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Vintage Radio
Those mysterious antenna
coils & loop antennas
Ever wondered about those mysterious
antenna coils used in vintage radio
receivers, or about those old-style loop
antennas? This article unravels some of
the mysteries.
Ferrite rod antennas can be made extremely small, as this
life-size photo clearly illustrates.
roadcast-band radio signals are
radiated from tall masts that are
fed from nearby transmitters. One way
to receive these radio signals is to put
up an external wire antenna that’s as
high and as long as possible. One end
of this antenna wire is brought down
to the receiver and attached to the
aerial terminal, while an earth wire is
connected to the earth terminal (valve
radio chassis were often not earthed
back through the mains).
This type of “long-wire” antenna
system largely responds to the electric
component of the radio waves.
Another way to intercept these signals is to use a loop antenna. They vary
widely in size, ranging from antennas
consisting of several turns of wire
which form a coil about one metre in
diameter to very small, ferrite-cored
loopstick antennas. Loop antennas
couple to the magnetic component of
the radio waves.
Both loop and long-wire antennas
have been used since radio began.
Long wire antennas
This small AM/FM receiver uses the PC board shown above and is
intended for use in strong signal areas only. It’s miniature ferrite rod
antenna means that its AM performance is pathetic compared to larger
82 Silicon Chip
Many vintage radio restorers have
probably been puzzled as to why some
receivers need only a small antenna
to perform well, while others need a
large antenna to give the same result.
The simple answer is that some sets
require large antennas because they are
either low-performance types or because they have faults which seriously
degrade their performance. However,
if we assume that a set is well-designed
and that its sensitivity from the input
of the converter onwards is good,
then the only component that should
further influence performance is the
antenna coil.
By necessity, antennas are
thing of a compromise between size
and performance. The best antenna
for a broadcast radio is theoretically
a quarter-wave unit fed against earth.
However, this is hardly practical as
at 531kHz, a quarter-wave antenna
would be 141 metres long.
In fact, our so-called “long wire”
antennas are still short when compared with a quarter-wave antenna
at 1602kHz, as the latter is 47 metres
long. This means that various techniques must be used to increase the
effectiveness of wire antennas that
are much shorter than the optimum
One simple method (as used in my
crystal set in the April 2007 issue) is
to employ an adjustable coil in series
with the antenna. This adjustable coil
resonates the antenna to the frequency
being received and is commonly
called a “base-loaded antenna” system. It worked well in my crystal set
which was able to receive stations up
to 300km away at comfortable headphone volume.
Placing a portable AM radio inside a
tuned loop antenna can dramatically
improve the reception.
Early methods
The very early antenna-to-receiver
coupling methods were designed
to extract the maximum amount of
signal from the antenna system. This
was necessary because there was no
amplification in those early receivers
to boost the signal fed to the detectors which were based on inefficient
coherers and cat’s whiskers. Because
of this, the antennas employed were
huge in many cases.
With the advent of valves, it became
practical to amplify the incoming signal and complex antenna coupling/
matching systems were no longer
needed. In fact, if you look at the
circuits of some very early pre-valve
receivers, you will see that there were
many adjustments that could be made
to achieve best reception. It was also
quite easy to get these wrong and not
receive a signal at all.
By simplifying the antenna-to-valve
matching circuitry, receiver tuning
became a much less arduous undertaking. It was now only necessary to
adjust the tuning and the regeneration controls (pre-superhet receivers),
although correct adjustment of the
regeneration could be tricky. Often,
in those early days, the lady of the
household was not allowed to even
touch such a technologically advanced
piece of equipment!
The antenna coils in these early
regenerative receivers coupled the
energy from the antenna via a primary
winding into the secondary tuned
winding. This coupling was quite
arbitrary. In addition, another coil
was wound at the opposite end of the
secondary tuned winding and this
functioned as the feedback winding
for the regeneration control.
Simplifying the controls
If you look back at the many circuits
published on simple regenerative receivers, you will see that the coil dia
meters, wire gauges, number of turns
used on each winding and their spacing, etc, varied so widely that no real
design concept could be discerned.
There was often little science involved
in the process but quite large external
antennas were still being used at that
time so it didn’t really matter that the
antenna system was not well-matched
to the receiver’s input.
