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Who said bottles
were dead?
A 12AX7 valve
audio preamplifier
After many years saying we would never
publish a valve circuit, here is a valve
preamplifier for guitars and other musical
instruments. However, it is a valve circuit
with a number of differences, to give it much
better performance than was common in the
“olden days”.
24 Silicon Chip
HAT’S THIS? An audio project
using a valve, actually described
in SILICON CHIP? After all those scathing things our esteemed Editor and
Publisher has said in the past about
olde-worlde “bottles”? Yes, Leo finally
gave in and approved the development
of a valve preamp for guitars and
other instruments, using the trusty
12AX7 dual hi-gain triode. We had to
brush up on valve design to do it but
the performance has turned out to be
quite impressive, better in fact, than
was commonly achieved when valves
ruled the electronics world.
Now you can build one up, so you
can hear for yourself just how good
“valve sound” compares with that
from modern solid state gear.
Fig.1: the circuit of
a basic commoncathode amplifier
stage using a triode
valve. It’s quite like
a common-emitter
transistor amplifier.
How it developed
Once we had decided to do a valve
preamp, the first step was to see what
parts were still readily available. This
narrowed down the choice straight
away, since the only type of low power
amplifier valve that is widely available
is the trusty 12AX7. Older readers may
remember that this is a dual high-mu
indirectly heated triode, which was
also known by the European type
number ECC83 and the military number 7025.
It comes in a Noval or “miniature
9-pin” all glass envelope, and has
a centre-tapped heater designed to
operate from either 12.6V (at 150mA)
or 6.3V (at 300mA). The 12AX7 is
apparently still being made in Russia
and a few other countries and Jaycar
Electronics stocks the 12AX7WA made
by Sovtek. They’re brand new and they
sell for $24.95 a pop (Cat. ZA-6000).
Jaycar also stocks matching Noval
sockets, as the PS-2082 ($4.40 each).
Of course, the valve is only part of
the story, because valves not only need
heater power to “light them up” and
make the cathode emit electrons – they
also need to operate from a fairly high
voltage to attract those electrons to the
anode or “plate”.
In fact, for reasonable audio performance, a valve like the 12AX7 really
needs to be operated from a “high
tension” (HT) plate voltage supply of
250V DC or so. They don’t draw much
current from this high voltage supply
(only a few milliamps) but the high
voltage is necessary because valves
are much higher impedance devices
than transistors.
In the old days we’d usually generate this HT voltage with a simple
rectifier circuit, based on a mains
transformer with a high voltage secondary. But this sort of transformer is
no longer readily available.
So the next step in developing our
preamp was to come up with a suitable
HT power supply, using more reasonably priced parts. Modern technology
came to the rescue here, because
nowadays it’s easy to generate a high
DC voltage with a low power DC-DC
converter. This type of converter is
quite efficient and low in cost thanks
to the availability of converter chips
like the TL494, fast switching rectifier
diodes and high voltage power Mosfets
such as the MTP6N60E.
So as part of the preamp design,
we had to come up with a suitable
12V/250V step-up converter to run
it. More about this later, but now let’s
explain a bit more about designing the
preamp itself.
One way in which valves are different from solid state devices is that they
have much tighter parameter spreads.
So the performance of one 12AX7 is
almost exactly the same as any other
12AX7; unlike transistors and FETs,
where things like the current gain and
quiescent current tend to vary over a
wide range.
Because of this much more predictable performance, valve amplifier
stages are designed in a rather different
way. In fact, many valve amplifier
stages can be designed using a fairly
straightforward graphical method, as
we’ll now explain.
Fig.1 shows the circuit of a basic
common-cathode amplifier stage using
a triode valve, such as one section of a
12AX7. As you can see, it’s quite like
a common-emitter transistor amplifier
or a common-source FET amplifier.
In fact, if you to think of the valve as
a kind of “depletion mode FET” that
operates from high voltage, you’ll soon
get the hang of things.
The anode (A) or plate of the valve
is connected to the +250V HT supply
via a load resistor Ra, which is rather
like the drain resistor of a FET. And the
current the plate draws is controlled
largely by the voltage applied between
the grid (G) and cathode (K), because
the grid works very much like the gate
of a depletion mode FET.
