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This prototype unit differs
slightly from the final version,
which now also features a
second headphone socket, so
that two people can listen at
the same time.
Studio Series Stereo
Headphone Amplifier
A Top - Cl as s Un i t F or T he A u dio E n t h usias t !
Here’s a top-class headphone amplifier that can drive high or
low-impedance ’phones to full power levels, with very low noise
and distortion. For best performance, it can be teamed with the
Stereo Preamplifier described last month. Alternatively, it can
be used as a standalone unit, requiring only a power supply and
a volume control pot for use with any line-level signal source
(CD/MP3 player, etc). It even includes dual outputs, so you can
listen with a friend!
26 Silicon Chip
audio amplifier designs already
provide an output for headphones.
The additional circuitry required for
headphone support is simple; just two
resistors in series with the loudspeaker
outputs to limit the drive current and
protect the ’phones in the case of amplifier failure.
Considering its simplicity, this resistive limiting scheme works well,
although it will cause distortion if the
load is non-linear – a likely prospect
with most headphones. Apart from
eliminating this potential source of
distortion, there are a number of other
reasons why you might consider building a separate headphone amplifier.
For a start, not everyone owns a
pair of top-rated headphones or even
a high-performance power amplifier.
After all, an amplifier that equals or
betters the performance of this new
headphone amplifier will set you back
more than a few shekels!
Another reason might be for use
with the latest “high-tech” audio
electronics gear. The headphone outputs in much of this gear cannot drive
low-impedance ’phones – or at least
not to decent listening levels. In addition, available output power in portable devices is deliberately limited to
conserve battery energy. This means
that lots of distortion might be present
at higher listening levels, even with
sensitive headphones.
One way around this is to feed the
line-level outputs of this gear into your
power amplifier and then plug your
low-impedance headphones into that.
That works but then you’re tethered
to an immovable object. Besides, the
power required to drive headphones
is around 1/1000th of that required to
drive loudspeakers, so a large power
amplifier could be considered a tad
oversized for the job!
Features & Performance
Main Features
• High performance – very low noise & distortion
• Drives high and low-impedance headphones
• High output power (up to 200mW into 8W and 32W)
• Dual headphone sockets – can drive two pairs!
• Works with a preamp or any line-level audio source
Measured Performance
Frequency response.............................flat from 10Hz to 20kHz (see graphs)
Rated output power....................200mW into 8W and 32W, 85mW into 600W
Max. output power (current or voltage limited)..................... 575mW into 8W,
700mW into 32W, 130mW into 600W
Harmonic distortion......................................... typically .0005% (600W load),
.001% (32W load) and .005% (8W load)
Signal-to-noise ratio (A-weighted).................. -130dB (600W), -120dB (32W)
and -111dB (8W) with respect to 100mW output power.
Channel crosstalk ..................................better than -68dB from 20Hz-20kHz
at 100mW output power (see graphs)
Input impedance.......................................................................~47kW || 47pF
Output impedance................................................................................... ~5W
Note: all tests were performed with the amplifier driven from low source
impedance. For crosstalk measurements, the non-driven input was backterminated into 600W.
Design outline
One of the challenges in designing
a general-purpose, low-distortion
headphone amplifier is catering for the
huge variation in headphone specifications. Models with 8W (nominal)
impedance are common, as are 32W,
60W, 120W and 600W versions – and
many in between.
At the high impedance end of the
scale, a large output voltage swing
will be necessary to develop full
power, whereas at the low end, current
limiting is needed to prevent driver
Fig.1: these plots of distortion versus frequency at 100mW highlight the
impedance non-linearity of a real pair of 8W headphones. When driven
directly from the low-impedance headphone amplifier output, performance
is very good (bottom curve), as the amplifier’s feedback loop can act to
linearise the signal. However, when isolated with a 47W series resistor (top
curve), the headphone’s non-linearities are immediately exposed!
