the regulator’s leads and flip the
board over again. You will note that
the regulator’s leads protrude through
the top (component) side – cut these
off flush with the surface of the board.
Now we can install all the capacitors. Take special care with the five
10µF electrolytic capacitors. As you
can see from the photos, they need
to have their leads bent at 90° (about
2mm from the body) so that they lie
flat against the PC board. These are
polarised components – it is important
which “way around” they’re installed,
and getting it wrong on this board is
dead easy!
CON2 and the sockets for LED1
and IC3 can be installed next. We’ve
socketed both LED1 and IC3 using
part of the 40-pin single row header
socket, so begin by cutting down the
header socket into one 16-pin length,
one 3-pin length and one 2-pin length.
Use a sharp utility knife, and watch
the pinkies!
Install your newly-fashioned sockets into their respective positions,
making sure that they are seated
squarely against the PC board before
soldering. We won’t plug in LED1 or
IC3 just yet, because we need to fit
the LCD module first to get height
Note that we haven’t installed IC1 or
IC4 yet either (tempting, isn’t it?). We
need to apply power first and check
that the +5V rail is OK. To do this,
you’ll need to make up the power/data
cable, using Fig.6 as a guide.
Hook up the cable and apply power.
If you don’t want to power the unit
from your PC just yet, then any DC
power source capable of supplying between about 8-12V DC at 100mA will
do the job. Using a digital multimeter,
measure between pins 10 and 20 of the
IC1 socket. You meter should read 5V
±0.25V. If all is OK, remove power and
install IC1 and IC4.
Mounting the LCD module.
Now we’re making progress! First,
we need to install the header pins
along the top edge of the LCD module.
It’s important that the pins are inserted
on the correct side of the board (see
photos) – once they’re soldered in,
Fig.5: the mounting details for the
7805 regulator. It must be isolated
from the copper on the PC board
using an insulating pad.
they’re very difficult to remove!
Using side-cutters or a sharp knife,
separate a 16-pin section (for modules
with backlighting) or 14-pin section
(for modules without backlighting)
from the 40-pin single row header.
Insert it on the bottom side of the LCD
module and solder on the top (display)
side. Ensure that the entire row of pins
is seated squarely (sitting at 90° to the
PC board) before soldering.
Now plug the module into CON2
and secure to the main PC board with
the four 12mm untapped spacers and
M2.5 screws and nuts. You will note
that the header doesn’t quite go all the
way home – it sits about 1mm proud
of the socket edge. This is perfectly
acceptable, as the socket contacts
have already done their job. Don’t fit
washers under the nuts or screw heads,
as they may short out nearby tracks.
By the way, we’ve specified a particular LCD module from Dick Smith
Electronics as not all modules have
identical mounting hole or connector
positions. In other words, you may
have difficulties if you try to fit a module from a different source.
The final step is installing LED1
and IC3, the IR receiver chip. As you
can see from the photos, we have not
plugged these components directly
into their sockets. Rather, to ensure
reliable mating to the socket contacts,
we’ve soldered them to header pins
Separate one 2-pin length and one
3-pin length from the remaining portion of the single row header for the
LED and IR receiver. Before soldering
them to the header pins, you might
find it easier to prepare the front
panel first so that you can accurately
determine how much lead length will
be required.
Bolting it up
An easy way to get everything to
fit nicely up front is to photocopy the
template in Fig.7, cut it out and tape
it on to the panel. Use a sharp knife
to mark the display cutout outline,
and a centre punch to mark the hole
positions for drilling.
Four long spacers are used to mount
the assembly behind the panel, so lets
fit these next. Slip an M3 x 10mm
screw into one of the corner holes on
the PC board from the copper side. If
your LCD module has backlighting,
it is 4.5mm “thicker” than ones that
don’t, so install two M3 washers and
an M3 nut to provide extra mounting
depth. Finish with a 20mm tapped
spacer and then repeat the above for
Fig.6: how to wire
up your cable. If
you’re installing
it in your PC, then
allow about 200mm
for the power cable
and about 700mm
for the data cable,
depending on the
size of your case.
September 2001 29
Fig.7: the is the drilling and cutting template for the drive-bay blanking plate. Note that the two IR sensors
specified in the parts list require different hole sizes.
