This is only a preview of the September 2009 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 33 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "High-Quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter, Pt.1":
Items relevant to "Using A Wideband O₂ Sensor In Your Car, Pt.1":
Items relevant to "Autodim Add-On For The 6-Digit GPS Clock":
Items relevant to "3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.2":
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11 Ya3
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22k 22k
Using a
1 F
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Build a sim
3x 2.2k
ple OLED ’s
A fun new graphics
program to help
lay out protoboards
. . . and it’s
02 sensor
1 F
for outstanding
DVD Sound
1 F
High Quality
Stereo DAC
22 F
September 2009 1
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Vol.22, No.9; September 2009
35 Introducing OLED Displays
Organic LED technology is now affordable for the hobbyist. Here’s
a look at some available OLED screens and modules plus a
circuit to make a simple oscilloscope – by Mauro Grassi
40 Review: At Last . . . An Affordable Logic Analyser
The Saleae Logic costs just $US149 and has eight channels that can record
millions of samples at up to 24MHz – by Geoff Graham
High-Quality Stereo Digital-ToAnalog Converter – Page 12.
64 Pebble: PICAXE Electronic Bread Board Layout Emulator
Free software allows you to produce a professional-looking diagram that
shows how a circuit was laid out on a breadboard – by Wayne Geary
Pro jects To Build
12 High-Quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter, Pt.1
Build this high-quality Stereo DAC for superb hum-free sound from your DVD
player. It accepts both optical (TOSLINK) and coaxial inputs and has left &
right audio outputs for connection to your hifi system – by Nicholas Vinen
26 Using A Wideband O2 Sensor In Your Car, Pt.1
Want to accurately measure air-fuel ratios over a wide range? This “Wideband
Controller” mates with a Bosch wideband O2 sensor and our Wideband
Display Unit and can be used for precise engine tuning – by John Clarke
Using A Wideband O2 Sensor In
Your Car – Page 26.
72 Build A Simple Seismograph On A Protoboard
Build a seismograph on protoboard using a PICAXE-08M, Pebble it and
transfer it to a Kiwi Patch Board – by Stan Swan
75 Autodim Add-On For The 6-Digit GPS Clock
It senses the ambient light so that a modified program running in the display
unit’s micro can adjust the display LED brightness – by Jim Rowe
82 3-Channel UHF Rolling-Code Remote Control, Pt.2
Second article describes how to complete the construction and get the
transmitter and receiver units talking to each other – by John Clarke
Build A Simple Seismograph On
A Protoboard – Page 72.
Special Columns
44 Circuit Notebook
(1) FireWire-Sensing Mains Power Switch; (2) A Discrete Op Amp For Audio
Use; (3) Temperature-Sensing Battery Charger Cut-Out; (4) 6-Digit PICAXE
Timer; (5) Relays Can Do It By Themselves; (6) High-Current Voltage Doubler
57 Serviceman’s Log
Why do such things only ever happen to me? – by the Serviceman
Building The
UHF RollingCode Remote
Control –
Page 82.
88 Vintage Radio
The Kellogg TRF receiver – by Rodney Champness
Publisher’s Letter
Product Showcase
Ask Silicon Chip
Notes & Errata
Order Form
Market Centre
September 2009 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Production Manager
Greg Swain, B.Sc. (Hons.)
Technical Editor
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Ross Tester
Jim Rowe, B.A., B.Sc
Mauro Grassi, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D
Ross Tester
Reader Services
Ann Morris
Advertising Enquiries
Glyn Smith
Phone (02) 9939 3295
Mobile 0431 792 293
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Rodney Champness, VK3UG
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Stan Swan
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 003 205 490. ABN 49
003 205 490. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Printing: Hannanprint, Noble Park,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $94.50 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the order form in this issue.
Editorial office:
Unit 1, 234 Harbord Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100.
Postal address: PO Box 139,
Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Phone (02) 9939 3295.
Fax (02) 9939 2648.
E-mail: silicon<at>
ISSN 1030-2662
* Recommended and maximum price only.
2 Silicon Chip
Publisher’s Letter
Low sunspot activity presages
solar cooling
Years ago, when I was at the helm of Electronics
Australia magazine, we used to publish “Ionospheric
Predictions” every month for the benefit of amateur
radio operators. In essence, these predictions help users of shortwave radio make the best use of the radio
spectrum. Whether or not certain bands are going to be
“open” for use depends on ionospheric activity which
is related to solar flares. Yes, yes, I can imagine that
most of you are already nodding off. Which is why EA
eventually stopped publishing the ionospheric predictions. But Australia’s Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS – part of the Bureau of
Meteorology) still provides this information (see
So who cares? Well, maybe you should. Because even if you have no interest at
all in shortwave communications, you do have a considerable vested interest in
whether world communications are at risk. And they always are at risk from solar
flares. Now that we are all so inextricably linked together via the internet, mobile
phones, satellite comms and so on, the world has a truly enormous investment
which is at the mercy of Old Sol. A big solar flare could literally wipe out much
of this network. This may be hard to comprehend but the biggest ever observed
solar flare, in 1859, shorted out telegraph wires, causing fires in North America
and Europe, sent readings of Earth’s magnetic field soaring, and produced northern
lights so bright that people could read newspapers by their light.
As it happened, apart from telegraph wires, there were no communications services in 1859. Today, such a severe solar flare would do unimaginable damage to
electricity grids, as well as most communications services, phones, all radio and
TV – you name it. If it happened, you could forget Facebook, online banking and
virtually every other activity which involves electronic communication – and it
could take quite a while, maybe weeks or months, to restore everything! Is such
a scenario likely? We don’t really know but we do know that we are heading into
another peak of solar activity, in 2013 – just four years away. Let us hope that all
those companies who have large direct investments in communications are doing
all they can to “harden” their systems against solar flares.
Solar flares can occur at any time and they are closely associated with sun spots
– Earth-sized or larger blotches on the sun marking areas of heightened magnetic
activity. As a matter of fact, in preparation for writing this editorial, initially on the
topic of communications risk, I decided to check the number of visible sunspots
(using binoculars and projection onto a white screen). I was astonished to find
no sunspots at all! Checking on a number of websites confirmed this – sunspots
are currently at a record low. Furthermore, the peak of the next cycle, Solar Cycle
24, in 2013, is predicted to be the lowest since Solar Cycle 16 in 1928 and ninth
weakest since the 1750s, when numbered cycles began.
All of which means that the probability of a big solar flare any time soon is fairly
low and the risk to communications is also low. Good news, you might think but
that could be utterly wrong. There is something far more serious to worry about.
In fact, there is a strong correlation between sunspot activity and solar output.
Old Sol could be heading into a long period of low activity and that could mean
pronounced global cooling! Apparently, we have been through this many times
before, the most recent being the Little Ice Age which came after the Middle Ages
warming period. Two pronounced periods of global cooling have been noted in
the Little Ice Age – the Maunder Minimum (1645 - 1715) and the Dalton Minimum
(1790 - 1820). Both of these corresponded with long periods of low sunspot activity.
Well boys and girls, I don’t know about you but I would much prefer to be anticipating global warming rather than cooling. We are going to be disappointed though.
If past history is any guide, global warming is good for humans, with increased
food production and economic activity. Global cooling, on the other hand, means
increased misery. Polar bears should be OK though.
Leo Simpson
September 2009 3
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to
the Editor are submitted on the condition that Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd may edit and has the
right to reproduce in electronic form and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions
to “Ask SILICON CHIP” and “Circuit Notebook”.
AIS article
is a winner
Stan Swan has totally blown my
mind with that article in the August
2009 issue of SILICON CHIP about AIS!
Here before dawn at pitch black Port
Stephens (Salamander Bay, actually)
I informed my wife gravely, “Hmm...
there’s a Danish cargo ship about 10
nautical miles out to the east and the
Newcastle tugs are getting up steam”
(arrgh me lad, old salt talk . . . y’ can’t
get up diesel . . .).
“How the blazes do you know?”
I rattled on with data about the Dane’s
dimensions and speed.
It’s got to be Stan’s best article yet.
Note to Leo: loved the Brookvale office “vessel” too. But send that man
a bonus.
Alan Ford,
Salamander Bay, NSW.
