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For Beginners; Pt.2
This month, we describe how to use the
basic features of Autotrax to create a simple
PC board design. Along the way, you’ll learn
about layout defaults, placing components
and routing tracks. You’ll also learn how
to edit and create your own component
OTH THE MOUSE and keyboard
can be used to navigate the
menu structure and edit board
layouts within Autotrax. In practice,
you’ll use a combination of both. Let’s
see how it works.
The main menu is displayed by
pressing <Enter> or clicking <Left
Mouse>. Selections within the menu
are then made either with mouse
movement or with the arrow keys. To
exit the menu at any point, hit <Esc>
or click <Right Mouse>.
It is also possible to navigate the
menus by simply keying in the first
character of the desired entry. For
example, pressing <F> <Q> <Y> in
sequence is equivalent to selecting File
-> Quit -> Yes from the menu.
A number of often-used menu items
can also be accessed using control
keys. For example, holding down
<Ctrl> and pressing <P> jumps to
Current -> Pad Type.
A list of the commonly used short66 Silicon Chip
cut keys appears in Table 1.
Note that once selected, editing
functions (such as pad/track placement) remain active until after you’ve
hit the <Esc> key or clicked <Right
Mouse>. However, you can switch active layers with the <+> and <-> keys
on the numeric keypad or change the
zoom level with <Z> even while in
edit mode.
Setting options
Shortcut keys, layer and menu
colours and a whole host of other
editing functions can be customised
from within Autotrax’s Setup menu
To get to the Setup menu, start Autotrax and press <Esc> when prompted
to load a PCB file. Next, press <Enter>
to display the main menu and choose
Setup from the list, or simply press
<S>. To get up and running with your
first design, you need only review the
settings within two out of the 10 menu
entries (see Figs.2 & 3). The remaining
options can remain at their defaults
for now.
Now back at the main menu, press
<C> to display the Current menu. Settings here determine the defaults used
when laying down your design. Many
of these will be changed “on the fly”,
as the design progresses. However, the
grid must always remain set to “Imperial” and the floating origin to “0,0”.
Fig.4 shows typical defaults.
Many of the Current settings are
displayed along the status line at the
bottom of the screen. These are interpreted as follows: L - layer, P - pad
type, T - track width, S - string size, G
- snap grid. The X & Y values show the
current cursor position in thousandths
of an inch.
Grid size
Next, press <G> to set the grids. We
recommend 25 thou for the snap grid
and 100 thou for the visible grid. Generally, you should leave the snap grid
set to 25 thou throughout the design.
This is a very important requirement.
If a board is routed on different grids, it
will be difficult to get tracks and pads
to “snap together” nicely.
It will also make it much more difficult to maintain minimum manufacturing clearances between tracks/
On occasion, a finer grid will be
needed for working in tight areas, or
when connecting metric-leaded components, for example. In this case, step
down to a 5-thou snap grid just for the
particular area of interest.
Defining the board outline
Elsewhere in this article, you’ll find
details of a simple PC board design (for
a power supply) that we’ve created to
help demonstrate the essentials. Rather than “pulling apart” the completed
design, let’s start at the beginning – and
recreate the design from scratch.
The first task is to define the board
outline. For any project, board shape
and size will depend on the number
and size of components, as well as
the dimensions of the enclosure (if
any) that you wish to fit the final
product into. Our power supply will
be a freestanding module, without
an enclosure. Therefore, the initial
board size is just an educated guess
and can be adjusted at a later stage if
The board outline is drawn on the
top overlay, using a 10-thou track
width. To do this, first check the current layer and track size, which you’ll
remember is always visible on the
status line. Use the <+> key on the
numeric keypad to switch from the
bottom layer to top overlay if necessary. To change track width, simply
hit <Ctrl + T>.
Press the <P> then <T> keys to enter
track placement mode and position the
cursor at the bottom left of the work
space (X:0, Y:0). Click <Left Mouse> to
start laying the track. Move in a vertical direction for 2.7” (X:0, Y:2700),
then click <Left Mouse> again. You’ll
probably need to zoom in to get a closer
look; hit <F6> to move closer, <F5> to
move away or <F10> to fill the screen
with your work thus far.
