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Intelligent Car
This simple device stops the air-conditioner in your
car from sapping engine power when going up hills or
during overtaking, while still maintaining comfortable
temperature levels inside the cabin. It’s based on a PIC
microcontroller and is easy to build.
28 Silicon Chip
months, your car’s air-conditioner
works quite hard to keep cabin temperatures cool. As a result, fuel consumption increases due to the extra
load imposed on the engine by the
air-conditioning system or more specifically, by its compressor.
But that’s not all – the extra load imposed on the engine by the compressor
is readily noticed when travelling up
hills, particularly in smaller 4-cylinder cars.
In order to get around this problem,
many drivers manually switch off the
air-conditioner to ensure extra power
during hill climbing or when overtaking. It’s almost like giving the car
a mini “turbo boost”. On some new
cars, this can even happen automatically. These cars have a “Wide Open
Throttle” (WOT) cutout relay and
this automatically switches off the
air-conditioner’s compressor during
high throttle conditions.
If you wanted to maximise engine
performance, you would only turn the
air-conditioner on when going down
hills or when slowing down. That way,
the air-conditioner compressor could
be used as a brake that converts the
energy into cooling the cabin rather
than being wasted as heat in the brakes
or via engine braking.
In practice, of course, it’s quite impractical for the driver to continually
switch the air-conditioner on and off.
In any case, the compressor would
also have to run for at least some of
the time on a relatively flat road in
order to keep the cabin temperature to
a comfortable level on very hot days.
Doing it electronically
But what if the switching could be
done electronically? Well, that’s just
what this clever little circuit does.
Based on a microcontroller, it’s connected to various sensors in your
car and automatically switches the
air-conditioner off when the car is
accelerating or going up hills. It then
allows it to switch on again (if needed)
when the car is slowing down or going
down hills, or when the engine is only
lightly loaded (eg, when travelling on
the “flat”).
So the concept is really quite simple. The circuit overrides the existing
air-conditioner control system to turn
the compressor off when the engine is
heavily loaded. It then allows the airconditioner to operate normally when
Fig.1: the basic elements in a car air conditioning system.
H ow A n A ir- C o n d it io n e r Wo r k s
Fig.1 shows the basic elements of the air conditioning cycle. The system
comprises condenser and evaporator coils, a compressor and an expansion
valve. In operation, the compressor compresses the refrigerant gas. This
causes the gas to become hot and it is then passed through the condenser
(essentially a large radiator) to cool.
In the process of giving up heat, the refrigerant becomes a liquid (ie, it condenses). This liquid is then passed through an expansion valve and this causes
the liquid to expand into a low-pressure gas, significantly cooling it in the process.
Following the expansion valve, the low-pressure refrigerant is passed through
the evaporator coil. Any air that passes over this coil will be cooled, due to heat
absorption by the cold evaporator.
This cooling process also reduces the air’s capacity to hold moisture and so
this condenses to form moisture on the evaporator coil. As a result, the air is
also dehumidified.
Lower air humidity allows the human body’s cooling system to work more
efficiently by allowing water evaporation from the skin to occur more readily.
Along with the lowered air temperature, this reduced humidity gives an additional
cooling benefit.
engine loads are light. In addition,
the system can be set up to switch off
the compressor when the vehicle is
stationary (engine idling).
That’s the basic concept but in practice there’s a lot more control “intelligence” built into the system as we shall
see. In theory, this improved control
should also reduce fuel consumption.
However, we have not done any tests
to confirm this.
In order to understand how we
can improve the operation of the airconditioner, let’s take a look at how
we control it. If you are not sure how
air-conditioning works, refer to the
above panel entitled “How An Air
Conditioner Works”.
Temperature control
Most older air-conditioners control
the cabin temperature using a thermostat located in the cabin. This simply
switches the compressor on or off,
depending on the temperature.
By contrast, modern climate control
systems are much more complex in
their operation. They generally use a
thermistor to monitor temperature. Its
output is fed to an electronic control
January 2007 29
does not require a speed signal to be
(3) Low feature mode – used if you
only want the controller to provide
high-throttle compressor switch off.
Alternatively, for this mode, you can
ditch the Air-Conditioner Controller
and use the Simple Voltage Switch
from “Performance Electronics For
Cars” instead – see panel.
Inputs monitored
Fig.2: how a car air-conditioner
is wired into circuit. Note the
alternative wiring arrangements
for the condenser fan.
circuit which then acts to direct air
(via vents) over the evaporator, control
the air-flow speed, maintain humidity
levels and control the compressor.