When there’s virtually no voltage
Fig.2: our first attempt at the valve preamplifier. The first circuit stage is a
common-cathode amplifier while the second is a “cathode follower” to give
low output impedance and avoid the severe performance losses which can
occur when driving following stages. The input RC network compensates
for Miller Effect high frequency loss.
November 2003 25
Fig.3: these are the “characteristic curves”
for each triode in the 12AX7. Each curve
shows how the plate current (Ia) varies with
plate voltage Va, for a different value of
grid voltage. With a load line curve drawn
in, the gain of a triode stage can be closely
between grid and cathode, the plate
draws maximum current. But as the
grid is made more and more negative
with respect to the cathode, the anode
current is “throttled back”. In fact, only
a few volts of “negative bias” between
grid and cathode are needed to make
the plate current fall away and “cut
off” the valve’s conduction. It’s this
ability for a small voltage change on
the grid (relative to the cathode) to
control the valve’s plate current that
makes it a good amplifier.
If you look at Fig.3, you’ll see how
26 Silicon Chip
the amplification can be shown graphically using the “characteristic curves”
for the valve – in this case, the curves
for each triode in the 12AX7. As you
can see, there are a number of curves,
each one showing the way the valve’s
plate current (Ia) varies with plate
voltage Va, for a different value of
grid-cathode bias voltage Vg.
The steepest curve shows how
quickly the current increases when
there’s no grid bias (Vg = 0). Then the
other curves show how increasing
levels of negative bias reduce the plate
current for the same plate voltages.
Each curve is marked with the corresponding level of negative bias voltage:
-0.5V, -1.0V, -1.5V and so on. Notice
how with -3.0V applied to the grid,
the valve only draws about 0.6mA of
plate current even with a plate voltage
of 300V.
Note that these curves only show the
behaviour of the valve if it is connected
directly to an adjustable DC voltage
supply. But this isn’t the situation in
our amplifier stage of Fig.1, because
here the valve is connected in series
with a fixed “plate load” resistor Ra,
across a fixed 250V DC voltage supply.
So in this case the voltage drops of the
valve and load resistor Ra always add
up to 250V. In effect, they share the
voltage according to the ratio of their
For example, when the valve has a
small negative bias voltage on the grid
(so it’s able to draw more current), its
effective plate-cathode resistance is
smaller than Ra and as a result Ra
drops more of the voltage. Conversely, when the valve has more negative
grid bias and can only draw a small
current, its plate-cathode resistance
rises compared with Ra and it now
drops more of the voltage.
Because the voltage drops of Ra and
the valve must always add up to the HT
voltage (here +250V), this also means
that the voltage across the valve can
always be found by subtracting the
voltage drop across Ra from the HT
voltage. And since Ra is a fixed resistor, it’s easy to find its voltage drop by
Ohm’s law: the voltage drop is simply
Ra times the current.
We can show this graphically by
drawing a “load line” to represent
the behaviour of Ra on the valve’s
characteristic curves. As you can see
from Fig.3, the load line is simply a
straight line (shown in green) drawn
between two known points. One is
the point on the horizontal (voltage)
axis representing the full HT voltage,
because this will be the voltage on the
valve’s plate when no current is being
drawn (so there will be no voltage drop
across Ra).
The other known point is on the
vertical (current) axis, showing the
current which would be drawn by Ra
by itself from the HT supply, if the
valve could be fully “turned on” so
that it had no voltage drop at all.
The load line shown is for a load
resistor Ra of 100kΩ, so it’s therefore
drawn between the +250V point on the
horizontal axis, and the point on the
vertical axis corresponding to a current
of 250V/100kΩ, or 2.5mA.
Now what this load line shows is
the way the voltage on the plate of the
valve must vary for different current
levels, operating from a 250V plate
supply and with an Ra of 100kΩ.