GUI for Autotrax
Following your feature article on
drawing circuits with Autotrax (SILICON CHIP, May 2009), I thought your
readers may be interested in the “GUI”
I wrote a few years ago, to make working with Autotrax within Windows XP
a bit easier. I have set up a web page
for anyone interested to download it,
plus the other needed files.
Carbon capture is
widely applicable
It was good to see carbon capture
and storage (CCS) discussed in the
Publisher’s Letters but emissions
reduction is not an either/or case of
CCS or gas. CCS is highly applicable
to natural gas. In fact, one of the
biggest CCS projects in the world,
Sleipner in Norway, which stores a
million tonnes of CO2 every year, is
a gas production project.
The Gorgon gas project in WA,
which will be Australia’s biggest
resource project ever, has CCS as
a major component. CCS is highly
applicable to gas-fired power plants
4 Silicon Chip
It also makes printing easier, allowing you to use your windows printer
for the PC boards, via an early demo
version of Protel for Windows. The
whole thing is downloadable from:
Ronald Johnson,
Rokeby, Tas.
Radios wanted for
fire museum
I am a volunteer fire fighter at the
Wandin CFA. I am writing to you for
help to find some old CFA radios for
the collection at our fire station. The
radios are Pye PF2, Icom IC12 and IC24
with modifications, if possible. Any
help would be appreciated.
Bill ter Haar,
Wandin Fire Brigade,
Phone (03) 5964 4021.
AM interference should have
a community solution
In the August 2009 issue, page 97,
a letter and response is published
under the title “Severe Interference
From Local AM Radio Station”. Your
response suggests some sound practical steps the writer could take to try to
resolve the problem. However, as you
note, the advice given will not help the
community at large.
and is the only technology we have
that can make major cuts to fossil
fuel-fired power plant CO2 emissions.
What’s more, CCS is applicable to
any large stationary source of CO2,
including the burning of coal, gas or
biomass, production of gas, fertiliser,
steel and cement. Whether we burn
coal, gas or wood, CCS is going to be
a crucial part of reducing our CO2
emissions in the future, along with
improved efficiency, renewables
and switching to lower carbon fuels
like gas. There are more details at:
Tony Steeper,
Canberra, ACT.
The resolution of this kind of problem commences with advice of the
problem being given to ACMA in the
first instance. ACMA should then undertake the necessary steps to ensure
the problem is resolved in accordance
with its charter and the governing
It surprises me that you did not
identify this obvious official path. The
local Federal Member could also be
briefed on the issue, as it is after all a
community issue.
Graeme Dennes,
Bunyip, Vic.
Comment: you make a good suggestion about contacting ACMA and local
politicians. However, unless the ABC
can be prevailed upon to change their
power level or radiation pattern or to
move their transmitter tower, we cannot foresee any easy solution for the
community at large.
It is a common problem in Australian cities as residential development
encroaches upon previously vacant
land around AM transmitter towers.
DAB+ quality
is disappointing
I have on loan a Sangean model
WFT-1D Hi-Fi Component FM-DAB+
Tuner, hooked up to my own highquality stereo system and have been
busy evaluating the audio quality from
the DAB+ services being broadcast in
Perth WA. DAB+ sounds “sort of OK” if
one is not too critical. Critical listening
reveals that DAB+ as currently being
broadcast sounds quite clean but unfortunately also sounds rather clinical,
lacking life, ambience and the natural
decay of musical sounds expected
from a classical music performance.
In addition. I have observed very
poor stereo imaging. The original Eureka-147 DAB system, as currently used
in many European countries attracted
many complaints about lack of quality
from listeners, particularly in the UK
Publisher’s letter lacked
logical argument
Normally, I read the Publisher’s
Letter first and I am used to it containing a logical argument. However,
the logic in the letter for the June
2009 edition is completely absent. It
contains the sort of pseudo-scientific
rubbish that you normally try to
debunk. Are you just checking if we
are reading it?
The worst piece of pseudo-science
was the section using the chemical
equation. To simplify this argument
without using the equation, you are
effectively saying: “Water and CO2
are produced together. Water is good
for you so CO2 must also be good
for you.” This is false logic. Since
asbestos is found in rock and rock is
not harmful then asbestos is also not
harmful? That conclusion is false.
The phrase “carbon pollution” is
just a convenient way of referring to
all the greenhouse gases which are
produced or increased by human
activity. Just because we don’t say
“carbon dioxide and methane and
. . .” doesn’t mean that this phrase
cannot be used in conversation and
written articles.
The change from “geosequestration” to “CCS” is actually a step
forward in correctly describing the
process. As you point out, a major
element of the problem is capturing
the gases from the sources such as
power stations. Even if we had a
perfect geosequestration method,
it could not be used today because
the capture system has not been
invented. A little bit of truth, a long
where bit rates of 128kbit/sec were
the norm. From personal experience
listening to DAB in Denmark and the
UK, I fully agree; it is not good enough.
The DAB+ system as recently introduced in Australia was hailed by some
as being twice as good as the original
Eureka-147 DAB system, leading one
former Minister for Communications
to state that with the better digital
broadcast system proposed, we can
have many more broadcast services
than on the old obsolete DAB system.
This looks like exactly what is happening: “Never mind the quality, feel
the width”.
semi-scientific word and you have
once again drawn a false conclusion.
I am not an atmospheric scientist.
I can’t show you the computer models. I can’t prove that the greenhouse
effect is a real threat. I have to trust
that the Prime Minister is being
advised by these scientists and is
not misled by the pseudo-science. I
cannot understand why you would
print this false argument in your fine
Morgan Sandercock,
Singleton, NSW.
Comment: you seem to have missed
the point entirely. Water vapour is
a greenhouse gas produced by the
combustion of all fossil fuels yet it is
never mentioned in the emotive discussion about “carbon pollution”.
If there is more water vapour in the
atmosphere there should be more
clouds and ultimately, more clouds
should lead to global cooling, since
they reflect sunlight back into space
(while providing a lesser greenhouse
effect at night).
It could well be that water vapour
counteracts much of the greenhouse
effect of CO2. As far as we know,
the IPCC models do not take into
account the effect of increasing
cloud cover.
The carbon dioxide content of the
atmosphere is certainly rising but
the evidence for the resultant global
warming is weak. Dire forecasts
of severe global warming and sea
level rises in the next 50 years strain
credibility. Those scientists advising
the Prime Minister have yet to put a
convincing argument.
A respected BBC engineer made
the statement several years ago, that
256kbits/s was necessary for Eureka-147 to broadcast classical music at
acceptable quality. This holds true to
this day. To the best of my knowledge,
all audio compression systems use
the principle of throwing away subtle
details which, it is assumed, will not
be missed by the listener.
Subtle details will probably not be
missed on speech and certain types
of pop music. Unfortunately, this is
not the case with classical and certain
other types of music which rely on
these subtle details in order to sound
September 2009 5
Mailbag: continued
Nuclear energy
is the answer
I normally read the Publisher’s
Letter and agree with everything.
But the Publisher’s Letter in the
June 2009 issue – “Let’s have no
more of this carbon pollution non
sense” – was a shock. As a layman
in these matters I can only be guided
by scientific reports and the overwhelming evidence seems to be
that we are headed in the direction
of global warming unless we reduce
greenhouse gases (including CO2)
over the next few years.
You were concerned about “hardcore fanatics” but there have been
fanatics about every cause. You
seemed to take exception to the
term “carbon pollution”. Almost
everyone uses this term to mean the
production of CO2, not soot (OK, it’s
In the air, there is a small amount
of CO2 and water vapour. A build-up
of water vapour is not a problem but
a build-up of CO2 is. That is the heart
of the problem which you seem to
To me, nuclear energy is the only
viable solution for the world’s power
needs in the medium term – say 50
years. It is green and clean.
The main problem is the thought
about waste. First, there is incredibly little waste when compared
with coal. It would be a lot better
than putting a huge amount of
compressed CO2 in the ground.
Second, the (Australian) technology
for handling waste is first rate and
geologically sound.
The main problem with nuclear
energy is fear of another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. But those
particular nuclear power station
designs are well out of date and they
simply don’t design them like that
natural and live. DAB+ uses the JointStereo principle in addition to audio
compression, so reducing the bit rate
will seriously affect stereo imaging.
