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High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights
are being fitted on increasing numbers of
up-market cars. Some use the HID lights
for low beam only while others use
it for both beams. Either way,
they are much brighter
than conventional
halogen headlights.
–– how
how they
they work
May 2003 11
ven if you haven’t heard of these
new headlights, you’ve probably
noticed the occasional piercing
“bluish” flash on the road at night.
HID headlights are already being fitted
to up-market European, Japanese and
American cars.
As you might have guessed, the
technology used in these headlights is
radically different from conventional
tungsten-halogen headlamps.
Not only are HID headlights much
brighter, they are much more efficient and draw less current from the
History in a flash
All high-intensity gas discharge
lighting is related to the original mercury vapour arc lamp, invented back in
1901 by an electrical engineer named
Peter Cooper Hewitt.
The original mercury lamps were
not very efficient (about 10%) and
produced a rather harsh blue-green
The next major advances came with
the inventions of the low-pressure
and high-pressure sodium lamps. To
this day, low-pressure sodium lamps
are the most efficient commercially
available lighting source.
However, they generate a pure
monochromatic yellow light that is
12 Silicon Chip
unsuitable for many applications.
The high-pressure version retains
much of the efficiency (about 50%)
and produces a “warmer” light colour,
making it an obvious replacement for
mercury lamps in street and factory
lighting, where it is used extensively
In a further search for efficiency
and whiter light output, the General
Electric company experimented with
various iodine salts (indium, scandium, sodium, and thallium) in their
mercury vapour lamps.
The result, born in 1962, was
dubbed the “Multi Vapour Metal Hal-
A current GE
Multi Vapour
Metal Halide lamp.
The arc tube is
suspended inside a
familiar bulb-shaped
glass enclosure. Overall height is almost
300mm. Notice the
third (starting) electrode emerging from
the bottom of the arc
tube to the left of the
main electrode.
ide” lamp, after the fact that iodine is
one of the halogen elements.
Derivatives of the first metal halide
lamp can be found wherever an efficient, high-intensity white light source
is required.
Uses for this type of lamp have until
recently been restricted to industrial,
high-wattage sizes in the 175W to
1500W range. Now, with a few modifications to lamp chemistry and some
electronic circuitry, engineers have
been able to adapt them to small, low
power applications such as automobile headlights.
To understand the need for electron-
Sketch of a
Philips D2S HID
lamp. The arc
tube is tiny in
comparison to a
conventional MH
lamp. This lamp is
only 76mm high.
ics, let’s look first at the operation of a
conventional metal halide lamp.
Metal halide lamp operation
A basic lamp consists of two “glass”
tubes, one within the other. The inner
tube is made from fused quartz or ceramic and houses two main electrodes
and a starting electrode.
The tube is filled with an inert gas
(argon) which has been “spiked” with
a tiny quantity of mercury and various
halide salts.
The outer glass envelope serves a
number of purposes. It isolates the
hot inner tube (up to 800°C) from the
outside world. It also filters out some
of the shortwave UV radiation, which
if left unchecked is a health hazard
and can damage rubber and plastic
When power is applied, the voltage
between the starter electrode and nearby main electrode causes ionisation of
the argon gas. Ionisation lowers the resistance between the main electrodes
located at opposite ends of the tube,
allowing an arc to be struck.
Initially, the tube emits a dull bluish
discharge but as heat from the arc vaporises the mercury (and other metals)
and the pressure increases, it changes
to a brilliant white.
The heat also activates a bi-metallic
strip, which shorts out the starting
electrode after about 2-4 minutes.
The starting cycle can take up to six
minutes. If power to the lamp is interrupted, a cooling-off period of ten
minutes or more is required before it
can be restarted.
All metal halide lamps are designed
to be “burnt” in a particular position
for longest life. This is generally described as “base up” or “base down”.
Typically, high-wattage industrial
lamps are powered directly from the
240VAC mains via a simple magnetic
constant power ballast circuit.
In addition to the starting method
described above, some metal halide
lamps omit the starting electrode and
just use a high-voltage pulse across the
main electrodes to ionise the gas and
strike the arc. Apart from eliminating
the starting electrode, high-voltage
starting also allows higher initial gas
pressures. This provides faster runup, better burn colour and quicker
Gas-discharge headlights
Engineers had to overcome some
major hurdles in order to bring
high-intensity gas-discharge lamps to
low-voltage, instant-use applications
such as automobiles and battery-powered torches. For a start, about 85V is
needed for the lamp supply. As well,
the lamp needs to start immediately it
is switched on and have useable light
output within seconds, not minutes.