Now move in a horizontal direction
for 1.45” (X:1450, Y:2700) and click
<Left Mouse> again. This completes
the left side and one end of the board
outline. Continue the track down the
right side and opposite end to form a
complete rectangle.
If you make a mistake, first press
<Esc> or click <Right Mouse> to exit
track placement mode. Next, press
<D> <T> and click on the track to delete it. When done, press <Esc> again
to exit track deletion mode.
Deleting and replacing tracks is just
one way of editing a design. In most
cases, it is quicker to edit the track position (or its end point or route). This
can be achieved with the Track, Drag
End and Re-route commands,
Fig.1: design defaults and user
preferences are accessible via
the Setup menu.
Fig.2: the Toggle Layers menu
allows you to switch on only
the layers that you need. As
shown here, single-sided
designs require only the Bottom
Layer, Top Overlay and MultiLayer enabled.
with a library of commonly used
components (TRAXSTD.LIB). Unfortunately, this library is unsuitable for
use without major editing. Many pads
are too small for non-plated-through
(single-sided) designs and the hole
sizes don’t equate to the metric drill
sizes commonly used in Australia.
We’ll describe how to edit and create
your own libraries a little further on.
For the moment, use the SIMPLE.LIB
library that we’ve built especially for
this design. It can be obtained from the
SILICON CHIP web site (see panel entitled “Power Supply Demo Design”).
To load a new library file, press <L>
to bring up the Library menu, then <F>
to get the file name prompt. The file
shown will be the currently loaded
library, in this case C:\AUTOTRAX\
TRAXSTD.LIB. Change this to read C:\
<Enter> to load it.
Initial component placement
For a typical design, we would now
need to check that a matching “footprint” exists in the library for each
unique component in the parts list.
As SIMPLE.LIB already contains all
of the relevant footprints,
we can skip this step and
go straight to placement.
Table 2 lists all the
components in this design together with the
matching footprints in
SIMPLE.LIB. Let’s begin
by placing the three resistors (R1, R2 & R3).
Fig.3: the Options menu draws together
Press the <P> then
several important but mostly unrelated
<C> keys and you will be
controls. For example, the Drag option
prompted for the name
determines how Autotrax handles tracks
of the component to be
connected to a component when you
placed. By default, the
move it. Track Mode, on the other hand,
determines whether Autotrax enforces
name of the last compoorthogonal track placement. Use the settings
nent used is displayed.
shown here as a starting point.
You can simply press
<Enter> to place the same
component again, or type
sible via the Move menu. In addition, in the desired component name ditrack widths can be changed using the rectly. You can also change the name
Edit -> Track command.
to a question mark (?) and press <EnNote that as with all operations in ter> to see a list of all footprints in the
Autotrax, you can use the keyboard library (Fig.5).
as well as the mouse to place and edit
If using the latter method, highlight
components and primitives (tracks, “RES0.4” in the list (determined
pads, etc). The arrow keys move the from Table 3) and press <Enter>. For
cursor around, and the <Enter> key is “Component Designator”, enter “R1”,
equivalent to a left mouse click.
and for “Comment”, enter the component’s value, which in this case is
Loading the library
“120R” (we’ve used “R” instead of the
Autotrax is supplied complete
“Ω“ symbol). You can now move the
March 2004 67
Fig.4: the Current menu primarily defines
the current primitive sizes. For example,
if you were to hit <P> <P> to place a pad,
you’d get 100 thou round pads using these
settings. Leave the “Floating Origin” and
“Grid” options set as shown here.
resistor around the board and drop it
by pressing <Enter> or clicking <Left
Mouse>. For the moment, place all
components just outside the board
Note that as soon as you drop the
resistor, you’ll be prompted to place
another. Simply follow the same procedure to place R2 and R3, entering
the appropriate resistance values (from
Fig.8) in the “Comment” field.