And since the valve’s own curves
(red) show how its current varies with
grid-cathode voltage Vg, we can use
the two together to see how variations
in Vg caused by an AC input signal
Parts List
Preamp PC Board
1 PC board, code 01111031,
125 x 62mm
1 UB3 jiffy box, 130 x 67 x 44mm
1 piece of 1mm aluminium
sheet, 125 x 62mm
1 12AX7WA or ECC83 twin
triode valve
1 Noval 9-pin valve socket
2 PC-mount RCA sockets
2 2-way PC terminal blocks
6 6mm untapped metal spacers
4 M3 x 12mm machine screws
8 M3 nuts and star lockwashers
1 220µF 10/16V PC electrolytic
1 47µF 450V PC electrolytic
1 220nF (0.22μF) 630V metall
ised polyester (greencap)
1 100nF (0.1μF) 100V metallised
polyester (greencap)
1 100nF (0.1μF) 630V greencap
Resistors (0.25W 1% metal film)
3 1MΩ
1 8.2kΩ
2 33kΩ
2 1kΩ
2 100kΩ 1W carbon film
Power Supply
1 PC board, code 01111032,
122 x 58mm
2 TO-220 mini heatsinks (6073B
2 2-way miniature PC-mount
terminal blocks
1 1m-length .08mm enamelled
copper wire
1 3m-length 0.25mm enamelled
copper wire
will result in plate current variations
and then much larger variations in the
plate voltage.
In short, the valve will amplify the
input signal.
After looking at the 12AX7’s curves
and the 100kΩ load line together, we
can pick a suitable operating point
for the two when they’re operating
from an HT of 250V. Since the load
line intersects the Vg = -1.0V curve at
about halfway along, this would make
a fairly good operating point for a stage
handling fairly small input signals
(say ±0.5V or less). As you can see, at
this point the valve would have a Va
of about 146V, while Ra drops the re-
1 Ferroxcube ETD29-3C90
ferrite transformer assembly
(2 ETD29-3C90 cores; 1 CPHETD29-1S-13P bobbin and 2
CLI-ETD29 clips); OR
1 Neosid ETD29-F44 ferrite
transformer assembly (2 ETD29
F44 32-580-44 cores; 1 ETD29
59-580-76 bobbin and 2 ETD29
76-055-95 clips)
1 2.5mm PC-mount DC socket
4 6mm untapped metal spacers
2 M3 x 10mm machine screws
4 M3 x 15mm machine screws
6 M3 nuts and lockwashers
1 TL494 switchmode controller (IC1)
1 7812 3-terminal regulator (REG1)
1 BC337 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BC327 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 MTP6N60E 600V/6A or STP6N50B 500V/5.8A Mosfet (Q3)
1 1N4004 1A power diode (D1)
1 UF4004 400V fast switching
diode (D2)
1 2200µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 470µF 25V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 450V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 35V TAG tantalum
1 1nF (.001μF) MKT metallised
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
3 680kΩ 1W
1 39kΩ
1 220kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 47kΩ
1 1kΩ
1 100kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
maining 104V (250 - 146V). The resting
or “quiescent” plate current flowing
through both will be about 1.05mA.
Cathode bias
By the way, once we decide to make
this the valve’s operating point, we can
also choose the value of the self-bias
cathode resistor (Rk in Fig.1). This
will simply need a value which gives
a voltage drop of 1.0V (the desired Vg),
at the desired plate current (1.05mA).
So Rk will have a calculated value of
952Ω, meaning that we can use the
nearest preferred value: 1kΩ.
It’s now fairly easy to show the
valve’s amplification at this operatNovember 2003 27
Fig.4: the final preamp circuit uses two triode common-cathode stages with
negative feedback from pin 6 to pin 4, to greatly improve distortion and
frequency response. Note the HT filtering network which reduces noise
and hash on the 260V supply.
ing point, as you can see in Fig.3. If
we draw a horizontal line off to the
left from the operating point, this
becomes the zero axis for our audio
input signals fed to the valve’s grid via
capacitor Cin. Similarly by drawing a
vertical line down from the operating
point, this becomes the zero axis for
the amplified audio signals that will
appear at the valve’s plate and are
coupled out via capacitor Cout.
So when we draw a sample sine
wave input signal of say 1.0V peakto-peak (±0.5V) as shown, we can
run horizontal lines through from the
signal’s peaks to the points where they
intersect the load line. Then we can
draw vertical lines down from those
points, because these must represent
the plate voltage and current levels
which will correspond to those signal peaks. Then we can reconstruct
the valve’s output signal as shown,
underneath the curves.
