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Vintage Radio
Converting a 240VAC set to
32V DC operation
A 240VAC to 32V DC conversion? You must
be kidding? Well, no – this project was
undertaken to discover the differences in
design and performance between sets using a
“normal” 200-250V high tension (HT) supply
and those with just 32V HT.
Converting a 240VAC set to 32V DC
operation is really doing things backwards these days. After all, how many
people have a 32V DC supply available
to power such a set? However, as well
as checking out the performance dif-
ferences after the conversion, I also
wanted to determine which valves
worked best with low HT voltages,
particularly in the audio section.
A redundant 240VAC mantel set was
chosen as the guinea pig for this task. It
proved to be an extremely interesting
project, with some unusual challenges
in design. A set with only 32V HT is
not as “tame” as many might think. It
ended up being a really hot performer
– better, in fact, than the original set
and still with only five valves.
Ho-hum circuitry
The design of typical 4/5 valve
mains-operated receivers is rather
“ho-hum” to most restorers. Typically,
they include a 6BE6/6AN7 converter,
6BA6/6N8 IF amplifiers, a 6AV6/6BD7
detector/first audio stage, a 6AQ5/6M5
audio output stage and a 6X4/6V4 rectifier. The circuitry is all fairly predictable, with 200-250V HT on the plates
and about 85V on the screens of the
RF valves. The bias is usually obtained
from a back-bias network.
Of course, there can be quite a lot of
variations in the circuitry and valves
used but it’s usually nothing out of
the ordinary.
32V DC sets
This view shows the chassis layout of the converted 32V receiver, with the white
arrow (top left) indicating the new 6BA6 RF stage. A chassis photo of a similar
main-powered version of this set is on page 81 of the September 2004 issue.
92 Silicon Chip
During the years between the 1930s
and the 1950s, many radios were designed to operate from 32V DC lighting
plants. That’s because many country
areas did not have access to 240V AC
mains until the early 1960s.
There were two ways of supplying
power to a set connected to a 32V
lighting plant. The first method was
to wire the valve heaters (sometimes
filaments) in series parallel across
the 32V supply (to keep the current
drain down) and to supply the plate
and screen voltages from batteries
or later on, from genemotors (small
motor generators) or vibrator power
Above: rear chassis view of the converted 32V receiver, with the bias battery
taped to the second IF transformer. Note that the 12DQ6A audio output valve is
sitting where the power transformer was originally fitted.
This meant that only minor modifications had to be made to a normal
AC mains-powered set as far as the
amplifying circuitry was concerned.
Instead, the only section that required
major alterations was the power supply. This scheme worked quite well,
with many fine highly sensitive 32V
sets produced. In fact, they had to be
good performers, as the average 32V
set was located well out in “the sticks”.
The second method of supplying HT
power to the set was quite different
to the first, with the HT being taken
directly from the 32V. This meant that
a fair amount of redesign was needed
to get reasonable performance, since
there was now just 32V on the plates
of the valves compared to 250V for
32V HT
mains-operated sets.
Radio Corporation, in particular,
produced a number of quite highperformance sets with 32V HT. However, a set with 32V HT required eight
valves to achieve the same performance as a 5-valve vibrator-powered
set. Radio Corporation sets typically
used an RF stage, a converter, two
455kHz IF stages and three audio
stages – the latter using two valves in
push pull – to get the performance desired. Even then, only around 300mW
of audio output was obtained from a
pair of 25L6GT valves operating in
structing a set with 32V HT, I decided
to convert a typical 240VAC mantle
set. A run-down HMV 61-51 mantle
set was selected to be the guinea pig.
I had no less than seven of these and I
really wouldn’t miss one if the project
was a flop!
The first step in the conversion
involved removing the power transformer and rectifier valve, which were
now redundant. However, the most
critical sections of the set are the IF
and the audio output stages. Initially,
several valve data books were consulted to find out which output valves
The conversion
In order to simplify the task of con-
36V HT
40V HT
44V HT
35L6GT 12DQ6A 35L6GT 12DQ6A 35L6GT 12DQ6A 35L6GT 12DQ6A
Table 1: plate current for the 35L6GT and 12DQ6A valves at different HT voltages.
February 2005 93
Fig.1: the HMV 61-51 a fairly conventional 5-valve superhet. This diagram
shows the circuit before the conversion was carried out.
would draw the most current with a
HT supply of 32V.
25L6GT and 35L6GT valves have
commonly been used in push-pull
in the audio output stages of these
sets but I wanted to carry out some
tests before committing myself. In
94 Silicon Chip
the end, a test set-up something like a
simple valve tester was constructed to
measure the current drawn by various
valves with 30-45V on the plates and
screens and with various control grid
bias voltages.