Fig.8: this drawing shows how the
LCD module is mounted. Note how
the leads of the IR receiver (IC3) are
bent, so that it fits neatly against the
front panel. Make sure that the LED
leads cannot come into contact with
the IR receiver leads.
the other three corners.
Invert the works on a flat surface
(LCD module and spacers facing
down) and check that no light is visible
between the end of the spacers and the
flat surface. In other words, the spacers
should be equal to or slightly higher
than the surface of the LCD module.
If not, then add washers as necessary.
This is important because no pressure
Fig.9: the LCD module has eight
user-definable characters. Each
pixel row translates to one
byte, with a total of eight bytes
required to define one character.
Here we show how a “left arrow”
character might be defined.
should be applied to the front of the
LCD module when the assembly is
bolted home.
With the assembly complete, you
can trial-fit it to the front panel in
order to gauge the length of the LED
and IR receiver leads. The LED leads
need to be long enough so that it
protrudes through the panel, but not
so long that its shoulder contacts the
inside of the panel surface when installed.
The IR receiver needs to be bent over
at 90°, with its main body mass flush
with the inside panel surface. Fig.8
shows how this is done. Take your time
with this step, as it’s easy to overstress
the leads. The IR lens (the “bump”)
should actually slip inside the hole
that you’ve drilled in the panel, with
plenty of clearance all round. Once
you’re satisfied, trim to size and solder
to the header pins.
Testing the LCD display
Hook up the cable to a free serial
port on your PC and connect a suitable
power source. If you’ve made the cable
as per our diagram, then obviously
you’ll need access to an unused disk
drive power connector from inside
the PC case.
If all your PC’s power connectors
are already in use, you can purchase
a “splitter” cable to fix the problem.
These are available from DSE (cat
X-2604), Jaycar (cat PL-0750) and most
other computer suppliers.
I’m assuming you’re running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT or 2000, and that
The pin header is soldered to the LCD module as shown in the
above photograph. The photo at left shows how the LED and
IR receiver are mounted on header pins on the main board and
plugged into matching header sockets.
30 Silicon Chip
The completed module is attached to the drive-bay blank using 20mm tapped
spacers plus extra M3 nuts and washers as necessary to ensure that the LCD sits
flush with the front panel cutout. The drive-bay blanks were resprayed black
and the computer case charcoal grey with yellow highlights, to improve the
you have HyperTerminal installed.
If you don’t have HyperTerminal
installed, then you can install it from
the original Windows CD via Control
Panel -> Add/Remove Programs ->
Windows Setup. You’ll find it in the
“Communications” group.
When you start HyperTerminal,
you’ll be prompted for a name for
the new connection. Enter whatever
you like and click OK. The Connect
to dialog box now appears. Click the
down-arrow next to the Connect using
box and select the appropriate COM
port, then click OK. The COM port settings dialog appears next. The settings
you require are as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: Hardware
Now click on the OK button and
you’re ready to go.
As soon as power is applied, the
start-up message “S ILICON C HIP ”
should be displayed and you will be
able to see the glow of the LED back
lighting. Characters that you type on
the keyboard should appear verbatim
on the display. You can also experiment with the various control codes.
For example, to clear the display, hold
down ‘Ctrl’ and press ‘L’.
Testing the IR receiver
Before you can test the IR receiver,
you need to set up your remote control
to suit. Universal remote controls are
supplied with a long list of all the
brands and types of equipment they
support. For our application, you
should select only “Philips” as the
brand and either “VCR” or “CD” for
the equipment type. You’ll probably
find that more than one code is listed
against each choice, with no further
explanation. All you can do is try
each code in the list until you find
one that works.
Following the supplied instructions, lock in the chosen code and
then press the appropriate equipment
button. For example, if you chose
“VCR”, don’t forget to press the VCR
button before proceeding!
We found that VCR code 278 works
well with the Jaycar BC-3000, while for
the Remote Master we chose CD code
1065 (use device mode AUX).
You’ll know you’ve found a code
that works when you point the remote
at the IR receiver, press a button (try
a digit first) and the LED flashes in
response. If you still have the serial
connection active, you’ll note that
“garbage” characters appear in the
HyperTerminal window whenever
you press a key on the remote. This
is a great sign – it means that all is
working to plan!