Things gradually changed as radio/
wireless progressed out of the experimenter’s realm. Experimenter’s had
prided themselves on getting good
reception from their receivers and
had relied on large antenna systems,
substantial earths and their ability to
fiddle with the adjustments on their
receivers to extract maximum performance.
By the early 1930s, a new group of
radio users had appeared who wanted
to just turn the set on and enjoy the
program. They were not interested in
large antennas or fiddly receiver adjustments and most lacked the ability
to even make these adjustments.
As a result, manufacturers could see
that they had to design receivers that
were usable by the average citizen.
Innovations to achieve this included
superheterodyne reception, automatic
volume control (AVC/AGC), single
knob tuning, loudspeaker output
and the ability to operate from much
November 2008 83
environment where antennas were
invariably much smaller.
Similarly, car radio antennas are
necessarily short, while most antennas
used to receive shortwave frequencies
are somewhere near a resonant length
on some bands at least.
As a result, there are four different
philosophies used in the design of antennas and antenna coils for domestic
receivers. We’ll look at these in turn.
Car radio antennas
This shortwave coil is from an
Operatic 32V receiver and is designed
to cover the 6-18 MHz band.
This antenna coil is from an HMV
Little Nipper and is made for the AM
broadcast band.
smaller antennas than the 30m-long
10m-high standard of the time.
The trend to much small antennas in
turn meant that the antenna coil had
to be designed to suit the set’s application. For example, the antenna coils
for sets used on the broadcast band
in country areas were different from
those used in a high-density suburban
In common with other sets of the
time, Australian-built car radios used
a very short antenna, typically around
a metre or so long. This antenna was
connected via a coaxial cable to the
top of the aerial coil via a matching
network (see Fig.1).
The coaxial cable acts as a shield to
minimise interference and its braid is
earthed at both the receiver and at the
antenna base. In practice, it forms part
of the antenna tuned circuit and the
set must be tuned during installation
to match the antenna.
Note that a special type of coaxial
cable with very low capacitance was
used. The characteristic impedance
was 110 ohms. Any change in the antenna length or the characteristics of
the coaxial cable (or its length) meant
that the antenna coil trimmer had to
be readjusted for best performance at
around 1400kHz.
Substituting a big antenna on a car
radio will rarely improve the reception. However, one company (Walbar)
did produce some 2.7-metre long
antennas, which could be mounted at
Fig.1: the antenna input circuit
for an Astor JL car radio. The
antenna was coupled to the top
of the aerial coil via a matching
network (61).
the back of the vehicle. A long coaxial
cable was then run from the set to the
Normally, this would have meant
that the cable capacitance would be
too great to be compensated for by the
antenna coil trimmer. To overcome
this, Walbar made an adaptor that fitted part way along the coaxial cable. It
simply consisted of a capacitor which
was wired in series with the inner
This reduced the apparent capacitance across the coaxial cable at the
receiver and the circuit could then be
peaked satisfactorily.
Suburban antenna
A full-size ferrite rod antenna was used in the AWA B32 8-transistor radio from
the mid-1960s. This set was quite an impressive performer.
84 Silicon Chip
In the suburbs, radio signals were
fairly strong, so relatively small
antennas could be used to achieve
quite acceptable results. In fact, the
average domestic suburban receiver
of the 1940s and 1950s was expected
to perform well on an antenna 6-10
metres long. This was often strung
indoors around the picture rail as
people couldn’t be bothered putting
up a suitable outside antenna.
Of course, the manufacturers had
to find a way to get good performance
with such short antennas and this was
achieved in short order.
As mentioned above, I achieved
good performance from my crystal set
by using an adjustable loading coil in
series with the antenna tap on the tuning coil. However, using this technique
on domestic radio was never going
to be accepted by the non-technical
The way around the problem was to
design the aerial coil primary to have
a reasonably high impedance and to
be broadly resonant at a frequency
somewhere around 320-420kHz (ie,
below the lowest tuned frequency).
This gave a rising response/sensitivity
at the low end of the broadcast band,
although some coils also required an
external 100pF capacitor across the
The coupling to the secondary was
relatively light, so that changing an
antenna wouldn’t upset the tuning of
the secondary coil. The performance
at the high-frequency end of the band
was enhanced by wiring a low-value
capacitor from the top of the primary
winding to the top of the secondary
Typical values for this capacitor
ranged from 2-5pF or it could simply
be formed by connecting a lead to the
primary winding and laying it close
to the secondary.