Notice that the output from such a
1.0V peak-to-peak input signal will
have a peak-to-peak amplitude of
about 61V (174V - 113V), showing
that the valve should provide an amplification or “gain” of about 61 times.
As you can see the output waveform
is also `upside down’ with respect to
the input waveform (positive input
peak becomes negative output peak),
showing the way the valve inverts the
signal polarity – just like a transistor
or FET.
28 Silicon Chip
So that’s the basic way a triode valve
amplifier stage is designed, using the
graphical method. Practical design is a
little more involved than that though,
because there are a few complications.
For example, the gain will never be
quite as high as we find from the
curves, because whatever AC load we
connect to the output capacitor Cout is
effectively in parallel with Ra (as far as
the AC signals are concerned), which
reduces its effective value – and hence
the gain we can achieve.
Miller Effect high frequency loss
There’s also another complication
when the stage is amplifying higher
audio frequencies, caused by the
valve’s internal capacitance between
its grid and plate. In each section of
Voltage Gain: 61
Frequency response: -1dB at
20Hz and 160kHz (see Fig.5)
Harmonic distortion: <0.2%
for output levels up to 3V RMS
(see Figs.6 & 7)
Signal-to-noise ratio: -81dB
unweighted (22Hz to 22kHz)
with respect to 2V
Input impedance: 1MΩ
Output impedance: 1.5kΩ at
the 12AX7, the internal grid-plate
capacitance is about 1.7pF, which rises
to about 2pF when the valve is plugged
into a socket.
Now this capacitance is connected
directly between the amplifier’s input
and output, and because the two are
opposite in phase due to the signal’s
inversion, the capacitance provides a
path for negative feedback. In addition,
because of the valve’s amplification,
the capacitance tends to pass much
more reactive current than it would
as a result of the input signal alone. In
fact, it draws (A+1) times the current,
where A is the stage gain.
So this internal capacitance acts as if
it was a capacitor A+1 times larger than
its real value, a phenomenon known
as the “Miller Effect”. As a result, this
kind of triode amplifier stage tends to
have a fairly poor high-frequency response. For example, due to the Miller
Effect our 12AX7’s 2pF of grid-plate
capacitance will have an effective
value of about 124pF in the circuit of
Fig.1, which has a drastic effect on its
frequency response.
First prototype circuit
But enough of theory. Our first
attempt at a preamp circuit using the
12AX7 used the circuit shown in Fig.2.
As you can see it consists of a voltage
amplifier stage just like that in Fig.1,
with a 100kΩ plate load resistor, a
1kΩ self-bias resistor and a 1MΩ grid
To try and achieve as high a gain
as possible, even when the output of
the preamp was connected to a main
amplifier or mixing desk with a fairly
low input impedance, we used the
second triode section of the 12AX7 as
a “cathode follower” with its 100kΩ
load resistor connected from the
cathode to ground rather than from
the plate to +250V.
This makes the second stage have a
gain of slightly less than unity, but at
the same time it provides a high AC
load impedance for the first stage plus
a low source impedance to drive the
following amplifier. This means that
capacitance effects of the output signal
cable will not cause further reductions
in the high-frequency response.
This arrangement gave an overall
gain of about 36 times but the high-frequency response was quite poor, due
to Miller Effect in the first stage. The
upper -3dB point was only 5kHz but
we were able to compensate for that
Fig.5: the frequency response is very smooth, with -1dB
points at 20Hz and 160kHz, measured at 2V into a 50kΩ
load. Because the output impedance is low, the frequency
response will not be curtailed by an amplifier load.
loss by adding an input compensation
circuit (shown highlighted in Fig.2).
However, this dropped the gain to
34 times, which we judged to be
The distortion level we achieved
with this configuration was also fairly
high – about 0.9% with an output level
of 3V RMS, and rising to above 5% for
an output level of 16V RMS. These are
very high levels of distortion compared
to good solid-state designs but this
was typical of valve stages operating
without any negative feedback – which
was the usual approach.
At SILICON CHIP we have always
tried to produce the best available
audio performance, so we decided
to try a different approach, converting the second preamp stage into a
common-cathode amplifier like the
first, and then applying a fair amount
of negative feedback around the two.