What if it doesn’t work?
In all cases, recheck the +5V supply
rail. Next, check that the microcontroller’s reset signal on pin 1 is at a logic
high (close to 5V) and if you have an
oscilloscope, check that the crystal
oscillator is oscillating.
Does the LCD display a message
at power on? If not, check for shorts
between pins at CON2 and using the
circuit and overlay diagrams as a reference, do a continuity test between
the pins on the LCD and the associated
pins on the microcontroller.
September 2001 31
Listing 1
symbol S_IN = 6
'serial data input pin
symbol S_OUT = 7
'serial data output pin
symbol SYS_CODE = B0
'save system code here
symbol CMD_CODE = B1
'save command code here
pause 500
'wait for display to initialise
' Clear LCD screen and display message
serout S_OUT,N2400,(12,“IR Receive Test”)
' Wait until start of record received ($FE), then save next 2 bytes
serin S_IN,N2400,($FE),SYS_CODE,CMD_CODE
' Display the received IR codes on the LCD
serout S_OUT,N2400,(12,“Sys Code = ”,#SYS_CODE)
serout S_OUT,N2400,(10,13,“Cmd Code = ”,#CMD_CODE)
goto loop
Listing 2
PRINT “Custom character demo for Silicon Chip LCD Display”
' Set up COM port (change COMx number to suit your system).
OPEN “COM2:9600,N,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0,OP0” FOR OUTPUT AS #1
' Write the bit patterns (from the DATA statements below)
' into the LCD’s CG RAM.
FOR Char = 0 TO 2
'define custom chars 0, 1 & 2
CharNum$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(Char))) 'trim off Qbasic’s spaces
PRINT #1, CHR$(27); “D”; CharNum$; 'send ESC D and character number
FOR Row = 1 TO 8
'each char. consists of 8 rows
READ CharBits
'get next bit pattern from data
PRINT #1, CHR$(CharBits);
'write to LCD
'do all 8 rows for this character
'do next character
PRINT #1, CHR$(16); CHR$(16 + 64); 'cursor to start of second line
PRINT #1, CHR$(0 + 128); CHR$(1 + 128); CHR$(2 + 128) 'show custom
' Custom character bit patterns follow.
' OK symbol
DATA 8,20,20,8,5,6,5,5
' locked symbol
DATA 14,17,17,31,27,27,31,0
' unlocked symbol
DATA 14,16,16,31,27,27,31,0
If the LCD appears to be working
but characters are not displayed when
you type in HyperTerminal, then you
can do a complete line loopback that
will verify your cable as well as the
RS232 receiver/transmitter chip (IC4).
To do this, remove the LCD, unplug
the microcontroller (IC1) and insert a
fine wire link between pins 2 & 3 of
the microcontroller socket and another
link between pins 7 & 10. Leave out
the LCD module (and IC1, of course!)
and apply power.
Now any keys you type should be
looped right back and displayed in the
HyperTerminal window.
So the display and serial input
works but the IR receiver doesn’t?
First, check that the LED lights when
you press the switch (S1). Next, check
that you have installed the receiver
chip (IC3) correctly, with pin 1 aligned
as shown on the circuit and overlay
diagrams (and photos). The output
from this chip is idle high, going low
when infrared light modulated around
the 38kHz mark is received. If possible,
try a different remote control, set up
as detailed above.
Got other uses in mind?
Although this project is intended for
our MP3 Jukebox, it would be equally
at home as an extension to just about
any computer or microcontroller
project that requires an intelligent
serial LCD readout and/or an IR
Perhaps an example is in order.
Fig.10 shows how to connect up to a
Basic Stamp 1. Listing 1 shows just
how easy it is to drive, even with the
Basic Stamp’s limited resources. This
short program waits for a key press
on the remote and then writes the
received system and command bytes
back to the LCD – an easy way to check
Fig.10: this project is eminently suitable as an add-on to
a variety of other micro projects. Here’s how to wire it up
to the Basic Stamp-1C. This model Stamp doesn’t have a
true RS232 serial interface, so the resistors are included
to provide protection for the I/O port pins. (The Basic
Stamp-1C is available from Dick Smith Electronics).
