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This easy-to-build unit
plugs into the serial
port of your PC
and can control up
to four separate
stepper motors via
suitable driver boards.
Alternatively, you can
cascade up to four units to
control up to 16 steppers.
It’s easy to program too.
Serial Stepper
Motor Controller
NTIL NOW, IT HAS BEEN relatively difficult for the experimenter to properly control stepper motors
using a computer. That’s because most
stepper motor kits sold today interface
the step and direction inputs to a parallel port and then require you to write
the software to switch these inputs.
If you need to incorporate limit
switches and acceleration and deceleration of the stepper motor, what
started out as a simple job turns out to
be complicated and time consuming.
What’s more, parallel port designs
can generally control only one or
two motors and some designs don’t
allow multiple boards to be cascaded
The Serial Stepper Motor Controller (SSMC) described here overcomes
these problems. It’s a relatively compact microcontroller-based design
that attaches to a PC’s serial port and
provides control for up to four stepper
motors (via a suitable driver board).
What’s more, it does away with the
need for special software to control
60 Silicon Chip
the acceleration and deceleration of
the motors. Instead, you just issue
the basic commands and the software
inside the microcontroller does all the
hard work for you.
It’s really very easy to program.
There are just nine commands (see
Table 2) and these are all entered via
a standard serial terminal program (eg,
HyperTerminal). We’ll have more on
this later.
Want to control more than four steppers? No problem – up to four Serial
Stepper Motor Controller boards can
be cascaded (or “ganged”) together and
individually addressed. This allows
you to control up to 16 stepper motors,
all from the one serial port.
You can’t do that with most parallel port designs and, in any case, the
parallel port is rapidly disappearing
(many laptops no longer include a
parallel port, for example). And with
the availability of cheap USB-to-serial
converters, this controller could easily
be adapted for use on any USB port.
Fig.1 shows how the SSMC boards
are connected. Note that the SSMC
board does not directly drive the motors, since it has no on-board driver
circuitry. Instead, each stepper motor
is driven via a separate driver board.
There are several stepper motor
driver kits available that can be used
with the SSMC board. These include
kits K179 (unipolar) and K142B (bipolar) from Oatley Electronics. The
unipolar driver board was originally
published as the Mini-Stepper Motor
Driver in the May 2002 issue of SILICON
CHIP. It can control both 5-wire and
6-wire unipolar stepper motors, while
the bipolar board controls 4-wire and
6-wire motors.
Each of these kits has step and
direction signal inputs which allow
the user to control the movement of
the motor. The Serial Stepper Motor
Controller simply connects to these
step and direction inputs on the driver
Stepper motors
Before moving on to the circuit
Fig.1: up to four Serial Stepper Motor Controller
(SSMC) boards can be cascaded together, so that
you can separately control up to 16 stepper motors
from the PC. Note that each stepper is driven via a
separate driver board (see text).
description, let’s take a closer look at
the way stepper motors work. Unlike
regular DC or AC motors which have
commutator brushes to automatically
switch the stator coils, stepper motors
have no brushes. Instead, the coils
inside a stepper motor are individually switched by the stepper motor
control circuit.
The accompanying panel explains
the differences between conventional
motors and stepper motors in greater
There are two main types of stepper
motor: unipolar and bipolar. Let’s take
a look at each type in turn.
Unipolar stepper motors
Most unipolar stepper motors contain two centre-tapped coils and these
effectively act as four individual coils
– see Fig.2(a). These motors have either
five or six wires. Five-wire motors join
the two centre taps together, while
6-wire motors bring out the centre tap
connections individually.
In addition, there are 8-wire unipolar stepper motors and these have four
individual coils, with a wire for each
end of each of the coils.
The four coils of a unipolar stepper motor are individually activated
and deactivated sequentially by the
July 2005 61
This driver board can be
used with both 5-wire and
6-wire unipolar motors.
It’s available from Oatley
Electronics (Cat. K179).
Oatley Electronics also
has a board to drive
bipolar stepper motors
(Cat. K142B).
Fig.2(a): unipolar stepper motors
generally have either five or six
wires. Five-wire motors join the
two centre taps together, while
6-wire motors bring the centre
tap connections out separately.
being that the current flowing though
each pair of coils must be reversible.
Bipolar stepper motors generally
have less steps than unipolar stepper
motors of the same size but provide
more torque. Note that unipolar stepper motors can also act as bipolar
stepper motors if the centre taps are
Circuit details
Fig.2(b): bipolar stepper motors
have only two coils and four
wires. As a result, their drive
requirements differ from
unipolar stepper motors, the
main difference being that the
current flowing though each pair
of coils must be reversible.
controller. Each time this is done, the
motor advances one step.