It also needs to be instantly restart-able, with no cool-down period.
All this has been achieved by re-engineering the basic lamp, along with some
clever electronics. Here’s how.
Gassing up
In order to obtain higher initial light
output, the automotive metal halide
arc tube is filled with Xenon rather
than Argon. This fact hasn’t escaped
car enthusiasts who often use the
Fig.1: HID lamp operation is carefully controlled by an electronic
ballast. This diagram plots lamp voltage and current against time,
showing six distinct phases from turn-on to steady-state operation.
May 2003 13
How good are HID headlights? These two shots compare conventional halogens with HIDs on low beam. The difference
is quite spectacular! Notice how the light/dark cut-off appears about the same, but the view is much whiter and brighter
(sounds like an Omo ad!) and there’s a lot more side illumination. (Photo: Hella)
name “Xenon” when referring to HID
Xenon, by the way, is an odourless,
colourless, tasteless, non-toxic, monatomic and chemically inert gas.
Although having markedly different dimensions, the lamps appear
to operate in much the same way as
their industrial counterparts. From the
diagrams, you can see that the lamps
retain all of the elements discussed
To date, manufacturers have standardised on several lamp styles, code
named D1S, D1R, D2S and D2R. All
four lamps are rated at 35W but the
D1S and D2S versions produce 3200
lumens whereas the D1R and D2R produce 2800 lumens. The “R” versions
have lower light output due to a black
mask on the outer envelope. This is
used to control light dispersion, which
we’ll talk about later.
To put these figures in perspective,
a typical 55W tungsten-halogen lamp
develops just 1000 lumens.
In addition, HID systems consume
less power (about 45W; 35W + 10W
in the ballast) than conventional
lamps; in other words, about 20%
less current drain for three times the
light output.
The difference between the “D1”
and “D2” versions can be seen in the
base size. The D1 base is physically
larger as it houses the igniter circuitry.
In contract, the “D2” lamp requires an
external igniter.
Lamp life
HID lamps are generally expected
to last the life of the vehicle. With no
filament to burn out, you might expect
them to last forever but the arc tube
does eventually “wear out” due to
several unavoidable reactions.
In particular, tungsten from the
electrodes gradually blackens the
inside of the tube, a process that is
greatly accelerated during cold starts.
Manufacturers specify tube life at up to
3000 hours, which includes a “typical”
number of cold starts. By comparison,
tungsten-halogens have a life of between 700 and 1000 hours.
Electronic ballasts
To power a lamp from a 12V DC
Fig.1: HID lamp ballast concept. The controller block generally
includes a microcontroller or digital signal processor (DSP) chip.
14 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: basic igniter
circuit. When the
breakdown voltage of
the switching spark
gap (SSG) is reached, it
momentarily connects
C1 across the primary
of the trigger
transformer (T1).
electrical system an electronic ballast
is required. Fig.1 shows the basic layout of a typical 12V DC lamp ballast
The input voltage is first stepped
up by a DC-DC boost converter. During normal running conditions, the
voltage across the lamp needs to be
between about 60V and 110V.
However, the open-circuit lamp (no
arc) voltage can be as high as 600V.
This high voltage is used by the igniter circuit (see Fig. 3) to generate the
required 23kV ignition pulse.
Two transistor pairs in a H-bridge
configuration apply the converter
output to the lamp in an alternating
fashion, with the resultant drive being
a square wave of between 250Hz and
Power to the lamp is carefully
regulated by the controller during all
phases of operation.
This is where the “smarts” of the
system are to be found. The lamp must
be brought up to maximum output
in the shortest possible time, while
minimising electrode erosion.
This is achieved in five distinct
phases, as follows:
1) Turn-on. Power is applied to the
ballast and the controller commands
maximum voltage from the boost
converter. Within 30ms, the igniter is
ready to fire the tube.
2) Ignition. One or more high-voltage pulses, at 20Hz repetition, are
applied to the lamp to ignite the arc.
If the arc is not struck after 20 pulses,
a serious fault is assumed and the
sequence is terminated.
3) Take-over. To maintain the arc
but also conserve the electrodes, the
controller regulates lamp power to
75W maximum at up to 12A. This
high current surge lasts only about
300µs. During ignition and take-over,
the H-bridge applies DC to the lamp
so as not to “disturb” the arc.