November 2005 27
Par t s Lis t – Headphone Amplifier
1 PC board, code 01111051,
134 x 103mm
2 PC mount switched RCA sockets (CON1, CON2)
2 6.35mm PC mount switched
stereo sockets (CON3, CON4)
1 3-way 5mm/5.08mm terminal
block (CON5)
1 8-pin gold-plated IC socket
4 TO-126/TO-220 micro-U heatsinks
4 M205 PC mount fuse clips
2 M205 500mA fast-blow fuses
4 M3 x 10mm tapped spacers
4 M3 x 6mm pan head screws
4 M3 x 10mm pan head screws
4 M3 nuts and flat washers
2 11.8mm I.D. plastic bobbins
(Altronics L-5305, Jaycar LF1062)
1 2-metre length of 0.63mm
enamelled copper wire
1 120mm length of 0.7mm tinned
copper wire (for links)
1 OPA2134PA dual FET-input op
amp (IC1) (Farnell 791-039)
2 BC557 PNP transistors (Q1, Q5)
2 BC547 NPN transistors (Q3, Q7)
2 BD139 NPN transistors (Q2, Q6)
2 BD140 PNP transistors (Q4, Q8)
4 3mm red LEDs (LED1-LED4)
(Altronics Z-0700)
or headphone burnout at abnormally
high volume settings.
Another consideration is headphone
impedance variation with frequency.
While distortion due to this effect
can be minimised with low amplifier
output impedance, this requirement
would seem less important than when
driving loudspeakers. We’re also aware
that some manufacturers are producing models that have virtually flat
impedance curves over the audio
spectrum and so will be unaffected by
an amplifier’s output impedance. In
fact, international standard IEC 61938
specifies that headphones should be
driven by a 120W source, regardless
of headphone impedance.
Alas, it seems unlikely that all headphones will exhibit the ideal “flat”
(purely resistive) impedance response.
To test this theory, we drove a pair of
reasonable quality 8W headphones first
28 Silicon Chip
12 1N4148 diodes (D1-D12)
2 470mF 25V PC electrolytic
4 100mF 16V PC electrolytic
2 10mF 35V/50V non-polarised
PC electrolytic (max. 6.3mm
6 100nF 50V MKT polyester
2 47nF 100V polyester film
2 1.2nF 50V MKT polyester
2 100pF 50V ceramic disc
2 47pF ceramic disc
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 47kW
4 1kW
2 7.5kW
8 100W
8 4.7kW
2 47W 1W 5%
2 1.2kW
2 10W 1W 5%
2 2kW
4 4.7W 0.5W 1%
Additional items
2 RCA plugs
Shielded audio cable
1 50kW dual-gang log pot (for
standalone use)
2 panel-mount RCA sockets (for
standalone use)
For power supply upgrade
2 TO-220 micro-U heatsinks
2 M3 x 6mm pan head screws
2 M3 nuts and flat washers
from a low-impedance (5W) source and
then added a 47W series resistor. The
results are presented in Fig.1.
The maximum amplifier output
power needed to produce the desired
volume level depends on another widely varying parameter: headphone sensitivity. Modern dynamic headphones
are very efficient, typically producing
90-100dB SPL (sound pressure level)
per milliwatt of input, with many
reaching full volume with just a few
milliwatts. To cater for varying sensitivity levels, commercial headphone
amplifiers are typically rated at between 10mW and 100mW, or more.
Unfortunately, the impedance rating of a headphone pair is not necessarily related to its sensitivity, so a
general-purpose amplifier design will
ultimately be a compromise. It must
generate sufficient volume when driving low-sensitivity, low-impedance
phones but may well overdrive highsensitivity and/or high-impedance
models at high volume settings. It must
also remain stable when driving varying impedances and be able to develop
full power into 8W units.
Updated & uprated
A number of headphone amplifier
designs have been published in SILICON CHIP over the years. Some are part
of larger amplifier or mixer projects,
whereas the most recent (described in
May 2002) is a standalone module. All
are similar in design, using complementary emitter-follower outputs to
boost the current-handling capability
of an op amp.