That done, load all the remaining
components using the circuit diagram
(Fig.8) and footprint list (Table 2) as
your guides. The final result should
look something like that shown in
Mounting holes
If mounting holes are required, place
them next; trying to fit them in later
can be a real pain! For a typical 3mm
screw & stand-off combination, use
a 220-thou round pad with 120-thou
hole. This large pad size ensures that
they’ll be enough clearance around the
spacer (or nut) and screw head during
In the demo design, we initially
placed a hole at each corner but were
later able to move the bottom pair up
into unused space. This reduced the
board length by about 10mm.
Doing the shuffle
Now the real work begins! Obviously, the aim is to arrange the components within the board outline so that
it will be possible to connect them as
shown on the circuit diagram. Press
the <M> and then <C> keys and click
on a component to pick it up. To rotate the component left by 45°, hit the
space bar. As before, press <Enter> or
click <Left Mouse> to drop it.
68 Silicon Chip
Fig.5: using the Library -> List command lists all of
the components in the currently loaded library – in
this case SIMPLE.LIB.
So how do you know where to
place each part? Well, in all but the
simplest of designs, you’ll need to
move components around after the
initial placement to “get the right fit”.
In some cases, you may even need to
“rip up” your design (tracks and all)
and redo it a number of times!
Experience has a lot to do with it too.
The more layouts you do, the quicker
you’ll be able to find a layout that
works. Our recent PC Board Design
Tutorial series (Oct. – Dec. 2003) will
really help from here on. Much of the
information presented in the series is
not duplicated here, so it should be
considered mandatory reading.
Don’t cram all the components
close together; adjacent components
must not physically interfere with one
another. Some layouts will progress
faster if you initially leave at least
Table 1: Handy Shortcuts
Key Sequence
<Ctrl + G>
Current -> Grid
<Ctrl + P>
Current -> Pad Type
<Ctrl + Q>
File -> Quit
<Ctrl + S>
Current -> String Size
<Ctrl + T>
Current ->Track Width
Place -> Pad
Delete -> Pad
Place -> Track
End track
Zoom -> Contract
Zoom -> Expand
Move -> Re-Route
Delete -> Track
Zoom -> All
<+>, <-> and <*> keys on the numeric
keypad can be used to cycle between defined
enough space to fit a 30-thou track
between adjacent component pads.
Laying the tracks
To begin the layout, hit <Ctrl +
T> and select a 70-thou track width.
Check that you’re on the bottom layer,
and then press <P> followed by <T>
to enter track place mode.
To reposition tracks after initial
placement, use the Break, Drag End,
Re-route and Track commands, accessible via the Move menu. Place a
couple of tracks and experiment with
these commands now – you must be
completely familiar with how they
work. Remember that you can zoom
in and out with the <Z> command,
even in edit mode!
We used 70-thou tracks for most of
the design, increasing to 100 thou for
the main current-carrying conductors.
Notice how we had to “neck down”
from 100 to 70 thou to connect to
REG1. Two overlapping 100-thou
tracks form part of the ground connection. Where space permits, it’s a good
idea to use as much copper as possible
for high-current rails.
Although not particularly evident
on this simple design, it’s important to
constrain track placement to 0, 45, 90,
135, 180, 225, 270 or 315-degree orientation. This is called “orthogonal”
placement and it makes maintaining
consistent track-to-track and trackto-pad clearances easier. The “Track
Mode” setting in the Options menu
can be set to “Orthogonal” to automatically enforce this mode. However,
some users prefer to set this option to
“Non-ortho” and align tracks by eye, as
the auto mode makes track placement
less predictable.
Another method is to initially route
all the tracks with 90° corners. This
works well on simple, uncluttered
designs. Once the layout is almost
complete, go back and put in 45° corners (“chamfers”) using the Re-route
command. The result is more pleasing to the eye and it helps to prevent
undercutting during etching.
Track to pad joints
Generally, tracks should be routed
all the way to the centre of pads. Also,
when laying multiple tracks together
to make a wider copper area, make
sure that there is a sizeable overlap.
Autotrax draws pads on top of
tracks, so obscuring where tracks
actually end. Once you’ve completed
your layout, check for inconsistencies
by changing the track and pad redraw
mode to “Draft”. You’ll find this option
in the Setup - > Redraw menu.