The goal was higher overall gain,
combined with a much more extended
frequency response and much lower
harmonic distortion. The negative
feedback would also reduce the output impedance of the second stage, to
make it easily drive following stages
without high frequency loss.
To cut a long story short, this new
configuration worked much better and
as noted at the start of this article, the
overall performance is far superior to
that normally achieved by valve audio
circuits from the “olden days”.
Circuit description
Fig.4 shows the final circuit configuration. The input signal is coupled
Fig.6: total harmonic distortion at 1kHz, measured into a
50kΩ load and with a measurement bandwidth of 22Hz to
22kHz. Note that most valve circuits do not have negative
feedback and so their distortion is considerably worse.
into the grid of triode V1a via a 100nF
capacitor, with a 1MΩ resistor to tie the
grid at DC earth potential.
The idea of using a 1MΩ grid resistor is to achieve the best possible
low-frequency input response with the
100nF coupling capacitor (1MΩ is the
highest allowed value for the 12AX7’s
grid resistor).
V1a has a 100kΩ plate resistor, as
before, and the cathode bias resistor is
also 1kΩ. But the latter isn’t bypassed
with a capacitor, because we use it as
part of the negative feedback divider.
The output from the plate of V1a is
coupled to the grid of V1b, the second
triode section of the 12AX7, via a second 100nF capacitor. This capacitor is
rated at 630V because it has to be able
to withstand the full HT voltage.
The second stage is almost identical
to the first except that its 1kΩ cathode
resistor is now bypassed with a 220μF
capacitor, to achieve the maximum
possible gain. The preamp’s output
is taken from the plate of V1b via a
220nF coupling capacitor, which again
must be rated to withstand the full
HT voltage. The final 1MΩ resistor to
ground is to allow the 220nF capacitor
to charge up as soon as the HT voltage
is applied, rather than running the risk
of it only charging later on when we
connect the preamp to a load (which
would cause a loud “plop” sound).
A second 220nF capacitor is connected to the plate of V1b, to couple
the negative feedback signal back to
the cathode of V1a via the two 33kΩ
series resistors. (We use two resistors
in series because of the fairly high
voltage swings.)
The negative feedback divider
formed by the two 33kΩ resistors and
the 1kΩ cathode resistor has a division
factor of 1/(66+1) or 1/67. This gives
Fig.7: total
harmonic distortion
versus frequency,
measured at 2V into
a 50kΩ load and
with a measurement
bandwidth of 22Hz
to 80kHz. Even
the very best valve
amplifier circuits
(with negative
feedback) of the
past would have
been struggling
to match this
November 2003 29
Fig.8: the DC-DC converter uses a TL494 switchmode controller to drive Mosfet Q3 in a boost converter running at
around 33kHz. T1 is wired as an auto-transformer to step-up the voltage developed in the 12-turn primary winding.
the preamp a theoretical final gain
of very close to 67. In practice, the
measured gain was 61.
The performance of this final
preamp configuration is shown in
the plots, produced on SILICON CHIP’s
Audio Technology test system. Fig.5
shows the very smooth frequency
response, with -1dB points at 20Hz
and 160kHz, measured at 2V into a
50kΩ load.
Figs.6 & 7 shows the harmonic distortion performance. Total harmonic
distortion (THD) is below 0.2% for
output levels up to about 3V RMS
(8.5V peak-to-peak). The distortion
remains below 1% at output levels up
to about 12V RMS and then goes into
soft clipping at higher levels.
The distortion is mainly second
harmonic, as expected.
The preamp’s signal-to-noise ratio is
better than -81dB unweighted (22Hz to
22kHz measurement bandwidth) with
respect to 2V RMS output. Most of the
noise is a low-level “frizzle” from the
33kHz switching hash of the DC-DC
The preamp’s input impedance is
very close to 1MΩ while its output impedance measures very close to 1.5kΩ,
thanks to the negative feedback.
Before leaving the preamp circuit,
note that the HT supply is fed to the circuit via an 8.2kΩ resistor which is then
bypassed by a 47μF 450V electrolytic capacitor. This RC network provides a high
degree of noise filtering and removes
most of the residual high frequency
noise and hash superimposed on the
HT line from the DC-DC converter. The
voltage on the decoupled line is +250V
which means that the DC-DC converter
needs to deliver about +260V.
