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Items relevant to "Simple Data-Logging Weather Station; Pt.2":
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Simple Data-Logging
Weather Station
Part II –
by Glenn Pure
Last month, we introduced our
new Rain and TemperatureMeasuring Weather Station,
with all the electronics.
This month, we get into the
nitty-gritty of building it – all
the mechanical detail and then
the actual construction.
WHETTED YOUR appetite with
this simple design. Most of the mechanical detail here is “roll your own”
but there is an alternative commercial
rain sensor available if you don’t have
the time or inclination to make one.
For those who do . . .
Making the rain sensor
The rain sensor uses a tipping
bucket mechanism, consisting of a
rain collection funnel that feeds water
into a pivoting bucket divided into
two opposing halves. When one side
of the bucket fills and tips, it empties
itself, at the same time positioning
the opposing side under the funnel
68 Silicon Chip
outlet where it can fill, tip and repeat
the cycle.
The tipping back and forth can be
detected in various ways. Since power
consumption was important for this
project, a passive sensing mechanism
was chosen. This involves momentarily
closing a switch each time the bucket
tips. As shown in the circuit diagram
last month (Fig.1), the switch closure
pulls the rain sensor line low (it is
normally held high by a 220kW pullup resistor).
To keep the design simple and
maximise reliability, I used a magnetic reed switch that is mounted on
a bracket next to the tipping bucket.
The switch is closed by a tiny rare-
earth magnet (measuring only 3 x
2mm) that is mounted on the tipping
bucket. As the bucket swings, the
magnet moves past the reed switch,
closing it for a brief moment.
A similar mechanism is found in
many commercial rain sensors and has
the advantage that the reed switch is
practically immune to moisture and
corrosion, etc.
To achieve its light weight and
non-magnetic properties, the tipping
bucket and its mount are made from
0.7mm thick aluminium sheet. You
may well have some of this in your
junk box, salvaged from those utility
boxes that come with both an aluminium lid and a plastic one.
The main funnel is glued using
silicone sealant into a 100mm PVC
pipe end-cap which has its end
removed. Note the mesh leaf and
insect trap on the bottom end.
The water then passes into a
secondary funnel, mounted on a
U-shaped bracket fixed to another
(complete) PVC pipe end cap. You can
see this end cap in the next photo.
Under the secondary funnel is the
tipping bucket mechanism which fills
with water and tips when it gets too
heavy. A magnet on the tipper trips
a reed switch to indicate one “fill”.
The only problem with using this
sheeting is that it is work-hardened,
making it difficult to bend and shape
easily. This can be fixed simply by
heating, which will anneal the aluminium and make it much easier to
shape. I used a blow torch for maybe
10 or 20 seconds, with the flame constantly moving over the piece.
Do not heat it so that it starts to
glow. If you don’t have a blowtorch,
try sitting the sheet on an electric stove
(solid) hotplate for a minute or two.
However, before annealing the sheet,
mark out and cut the bucket according
to the plan shown in Fig.4. For accurate
cutting, use a utility knife to score the
sheet repeatedly, then bend it back
and forth along the score line to snap
it (bending it only 10° or so each way
is enough). Practice on a scrap piece –
you will quickly get the idea.
Next, very lightly score a line along
the centres of the drill holes. Continue
this line across the whole width of the
sheet as it is useful later when centring
and mounting the divider between the
two halves of the bucket.
Drill the holes now as it is a lot
easier before the bucket is bent into
shape. The holes for the axle in the
tipping bucket should be very slightly
larger than the axle and located as
marked on the template. It’s important
that the axle sits close (a millimetre
or two) below the bottom of the main
body of the bucket as this makes for
more sensitive operation.
Now, anneal the sheet then proceed
to bend it into shape. Start by bending
the bucket supports (containing the
axle holes) back down against the body
of the bucket. Keep the bend sharp, for
example by clamping along the bend
line in a vice.
Next, shape the main body of the
bucket by bending it over a tube or rod
about 25-30mm in diameter. A broom
handle works well, as does some
1-inch diameter PVC pipe. Make sure
the result is symmetrical and even in
shape, both lengthways and sideways.
The aluminium should be quite soft
and easy to reshape if necessary.
