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COMPUTERS: Linux Name & DHCP Servers
Using Linux to Share
an Optus Cable
Modem Internet Connection
Pt.2: installing DNS & DHCP servers
Once you have your cable modem working with Linux, the next
step is to set up DNS and DHCP servers. Both can be automatically
started during the Linux boot-up and they will make life much
easier when it comes to setting up the networking options on your
Windows PCs.
It’s always a good idea to install both DNS and DHCP
servers when using a Linux gateway to the Internet and
that applies whether you are using a cable modem or a
dial-up connection. Both servers are easy to get going
under Linux and they make setting up your Windows
boxes a snack.
So what exactly are the functions of these two server
utilities and how do they make life easier? We’ll start by
explaining the role of the Domain Name server (DNS).
DNS servers play a vital role when it come to navigating the Internet. Basically, their job is to translate
domain names into their corresponding IP addresses.
This means, for example, that you can go to the SILICON
CHIP website by typing in instead of typing the IP address into your web browser: ie,
Typically, you make use of the DNS servers (also known
simply as “name” servers) provided by your ISP. This
means that, during setup, you have to enter the IP addresses
for these servers at the DNS Configuration tab in the TCP/
IP Properties dialog box on each of your Windows machines – see Fig.5 last month. Note that there will usually
be at least two name servers – a primary DNS server and
a backup DNS server.
One potential problem with this is that the two nameserver lines in /etc/resolv.conf (on the Linux box) may
change – eg, if your ISP changes the IP address of one
or more of their name servers. This means that you
would then have to manually change them on all your
60 Silicon Chip
Windows PCs or in the DHCP configuration setup that
follows. The standard lease time for the Optus modem
is 12 hours, meaning that the information in /etc/resolv.
conf could change every 12 hours (although this is very
Setting up named
The way around this is to install a name server (or
DNS) on your Linux box. That done, you then simply
tell your Windows PCs or the DHCP configuration that
the name server address is (or whatever IP
address you assigned to the Linux PC). Besides, why
type in two nameserver IP addresses when you can get
away with one?
The name server is a utility called “named”. If it is
installed, it will be in /usr/sbin but it probably won’t be
invoked on start-up by default. There will also be a startup script called named in /etc/rc.d/init.d.
To see if named is installed, type:
ls /usr/sbin/named
You should get a response like that shown in Fig.6. Now
ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/named
Both these files should be there. If not you will have to
install the bind RPM file.
then automatically supply all the necessary
information. This includes doling out a unique
IP address, plus the gateway and DNS server
addresses and the domain name.
Basically, the Linux DHCP server automatically assigns each Windows PC a unique IP
address at boot time, along with all the other
necessary information. This not only simplifies
network setup but also means that you don’t
have to keep track of IP addresses – something
that can become messy if you have more than
a few PCs on your network. It also means that
you don’t need to maintain an lmhosts file on
Fig.6: you can use the “ls” (list) command to check that both named
each PC.
and dhcpd have been installed. You should get responses similar to
What’s more, if the information does change,
those shown here in green.
you can simply run “winipcfg” from the Start,
Run dialog box on each Windows PC to release
To see if named is invoked on start-up, type:
and renew the lease. This refreshes all the necessary
information and also means that you don’t have to
chkconfig --list named
manually alter and reboot each Windows PC on the
If you are currently using Internet Connection Sharing
You should see something like this:
(ICS), then its likely that your client machines (ie, those not
connected to the cable modem) are already set to “Obtain
named 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:off 6:off
an IP address automatically”. That’s because ICS includes
a basic DHCP server.
If you see 3:off instead of 3:on, then type:
In that case, you don’t need to alter any of your Windows client machines when you switch over to the Linux
chkconfig --level 3 named on
gateway – provided, of course, that the Linux box is
running dhcpd.
If you are booting to run level 5 – ie, to the GUI
(which, by the way, you don’t really need for a gateway
Getting dhcpd going
and firewall), then use 35 instead of 3 in the above line;
Like named, dhcpd is installed in /usr/sbin and has a
start-up file in /etc/rc.d/init.d. Once again, it’s probably
not configured to start automatically. To check its status,
chkconfig --level 35 named on
Once that’s done, running chkconfig --list named
chkconfig --list dhcpd
should give:
named 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off
All you have to do now is type:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/named start
That’s it – your name server is up and running. What’s
more, named will automatically start each time the Linux
box is rebooted.
If you don’t want to go to the trouble of manually setting
up the networking parameters (fixed IP addresses, gateways, DNS addresses, etc) on your Windows PCs, then you
will also want to set up “dhcpd”. This is the Linux DHCP
server and it simplifies network setup and administration
in several ways.