Bipolar stepper motors
Bipolar stepper motors have only
two coils and four wires – see Fig.2(b).
That means that the drive requirements for bipolar stepper motors is
somewhat different to that of unipolar
stepper motors, the main difference
The circuit for the Serial Stepper
Motor Controller is shown in Fig.3.
First, incoming data on the serial port
(K2) is converted to 0-5V microcontroller “friendly” levels by a MAX232
chip (IC3). This data is then processed
by an Atmel ATMEGA8 microcontroller (IC).
DIP switch S1 (2-way) is used to set
the address of the board when multiple
SSMC boards are plugged together. As
shown, the switch lines are run to port
lines PD2 & PD3, which are normally
pulled high via two 10kW resistors (ie,
when both switches are open).
Provision is also made on the circuit
to accept limit switch inputs. These
inputs (LS1-LS4) are fed to port lines
PD5-PD7 & PB0 which again are normally pulled high. The 10kW resistors
in series with the port pins provide
protection for the microcontroller.
Where To Buy A Kit
The Serial Stepper Motor Controller was developed by Ocean Controls, 4
Ferguson Drive, Balnarring, Vic and all copyright is retained by Ocean Controls. Prices are as follows:
(1) Full kit of parts for SSMC (Cat. KT-5190) .......................... $55.00 + GST
(2) Fully assembled SSMC unit (Cat. KT-5190A) ................... $65.00 + GST
Visit the company’s website at for pricing
and ordering details, or phone (03) 5983 1163. Note: prices do not include
62 Silicon Chip
The “Step” and “Direction” outputs
appear at port lines PB1-PB2 & PC0PC5 and are fed through to their onboard terminals via a 74HC245 buffer
chip (IC3).
K2 is a 9-pin female D-connector
and this is used to connect the circuit
to the PC (via an RS232 cable). This
is also wired in parallel with K3, a
9-pin male D-connector which allows additional controller boards to
be connected.
The associated 18kW resistor and
diode D2 are necessary to allow multiple devices to be connected to the
serial link (see the section below on
The terminal connectors provide
connection for power at terminal
Vs, limit switch inputs (L1-L4), step
outputs (S1-S4) and direction outputs
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9-12V DC plugpack supply, with
diode D1 providing reverse polarity
protection. A 3-terminal regulator
(REG1) is then used to provide a +5V
rail to power the ICs.
Using the Controller
The Ocean Controls Serial Stepper
Motor Controller is controlled using a
serial terminal program, set at a baud
rate of 9600, with one start bit, one stop
bit and no parity. The accompanying
panel shows how to set up HyperTerminal, which comes with Windows.
The commands for the controller
take the form:
where AA is the 2-digit number of
the motor being addressed (between
01 and 16 - see Table 1), CMND is the
4-letter command (see Table 3), and
XXXX is a numeric value associated
with the command (see Table 2).
When a valid command is received
Fig.3: the complete circuit for the Serial Stepper Motor Controller. The MAX32 chip (IC2) converts the RS232 data to
TTL levels and this data is then processed by microcontroller IC1 to derive the step and direction control signals.
by the unit, it responds with the address preceded by a hash symbol – ie,
#AA – and this is followed by a value
if it is requested.
Status command detail
The status command returns the
state of each of the motors attached to
a single controller board. Valid “stat”
commands have the address of the first
motor on the board, eg:
<at>01 STAT returns the status of
motors 01-04
<at>05 STAT returns the status of
motors 05-08
<at>09 STAT returns the status of
motors 09-12
<at>13 STAT returns the status of
motors 13-16
These are the four valid status
commands. The returned value is a
12-bit binary representation indicating
whether the motors are moving, their
direction and the state of the limit
switches. Table 3 shows the general
”Multi-dropping” is the term used
when connecting multiple slaves to
one master. This is achieved by including a signal diode on the transmit
outputs of the slaves, plus a resistor to
pull the transmit line to ground when
it is not being used. The diode prevents
voltages produced by transmitted data
from the slaves appearing on the transmit pins of the other slaves.
All the slaves receive the same
data from the master and decode it if
Fig.4 shows the basic scheme for
multi-dropping. Note that the 18kW
pull-down resistor and the diode (D2)
are included in the circuit, so you don’t
have to worry about adding these if
you do decide to connect several units
together. All you have to do is plug
Table 1 – Addressing
July 2005 63
the SSMC boards together, as shown
in Fig.1.