Although the heart of this design
still relies on the old boosted op amp
idea, it includes a number of improvements to significantly boost power
handling and performance as well. In
addition, we’ve carefully designed the
PC board layout to minimise distortion
and crosstalk. The result is a unit that
clearly outperforms our previous designs in all areas, yet is still relatively
inexpensive and easy to build. Let’s
look at the circuit in more detail.
Circuit description
The amplifier consists of two identical circuits, labelled “left” and “right”
to represent the stereo audio channels.
To reduce clutter, the circuit diagram
(Fig.2) shows only the left channel.
Note that some components are
common to both channels, including
the power supply input connector
(CON5), fuses (F1 & F2), filter capacitors and headphone output sockets
(CON3 & CON4).
An RCA socket (CON1) accepts the
audio signal, which is AC-coupled
to the circuit via a 10mF capacitor
and terminated with a 47kW resistor.
A 100W resistor and 47pF capacitor
form a simple RF filter, after which
the signal is fed into the non-inverting
input of an op amp (IC1a).
In common with the Studio Series
Stereo Preamplifier, we’ve used an
OPA2134 audio op amp here for best
performance. These op amps have excellent load-handling characteristics,
with the ability to drive loads down to
600W while producing very low distortion. Of course, this falls far short of
our 8W load requirement so a current
booster stage has been added between
the op amp and the amplifier output.
As mentioned earlier, the booster
Fig.2: the circuit is based on an
OPA2134 high-performance audio
op amp (IC1), which drives a
complementary emitter-follower
output stage. This significantly
boosts the amplifier’s output current
capability and therefore its maximum
power output. Only the left channel
is shown here – the right channel is
stage is based on a pair of mediumpower transistors (Q2 & Q4) connected
in a complementary emitter-follower
configuration. Let’s look at the positive
(uppermost) half of the circuit first.
Current source
Transistor Q1, a red LED and a
100W resistor form an active current
source. With about 1.8V across LED1,
close to 10mA flows in Q1’s collector circuit and this is used to drive
the base of output transistor Q2. Of
note here is the choice of LED type;
it must be red in colour and must
not be a high-brightness type – just a
standard 3mm type. The device we’ve
selected (Altronics Z-0700) exhibits
the desired forward voltage (1.8V) at
the programmed current. Similar types
may also be suitable.
A current source greatly improves
the amplifier’s supply rail rejection
when compared to the simpler resistive biasing that could also have been
used. Further improvements can be
seen in the base circuit of Q1, where
we’ve split the usual single bias resistor into two 4.7kW halves and added
a 100mF filter capacitor to the centre
point, again improving ripple rejection. Note that the use of a LED instead
of the more traditional diodes in this
instance is really just for convenience,
although it does provide a useful
visual indication of operation.
In the quiescent (no input signal)
state, most of the current flows into
the op amp’s output terminal (pin 1)
via diode D5. This diode compensates
for the base-emitter voltage of Q2, to
minimise crossover distortion.
In practice, the forward voltages of
D5 and Q2 will not be equal. Typically,
the transistor will have a slightly lower
forward voltage, so several milliamps
(typically around 15-20mA) will flow
in the emitter circuit of Q2 in the
quiescent state. A 4.7W resistor adds
a measure of stability to the emitterfollower configuration.
The other half of the circuit (Q3,
November 2005 29
Fig.3: follow this parts layout diagram closely when assembling the headphone amplifier.
Be careful not to mix up the different transistor types and double-check the orientation of
the diodes, LEDs and polarised electrolytic capacitors before applying power.
LED2, D6 & Q4) is powered from the
negative supply rail and operates in a
complementary fashion, with the output transistor conducting on negative,
Fig.4: here’s how to assemble the
heatsinks to the output transistors,
which must be done before fitting
the transistors to the board. Make
sure that the metal face of each
transistor mates with the heatsink
and be sure to smear both mating
surfaces with heatsink compound.
30 Silicon Chip
rather than positive half-cycles.