DC-DC converter
Now let’s look at the DC-DC converter circuit shown in Fig.8. As we
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
Value μF Code
220nF 0.22µF
100nF 0.1µF
1nF .001µF
EIA Code
IEC Code
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
30 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
blue grey yellow brown
red red yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
orange white orange brown
orange orange orange brown
yellow violet red brown
brown black red brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
blue grey black orange brown
red red black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
orange white black red brown
orange orange black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
Fig.9: the parts layout for the preamp board. Make sure that the electrolytic capacitors are installed
with the correct polarity and note that the high-voltage components must be covered with neutralcure silicone sealant.
mentioned earlier, we have to provide
the valve with an HT supply of about
+260V in addition to the low voltage
needed for its heaters. Current requirements from the HT supply are
quite small – only about 2mA for both
preamp stages. Since the 12AX7’s
heaters can also run from 12V DC, this
has the advantage that the complete
preamp can be run from either a 12V
battery or a suitable 12V DC plugpack.
The total drain from the 12V source is
only about 250mA.
By the way, it’s actually very desirable to run the 12AX7 heaters from
12V DC in an audio preamp, because
this removes a major source of hum.
When the valve heaters were run from
12.6VAC in the “valve days”, it was
very difficult to avoid a small amount
of 50Hz hum caused by heater-cathode leakage and capacitance – plus
some 100Hz hum caused by thermal
As you can see from the circuit
of Fig.8, the power supply is quite
straightforward. Regulator REG1 is
included so that the preamp can be
operated from an unregulated plug
pack, while still providing both the
valve heaters and the DC-DC converter
with smoothly regulated 12V DC. If
you want to run the preamp from a
12V battery, the regulator is simply
omitted and replaced by a wire link.
The DC-DC converter uses a standard “flyback boost” circuit, where
energy is first drawn from the +12V
supply and stored in the 12-turn
primary winding of transformer T1,
by turning on Mosfet Q3 (which acts
as a high-speed switch). Then Q3 is
turned off, so that the stored energy
is returned to the circuit as a high
voltage “flyback” pulse, induced in
both windings of T1.
Because the two windings are connected in series, this output pulse is
This view shows the fully assembled preamplifier board. When you finish testing the preamp, coat the 100kΩ resistors, the
8.2kΩ resistor the HT connection on the terminal block with neutral-cure silicone sealant – see Fig.9.
November 2003 31
This is the completed DC-DC converter board. Note the small heatsinks fitted to transistor Q3 and to regulator REG1.
Fig.10 the component layout for the DC-DC converter board. Fit the flag
heatsinks before installing REG1 and Mosfet Q3.
added to the +12V input, boosting it
still further. Fast switching diode D1
then feeds the pulse energy into the
10μF capacitor, which charges up to
about +260V.
The capacitor voltage becomes the
preamp’s HT supply and we maintain
it at a little over 260V by feeding a
known proportion back to IC1, a TL494
switching controller. This compares
the feedback voltage with an internal
reference voltage (5V) and automatically adjusts the width of the switching
pulses fed to Q3 (via driver transistors
Q1 and Q2). This controls the energy
stored in T1 to produce each flyback
pulse and hence makes sure the HT
output voltage is not allowed to rise
higher or fall lower than 260V.
The feedback voltage for IC1 is de32 Silicon Chip
rived from the HT output via a resistive
voltage divider, as you can see. The
three 680kΩ 1W resistors in series form
the upper arm of the divider, with a
total value of 2.04MΩ (we use three
1W resistors to handle the voltage
drop rather than the power dissipation, which is only 30 milliwatts!).
The lower divider arm is formed by
the 47kΩ resistor in parallel with
the 220kΩ and 100kΩ trimpot (VR1)
which allows the output voltage to be
adjusted over a small range.
The TL494 has an internal oscillator
to generate the switching pulses fed
to Q3, and the oscillator’s frequency
is set by the values of the resistor and
capacitor connected to pins 6 and 5.
The values shown (39kΩ and 1nF) give
the converter an operating frequency
of 33kHz, which is high enough to
ensure that any output ripple which
finds its way into the preamp (either
via the HT line or by radiation) will
be inaudible.