Comparative tests were run on the
35L6GT and 6DQ6A/12DQ6A valve
types and as shown in Table 1, the
12DQ6A draws more current at low
voltages which was the characteristic
sought. Using just one audio output
valve (12DQ6A) would also eliminate
the need to use a couple of audio transformers – after all, I wanted to keep
it as near as practical to the original
To maximise the voltage across the
valve, cathode bias was eliminated
and the local oscillator was originally
used to provide bias. This wasn’t successful and so another method had
to be devised. The impedance of the
audio output transformer also had to
be altered from my original calculation
– more on these two problems later.
Initially, I also thought that the
first audio stage would need a lower
value for the plate resistor, since the
voltage across it would be lower. This
was tried but when the amplifier was
fed with audio, the output was very
R7 – a 10MW grid resistor – was
used to develop contact potential bias.
This was too high in this instance,
so this resistor was reduced to 1MW,
the valve now running on virtually
zero bias. In addition, plate resistor
R8 was increased to 330kW and the
audio from this stage was then quite
satisfactory, an oscilloscope showing
little distortion.
It was now time now to get the output stage working properly. This had
a few problems, as mentioned earlier. I
had expected to be able to use a bias of
-1.5V, plus a 600W speaker transformer
(the nearest I had to 1kW) which had
an output of 3.5W to suit the speaker.
Unfortunately, the output was still
distorted. I tried substituting my 16W
workshop loudspeaker for the set’s
speaker to see if that was causing
the problem and the audio improved
I also experimented with the bias on
the 12DQ6A and found that -3V also
produced better audio quality – both
from listening tests and as observed
on the oscilloscope. Because the
valve was now drawing less current,
the speaker transformer impedance
was recalculated and now came out
at around 2kW. As a result, a new
transformer was installed and this
then gave good results with the set’s
original loudspeaker.
I had expected to be able to tap off
-3V from the local oscillator’s grid
Fig.2: this is the circuit of the HMV
61-51 after conversion to 32V
operation. Note the added 6BA6
RF stage and the modified audio
output stage which is now based on
a 12DQ6A. There are lots of other
changes as well, including additional
RF filtering, a modified AGC circuit
and bias changes to the 6BA6 IF stage.
sistor, to bias the 12DQ6A. However,
due to the low level of oscillator activity, there was insufficient voltage available to bias the output valve. I then
tried increasing the oscillator activity
but that caused other problems, so the
oscillator circuit was left as it was.
Another approach is to use cathode
bias with the 12DQ6A. However, the
audio output would drop by about
20% when the 32V battery was down
to 28V and there is only just enough
audio output as it is. Some 32V sets
actually used a battery to provide
the bias and in the end, this is what I
elected to do. It should last for years
– in fact, those in some sets are 10-20
years old.
Parasitic oscillation
Although the audio quality was now
much better, the oscilloscope showed
that the output valve was going into
parasitic oscillation over part of the
audio signal, thus causing distortion. This was cured by connecting a
3300pF capacitor (C34) between the
plate of the 12DQ6A and earth. It’s
worth noting that the 6DQ6/12DQ6
valves are quite high performance
valves and have to be treated with care
to prevent spurious oscillation.
When the set was subsequently tested at 45V (which some lighting plants
developed when at the end of the battery charge), the audio once again distorted on the peaks. I then remembered
that some of these high-performance
valves require a screen stopper to overcome such problems and in this case,
a 100W resistor (R27) completely cured
the audio distortion.
Once this was all done, the 12DQ6A
really worked well and the audio output was more than adequate. When
it comes to doing design work and
finding weird and wonderful faults,
an oscilloscope is an invaluable piece
of equipment!
IF filtering
Another worthwhile improvement
involved fitting additional IF filters in
February 2005 95
Photo Gallery: AWA Radiola 120
Manufactured in 1933,
the Radiola 120 (and its
table model companion
the 120) were AWA’s
first AC-powered superheterodyne models.
The set was one of the
few AWA designs to
use an autodyne mixer,
the company reverting
to conventional mixer/
oscillator circuits for all
subsequent designs.
Another unusual aspect
of the design involved
mounting the 8-inch
(20cm) electrodynamic
speaker above the
chassis, in the upper
section of the cabinet.
The valves fitted were:
57 autodyne mixer; 58
175kHz IF amplifier; 57
anode bend detector;
59 audio output; and
280 rectifier. Photo: Historical Radio Society of
Australia, Inc.
the audio stages. This prevents 455kHz
IF signals from being amplified and
then re-radiated back into the front
end of the set where they can cause
The extra components involved
here are C33, C35 and R26. Some sets
have these components installed as
standard but many manufacturers
decided they could get away without
them. This usually didn’t cause any
problems but some sets do have instability problems due to this lack of
IF filtering.