Diodes D1-D4 add output current
limiting and prevent large reverse
voltages from appearing across the
circuit during a short-circuit condition. All four diodes are installed for
operation into 8W headphones, giving
a maximum output current of about
two diodes drops (2 x 0.7V) divided
by the emitter resistance (4.7W). For
higher impedance headphones, two
of the diodes in each channel must
be replaced with wire links, halving
the maximum current and therefore
reducing the chances of accidental
headphone damage.
The amplifier’s output signal is
picked off at the junction of the two
4.7W emitter resistors and fed back to
the inverting input (pin 2) of op amp
IC1a via resistor R1. Including the
output circuit in the op amp’s feedback
loop has two important advantages.
First, it allows the op amp to servo
the output to near 0V with no input
signal, accounting for mismatches
in the complementary halves of the
circuit. It also results in an overall
improvement in linearity and reduces
crossover distortion.
Resistors R1 and R2 set the amplifier
gain in the usual manner, giving a gain
of +2 (1+ R1/R2) with the 1kW values
shown. This is suitable for use with a
preamplifier and/or when driving 8W
headphones (see the “Tweaking Your
Headphone Amplifier” panel for other
In conjunction with R1, the 1.2nF
capacitor (C1) in the feedback path
rolls off amplifier frequency response
above the audio spectrum.
Finally, an RLC network at the
output isolates the amplifier from
headphone reactance and ensures
stability under all conditions. The
low impedance of the inductor (L1) at
audio frequencies also allows the
Here’s what a completed inductor
looks like (you need two), prior to
scraping off the enamel insulation and
tinning the leads.
plifier to drive difficult loads (down to
8W) with very good results. We’ve used
air-cored inductors to avoid the signal
distortion that would be introduced by
ferrite and iron-cored alternatives.
next. Use wire links for R3 & R6 if
you’ll be feeding your amplifier from
a preamp. Conversely, install 2kW values in these two locations if you’ll be
feeding it from a line-level source via a
50kW volume pot. When inserting the
LEDs, make sure that you have the flat
(cathode) side of the body oriented as
drawn on the overlay.
IC1’s socket, the four fuse clips, transistors Q1, Q3, Q5 & Q7, the capacitors
and connectors CON1-CON5 can all go
in next. Take care not to mix up the two
types of transistors (BC547 & BC557),
and note that the 100mF and 470mF
electrolytic capacitors are polarised
and must be installed with their positive leads oriented as indicated by the
“+” marking in Fig.3.
All that now remains to be installed
are the 1W resistors, the output transistors and their heatsinks and the two in-
Table 1: Capacitor Codes
μF Code
EIA Code
IEC Code
ductors. The transistors and inductors
require special attention, so fit the 1W
resistors first. The two 47W units are
positioned in the inductor “centres”
and therefore must be mounted vertically, rather than horizontally.
Transistor installation
The four output transistors (Q2, Q4,
Q6 & Q8) are fitted with “micro-U”
style heatsinks before installation. To
Assembly is quite straightforward,
with all parts mounting on a 134 x
103mm single-sided PC board (code
01111051). Fig.3 shows the details.
Begin by installing the 10 wire links,
then install the 1N4148 diodes (D1D12). Note that D2, D4, D8 & D10 are
only installed if you intend using the
amplifier with 8W headphones. For all
higher impedance phones, install wire
links in these four locations instead
(see the “Tweaking Your Headphone
Amplifier” panel).
Make sure that the cathode (banded)
ends of the diodes are oriented as
shown on Fig.3.
The 0.25W and 0.5W resistors and
LEDs (LED1-LED4) can be installed
This is the prototype
Headphone Amplifier. The final
version includes a second headphone
socket and has a few other minor changes.