In Perth in July 2009, we currently
have 27 DAB+ stations indicated, of
which 19 are active. Indicated bit rates
6 Silicon Chip
any more. With new designs, there is
no possibility of melt-downs. Even if
everything went wrong they would
just gently cool down.
In the short term, Australia has
plenty of gas which could be used
instead of coal in power stations.
This would cut the production of
CO2 dramatically. The only problem
with this is political – the coal lobby
is strong and would object. That is
the only reason “geosequestration”
is being considered. I was in the
oil industry for 12 years and to me,
“geosequestration” is nonsense, has
not been proved and will not work.
Peter Wolstenholme,
Pymble, NSW.
Comment: it is true that there has
been overwhelming evidence of
global warming. The problem is that
much of it has been quite selective.
For example, we keep hearing about
the polar ice-caps melting. Well,
the Arctic has been melting (and
it melted completely in the Middle
Ages – the Chinese found the way
through). But Antarctic ice has been
building at 100,000 sq km/decade
for the past 30-odd years. We also
hear about sea level changes affecting islands in the Pacific whereas the
problem there is not rising sea levels
but islands sinking due to volcanic
Carbon dioxide is increasing but it
has been much, much higher in the
distant past, before man had any
effect. All the climate models used
by the IPCC do not take into account
any variation in the Sun. Climate
change exponents seem to reject
any notion that there are variations
in the Sun’s output. In short, with
our present knowledge of climate
and weather, we cannot forecast the
weather in a month’s time let alone
50 years into the future.
are nine stations at 32kbits/s, two at
48kbits/s, eight at 64kbits/s, one at
56kbits/s, one at 72kbits/s, five at
80kbits/s and only one at 128kbits/s.
The only one with reasonable stereo
spread is the commercial station at
ABC Classical runs 80kbits/s and
it lacks life, ambience, natural musical decay and stereo spread. The ABC
Classical FM signal carrying the same
program sounds much better.
Audio levels (modulation) from the
various stations are all over the place,
varying by as much as 12dB. I would
seriously suggest that ABC Dig, Jazz
and Country be changed to 64kbits/s
mono, possibly with audio bandwidth
restricted to 10kHz. ABC Classical
should be increased to 160kbits/s to
improve quality and stereo spread,
JJJ should be given 128kbits/s stereo
and other ABC Services reduced to
64kbits/s or lower in mono.
I fail to understand why SBS programs, mainly speech, are being broadcast as 32kbits/s stereo. All of the commercial stations sound very ordinary.
Poul Kirk,
South Guildford, WA.
Comment: the situation with DAB+
in Sydney is similar, with 38 stations
on air in early August. ABC Classic
& Jazz are running at 80kbits/s, ABC
Extra at 72kbits/s, JJJ at 80kbits/s and
other ABC stations at 48kbits/s. SBS
stations are 40kbit/s or 32kbit/s. The
best commercial station is 2CH at
DAB+ reception
needs to improve
I recently got a digital receiver for
my car, a unit that Pioneer Electronics
sell for $300. Installation was easy:
stick the antenna on the glass, plug into
the cigarette lighter and plug the unit
into the auxiliary input of my radio.
As for the reception, well, that’s
another thing! At the moment there
are so many dead zones around the
Melbourne metropolitan area that it’s
almost not worth using. Inner city
buildings, freeways and concrete walls
kill it. The best consistent reception
that I got was on the Eastern freeway.
I’m looking at mounting an external
glass-mount antenna to see if it will
improve reception.
As for getting out of Melbourne,
don’t bother. When reception is four
or more bars on the aerial indicator
and signal quality is 60% or more, it
sounds better than AM radios but in
I don’t know where the transmitting
antennas are but I can only hope that
SA school zones
and electric vehicles
As an ex-South Australian, I believe the speed
zones around SA schools are far more appropriate
than any other school zones in any other state of
When I was attending school some 38 years ago,
the speed around school zones was 25km/h but it
was at fixed times. As I progressed through the years,
I became a “School Crossing Monitor” at a crossing
that had flashing 25km/h lights. This was a great
learning experience for me and other children in
road safety. SA’s current speed zone regulations for
schools can only be seen as an improvement to the
old regulations.
Other states should take notice of what SA has
done and adopt the same policy: 40km/h around
school zones is still an excessive speed, especially
where there are parked cars on the side of the road.
What is the cost of a child’s life? 40km/h through
a school zone is irresponsible and dangerous. Congratulations to my old home state.
In response to the editorial comment on the
letter “Feedback On Electric Vehicle Conversion”
from John Williams, WA, the university I think you
are referring to is the Flinders University of South
Australia. During the 1990s, Flinders University
had an electric vehicle program and during this
period they converted two vehicles. The first was
a Mini Moke which was used as a test bed for their
technology. The second was a Bedford Van. Both of
these vehicles were extremely successful and were
nearing the final stage which would have included
a production model.
Just before the commencement of the last year of
the project the SA Government stopped funding for
the research and therefore the university was unable
to continue. The vehicles were subsequently donated
to the Birdwood Motor Museum and were on display
to the public for a number of years.
David Richardson,
Wattle Grove, NSW.
Computes State of Charge for lead acid battery types
(SLA, AGM, Gel, Flooded)
Test battery condition – quickly and easily identifies
weak or failing batteries
Patented high accuracy Pulse Load test – battery safe,
Test 2-volt, 4-volt, 6,volt, 8-volt, 12-volt
Measures battery performance under load, not just
voltage or internal resistance
Ideal for battery management & cell matching –
reduce costs and increase reliability
The MBT-LA2 provides a comprehensive means of testing the state of
charge and battery condition for 2-volt, 4-volt, 6,volt, 8-volt and 12-volt
lead acid battery types (SLA, AGM, Gel, Wet). Lightweight, compact
design make it an ideal tool for anyone working with lead acid batteries.
The microprocessor-controlled instrument tests popular batteries
using a patented, high-accuracy pulse load tests. After a fully automatic
test cycle, percentage of remaining battery capacity is indicated on the
LED bar display. Test results are easy to understand. An integrated
cooling fan dissipates heat from testing, and the circuit is protected
against over-voltage. Rugged NBR rubber sleeve protects against
impact. Includes 48" removeable test leads with sold copper clamps.
The accessory kit (K-MBTLA2) includes a hanging strap & magnet for
hands-free operation, and a protective soft case. Requires 4AA
batteries (not included).
there are more installed around Melbourne and outer
areas or the transmission power is increased. For anyone thinking about purchasing a DAB+ receiver within
the next six months or so, I’d advise they wait until it
improves a lot!
Mark Sully, Car Stereo Repairs,
Keilor, Vic.
Social group for
ex-AWA employees
Some of your readers, who may have spent part (or
all) of their working lives in the electronics industry
working for AWA, may be unaware of the existence of a
social group where they can catch up with old friends.
The Amalgamated Wireless Australasia Veterans
Association holds quarterly luncheons, open to any
Access control
For more information, contact
(08) 9302 5444 or mark<at>
September 2009 7
Mailbag: continued
Helping to put you in Control
Control Equipment
DIN Rail Plastic Enclosures
We now have a
series of plastic
which can be
DIN rail
mounted or panel mounted using
screws From $25+GST
Metal Brackets for
DC Gearmotors
With these brackets it
is easy to mount your
20 and 37mm gearhead DC motors. (2
brackets per bag) From $11.75+GST
KTA-264 Bidirectional DC Motor
Drive and control
the position of a DC
gearhead motor.
The motor drives a
load and is also coupled to a quadrature
encoder, photo-interrupter or potentiometer. The position to move is given by
a serial command or by an ON-OFF
switch $139+GST
Solid State Relay cards
We have expanded our
range of relay cards with solid state relay
cards and telecom relay cards. Available
as 2,4 and 8 relay card. DIN Rail mounting also available From $22.90+GST
ModbusView TCP
Our newest version of
ModbusView allows you to
simulate master and slave
Modbus units communicating using Modbus TCP/IP $59+GST
Low Cost Process
The N480D series of
PID temperature controllers are designed
for extreme simplicity
in operation with high
performance only found in expensive
high end controllers
Contact Ocean Controls
Ph: 03 9782 5882
8 Silicon Chip
lead-acid batteries
I have been an avid reader of
SILICON CHIP and the magazine’s predecessors since high school. I lived
on a shoestring for some years and
it was necessary to recycle before it
was fashionable.