First, you don’t have to type any information into the
Network Neighbourhood properties on each of your Windows PCs. Instead, you can simply set each PC to “Obtain
an IP address automatically” (see Fig.10) and dhcpd will
You should see this:
dhcpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:off 6:off
If you see 3:off, then type
chkconfig --level 3 dhcpd on
Alternatively, if you are booting to run level 5 (ie, to the
GUI), substitute “35” for the “3” in the above line.
One more thing you must do, is modify the /etc/rc.d/
init.d/dhcpd start-up file to make sure it only uses eth0
(or eth1 if that connects to your internal network). By
default, dhcpd attempts to use all network cards and so
will refuse to start because there is no configuration for
the eth1 network.
Note also that you specifically don’t want dhcpd to use
eth1 – your ISP would not be amused if you started supplying IP addresses in competition with them!
Edit the /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd file and look for a line
that contains “daemon /usr/sbin/dhcpd” – it’s just after the
December 2002 61
COMPUTERS: Linux Name & DHCP Servers
“start() {“ line. Append <space>eth0 to it so that it looks
like this (see also Fig.7):
daemon /usr/sbin/dhcpd eth0
That will force dhcpd to use eth0 only. Don’t forget
to change eth0 to eth1 if eth1 connects to your internal
network and eth0 goes to the cable modem.
Creating dhcpd.conf
You now need to create a /etc/dhcpd.conf file, which
will not exist. You can either type this in yourself or
download it from the SILICON CHIP website and modify
it to suit.
If you do type it in, be careful as the curly brackets
and semi-colons are important. The spacing can either be
multiple spaces or tabs to make it neat. The file should
look like this:
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name “”;
option netbios-node-type 8;
# ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
# 86400 is one day, 2592000 is 30 days
max-lease-time 86400;
default-lease-time 86400;
The subnet statement tells dhcpd what network to set
up. Usually, your network mask will be, in
which case the fourth number in the subnet will always be
0. The line here is correct for a 192.168.0.x network. If yours
is 192.168.1.x, for example, then change the
to and the option broadcast-address line to
If you have several subnets on your PC, you must have
a subnet statement for each one or dhcpd will not start.
You can have absolutely nothing between the { }’s if you
don’t want IP addresses doled out but the subnets must
exist. This is a problem with network cards configured
with dhcpcd. In this case, you must specify what interfaces you want dhcpd to use on its command line (it
defaults to all).
The range lines tell dhcpd what IP addresses it can
assign to your Windows PCs. In the configuration here,
it can assign and IP addresses ranging from to Note that has
been excluded here, as this is the fixed IP assigned to the
Linux gateway.
Of course, you can change the address range to suit your
own needs and you can have as many range statements
as you require.
The ddns-update-style ad-hoc line is only necessary for
the very latest versions of dhcpd. It's commented out here.
Remove the comment (ie, the “#” symbol) if it’s required.
Option lines
The option lines determine other networking parameters that are to be assigned to your Windows PCs. Note
that most of this information would otherwise have to
be manually entered into every PC on the network if you
weren’t using dhcpd.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the various option
lines and, where applicable, their corresponding entries
in Network Neighbourhood:
(1) option routers is the gateway address.
(2) option domain-name-servers is the DNS IP address.
Note that if you are not using named, then you will need
to enter both IP addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf file here
(separated by commas); eg,
option domain-name-servers, ;
(3) option domain-name is the information that you
would otherwise have to manually assign to the Domain
field at the DNS tab in TCP/IP Properties. It’s the same as
the domain line in /etc/resolv.conf and is usually your
ISP’s domain name unless, of course, you have a private
domain name.
This is the one thing you will have
to change in /etc/dhcpd.conf if it ever
changes but it is highly unlikely that it
will change.
(4) option netbios-node-type is for
Windows Netbios and is simply left at 8.
(5) max-lease-time and default-leasetime are usually left at the values shown.
The numbers are both in seconds and set
the time that the Windows boxes will wait
before requesting updated infor
from the DHCP server. Note: Windows,
unlike Linux, will not update the information on restart – it only updates when
the lease period expires.
I made mine one day (86400 seconds)
Fig.7: use a text editor to modify the /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd file as shown here
in case the Optus information ever does
– ie, append “eth0” after “daemon /usr/sbin/dhcpd” (no quote marks).
62 Silicon Chip
as the other Windows PCs (ie, the “clients”)
on the network.