Our controller works with both
types of air-conditioner systems.
Override control
One possible drawback to our controller is that the cabin temperature
could rise uncomfortably high during extended hill climbs. As a result,
we’ve included an optional override
switch. By pressing this switch, the
controller is disabled for a preset
period, so that the air-conditioner
operates normally.
This preset period can be set anywhere from 2-10 minutes, with each
switch press giving a 2-minute increment.
In addition, the unit can (optionally)
be set so that the compressor comes
on for longer that it normally would
during deceleration. In other words,
the cabin is cooled down further
than normal. The idea here is that the
compressor then won’t have to come
on as much as usual on level stretches
of road.
Of course, this extended cool-down
period also causes wider than normal
temperature fluctuations in the cabin
temperature, although this can be adjusted to suit individual preferences.
Alternatively, you can dispense with
this feature altogether, depending on
the settings chosen during the set-up
Three operating modes
The firmware allows the user to
select one of three different operating
modes when setting up the Air-Conditioner Controller. These are:
(1) Full mode – this includes the highthrottle compressor switch off, the
low-throttle extended cool-down period (compressor on) and compressor
switch-off when the engine is idling.
(2) Medium mode – this is the same
as the full mode but does not include compressor switch-off when
the vehicle is stationary. This mode
Main Features
Automatically switches compressor off when car is accelerating or
travelling up hills (high throttle)
Compressor may run with low throttle even when the cabin temperature
setting has been reached
Automatically switches compressor off when car is stationary
Standard compressor operation with normal throttle position
Override switch
Optional speed signal input
LED indicators for main functions
30 Silicon Chip
In operation, the Air Conditioner
Controller monitors the car’s throttle
position sensor in order to gauge engine load. In addition, there’s a speed
signal input, a compressor “flag” input
and the above-mentioned override
switch input.
The speed signal input applies
mainly to city driving conditions,
where vehicles invariably spend a lot
of time sitting at traffic lights. This
input (derived from the speedometer
signal) allows the Air Conditioner
Controller to automatically switch
off the compressor when the vehicle
is stationary.
Alternatively, if most of your driving
is in the country, you may not wish to
use this feature since the engine won’t
spend much time idling. In that case,
it’s simply a matter of leaving the speed
input disconnected.
Compressor flag input
The compressor flag signal is normally used to directly drive the compressor. It goes high (+12V) to turn
the compressor on when the cabin
requires cooling and low (0V) when
the temperature setting is reached.
In this application, however, the
compressor flag is used as an input.
Its job is to indicate to the controller
whether the compressor would normally be on or off. Basically, the Air
Conditioner Controller intercepts the
compressor signal and processes this
along with the other inputs. It then
switches the compressor on and off
via an external relay.
Fig.2 shows how the compressor
is normally wired, while Fig.3 shows
the wiring with the Air Conditioner
Controller installed.
Logging the flag signal
In operation, the on/off duty cycle of
the flag signal is logged by the controller. This is done so that the controller
can determine the necessary extra
compressor turn-on period during
Fig.3: this diagram shows how the wiring is rearranged to include
the Air-Conditioner Controller. The compressor and its condenser
fan are now switched on and off by the controller via an external
relay (Relay1). The second relay (Relay2) is used only if the
vehicle uses the alternative condenser fan wiring.
celeration and braking. The flag signal
isn’t logged continuously though, as
this would give an erroneous indication of the overall duty cycle. Let’s take
a closer look at this.
First, the flag signal isn’t logged if it
goes high during high engine load conditions. That’s because the controller
will have disabled the compressor and
this in turn can cause the flag signal
to go high (in a vain attempt to turn
the compressor on) for much longer
periods than normal. As a result, the
duty cycle would quite unrealistic if
it was to be measured.
Conversely, we do log the flag signal
when it is low during high engine load
conditions, since it is no longer affected
by the actions of the controller.
That’s not the end of it. Again, for
low-throttle positions, the flag signal
is not logged if it is low and the compressor is running, as the controller
is again effectively overriding the flag
signal. Similarly, there’s no logging
when the engine is idling and the
compressor flag is high, because the
controller prevents the compressor
from running.
Basically, logging only takes place
when the controller is not overriding
the flag signal and the air-conditioner
is operating “normally”. If there is
intervention one way or other by the
controller, the logging ceases.
Any logging that does take place
only begins after the compressor flag
signal goes low and then high again,
indicating the start of normal thermostatic control by the air-conditioning
system. Any logging before then (ie,
immediately after the air-conditioner
has been turned on) would again give
a false result.