Table 2: Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet orange brown
violet green red brown
yellow violet red brown
brown red red brown
red black red brown
brown black red brown
brown black brown brown
yellow violet black gold
brown black black gold
yellow violet gold brown
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black red brown
violet green black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown red black brown brown
red black black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown black black black brown
not applicable
not applicable
yellow violet black silver brown
November 2005 31
Tweaking Your Headphone Amplifier
OR THE BEST listening experience, the headphone amplifier
can be fed from the Studio Series
Stereo Preamplifier described last
month. With this combination, a pair
of top-quality 32W (or higher) impedance headphones will provide superb
Good results can also be obtained
with 8W headphones or even two
pairs of 32W (or higher) units, if your
want to share the experience. In addition, the headphone amplifier can
be operated “standalone”, where it
connects directly to a line-level signal
source (no preamp required). Let’s
see how to get the best performance
in each case.
Using 8-ohm headphones
Considerable efforts were made
to ensure that the amplifier drives
8W headphones with low distortion.
To ensure you get the same results,
all eight limiting diodes (D1-D4 & D7D10) must be installed when driving
8W headphones! For higher impedance ’phones, wire links are used in
place of D2, D4, D8 & D10 only.
What if you own both 8W and 32W
(or higher) impedance phones and
you want to use all of them with the
headphone amplifier – without making changes to the board? Well, while
32W (or higher) headphones can be
plugged into an amplifier that’s configured for 8W use, you need to be aware
of the potential risks. The amplifier
is capable of delivering over 1W into
32W in this case, which is potentially
destructive for headphones, your
hearing and ultimately the amplifier
as well!
By the way, we do not recommend
increasing the amplifier gain (see
“Boosting volume” below) when driving 8W headphones, as this will cause
an unavoidable increase in harmonic
distortion. With the default signal gain
of 6dB, only about 630mV RMS is
required at the input to develop the
full 200mW into 8W, hence increas-
do this, apply a thin smear of heatsink
compound to the rear (metal) face of
each transistor as well as the mating
surface on each heatsink (do not use
32 Silicon Chip
ing gain for typical line-level signals
is pointless.
Boosting volume
Using the component values
shown on the circuit and overlay
(Figs.2 & 3), the headphone amplifier operates with a voltage gain of 2
(6dB), which is more than adequate
when the unit is fed from a preamplifier. It should also work fine when
driving 8W headphones, regardless
of the audio source.
However, if you want to connect
the unit directly to a line-level source
via a volume pot (see “Standalone
use” below) and you’ll be using 32W
or higher impedance ‘phones, then
you may find that the volume is not
loud enough, even with the controls
wound right up.
If after building and testing the
amplifier you find that more volume
is required, then amplifier gain can
be increased to 7.2 (17dB) to allow
the full rated output power to be
realised in all cases with a 1V RMS
input signal. To increase the gain,
use the following component values
in place of those shown on the circuit
and overlay diagrams: R1 & R4 =
7.5kW, R2 & R5 = 1.2kW and C1 &
C2 = 100pF.
One negative aspect of increasing
amplifier gain is an accompanying
increase in harmonic distortion. Nevertheless, performance is still excellent, with .0004% THD when driving
600W and .004% when driving 32W
headphones, measured at the full
rated output power.
Standalone use (no preamp)
When feeding the amplifier directly
from a line-level source, some method of volume control will usually be
required. This is easily provided with
a 50kW dual-gang log potentiometer,
inserted in series with the inputs to
the amplifier (see Fig.5).
One disadvantage of this scheme
is that op amp source impedance var-
insulating washers). Affix each transistor to its heatsink using an M3 x
10mm screw, nut and flat washer (see
Fig.4), allowing just enough slack so that
ies with changes in volume, resulting
in higher signal distortion. To offset
this effect somewhat, 2kW values can
be used for resistors R3 & R6.
Accounting for feedback resistance, the inverting input will then
see about 2.5kW (R1||R2 + R3), assuming the default 1kW values were
used for the feedback resistors. The
result is improved matching at the
non-inverting input at nominal volume
Note that the same 2kW values can
be used for R3 & R6 when the amplifier is configured for the higher 17db
gain option (see “Boosting volume”
above). In this case, the inverting
input will see about 3kW.
