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Artist’s impression of a
NOAA weather satellite
(Courtesy Lockheed-Martin
Missiles & Space).
What you need to
receive weather
satellite images
Interested in receiving the images broadcast by orbiting weather
satellites? It’s now easier than ever, as long as you have a reasonably
up-to-date PC fitted with a sound card. In this article, we explain
how weather satellites work and tell you what you’ll need to receive
their images. And elsewhere in this issue, we describe a weather
satellite receiver that you can build yourself.
ES, IT’S TRUE that you can
see weather satellite images (or
computer enhanced graphics
derived from them) on the TV evening
news and you can also download images of “special weather events” like
cyclones from sites on the Internet.
But there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of receiving them yourself
directly from the satellites, as many
radio amateurs and other enthusiasts
have been doing for decades. And as
it happens, this is now a lot easier to
do than it has ever been before.
Only a few years ago, you not only
needed a suitable receiver and antenna
to receive the weather satellite signals
but a special decoder box as well,
8 Silicon Chip
before the signals could be displayed
on a PC (using a specially written
program). But now, providing your
PC is reasonably up to date and has a
decent sound card, the decoder box is
no longer needed. Instead, you simply
feed the audio signals from the receiver
into your sound card and record them
on your hard disc.
That done, they can be decoded
and displayed in one operation, using
software that’s freely available on the
So if you’d like to try your hand at
receiving weather satellite signals,
it’s now all fairly straightforward and
can be done at low cost (provided you
already have a PC).
In this article, we’ll give you a quick
introduction to weather satellites, describe how they work and describe the
kind of receiver, antenna and masthead
amplifier you’ll need to receive their
signals. We’ll also discuss the kind of
PC you’ll need and tell you about some
of the software that’s available to both
track the weather satellites (so that you
can be prepared when one comes within range) and then decode their signals
after you’ve received them.
About weather satellites
Weather satellites have been orbiting
the Earth for over 43 years now, providing valuable information on the world’s
weather and other environmental
This false-colour picture from NOAA17 shows extensive cloud cover over the
southeastern corner of Australia. The vertical band at far left shows the sync
pulses, while the adjacent vertical black band carries the minute markers (this
picture was received over a period of about five minutes). The vertical band
at far right represents undecoded telemetry data, which conveys the status of
various systems on-board the satellite.
events on a 24-hour basis. The first of
these satellites was Tiros 1, launched
by NASA for the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) in April 1960. Since then,
there has been not only a continuous
series of NOAA satellites but also many
broadly similar satellites launched by
the former USSR, Japan, India and the
People’s Republic of China.
So you mightn’t have been aware
of them but at any time in the last
few decades there have been quite a
number of weather satellites orbiting
above us and sending down a constant
stream of images and other meteorological data.
There are still quite a few satellites
in orbit, although some of them (like
the Russian Meteors) seem to have
reached the end of their operating life
and are no longer sending down any
pictures. But there are still at least two
fully operating NOAA satellites, for
example, providing weather images
at least twice and sometimes three or
four times a day virtually anywhere
in the world.
By the way, there are two rather
different types of weather satellite.
One type are in equatorial orbits (ie,
around the Equator) at an altitude of
about 35,800km, so they rotate in synchronism with the Earth itself and are
therefore described as “geostationary”.
Each of these satellites constantly
views a fixed “disc” of the Earth, with
its centre point on the equator directly
below it.
Signals from a geostationary satellite
can be received continuously from
anywhere inside its field of view.
However, receiving their signals isn’t
easy because they only transmit in the
UHF S-band (typically at 1.691GHz)
and the signals are quite weak because
they’re coming from so far away. You
need a fairly large dish antenna with
a low noise down-converter (LNC) just
for a start.
The other kind of weather satellites
are in close to polar orbits (ie, passing
over the poles) and orbit at a much
lower altitude – ie, around 850km.
In other words, they’re “Low-Earth
Orbiting” or “LEO” satellites and
each circles the Earth many times a
day and passes over (or at least near)
Fig.1: an APT transmission line starts with a sync pulse burst. This is
followed by an 11.3ms section allocated to “space data” and minute
markers, then a 218.5ms section with 909 pixels of image data from the
Channel A sensor, and then 10.8ms of telemetry data. This 250ms-long
data format is then repeated for the Channel B sensor.
December 2003 9
This is another false colour picture from NOAA17, this time received over a
period of about seven minutes and showing a large part of eastern Australia
extending from the Gulf of Carpentaria down to Tasmania. The sudden change
in the picture towards the bottom is a result of turning up the RF gain control on
the receiver at this point during signal reception.
any particular point a couple of times
a day.