Don’t forget to uninstall ICS from the
retired Windows gateway box, otherwise
you will end up with competing DHCP
servers. You can also remove the network
card that was connected to the cable modem
from this box (leaving just the local area
network card), although that’s not really
However, it’s probably best to remove
the surplus card to avoid confusion. The
procedure is to first remove the card’s driver
from Device Manager before powering the
machine down and removing the card itself
Fig.8: once the DHCP server is operating, typing cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.
from the motherboard.
leases lets you see which IP addresses have been assigned to the various
If you only had one Windows machine
Windows PCs on the network. The lease periods are also shown.
(ie, just one machine connected to the cable
change but you could make it longer. It doesn’t really
modem), then it will already be set up to
matter how long or short you make it.
obtain its IP address (and other information) automatically.
Once you have created your /etc/dhcpd.conf file there
Alternatively, if you were running ICS, then the machine
is one last thing you need to do. You must create a file
connected to the cable modem will have a fixed local
called /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases. This initially doesn’t
network address. This must be altered so that the machine
contain anything but it must exist or dhcpd will not start!
obtains its IP address automatically.
The command
To to that, just follow this procedure:
(1) right-click the Network Neighbourhood icon on the
touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
PC’s desktop, then left-click Properties in the drop-down
list to bring up the Network properties dialog box.
is the easiest way to create it. Note, however, that some
(2) Select the TCP/IP entry for the network card and click
Linux distributions require this file to be in a different
the Properties button to bring up the TCP/IP Properties
location (eg, in the /var/state/dhcp folder). If you get an
box – see Fig.10.
error message concerning this file when you attempt to
(3) In the IP Address tab, select “Obtain an IP address
start DHCP, simply create the file in the location indiautomatically”.
That’s it – provided you have both dhcpd and named
That done, you need to start the DHCP server by
running on the Linux box, that’s all you have to do here.
Note that there should be no entries under the Gateway
and DNS Configuration tabs. Clear any entries if they are
there and select “Disable DNS” under the DNS Configu/usr/sbin/dhcpd eth0
ration tab.
Alternatively, if you don’t have named installed, then
Alternatively, simply rebooting the Linux box will
you will have to select “Enable DNS” and manually enter
automatically start the DHCP server (and named) but,
the IP addresses of your ISP’s DNS servers under the DNS
hey, this is Linux – you generally don’t need to reboot to
Configuration tab.
get things going.
Check that your other Windows PCs are set up the same
Once dhcpd has started and assigned IP addresses to
the Windows boxes, you can examine the contents of
the dhcpd.leases file (ie, type cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.
Renewing leases
leases). This lets you see which IP addresses, etc have
been assigned to the various PCs (Fig.8). Note that you
It will also be necessary to renew the IP address leases
may also see the same PC in the file more than once.
on any of the Windows boxes that were previously set up
This is normal, as dhcpd keeps appending to it and every
to obtain an IP address automatically (eg, in an Internet
so often clears it out. The one thing you NEVER do is
Connection Sharing set-up). To do this, first make sure that
modify this file!
all machines (including the Linux gateway) are connected
to the network. That done, go to each Windows machine,
Setting up the Windows PCs
click Start, Run, type in winipcfg and click OK to bring
up the dialog box shown in Fig.9.
At this stage, you will have a Linux PC that functions
as an Internet gateway (via a cable modem), as a DHCP
Now select the network card, then click the Release
server and as a name server. This means that it can be
button followed by the Renew button (the system
used to replace an existing Windows PC with Internet
might hang if you don’t click release first). That’s all
Connection Sharing (if you have one set up). This Winyou have to do – click OK and you won’t even have to
dows machine is then reconfigured in the same manner
December 2002 63
COMPUTERS: Linux Name & DHCP Servers
Corrections To Previous Stuff
In the panel on page 43 last month, the gateway address (ie, for the Linux box) is incorrectly listed in several
places as This gateway address should be
This means that Fig.3 should show an IP address of and subsequent PCs on the network should
be assigned IP addresses of,, etc
(assuming that fixed IP addresses are to be assigned).
Similarly, Fig.4 should show the installed gateway
address as
Finally, the IP addresses shown for the “DNS Server
Search Order” in Fig.5 should be the same as listed in
/etc/resolv.conf on the Linux box. For the example
given, the correct entries would be and (not 192.168.54 and
Of course, you don’t have to worry about any of this
if you set up both named and dhcpd on the Linux box as
described in this article. That’s because all the necessary
networking information is dynamically assigned to the
Windows PCs.