Finally, cut a divider to separate
the two halves of the bucket. The
width of the divider will depend on
the diameter of the rod used to shape
the bucket.
The divider is “glued” into place using a small amount of silicone sealant
or epoxy. It’s a good idea to include
narrow (3mm wide) right-angle flanges
on the sides of the divider to help
glue it in place (see template). Once
the glue has set, smear a thin bead of
silicone sealant along the edge of the
divider, where it meets the inside of
the bucket, to ensure water doesn’t
flow from one half of the bucket to the
other. A cotton tip from the medicine
cupboard will do the trick. Minimise
Here’s the way the magnet is mounted
on the tipping bucket – it (or in some
cases they) is (are) glued into this hole
made in the side (top) of the tipping
Another close-up of an important
part: the plastic washer which stops
the bucket mechanism fouling the
mounting bracket. Without this, the
readings may be erroneous.
Once the bucket has tipped and the
water measured, it needs to escape.
These mesh-covered holes in the pipe
end-cap are for that purpose. Note the
measurement for the two screw holes.
October 2007 69
down 180o
outside width of bucket +4mm
bend to
hole for tieing
off cable to
reed switch
fold lines
Silicon Chip
aluminium sheet
bend flange
90 o to back
end open
divider on
centre line
inside height
of tipping
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70 Silicon Chip
bend flange
90 o to front
inside width of
tipping bucket
end open
Fig.4: follow this diagram to make the tipping bucket assembly for the
Simple Data Logging Weather Station.
the amount of silicone applied, but
apply it to both halves of the bucket
to better balance the two sides.
The rare earth magnet can now be
glued into the locator hole on the upper side of the tipping bucket.
One more thing is needed to finish the tipping bucket. When it is in
operation, it appears to empty more
efficiently and consistently if the
inside surface of the bucket is water
This can be achieved by coating it
with a silicone car polish. Don’t be
tempted to smear a thin coat of silicone sealant as this tends to be sticky
and collects fine particles over time,
impeding the proper operation of the
tipping bucket.
The tipping bucket pivots on a thin
axle. For this, a short length of stainless steel wire (1.4mm in diameter)
was used, although galvanised steel
wire would probably be fine. The
diameter isn’t critical. The wire was
obtained from the whisk part of a $2
stainless steel egg whisk.
A bracket to mount the tipping
bucket on its axle can now be made
from another piece of aluminium sheet
(don’t use steel sheet as it is magnetic).
Again, drill the holes in this for the
axle before bending.
The exact dimensions of the bracket
will depend on the width of the tipping
bucket. Precision isn’t necessary since
washers or spacers should be used to
keep the tipping bucket away from direct contact with the bracket, ensuring
an unimpeded tipping action.
Such spacers (or washers) are also
important to ensure minimum sideways play of the tipping bucket on
the axle. Avoiding such play will keep
the magnet on the bucket positioned a
constant distance from the reed switch
each time it swings past. A distance
of about 3-4mm should be the target
(face of magnet to centre axis of reed
switch). Adjustment of the bracket to
achieve the correct spacing is made
by simply bending it.
If the magnet is too close, the force
of attraction between it and the reed
switch can be sufficient to cause
the tipping bucket to lock in centre
position. If the gap is too great, the
reed switch simply won’t close. The
spacers can be cut from the end of the
plastic ink tube of a ballpoint pen.
The reed switch is glued to the
outside of the bracket that holds the
tipping bucket. Be warned that the
part of the reed switch that is most
sensitive to the magnet is either end
of the switch, not the middle of it, so
ensure the reed switch is mounted
so the magnet swings past one end
(see Fig.6). A separation of 3-4mm
between the magnet and the reed
switch is best.
Care is needed when soldering
wires to the reed switch since it appears to partly melt at soldering
RADIUS 180mm
Fig.5: these two templates will help you
make your main (primary) and secondary
funnels. The main funnel catches the
rain, the secondary funnel directs it into
the tipping mechanism. Note that the
main funnel template needs to be blown
up 200% when photocopying, otherwise
it will be a tad too small! The overlap
when you bend the funnel shapes should
be about 8mm. Seal this overlap with
silicone sealant.
perature. Hence it is essential to use
a good heatsink between the switch
and the end of the wire being soldered
(firmly gripping with a pair of needlenose pliers will achieve this).