The NOAA satellites are of this type
and typically orbit the Earth about 14.1
times a day, or about once every 102
minutes. For example, the NOAA17
satellite currently passes over New
Zealand and Australia a number of
times during each morning, while
the NOAA12 satellite passes over a
number of times in the late afternoon
or early evening.
Since these satellites “precess”, or
slowly move around the Earth as they
orbit, their “passes” don’t follow the
same path every time. However, there
is usually at least one pass (and sometimes two or three passes) by each satellite that can be received each day, to
provide interesting weather pictures.
Another big bonus with the LEO
satellites is that they not only transmit
weather images in the UHF band (usually on 1.698GHz or 1.707GHz) but also
in the VHF band on frequencies such
as 137.50MHz and 137.62MHz. And
although you need a steerable dish and
LNC to track the satellites and receive
their UHF signals, the VHF signals
are much easier to receive. For VHF,
all you need is a fixed antenna with a
roughly hemispherical reception char10 Silicon Chip
acteristic, plus a masthead amplifier
and a suitable VHF receiver.
So the polar orbiting LEO weather
satellites are of much greater interest to
amateur weather satellite enthusiasts,
because their VHF signals are a lot easier to receive. And NOAA’s satellites 12,
15 and 17 are of particular interest at
present, because they’re the ones that
are currently in operation.
The NOAA satellites
The latest generation of NOAA satellites are fairly large “birds”, powered
from a large solar cell array which
is attached to one end (see artist’s
drawing). They are equipped with
quite a range of scanning and sensing
subsystems, including microwave and
IR sounders, an alpha particle sensor
and the main source of meteorological
images: the Advanced Very High Res
olution Radiometer/3, or “AVHRR/3”
for short.
The data from these sensors is
transmitted back to Earth (along with
housekeeping telemetry data) via a
number of communications links. In
fact, each NOAA satellite has no less
than 14 antennas, nine transmitters
and various receivers (for receiving
command data).
The AVHRR/3 is mounted at the
opposite end of the satellite from the
solar array. It is a continuous imager,
which uses a rotating mirror scanning
system to scan the path beneath the
orbiting satellite in “lines” which are
perpendicular to the path and stretching from the horizon on one side to
the other.
The scanning mirror rotates at
120RPM, giving 120 lines per minute
– chosen because as the satellite moves
in its orbit, this provides the vertical
deflection, so each scanning line butts
against the last for contiguous scanning. The radiometer’s sensors have
quite a small field of view (1.3 x 1.3
milliradians, or about .075° x .075°)
and the sensor outputs are sampled on
the spacecraft at a rate of 39.936kHz,
so there are essentially 2048 samples
per sensor per scanned line.
There are a total of six sensors
in the AVHRR/3 radiometer, three
scanning at visible wavelengths near
the infrared and three at thermal IR
wavelengths. The outputs from any
five of these sensors can be transmitted back to Earth at any time on the
UHF (1.7GHz) channel. However, the
satellite’s APT (automatic picture
transmission) signals provided on
VHF (137.5MHz or 137.62MHz consist
of down-sampled versions of the signals from two of the AVHRR/3 sensors,
selected by commands uplinked from
NOAA’s control centres.
During the part of each satellite’s
orbit that is in daylight, each APT
line contains data from one visible
light sensor and one IR sensor. By
contrast, at night the visible light
data is replaced by data from a second IR sensor to provide more useful
The down-sampled APT data derived from the two selected AVHRR/3
sensors is converted back to analog
form and then used to amplitude
modulate a 2400Hz audio subcarrier,
together with synchronisation and
timing pulses and other telemetry
data. The 2400Hz subcarrier is then
frequency modulated onto the VHF
carrier signal, for transmission down
to Earth via a 5W FM transmitter and
helical antenna.
APT signal format
Fig.1 shows the basic format of the
signals conveyed in one APT transmission line (lasting 500ms). The line
starts with a sync pulse burst of seven
cycles of a 1040Hz square wave. This
is then followed by an 11.3ms section
allocated to “space data” and minute
markers, then a 218.5ms section with
909 pixels of image data from the
channel A sensor, and finally 10.8ms
of telemetry data.
The second half then starts with
a second sync pulse burst of seven
pulses at 832Hz, followed by a second
space data and minute marker section of 11.3ms. Then comes another
218.5ms section with 909 pixels of
image data from the channel B sensor and finally another 10.8ms of
telemetry data.
