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Vintage Radio
The incredible 1925 RCA 26
portable superhet receiver
portables was not particularly difficult
at the time. By contrast, designing a
workable superheterodyne receiver
wasn’t particularly easy in 1925, as
the valves that were then available
were not very suitable for the task
of frequency conversion. In fact, the
design could be quite critical if the set
was to operate at all.
That situation improved in the early
1930s with the development of the
2A7 and similar converter type valves.
These new valves proved to be quite
tolerant of circuit design inadequacies,
making the design and manufacture of
superhet receivers much easier.
The RCA 26 portable superhet receiver
with its front open, ready for use.
Prior to the 1930s, virtually all domestic
broadcast receivers used TRF circuits.
One exception was the 1925 RCA 26
portable which was one of the very first
domestic superhets. It used some truly
innovative technology for the era.
thought that “portable” radios
(if you could call them that) were an
innovation of the mid to late 1930s.
However, at the HRSA’s 25th Anniversary celebrations last year, I was
amazed when I saw Mike Osborne’s
1925 RCA 26 portable. Not only is it a
fully-working concern but it also uses
a superheterodyne circuit.
88 Silicon Chip
Why was this so remarkable? Well,
superheterodyne receivers didn’t become common in Australia until the
mid-1930s. This means that, at the
time, this set was a truly innovative
design that was at the leading edge of
The RCA 26 was also one of the
earliest, commercially-made portable radios, although manufacturing
Superhet principles
Before the 1930s, most sets employed TRF (tuned radio frequency)
circuits. However, these had their
shortcomings and superhet designs
quickly took over when suitable valves
became available.
The superhet (or superheterodyne)
principle was developed during World
War 1 by Major Edwin Armstrong of
the US Army. Armstrong was a prolific
radio inventor who also developed
other radio techniques, including
regeneration, super regeneration and
frequency modulation (FM).
Basically, the superhet was developed because during WW1, the allies
needed direction finding (DF) receivers that could receive the extremely
weak spark transmissions used by the
Germans in Europe. Apparently, tuned
radio frequency (TRF) receivers could
not be made sensitive enough or stable
enough for this task, so an alternative
technique had to be found.
In operation, a TRF receiver tunes
and amplifies the incoming RF
(radio frequency) signal at the
frequency of interest and then
presents the amplified signal to
the detector. This then feeds an
audio amplifier stage which boosts
the audio signal to headphone or
speaker levels.
Although this had the benefit of
simplicity, there were a few problems with TRF sets which limited
their usefulness. The first was that
they had to be capable of accurately
tuning the incoming RF signal across
a wide range of frequencies. In the
early days, this was achieved by
adjusting several tuning capacitors
or variometers to obtain the best
reception, as ganged capacitors were
not available. In some sets, this could
involve up to four or even five adjustments.
In addition, some detectors require
a certain minimum level of signal for
them to work effectively. This meant
that, in some cases, additional RF gain
was needed. Unfortunately, this is difficult to achieve with a TRF set due to
problems with feedback between the
various stages.
During the early 1920s, triodes were
almost exclusively used to amplify
both RF and audio signals. However,
at RF, triodes must be “neutralised”
in order to achieve reasonable gain
and stability. This “neutralisation”
involves adding an extra capacitor to
cancel out the grid-to-plate capacitance inherent in each triode RF stage,
to prevent it from oscillating.
In addition, triodes were not good at
amplifying frequencies above 500kHz,
again due to inter-electrode capacitance and also due to lead inductance.
Even in those very early days of radio,
the TRF failed to meet the “state of
the art” needs of the military during
By contrast, in a superheterodyne
receiver, the RF stage (or stages) provides only moderate amplification,
which allows easier tuning and greater
stability. This also means that there
is less need for significant shielding
between stages.
The amplified RF signal is then applied to a converter (or mixer) stage
where is mixed with a signal from a
local oscillator stage. In an AM broadcast receiver, this local oscillator stage
typically operates at a frequency that’s
455kHz (or thereabouts) higher than
the tuned RF signal.
Another view of the 26 receiver, this time with the access covers removed
for the valves (top) and the reflexed horn speaker. The loop antenna was
housed in the hinged section attached to the front cover.
As a result, the output from the
mixer stage consists of four separate
frequencies: (1) the original tuned signal frequency; (2) the signal frequency
plus the local oscillator frequency; (3)
the local oscillator minus the signal
frequency; and (4) the local oscillator frequency. Lets’s take a look at an
example to illustrate this;
If the tuned frequency is (say)
1000kHz (1MHz), then the local oscillator will run at 1455kHz (ie, 455kHz
higher). As a result, the mixing frequencies will be 1000kHz + 1455kHz
= 2455kHz and 1455kHz - 1000kHz
= 455kHz.