In operation, the compressor flag
signal is actively logged over a period
that can be set from 1-16 minutes.
This logging time excludes those
periods when logging is paused. The
extended cool-down function only
becomes fully operational when there
is a satisfactory log of the flag signal for
processing by the PIC microcontroller.
The default length of the extended
cool-down period is set by the multiplier adjustment.
Other settings
Apart from the multiplier adjustment, there are three other main
settings: the adaptation setting, the
logging period and the retrigger period.
The adaptation setting modifies the
length of the cool-down period according to the driving pattern. At its
minimum setting, the extended cooldown period is the same each time it
is activated. By contrast, at higher settings, the extended cool-down period
is progressively reduced according to
the number of times the vehicle slows
down (or decelerates) in a given time
The idea here is that we can afford
to reduce the length of the extended
cool-down periods if they are occurring quite frequently.
The logging period can be set
anywhere between 64 seconds to 16
minutes in 64s steps. However, the
total number of samples in the whole
logging period is always 128.
Generally a 4-5 minute logging period will be suitable (ie, the compressor flag will be sampled approximately
every 2.5s). However, if the compressor normally switches on and off at a
fast rate, it may be necessary to use
a shorter logging period to correctly
sample the compressor flag signal.
Finally, the retrigger setting sets the
minimum delay between switching
the compressor off and then on again
(and vice versa). It only comes into
effect during high-throttle switching
(compressor off), low-throttle cooldown switching (compressor on) and
idle switching (compressor off).
Basically, the retrigger period functions as a timer to prevent the compressor from being switched on and off at
a rapid rate. It can be set anywhere
from 0-15s, although a 2-3s setting will
generally be suitable.
The retrigger setting does not affect
January 2007 31
Compressor monitor period: adjustable in 64-second steps from 64s to
16 minutes.
Compressor sampling period: selected with monitor period from 0.5 to
Multiplier effect: adjustable in 0.8% steps from x1 to x2
Adaptation adjustment: from standard to full in 16 steps.
Throttle input range: 0-5V with R1 out; 0-14.8V with R1 in.
Low throttle adjustment: 0-5V or 0-14.8V.
High throttle adjustment: 0-5V or 0-14.8V.
Compressor retrigger period: adjustable in 1s steps from 0-15s (with
0.5s uncertainty).
Compressor flag input: 0-15V.
Speed signal input sensitivity: 1.2V (VR4 fully clockwise) to 3V (VR4 at
two thirds anticlockwise).
Override period: adjustable from 2-10 minutes with 2-minute increments per switch press.
Current consumption: 200mA with all LEDs lit and compressor relay on.
the time taken to switch the compressor off under high throttle settings. It is
also disabled when the compressor is
behaving normally in response to the
flag signal, since it will be operating
within the manufacturer’s specifications.
Condenser fan drive
As shown in Fig.2, car air-conditioning systems run an electrically
operated condenser fan to help transfer
heat from the condenser to the ambient air. This fan can be wired so that it
either runs only when the compressor
is on or so that it runs permanently
whenever the air-conditioner is turned
on, regardless as to whether the compressor is running or not.
Our controller caters for both types
of fan wiring. In the first case, the condenser fan is left connected across the
compressor and both are controlled via
the same output from the controller.
In the second case, the fan is driven
via a separate controller output (and
external relay). This is done because
the controller may run the compressor
once more after the air-conditioner has
been switched off to implement the
extended cool-down function.
Circuit details
Its operation may sound complicated (thanks to the software options) but
the circuit itself is really very simple.
Fig.4 shows the details.
32 Silicon Chip
PIC microcontroller (IC1) is the heart
of the circuit. This accepts the various
inputs, runs the software program to
perform the various functions and
drives the relays and several LED
The software is quite involved, with
about 1500 lines of code. Much of the
programmed code provides the decision logic for the extended cool-down
In its basic form, IC1 is programmed
to monitor inputs from the speed-o
meter signal, the throttle position sensor and the compressor flag signal. It
processes these inputs and drives the
compressor (via Relay1) according to
the software logic.
In addition, there are inputs from
trimpots VR1-VR3 and override switch
(S1), with further options provided by
links LK1 & LK2 – see Tables 3 & 4.