Basically, the coil was optimised to
give high sensitivity on the BC (broadcast) band with a short antenna and
substituting larger antennas gave little
improvement. Another advantage was
that using differing antenna lengths or
antennas with different characteristics
did not cause any severe detuning of
the circuit.
Most manufacturers of domestic
household valve receivers used variable-gang tuning capacitors. There
were some exceptions though and
Astor was one of the few that also used
inductance tuning of the antenna (and
oscillator) circuits. A typical circuit is
shown in Fig.2.
In that circuit, the antenna impedance is matched to that of the valve
using capacitors 45, 11 & 16. This
matching remains substantially the
same across the broadcast band. No
series-loading coil was used.
Country antennas
The antenna coils fitted to receivers
in country areas were more like those
A typical flat-loop antenna, in this case from an AWA 653P AC/Battery portable
receiver (circa 1954). It was attached to the inside back of the cabinet.
used in early sets. Basically, the design
concept was similar to that used in the
suburban sets but the antenna coil was
designed for optimum performance
with a larger antenna.
Receivers for country areas were
generally more sensitive than their
suburban counterparts to enable them
to pick up signals in regions remote
from radio stations. AM commercial
broadcasting stations in the heyday
of valve radios generally used 5kW
transmitters in the city and 2kW transmitters in the country. This now seems
rather odd, as a country audience
would have been spread over a greater
distance compared to the audience in
the city. Higher-powered stations in
the country would have been more
logical, not the other way around.
Because country signals were weaker, radios were commonly fitted with
a radio frequency (RF) stage to boost
their sensitivity. In addition, a long
outside antenna was usually necessary
to ensure that a good signal was fed to
the receiver. An outside antenna was
also necessary to avoid picking up inhome electrical interference.
Shortwave antennas
Shortwave antenna coils were designed to mate with long antennas too.
They are often solenoid wound with
the primary and secondary in close
proximity to one another.
Fig.2: Astor was
one of the few
that also used
inductance tuning
for the antenna and
ocillator circuits.
In reality, their design was very
much a compromise and the sets to
which they were fitted often used an
RF stage to increase the gain, to make
up for the barely adequate antenna
and RF coils.
When tuning the common 6–18MHz
shortwave band, a quarter-wave anNovember 2008 85
The loop antenna for this 1925 RCA 26 portable
radio receiver is contained in the hinged section
at left. It can be rotated for optimum reception.
tenna will vary from 4.2 metres long
at 18MHz to 12.5 metres long at 6MHz.
This means that even a picture-railantenna may be longer than a quarter
wave on some frequencies.
However, it was still desirable to
have a decent outside antenna even
though it may be much longer than a
quarter wavelength. That’s because it
would then be outside the household
noise field (a consideration that was
also important on the broadcast band
in country areas).
Shortwave signals vary considerably in strength and 4-valve radios
were generally considered to be inadequate for shortwave reception. As a
result, most sets with shortwave fitted
used at least five valves.
For those who were really keen on
shortwave listening, AWA produced
sets like their famous 7-band, 6-valve
sets, while Astor and HMV produced
receivers capable of covering several international shortwave broadcast
bands. The antenna coils used in the
Astor sets consisted of a single winding coupled to the antenna by a 4pF
mica capacitor.
Resonant antennas
Antenna coils designed for use with
resonant antennas (eg, those used by
radio amateurs) are different again.
In this case, the antenna coil winding is designed to suit the impedance
of the antenna. The primary winding
may have one end earthed or it may
have both ends floating so they can be
attached to a resonant dipole antenna
or to a balanced feeder cable.
This floating winding may also
Left: a solenoidtype aerial coil
as used in the
Raycophone “Pee
Wee” AM radio
from about 1933.
86 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: a typical loop
antenna circuit, as
used in an early AWA
portable receiver.
have a centre tap, which is earthed.
The purpose of this is to balance the
two sections of the coil and to act as
an earth to discharge any static-charge
build-ups on the antenna.