Once again, the oscilloscope was
handy here. It was able to show the
amount of IF signal getting through
each audio stage and indicate the ef96 Silicon Chip
fectiveness of the additional filtering
The converter and IF stages were
treated as a single unit and the only
modification involved shorting out
the screen dropping resistors (R5
and R6). The set was then turned on
and although it actually worked, the
6BA6 was found to be faulty and was
That done, the set was aligned and
although the sensitivity was fair, it was
hardly adequate for remote country areas. And that meant that some further
work would have to be done to solve
this problem.
Because most 32V radios have an
RF stage, I decided to fit one to this
set. However, since there is only a
2-gang tuning capacitor, any RF stage
would need to be untuned – unless a
3-gang capacitor and an RF coil could
be fitted.
Once again, I didn’t feel like carrying out major surgery, so I opted
to install an untuned RF stage. The
design of this RF amplifier is similar to
the video amplifier stages used in old
valve TV receivers. In this case, I designed the untuned amplifier to have
a cut-off frequency of around 2MHz
(note: the 1948 Philips portable model
111 used this technique as well).
As shown in Fig.2, a 6BA6 was
selected as the RF amplifier and the
“video” circuit was designed to couple
the 6BA6 to the following 6BE6. These
untuned amplifiers are rather different
in design to a “normal” tuned amplifier. They aren’t particularly complex
and require no tuning but their total
gain is lower because the circuit is
Once installed, the RF amplifier
stage boosted the performance of the
set such that it now equals almost any
other 32V set with an RF stage. The
components forming the matching
and peaking network between the RF
amplifier and the converter are R21,
R22, L4, L5 and C31.
AGC tweaks
By now, the set was beginning to
show real promise. However, further
testing revealed that the sound distorted on strong stations.
This is a sign of problems with the
AGC system and with such a low HT
voltage, the IF stage(s) are particularly
sensitive to too much or too little bias
voltage. The IF stage was overloading so to overcome this problem, the
AGC was removed from this stage and
contact potential bias was obtained using a 10MW resistor (R24) in the grid
lead. Capacitor C9 functions as the RF
bypass for the IF transformer.
In addition, by taking the signal for
the AGC diode from the plate of the
6BA6 IF valve, a higher AGC voltage
was obtained. This meant that the IF
valve was no longer overloaded, even
when high signal levels were encountered. As before, the oscilloscope was
very useful for determining where the
overload was occurring, which made
it easier to find a solution.
Power supply
The power supply circuit for a set
An under-chassis view of the converted receiver, with the RF inter-stage coupling
components visible near the tuning drive. The 12DQ6A audio output stage wiring
is at the lefthand end of the photograph.
that uses 32V DC as the HT voltage
is very simple. The voltage supplied
from a 32V electric lighting plant is
nominally 32V but does vary widely,
depending on the state of charge of
the battery bank. Typically, with 16
cells, it will vary between about 28V
with a flat battery bank (allowing for
voltage drop in the power cables) to
around 40V (ie, 2.5V per cell) at the
end of charging.
In some cases, to overcome the voltage drop in the power cables under
load, one or two additional cells were
added to the bank. This meant that the
voltage would rise to 45V at the end
of a charge.
This variation is really too much
for the valve heaters, so the on/off
switch in most 32V sets is a 3-position
switch, with the third position labelled
“charge”. The switch positions in order are “off”, “charge” and “on”.
In the “charge” position, a resistor is
placed in series with the heaters and
dial lamps to limit the voltage applied
to them when the battery bank is on
charge (in this set, S1 performs that
function). Note that in many vibratorpowered sets, the current to all sections of the set is usually fed through
a 10W resistor to drop the voltage to
around 32V when the batteries are on
To minimise electrical noise (interference) entering the set and causing
problems, a filter consisting of capacitor C36 and a 10mH choke is installed.
The audio ripple on the 32V line when
charging is taking place is removed by
capacitors C17 and C21.
Finally, note that decoupling resistor R10 is quite low in value, to minimise the HT voltage drop.
Several main points have emerged
from this very useful exercise:
(1) A set with only 32V HT on the
plates and screens of the valves can
perform as well as a set with a HT
voltage of 250V.
(2) To achieve good sensitivity, five
stages are needed compared to four
stages in a normal mains-operated
(3) Care is needed to ensure minimum
voltage losses, particularly in the plate
and screen circuits.
(4) Only minimal RF bypassing is required. The sets are remarkably stable,
due largely to the relatively low gain
per stage.
(5) The AGC circuit needs to be carefully designed, to avoid overloading
the IF stage(s).
(6) A valve which draws reasonable
currents on low voltages is required
for the audio output stage.
(7) Careful design is requited in some
sections of the circuit to achieve good
results on low voltages.
That’s it – a fun project just to show
what the differences are between sets
running on normal HT voltages and
those running on low voltages.
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