This means that the following frequencies will appear at the plate of
the converter valve: 455kHz, 1000kHz,
1455kHz & 2455kHz. These signals are
all fed to the following intermediate
frequency (IF) stage but since this stage
is tuned to 455kHz, only this frequency
is passed on for amplification. It does,
however, contain all the audio information that was included with the
original signal frequency.
Because the IF amplifiers and the
RF amplifiers are on different frequencies, they do not inter-react with one
another. Because of this, significant
gain can be achieved in the IF amplifier and so the overall gain can be quite
high. In addition, the IF stages amplify
only a narrow band of frequencies and
because these are usually lower than
the signal frequencies, amplification
is easier to achieve.
Initially, in the 1920s, an IF of
100kHz was used, then a very low
IF centring on 25kHz was used followed a little later by 55kHz. In fact,
this latter IF is used in the RCA 26
portable. At such low frequencies,
most triodes didn’t need any neutralisation. In addition, the gain of
the UV99 RF valve used in the RCA
receiver is only 6.6 under optimum
conditions, so the IF stages in the 26
were not neutralised.
Following the IF stages, the signal
was fed to the detector and the IF
component removed. The resulting
audio signal was then fed to the audio
Audio amplifier stages are generally
easier to design than RF amplifiers.
Most of the triodes of the 1910s and
early 1920s were quite stable at audio
frequencies but the gain of individual
UV99 triodes was quite low (6.6).
As a result, to achieve a higher
gain per stage, inter-stage audio transformers were used. These generally
had step-up turns ratios somewhere
between 3:1 and 5:1, which could
boost the gain of a UV99 stage up to a
maximum of 30 times. However, these
audio transformers had a very limited
frequency response, as well as having
peaks and troughs in the response.
On the other hand, a 6AV6 with simAugust 2008 89
would be just 10kHz on either side
of 100kHz. In fact, it was the low “Q”
factor of early tuned circuits and the
meagre amplification of signals above
500kHz by the triodes of the era that
dictated the use of low intermediate
frequencies in early superhets.
Overcoming the problems
The view shows the chassis after it has been removed from the cabinet. The
valves are easily accessible so that they can be replaced while most the rest of
the circuitry is sealed in the “catacomb box” (or sealed container) at the right, to
prevent users fiddling with the adjustments.
ple resistance/capacitance coupling will
easily exceed this figure, with amplification of up to 70 times per stage. It will
also have a much improved bandwidth
and no nasty peaks and troughs across
the frequency band.
Early superhet problems
Unfortunately, despite their clear
advantages, early superhets also had
their problems. However, these were
quickly overcome by Edwin Armstrong and other designers of the era.
One early problem involved the
large 60-100cm tuned-loop antennas
that were commonly fitted to receivers from the 1920s to the early 1930s.
Initially, the superhets had a converter
stage connected to the loop antenna
and a separate local oscillator was
coupled into the loop. The following
IF section then had up to five stages
of amplification.
However, with this arrangement, it
was found that the local oscillator radiated signals via the loop antenna and
this was picked up as interference (in
the form of whistles) by nearby receivers. In addition, the action of tuning
90 Silicon Chip
the loop (or even someone walking
near it) caused the oscillator to change
frequency, so much so sometimes that
the wanted signal was shifted out of
the pass-band of the IF amplifier.
This effect was particularly evident
as the loop and the oscillator were
tuned to frequencies quite close to
one another.
Another problem with early super
hets was that one tuned circuit could
lock onto the frequency of another
stage with a higher “Q” factor. “Q” refers to a tuned circuit’s “quality factor”
and is a measure of the “sharpness” or
selectivity of the tuning response. A
circuit with a Q of 100 is much more
selective than one with a Q of 10.
As an example, let’s assume a
circuit with a resonant frequency of
1000kHz and a Q of 10. In this case,
the response at 950kHz and 1050kHz
will be half that at 1000kHz, ie, the
response will be 3dB down at the
+50kHz and -50kHz points. Or to put
it another way, the circuit has a -3dB
bandwidth of 100kHz.
However, at a tuned frequency of
100kHz, the -3dB bandwidth points
Oscillator radiation from the loop
antenna was overcome by adding
a neutralised triode RF amplifier
between the loop and the converter
stage. In addition, the RF stage and
the converter were coupled using
an untuned RF transformer and this
overcame much of the pulling of the
oscillator by the RF tuned circuits.
