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A Shop
Door Minder . . .
with attitude!
by Stan Swan
ast month (Feb 2003) we introduced the innovative PICAXE08 IC and a simple application, a
flashing LED, all built into a solderless
“PICNIK box”.
If you didn’t see last month’s issue,
it will pay you to get a copy and read
it because some of the concepts might
be a little different to what you’re used
to, such as BASIC Stamps, etc.
By now, readers should have familiarised themselves with basic operations and the commands high, low,
pause and goto.
PICAXE instructions are much the
same as used in classic BASIC programming. There are a lot of BASIC
texts around (no pun intended!), such
as Greg Perry’s “QBASIC by Example”
(QUE 1993) or from the Parallax BASIC
Stamp Programming Manuals. There’s
also a huge amount of information
available on the ’net.
Given that you don’t need to be a
programming guru to use PICAXE
instructions, initial applications
here will be educational rather than
PICAXEs have only enough RAM
for about 40 program lines, so there’s
some incentive to code efficiently! Our
simple application here uses about
half the memory available, so room
remains for your own tweaking.
buzzer sound long enough to be noticed; sometimes the buzzer “locks
on” when it is actuated to behave more
like an alarm.
This month’s circuit acts as a “shop
door minder with attitude”, since it not
only sounds a buzzer when the light
beam is broken but also provides a
simple “traffic” indication by flashing
a LED at an increasingly faster rate
with each event.
Now that could be handy – if you
don’t happen to own a shop and wish
to count customers, this project could,
at a glance, tell you the number of
times your cat door is opened! Don’t
own a cat? You’ll think of something
to count!
The flash rate increases are not linear but counts per minute can be noted
and related to visitor numbers via a
simple lookup table. A further LED
could even be added (pin 0?) to indicate a count of 10 had been reached,
at which point the main counter could
drop back to a slow rate again. By this
means, up to perhaps 30 events can be
quite reliably “read off ”.
If a PC remains attached, the exact
count (to 255 events) can be just read
off using debug. Mmm – 255 cats visited last night ? What IS in your pantry!
The circuit
Aside from the core parts mentioned
last month, just a few extra resistors are
Shop Door Minder
A shop door minder usually consists
of a light source which creates a beam,
a light sensor which detects that beam
and a buzzer circuit which sounds
when the beam is broken. Sometimes
there is a delay circuit to make the
If you don’t happen to own a shop, you can always find something else to count
– just remember to take into account four legs and a tail . . .
March 2003 79
A “debug” screen shot. This
reveals just how useful such PC
feedback is – you can note all the
variables ticking away nicely!
used, one of which is a light dependent
resistor, or LDR.
Your setup values may vary depending on your application but 100Ω in
the voltage divider, plus similar as a
LED dropping resistor, should do.
For initial trials a small bright light
(perhaps a white LED) is also needed. More practical setups could see
the light path extended with lenses,
shrouds or even a mirror. Only small
currents pass along the wires so leads
to the LDR and light can be conveniently placed. Things really depend
on the stray background light seen by
the LDR, although this can be allowed
for to some extent by altering readadc
threshold values.
For a longer light path the lens
from a pocket torch may help to
concentrate the beam, while the LDR
could even be recessed into the torch
If this looks somewhat similar to last month’s project, it just might be! The
basic differences are the LED and LDR which provide an “analog” input to
the PICAXE. The PICAXE programming does the rest.
base to give shading from stray light.
The program’s readadc threshold value, initially 160, may need lowering
to suit of course.
To prevent false triggering from
shadows, reflections or visitor legs (or
tails!), a small delay, perhaps “pause
500”, may be needed in the readadc
loop. Obviously this delay may cause
the unit to become unresponsive if
events occur too rapidly.
Having a light on to hold the alarm
off may be wasteful of battery power
of course. Perhaps you could modify
the program so that darkness holds
the sensor off and room light alone
is enough to trigger things – much as
would occur when a medicine cupboard door was opened.
The point of these PICAXE circuits
is to stimulate your interest, to see
what can be done very cheaply and
to help you come up with your own
variations. Of course, we will help you
along the way with more applications
to keep those creative juices flowing!
Incidentally, if you come up with
a scathingly brilliant PICAXE application that you would like to share
with the world (and perhaps feature on
these pages), please feel free to email
me – s.t.swan<at>
Where to get the PICAXE-08
Currently there is no Australian
distributor. Order direct from the UK
agents (Revolution Education) on line
shop – they
are very prompt.
There are a few differences between the photo above and the Protoboard
layout at right. Follow the layout and you shouldn’t go wrong!