The main outputs from IC1 appear
at RA0 and RA1 (pins 17 & 18) and
these drive NPN transistors Q2 and
Q3, along with indicator LED6 (Compressor On). Additional outputs at
RB5, RB7, RA6 & RA7 drive LEDs 2-5
As shown, the speedometer signal
is fed to the base of transistor Q1 via
a voltage divider consisting of 10kW
and 1kW series-connected resistors
and trimpot VR4. Zener diode ZD2
clamps any voltages above 16V, while
the associated 10nF capacitor shunts
unwanted high-frequency signals.
Trimpot VR4 functions as a sensitivity control for the speed sensor signal.
When VR4 is set to maximum (10kW),
Q1 switches on when the speed sensor
signal goes above 1.2V and off when
the signal goes below this threshold.
Setting VR4 to a lower resistance value
attenuates the signal fed to Q1’s base,
which means that the speed signal
(and thus the vehicle’s speed) must
be higher for Q1 to turn on.
Q1’s collector is normally held high
(at +5V) via a 10kW resistor. When Q1
turns on, the collector voltage is pulled
low to about 200mV. A 1nF capacitor
provides further high-frequency filtering before the signal is applied to the
RB1 input (pin 7) of IC1.
The override switch S1 connects
to the RB0 input (pin 6) of IC1 via a
1kW resistor. This resistor and its associated 100nF capacitor provides RF
filtering, to keep unwanted noise out
of the RB0 input.
The RB0 input is normally held high
via an internal pull-up resistor. However, when S1 is closed, RB0 is pulled
low (towards 0V) and this is detected
by the software. As a refinement, the
software includes a routine that makes
sure that very short switch closures or
transients are ignored.
Throttle position
The throttle position is monitored
at the AN5 (pin 12) input via a 1MW
resistor. This resistor has a high value
in order to prevent any loading on
the car’s throttle position sensor. ZD3
clamps any transients that exceed
16V, while the 100nF capacitor filters
the signal to remove high-frequency
Resistor R1 (510kW) is included to
attenuate the throttle position sensor
output if its voltage range goes up to
14.4V. Alternatively, this resistor is
left out for speed sensors with a 0-5V
range (the more usual case).
IC1 converts the voltage applied
to its AN5 input to a digital value. In
this case, 0V is converted to “0”, while
5V becomes 255. Voltages between
these extremes have values between
0 and 255.
Next in line is the compressor flag
input and this connects to RB4 (pin
10) via series 100W and 10kW resistors. Zener diode ZD4 and the 100nF
capacitor again act to clamp transients
and filter the input signal. A high-level
compressor flag signal (up to 14.4V) is
indicated via LED1 which is connected
Fig.4: the circuit is based on PIC microcontroller IC1. This device monitors several input signals and controls the
compressor and its condenser fan via external relays.
via a 3.9kW current-limiting resistor.
Inputs RB2 & RB3 are for links LK1
& LK2. These inputs are normally
held high (+5V) via internal pull-up
resistors. When a link is installed, its
corresponding input is pulled low to
0V. Link LK1 selects the function of
trimpots VR1, VR2 & VR3, while LK2
is installed if you want to dispense
with the “compressor off when vehicle
is stationary” feature in Medium mode
(see Table 3).
Trimpots VR1, VR2 & VR3 each connect across the 5V supply, with their
wipers connected to the AN2, AN3 &
AN4 inputs respectively. The voltages
on their wipers are converted to digital
values in a similar manner to the voltage on the AN5 input. These values
then set the multiplier value and the
low and high-throttle thresholds when
link LK1 is out (Table 4). Alternatively,
they set the adaptation value, the logging period and retrigger period when
LK1 is installed.
Indicator LEDs
Indicator LEDs LED2-LED5 are
driven by the RB5, RB7, RA6 and RA7
outputs of IC1. These show the speed
signal, high throttle, low throttle and
override conditions, respectively.
In operation, the Speed LED (LED2)
flashes at a 1Hz rate when a speed sig-
nal is detected. By contrast, the HighThrottle LED (LED3) lights continuously when the throttle position sensor
voltage goes above a threshold set by
VR3. Conversely, the Low-Throttle
LED (LED4) lights when the throttle
sensor voltage goes below a threshold
set by VR2.
LED 5 is the Override indicator. It
lights for the duration of the override
period when switch S1 is pressed.
Finally, LED6 indicates when the
compressor is on, which is whenever
IC1’s RA0 output goes high. This output also drives the base of transistor
Q2 via a 1kW resistor. When RA0 goes
high, Q2 turns on and drives Relay1.