Once soldered up, the switch and
connections should be covered with
sealant to waterproof them since the
connecting wires on the switch are
made from steel and will corrode over
time if they get wet.
The tipping bucket is housed inside
a length of 100mm diameter PVC
sewer pipe. A rain collection funnel
is fitted to the top end of the pipe. The
funnel was made from thin (0.4mm)
galvanised steel sheet (see Fig.5).
After bending, it was held in shape
with pop rivets then the join soldered
up, although silicone sealant would
be fine also. A piece of fine wire gauze
was then bent and glued over the bottom end of the funnel. The gauze was
scavenged from one of those gauze
covers for frying pans that are used
to stop the fat spattering. Two-part
epoxy or silicone sealant would be
MATERIAL: 0.6 –0.8mm
fine to glue this in place.
To fit the funnel to the top of the
pipe, use a PVC pipe end cap. Cut the
end out of this cap, effectively leaving
only the side wall.
Fix the funnel into this “ring” with
acrylic or silicone sealant. Since neither of these sealants will stick very
well to the PVC, it’s a good idea to run a
bead of epoxy around the inside of the
ring, after the sealant has cured. Make
sure there is no sealant or glue fouling
the inside of the PVC ring otherwise it
won’t slide onto the pipe later.
By mounting the funnel this way,
it will slip nicely over the end of the
pipe and be held in place by gravity.
A hole tapped into the pipe and a
machine screw can always be added
to make sure it doesn’t move.
A small secondary funnel has also
been included. This sits between the
main collection funnel and the tipping
bucket and enables the rain collected
from the main funnel to be aimed
accurately into the tipping bucket
It’s best to make the secondary funnel from annealed aluminium sheet
since this is much easier to bend into
shape. This funnel is held over the tipping bucket by a U-shaped bracket. It
would be a good idea to coat the inside
surface of the secondary funnel so it
is water repellent (as you did for the
tipping bucket surface).
The tipping bucket itself, along with
the secondary funnel, is bolted onto
another end cap which slips onto the
bottom of the PVC pipe. The two are
mounted together to keep them in
good alignment.
Two M4 x 20mm-long screws (with
Just in case you haven’t come across
one before, this is a glass-encapsulated
magnetic reed switch of the type
used in this project. Its contacts are
normally open and close in a magnetic
field. The most sensitive areas of a
reed switch are towards each end.
October 2007 71
locking nuts) have also
been tapped into the end
cap and sit underneath
each half of the tipping
bucket. They are used to
adjust the amount the bucket
will hold before it tips. Brass or
stainless steel machine screws (M4)
and nuts should be used throughout
for corrosion resistance.
There are two larger holes opposite
one another near the edge of the end cap.
The holes should be about 12-15mm in diameter and are the exit points for the water
from the tipping bucket when it empties. Make
sure the outside of these holes is also covered
with fine wire gauze (glued in place) so that
insects or other debris can’t get inside the sensor
and foul the mechanism.
Fig.6: here’s how the funnels and
the tipping bucket assembly all go
together. Note that the magnet is
aligned with one end of the reed
switch (not with its centre).
100mm PVC PIPE
95mm HOLE
Once the sensor is assembled,
calibration can then be done. Make
sure the end cap is placed on a MOUNTING
level surface before starting. Calibration is done by slowly
dripping water into the
primary or secondary
funnel and measuring
how much it takes before
the bucket tips.
Do this 10 or 20 times and average the results.
Aim for about 5ml each time, using the adjustment
screws under each side of the bucket to fine-tune
the tipping point. Ensure the same amount of
water is needed no matter which direction the
bucket is tipping.
To convert the amount needed to cause the
bucket to tip into millimetres of rain, first measure
the diameter of the top of the primary funnel in
centimetres then calculate the area of this opening. (To find the area, divide the diameter by two
to get the radius, square this value then multiply
by p [ie, 3.1416]).
The area in square centimetres will be the number of millilitres of rain the funnel will collect
for every 10mm of rainfall. You will get a value
of about 250ml for a 180mm-diameter funnel, or
about 25ml per mm of rainfall. If it takes 5ml to
fill and tip the bucket each time, that is 0.2mm
of rainfall for each bucket tip.