Strings (free text) can be placed on
most layers. To enter a string, press the
<P> and then <S> keys and type in the
text. When complete, press <Enter> or
click <Left Mouse> and you’re ready to
place it. At this point, you can rotate
the string by pressing the space bar,
flip it with the <Y> key or reverse it
(for the bottom layer) with the <X> key.
On copper layers, allow at least 10
thou clearance between strings and
other objects (tracks, pads, etc) to avoid
potential shorting/etching problems.
A 5-thou snap grid allows accurate
The default string size can be
changed via the Setup -> Strings menu,
although 60 thou is recommended
for most work. Strings can be edited
(moved, sized, etc) via the Move ->
String, Edit -> String and Delete ->
String menu commands.
All components include two “special’ strings; the “designator” and
“comment”. These can be moved
about just like free strings but cannot
be edited or deleted with the string
commands mentioned above. Instead,
you must edit them via the Edit ->
Component menu.
Note that whenever you edit a
component and change the display
mode for either of these strings from
“Show” to “Hide” (or vice versa), you
have the option of applying the change
globally. To reduce clutter, some users
prefer to hide all of the component
comments (or designators, depending
on design complexity) until after most
Fig.6: once the board outline has been drawn, load all the components and
temporarily position them outside the outline. Notice that we’ve initially hidden
all of the component “comment” strings.
Fig.7: our completed layout. Notice
how the strings on the bottom layer
have been “flipped”.
of the work is done. It’s also possible
to determine whether the “designator”
and “comment” strings are hidden or
displayed during initial component
placement – see the Setup –> Component Text menu.
Block operations
The Block menu commands al-
low you to move, copy or delete an
entire section of your design at once.
Anything that can be selected within
a rectangular border can be acted upon
en masse by these commands. In addition, block commands are used when
creating new library footprints (see
Libraries further on).
Before using any of the block commands (except Hide and Read), you
must first define the block. Press the
<B> and then <D> keys and move
the cursor to the first corner of the
desired area. Click <Left Mouse> or
press <Enter> and move the cursor
to the opposite corner. A rectangular
outline expands behind the cursor as it
is moved, indicating the selection area.
Click <Left Mouse> again to lock in the
selection. Finally, choose a reference
point. This will be used as the axis for
the move and copy commands.
In addition to move, copy and delete, you can also write the defined
area to disk as a .PCB file. This can be
retrieved later using the complementary Read command. Block operations
should be used with caution; always,
always save your work first!
Saving your work
Whenever editing a design, save
your work regularly via the File -> Save
menu. It’s also a good idea to save a
backup copy of your work before starting a new editing session.
March 2004 69
Power Supply Demo Design
Fig.8: a complete and accurate circuit diagram is required before you attempt even the simplest of layouts. Here’s
the circuit for a simple DC power supply that we’ve used as our demo design. It uses a conventional 3-terminal
regulator, with the output voltage programmable via resistors R2 & R3.
lthough Autotrax includes a
demonstration design (DEMO.
PCB), it is far too complex to be of use
to the first-timer. We decided instead
to create our own simple design, the
layout for which appears in various
stages throughout this article. The
complete circuit and overlay diagrams appear in Figs.8 & 9.
You can download the design
(PSU.ZIP) from the Silicon Chip
web site at
au – look in the software download
area. This file also includes the
SIMPLE.LIB library referred to in
the text. Unzip PSU.ZIP into your
C:\AUTOTRAX directory.
How it works
The Simple DC Power Supply
is based around the well-known
LM317T 3-terminal adjustable voltage regulator. These devices are
Autotrax automatically saves a
back-up copy of your work for disaster
recovery purposes. You can change the
backup interval (in minutes) and the
filename used via the Setup -> Options
menu. An interval of between 10 and
20 minutes is typical.
Loading the demo design
With the information presented
70 Silicon Chip
extremely robust, having in-built
over-temperature and over-current
The supply can accept an input of
up to 28VAC or 40VDC and provide a
well-regulated DC output in the range
of 1.2V to 37V. Output current is 1A
maximum and depends on the input
to output voltage differential.
