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Intermediate Frequency (IF)
Amplifiers; Pt.1
The IF stage is an important circuit section in
all superheterodyne radio receivers. Here’s
a look at how the IF stage evolved in early
broadcast-band AM radio receivers and the
problems that were overcome along the way.
In a superheterodyne receiver, the
IF amplifier has a number of tasks to
accomplish. First, it sets the selectivity
of a receiver (ie, the ability to separate
stations), whether tuned to 30MHz
(megahertz) or 550kHz (kilohertz).
If you’ve ever tuned an Astor “Football”, a tuned radio frequency (TRF)
set, you will notice that the selectivity
is good at 550kHz but is quite broad at
1600kHz. At 1600kHz, stations up to
30kHz away from the designated tuned
frequency can be heard in addition
to the desired station. However, this
is not usually a serious problem, as
stations are allocated channels at least
100kHz apart in any particular area.
The IF amplifier stage also provides
most of the radio frequency (RF)
amplification in a superheterodyne
receiver. This means that fewer stages
are required to obtain the same perfor
mance compared to a TRF set. It is also
much easier to set up, with just a few
screwdriver adjustments required for
alignment, and is often the only stage
in a receiver that has automatic gain
control (AGC/AVC) voltages applied
to it.
Finally, some IF amplifier valves
include detector and AGC diodes. So
the IF amplifier stage is a very important part of a superhet radio receiver.
The frequencies used
Over the years, manufacturers have
used many different intermediate
frequencies (IFs) in their receivers.
For example, in very early Australian
domestic sets, the IFs were in the order
of 30, 45, 50 and 60kHz. However, once
superheterodyne receivers became
This photo show a selection of several large-size IF
78 Silicon Chip
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This large IF transformer includes
a top-cap grid connection lead.
properly established, the common IFs
used were as follows: 173kHz, 175kHz,
181.5kHz, 182.5kHz, 200kHz, 210kHz,
212.5kHz, 220kHz, 226kHz, 250kHz,
252kHz, 252.5kHz, 262.5kHz, 390kHz,
445kHz, 446kHz, 450kHz, 452kHz,
453kHz, 453.5kHz, 455kHz, 456kHz,
457.5kHz, 458kHz, 460kHz, 462.5kHz,
465kHz, 469kHz, 472.5kHz, 475kHz,
550kHz and 595kHz.
That’s quite a list and covers 36
different frequencies that were used
by various manufacturers in Australia
over the period that domestic superheterodyne radio receivers have been
around. Both 550kHz and 595kHz
appear to have been used by some
sets when tuned to shortwave, or in
shortwave converters. On the other
hand, high-fidelity AM tuners often
used 1900kHz and some earlier communications receivers used 1600kHz
or 1650kHz.
Later high-frequency (HF) communications and other specialised receivers used a number of other frequencies,
including frequencies around 45MHz
and 70MHz in the VHF range. However, we are not interested in those in
this article.
The next question to ask is which IF
frequency is the “best”? The answer is
that there is no “best”. They all have
their good and bad points. Initially,
superhets used very low IF frequencies, as mentioned above. These low
For Technical Details and Professional Pricing Contact
IFs (30-60kHz) enabled triode valves
to be used with no neutralisation
and provided quite high selectivity.
However, their big disadvantage was
that they suffered intolerable “double-spotting”.
“Double-spotting” is a term that
means that the wanted station is tuned
in at two spots on the dial. These
spots would be just 60kHz apart if
an IF of 30kHz is used. So how does
this occur?
In a superhet receiver, the local
oscillator frequency is offset from the
wanted station by the frequency of
the IF amplifier. For example, let’s say
that the wanted station is on 800kHz
and the IF is 30kHz. This means that
the local oscillator (which is usually
higher in frequency than the tuned
station) will be on 800 + 30 = 830kHz.
However, if the selectivity of the
RF stage is quite poor, a station on
860kHz will also give a 30kHz IF
output when mixed with the local
oscillator (on 830kHz). As a result,
two stations – one on 800kHz and
one on 860kHz – will be received at
the same time.
If the receiver is now tuned to
740kHz the oscillator will be on
770kHz. However, this will also give
a 30kHz IF output from the 800kHz
station. This means that the 800kHz
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December 2002 79
of many stations, the image problem
was becoming quite noticeable again.
This was particularly evident where
stations were about 350kHz apart.