Transistors Q1 and Q2 are used to
buffer the PWM (pulse width modulated) pulses generated by IC1, providing
a low impedance high current drive
for the gate of Q3. This is to make sure
that Q3 is switched on and (especially)
off as rapidly as possible, which is
necessary to achieve high converter
efficiency and minimise Q3’s power
By the way, this DC-DC converter
is capable of supplying up to about
40mA of current at 260V (dependent
on plugpack rating), so it’s certainly
capable of feeding two preamps if you
wish to have a stereo pair. It would
also be suitable for running other valve
circuits, such as a mantel radio. In
that respect, it could substitute for the
vibrator in some 12V sets, although
we have not checked its performance
in this application.
All the components for the preamp
itself are built on a small PC board
which measures 125 x 62mm – just
the right size to mount on the top of a
standard UB3 size jiffy box. The power
supply is built on a slightly smaller PC
board measuring 122 x 58mm, which
is designed to go down inside the UB3
box and out of sight. The two boards
Fig.11: this diagram shows how the two
boards are stacked together inside the plastic
box, with a metal shield plate between them.
have the code numbers 01111031 and
01111032 respectively.
We designed the preamp and power supply on two separate boards to
make it easier for people to build a
“2 preamp + 1 power supply” combination, if they wish. It also gives
you more options when it comes to
physical construction, because you
don’t have to build them into a jiffy
box. They could be built side-by-side
in a metal box, if you’d prefer.
Having the power supply separate
also makes it easier to use it to power
other valve projects.
The construction details of both
board assemblies should be fairly clear
from the wiring diagrams and photos.
Fig.9 shows the component layout for
the preamp board while Fig.10 shows
the layout for the DC-DC converter
Note that the valve socket for the
12AX7 is mounted above the centre of
the preamp board, using two 12mmlong M3 machine screws through the
flange holes and the matching board
A pair of M3 nuts on each screw are
used as spacers, with a lockwasher and
nut on each screw under the board
to hold everything together. Fig.11
shows how the two boards are stacked
together, as well as the way the preamp
board is mounted to the metal box lid
and shield plate.
The audio input and output connectors are RCA sockets, mounted directly
on the preamp board at each end. The
power connections are brought out to
board-mounting mini screw terminal
blocks, which accept suitable insulated hookup wire. The power supply
board has the same kind of screw
terminal blocks.
All of the parts used in the power
supply are also built directly onto the
board, including converter transformer T1. This is wound on a Ferroxcube
ETD-29 ferrite transformer assembly,
which uses two E-cores made from
3C90 ferrite material plus a bobbin
type CPH-ETC29-1S-13P, and two
clips type CLI-ETD29.
The construction details for T1 are
shown in Fig.12. The 12-turn primary
winding is wound on the bobbin first,
using 0.8mm diameter enamelled copper wire (ECW). This is then covered
in a couple of layers of PVC insulation
tape, over which is wound the secondary winding. The secondary is wound
using 0.25mm ECW, as two layers of 40
turns each with a layer of insulation
tape between the two layers.
Then when the end of the secondary
is soldered to the appropriate former
pin (Sf), another few layers of PVC
tape are applied over the top of the
windings to protect them and hold
everything in place.
The location and orientation of
all parts on the power supply board
should again be fairly clear from the
wiring diagram of Fig.10 and the
photos. Note that REG1 and Q3 are
both mounted vertically on the board
and each is fitted with a TO-220 mini
heatsink (19 x 19 x 10mm) like the
Jaycar HH-8502. These ensure that
they run within ratings. In practice,
you will find that the Mosfet (Q3) runs
cool, while the 3-terminal regulator
gets quite warm or even, depending
November 2003 33
power supply to the preamp board
are brought out through an 8mm hole
in the metal plate, with a grommet to
protect the insulation from chafing.
Checkout & adjustment
The DC-DC converter board is mounted in the bottom of the plastic case, while
the valve preamp board is mounted on an aluminium shield plate. The DC
supply leads from the converter are fed through a rubber grommet.
on the input voltage from your DC
Take care when you’re fitting all
of the polarised parts to the board –
especially the electrolytic capacitors,
the diodes, the transistors and the IC
and regulator.
The finished power supply board is
mounted in the bottom of the UB3 box
using four 15mm long M3 machine
screws, with M3 nuts and star lockwashers. Four 6mm long untapped
metal spacers are used to provide
clearance for the solder joints under
the board.