150mm LENGTH
100mm PVC PIPE
We showed the electronics “box” in Pt.1 last
month. However, it needs to be housed so it is
protected from the elements (and nosey cows,
A “case” can be made from the same 100mm
PVC pipe and a friction-fit pipe end, as were used
to make the rain gauge. However, in this instance,
I elected to use only a top cover, leaving the bottom open to the elements “just in case” something
leaked and it decided to fill with water.
3mm DIAM,
2mm LONG
15mm WIDE
Electronics housing
72 Silicon Chip
4mm DIAM
The box is not secured to the pipe;
rather it hangs from
simple metal bracket
mounted on the top pipe
cover. The cabling simply
drops out of the bottom of
the case.
All cabling must be secured
to star pickets or to some other
mounting poles – a cable dangling
in the breeze is too much of a temptation for curious livestock (especially
Mounting the sensors
and the controller
Most of the hard work is done. The
main job left to do is to assemble and
mount the bits and pieces. Since this
is designed for use in remote locations,
I assumed that a quick and simple way
to mount the sensors and weatherproof
the electronics was needed.
A star picket commonly used for
fencing was used. These have convenient pre-drilled holes though which
brackets made from bolts and steel
strips can be mounted. The photos illustrate how to make these up.
The mount for the rain gauge is constructed so that it can be tilted on two
axes, enabling the sensor to be levelled
when installed. Specifically, the base of
the sensor, on which the tipping bucket
is mounted, should be set so it is level,
otherwise accuracy will be degraded.
By the way, I haven’t done a check
to see how accurate the rain gauge
is but commercial units of this type
are typically accurate to within a few
As indicated above, the utility box
containing the electronics is fitted inside a length of PVC sewer pipe fitted
with an end-cap. This end-cap is fitted
with a metal bracket bent up from a
piece of sheet metal. A second bracket
is attached to the utility box, so that it
can be hung in place – see photos.
Initial set up
The only job to do is to perform the
clock correction if accuracy better than
about five seconds a day is needed.
First, start the weather station by
inserting three AA batteries into the
battery clip. The temperature or rain
sensors don’t need to be connected.
You will need an accurate means to
measure 24 hours to within a second
or so. A handheld GPS or good quartz
wristwatch will do the job.
Alternatively, find a time service on
the internet. You will have to use one
that gives a seconds reading and automatically increments this (for example,
First, reset the controller using the
Reset button. With the case open,
press the clock correction switch (S2)
momentarily and note the exact time
it was pressed.
The LED will come on as soon as
the switch is closed and stay on for
four seconds to indicate that the clock
correction process has successfully
started. Note that the clock correction
switch will be disabled 30 minutes after a reset (assuming the controller has
been programmed with a 30-minute
logging frequency).
At the same time the next day, about
20 seconds before 24 hours has elapsed,
the LED will come on. At exactly
24 hours, press the clock correction
switch again. The LED will turn off
and the correction value will be stored.
This value is stored in the PIC in nonvolatile memory, so is retained even if
power is removed from the PIC.
If you forget to press the switch, the
LED will turn off after about 40 seconds but no correction value will be
recorded and the controller will simply
resume normal operation.
Logging weather data
Set up the rain and temperature
sensors, power up the weather station,
and reset it. Make a note of the time
and date at which the reset occurred.
The first data will be recorded 30
minutes (or one logging frequency)
after the reset.
Parts List (Louvred Housing)
All sheet metal used in 0.4mm thick galvanised steel (0.6mm thick aluminium is preferable for the louvres themselves
but is harder to obtain).