I had an Army Indian motor
cycle which used a lead-acid battery which was subjected to severe
vibration and other abuse. When it
failed I would remove the plates and
wash them, emptying all the sediment out of the cells. I would then
employees of AWA or its associated
companies. Enquiries may be made
to awaveterans<at>
Ross Stell, President AWAVA,
Kogarah, NSW.
Green power
is recommended
I was pleased to see the in-depth
article on Malcolm Faed’s electric
vehicle conversion in the June 2009
issue of SILICON CHIP. Hopefully it
will raise the question in everyone’s
mind: “if private individuals can build
practical electric vehicles in their own
backyard, why is it that car makers
seem unable to?”
But I am responding to the letter by
John Vance in the same issue, suggesting that it should become mandatory
for electric vehicle owners to install
solar panels to offset the energy they
use. I and many other electric vehicle
owners around the country do indeed
have grid-connect solar on our homes,
however it is usually done for ethical
reasons, not economic.
Private grid-connect solar installations are a relatively expensive way to
increase Australia’s renewable energy
generation capacity, since we miss out
on the economies of scale possible
with commercial renewable energy
generation plants.
As end users, there are many ways
we can reduce the environmental impact of our electricity usage. This can
be done for electric vehicles as well
as our homes.
The incremental pollution intensity
replace them and fill with distilled
water, followed by a slow charge. I
then replaced the water once more
and followed with a further charge,
after which I would refill the cells
with full strength acid.
This gave the battery new life,
albeit with reduced capacity. Later
I applied it to car batteries and was
also successful. This would be aided
by the much later development of
the Battery Zapper featured in the
July 2009 issue.
Terry Lealand, ZL2BBO,
Hawera, NZ.
of the energy drawn from the grid, CO2
or otherwise, varies with time of day
and load. The incremental increase
in pollution from pulling a kilowatthour from the grid during peak load
is greater than it is when the grid is at
low load, usually during early morning. This is especially true for West
Australians on the SWIS grid, where
the bulk of our present wind generation occurs at night.
We can also directly influence the
origin of our electricity. The best way
we can all make a difference is to
sign up for Green Power, a federally
regulated scheme available throughout
Australia which ensures any electricity you use must be accounted for
from renewable sources. For more
information, you can visit
I sincerely encourage everyone to
sign up for Green Power, regardless
of whether or not you have an electric vehicle. Together we can send
power companies the right message.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “you
must be the change you wish to see
in the world”.
Matthew Lacey & Ian Hooper,
Aust. Electric Vehicle Association.
Comment: readers should be aware
that the caps set under the proposed
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
mean that individuals buying Green
Power or taking their own measures
to reduce energy use will not be actually reducing Australia’s overall emissions of carbon dioxide. This may be
changed but it has yet to happen.
PCB Supplier
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a typical
Night telephone circuit
from the 1960s.
One piece orders are welcome!
ck our low price anline
d sain
ve the
big $days
$$ of electromechaniPhone lines have
limited current capability
cal switching and impulse dialling
Regarding your reply to David
was of the order of 25-50mA and is
Gates’s letter (“School Zone Legis- about the same today.
lation In SA Not So Silly”, August
In fact, the rotary dial contacts
2009), please be aware that the SA place a dead short circuit across the
school speed limit has never been line for about 60ms during each of
anything other thanweb:
since the dialling pulses, as can be seen
the speed limits were “metricated”. from the accompanying schematic
Prior to that timeemail:
it wassales<at>
15mph of a typical phone from 1963 (Fig.1).
(about 24km/h). phone: 86(571)86795686
If the power available had been
At no time was it as high as enough to run a train set or a vacuum
40km/h (25mph) in SA.
cleaner, the dial contacts would have
However, there are in SA a number been destroyed in very short order!
of school zones where the 25km/h
Regarding the 240ms delay in the
limit applies “when children pres GPS Clock mentioned in a letter in
ent”, at any time, 24 hours a day, the July 2009 issue, this could be
every day. This rule causes a lot of “cured” by having the PIC procesconfusion with motorists as they try sor add one second to the time read
to work out whether a figure dimly from the GPS receiver, then feeding
seen at night might be legally a child this new data to the display drivers
or an adult.
at the commencement of the next
Regarding the letter “Comment time block from the receiver.
on Vacuum Cleaner Story” from
The only time this would give
Peter Mallon in the same issue, I trouble would be when we have
feel that someone has been having “leap seconds”, when the clock
him on with the story of a train set would display the extra second
being run from the phone line. As precisely one second later than it
an ex-PMG technician I can state actually occurred.
quite positively that the maximum
G. Mayman,
current available from the phone
Dover Gardens, SA.
Adapting to
SMD technology
I read the letter from Alfred Hirzel
with interest. I agree with him that
SMD technology is not too difficult for
hobbyists but I have to disagree with
the use of soldering irons.
But first, SMD technology has
siderable advantages, as follows:
(1) SMD boards can be far quicker to
etch (smaller size) and prepare, with
far fewer holes.
(2) Many components are available far
more cheaply in SMD packages than
(3) Some components are available
PCB Supplier
prototype thru
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...........Day and Night
One piece orders are welcome!
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email: sales<at>
phone: 86(571)86795686
only in SMD packages.
(4) Finished boards are lower in profile, leading to easier mounting.
With projects consisting mostly of
SMD components we have found that
the largest amount of time is spent
physically locating components. Once
you have them all in front of you, the
entire project can have the solder paste
applied and reflowed in far less time
than a through-hole board, provided
you have the right tools.
While the largest SMD devices can
be hand soldered, it is a process that is
close to the limits for hand soldering.
As you move to smaller and smaller
components the task of hand soldering them becomes exponentially more
difficult and, of course, BGA (ball grid
array) components are impossible to
solder by hand.
As a minimum, you need the following:
(1) A method of storage of SMD components so that you can locate them
(many have no markings).
(2) Solder paste dispenser.
(3) ESD-safe tweezers.
September 2009 9
Mailbag: continued
(4) Young eyes or some method of
getting a magnified view of the board.
(5) A reflow tool.
A colleague and I have been developing tools to allow us to reliably produce boards using SMD components.
The most important of these is a solder
paste dispenser. It is important to be
able to dispense the correct amount of
solder when using small components,
such as 0603 resistors and TSSOP
outline ICs.
My favourite, from the perspective
of cost, ease of use and general utility,
is a pneumatic design that is held like
a pencil and allows the controlled dispensing of “dots” of solder paste. My
colleague’s tool of choice is a positive
displacement pump that is about the
size and weight of a soldering iron but
again, is held like a pencil.
In combination with a PICAXE
which controls a small stepper motor,
this can dispense repeatable 0.1µL
(1/10 of a cubic mm) dots of solder
paste and with reduced precision,
even smaller dots.
Our tests (to destruction of components and/or tracks in some cases)
illustrate that only extremely small
amounts of solder paste are required.
One need only look at a modern PC
board to notice how little solder is
used. By contrast, the typical hobbyist
approach to soldering SMDs generally
results in the use of far too much solder
which dramatically increases the risk
of solder bridges.
The evidence of this is that most
people suggesting these techniques
have solder wick as a necessary component in their approach.
Neither I nor my colleague have
young eyes. My colleague has an overhead video camera connected to a
monitor. I use either a modified web
cam or a simple magnifier with an
integrated lamp. The placement of
components (using inexpensive ESDsafe tweezers) can be done quickly
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10 Silicon Chip
and relatively easily with such simple
Until recently, we have been using
a reflow tool for reflowing the solder
on assembled boards, a tool available
for not much more than the price of a
decent temperature-controlled soldering iron. For some time my colleague
was (carefully!) using a hot air gun to
reflow his boards. Our latest project is
a reflow oven and tests (with manual
temperature control) have yielded
extremely professional looking results
at minimal cost – certainly less than
the price of my rework tool.
The production of SMT boards is
another issue but one that I won’t
dwell on, as the techniques are not
that much different to those used by
anyone making their own boards.
However, it is worth saying that our
current techniques are almost at the
level where we can consider using
uSMD-14 chips (ie, 14 “pin” BGA
chips similar in size to a 1206 resistor).