January 2007 33
Fig.5: install the parts on the PC board as
shown here. Resistor R1 is installed only
if the throttle sensor output exceeds 6V
(see text),
This is the fully-assembled PC
board. Note how the indicator
LEDs are mounted.
Transistor Q3 is driven by output
RA1 in a similar manner to Q2. This
transistor drives Relay2 which in turn
controls the condenser fan in some
Power supply
Power for the circuit is derived from
the vehicle’s ignition supply. This is
fed to 3-terminal regulator REG1 via
diode D1 which provides reverse polarity protection. A 10W resistor and
470mF capacitor decouple the supply
following D1, while zener diode ZD1
(16V) protects REG1 from damage due
to voltage transients.
Pin 4 (MCLR) of IC1 is connected
34 Silicon Chip
the REG1’s output via a 1kW resistor.
This pin resets the microcontroller
each time power is applied.
All parts (except the relays) are installed on a PC board coded 05101071
(107 x 61mm) and this is housed in
a plastic box measuring 130 x 68 x
44mm. PC-mount screw terminals at
either end of the board take care of the
external wiring connections.
Fig.5 shows the assembly details. As
usual, start by carefully checking the
PC board for defects (shorted tracks
or breaks in the copper pattern, etc).
While you’re at it, check the hole sizes.
In particular, check the holes for the
screw terminals and the four cornermounting holes. Enlarge these holes
if necessary.
That done, install all the resistors
but note that R1 should be left out
for the time being. Table 1 shows the
resistor colour codes but you should
also use a digital multimeter to check
the values as some colours can be difficult to decipher.
The diodes and IC socket can go in
next, taking care to ensure that they
are all oriented correctly. Follow these
with the capacitors, again taking care
to ensure that the electrolytics go in
the right way around.
Transistors Q1-Q3 are next on the
list, after which you can install LEDs16. The latter should be mounted so that
the top of each LED is 28mm above
the PC board (pushing the LEDs down
onto a cardboard spacer between their
leads is the best way to achieve this).
Make sure that each LED goes in
with its anode lead towards the left
(the anode lead is the longer of the
two). Note that LEDs 1&6 are red while
the remaining four LEDs are green.
The 3-terminal regulator REG1 is
next on the list. As shown, this device is mounted with its metal tab flat
against the PC board. It’s installed by
first bending its leads down by 90°,
then slipping it into position and
fastening its tab to the board using an
M3 x 6mm screw and nut. That done,
its leads are soldered to the PC board
and cut to length.
Don’t solder REG1’s leads before
bolting down its metal tab to the board.
If you do, this could impose strain
on the soldered joints and crack the
board tracks.
The board assembly can now be
completed by installing trimpots VR1VR4, the screw terminal blocks and
the link headers for LK1 & LK2. Don’t
install IC1 in its socket yet, though –
we’ll get to that shortly.
The test procedure is quite brief and
simply consists of checking the supply rails before IC1 is plugged into its
socket. To do this, apply power to the
+12V and 0V terminals and check that
there is 5V between pins 14 & 5 of IC1’s
socket. If this is correct, switch off and
install IC1, taking care to ensure it is
oriented correctly – see Fig.5.
Initially, before switching on the Air
Step 4: if you have an oscillator connected, set it at about 100Hz (or anywhere between 2Hz and 1kHz) and
adjust trimpot VR4 (sensitivity) so
that the speed LED flashes. If the LED
does not flash, check that the oscillator
level is sufficient. When the oscillator
is disconnected the LED should stop
Step 5: rotate the external potentiometer fully anticlockwise and check that
the Low-Throttle LED lights. Conversely, check that the High-Throttle
LED lights when the potentiometer is
rotated fully clockwise.
Step 6: set the potentiometer mid-way
so that neither throttle LED is lit. Now
press the compressor flag switch. The
compressor flag LED (LED1) should
immediately light, followed by the
compressor LED (LED6) within 0.5s.
Release the switch and both LEDs
should extinguish.
Step 7: press and hold the compressor flag switch again and check that
the compressor LED extinguishes as
the pot is rotated clockwise to a high
Step 8: check that the signal generator is
off and press and hold the compressor
flag switch. Check that the compressor LED goes off as the potentiometer
is rotated fully anticlockwise. If the
signal generator is now connected,
then the compressor LED should come
on. Note that if link LK2 is installed,
the compressor LED should stay lit for
low potentiometer settings even when
there is no oscillator signal.