Sheet metal
1 170 x 170mm (for top cover)
1 150 x 150mm (for top)
5 400 x 25mm (for louvres)
4 110 x 20mm (for corner supports – you should use galvanised steel for strength to make these even if you do
make the louvres from aluminium sheet)
30 small pop rivets (to fix louvres to corner supports)
3 M4 x 30mm machine screws & nuts
3 M4 x 20mm tapped spacers
1 mounting bar made from aluminium channel (12 x 12mm), approx 150mm long (for mounting the housing)
2 6-8mm long pop rivets (for mounting bar)
1 50 x 8mm bolt, head cut off, with nut and two washers to suit (for mounting bar)
Parts List (Rain Gauge)
1 360mm square sheet metal (main funnel and bucket parts, U-shaped bracket)
1 100mm-diameter semicircle
1 150mm length of 100mm-diameter PVC pipe with friction caps
1 magnetic reed switch
1 3mm-diameter x 2mm rare earth magnet
Various screws, pop rivets and scraps of metal
October 2007 73
Making The Temperature Sensor Housing
For accurate readings, the location of
the temperature sensor is important. It
must be placed so that it is not affected by
radiant heat from the Sun or other direct
heat sources. It should also not get wet as
evaporation would cool a wet sensor – yet
there should be free air movement around
the sensor to enable it to equilibrate with
the current air-temperature.
To achieve the right conditions, professional weather stations usually include a
louvred housing that is typically mounted
a fixed height above ground level (1.25
metres is apparently the international
standard). The housing shades the sensor and stops it getting wet while allowing
free air flow.
If the housing itself gets hot, it can heat
air that passes through it and cause an
incorrect reading at the sensor. So the
housing should be painted white so as to
minimise the absorption of radiated heat. It
must also be designed to reduce the chance
that the housing itself will create localised
heating or cooling of the sensor that’s different to the current air-temperature.
A louvred housing can be made relatively
easily from thin sheet metal. Aluminium
sheet about 0.6mm thick is ideal for ease of
handling, low thermal mass and weight but
may be hard to obtain. If this isn’t available,
use 0.4mm galvanised steel sheeting.
The housing design consists of a top, a
top cover over this to improve resistance
to radiant heat from overhead, four vertical corner supports and five louvres made
from bent sheet metal which fix directly to
the corner supports. The easiest way to
assemble the housing is with pop-rivets.
A piece of aluminium channel is also pop-
It’s not a template but this photo can be used as a cutting and
drilling guide for your temperature sensor housing.
And here is that first louvre fixed to the four side supports. Once
you have achieved this, the rest is easy!
74 Silicon Chip
riveted or bolted on to the top cover for
mounting the whole assembly.
Commence construction by cutting out
all the sheet metal parts (see photo). The
dimensions for these parts are given in
the parts list on the previous page). Don’t
bend any of the parts yet. It’s a good idea
to drill the holes that will be needed for
assembly now since this is easier to do on
flat (unbent) sheet).
Start with the top and top cover. First,
tape them together in accurate alignment
and drill three holes (4mm diameter) as
shown on the template – this will ensure
that the holes in the top cover align with
those in the top when you come to screw
the top cover on. Four holes for pop-rivets
can also be drilled in the top – see photo
below left.
Pop-rivet holes can also be drilled in the
Here are the components for one side of the housing – the largest
piece is the top cover, the four pieces below the side guides.
A few minutes later and all louvres are fitted, now ready for the
top cover to be fixed in place.
louvres. Don’t drill any holes in the corner
supports though. Now bend the top and
top cover into shape as well as bending the
corner supports and louvres as shown in
the photo below.
Mark lines at 20mm intervals along the
corner supports (these will be used to align
the louvres). The last line marked will be
only 10mm from the end of the corner support and is where the first (bottom-most)
louvre will be mounted. Drill and pop-rivet
the bottom louvre to the corner supports
so its top edge aligns with the 10mm line
(see photo).
The easiest way to drill the corner supports is to clamp a short length of scrap
timber (19 x 42mm cross-section) to the
work bench so it protrudes from the bench.
Hold the corner support with a large bulldog
clip while the louvre is placed over it and
the hole is drilled (see photo).
The next louvre up can now be popriveted into place, aligning its top edge with
the next mark 20mm along the corner support. Fix the remaining louvres into place.
When all the louvres are fixed, the top can
be pop-riveted on. The top should slide
nicely over the upper ends of the corner
supports if you have measured, cut and
bent accurately.
The housing is now almost finished.
It’s now time to make the mounting bar,
which is made from a piece of aluminium
channel. I used 12mm channel since this
makes it easier to fit a bolt to the other
end (an 8mm diameter bolt will fit easily
in the channel).