32 Silicon Chip
The RC5 Remote Control Specification
AVE YOU EVER wondered
how it is possible to control
multiple pieces of equipment in
the same room with just one remote?
Well, all remote control systems that
we know of use a method of addressing that separates equipment into
generic groups. TVs, VCRs and CD
players, for example, represent three
such groups.
In the RC5 specification, there are
a total of 32 addressable groups,
each with 64 possible commands.
If you do the sums, this means that
2048 unique commands (or “messages”) are supported.
Each message in the RC5 coding
method is composed of a 14-bit
serial stream. A message consists
of four parts:
• Start part – 1.5 bits (2 x logic “1”)
• Control part – 1 bit
• System part – 5 bits
• Command part – 6 bits
The start bits give the receiver
AGC time to “lock on” to the incoming
data. The control bit, also called the
toggle bit, is simply a flag to indicate
whether the following code is new or
repeated. If a new key is pressed, the
control bit toggles (changes state)
from it’s previous value, otherwise it
remains the same. The system bits
are the equipment address, as described above. Finally, the command
bits are the code for the actual key
Table 3 lists all of the equipment
addresses. Table 4 lists just a few
of the possible 64 commands and
the key functions that they relate to.
Determining the code transmitted for
any key on your remote is very easy,
the codes assigned to each key on the
Advanced features
The default baud rate is 9600 bits/
sec, but can be changed to either 4800
or 2400 by entering setup mode. To enter setup mode, press and hold down
switch S1, then apply power, releasing
the switch when the start-up message
appears. Immediately the switch is
released, a message appears displaying
the firmware revision, followed by the
Table 3: RC5 Equipment
TV1 & TV2 expansion
Laser video player
VCR1 & VCR2 expansion
CD video
CD photo
Audio preamp 1
Cassette recorder
Audio preamp 2
Audio rack
Audio satellite receiver
DCC recorder
Writable CD
as we will see in our software examples.
On the physical level, data is transmitted using bi-phase (also known
as Manchester) encoding. A logic
one is represented by a zero-to-one
transition at 1/2-bit time, whereas a
logic zero is represented by a one-tozero transition. One-bit time is approx.
prompt “Set baud rate?”. If you press
the switch again within four seconds,
the current baud rate is displayed.
You can then cycle through all three
possible baud rate values in turn, until you find the one that you require.
If you don’t press the switch within
four seconds, then the display clears
and the last value displayed becomes
the new baud rate. Don’t worry if you
weren’t quick enough the first time;
just repeat the procedure!
If you don’t press the switch at the
Table 4: RC5 Keycodes
& Functions
Volume Volume +
Ch/prog +
Ch/prog 20+
Tint/hue +
1.778ms, so a complete message
is 24.889ms long, with messages
repeated at a minimum of 114ms
To reduce interference from other
light sources, data is transmitted on
a 36kHz carrier. We found that the
Jaycar ZD-1952 infrared receiver
IC worked well with a number of different remote controls that we tried,
even though its centre frequency is
specified as 37.9kHz.
“Set baud rate?” prompt, then “Down
load EEPROM?” appears after a few
seconds. If you press the switch at this
point, the message changes to “Waiting
for data”. As you might have deduced
from the message, this feature allows
you to update the contents of the microcontroller's EEPROM. In order to
make use of this feature, you need at
least a little knowledge of microcontroller programming.
The AT90S2323 has 128 bytes of
EEPROM and our firmware makes use
September 2001 33
Parts List For IR Remote Receiver + LCD Display
1 PC board, code 07109011,
115 x 36mm
1 LCD module, 16 character x 2
line with LED backlight*
(DSE Cat Z-4172) -OR1 LCD module, 16 character x 2
line (DSE Cat Z-4170). *
Note: LCD module with backlighting recommended
1 10-pin dual row header (CON 1)
(optional, see text)
1 40-pin single row header socket
(CON 2) (Altronics Cat P-5390)
1 40-pin single row header (for LCD
module) (Altronics Cat P-5430)
1 90° PC-mount 6-pin header
(CON3) (Altronics Cat P-5516)
1 6-pin header socket to suit above
(Altronics cat P-5476)
1 SPST tactile membrane switch
(S1) (Altronics Cat S-1120)
1 20-pin IC socket (machined pin
1 4MHz crystal (HC49 package,
parallel resonant) (X1)
1 4-pin disk drive power connector
(socket, with male pins)
(DSE Cat. P-5120)
1 9-pin female ‘D’ connector with
1 Universal IR Remote Control
(eg, Jaycar Cat. AR-1710)
1 AT90S2313-4P microcontroller
(IC1), programmed with
1 MC34064P-5 under-voltage
sensor (IC2) (Altronics Cat.
of a fair slice of this to store parameters such as the baud rate, power-on
message and custom LCD characters.
