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Net Server – Pt.3
Con t r o l y ou r n ex t el ec t r on i c s p r ojec t f r om v i r t u a l l y
a n y w h er e on t h e p l a n e t !
Over the last couple of months, we described
how to built a demo board for the PICAXE
Net Server (PNS) and then configured a
home network to make it accessible over the
Internet. This month, we look at building the
first of two Internet-enabled demonstration
HE PICAXE NET SERVER is an extremely versatile device. In theory,
any application suited to electronic
control could be adapted for use with
the PNS, suggesting a huge range of
applications. On the home front, the
PNS might be used to add remote
monitoring and control capabilities
to a security system, control an airconditioning unit, or feed the pets,
for example.
88 Silicon Chip
Each new application for the PNS
starts with some project design decisions. The first decision is whether you
just need simple “on-off” control of
output devices or you need to control
an automated process.
On-off control, as in the case of a
pet feeder, would be direct control of
a device over the Internet (eg, a relay
to activate a motor to open the cat-food
tray). To control the output devices (or
monitor input values), you would need
to build a simple interface circuit that
connects directly to the input/output
(I/O) pins on the PNS.
An example of an automated process would be one used to control the
environment in a greenhouse. In this
application, temperature, light and
humidity levels must be monitored
continuously and heaters, fans, lights
and sprinklers activated when necessary. The nature of this application
demands a dedicated control system,
perhaps based on a PICAXE micro.
However, the PNS could still be
used to monitor and remotely override the controller’s parameters (eg,
adjust the temperature threshold).
Depending on system’s complexity, the
PNS might need to share data (such as
temperature and humidity readings)
with the greenhouse controller. As
we’ll see later, this can be achieved
by memory sharing.
Notice that in the pet feeder example, the PNS is central to the entire
design, whereas in the greenhouse
example, it is just one element of an
overall system. Let’s study these two
interfacing methods as they apply to
two simple project examples, including how to generate basic web pages
for the PNS to match the hardware
First, let’s look at the simpler interfacing method, where the PNS directly
controls a motor in a cat feeder application. While you might not want to
build your own cat feeder, this simple
example clearly demonstrates how to
use on-off control and requires only a
few additional components.
Remote cat feeder
A basic feeder might consist of a
container with a sliding lid, which
is connected to a motor via a lead
screw arrangement. When the lid is in
position, the pet has no access to the
food but when the motor is activated,
the lid slides backwards (or rotates)
to expose the contents. By placing a
microswitch in an appropriate location, it would also be possible to verify
that the lid has opened and the animal
given access to the food. Jaycar Electronics stock a ready-made automatic
feeder (Cat. GH-1190) with a rotating
lid – perhaps it could be adapted for
remote control!
The circuit in Fig.1 shows how output 2 (P2) of the PNS I/O port can be
used to drive the motor via a transistor
and relay, while the microswitch and a
10kW pull-down resistor are connected
to input 3 (P3).
We’ve not produced a PC board for
this simple design and it could easily be built on a prototyping board
if desired. For demonstration purposes, you could also use the demo
board from last month to simulate
the feeder system. The green LED on
the board represents the motor, while
the pushbutton switch represents the
PNS web pages
Having built the circuit, we’re ready
to create an html web page for the
PNS to serve. Fig.2 shows all that’s
required: two “buttons” to start and
stop the motor and a “LED” to indicate
whether the switch is on or off. We’ve
kept the page design (and therefore
the underlying code) simple, so as
Fig.1: this simple circuit enables the PNS to control a motor-driven cat
feeder device. Output 2 (P2) of the PNS I/O port is used to drive a transistor
(Q1), which in turn actuates a relay to power the motor. The status of the
food tray door is detected by a micro-switch, which is wired to the PNS on
input 3 (P3). Variations of this circuit could be used in other applications
that require basic on/off control.
Fig.2: this basic web page enables us to switch the feeder motor on and off, as
well as view the status of the microswitch.
not to intimidate those new to html
This design is actually two separate
sections of code which are jointed
together in a frame to form one complete web page. Let’s examine the
code for the left side of the frame
first – see Listing 1: catout.cgi. It uses
html forms to display two buttons and
perform certain actions, depending on
which button is clicked.
In more detail, the name= property in the line <input type=hidden
name=01 value=2> gives the first form
its action, namely to process command “01”. Put simply, this command
means “switch an output on”. The
output to be switched is determined
by the value= property, in this case
output 2.
November 2006 89
A host of other name= commands are supported by the
PNS, facilitating tasks such as speaking a phase using the
optional speech synthesiser or updating the message on
the LCD screen. You’ll find a comprehensive command
summary on page 35 of the PNS manual.
Dynamic variables
The code for the right half of the page (Listing 2: catin.
cgi) is used to display the logic state of input 3, which is
connected to the microswitch. The state of this input is
retrieved and displayed via a process known as “dynamic
variable substitution”.
Dynamic variables are numbered from 00-99 and begin
with a question mark. Variable “67” in our code equates
to input 3, so “?67” will be automatically replaced with
the current value of input 3 (“0” or a “1”) every time the
PNS serves the web page. This means that the line will
appear in your web browser as either “The value of switch
3 is 0” or “The value of switch 3 is 1”.
Check out the “Dynamic HTML Generation” section of
the PNS manual to find out what the other 99 variables
Also of note here is the line <meta http-equiv=”refresh”
content=”3”>. This forces your web browser to automatically refresh the web page every three seconds, so you’ll
know when the switch is pressed!