We acknowledge that the 2.5kW 3kW values are only a rough estimation, as the real source impedance
can vary anywhere from about 100W
to 10kW. Considering headphone
sensitivity variation, it would appear
to be impossible to establish a “typical” volume setting.
Important: when feeding your
headphone amplifier from a preamplifier or other low-impedance
source, resistors R3 & R6 must be
0W in value (use wire links)!
Dual outputs
The headphone amplifier includes
dual 6.35mm output sockets, allowing
simultaneous connection of two pairs
of headphones. Two important rules
must be followed when using both
sockets at once: (1) the headphones
must be of the same nominal impedance rating; and (2) the impedance
ratings must be 32W or higher.
Many listeners will prefer to set
their own volume levels and this can
be catered for by using headphones
with in-line volume controls. Separate
volume control boxes are also available from specialist audio outlets.
Note that although the sockets are
connected in parallel, the jack switch
output connects to the first (primary)
socket only, so this socket will control
the headphone/power amplifier signal
routing relay on the Studio Series
transistor and mounting screw can move
up and down in the heatsink slot.
Insert a transistor into its holes in
the PC board (don’t mix up the two
Fig.5: a potentiometer can be inserted in series with
the input signals to function as a simple volume
control. The metal body of the pot must be connected
to chassis earth, otherwise mains hum will be
introduced into the amplifier inputs.
Fig.6: amplifier total harmonic distortion & noise versus
output power into 8W, 32W and 600W resistive loads.
When driving 8W and 32W loads, the current-limiting
diodes begin to conduct around the 200mW mark, causing
a gradual increase in distortion. Once the diodes are
fully forward-biased, the output current is aggressively
clamped, resulting in an almost vertical rise in distortion.
For the 600W case, the amplifier abruptly runs out of
voltage headroom at about 130mW and hard clipping is
the result.
types), pushing it all the way home, so that the mounting screw is all the way down in the heatsink slot and
the edge of the heatsink is in full contact with the board
surface. If you can’t achieve this, then you’ve fitted the
heatsink upside down!
Without disturbing the transistor/heatsink assembly,
turn the board over and solder the transistor leads. The
mounting screw can now be carefully tightened. Don’t
overdo it; too much torque will disturb the package/
heatsink position!
Winding the inductors
The two inductors (L1 & L2) are hand-wound. Each
requires a plastic bobbin, about 1m of 0.62mm enamelled
copper wire and some electrical insulation tape. Some
kit suppliers might provide these items preassembled, in
which case you can skip the following instructions.
The insulation tape is needed to hold the windings
in place while the assembly is fitted to the PC board.
General-purpose tape will be wider than the bobbin, but
can easily be made to fit by slicing off the unneeded width
with a razor blade. Stick the tape down on a smooth, clean
surface first to make the job easier.
Play out the wire before beginning and remove any
kinks. Starting at one of the slots, wind on one complete
layer, keeping the wire taut as you go. With one complete
layer in place, start winding back over the first layer. In
all, 21 turns are required but you’ll need an extra half-turn
so that the wire exists at the opposite slot to the starting
end (see photo).
Wind on two or three turns of insulation tape to hold the
windings in place. Finally, scrape the enamel insulation
Fig.7: amplifier total harmonic distortion & noise versus
frequency, measured with an output power level of
100mW. As is clear from these curves, the amplifier
performs much better when driving 32W and higher
impedance headphones. Most headphones will reach full
output well below 100mW, so you can expect even better
performance than these already excellent curves reveal!
off the ends of the two leads and tin them before mounting
the inductor on the PC board.
For best results, the amplifier should be powered from
the low-noise power supply described last month as part
of the Studio Series Preamplifier (SILICON CHIP, October
2005). Even if you decide to use a different supply, the
guidelines in that article regarding mains wiring, housing
and general layout also apply here.