The easiest way to hold the bolt in place
is to put it in a vice and crush the top
edges of the channel over the bolt shaft
(see photo). Two part epoxy will ensure it
stays in place.
Next, rivet the mounting bar to the top
cover after first cutting away a portion of
the channel so the mounting bar will sit
flat on the top cover (the prototype louvred
Drilling holes in small, thin bits of metal is not only tricky, it can
be dangerous if you don’t properly clamp and support the work.
The mounting bar is made from a piece of U-shaped (channel)
aluminium with an 8mm bolt crushed in position then secured with
2-part epoxy. This is then secured to the (inner) top cover with pop
rivets. The outer top cover, which helps prevent the housing from
heating up and giving false readings, is mounted 12mm above the
inner top cover by means of 12mm threaded Nylon standoffs so there
is no heat conduction from one part to the other.
housing shown in the photos in part 1
had the mounting bar fixed under the
top cover but this is clumsy so don’t try
it). Now fix the top cover in place with
machine screws and spacers.
Finally the housing should be painted
white to minimise absorption of radiant
heat. A can of fast drying spray paint is
the easiest way to do this. Remember
that several light coats are better than
one heavy coat.
The temperature sensor itself is mounted on short lengths of wire that are
suspended from the corner supports of
the louvred housing (simply bend them
around the top of the corner supports
between the top and the first louvre).
The sensor should be mounted in about
the centre of the louvred housing and
can be held in place with a twist tie or
short length of wire. Make sure it can’t
drop out when left unattended for a
lengthy period.
Here we are preparing the first louvre, ready for securing to the
corner support with a pop rivet.
An upside-down finished view of the housing. The four stiff
wires inside the housing support the temperature sensor itself.
October 2007 75
Left: the controller box inside its PVC
pipe case. It hangs free on brackets
fixed as shown above. The pipe
mounting bolt is flexible to allow the
pipe to be moved at will.
The rain and temperature sensors
can be plugged in at any time, although,
obviously, nothing will be recorded
until they are.
Even though the temperature sensor
is a programmable digital device, the
software in the weather station enables
it to be plugged in and unplugged even
when the weather station is operating.
If the rain sensor is left unplugged or
is faulty, zero values will be recorded
for temperature.
There is nothing else to do, except
come back in a month – or a year – and
download the data.
Downloading the data
Downloading is also straight forward.
Instructions are printed on the front
label of the weather station. Freeware
data-logging software is used to receive
the data (see below) on your computer
or laptop. This software will write the
data to any file you nominate.
Data is transmitted in text form as
comma-separated values that can easily be imported into spreadsheets. A
“header” is transmitted first, listing the
total number of data points recorded
since the last reset.
The weather station does not record
the time directly. You will need to
calculate the time of each data record
based on the time the weather station
was reset (or powered up) and the
logging frequency. Don’t forget that
the first data set isn’t recorded until
one logging period after the weather
station is started.
Some basic error detection is also
built into the software. When each
data record is written, the value 255
(decimal) is also written to all four
bytes of the next record.
During a data dump, if the weather
station software encounters these values, it will transmit the following text
string “BREAK” then “NULL” on the
next line.
Since data only up to the last valid
record are normally transmitted, such
a BREAK will never be seen during a
normal dump operation. It will occur
if there was a power down and power
up, or an internal reboot of the weather
station while it was operating.
A reboot will occur if the software
detects some abnormal conditions
during operation, such as a suspicious
looking interrupt. It can also occur if
the internal record counter becomes
corrupted, although this in unlikely.
An entire dump of the weather
station’s data can also be performed.
This will show a BREAK where data
finished recording following the most
recent reset. BREAKs may also be seen
further into the data record from some
earlier resets (only those that weren’t
overwritten since the last reset).
Performing a full data dump of the
entire EEPROM contents is easy. Simply do a reset on the weather station
just before doing a data dump.
A sample spreadsheet is attached
showing weather data recorded from
17 January 2007 to 4 March 2007, in
my backyard in Canberra. Some
plots of the data are also included, including a very heavy rain
event where about 50mm fell in
30 minutes. The rain gauge is able
to handle both heavy and light
rainfall events, although I would
expect problems with extremely
heavy rain or hail.