Manual network setup
If you don’t have dhcpd installed on the Linux
gateway, then you will have to configure the TCP/IP
set-up on each of the Windows PCs yourself. Here’s the
step-by-step procedure:
(1) Take a quick look at the /etc/resolv.conf file on the
Linux gateway with the cable modem connected to it (and
obviously with the modem connected to the Internet) and
note down the contents of this file. Disconnect the cable
modem from the Internet as soon as you have this information (you don’t have a firewall yet).
(2) Go to the TCP/IP Properties dialog box on each
Windows PC in turn, click the “Specify an IP address
button” and enter a unique IP address (eg,,, etc) and a Subnet Mask of – see
Fig.9: running
winipcfg tells
you the IP
address that has
been doled out
to that machine
by the DHCP
server. This
utility can also
be used to
release and
renew IP leases.
Fig.11. Don’t use – that’s already been assigned
to the Linux gateway.
(3) Click the Gateway tab and enter the IP address of
the Linux gateway PC (, then click the Add
(4) Click the DNS tab, click Enable DNS and enter the
name of the individual Windows PC as the Host name
(you can get this name by clicking the Identification tab
in the Network properties dialog box). Similarly, enter the
domain name in the Domain field (this is the name that
appears after the word “domain” in the /etc/resolv.conf
file on the Linux box).
If you installed named on the Linux gateway, just enter
the IP address of the Linux gateway ( in the
DNS Server Search Order field and click the Add button.
Alternatively, if you did not install named, then you must
enter the IP addresses listed after the nameserver lines in
/etc/resolv.conf (note: these are the IP addresses of your
ISPs domain name servers).
Don’t forget to click the Add button after each one is
That’s it – your Windows boxes are all set up! Click the
OK buttons to close the TCP/IP Properties and Network
dialog boxes, then reboot the machines when prompted to
do so. Now, your Windows PCs should be able to browse
the Internet and send and receive email but don’t stay
connected for more than a minute or so if you don’t have
a firewall.
The most likely problem you will encounter is that your
Windows PCs have trouble obtaining an IP address or there
are IP address conflicts. This can easily occur if any or all
of your Windows PCs have fixed IP addresses and you
have installed dhcpd on the Linux gateway.
In that case, you must take either of two steps:
(1) Either change the Windows PCs so that they obtain
their IP addresses automatically (the easiest solution);
(2) Ensure that the range of IP addresses in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file on the Linux box excludes the fixed addresses
assigned to the Windows PCs.
If you have a second Linux PC on the network, then
presumably it will have a fixed IP address. In this case,
copy the /etc/resolv.conf from the Linux gateway PC to
overwrite the one on this second Linux PC. Provided you’ve
installed named on the Linux gateway PC, you can now
replace the nameserver lines in /etc/resolv.conf on the
second Linux PC with one nameserver line that contains
the IP address of the Linux gateway.
The other thing you must do on the second Linux PC is
edit the /etc/sysconfig/network file and either change the
existing GATEWAY line or add one to point to the Linux
gateway PC as follows:
Note that you do not need to enable IP forwarding in
/etc/sysctl.conf on this second machine.
After these changes, you will have to restart the
64 Silicon Chip
How To Set Up Your Windows PCs . . .
(1) Named & DHCP Both Running
Fig.10: this is the easiest of the lot – you just set the system to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and leave the Gateway
and DNS Configuration entries blank.
(2) Named Running But No DHCP
Fig.11: in this case, you have to assign each Windows PC a unique fixed IP address and a subnet mask of In
addition, the Linux gateway address ( must be entered into both the Gateway and DNS Configuration dialog
boxes and you have to enter the name of the computer (ie the host name) and the domain name (
The setup is almost the same if neither named nor DHCP are running. The difference is that you have to enter the IP
addresses of the two nameservers (found in /etc/resolv.conf) into the DNS Configuration instead of just the gateway IP.
networking on the second Linux PC (or reboot it). Alternatively, if you have installed dhcpd on the Linux
gateway PC, you could configure the network card in the
second Linux box to use dhcpcd (instead of assigning it a
fixed IP address). If you do this, you don’t need to bother changing /etc/sysconfig/network or /etc/resolv.conf
at all.
Basically, the network card in the second Linux box is
configured the same way as the modem network card in
the Linux gateway PC. In this case, however, the DEVICE
line should point to eth0 and the PCs own name should
be used for the DHCP_HOSTNAME.
However, before you rush in, you need to set up a firewall on the Linux gateway PC. If you don’t, someone “out
there” could take over your fancy new network. We’ll take
a look at firewalls in Pt.3 next month.
December 2002 65