Much of our work is experimental
and a driving factor is to make this
easily affordable (although, my col-
Significant dates relating
to broadcasting
I would like to draw attention to some errors in the
article by Alan Hughes on Digital Radio, Pt.5, in the
August 2009 issue, in the table of significant dates.
2MBS-FM started broadcasting Australia’s first licenced stereo FM program in the early hours of 16th
January 1975, on 92.1MHz (not in 1976, as in the table).
3MBS started in Melbourne somewhat later.
Community broadcasting was running well before
the ABC’s official start on Australia Day in 1976. Prior
to the 2MBS start of broadcasting, we had demonstrated
two stereo FM programs simultaneously, using low
power exciters at the “75 Sounds Fantastic” Hi-Fi show
at Centrepoint in August 1974 and at the “Australian
Hi-Fi” show at the Koala Motel in September 1974.
Subsequently, we constructed a 1kW transmitter in
1975 and later in 1977 a 10kW transmitter, the latter
operating reliably for some 150,000 hours before being
relegated for standby use.
Articles about FM appeared in Electronics Australia
in May 1975 about 2MBS changing to 102.5MHz and
in January 1978 on constructing a tuner to receive
FM broadcasts.
The Community Sector really showed the way for
the widespread adoption of FM throughout Australia.
I hope this will correct the minor errors in a valuable
Max Benyon, Cremorne, NSW.
Challenge to electrical
licencing restrictions
I am a Mechanical Engineer
teaching Automation & PLC control at Chisholm Institute and am
contracted out to do this at the
manufacturing plant at Toyota, Altona. In 2007, I managed to obtain
an Electrical Occupier’s Licence.
I then enquired about obtaining a
full licence.
I was advised by ESV Victoria
(written document) that if I completed CERT III electrical (using
RPL) etc, I could obtain a supervised
licence. They have now revoked
their documented instructions and
I am challenging their decision at
league’s hand-made masterpieces of
mechanical engineering are certainly
not cheap in quantities of one!).
We have discovered that most of the
“limits” for hobbyist construction fall
into three areas: tools, parts availability and conceptual.
The tools are now pretty easily
available (with some notable exceptions) and component availability is
no longer an issue, with many suppliers able to provide parts at extremely
good prices.
The major factor limiting hobbyists
(and we speak from experience) is the
leap you need to make from using components that you can pick up between
your fingers, to those that require you
to use tweezers and magnification.
At one stage we thought 1206 was
small. The only 1206 component we
would now use with any regularity is
a 1206 link as it allows several tracks
to be run under it. We have recently
decided that 0603 components are
so easily used that we will use them
wherever possible on “real” projects.
We are currently sourcing some 0402
components for tests. Many of our
techniques have remained static since
we thought 0805 resistors were tiny
and we marvelled at our test boards
using them.
Recently, a question we asked
ourselves was “will we ever regularly need to use anything larger than
1206?” in the context of the maximum
size dot of solder paste to be dispensed.
The answer, unsurprisingly, was “No”.
You can do it. It is easy. And you’ll
VCAT shortly. Amendments to the
Electrical rules (2002) means that
any licensing decision is challengeable outside their power base.
ESV Victoria are throwing up
every electrical rule they can think
of, ie, dating back to 1946 as one
example, so I have stirred up a
hornets’ nest. Chisholm Institute
of TAFE is supporting me and if I
win, this could be a breakthrough
for a lot of electrical/electronic
engineers, especially since I am a
mechanical engineer.
Rupert Cranswick,
Beaconsfield, Vic.
Comment: we hope you succeed,
never look at a 0.25W resistor the same
way again.
Steve Hodges,
Cloverdale, WA.
Help wanted for
servant wiring system
I bought a house which is heritagelisted and built in 1889. The house has
a system for servant’s bells. There is
a “bell press” at the front door and in
each of four rooms in the house. In the
kitchen is an indicator board and bell
which are connected by low-voltage
wiring to each bell press.
The way it is intended to work is
this: if someone presses the button at
the front door, the bell in the kitchen
rings and the indicator board shows
that it is the bell at the front door that
has been pressed.
I need assistance from someone to
make the system work. My electrician
has installed the low-voltage wiring
but beyond that, he is at a loss. He does
not have experience with “antique”
electrical installations.
Both the indicator board and each of
the bell presses appear to be in sound
condition. There is no obvious damage
or deterioration. It just needs someone
with the technical skills to bring the
system back to life. Is there anyone
who can help me? I can be contacted
at margr<at>
Brian O’Donnell,
Brisbane, Qld.
Comment: we understood that most
households had lost their servants just
after World War 1.
There’s something to suit every
video/TV viewer in the
SILICON CHIP reference bookshop
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Drives – by KF Ibrahim
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September 2009 11
Ver s a t ile de si gn acc ep t s
Are you listening to CDs via your DVD player? Does your DVD
player have average sound quality or worse, cause buzz and hum
problems when hooked up to your hifi system? Either way, you
need this high-quality Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter (DAC)
to get first class sound and zero hum.
HIS 24-BIT, 96kHz-capable stereo DAC provides sound quality
equal to the best high-end CD players,
regardless of price. It has one coaxial
S/PDIF input and two TOSLINK (optical) inputs, to which you can connect
a DVD player, set-top box, DVR, computer or any other source of linear PCM
digital audio. It also has left and right
RCA sockets for connection to a stereo
amplifier or home theatre receiver.
If you already own a DVD player of
average quality or better, you can hook
it up to this DAC and immediately
12 Silicon Chip
upgrade the sound quality. Most DVD
players have mediocre audio quality
from their audio outputs, especially in
terms of distortion (see “DVD Players:
How Good Are They For HiFi Audio?”
– SILICON CHIP, October 2007).
So why are typical DVD players so
poor in audio performance? Partly it
is because they are designed down to
a very low price and while their onboard DAC might be quite a reasonable
component, the supporting circuitry
has been cut to the bone in order to
keep the overall price as low as pos-
sible. It is also true that many cheap
(and not so cheap) DVD players are
plagued with quite strong extraneous
RF in the audio outputs, mainly related
to the video output signals that they
continuously produce, regardless of
whether they are playing DVDs or CDs.
In addition, virtually all DVD players, except the most expensive models, use switchmode power supplies.
These have the advantage of being very
efficient and especially with respect to
recent models, have very low standby
power consumption. The drawback
Build a high-quality stereo
DAC for superb sound from
your DVD player
Pt.1: Design by NICHOLAS VINEN
bo t h op t ic al & c oa x i a l in p u t s
of switchmode power supplies is
that they produce lots of switching
harmonics which can also get into the
audio outputs.
Finally, because all DVD players
these days are double-insulated and
come with 2-core power cords, they
inevitably cause hum and buzz when
connected to the audio inputs of highfidelity amplifiers which are usually
earthed via a 3-core mains cord. There
is no simple way to fix any of these
problems but this new DAC project
fixes them all and provides first-class
audio performance to boot.
valid signal on one of its three digital
inputs and when one is detected, it immediately locks onto it and works. Alternatively, you can select the wanted
input signal by pressing the relevant
button or you can do it with a Philips
RC5-compatible remote control (such
as most universal remotes) which can
also be used to control the volume from
the left and right outputs.
As previously stated, the unit accepts both TOSLINK (optical) and
coaxial (S/PDIF) inputs, while a pair
of RCA sockets are used for the left
and right stereo outputs.
Main features
User interface
Our prototype DAC is housed in a
one-unit high rack-mount case. The
front-panel controls are just an on/
off switch and three LED-illuminated
momentary pushbuttons.
In operation, the DAC scans for a
The user interface provides two
functions – display of the DAC status
and control over its configuration,
primarily selecting between inputs.
Status display is provided by the
five LEDs on the front panel. The
LEDs in the three illuminated buttons
show which of the three channels is
currently selected. They correspond,
left-to-right, to the inputs on the rear
panel, with the RCA S/PDIF input being number 3.
The two other LEDs indicate
whether there is a valid S/PDIF signal
detected on that channel (yellow LED)
and whether any audio data is present
(green LED). The yellow LED also
flashes to acknowledge signals from
the remote control.
Holding down various combinations of the buttons on the front panel
allows you to enter a set-up mode
where you can assign remote control
functions and configure the automatic
input switching.