The move to a 455kHz IF
These 455kHz (top) and 1600kHz IF transformers have been dismantled to show
the windings. The windings are secured inside the metal cans for protection and
station is heard at both the 800kHz and
740kHz positions on the dial.
Indeed, it was virtually impossible
to stop double-spotting on these early
sets with very low IFs, as the selectivity of the aerial and RF tuned circuits
was quite poor. But even today, with
much higher quality materials, double-spotting would still be a major
problem using such a low IF.
Double-spotting (or more correctly,
the “image”) was a real annoyance
and so designers set about solving
this problem. As a result, triode valves
were used for only a short time in
superhets, being quickly replaced by
the tetrodes and pentodes that were
being developed during this time. The
latter valve types had greater gain at RF
compared to triodes and so generally
didn’t require neutralisation. And that
in turn made it possible to select a
higher IF to help overcome the image
The next frequency selected was
around 175kHz. This meant that the
image frequency was now 350kHz (ie,
2 x 175kHz) away from the desired
80 Silicon Chip
frequency (instead of being just 60kHz
away). This meant that the image was
rarely observed on those receivers that
featured an RF stage – at least on the
broadcast band.
However, if the receiver had no RF
stage, it only had the selectivity of the
aerial coil to rely on. Unfortunately,
this was insufficient to provide image rejection and so the image was
still quite evident – although further
away. To overcome this problem, some
sets used a bandpass double-tuned
aerial coil network. However, this
still involved using a 3-gang tuning
capacitor, despite the absence of an
RF amplifier stage.
A growing problem
In the 1920s, there weren’t many
radio stations and so the image didn’t
really present a problem. However, as
the 1930s progressed, more and more
radio stations commenced operation
and they were becoming more powerful too. This meant that the gain of
an RF stage was not needed on the
broadcast band but due to the strength
Fortunately, the materials used
to make RF coils and trans
had improved during this period, as
had the pentode valves used for RF
amplification. As a result, a move to
a higher intermediate frequency was
investigated in the early to mid-1930s.
This step also involved the Postmaster
General’s Department (PMG), as will
soon be evident.
To overcome image problems, an IF
in the frequency band just below the
broadcast band was sought. However,
the frequency band from 405-513kHz
had been used by large ships and coastal radio stations since the beginning of
the 20th century. This meant that the
new IF had to be carefully selected,
otherwise marine radio stations could
break through into broadcast receivers
on the IF frequency.
Obviously, having Morse code
transmissions on top of the news or
the current popular radio serial would
not be well accepted. What’s more,
it would not be possible to tune the
interference out.
The PMG allocated all frequencies
for radio transmission services but had
not allocated any marine frequencies
around 455kHz. As a result, Australia
fell into line with the USA which had
already adopted 455kHz as the fav
oured IF frequency.
A number of manufacturers put a
series tuned IF trap (455kHz) across
the aerial and earth terminals to make
doubly sure that interference problems would not occur. At the same
time, the gain of the IF amplifiers
increased as better low-loss materials
became available for constructing IF
Initially, some IF stages used aircored coils which were tuned by
fixed and adjustable capacitors in
parallel with one another. Later on, the
capacitors were fixed and the inductance was varied by placing moveable
iron-dust slugs into the centres of the
coil formers. And later again, the two
windings in most IF transformers were
encased in an iron-dust or ferrite pot
core type assembly which improved
the performance even more.
With the IF at 455 kHz, the image
was now 910kHz away. This meant
Photo Gallery: STC Model 5017A & STC Model 5017
The STC Model 5017A used the same chassis as the more
compact 5017 shown at right but was housed in a different
cabinet style. It featured an attractive illuminated dial that was
oval in shape. The example shown here was produced in Sydney
in 1936. It covered the medium-wave broadcast band only and
used the following valve line-up: 6A7 frequency changer; 6D6
IF amplifier; 6B7 1st audio/detector/AVC amplifier; a 42 output
stage; and an 80 rectifier. (Photo and information courtesy
Historical Radio Society Of Australia).
that a set tuned to 600kHz would have
an image response at 1510kHz – nearly
off the end of the broadcast band. The
frequency difference had now become
so great that the selectivity of a single
tuned circuit in the aerial was adequate to reject almost all signals on
the image frequency.
