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a n y w h er e on t h e p l a n e t !
Net Server – Pt.4
The PICAXE Protoboard plugs directly into the PNS I/O
connector and is a useful learning tool. It could even
form the basis of an experimental control system that is
accessible over the Internet!
Last month, we showed you how to use the
PICAXE Net Server (PNS) to control a motor
and monitor a switch in a pet feeder via the
Internet. As promised, this month we look at
a more sophisticated monitoring system.
S DESCRIBED last month, basic
applications requiring simple on/
off control can be driven directly from
the PNS with only a few extra parts.
However, more complex applications
often call for a dedicated controller,
perhaps based on a PICAXE chip.
Fortunately, a PICAXE chip in such
a system can be programmed to inter88 Silicon Chip
act with the PNS by sharing information (such as sensor data) in a common
area of memory. These variables can
then be displayed within web pages or
even manipulated by the PNS to alter
system behaviour.
Temperature controller
Environmental temperature con-
trol is one example of a process that
demands a dedicated control system.
A temperature controller might be
used to regulate the temperature in a
dwelling, greenhouse, fish tank or even
home-brew storage tank – to name a
few examples!
An outline of a rudimentary controller that could be used to maintain
room temperature (in a cold-weather
climate) within a specific range is
shown in Fig.1. It is based around a
PICAXE-28X chip, which controls a
heater and fan via transistor switches
and relays. A DS18B20 sensor provides temperature feedback.
If the PNS were not connected to
the temperature controller, then the
BASIC program in Listing 1 would be
all that’s required. The program waits
until the temperature drops below a
minimum of 16°C, at which point the
heater (on output 2) is switched on.
When the temperature subsequently
rises above 22°C, the fan (on output
5) is switched on.
In this example, the purpose of introducing the PNS into the system is to
be able to remotely monitor the room
temperature. To do this, the PICAXE
chip needs to copy the temperature
value into the PNS shared memory
space every time the DS18B20 sensor
is read.
Shared memory
The PNS includes an area of memory that can be accessed by both itself
and a connected PICAXE chip. This
shared memory is located within the
DS1307 chip on the PNS circuit board
and is accessible via the I2C serial bus
(see Fig.2).
Handshaking is employed to ensure
that both the PNS and PICAXE chip
do not access the shared memory
simultaneously. In normal operation,
the PNS has control of the I2C bus and
the PICAXE chip simply ignores I2C
However, when the PICAXE is ready
to update the shared memory, it sets
the RTS signal (output0) high. Once
the PNS is ready to release the I2C
bus, it responds by taking the CTS
signal (input 5) high. At this point, the
PICAXE chip is free to use the I2C bus.
Once communication is complete, the
PICAXE lowers the RTS signal. The
PNS responds by lowering CTS and
retaking control of the bus.
The modifications required to the
PICAXE program to enable shared
memory access are shown in Listing
2. As you can see, memory location
50 is used to store the temperature
variable (temp).
Of course, this application shares
only one PICAXE variable but more
variables can be shared if desired. In
addition, it’s possible to reverse the
process, allowing a value entered on
a web page to be transferred back to
a PICAXE variable. Refer to the PNS
data sheet for details on how this can
be achieved.
Hardware setup
The PICAXE Net Starter Pack includes a PICAXE Protoboard (part no.
AXE022) which comes fitted with a
Fig.1: here’s the basic outline of what would be required for the rudimen
tary temperature controller described in the text. It uses a PICAXE micro
to control a fan and heater via two transistors, which in turn switch two
relays. A DS18B20 sensor provides temperature feedback.
Fig.2: external PICAXE micros can communicate with the PNS via an
area of shared memory. This memory is physically located in the DS1307
clock chip on the PNS circuit board and is accessed over the I2C bus, as
depicted here. Only the PICAXE-18X, -28X and -40X micros support I2C
A PICAXE Protoboard is included in the Net Starter Pack and it comes
preassembled with a PICAXE-28X chip. Rows of pads around the board
provide easy access to all of the micro’s port pins. When jumpers J1 & J2
are positioned as shown (the default), the PICAXE chip is programmed
via the on-board stereo socket. For remote programming over the Internet,
move J1 & J2 to the righthand position.
December 2006 89
90 Silicon Chip
Fig.3 (left): here’s the circuit for most
of the PICAXE Protoboard (only the
optional oscillator circuit consisting of
X2, C5, C6 , J4 & J5 has been omitted).
Note the area enclosed within the grey
box – this is not part of the Protoboard
circuit. Its purpose is to demonstrate
what would be required to convert
the Protoboard into a rudimentary
temperature controller, as outlined in
PICAXE-28X chip. This board can be
connected directly to the PNS via the
supplied ribbon cable, which connects
the I2C bus (SDA & SCL) and handshaking (RTS & CTS) signals.