4) Warm-up. The H-bridge performs
one switching cycle, first applying a
negative half cycle of 10ms duration,
then a positive half cycle. Power input
to the lamp is regulated to 75W at 2.6A
5) Run-up. The H-bridge begins
switching symmetrically at about
400Hz. Until the lamp voltage reaches 50V, the controller regulates lamp
power to 75W at 2.6A maximum. This
takes about 6-12 seconds. During this
time, lamp intensity rises to near its
full rated output.
6) Steady state. Lamp power is
regulated to 35W ±2W. Continuing
regulation ensures that the light
output remains constant, regardless
of variations in battery and lamp
Of interest is the need to power
the lamp from AC rather than DC.
Apparently, applying a symmetrical
square wave (ie, average = 0V) prevents
electrolysis and other life-shortening
effects within the arc tube.
A relatively low switching frequency (250Hz-10kHz) ensures circuit efficiency and avoids acoustic
reson-ances that can occur at higher
To ignite the arc during a cold start, a
pulse of about 5kV is required. For a hot
start (re-strike), as much as 25kV is required to ionise the highly pressurised
gas. This is achieved by a dedicated
igniter circuit, as shown in Fig.3.
The igniter circuit is positioned in
series with the lamp so as not to expose
the ballast circuitry to high voltage
When power is applied, capacitor
C1 charges towards the full open-circuit ballast voltage (up to 600V). When
it reaches the breakdown voltage of the
switching spark gap (SSG), the SSG
“flashes over”, dumping the capacitor’s charge into the primary side of the
trigger transformer (T1). The voltage
appears on the secondary side of the
transformer multiplied many times
over, resulting in more than 23kV
across the lamp electrodes.
Packaging the parts
Although the lamps and bases conform to a standard, the same can not
be said of the ballast, igniter and wiring harness. Generally, the ballast is
(Left): components of a Hella “Mark 4 Xenon” HID headlight system. The large metal box on the left houses the ballast,
whereas the smaller box houses the igniter. A PES-type headlight (note the lens) appears at the rear. At right is a complete
system, including washer and leveller, ready for installation. (Photos: Hella).
May 2003 15
sealed in small metal enclosure which
is mounted a short distance from the
lamp socket. For D2S and D2R lamps,
the igniter may be a separate black
box or integrated within the ballast
housing. Wiring harnesses are fully
shielded, usually sealed and include
high-voltage connectors for the D2S
and D2R lamps.
Putting the light on the road
Equally important to lamp intensity
is the ability to be able to direct the
light exactly where it is needed.
Conventionally, this has been achieved with large parabolic reflectors
and segmented glass lenses. In this
simple system, the lens is mostly responsible for light distribution. High
beam units also include a metal shield
or mask that is used to provide the
light/dark cut-off.
Also popular is the free-form (FF)
reflector, which is characterised by a
clear, rather than segmented lens. In
this system, a complex-surface (segmented) reflector performs precise
light distribution. Highly accurate
placement of each individual segment
is achieved with the aid of computer
design software.
PES headlights
Recently, manufacturers have
team-ed complex-surface reflectors
with optical projection technology
to come up with the Poly-Ellipsoid
System (PES) headlight. This system
provides many advantages over other
headlight systems.
For a start, projection allows precise
definition of light/dark cut-offs, transition areas and contrasts with the use
of an imaging screen. As well, only a
very small light-emission surface is
needed in comparison to conventional systems. This equates to smaller
headlight enclosures, allowing vehicle
designers to weave all kinds of magic
with front-end styling.
Other tricks, such as signal image
enlargement and light rings are used
to reduce glare and provide better
Fig.4: a poly-ellipsoid reflector
and projection lens form the heart
of the Bosch PES headlight. Dualbeam systems move the screen
up and down with the aid of an
electro-mechanical actuator.
position marking.
HID lamps can be fitted to both
reflection and projection systems.
The masked HID lamps (D1R & D2R)
are designed for reflection systems,
whereas the clear lamps (D1S, D2S)
go in the projection units.
Low/high beam solutions
To date, implementation of dual
About Lamp Efficie
Throughout this article
, we’ve listed
lamp efficiency in perce
ntage points,
which is intended as
a very rough
guide only. The most co
mmon measure of lighting efficienc
y is calculated
by dividing light output
(in lumens) by
the power input (in wa
tts). The result
is termed “lumens per
Since the value of lum
ens per watt
is always greater tha
n one, it is a
measure of “efficacy”,
rather that
beam headlights has varied considerably among manufacturers. In some
vehicles, halogen lamps are still used
for high beam and HIDs for low beam.
However, the trend has been towards more complex systems that use
a single HID lamp and some clever
mechanical “beam adjustment” devices.