Using the specified heatsink and
at room temperature (25°C), The
LM317 can safety dissipate 2.5W of
power. You can use this power level
to calculate the maximum output
current for a given input to output
For example, with 16V at the input
to the regulator and 5V at the output,
the maximum current is:
= 2.5W/16V - 5V = 0.227A
The output voltage can be programmed by selecting appropriate
thus far, you should be well on your
way to completing the demo design.
Alternatively, if you’d rather load the
“one we prepared earlier” and experiment with that instead, then follow
the instructions in the “Power Supply
Demo Design” panel to download and
install the relevant files.
So you’ve finished the board layout – what now? Well, the following
R2 & R3 Values For
Common Output Voltages
Output Voltage
values of R2 & R2, according to the
VOUT = 1.25 x (1 + (R2||R3)/R1)
A list of commonly used voltages
and the corresponding values for R2
and R3 appear in the above Table.
Alternatively, you can install a miniature 5kΩ multi-turn potentiometer in
place of R2 & R3 for a 1.2V to 27V
half of this article describes several
concepts and features of Autotrax that
will help you to get started with your
own creation!
Multiple layers or wire links?
A good single-sided PC board design
is one that requires no wire links – or
so we’ve heard. The reality is that no
matter how proficient you become,
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04103041,
36.8mm x 68.6mm
1 LM317T adjustable positive
voltage regulator (REG1)
6 1N4004 1A diodes (D1-D6)
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 2-way 5.08mm-pitch terminal blocks (CON1, CON2)
1 2200µF 50V PC electrolytic
1 100µF 63V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 50V PC electrolytic
1 100nF 63V MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 1.5kΩ
R2 (see table)
1 240Ω (R1) R3 (see table)
not straddle or otherwise interfere
with them!).
If you wish, you can disguise you
links by using zero ohm resistors
instead of plain old tinned copper
wire. These are available in standard
“1/4W” package styles from the usual
electronics outlets.
Fills and arcs
Large copper areas are easily created
with the Place -> Fill command and
edited in a similar manner to the previously described “primitives” (pads,
tracks, strings, etc). Fills should be
used in place of multiple overlapping
tracks wherever possible, as editing is
far more efficient.
Autotrax supports arcs of any diameter and width with one to four
quadrants. Avoid these on the copper
layers unless you know what you’re
Fig.9: companion overlay diagram for the completed design. You can
purchase a ready-made PC board from RCS Radio at
if you would like to build one, or wait until next month to find out how to
make the board yourself!
adjustment range.
Note that the voltage at the input
terminal of the 3-terminal regulator
some of your designs will require links
to make those last few connections.
Of course, depending on complexity, a two-layer (or more) design might
also be the answer, especially if you
have limited space to work with.
Multiple-layer designs are for experienced designers only, so we won’t
cover them here!
Typically, a link is just a straight
(REG1) must be at least 2V higher
than the programmed output voltage.
piece of wire with a pad at either end.
We recommend a minimum pad size of
70 thou (85 thou preferred) with a 28 or
32-thou hole. Draw a track between the
two pads on the component overlay to
indicate the link position.
To give the assembled board a
professional appearance, wire links
should be oriented and aligned with
surrounding components (they should
As mentioned previously, the standard Autotrax library (TRAXSTD.LIB)
is unsuitable for use without major
editing. One option is to obtain a
complete set of libraries on CD-ROM
from RCS Radio. These are supplied
“ready to go” and are optimised for use
on non-plated through board layouts.
Contact Bob Barnes on (02) 9738 0330
or check out for
more information.
An excellent component library is
also available from Airborn Electronics at
autolib1.html. Note that this library is
optimised for plated-through (double
-sided) board design. This means
that the pad sizes (for through-hole
components) are too small for use on
single-sided boards. However, you can
readily use it as your reference library,
editing footprints as required and adding them to your own library.