It’s this format that gives the signal a
characteristic “tick-tock” sound when
you listen to the received 2400Hz audio via a speaker or earphones.
Receiving antenna
The VHF APT signals from NOAA
satellites are strong enough not to
require a high-gain tracking antenna.
Instead, a low-gain fixed antenna can
be used, although it does need to have
a hemispherical or “flattened hemispherical” reception characteristic so
that it picks up the signals with much
the same sensitivity as the satellite
passes over.
Note that because the signals are
transmitted from the satellite via a
helical antenna, they are also righthand circularly polarised. This means
that the antenna must also be able
to pick up signals with this type of
There are three main types of receiving antenna which meet these
requirements: (1) the crossed-dipole
or “turnstile” antenna (either alone or
combined with a reflector to become
a turnstile/reflector); (2) the Lindenblad antenna; and (3) the quadrifilar
helix antenna or “QFHA”. Of these,
the QFHA probably gives the best
performance but is not easy to build
because it’s essentially a truncated
double helix.
The Lindenblad gives reasonable
performance but is still fairly difficult
to make because it consists of four
dipoles in a square array, with each
dipole tilted at 30°. It also doesn’t
perform well unless it’s mounted very
high off the ground and well away from
metal roofing.
In fact, the author built and tested
a Lindenblad antenna for the receiver described elsewhere in this issue
but after a lot of frustration, I finally
A crossed-dipole or “turnstile” antenna coupled to a masthead amplifier are
all that are required to “pull in” the signals from the NOAA satellites. Articles
describing how to build these items will be published in SILICON CHIP in the next
few months.
scrapped it and built a turnstile/reflector instead. This was quite easy to
make and also gives surprisingly good
reception at my location.
Now although the VHF NOAA signals are strong enough to be received
using this type of fixed antenna, they’re
still pretty weak. After all they’re coming from a 5W transmitter which is still
more than 800km away even when the
satellite is passing directly overhead.
The transmitting antenna is also propagating this power in a solid angle of
63°, so by the time it does reach the
ground below, the effective path loss
is quite high.
From a practical point of view, this
means that most VHF receivers simply
aren’t sensitive enough and don’t have
a good enough noise figure to give
good reception of the weather satellite signals by themselves. In short,
you also need a low-noise masthead
preamp, to boost the signals as close
to the antenna as possible – and certainly before they have to pass down
through any significant length of
coaxial cable to the receiver (which
introduces losses).
So as well as describing an easyto-build turnstile/reflector antenna
in coming months, we’ll also be de-
scribing a suitable masthead preamp.
Stay tuned!
The receiver
Since the NOAA signals are in
the 137MHz VHF band and use FM,
you’d expect that almost any VHF
communications receiver or scanner
would be suitable for receiving them.
However, while it’s true that you can
receive them reasonably well with
some receivers, the results are often
That’s mainly because the 2400Hz
satellite subcarrier signal is modulated
with an FM deviation of ±17kHz, so
it has a bandwidth of about ±25kHz.
This bandwidth is quite a bit wider
than that used for narrow-band VHF
FM communications but at the same
time, it’s much narrower than that used
by broadcast FM stations. So a VHF
scanner or communications receiver
can’t be set to its narrow bandwidth,
because this is too narrow to receive
the signals without severe distortion.
Instead it must be set to WFM (wideband FM), even though this gives a
relatively low audio output level and
often a fairly poor signal-to-noise
The ideal type of FM receiver to use
December 2003 11
Tracking And Decoding Software
As you’ve probably guessed already,
it’s the 2400Hz subcarrier “audio”
signal from the receiver that contains
the APT information as amplitude
modulation. As a result, it’s this signal
which is fed into your PC via the sound
card, to be initially stored on the hard
disk and then decoded and displayed
using the appropriate software.
PC requirements
WinOrbit 3.6 is a “predictive” freeware satellite tracking program that can be
downloaded from This readout, taken
over a 2-hour period, shows the path and current location of NOAA17, with
the large circle indicating the satellite’s current field of view. The readout
also indicates the dark and sunlit areas of the Earth, as indicated by the
purple/red plot and the Sun symbol (ie, all areas in the middle of the “U”
were in darkness when this plot was made). The program can predict the
time of the next useful pass of the nominated satellite for a given location
and shows lots of other data as well.
You don’t need a particularly hot PC
to record and decode the APT signals.