Fig.4: multiple slaves can be connected to one master controller using a
technique called “multi-dropping”. This diagram shows how the scheme is
implemented using diodes and pull-down resistors.
Each time a command to move a
stepper motor is issued, the Serial
Stepper Motor Controller calculates
the stepping times to give a gradual
acceleration and deceleration.
In operation, the acceleration and
final speed are determined by the
ACCN, ACCI and RATE parameters.
The default values are 50ms, 2ms
and 10ms respectively but these can
be changed simply by issuing the appropriate command.
When a command is issued to move
the motor, it starts stepping at one step
every “ACCN ms” and then decreases
this by “ACCI ms” every step until the
interval is “RATE ms”. Subsequently,
as the motor approaches the final position, the step interval then increases
by “ACCI ms” from “RATE ms” until
the final position is reached, at which
point the interval will be back to
“ACCN ms” – see Fig.5.
Limit switches
Fig.5: the microcontroller on the SSMC board calculates the stepping times
to determine the acceleration and deceleration – see text.
Table 2 – Use These Commands To Control Your Stepper
Set the position that motor AA is currently at to XXXX, where XXXX is between
-99,999,999 and 99,999,999.
Returns the position of motor AA.
Move motor AA to absolute position XXXX, where XXXX is between
-99,999,999 and 99,999,999.
Move motor AA relatively from the current position by XXXX, where XXXX is
between -99,999,999 and 99,999,999.
Stop motor AA immediately.
Get the status of the motors (see “Status Command Detail” section in text).
Set the maximum stepping rate in milliseconds of motor AA to XXXX, where
XXXX is between 0 and 9999 (see “Acceleration”). If the value for ACCN is 0
or less than RATE, then no acceleration or deceleration occurs.
Set the Acceleration interval in milliseconds of motor AA to XXXX, where
XXXX is between 1 and 9999 (see “Acceleration”).
Set the minimum stepping rate in milliseconds of motor AA to XXXX, where
XXXX is between 1 and 9999 (see “Acceleration”).
Table 3 – Status Value
Where M, D and L represent the movement, direction and limit switches respectively.
For movement: 1 = moving, 0 = stopped.
For direction: 1 = forward, 0 = reverse.
For limit switches: 1 = closed, 0 = open.
64 Silicon Chip
As stated previously, the limit
switch inputs are normally pulled
high. An input is activated when a
limiting switch closes and pulls it to
Fig.7 shows how the limit switches
are wired. Note that multiple limit
switches can be used on each motor,
provided they are wired in parallel.
Note also that normally open (NO)
switches must be used.
When a limiting switch closes, the
associated motor stops. If the switch
remains closed, the motor will then
only perform a single step in response
to each subsequent command issued.
This can be used to back the motor off
the limit switch one step at a time, for
The assembly is straightforward,
with all parts mounted on a doubledsided PC board with plated through
holes. Fig.6 shows the parts layout.
Start the assembly by installing the
resistors and diodes, taking care to
ensure that the diodes are correctly
oriented. The 9 x 10kW SIL resistor
package can also be installed at this
stage. It must be oriented with the
white dot on the package (ie, pin 1 –
the common connection) to the left.
That done, install the capacitors and
the crystal, followed by the IC sockets,
voltage regulator REG1 and the DIP
switch. Take care with the orientation
of the DIP switch – the “ON” marking goes towards the terminal block.
Regulator REG1 must be mounted with
its metal tab towards the two 100nF
Next, add the screw terminal blocks
and the two 9-pin “D” connectors (K2
& K3). The DB9F (female) connector is mounted on the left, while the
DB9M (male) connector goes to the
right. K1 (a 2 x 5-way pin header) is
for in-circuit programming but is not
supplied as part of the kit.
Note also that if you are going to
gang two or more controller boards
together, you will need to remove the
screw posts from the DB9M connectors. This is necessary to allow the
male and female connectors to mate
correctly when pushed together.
Don’t install the ICs yet – that step
comes later, after the supply rail has
been checked.
Fig.6: install the parts on the PC board as shown on this wiring diagram.
Note that pin header K1 is for in-circuit programming (ISP) but is not
supplied as part of the kit since IC1 is supplied preprogrammed.
To test the controller, first connect
power (to Vs & COM) and measure
the voltage across pins 10 & 20 of
IC2’s socket. You should get a reading
of 5V. If not, switch off immediately
and check that you have installed the
regulator (REG1) correctly.