An additional step when using the low-noise supply with
November 2005 33
Fig.8: this graph plots the amplifier output voltage versus
frequency when driven at 200mW into 8W, 32W and 600W
loads and with 6dB of gain. As can be seen, the response
is ruler flat over the audio spectrum, gently rolling off at
the top end at a rate dependent on the feedback network
and output loading.
this amplifier is to fit small heatsinks
to the ±15V regulators (see parts list).
Apply a thin smear of heatsink compound to the mating surfaces during
assembly, to aid heat transfer.
We’ll assume that you’ve already assembled and tested the power supply.
All that remains then is to hook up the
amplifier’s power and signal inputs.
Connect the +15V, -15V & GND
outputs of the supply to the headphone amplifier inputs at CON5 using
medium-duty, multi-strand hook-up
wire. Twist the wires tightly together
to reduce noise and improve appearance. Take great care to ensure that you
have all of the connections correct – a
mistake here will destroy many components on the amplifier board!
When installing the unit in a case
with a preamp module, the headphone amplifier must not be separately earthed – only the preamp
board should be earthed. However, if
you’re building a standalone unit (no
preamp), then the headphone amplifier’s common (GND) rail should be
connected to chassis earth.
This is achieved by running a wire
from the pad marked “EARTH” on the
amplifier board to the main chassis
earth point. Do not connect any other
part of the circuit or power supply to
chassis earth (except the volume pot,
see below).
For a standalone unit, the volume
pot can be wired up next. Use a dualgang, 50kW logarithmic type, connected with audio-quality shielded
34 Silicon Chip
Fig.9: this is the crosstalk, again measured for 8W, 32W and
600W loads. Some of the coupling is due to the commoning
of the headphone left and right return (ground) leads at the
jack plug. The results (although good) would be better if
headphones used 4-contact jacks, thus allowing separate
grounds for the left and right channels.
cable (see Fig.5). The cable can be
terminated with panel-mounted RCA
sockets on the signal input side and
RCA plugs on the output side, which
are then plugged into the RCA inputs
on the amplifier board.
The metal body of the pot must be
connected to chassis earth to reduce
noise pickup. Do not connect the
body to either of the shielded cables!
Normally, the front panel will provide
the necessary earth connection. If
it doesn’t, then connect the pot to a
convenient chassis earth point using
hook-up wire. Note that solder won’t
adhere to the nickel plating on the pot,
so remove a small area of the plating
with an ink rubber or scouring pad
prior to tinning.
When used with a preamp, the additional volume pot is not needed.
Instead, you simply wire the switched
headphone outputs on the preamp
to RCA plugs using audio-quality
shielded cable. These then plug into
the RCA sockets on the headphone
In addition, the “JACKSW” output
of headphone amplifier must be wired
to the “SWITCH” input on the preamp
Continual exposure to very high noise
levels (including loud music) will cause
hearing loss and can cause tinnitus.
Hearing loss is cumulative, gradual
and almost symptomless!
board. This connection will allow the
preamp to reroute the audio signal
from the power amplifier output to
the internal headphone output when
a headphone jack is inserted in its
socket. Leave the “GND” terminal on
CON7 of the preamp disconnected.
To check out your completed amplifier, install the fuses and power up.
The four LEDs should immediately
light up – it not, switch off quickly
and check for serious cabling or board
assembly problems. If only one LED
doesn’t light, then the problem is at
least restricted to the associated current source/sink part of the circuit.
If all LEDs light as expected, then
use your multimeter to measure the
voltage between each output and
ground. These points are conveniently
accessible at one end of the 10W 1W
resistors. If all is well, your meter
should read within ±2mV of 0V.
Next, measure the voltage drop
across each of the 4.7W emitter resistors (situated adjacent to the heatsinks). All should measure between
about 0V and 100mV, representing
a maximum emitter current of about
21mA. Note that this measurement
assumes the transistors are idling at
room temperature. The reading may
be higher if the amplifier has been in
recent use and the output transistors
have warmed up.
OK, we’re done. Now for the best
part – the listening test! Enjoy! SC