For example, the Bosch Bi-Litronic
reflection system moves the lamp
back in the reflector housing with an
electromechanical actuator when low
beam is selected. Thus, a completely
different projection pattern is obtained
for low and high beam positions.
Things get even tricker on projection systems. Once again, Bosch have
developed a unique electromechanical
solution. On their Bi-Litronic system,
the position of the imaging screen is
shifted to generate low and high beam
light patterns.
Overseas studies have shown that
HID headlights provide considerable
safety improvements. In particular,
more light to the sides of the road allows drivers to spot pedestrians and
potential hazards much earlier, especially during poor weather conditions.
The whiter light renders colours better
too, making road signs and markings
more visible.
It seems that drivers are impressed
with this new system. A significant
(and increasing) percentage of new-car
buyers have been willing to part with
over $1000 for what has mostly been
offered as an optional accessory.
In 1997, European research institute
Emnid carried out a survey among
drivers whose vehicles were equipped
with HID headlights. The results of
this survey indicate that 94% of all
HID users have a positive opinion of
the new system. The main features
highlighted were brightness (42%) and
general illumination (35%).
HID controversy?
However, some road users have
complained about the dazzling effects
of these new headlights. Of course,
having brighter headlights doesn’t
mean that we can “aim them up” to see
further ahead; the light cut-off point
remains the same.
However, up to that point, the light
is much brighter and whiter. This
means that for on-coming drivers,
the familiar gradual fade from dark to
Fig.5: the basics of a
headlight projection
system. Operation
is very similar to an
overhead projector,
with the projected
image being a screen
used to define the
light/dark cut-off.
16 Silicon Chip
A 3-D model, coloured for clarity, of Hella’s Bi-Xenon projection headlight. The
imaging screen (grey, centre) is actuated by the electro-mechanical system in the
foreground of the picture.
light doesn’t occur. Instead, there’s a
sudden jump to “bright” as the cut-off
threshold is passed, and this could
have a momentary dazzling effect.
Doctors have put a slightly different
spin on the problem. They say that
while the human eye is sensitive to
long-wave, red-yellow light during
the day, at night the optic nerves are
irritated by short-wave light, which
is a component of the HID lamp
European regulatory authorities are
aware of the potential dazzling effects
and have made automatic headlight
levelling and cleaners mandatory on
all vehicles fitted with HID headlights.
Why cleaners? Well, dirty lenses were
found to cause light scatter, another
potential dazzler!
It appears that local car manufacturers will follow suit and fit
automatic levellers and cleaners to
Australian vehicles as the technology
becomes available on less-expensive
Be warned though – after-market
HID headlights are illegal on most
on-road vehicles! Factory-approved
upgrades to some up-market European
cars are possible but the rest of us will
have to wait.
If you’re hankering to take advantage of this new technology, then you
still have a couple of options. HID
auxiliary driving lights are available
in Australia and can really make a
difference to your night driving experience. Check out the Hella web site
at to see what’s
on offer.
Still too pricey? The new Xenon-filled tungsten-halogen lamps are
a good option for older vehicles. These
generate up to 50% more light than
the standard parts and are available
in plug-in “H” series styles. They’re
legal, too.
Upgrading halogens to HIDs –
is it possible?
One of the hottest car upgrades right
now has to be HID headlights. A quick
search on the net proves our point;
there are literally hundreds of retrofit
offers and for those that can’t afford
the $1000 (or more) price tags, there
are cheap HID look-alikes.
Even the world’s fastest production
car, the Lamborghini Murciélago, gets
the HID treatment. (Photo: Hella).
More reading?
Vehicle lighting is set to become very
high-tech. The VARILIS (Variable Intelligent
Lighting System) will supposedly enable us to
see around corners. Here’s a 3D model of Hella’s
VarioX system, depicting how it rotates about its
longitudinal axis. Projection optics and special surface
contours allow up to five different beam patterns to be projected onto the
road. (Photo: Hella).
If you’d like even more information
on discharge lighting, SILICON CHIP
has published several articles on the
subject in the popular “Understanding
Electric Lighting” series. Reprints of
these articles are available for $8.80
inc p&p and GST:
“HID Lighting” – February 1999
“Metal Halides” – July 1998
“High Pressure Sodium” - June 1998
“Low Pressure Sodium” - April 1998
Thanks to Philips Automotive Lighting
and Robert Bosch (Australia) for details
of their HID lighting systems; Hella and
DaimlerChrysler for photographs.
May 2003 17