Fig.3: before connecting new hardware to the PNS, it’s
imperative that the I/O configuration is set correctly
– otherwise, the PNS could be damaged. Here are the
settings for the cat feeder. Note that only bit 2 has been
changed from the original defaults.
Displaying a LED graphic
We’ve also added a “LED” graphic to the page. A green
LED (LED0.gif) is displayed when the switch is open and
a red LED (LED1.gif) when it’s closed.
This is achieved with the <img src=LED?67.gif> line in
the code. Again using dynamic variables, this line automatically expands to <img src=LED0.gif> when input 3
is low and <img src=LED1.gif> when input 3 is high – a
simple trick for improving the visual appeal of your PNS
web pages!
Putting it together
Fig.4: all of the files for the custom web page(s)
must reside in a single folder, where the “Website”
wizard will compress them prior to download to
the PNS. Don’t be tempted to store other files in this
folder, as they will consume unnecessary space in
The next line generates the button for this action: <input
type=submit value=”Switch motor off”>.
The second html form operates similarly but uses
name=00 and value=2 properties instead. Deciphered,
this means “switch output 2 off”.
90 Silicon Chip
All that now remains is to arrange our two sections of
code so that they’ll be displayed side-by-side in a browser
as one page.
This is performed by a third section of code (Listing 3
– index.htm), which uses frames to achieve the task. Note
that this code must reside in a file named index.htm, so
named because it is the default website page.
The frame border can be a useful visual aid when
developing web pages but for a more professional look,
you may wish to change the border value to 0 so that it
is not displayed.
So why use frames and two separate sections of code
in the first place? Simply because we only want the input
(switch) variable to be refreshed every three seconds – not
the buttons!
Configuring the PNS
With the web page built, the next step is to configure the
PNS so that the default input/output configuration suits
the cat feeder hardware. To do this, run the Programming
Editor and select “Setup” from the PICAXE -> Wizards ->
PICAXE NetServer menu.
From the default options, change input/output 2 to
“Out” (3 is already an input – see Fig.3). Also, make sure
Listing 1: catout.cgi
<title>Cat Feeder Motor</title>
Click the button to switch the motor on:
<form method=get>
<input type=hidden name=01 value=2>
<input type=submit value="Switch motor on">
Click the button to switch the motor off:
<form method=get>
<input type=hidden name=00 value=2>
<input type=submit value="Switch motor off">
Listing 2: catin.cgi
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">
<title>Cat Feeder Switch</title>
The value of switch 3 is ?67
<img src=LED?67.gif>
Fig.5: after compression, the new website is downloaded
to the PNS via FTP. The “IP Address”, “LogonName” and
“Password” fields must all match those shown in the PNS
Setup dialog (see Fig. 3).
plete, power off and disconnect the
serial cable.
Downloading the web pages
Listing 3: index.htm
<title>Cat Feeder </title>
<frameset cols="50%,50%" frameborder=1>
<frame name="left" src="catout.cgi" marginheight=2 marginwidth=2 frameborder=1>
<frame name="right" src="catin.cgi" marginheight=2 marginwidth=2 frameborder=1>
Listing 4: RC servo driver
servo 4,75
if input2 = 0 then loop
servo 4,225
'closed position
'loop waiting for input
'open position
'stop the program
that the IP address settings are correct,
as explained in part 1 of this series (see
SILICON CHIP, September 2006).
Any changes made must be
loaded to the PNS before they will take
effect. Connect the serial cable, power
up, click on “Download” and follow
the on-screen instructions. Once com-
We now need to update the PNS
with the newly created web page.
First, create a new folder on your computer and make sure that it contains
the required files, which are: index.
htm, catin.cgi, catout.cgi, led0.gif and
These can be downloaded in a
single zip file from the SILICON CHIP
That done, connect the PNS to your
network and power up. Again in the
Programming Editor, select “Website
Image” from the PICAXE -> Wizards ->
PICAXE NetServer menu and navigate
to the new folder just created (Fig.4).
Now click on the “Compress” button to
generate the PNS memory (EEPROM)
Next, click on the “Download via
FTP” button and the “FTP Transfer”
window appears (Fig.5). Change the
IP address to match your PNS and
then click the “Connect” button. If the
PNS is found, you can then click the
November 2006 91
Fig.6: as well as directly
driving external devices
such as transistors and
LEDs, the PNS I/O lines can
be used as signals to trigger
“smart” devices, such as a
PICAXE microcontroller.
Again using our cat feeder
as an example, a PICAXE08M drives an RC servo
to open or close the feeder
door when output 2 of the
PNS changes state.
“Transfer” button to transfer the actual
compressed image to the PNS.
Moment of truth
Now move back to your web browser
software and type in the PNS address (in the examples given, this is If all is well, your new
web page should look like Fig.2!
Verify that by clicking on the buttons, you can switch output 2 on
and off, and by operating the switch,
92 Silicon Chip
the logic value toggles and the LED
graphic alternates between green and
red. Remember, though, that the page
is refreshed only every three seconds!
trigger to initiate servo operation.
Fig.6 shows a suitable circuit,
while a matching program for the
PICAXE-08M appears in Listing 4.
Alternative mechanism
Coming next month
An alternative method of opening the
feeder lid would be to use an RC-style
servo controlled by a PICAXE-08M
chip. In this case, the output from the
PNS would be connected to an input
of the PICAXE-08M and act as a
Congratulations, you have now designed and developed your first PNS
project! Next time around, we will
build a more complex project that
shares data in real-time with a PICAXE