It was also found that running the
oscillator at half the received signal
frequency plus or minus the intermediate frequency, also substantially
reduced oscillator pulling. So how
did the circuit work if the oscillator
ran at half the required frequency. The
answer was quite simple – the second
harmonic of the oscillator was used to
heterodyne with the received signal to
give the IF.
Having solved most of the problems of producing a usable superhet
receiver, the designers found that no
less than eight valves were required to
build it. However, an 8-valve set, even
one using low-current valves, had a
higher current drain than was practical to expect dry batteries to supply.
In fact, the first superhet receivers
used 201 valves which draw 1A each
at 5V, thus giving a total current consumption of 8A. This meant that the
very early designs could not be used
as portables.
At that stage, a superhet receiver
used a neutralised triode RF stage (V1)
which was coupled to a triode mixer/
converter stage (V2). The signal was
then mixed with the heterodyning
signal from a separate local oscillator (V3).
The output from the converter then
fed two IF stages (V4, V5) and these in
turn were coupled to a grid leak detector (V6). This then fed two transformercoupled audio stages (V7, V8), with the
amplified audio signal then going to a
speaker or to headphones.
In order to produce a portable set,
it was necessary to find some way of
reducing the current drain. That meant
reducing the number of valves while
still maintaining good performance.
Two techniques were available to
RCA’s 26 portable receiver
RCA’s 26 portable receiver uses this
same 6-valve design technique. In fact,
this set is one of several variants built
by RCA at the time and their circuits
are almost identical – see Fig.1. However, some of the features shown on
the circuit are not included in the 26,
while some of the features of the 26 do
not appear on other variants.
For example SW1, SW2 and J1 are
not fitted to the 26. The 26 is switched
off by turning the battery rheostat (R3)
fully anti-clockwise, so SW1 was not
needed. In addition, the loudspeaker
is wired permanently to V6 so the use
of headphones is not an option.
The 26 uses UV99 valves in all six
valve sockets. This valve is designed
for a filament voltage of 3-3.3V and
a filament current of 60-63mA. As a
result, the receiver draws
Fig.1: the RCA 26 is an early superhet receiver employing a reflexed RF stage (V1) and an autodyne (or self-oscillating) mixer stage based on V2. In operation,
the reflexed RF stage functioned as both an RF stage and as the first IF stage. V3 is the second IF stage, V4 is the detector and V5 & V6 are the audio stages.
achieve this: (1) reflexing and (2) using
a self-oscillating mixer.
Last month, we looked at how reflexing was achieved in the Astor KM
receiver. However, in those early days
of superhet receivers, the technique
was applied in a slightly different way.
The RF amplifier stage amplified the
incoming signal, which then went to
the mixer. The resulting IF signal was
then fed back into the RF stage again
which now acted as the first IF stage.
Its output was then applied to the
second IF amplifier.
Basically, it was possible to use the
RF stage to handle both RF and IF
signals because the signals were at a
low level. In addition, the difference
between the IF frequency (25-55kHz)
and the signal frequency (520kHz or
more) meant that there was minimal
interaction between the two.
Initially, the mixer and local oscillator stages required two separate
valves. However, this was subsequently reduced to just one valve
when the designers came up with
the self-oscillating mixer. In other
words, one valve functioned as both
the mixer and the oscillator and this
stage became known as an “autodyne
mixer”. It was seldom used during the
later valve era but was commonly used
in transistorised receivers.
Thus, by using a reflexed RF stage
and an autodyne mixer stage, the designers were able to reduce the valve
count from eight to six. This not only
reduced the current drain but saved
on expensive valves as well.
August 2008 91
The large reflexed horn speaker sits behind a panel in the bottom of the cabinet.
of the photo). However, for home use, a
larger battery pack was normally used
to power the set.
The 26 receiver has the usual frame
(loop) antenna but provision was also
made to connect a larger loop antenna
and to connect long-wire antennas.
This tuned circuit feeds valve V1
which functions as a combined RF
and first IF amplifier stage. This stage
is neutralised using trimmer capacitor C6.
V1’s output is coupled via an aperiodic (untuned) RF transformer to
V2, the self-oscillating mixer. The
oscillator’s tuned circuit consists of
L9, L10 and C2. The resulting IF signal
is fed through L9, L2, L1b & L1a to the
grid of V1 where it is amplified and
fed via L3 the second IF transformer
(L5 & L6).