Step 9: set the potentiometer mid-way
Conditioner Controller for the very
first time, the programmed settings
are: Multiplier – x1.2; Low Throttle
Threshold – 1.25V; High Throttle
Threshold – 3.75V; Adaptation – minimum; Logging Period – 5 minutes;
Retrigger Period 5s. However, these
settings will be immediately altered
by the settings of VR1, VR2 & VR3
when power is applied.
As indicated previously, LK1
also plays a role here. If LK1 is out,
then the Multiplier, Low Throttle
and High Throttle settings will be set
by VR1-VR3. Conversely, if LK1 is in
place, then the Adaptation, Logging
Period and Retrigger Period will be
adjusted by the trimpots – see Table 4.
Once a setting is changed, it is remembered unless changed again via
the link and trimpot adjustments. You
will need to make a note of the settings
for VR1, VR2 and VR3 so you can
return these to their selected settings
whenever the link is changed to make
the alternative adjustments.
The initial tests can be performed
using the test setup shown in Fig.6.
You will need a couple of momentarycontact pushbutton switches, a 10kW
(or any value up to 100kW) linear potentiometer (to simulate a throttle position sensor) and some hook-up wire.
If you have one, a signal generator (or
oscillator) can be used to check the
speed signal detection. It’s then just
a matter of following the procedure
set out below.
Step 1: install LK1 and adjust VR1,
VR2 and VR3 fully anticlockwise. This
will set the Logging Period to 64s, the
Retrigger Period to 0s and the Adaptation to its minimum setting.
Step 2: remove LK1 and adjust VR1
fully clockwise to set the multiplier
to x2.
Step 3: set VR2 about 1/4 of a turn
clockwise and VR3 about 3/4 of a turn
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
mF Code IEC Code EIA Code
.001mF 1nF
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
green brown yellow brown
brown black orange brown
orange white red brown
brown black red brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
green brown black orange brown
brown black black red brown
orange white black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown black black black brown
brown black black gold brown
January 2007 35
Fig.6: this is the test set-up for the controller board. The 10kW potentiometer simulates the throttle sensor, while an
external oscillator is used to simulate the speedometer signal input.
and press the compressor flag switch
for about 16s. At the end of 16s, release it for 16s, then press it again for
another 16s and release it for 16s. This
will build up an on-off duty cycle log
of the compressor flag signal over the
64s logging period.
Step 10: release the compressor flag
switch during low throttle (ie, low
throttle LED lit). Check that the compressor flag LED extinguishes, while
the compressor drive LED stays lit for
a short period before it too switches
Table 3: Modes
Link LK2 Speed Signal
Not Required
Not Required
off. This is the cool down period and
will not be initiated again until the
compressor drive flag goes from low
to high again (ie, by releasing and then
pressing the compressor flag switch).
Step 11: press the override switch
(S1) and check that the override LED
lights. The compressor output LED
should now light whenever the compressor flag LED lights (ie, when S2 is
pressed). This should happen for any
potentiometer setting and regardless
as to whether the oscillator (speed)
signal is on off. This override should
continue for two minutes.
Assuming that everything checks
out, the finished PC board can be
installed in a UB3 box by clipping it
into the integral side pillars. The indicator LEDs protrude through matching holes in the lid and these can be
drilled using the front-panel artwork
Table 4: Setting The Trimpots
Link LK1
Low throttle
High throttle
(anticlockwise x
1, clockwise x 2 (anticlockwise 0V, clockwise 5V
in 0.8% steps) 0V, clockwise 5V at pin 12 in 255
at pin 12 in 255
Speed signal
low sensitivity,
no adaptation,
maximum in 16
Speed signal
low sensitivity,
36 Silicon Chip
Logging period
64 seconds,
clockwise 16
minutes in 64
second steps)
Retrigger period
0 seconds,
clockwise 15
seconds in 1
second steps)
as a template – see Fig.7. You will also
have to drill holes at either end of the
box to pass the external wiring to the
terminal blocks.
Fig.3 shows the installation details.
First, you will need to trace some of
the connections in your car’s wiring.
The speedometer signal wire will
need to be located, as will the throttle
position sensor and compressor drive
wiring. That means that a copy of your
car’s wiring diagram is an absolute
In addition, you will need to locate
a +12V ignition terminal (ie, a wiring
point that only goes to +12V when
the ignition is on). This can easily be
located inside the fuse box. If you don’t
intend to use the speed signal input in
Medium Mode (ie, you don’t want the
compressor to automatically cut out
when the vehicle stops), install link
LK2 on the PC board – see Table 3.
Once you’ve located the throttle
position sensor lead, use a multimeter
to determine its output voltage range.