The automatic input switching allows the DAC to select whichever inSeptember 2009 13
Signal-To-Noise Ratio: -108dB (unweighted, 22Hz – 22kHz); -114dB (A-weighed),
both with respect to 2V RMS
Total Harmonic Distortion: <0.0018% <at> 1kHz and 2V RMS
Channel Separation: -105dB <at> 100Hz & 1kHz; -85dB <at>10kHz; -73dB <at> 20kHz
Linearity: within 1dB <at> -90dB
Frequency Response: +0.0, -0.15dB, 20Hz-20kHz
Supported Sample Rates: 28-108kHz
Supported bit depths: 16-bit, 20-bit & 24-bit
Supported Channel Formats: stereo PCM
Clock Jitter: jitter tolerant; clock jitter is typically less than 50 picoseconds
put has a valid signal. It allows you to
leave the DAC on and switch between
various input sources, without the
need to manually change channels.
For example, if you have a DVD
player and set-top box connected, and
after watching a DVD you switch the
DVD player off and the set-top box
on, the DAC will change inputs by
itself about 10 seconds after you’ve
turned the DVD player off. This delay
can be changed depending on your
It works as follows. In operation,
the DAC constantly monitors the
current input status for two parameters: (1) the presence of an S/PDIF
signal and (2) the presence of audio
data (non-silence). This is the same
information which is displayed via
the status LEDs. After a user-defined
period (default 10 seconds) without a
valid signal, the input channels will
enter a “scanning” mode where each
input is rapidly selected in turn. This
scanning continues until a valid signal
is detected at which point it stops on
that input.
There is also a user-defined period of
silence (default 1 minute) after which
scanning will begin, even with a valid
signal present. This is because many
devices with digital audio outputs
keep their outputs active even when
they are not playing any material,
eg, when the DVD is stopped. Thus
the only reliable way to determine if
content is actually being played is to
look for an audio signal.
Of course, you don’t want it to start
scanning the instant there is silence,
as there are often short silent periods
between tracks, or you may be changing discs or briefly pausing playback.
14 Silicon Chip
The two delays can be configured
from 100ms up to several hours, or
disabled entirely. In addition, it’s possible to configure different delays if the
current channel has been manually
selected, either from the front panel
buttons or the remote control. This is
so that you can set the automatic scan
times fairly short without having it
start scanning too soon after you force
it to a particular channel.
By default these delays are set to five
minutes without a signal and scan on
silence after a manual channel change
is disabled.
Default input & volume control
There is also the matter of which
input is active when power is first
applied. By default the first input is
selected but you can configure it so that
the default is any of the three inputs,
or so that it immediately scans, or even
so that it starts up with whichever
input last had a valid signal before it
was powered off.
Finally, there is a built-in volume
control in the DAC and it is possible
to use the remote control to change
the volume. This has a 30dB range
but we don’t recommend using it if
you want the very best sound quality.
Because the volume control is digital,
total harmonic distortion will become
worse as the volume is reduced.
If you do control the volume using
a remote, it will remember the last
setting the next time it is powered
on. The initial default is maximum
volume and that’s where it should be
left for best sound quality.
Note also that multi-channel audio
formats like DTS or Dolby Digital are
not supported and in any case, many
DVD players turn off the TOSLINK
(optical) output when multi-channel
modes are employed. This means you
have two choices when using this DAC
with a DVD player in a home-theatre
configuration. One option is to connect
the DVD player’s outputs directly to
your amplifier along with the DAC
outputs using a separate set of cables
and switch between them, depending
on whether you are playing multichannel or stereo content.
Alternatively, if you only have stereo speakers, you can configure your
DVD player to convert multi-channel
content to stereo on the digital output
and play all content via the DAC.
Some, but not all, DVD players have
such a feature which is usually configured via an on-screen menu. If you
just want to use a DVD player to play
CDs you can ignore the DVD player’s
stereo outputs altogether and just use
the digital output. It is also possible
to use a CD player with digital outputs although they are becoming less
Because the DAC supports 24-bit
96kHz content as well as CD quality
(16-bit, 44.1kHz) and other common
audio formats, it is also possible to
play higher definition audio content.
The supported range of sample rates is
28-108kHz and recognised bit depths
are 16, 20 & 24 bits (although in reality
16-bit content is always promoted to
20 bits when sent via S/PDIF). This
covers most common linear audio formats. De-emphasis is also supported,
although very few CDs are recorded
with it enabled. However, de-emphasis
has been included since it is part of
the CD Audio “Red Book” standard.
While the ability to play back 24-bit
96kHz content is attractive, there is a
catch: many devices capable of playing
back audio of this quality disable their
digital outputs when doing so! This
likely includes all “DVD Audio” players, which is a great pity. Presumably
the music industry was worried about
people making digital copies of such
content and thus deny us the ability to
use the digital output for high-quality
content at all. No wonder DVD Audio
failed to take off! However, even plain
old CDs will sound great played back
through this DAC as long as they were
properly recorded and mastered.
Regarding the audio quality, not
only does the DAC chip itself provide
high-quality audio output but the S/
PDIF decoder “re-clocks” the audio
Fig.1: block diagram of the Stereo Digital-To-Analog Converter. It has two TOSLINK (optical) inputs and one coaxial
input and these are fed to an S/PDIF decoder (IC3) via a multiplexer (IC2) and then to a stereo DAC (IC6). The DAC
then drives current-to-voltage converter stages IC7, IC8, IC10 & IC11 and finally the differential amplifier output
stages (IC9 & IC12). The circuit is controlled by microcontroller IC4 which selects the input signal and accepts inputs
from the IR remote control receiver and the pushbutton switches.
data to remove “clock jitter”. Clock
jitter refers to the fact that the clock
frequency of the data being transmitted
over the digital link varies somewhat
sample to sample. Ideally, there will
be no jitter, meaning the clock pulses
(and thus data bits) come at exactly
the same interval but consumer equipment often doesn’t have the best clock
stability and this can prejudice the
dynamic range.
The decoder solves this by re-clocking the data using a Phase Locked Loop
(PLL). The PLL’s frequency is locked
to the sample frequency of the data
being received but because only the
average clock frequency determines
the PLL frequency, if the PLL is sufficiently stable it will reject most of
the jitter. The DIR9001 decoder from
Texas Instruments/Burr Brown claims
a typical specification of around 45
picoseconds jitter at 44.1kHz and 30
picoseconds jitter at 96kHz when the
master clock is running at 512fs, which
is how it is configured.
You may be wondering why the
decoder IC chosen isn’t capable of
handling sample rates up to 192kHz.
After all, the DSD1796 DAC supports
this sample rate and some content is
available at 192kHz, so it would be
nice to support it.
The main reason is that Burr Brown
does not make a 192kHz S/PDIF decoder, and other choices such as the
Crystal CS8416 have inferior specifications, including jitter tolerance.
For the CS8416, the output jitter is
quoted as around 100ps – twice that
of the DIR9001. Since most content
available is still 44.1kHz or 48kHz,
and since the difference in quality
between 96kHz and 192kHz audio is
minimal, we feel that the DIR9001 is
the superior device.
PC board line-up
Inside the chassis, the circuitry is
accommodated on four PC boards: an
Input & Control Board, a Front-Panel
Switch Board, a Stereo DAC/Analog
Board and a Power Supply Board. In
the block diagram of Fig.1, the Stereo
DAC and all blocks to its right are
mounted on the DAC/Analog Board
while the circuitry to the left is on the
control board. The front panel board
carries the buttons, LEDs and an infrared remote control receiver.
Not shown on Fig.1 is the power
supply board. This is identical to
that used in the Studio Series Stereo
Preamplifier (see October 2005) and
is available from both Jaycar (Cat.
KC-5418) and Altronics (Cat. K-5501)
as a kit. It can be run from a small 150-15V toroidal transformer or from a
15VAC plugpack.