Three lengths of insulated hookup
wire are used to connect the power
supply outputs to the screw terminals
on the preamp board. The preamp
board itself is mounted above a 125 x
62mm piece of 1mm thick aluminium
sheet, which is identical to the alternative metal lid sold with some UB3
boxes. The dimensions of the plate are
shown in Fig.13.
The aluminium plate supports the
preamp PC board as well as providing
shielding between it and the power
supply board. The preamp board is
34 Silicon Chip
spaced above the plate using six 6mmlong untapped metal spacers.
It’s attached to the plate initially
using two 12mm long M3 machine
screws with M3 nuts and star lockwashers, passing through the centre
holes on each long side of the board.
Then when the plate is placed in the
top of the box, the four 4G x 15mm
self-tappers supplied with the box are
passed through the four corner holes
(and the remaining four spacers), to
hold the board and plate assembly
together as well as firmly in the box.
Note that the three lengths of
hookup wire used to connect the
Where To Buy A Kit
A complete kit of parts for this design
is available from Jaycar Electronics
for $89.95. In addition, Jaycar will
be selling a kit for preamplifier board
only (includes the preamp PC board,
all parts and the valve) for $59.95.
Note: copyright of the PC boards associated with this design are owned
by Jaycar Electronics.
Before you fit the preamp board
assembly into the top of the box, it’s
a good idea to check that everything
is working and also to adjust the HT
voltage output via trimpot VR1.
Do this by first plugging your 12AX7
valve into the preamp socket. Make
sure you orientate the valve correctly,
using the gap between pins 1 and 9 as
a guide. Also push the pins into the
socket clips gently, so they don’t bend
and possibly crack the glass envelope.
Now set trimpot VR1 to its mid
position and then connect a DMM
(set to a range such as 0-400V DC)
across the HT terminals of either the
power supply or preamp boards. After
this, connect the power input of the
power supply board to either a 12-15V
DC plugpack (500mA or better) or a
12V battery, depending on the power
source you’re planning to use for the
Note: the converter circuit produces high voltages, so don’t touch
any parts on this board when power
is applied. Check also that the 10μF
capacitor across the output has discharged before touching this board
after switch off.
A few seconds after you connect
the power, you should see the heaters
of the valve begin glowing as they
heat up. At the same time the DMM
reading should rise up to 260V or
there-abouts, as the DC-DC converter
output builds up. If the voltage rises
higher than 260V or lower than 250V,
adjust trimpot VR1 to bring it back to
260V. That’s the only adjustment you
may need to make.
If you want to make sure that the
preamp circuit is working correctly,
carefully disconnect the DMM from
the HT supply (don’t touch the probes
or clips, because 260V DC can give you
a nasty shock!) and use it to measure
the plate voltage on each section of
the 12AX7. You can measure these
voltages at the plate ends of each
100kΩ 1W plate load resistor, with the
DMM’s negative lead connected to the
preamp’s earth. You should measure
about +160V on each plate.
You can also measure the voltage
across each 1kΩ cathode resistor, with
the DMM now set to a lower DC range.
Fig.12: these diagrams
show how the converter
transformer is wound. The
primary is wound on first,
followed by two layers of
the secondary.
Fig.13: this diagram
shows the dimensions
of the metal shield
You should find about 1V DC across
each one, verifying that each section
of the 12AX7 is drawing about 1mA
of plate-cathode current.
If all these voltages seem OK, your
preamp should be working correctly.
High voltage protection
Now that you’ve checked all the
voltages, it remains to provide a some
protection against accidental electric
shock. Since the HT voltage is around
+250V, it is possible to get a bad shock
if you simultaneously touch the plate
resistors and the earthed RCA connectors.
With that in mind, we strongly
suggest you put a generous coating of
silicone sealant over the two 100kW
1W resistors, the 8.2kΩ resistor and
the HT connection on the screw terminal block (be sure to cover both the
top and the side entry point).
Now all that should remain is connecting its input to the pickup of a
guitar or other instrument and its output to your power amplifier, recorder
or mixing desk. Then you can hear for
yourself what “valve sound” actually
sounds like.
November 2003 35