With the profusion of IF frequencies
around 455kHz (445-475kHz), marine
radio stations could be still amplified
by the IF amplifier in those receivers
not tuned to 455kHz. In Europe, for
example, 465kHz and 475kHz were
common IF frequencies, as the marine
radio stations were allocated different
frequencies to those used in Australia
and New Zealand.
Substituting IF transformers
Anyone aiming to keep a supply of
IF transformers to tune to every one
of these frequencies is going to need
a rather large box to store them all.
Scrutiny of the range of frequencies
will reveal that they fall into a few
general frequency ranges such as 173182.5kHz, 200-226kHz, 250-262.5kHz
and 446-475kHz – with 390kHz,
550kHz and 595kHz being the odd
ones out.
As an example, let’s say that you
have a set with an IF of 475kHz in
Produced by STC (Sydney) in 1937, the
Model 5017 was housed in a stylish
wooden cabinet that was more upright
than the cabinet used for the 5017A. It
carried the same illuminated oval-shaped
dial and also covered the medium-wave
broadcast band. Its valve line-up was
identical to that used in the 5017A, ie: 6A7
frequency changer; 6D6 IF amplifier; 6B7
1st audio/detector/AVC amplifier; a 42
output stage; and an 80 rectifier. (Photo
and information courtesy Historical Radio
Society Of Australia).
which an IF transformer
becomes faulty. So where
can you get a replacement
475kHz IF transformer in
Australia? The answer is
you probably can’t get one
but fortunately, most 455kHz units can
be adjusted to 475kHz.
In fact, most IF transformers have
a frequency adjustment range of 110115%. Therefore, it isn’t necessary
to keep a wide range of transformers.
Most 175kHz transformers will cover
from 173-182.5kHz and most 455kHz
transformers will cover from 445475kHz (these are the two most popular frequencies used). IF transformers
in the 200kHz and 250kHz range were
less common, with only a few receivers
using them.
Modifying IF transformers
If a direct replacement can’t be
found, it’s also possible to modify IF
transformers to operate at different
frequencies. Note, however, that their
performance may be slightly inferior
to the ideal replacement.
For example, I have an AWA AR8
receiver which has an IF of about
750kHz. One IF transformer winding
went open circuit in the middle of the
winding and replacements definitely
are not readily available.
To solve this problem, I opened
up an AWA 455kHz IF transformer
of the same general size and reduced
the value of the two fixed mica tuning
capacitors (from 400pF to 100pF). This
enabled the IF transformer to be tuned
to 750kHz and the set worked just as
well as it did with the original.
This is a useful trick to remember if
you need to adjust an IF transformer
to an odd-ball frequency that’s outside
its original tuning range.
Of course, new replacement IF
transformers are no longer available
but old derelict receivers are a good
source. So never throw a derelict receiver away until you’ve stripped it of
everything that’s likely to be useful.
Standardised IF frequencies
In the domestic arena today, there
are two main IF frequencies used on
the AM bands: 455kHz and 450kHz.
The latter is commonly used in synthesised receivers, since this frequency is
very convenient where the set has to
December 2002 81
Vintage Radio – continued
An early side-adjustment IF transformer, shown here out of its metal can. The
holes in the side of the can provide access to the adjustment slugs.
be able to tune in either 9kHz steps
or 10kHz steps. That’s because there
are no complicated division ratios as
there would be if 455kHz were used.
ceiver will radiate very little IF or IF
harmonic energy but most domestic
receivers are not shielded so these
signals are radiated.
IF & detector radiation
AM signal transmissions
During operation, all receivers radiate some signals from the IF amplifier
and detector stages. These signals are
radiated on 455kHz and also on the
second harmonic at 910kHz. That’s
because the detector is a non-linear
device and generates harmonics of the
intermediate frequency.
For this reason, no radio station was
allocated 910kHz when stations were
10kHz apart. Nor is 909kHz used now
that 9kHz station spacing is used. If a
station had been allocated 910kHz or
909kHz, there could have been considerable interference from the receiver
itself and this would have caused
“whistles” on that station.
As a matter of interest, I had an
amateur-band receiver that tuned from
1800-1875kHz and it picked up the
fourth harmonic radiation of the IF
on 1820kHz. So it certainly can and
does occur. A well-shielded radio re-
As can be imagined, the signal emitted from AM broadcast transmitters
determines the design parameters of IF
amplifier stages. So let’s take a closer
look at AM broadcast signals.