If you do get 5V, remove the power
and push the ATMEGA-8 microcontroller (IC1), 74HC245 (IC2) and
MAX232 ICs into their sockets. Take
care to ensure that these ICs are all
Fig.7: here’s how
the limit switches
are wired. Note that
normally open (NO)
switches must be
correctly oriented – each device is
installed with its notched (pin 1) end
towards the right, as shown in Fig.6.
Make sure too that all the IC pins go
into the sockets and that none are
folded underneath the IC or splayed
out down the side of the socket.
Once all the ICs are in, connect the
board to the computer using an RS232
cable and reconnect power. Set the DIP
How A Stepper Motor Works
Stepper motors are everywhere. For
example, every computer contains several (ie, in the floppy and hard disk
drives). They’re used because it is easy
to achieve very precise positional control
– far better than you can achieve with a
“normal” motor.
Unlike a conventional motor, where you
simply connect an appropriate voltage
and “away she spins”, stepper motors
require considerably more effort to get
them to work.
First of all, think of a conventional
motor. It has two main components – a
stator, which sets up the magnetic field,
and a rotor, which by magnetic attraction
or repulsion turns towards or away from
the magnetic field.
There’s also a commutator (actually
part of the rotor) which keeps switching
power from one coil to the next, moving
the magnetic field as well, so the rotor
has to keep moving, or rotating.
Stepper motors are similar in many respects – they have stators and they have
rotors – but they don’t have commutators.
The magnetic fields which cause attraction/repulsion, and therefore cause the
rotor to turn, are set up externally by the
motor controller.
In a stepper motor, one stator coil is
first energised, repelling the rotor. Then
that coil is de-energised and the next
one energised, again repelling the rotor.
Keep this up and the rotor turns continuously. By controlling which field coils are
energised and when, the rotation and
stopping position of the rotor can be
precisely controlled.
You will hear stepper motors referred
to as 0.9°, 1.8° and 3.6° types, and so
on. This refers to the angle of rotation for
one “step” of the motor – eg, a 0.9° motor
makes 400 individual steps to complete
one full rotation of 360°.
That’s a lot of steps, especially as each
one can be individually accessed. And
many stepper motors operate through a
gearbox, multiplying that yet again.
The speed of rotation is directly related to how fast you can switch current
between the coils. This is no problem at
low speeds but can cause problems as
the switching frequency increases.
July 2005 65
How To Configure The Terminal Program
Par t s Lis t
2 14-pin DIP sockets (for IC1)
1 16-pin DIP socket
1 20-pin DIP socket
1 2-way DIP switch (S1)
1 DB9F right-angle connector (K2)
1 DB9M right-angle connector
6 3-way 5.08mm screw terminal
1 2-way 5.08mm terminal block
1 8MHz crystal (X1)
STEP 1: open HyperTerminal & set up
a new connection.
STEP 2: choose that COM port that
the SSMC board is connected to.
1 Atmel ATMEGA-8 programmed
microcontroller (IC1)
1 74HC245 octal buffer (IC2)
1 MAX232 RS232-to-TTL level
shifter (IC3)
1 7805 5V regulator (REG1)
1 1N4004 silicon diode (D1)
1 1N4148 silicon diode (D2)
2 22pF ceramic (C1, C2)
4 0.1mF monolithic (C3-C6)
4 1mF electrolytic (C7-C10)
STEP 3: configure the port settings as
shown here.
STEP 4: click File, Properties,
Settings, ASCII Setup and
select the “Send line ends with
line feeds” and “Echo typed
characters locally” functions.
STEP 5: entering the <at>01 STAT command should return #01 0 if the
board is working correctly and nothing else is connected.
switches so they address from 01-04
(ie, both off) and then run a terminal
program at 9600 baud and type <at>01
STAT and press the Enter key.
66 Silicon Chip
This should return #1 0 if the unit
is working properly and nothing else
is connected.
If you have an oscilloscope, you can
1 9 x 10kW 10-pin SIL resistor
4 10kW (R1-R4)
1 18kW (R5)
give a move command such as <at>01
RMOV 1000 and view the pulses at
terminal S1 to confirm that the unit
is working. Alternatively, if you don’t
have an oscilloscope, you will have
to connect the unit to a driver board
and stepper motor. Just connect the
driver board (with its stepper) to the
S1, D1 and COM terminals and issue the above move command – the
motor should immediately move in
If it does, your SSMC board is
working correctly and you can start
programming more ambitious control
Example program
An example Visual Basic program
with source code for controlling four
motors is available on the Ocean Controls website at www.oceancontrols. This program can easily be
expanded to control up to 16 motors
for virtually any stepper-motor apSC