The PNS also provides power (+5V)
to the Protoboard over this connection, so no separate power source is
required for most experiments. Before
powering up, make sure that jumpers
J1–J3 are positioned as shown in the
accompanying photograph.
Fig.3 shows the majority of the circuit for the Protoboard. Also included
(within the grey box) is the additional
circuitry needed for the temperature
controller function we described
earlier. If you want to build your own
temperature controller, then this additional circuitry (comprising Q1, Q2,
RLY1, RLY2, etc) can be constructed
on Veroboard or similar and connected
to the PICAXE-28X port pins via the
empty rows of pads on the board.
Warning: the two 5V relays (RLY1
& RLY2) must not be used to switch
240VAC mains voltages. If mains appliance switching is required, then
the relay contacts can be wired to appropriately rated external switching
devices, such as the “Remote Relay”
(DSE Cat. K-3041) published in the
May 2006 edition of SILICON CHIP.
Note that it’s not necessary to
construct the entire add-on circuit
(within the grey box) to experiment
with shared memory and the PNS web
pages presented here. Instead, you may
wish to connect just the DS18B20 temperature sensor and it’s 4.7kW pull-up
resistor; this will at least allow remote
monitoring of ambient temperature.
PNS web page
Our web page for this month is very
simple, as all it needs to do is display
the temperature value. Again, the code
is split between two files, temp.cgi
(Listing 3) and index.htm (Listing 4).
The file temp.cgi retrieves the temperature value every three seconds by
Listing 1: tempcontrol.bas
Listing 2: tempmonitor.bas
symbol temp = b1
symbol temp = b1
pause 3000
readtemp 0,temp
if temp < 16 then heater_on
if temp > 22 then fan_on
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
pause 3000
readtemp 0,temp
gosub PNS_write
if temp < 16 then heater_on
if temp > 22 then fan_on
low 2
low 5
goto main
low 2
low 5
goto main
high 2
goto main
high 5
goto main
high 2
goto main
high 5
goto main
' Sub to update PNS memory
high 0
if pin5 = 0 then CTS_loop
writei2c 50,(temp)
low 0
'set RTS
'wait for CTS
'write temp to byte 50
'clear RTS
Fig.4: the circuit in Fig.3 uses abbreviated labels for the PICAXE28X pins. Here’s a more comprehensive pinout diagram.
reading the value from shared memory
address 50. As usual, index.htm uses
frames and temp.cgi to build the home
Refer to Pt.3 last month to learn how
the code works and how to download
it into the PNS.
Remote PICAXE programming
So what happens if you want to
December 2006 91
Listing 3: temp.cgi
Fig.5: once the
compiled PICAXE
code has been
transferred to the
PNS, all you need
to do is click on
“Program PICAXE” to
remotely reprogram
the PICAXE chip on
the Protoboard!
be able to change the temperature
threshold values of the PICAXE program remotely? One way to achieve
this would be to expand the BASIC
program and html code so that you
can alter these values on a web page.
Another way would be to download a
new BASIC program into the PICAXE
chip over the Internet!
To enable the PNS to download
new programs into the PICAXE chip
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”3”>
<title>Temperature Monitor</title>
The temperature value is ?50 ° Celsius
remotely, you must first move jumpers
J1 & J2 on the Protoboard to the righthand side (see photos). This connects
the PICAXE chip download pins to the
PNS serial port via signal lines “TX”
and “RX” on the PNS I/O connector.
Important: you must first disconnect
the Protoboard (or move J1 & J2 back to
their default lefthand positions) before
connecting the PNS to your PC via the
RS232 cable. We suggest that you place
<title>Temperature Monitor</title>
<frameset cols=”100%” frameborder=1>
<frame name=”temp” src=”temp.cgi” marginheight=2 marginwidth=2 frameborder=1>
Looking for real performance?
This is the final instalment of our
4-part series on the PICAXE Net Server.
We hope that our examples have aptly
demonstrated how this versatile unit
could be used to bring low-cost remote
Internet access to many different types
of projects.
For more information, check out
the complete PNS datasheet (NET001.
pdf), available for download from
Listing 4: index.htm
Completely NEW projects – the result of two years research
masking tape or similar over the 9-pin
“D” connector on the PNS to prevent
accidental dual connection.
To initiate the download process,
first open the desired BASIC program
in the Programming Editor and then
select PICAXE->Wizards->PICAXE
Net Server->PICAXE Download from
the menu. The program is first compiled and if this is successful, the “FTP
Transfer…” dialog appears (Fig.5).
Now click on the “Connect” and
“Transfer” buttons in turn. Once the
“File sent successfully” message is
displayed, the PNS can be issued with
a “Program PICAXE” command. This
can be achieved manually via a web
page form or by clicking the “Program
PICAXE” button.
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