The transmitted signal consists of
three components: the carrier frequency (eg, 600kHz) plus upper and lower
sidebands which convey the audio
signal. These upper and lower sidebands are identical and they extend
either side away from the carrier by
an amount that’s equal to the highest
audio frequency used to modulate the
For example, if there is a 10kHz
audio frequency present, the side
bands are ±10kHz either side of the
carrier frequency. This means that if
the carrier is on 600kHz, for example,
then the sidebands are at 590kHz and
610kHz, so that the whole signal is
20kHz wide. When that signal is con-
82 Silicon Chip
verted to the IF, the actual receiver IF
channel passband would need to pass
all signals from 445kHz to 465kHz.
However, the IF amplifier passband
shape is not perfect and signals are
not amplified uniformly within the
passband. In addition, the frequency
response of the IF transformers does
not drop dramatically outside of the
wanted passband. Hence frequencies
further than 10kHz from the centre
frequency (455kHz) will also be amplified but to a lesser extent, as you
can see from the IF response graph
in Fig.1.
AM broadcast transmitters did
transmit audio frequencies up to
10kHz and beyond before the introduction of 9kHz station spacing, although
I suspect that they now restrict themselves to 9kHz. Shortwave AM radio
transmitters such as Radio Australia
only transmit audio frequencies as
high as 4.5kHz.
For this reason, a 20kHz IF bandwidth is not always necessary. In the
case of Radio Australia, for example, a
9kHz bandwidth would be quite adequate, particularly so when shortwave
radio stations are allocated channels
5kHz apart. And although AM radio
stations do transmit signals as high
as 9kHz, very few run-of-the-mill
receivers can reproduce frequencies
that high.
The IF bandwidth of older receivers
was probably of the order of 10kHz,
which allowed frequencies up to 5kHz
to pass through. However, the latest
imported transistor sets may only have
an IF bandwidth of just 7kHz which
means that audio frequencies up to
only about 3.5kHz will be reproduced.
And that’s not taking into account the
limited response of the 50mm speakers
used in many sets!
Why so many IFs?
According to the Australian Official
Radio Service Manuals (AORSM) and
other sources, 16 IF centre frequencies
ranging between 445kHz and 475kHz
were used. Many of these varied by
just a kilohertz or so from an adjoining
intermediate frequency.
It might be thought that manufacturers had some good reason why a
particular IF centre frequency was
used. However, with only a few exceptions, I can find no reason why
this should be so. If a 455kHz IF channel is 20kHz wide, it would amplify
all the frequencies/channels from
445kHz to 465kHz as mentioned at
the beginning of the article, although
not equally and with considerable
sideband cutting and distortion in
many cases.
In the 1930s and 1940s, many of the
smaller manufacturers did not have
accurate signal generators and may
have relied on crystal oscillators to
set the IF centre frequency. Crystals
were not cheap so if they had one
on a slightly different frequency to
455kHz, that would not have worried
them. However, I do know why one
frequency other than 455kHz was used
in the days of 10kHz spacing between
With a 455kHz IF, the image frequency is 910kHz higher. If a receiver
was tuned to 600kHz (for example),
the image would be on 1510 kHz. If
there was a strong station on 1510
kHz and the station on 600kHz was
weak, a whistle may have been heard
on the weaker station due to the image
Fig.1: typical frequency response of an IF stage centred on 455kHz. Note
that the response is not perfect since not all signals in the passband are
amplified uniformly.
A clever scheme
To overcome this, HMV used an IF
centre frequency of 457.5kHz. The
image frequency in this case was
915kHz higher, so a receiver tuned
to a 600kHz station would have an
image frequency of 1515kHz, which
is 5kHz away from the carrier frequency of broadcast stations on either
1510kHz or 1520kHz. This meant that,
in an ideal world, the whistle was
5kHz and by adjusting the tone control
it would not be evident.
This was a nifty idea by HMV and
it worked quite well, provided that
the IF was accurately aligned. And,
of course, it also relied on the owner
Fig.2: this diagram shows the relative response of the aerial tuned circuit
to (1) a tuned radio station on 600kHz, (2) the local oscillator frequency
on 1055kHz and (3) the image frequency at 1510kHz.
tuning the set accurately!
Next month we’ll look at variable selectivity IF amplifiers, neutralisation,
the effects of unintended IF radiation,
problems with the AGC system and
December 2002 83