If you’re not daunted by the innards
of an assembler file, then have a look
at the IRREE.ASM file included in the
software download – you can open it
with any text editor. This file defines
the layout of the data stored in the
microcontroller's EEPROM.
You can make changes to this file,
reassemble it (using any Atmel AVR
assembler) and download the resultant
IRREE.EEP hex file using the above
setup mode feature.
To do this, enter setup mode, and get
the “Waiting for data” message on the
34 Silicon Chip
1 IR receiver (IC3) (Jaycar Cat.
ZD-1952; DSE Cat. Z-1955)
1 MAX232 RS232 receiver/driver
1 LM7805 5V regulator (REG1)
1 3mm high efficiency red LED
1 1N4001 1A diode (D1)
1 100µF 25V PC electrolytic
5 10µF 16V PC electrolytic
3 0.1µF 50V monolithic ceramic
2 27pF 50V ceramic disc
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 180Ω
1 22Ω
1 10kΩ miniature horizontal
trimpot (VR1)
4 12mm untapped spacers (5mm
max. O.D.)
4 M3 x 20mm tapped spacers
4 M2.5 x 20mm screws
4 M2.5 nuts
5 M3 x 6mm c/sunk head screws
4 M3 x 10mm cheese head screws
4 M3 nuts
13 M3 washers
1 TO-220 silicone or mica
insulating washer
180mm (approx.) tinned copper
wire for links
4-core data cable for serial port
Light-duty hookup wire
display as described above. With the
board connected to your PC, open HyperTerminal (configured as described
earlier) and send the new IRREE.EEP
file out the designated serial port using
text only file transfer. If the transfer
is successful, then the LCD should
display “Download OK!”, otherwise
an error message will appear.
If nothing happens, then the data
was either not received or was garbled.
Defining custom characters
In addition to the standard character
set (see Table 1), the LCD module has
eight custom-character slots. These
can be really handy, as we found
when we needed the classic “play”,
“stop” and “pause” symbols for our
MP3 Jukebox.
LCD characters are composed on a 5
x 8 pixel bitmap. Each character row
is defined in one byte, with the upper,
unused bits set to zero. Fig.9 gives an
example of the values needed to define
a single character.
Once you know the bit patterns
for your new character, send them to
the LCD with the following escape
ESC D n B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
where ‘ESC’ identifies the start of a
multi-byte instruction, ‘D’ indicates
that this is a custom character definition, ‘n’ is the character number (from
0-7), and B0-B7 are the byte patterns
that define the custom character.
Using the values from our example,
the actual string to transmit (in decimal notation) would be:
27 68 00 00 04 08 31 08 04 00 00
The microcontroller maps custom
characters to ASCII 128-136, so to
display a custom character, use its
number (0-7) plus an offset of 128.
Listing.2 shows how it all works in a
real program. This example, written in
QBasic, defines the first three custom
character slots and then displays the
Programming the micro
If you purchased this project as a
kit, then the microcontroller (IC1) will
have been pre-programmed and you
can ignore the following information.
If not, then we have made provisions
for programming the chip in-circuit.
In common with many recent microcontrollers, the AT90S2313’s flash
program memory and EEPROM data
memory can be electrically erased and
programmed while in-circuit. Atmel
has assigned alternate functions to
three port pins for the task, which
we’ve routed to CON1, the in-circuit
serial programming (ISP) header.
To use this feature, you need a free
software package from Atmel called
AVR ISP. You also need a simple
adapter board that connects between
your PC’s parallel port and CON1 on
our board. We hope to describe this
board next month.
Finally, the microcontroller program files (including all the source
code) are available for free download
from the Silicon Chip website at