Building your own library
Library components are made up of
all the familiar primitives. However,
their individual elements are not free
to move; they’re bound together in a
fixed relationship to one another. We
can break that relationship, edit the individual primitives and then regroup
them again at will. Let’s experiment
with an existing component from
First, find some free space (anywhere outside the border) of the power
supply demo design if you have it
March 2004 71
Table 2: Component Designators &
Matching Footprints In SIMPLE.LIB
Library Footprint
Table 3: Use These Hole Sizes
In Your Designs
Design Size (thou)
Drill Size (mm)
open, or start a new design. Make
sure that the snap grid is set to 25
thou and place a “RES0.4” component
from the library. Next, “explode” the
component by selecting the Library ->
Explode menu command and clicking
on it. “Exploding” the component
simply means converting all of its
primitives to free (unbound) elements.
You can now edit the pads and
tracks that form the outline (on the
overlay) just like any other free primitives. To prove the point, change the
pad sizes to 120 thou now using the
Edit -> Pad command.
That done, let’s save the modified
footprint back to the library as a new
component. First, use the Block -> Define command to select just the desired
primitives. For a reference point, you
can either click exactly in the centre
of the component or in the centre of
one of the pads. This will be the axis
point when placing the component
from the library later.
Next, select Library -> Add from the
menu. You’ll then be prompted for a
name for the new component. Type
in “RTEST” and press <Enter> and
you’ve successfully created your first
Once you’ve created the new
component, the original “exploded”
component remains. As it’s still highlighted (defined inside a block), you
can quickly remove it with the Block
-> Inside Delete command. Of course,
you could also use Block -> Hide and
delete the primitives individually!
The Library menu provides a host of
other functions. You can rename and
delete components, merge libraries
and create new libraries. The Compact
function should be used after editing
to tidy up the internal file structure.
Important: a library must never
have more than 200 components. If
you attempt to add more than 200
components, your library will be corrupted! Always save a backup copy of
a library before editing it!
Pads, tracks & hole sizes
For single-sided board design, the
minimum pad size to use with through
-hole components is 70 thou, with
80 or 85-thou recommended. Other
typical sizes are 100, 120 (or 125) and
150 thou. Stick with round or square
pad shapes.
The library components
must closely match
the physical size,
footprint and lead
diameter of the real
components. You
can get the necessary
information from the
manufacturer’s data
sheets or measure the
components yourself
using Vernier callipers.
Callipers with an LCD
display make this job
even easier.
72 Silicon Chip
Single-in-line (SIL) and dual-in-line
(DIL) packages with 0.1-inch pitch
pins (ICs, for example) are an exception. The recommended minimum
size for these is 60 x 120 (rounded
rectangles). Never use round pads for
this job – they may well lift off the
board as soon as they’re heated!
It is important that the holes sizes
used in your designs closely translate
to the commonly used metric drill
sizes used here in Australia – see Table
3 for a list of typical hole sizes. An
exception to this rule would be if your
boards were being made in the US. In
this case, refer to the manufacturer for
their requirements. This is something
that you should always do before submitting your designs anyway – it might
save you a lot of money!
For a handy one-page summary of
recommended track, pad and hole
sizes, get a copy of RCSTRAXY.PCB,
available free from RCS Radio at www.
Advanced topics
Autotrax includes the ability to
automatically place components
and route all or part of your designs.
Experienced users would probably
agree that this feature is of limited use.
Manual placement and routing always
gives a better result!
If you want to experiment with
these features, you’ll need a netlist of
your design. Netlists are usually generated by schematic capture software.
They describe all of the components
in a design as well as how they are
Our simple power supply design
includes a netlist file (PSU.NET) that
can be loaded using the Netlist -> Get
Nets command. Once loaded, you can
turn on the “rats nest” display using
Netlist -> Show -> All Nets.
Note that before using any of the
auto place or route functions (see the
Netlist menu), you must define the
board outline on the “Board” layer. To
do this, first turn on the Board layer via
Setup -> Toggle Layers. Next, switch
to the Board layer and duplicate the
outline drawn on the Top Overlay.
Next month
Next month, we’ll show you how to
make a hardcopy of your design. This
will enable you to check that all the
components will fit on your completed
board. It can also be used to make your
own PC boards at home!