Block diagram
Fig.1 shows the main circuit sections. To the left are the two TOSLINK
inputs, the S/PDIF input and the infrared remote control receiver. These
are fed into multiplexer IC2 and then
to the S/PDIF decoder IC3. The output
of the decoder in turn feeds the Stereo
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September 2009 15
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4 Yb3
2 Yb2
Zb 3
5 Yb1
1 Yb0
IC1: 74HCU04
470 F
22 F
IC5: 74HC14
1 F
22k 22k
1 F
1 F
2x 330
Fig.2: the Input Board carries the TOSLINK & S/PDIF inputs, the multiplexer (IC2), the S/PDIF decoder (IC3) and the
microcontroller (IC4). The Front Panel Switch Board (yellow background) carries the switches, LEDs and IR receiver.
16 Silicon Chip
22 F
BFrame 18
3x 2.2k
D14: 1N4004
D9–D13: 1N4148
September 2009 17
What Are S/PDIF And Toslink?
The acronym S/PDIF (or SPDIF) stands for Sony/Philips
Digital Interface. Basically, it is a standardised serial interface
for transferring digital audio data between consumer-level equipment such as DVD and CD players, DAT and DVD recorders,
surround-sound decoders and home-theatre amplifiers.
S/PDIF is very similar to the AES3 serial digital interface
used in professional recording and broadcasting environments.
In operation, each digital audio sample (16-24 bits) is packaged
along with status, control and error-checking information into a
32-bit binary word. This is then modulated or encoded into a
serial bitstream using the Biphase Mark Code (BMC).
BMC involves combining the data bits with a clock signal of
twice the data bit rate, in such a way that a binary “1” results in
two polarity reversals in one bit period, while a binary “0” results
in a single polarity reversal. This double bit-rate signal is selfclocking at the receiving end and has no DC component.
The BMC encoded serial bitstream is then transmitted as
a 400mV peak-to-peak signal along a single 75-ohm coaxial
cable. In most cases, the cable connectors used are standard
RCA or “Cinch” connectors, as also used for analog audio and
composite video.
Although originally developed for conveying linear PCM
(LPCM) digital audio signals as used in CD and DAT audio,
DAC (IC6) while all three are under the
control of the microcontroller (IC4).
IC4 also accepts inputs from the
illuminated pushbutton switches and
from the IR remote receiver (after filtering) and it drives the LEDs.
The DAC has two sets of differential
outputs and these drive four currentto-voltage converter stages involving IC7, IC8, IC10 & IC11. The four
balanced voltage outputs from these
stages then drive differential op amps
IC9 & IC12 to derive the left and right
audio outputs, respectively.
Circuit details
Now let’s have a detailed look at the
circuitry of the Input & Control Board
– see Fig.2. The two TOSLINK optical
receivers each deliver a TTL (5V peak)
output signal. The coaxial input is a
little more tricky because S/PDIF over
coaxial cable (75Ω) is a fairly low level
signal – around 0.5V peak-to-peak
and even less after cable termination.
Therefore the coaxial signal receiver
circuit consists of an amplifier which
boosts this signal to TTL levels.
This part of the circuit is identical
to that found in the Two-Way SPDIF/
Toslink Digital Audio Converter (SILICON CHIP, June 2006), with one exception. The 74HC04 IC has been replaced
18 Silicon Chip
S/PDIF has also been adapted for conveying compressed digital
audio, including Dolby Digital (AC-3), DTS and MPEG-2 audio.
TOSLINK is essentially just the S/PDIF signal format converted
into the optical domain, for transfer along optical-fibre cables.
The accompanying table (see above) shows the most common
domestic audio bitstream formats and the S/PDIF/TOSLINK
bit rates for each one. Note that LPCM audio is rarely used for
DVD-Video, because even a stereo audio track requires a BMC
bit rate of 6.1Mb/s.
Many current-model DVD players and recorders are provided
with either coaxial S/PDIF or TOSLINK digital audio inputs
and outputs, or quite often a mixture of both. Similarly, many
home-theatre amplifiers are provided with coaxial S/PDIF and/
or TOSLINK inputs. This is also the case with many up-market
PC sound cards.
with a 74HCU04 (IC1). This has two
effects: (1) the current consumption
is reduced significantly when there
is no signal present on this input and
(2) the inverter does not oscillate in
this condition.
The resulting three TTL S/PDIF
signals, one from each input, are then
fed into the 74HC4052 analog/digital
multiplexer (IC2). Just think of IC2 as
a selector switch under the control of
the microcontroller (IC4).
Depending on which input is selected by the microcontroller, one of them
is fed into the DIR9001 Digital Audio
Interface Receiver (IC3). This does
the S/PDIF decoding. The DIR9001
requires a 3.3V supply which is provided by an LM3940T-3.3 3-terminal
regulator (REG4).
IC3 employs a 24.576MHz crystal
together with two 33pF load capacitors
and a 100Ω current-limiting resistor.
This provides a frequency reference for
the decoder, to determine the actual
sampling rate of the audio signal. This
is necessary in order to provide the
ability to apply digital de-emphasis,
since the digital filter response needs
to match the sample frequency.
The DIR9001 also requires two 5%
metal-film capacitors (4.7nF and 68nF)
and a 1% metal-film resistor (6.8kΩ) to
form the PLL loop filter. The remaining decoder associated components
are power supply bypass capacitors.
The DIR9001 decoder converts the
digital signal into a serial PCM stream
(DOUT) which is passed directly to
the DAC chip itself, along with three
clock signals. These are the sample
clock (LRCKO), bit clock (BCKO) and
master clock (SCKO). The sample clock
matches the audio signal’s sample rate
while the bit clock is generally 64
times that rate and is used to clock the
actual data. The master clock signal is
also a multiple of the sample rate – in
this case, 512 times.
The master clock is used to time the
DAC’s oversampling, which not only
makes the post-DAC analog filters
easier to design but is also required for
a delta-sigma architecture DAC such
as used in this circuit.
The decoder also outputs a number
of flags which are set according to the
contents of the S/PDIF stream. These
indicate whether there is a valid signal
present (AUDIO, ERROR) and whether
the audio has been pre-emphasised
(EMPH). In addition, FSOUT0 & FS
OUT1 indicate the detected sample rate.
There is one additional connection
to the DIR9001 and that is a reset line
(RST) from the microcontroller.
September 2009 19
Vcc1 Vcc2R
47 µF
47 µF
47 µF
IC7–IC12: OPA134 OR NE5534 (SEE TEXT)
Fig.3: the DAC Board carries the DAC chip (IC6). This accepts the PCM signals from IC3 and drives current-to-voltage converter stages IC7, IC8, IC10 & IC11.
These op amps in turn drive differential amplifiers IC9 & IC12 derive the left and right channel audio outputs, respectively. The op amps are powered by ±15V
rails from the power supply while REG5 provides a +5V rail to power the DAC.
47 µF
10 µF
REG5 7805
100 µF
100 µF
D15 1N4004
The front panel is uncluttered and carries just the power switch, the three input selector pushbuttons (with their
integral blue LEDs) and the valid signal and audio data indicator LEDs. The hole in the panel immediately to the left
of the pushbuttons is for the IR detector (IRD1).
The rear panel carries the left & right audio output sockets, the coaxial & TOSLINK input sockets, the fuseholder and
the IEC mains connector.
cording to the DIR9001 data sheet, an
external reset is required each time
power is applied. The microcontroller
provides this reset signal by monitoring the 3.3V line with its ADC and
holding reset low until the supply
rises above 2.7V, as specified in the
data sheet.
Atmel microcontroller
Controlling the whole circuit is
the Atmel Mega48/V microcontroller
(IC4). This is powered by the main
+5V rail which comes from the power
supply board described later.
Note that the switch buttons (S1S3) are not connected directly to the
micro but rather via some RC filters
and a 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger
inverter (IC5). This is because when a
button is pressed, the contacts tend to
20 Silicon Chip
“bounce” and switch rapidly on and
off for a short period. Each RC filter and
its associated diode delays the button
press detection long enough to allow
the bounce to cease and the Schmitt
trigger inverter adds hysteresis to
provide a minimum “on” pulse to
the microcontroller. De-bouncing can
also be performed in software but the
hardware method has its advantages
and it’s one less task for the microcontroller to perform.
Similarly, the IR receiver’s output is
fed to microcontroller IC4 via an RC
filter and Schmitt trigger IC5c. This is
done to filter out any noise generated
by other IR sources in the room (apart
from the remote), which could cause
false triggering in the microcontroller.
By filtering the IR receiver’s output,
we ensure that only signals with a
minimum pulse width are detected.