If you need to change the
logging frequency . . .
Full-size front panel artwork for the Data Logging Weather Station. It can also be downloaded from
76 Silicon Chip
The firmware is nominally
written for a 30-minute logging
frequency, meaning rain and temperature will be recorded every 30
minutes. The logging frequency
can be changed by modifying the
firmware, recompiling this and
reprogramming the resultant hex
file into the PIC.
The software for the PIC
Agilent Technologies
Buy yourself one of the world’s most
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That’s right: a bonus valued at $89.50, yours free of charge when you buy the Agilent U1252A DMM!
It’s so much more than just a DMM – look at these specs:
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* Up to 0.025% basic DCV accuracy
* Programmable square wave generator
* Frequency, temperature and capacitance
* 50,000 counts resolution on both displays
* IR to USB connectivity (optional U1173A
connectivity cable sold separately)
* -20°C to + 55°C operating temperature
* Category III 1000V safety compliance
* 100 manual data storage points and
unlimited data logging points when
connected to a PC
Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50000 counts
Basic DCV accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025%
Displays (50,000 count) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual
True RMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC + DC
Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10nF to 100µF
Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500MΩ
Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A
Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5Hz to 500kHz
Math Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Frequency Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5Hz to 20MHz
Programmable square wave generator . . . . . . . . . 0.5Hz to 4800Hz
Data logger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 points (manual)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 points (interval)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unlimited (PC)
Operating temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20 C to +55 C
Safety compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cat III 1000V
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NiMH Rechargeable with power adapter
I/O interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IR to USB(optional)
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.5 x 94.4 x 59.0mm
Approximate weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527g
Here’s how to take advantage of this amazing
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2007 77
An Excel spreadsheet from the author’s installation outside Canberra. Because the data from the Weather Station is
virtually “universal” in format, it can be used in a wide range of applications.
contains the following defined constants near the start:
EQU D’6’
; Frequency
(minutes) with which data is logged
EQU D’240’ ; = (No of
minutes in 24 hours)/LOG_FREQ
Changing these will change the logging frequency. The above example
shows a logging frequency of 6 minutes. Setting LOG_FREQ to 30 (decimal) and HRS24 to 48 (decimal) will
give a 30 minute logging frequency
and a normal 24-hour clock.
Logging frequencies down to one
minute are possible but the HRS24
value can only be a maximum of 255.
The only thing HRS24 affects is the
frequency with which clock error correction occurs (including the initial
setting of the clock error).
So if LOG_FREQ is set to 1 and
HRS24 set to 255, the PIC will apply the clock correction value every
LOG_FREQ x HRS24 minutes (ie, 1 x
255 minutes).
Similarly, performing an initial
78 Silicon Chip
clock calibration will complete 255
minutes after it is started, not 24
hours later.
Obtaining parts & software
The data logging software is available from
Download the freeware “RS232 data
The 3 x 2mm rare earth magnet
is available from Oatley Electronics
in Sydney (www.oatleyelectronics.
com) for 25 cents each plus $7 pack
and post).
Similar 3 x 1mm magnets are also
available from
(12 cents each; $5.50 pack and post)
– you will need two of these stacked
to get a magnet with the same power
as a 3 x 2mm magnet.
I contacted both of these suppliers
and neither can offer any further discount on shipping. This is one case
where it costs far more to pack and
post than the (tiny) items are worth.
If you wish to avoid the high pack
and post charges, I’m willing to provide
them for a nominal shipping charge.
Check my web page for details (www.
Alternatively, you may be able to
scrounge a suitable magnet or two
from, say, an old hard disk drive. Most
reed switches are quite sensitive and
will work with most magnets. The
advantage of the “rare earth” magnets
used here is their incredible size-topower ratio.
Commercial rain sensor
For those who don’t want to make
their own rain sensor, a commercially
available sensor is available for about
$200 that uses a similar mechanism
to the sensor described here. It is
made by Peet Bros in the US and is
sold in Australia by Sphere Innovative Technologies (
You will need to order the “Rain
gauge – wired”.
I haven’t tested it myself but have
investigated its specifications and am
confident it will work.