V3 is the second IF amplifier and its
output feeds grid detector stage V4 (via
L7, L8 & C8). The audio from this stage
is then applied via transformer T1 to
audio amplifier stage V5. Note that in
some sets (but not the 26), V5’s output
is either fed via switch SW2 to a set
of headphones or fed to audio output
stage V6 via transformer T2.
A reflexed horn speaker is fitted into
the bottom of the receiver case (see
photo) and this is driven by V6. The
efficiency of these speakers is quite
high, so the very low output from the
UV99 is perfectly adequate for normal
This compartment at the rear of the set was used to house batteries for portable
use (the owner’s modern rechargeable battery pack is shown here). However, a
larger external battery was generally used to power the set for use at home.
mately 370mA from the three seriesconnected No.6 cells that are used in
the portable configuration.
Adjustable resistor R3 is used to
set the filament voltage applied to the
valves and this must not exceed 3.3V.
Note that if eight valves had been used,
the filament current drain would have
been 500mA.
In addition to the filament current,
valve data books indicate that a UV99
92 Silicon Chip
valve will draw 2.5mA with a bias of
-4.5V and a 90V plate supply. With all
valves drawing the maximum current,
the HT (high-tension) drain will be no
more than 15mA, which can easily
be handled by a relatively small HT
battery pack.
One of the accompanying photos
shows where the batteries sit for portable use (Mike’s modern, rechargeable
battery pack can be seen in the centre
The receiver is tuned using separate
local oscillator and RF controls on
the front panel. We rarely experience
“double-spotting” or image reception
in modern broadcast receivers but radios like the 26 allow the same station
to be heard on at least two other spots
on the broadcast band, this in addition
to the intended position. This is due to
the very low IF used (approximately
55kHz) and also due to the use of the
oscillator’s second harmonic to produce this IF.
As previously indicated, R3 is used
to adjust the filament voltage. It could
be adjusted so that the valves still
received around 3V even with almost
flat batteries.
R2 is the volume control and operates by varying the filament voltage
applied to valve V3. This rather crude
method of volume control was used
on many early radios. No form of AVC
(or AGC) is employed on this receiver
This plaque attached to the back of the set shows the patent
information relating to RCA’s Radiola 26.
and in fact, this feature didn’t become
common on radio receivers until the
Access to the valves is obtained by
removing a metal cover near the top of
the set. The loop antenna is mounted
on the front lid of the receiver and
once the lid is opened, the loop can
be swivelled for best performance.
The antenna loop is terminated on a
4-terminal strip – see Fig.1.
Fig.1 also shows two sets of “A”
batteries, as used for the larger home
battery pack. In addition, the receiver
used four 22.5V B batteries to supply
90V of HT to all valves except the
grid-leak detector (V4).
The main workings of the receiver
are enclosed in a sealed box section
called the “catacomb”. This section
of the receiver is shown within the
dotted lines of Fig.1. The valve sockets
are mounted on the front face of the
catacomb and the valves are the only
components shown within the dottedline enclosure that are actually outside
the shielded box.
Apparently, early superhet receivers
This adjacent label gave advice on battery use. A lead
fitted with a jack plug selected the battery pack.
were difficult to service and the sealed
container was designed to stop people
from fiddling with the adjustments of
this rather critical circuit. Prior to the
introduction of superhets, experimenters and serviceman were only used
to TRF receivers and so might have
been tempted to experiment with the
adjustments in the absence of a cover.
As shown in Fig.1, there are a couple
of coils with the comment “dead end”
on them in the circuit. The purpose of
these coils is unclear, although they
may have been some form of neutralisation system for the IF stages.
No external antenna
Early superhet sets were popular
with people who did not want to take
out a radio listener’s licence, as no external antenna was necessary (which
meant they could avoid detection).
However, they were not used in Australia for many years, mainly because
they were so advanced for their time
that fault-finding proved difficult for
service people, who generally only understood TRF technology. In addition,
there were problems for non-technical
users such as double-spotting and
extraneous whistles.
AWA did make superhets from
1925-1927 but then stopped and made
nothing but TRF receivers until 1933.
It would appear that they found the
early superhets just too advanced for
the average serviceman to effectively
The early AWA designs were very
similar to the RCA “catacomb” designs. However, there were a few variations such as the use of anode-bend
detectors and regeneration on the RF
stage (called an “intensifier”). Their
1927 models used L410 or P410 valves
in the audio output stage.
The RCA 26 was a remarkable
receiver for its time. Even today, it
performs remarkably well, with quite
good sensitivity, although doublespotting and other extraneous whistles
and noises are quite obvious. This
is a set well worthwhile having in a
vintage radio collection.
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August 2008 93