Loop antennas
Loop antennas were developed
around the same time as long-wire
antennas. They were a very convenient way of receiving signals, as they
didn’t require the construction of a
large outside structure. However, they
did require a frame up to about one
metre in diameter to accommodate
the antenna coils and this was usually installed on top of the receiver or
incorporated into the cabinet.
As time went by, the loop diameter
progressively decreased and there
were a few reasons for this. First, the
strength of the signals increased due
to broadcasting stations increasing
their output power and improving
the antenna systems. Second, various
components such as valves improved
and so receivers became more sensitive. As a result, smaller loop antennas
gave the same end result as a larger
loop antenna in earlier days.
Another reason was that consumers
wanted the antenna to be less intrusive
and they wanted their receivers to be
more portable, so that they could be
easily moved from room to room.
The original loop antennas consisted of several turns wound around
a wooden frame. These turns were
spaced well away from each other
to minimise any inter-winding capacitance. The tuning capacitor was
mounted inside the receiver and was
connected to the antenna loop by two
flexible wires, ie, one to each end of
the winding.
Loop antennas had one feature
that proved invaluable if there were
two strong stations on adjacent frequencies. By rotating the loop, the
unwanted station could be almost
completely nulled out so that it did
not cause interference to the wanted
station, a feature that can still be important today.
This particular characteristic was
also used in direction finding receivers
during the war, to determine where a
transmitting station might be.
By 1925, loop antennas had been
reduced down to quite manageable
sizes. The loop antenna used in the
RCA 26 receiver featured in the August
2008 issue illustrates this.
It’s also worth noting that when
loopstick antennas became the fashion, the primary winding (which is
attached to the antenna) was more like
that used in the antenna coils for amateur radio receivers. However, they
also featured an RF choke (wound on
a resistor) in series with the antenna
lead and this basically acted as a loading coil.
This allowed the set to be peaked
with an “average” antenna to some
spot on the broadcast band. The resistor loaded the coil and reduced its
“Q”, so that this peaking effect was
spread out over a much larger section
of the broadcast band, ie, the peaking
effect at the resonant frequency of the
antenna and loading coil was significantly reduced.
Photo Gallery: Peter Pan BKJ
The Peter Pan BKJ was manufactured around 1946 by Eclipse Radio in Melbourne and this particular example was restored by Bill Smith. It employed
a conventional superhet circuit and the valve line-up was as follows: 6J8G
mixer, 6U7G IF amplifier, 6B6G detector/first audio amplifier, 6V6G audio
output and 5Y5G rectifier. Photo by Kevin Poulter for the Historical Radio
Society of Australia (HRSA). Phone (03) 9539 1117.
Some personal portables even
used a carrying strap embedded with
tinselled wire as the loop antenna.
This was not tuned but was wired in
Portable receivers
Portable radio receivers have used
loop antennas of some sort almost
since radio began. A typical antenna
in such sets (before ferrite rod antennas
became common) consisted of a flat
coil which was usually in the back of
the receiver case (eg, as in the AWA
653P featured in the September 2008
issue). The loop also generally had a
2-turn primary winding that could
be connected to an external antenna
and earth.
Astor sets often used a damped
loading coil in series with their loop
antennas, as subsequently used with
many ferrite rod antennas.
A typical “pocket-portable” AM
radio from the 1970s. The small
loopstick antenna is at the top
and gave adequate performance
on strong local stations.
parallel with the tuned antenna coil
Antenna coils, whether attached to
external antennas or used to receive
signals directly (as loop antennas do),
were all designed to suit their particular application. Large loop antennas
like those shown in the photos are
extremely efficient. If a small transistor
portable is placed within such a loop
antenna, the performance of the set
will be markedly improved when the
loop is tuned to the station of interest
and rotated for maximum pickup.
Ferrite rod antennas are now used in
virtually all AM broadcast band receivers. Their development (along with the
invention of transistors) meant that
receivers could be made much smaller
than before and still work satisfactorily
in most areas.
Ferrite rod antennas can be made
extremely small, as can be seen in a
photograph at the start of this article.
In that case, the ferrite rod is about half
the size of a matchstick! Of course, the
set’s performance is pathetic compared
to sets with ferrite rods like that used
in the AWA B32.
November 2008 87