Normally it covers the range from
just above 0V at idle throttle position
through to about 5V at full throttle.
It’s just a matter of turning the ignition on (but not starting the engine)
and then adjusting the accelerator
position while you make the voltage
If the voltage is above about 6V with
high throttle, install resistor R1 on the
PC board. If it is around 6V or less, the
resistor can be left out.
What If The Compressor Runs All The Time?
Parts List
Some car air conditioners are not thermostatically controlled, which
means that the compressor runs continuously while ever the air-conditioner
is switched on.
In this case, there’s not much point in logging the compressor flag signal
since it will be high all the time. As a result, you will not be able to use the
controller’s extended cool-down feature. The controller can still be used to
automatically switch off the compressor when the vehicle is accelerating (high
throttle) and when the vehicle is stopped, however.
Alternatively, you might want to consider using the SILICON CHIP Voltage
Switch to simply switch off the compressor under high-throttle conditions. This
circuit was published in “Performance Electronics for Cars” and is simpler (and
cheaper) than the controller featured here. Note, however, that the on-board
relay used in the Simple Voltage Switch will NOT be suitable for switching the
compressor on and off. Substitute a 30A horn relay as specified in this article.
Finally, be sure to set the hysteresis wide enough to prevent the compressor from rapidly switching on and off.
1 PC board, code 05101071,
107 x 61mm
1 UB3 box, 130 x 68 x 44mm
1 SPST momentary panel switch
2 30A SPST horn relays (Relay2
optional; see text) (Jaycar SY4068 or equivalent)
2 30A horn relay bases (one
optional; see text) (Jaycar SY4069 or equivalent)
1 3-way PC-mount screw terminal
block, 5.08mm spacing
4 2-way PC-mount screw terminal
blocks, 5.08mm spacing
4 10kΩ horizontal mount trimpots
(VR1-VR4) (code 103)
1 18-pin DIL IC socket
1 M3 x 6mm screw
1 M3 nut
In addition, the wiring to the condenser fan needs to be checked out.
Fig.2 shows the two possible wiring
configurations, while Fig.3 shows how
each configuration is connected to the
Note that the 85, 86, 30 & 87 numbers in Fig.3 refer to the connections
marked on the relay for the coil and
the relay contacts. Note also the Relay2
is not required if the condenser fan is
connected directly across the compressor and its series pressure switch.
Be sure to use 30A automotive horn
relays, as specified in the parts list.
These can be bolted to the chassis and
plugged into the specified bases. The
wires from the relay bases are then
lengthened and spliced into the car’s
wiring using insulated automotive
crimp connectors.
Similarly, use automotive connectors to make the connections to the
sensors, the +12V and 0V (chassis)
supply connections and to the override switch. If you have an older car,
the latter can be installed on the dashboard. On more modern cars, it can be
hidden under the dash but should still
be readily accessible.
Note that the ignition-switched
+12V supply to the controller should
not go to 0V when the starter motor
is cranked.
Pressure switch
What ever you do, make sure that
the pressure switch is included in
series with the compressor – see Fig.2
& Fig.3. It’s there to independently
24V Operation
Want to operate this unit from
a 24V supply? It’s just a matter of
changing a few component values,
as follows: ZD1-ZD4 should be
33V 1W zener diodes; the 470mF
capacitor at the input to REG1
should be rated at 35V; the 100mF
capacitor decoupling the relay
supply should be rated at 35V; if
R1 is needed it should be 220kW;
and finally, the relays must have
24V coils.
switch off the compressor to prevent
icing when necessary. Note also that
you will need to initially wire the Air
Conditioner Controller so that it can
be accessed for easy adjustment. After
you are satisfied with the adjustments,
it can later be tucked up out of the way
under the dashboard.
Once the installation is complete,
you need to go through the following
Step 1: Switch on the ignition so that
power is applied to the Air Conditioner Controller.
Step 2: Press the accelerator down
very slightly and adjust VR2 (with
LK1 out) so that the Low-Throttle LED
just lights.
Step 3: Press the accelerator down to
the position you normally use for brisk
acceleration (or for going up hills) and
1 PIC16F88 microcontroller
programmed with aircon.hex
3 BC337 NPN transistors (Q1-Q3)
1 7805 5V regulator (REG1)
3 1N4004 1A diodes (D1-D3)
3 16V 1W zener diodes (ZD1-ZD3)
2 3mm red high-intensity LEDs
4 3mm green high-intensity
1 470mF 16V PC electrolytic
2 100mF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10mF 16V PC electrolytic
4 100nF MKT polyester
1 10nF MKT polyester
1 1nF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
10 1kΩ
1 510kΩ (R1)
1 100Ω
3 10kΩ
1 10Ω
1 3.9kΩ
Automotive wire, connectors.
adjust VR3 so the High-Throttle LED
just lights.