Almost any reasonably up-to-date machine will do, as long as it’s running
Windows 98SE or better, has a sound
card and also has a reasonably fast
and capacious hard disk so you can
record mono audio signals sampled
at 11.025kHz (16 bits). Most Pentium
II, III and IV machines should be
quite suitable, as should many of the
machines using Celeron and Athlon
Of course, your PC also needs to
have a modem and an Internet connection, so you can get on the Internet
to download the software you’ll need
for both satellite tracking and weather
image decoding. You’ll also need the
Internet connection to download the
orbit update information for the satellites you want to track.
Tracking software
SatSignal V4.04 is a freeware APT decoder that works quite well. You can
download it from or from
for the APT signals is one with a bandwidth of about ±30kHz, or not much
more. There are specially designed
weather satellite receivers with this
bandwidth available commercially
but they’re fairly expensive. Because
of this, we’ve developed a small
12 Silicon Chip
2-channel VHF FM receiver which has
a bandwidth of about ±35kHz and is
therefore quite suitable for receiving
the APT signals.
This receiver is described in this issue in a separate article, so that you can
build your own at a reasonable cost.
Because the polar-orbiting satellites
move in very well defined orbits, the
position of each one can be calculated at any time based on the so-called
Keplerian elements (orbit definition
parameters) for that satellite. This is
done by tracking software, which can
also predict when that satellite will
pass within your antenna’s field of
view, once it knows your longitude
and latitude. This calculation is done
completely “off line”; you don’t need
your weather satellite receiver to be
There are quite a few freeware and
shareware satellite tracking programs
available on the Internet. We tested
and can recommend WinOrbit 3.6,
written by American radio amateur
Carl Gregory, K8CG. Once you provide
it with the orbital information on the
satellites you want to track, it can not
only plot their positions at any time on
a world map but also predict the next
useful pass of any nominated satellite
together with the local time, the satellite’s range and elevation and so on.
WinOrbit 3.6 is freeware, and you
Useful Websites
If you’d like to get some more information on weather satellites, or to download
some satellite tracking or decoding
software, here are some useful websites
and documents:
can download it as a single zipped
file (WINORB36.ZIP – 478KB) from
various sites, including www.amsat.
org/amsat/ftp/software However, we
plan to make a copy available on the
SILICON CHIP website, so look for it
there first.
Two other popular satellite tracking
programs are L. Hamilton’s “Footprint
V2.08” which can be downloaded from
footprint.htm and “WXTrack V3.4.0”
which is written by David Taylor
of Edinburgh, Scotland and can be
downloaded from his website at
Which ever program you decide
to use, you’ll need to provide it with
the tracking data for the satellites you
want it to track (ie, their Keplerian
elements). This tracking data can be
downloaded as a text file from various
Internet sites. For example, you can
get the data for the NOAA satellites
elements – it comes as a text file
called “noaa.txt”. This is then simply
renamed with a “2li” extension instead
of “txt”, after which it can be used by
the tracking program.
Using the tracking program, you’ll
be able to find out when the satellite
you’re interested in will next be in
range. You’ll then be able to receive its
signal at the expected time and record
it on your PC’s hard disk using an
audio recording program. You can use
CoolEdit (which can be downloaded
from the Internet), for example, or
Creative Recorder which comes with
most Sound Blaster audio cards.
By the way, most weather satellite
decoding programs seem to want the
signals recorded as WAV files, in mono
(left channel), with 16-bit resolution
and a sampling rate of 11.025kHz. So
that’s the recording format to use and
it’s much more economical when it
comes to disk space than recording in
44.1kHz stereo.
APT decoding software
Once you have the signals recorded
on your hard disk, you can fire up the
decoding program and process them
to produce the actual images. So if
you don’t have a decoding program as
yet, the next step is to download one
of the freeware or shareware decoders
available on the Internet.
There are quite a few weather satellite decoding programs available for
free downloading; eg, from sites such
as One of
the most popular programs is WXSAT
2.59e, written by Christian Bock. It’s
free for schools and private/amateur
use and has good documentation. It’s
also fairly easy to use, although sometimes it seems to have trouble decoding
signals where the subcarrier has been
Doppler shifted in frequency.
After testing several programs,
we eventually settled on SatSignal
V4.04, written by David Taylor. You
can download this program from or directly
from David Taylor’s own website at All of the weather satellite images shown here were
decoded using SatSignal V4.04,
By now, you should have a good
understanding of how weather satellites work and how you can receive
images from them using a suitable
receiver, a PC and freeware software
from the Internet. If we’ve whetted
your appetite, the next step is to take
a look at the 2-Channel VHF Weather
Satellite Receiver described elsewhere
in this issue of SILICON CHIP. It’s easy
to build and will have you receiving
your own weather satellite pictures in
next to no time.
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