80 Silicon Chip
PICAXEs have a valuable Analog to Digital Conversion
(ADC) feature, which in theory converts “real world” analog
voltages into 256 steps of digital equivalents. There’s an
unavoidable deadspot on the upper range however and
the resulting 160 divisions are treated in blocks of 10, so
only 16 discrete values are available! Although obviously
unsuitable for MP3 encoding or the like, this is quite enough
for many simple applications.
In fact our circuit here uses ADC at just a yes/no level
in response to an LDR’s (light dependent resistor) resistance changes with illumination, so not even all these 16
divisions matter. Pin 1 ADC input needs a voltage rather
than a resistance, so the old voltage divider trick is rustled
up, involving two series resistors connected between +ve
and ground with their midpoint delivering a variable voltage
as the LDR value changes. The readadc command finally
assigns this ADC value to a program variable at pin 1. Alter
the readadc threshold value or resistor (here 160Ω and
100Ω) to fine tune with your LDR and light path.
Incidentally, LDRs typically have a resistance of 1 MΩ
+ in the dark and around 1 kΩ in bright light, with a quite
rapid response as illumination alters.
With the suggested piezo speaker, sounds can be
directly produced from output pins using the sound
command. Most piezos are optimised for high frequencies (typically 4kHz) so fidelity may be poor for other
tones. It’s worth experimenting with your setup, since a
more distinctive “fruity” alert may be produced with two
sounds together.
If the serial programming cable remains connected
during PICAXE runs, program data values can be usefully
monitored on the PC screen. Up to 16 “byte” variables
(b0 - b15) can have tabs kept on them.
This provides timed duration output pulses (to microseconds) at specified pins, and effectively packages up
HIGH, PAUSE and LOW in one efficient command .
for - next (step)
Creates a repeating loop that executes program lines
between the FOR and NEXT statements as it increments.
The optional STEP value defaults to 1 unless specified.
maths operations
Variables to a maximum value of 255 (at which point they
roll over) can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided,
with left to right solving but with only integer solutions. Hex
and binary are also handled but brackets are disallowed
and fractional portions of results are discarded (although
clever techniques can off set this).
BASIC PROGRAM LISTING (This can also be downloaded from
‘ Demo program for March 2003 SilChip PICAXE-08 article Ver1.0 20th Jan 2003
‘ Best assembled & tested with solderless “PICNIK” box as detailed SilChip Feb03
‘ Refer for background info & potential of PICAXE-08
‘ Extra parts = LDR, White LED, Red LED, 2 x 100 Ohm, 1 x 330 Ohm, piezo speaker
‘ LDR & illuminating light can be moved apart- maybe use lenses & light guides?
‘ New commands here = sound, readadc, debug, pulsout, for-next & simple maths.
‘ Ref.PICAXE prog.editor .pdf help files,& BASIC Stamp manuals etc for insights
via Stan SWAN (MU<at>W, New Zealand) => s.t.swan<at> <=
‘ Byte variables
b0 = LDR “resistance value” b1 = event counter
b2 = pulse delay in msec
b3 = sound loop
‘ Strictly only the LHS code below is needed. Remarks (‘) can be ignored
sound 4,(100,10,80,10)
‘initial dual sounds to inform that powered up
readadc 1,b0
debug b0
if b0 <160 then beeper
b2 = 250/b1
if b2 =0 then ldrdemo
pulsout 2,1000
pause b2:pause b2:pause b2
goto ldrdemo
‘ LDR resistance monitoring routine
‘ read LDR low resolution value via voltage divider
‘ show variable LDR value(s) to attached PC screen
‘ warbling alert tones when LDR shaded
‘ produce delay value.NB max variable value is 255
‘ prevents LED flash when not yet triggered
‘ pulse LED pin 2 for 1000x10 microsec = 10millisec
‘ more events give decreasing delay between pulses
‘ continually loop unless LDR shaded
for b3= 1 to 3
sound 4,(100,20,80,20)
next b3
goto ldrdemo
‘ piezo speaker 2 tone sound routine
‘ loop to sound tones 3 times
‘ repeating dual tones each 20 msec
‘ sound loop increment
‘ event counter increment
‘ return to monitoring routine
Some more references . . .
1. “QBASIC by Example”
Greg M Perry (Que Books 1993)
2. Parallax Inc, the BASIC Stamp originators, have free resource downloads (.PDF files) via their web site
BASIC Stamp Users Programming
Manual Version 2.
(351 pages, 3.2MB download)
BASIC Stamp 1 Application Notes
Ver 1.9 (126 pages, 1MB download).
3. “The Art of Electronics”
Horowitz and Hill (Cambridge University Press 1989).
Chapter 9 offers good ADC insights.
The Picaxe by now you should know,
Gives sounds & makes LEDs glow,
But it also does more,
Next ’tis a PWM chore,
And all for very small dough!
March 2003 81