Step 4: Install LK1 and adjust the adaptation control (VR1) to fully anticlockwise, the logging period (VR2) to 5
minutes (about 1/3 of a turn clockwise)
and the retrigger (VR3) to mid-way
for about 7.5s. For a longer retrigger
period, set VR3 fully clockwise. If you
are not concerned about the compresJanuary 2007 37
This Unit Doesn’t Suit All Cars
This Air Conditioner Controller is designed to work with cars that have a
throttle position sensor that delivers a voltage dependent on throttle position. This type of sensor is normally installed in cars that use electronic fuel
injection and engine management. Cars with a carburettor fuel system are
unlikely to include a throttle position sensor.
Cars with a carburettor could, however, be modified to include a potentiometer that is operated by the throttle. A long life potentiometer would be required,
such as one available from Farnell Cat. 469-9518 (
au). This is a Vishay 10kW linear conductive plastic potentiometer rated for
five million operations and 125°C. A 5V supply for the high throttle end of the
potentiometer could be obtained from the 5V output of REG1. The 0V signal
could be obtained from the 0V input or the chassis.
The potentiometer’s wiper provides the throttle position voltage. Note that
a low voltage output should coincide with a low throttle, while a high voltage
output should be produced at high throttle positions.
The speed signal must be derived from a signal pulse train that’s fed out of
the engine management computer (ECU); eg, the speedometer signal – see
warning panel. Alternatively, if the ECU doesn’t have a speed signal input, a
signal can be derived directly from the speedometer sensor. A cable-operated
speedometer is usually not suitable unless the speedometer outputs a signal
for the engine management computer.
A speed signal could also be derived from the drive shaft using a magnet
and coil in a similar manner to that used in the Speed Alarm published in
SILICON CHIP in November and December 1999.
Be sure to derive the speed
signal for this unit from your car’s
speedometer signal – ie, from an
output from the engine management computer (ECU). DO NOT
tap into a speed sensor signal
that’s used as an input to the
The reason for this is that many
cars now have anti-lock braking
(ABS), traction control, electronic
stability control and other systems that rely on speed sensor
signals to the ECU. Tapping into
one of these signals could upset
the operation of these important
sor rapidly switching on and off, then
set VR3 fully anticlockwise.
Test drive
It’s now time for a test drive, to see
how the controller performs. Here’s
the procedure:
Step 1: Start the car and turn the airconditioner on, then lift the bonnet
and check that the condenser fan runs
correctly with its new wiring.
Step 2: Drive the car. When the com-
pressor flag LED goes out, the cabin
will have cooled to the thermostat setting. When it does, press the override
switch to allow the compressor flag
signal to be logged without the controller’s high load and low throttle settings
affecting the compressor drive.
Note: the override switch is not
normally used to allow the logging of
the compressor flag signal. It’s simply
used during this initial adjustment
procedure to make setting-up much
Fig.7: this full-size artwork can be used as a drilling template for the front panel.
38 Silicon Chip
faster and more predictable.
Step 3: During the override period,
watch the compressor action. There
may be long periods that the compressor is on and long periods where it is
off. You need to set the logging period
so that it’s long enough to cover at least
several compressor flag on and off
cycles. This is done using VR2 with
LK1 installed – see Table 4.
Step 4: Observe the Low and HighThrottle LEDs. You may need to
readjust the settings here to suit your
driving style. For example, the high
throttle LED may not light at the required acceleration rate. Alternatively,
it may light when simply cruising, in
which case VR3 should be adjusted
further clockwise (LK1 out).
If the low throttle LED lights under
cruise conditions, turn VR2 further
anticlockwise to correct this.
Step 5: If you needed to alter the logging period in step 3, press the override switch again. When the override
period expires, check the cool down
operation on low throttle. Adjust VR1
for the required multiplier effect (LK1
Note: setting VR1 fully anticlockwise disables the cool down feature,
while fully clockwise gives a long cool
down period.
Step 6: Set the adaptation level for personal preference using VR1 (LK1 in).
And that’s it, although you may need
to do some further fine-tuning later on
based on further driving experience.
In the meantime, you can enjoy the
performance benefits of your new
“intelligent” air-conditioner.