Basically, the Philips RC5 code “ontime” is a minimum of around 889µs
(32 pulses at 36kHz), so the filter is designed to reject any shorter IR pulses.
Again, this is not strictly necessary
but it only requires a few parts and
results in more reliable remote control
DAC board
Fig.3 shows the DAC Board circuit.
The DAC chip itself is a Texas Instruments/Burr Brown DSD1796 (IC6) and,
as previously stated, has two pairs
of differential current outputs rather
than voltage outputs. These are current sinks and the current is directly
proportional to the sample value after
This allows for higher performance
Fig.4: the low-noise linear supply for the Digital-To-Analog Converter
is based on common 3-terminal regulators. It provides ±15V rails to
power the audio op amps plus a +5V rail to power the Input & Control
than would be possible with a voltageoutput DAC of similar design, as the
external op amps can run at higher
supply voltages (ie, ±15V) and with
separate supply bypassing.
There are a number of support components around the DSD1796, most
of them supply bypass capacitors. In
addition, there is a 10kΩ resistor on
pin 20 which sets the output level
of the DAC, while a 47µF capacitor
between pins 21 & 22 and the supply
at pin 23 stabilises the DAC’s internal
reference voltage.
The first analog stage following
each of the four outputs from IC6 is a
current-to-voltage converter and lowpass filter. Each stage consists of a
single op amp (IC7, IC8, IC10 & IC11)
plus an 820Ω resistor and 2.7nF capacitor. The low-pass filter is the first
September 2009 21
Par t s Lis t
Chassis Hardware
1 1U-high custom steel case with
screened front & rear panels
1 15V+15V 30VA or 20VA toroidal
transformer (Altronics M-4915A;
Jaycar MT-2086)
1 SPST 6A 250VAC slimline rocker
switch (Jaycar SK-0975; Altronics S-3202)
1 male chassis-mount IEC socket
(Jaycar PP-4005, Altronics
1 M205 safety fuseholder (Jaycar
SZ-2028, Altronics S-5992)
1 M205 250VAC 500mA slow-blow
1 230VAC 3-pin IEC mains power
5 5.3mm ID insulated crimp eyelets (Jaycar PT-4614)
4 M4 x 10mm machine screws
8 M4 nuts
8 M4 shakeproof washers
5 4.8mm fully-insulated female
spade crimp connectors
20 small Nylon cable ties
1 40mm-length of 16mm-ID heatshrink tubing (to cover fuseholder)
1 30mm-length of 20mm-ID heatshrink tubing (to cover mains
Wire & Cable
1 400mm-length heavy-duty red
hook-up wire
1 240mm-length heavy-duty green
hook-up wire
1 320mm-length heavy-duty black
hook-up wire
1 350mm-length 7.5A 250VAC
brown wire for mains cabling
of three, the total effect of which rolls
off the frequency response at 18dB/
octave above about 24kHz.
In operation, the left channel differential outputs from the DAC (IC6),
are converted from current to voltage using op amps IC7 & IC8. Their
outputs are in turn fed to a passive
filter which consists of 220Ω resistors
and a common 27nF capacitor. The
filtered differential outputs are then
combined by op amp IC9 which acts
as a differential amplifier and active
low-pass filter.
Op amps IC10, IC11 & IC12 function
22 Silicon Chip
1 500mm-length 7.5A 250VAC
green/yellow wire for mains
Input Board
1 PC board, code 01109091,
113 x 93mm
2 PC-mount TOSLINK (optical)
receivers (Jaycar ZL-3003,
Altronics Z-1602)
1 black PC-mount RCA socket
1 14-pin PC-mount IDC header
1 16-pin PC-mount IDC header
1 14-pin IDC line socket
1 16-pin IDC line socket
1 3-pin header & shorting jumper
1 500mm-length 16-way IDC ribbon cable
1 2-way screw terminal block,
5.08mm pitch
2 14-pin DIP machined IC sockets
1 16-pin DIP machined IC socket
1 28-pin DIP machined IC socket
5 M3 x 10mm tapped spacers
10 M3 x 6mm machine screws
1 500mm-length 0.71mm tinned
copper wire (for links)
1 24.576MHz crystal (HC/49 or
HC/49US) (Rockby Electronics)
1 74HCU04 hex inverter (IC1) –
do not use 74HC04
1 74HC4052 analog/digital multiplexer (IC2)
1 DIR9001PW Digital Audio
Interface Receiver (IC3)
microcontroller programmed
with 0110909A.hex (IC4)
in exactly the same manner to produce
the right channel audio output.
Output op amps
Virtually all of the circuit for the
DAC Board circuit is as suggested in
the Texas Instruments’ data sheet for
the DSD1796. However, we did make
some important changes.
First, after extensive testing, we
decided that OPA134 op amps are
the best available for this circuit,
rather than the NE5534s specified by
TI. These are from the same op amp
family as the OPA2134 dual op amps
1 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger
inverter (IC5)
1 LM3940T-3.3 LDO 3-terminal
regulator (REG4)
2 BC327 PNP transistors (Q1,Q2)
5 1N4148 diodes (D9-D13)
1 1N4004 diode (D14)
1 470µF 6.3V electrolytic
2 22µF 6.3V electrolytic
3 1µF 6.3V electrolytic
1 470nF MKT metallised polyester
11 100nF MKT metallised polyester
1 68nF MKT metallised polyester
1 4.7nF MKT metallised polyester
1 1nF MKT metallised polyester
2 33pF ceramic
2 100pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 680Ω
4 47kΩ
2 330Ω
6 22kΩ
1 300Ω
1 10kΩ
2 100Ω
3 2.2kΩ
DAC Board
1 PC board, code 01109092, 94
x 110mm
1 red PC-mount RCA socket
1 white PC-mount RCA socket
1 16-pin PC-mount IDC header
1 16-pin IDC line socket
1 3-way screw terminal block,
5.08mm pitch
4 M3 x 10mm tapped spacers
8 M3 x 6mm machine screws
1 500mm-length 0.71mm tinned
copper wire (for links)
used in the Studio Series Preamplifier,
referred to earlier.
Alternatively, you can use NE5534s
if you wish although these will give
a slight increase in harmonic distortion – from around 0.0018% or better
to 0.0025% at 1kHz. In view of this,
we feel that the OPA134s are worth
the extra cost.
Note that six 22pF compensation capacitors are shown on the DAC circuit
but these are only necessary if you use
NE5534s. They may be omitted if you
are using OPA134s. However, if you
install them anyway, OPA134s can
6 8-pin DIP machined IC sockets
1 DSD1796 24-bit audio DAC
6 OPA134 op amps (IC7-IC12)
(or use NE5534 op amps for
slightly reduced performance)
1 7805 +5V regulator (REG5)
1 1N4004 diode (D15)
1 100nF MKT metallised polyester capacitor
2 100µF 25V electrolytic
4 47µF 16V electrolytic
1 10µF 6.3V electrolytic
9 100nF MKT metallised polyester
2 27nF MKT metallised polyester
4 8.2nF MKT metallised polyester
4 2.7nF MKT metallised polyester
2 2.2nF MKT metallised polyester
6 22pF ceramic
Power Supply Board
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10kΩ
4 200Ω
4 820Ω
4 180Ω
4 220Ω
2 100Ω
Front Panel Switch Board
1 PC board, code 01109093,
103 x 34mm
3 vertical PC-mount momentary
pushbutton switches with blue
LEDs (S1-S3) (Jaycar SP-0622
or Altronics S-1173)
1 14-pin PC-mount IDC header
1 14-pin IDC line socket
4 M3 x 6mm tapped Nylon
4 M3 x 15mm black-anodised
pan-head machine screws
4 M3 star washers
4 M3 nuts
1 100mm-length 0.71mm tinned
copper wire (for links)
still be used, as pin 5 of the OPA134
package is not internally connected.
Our second departure from the
recommended Texas Instruments’
DSD1796 circuit was to use a single
100nF bypass capacitor across the
supply pins (7 & 4) of each amp. This
avoids coupling supply noise into
the signal ground and also provides
effectively twice as much capacitance.
Third, we added a fourth low-pass
(passive) filter stage to the outputs of
op amps IC9 & IC12. This consists of
a 2.2nF capacitor following the 100Ω
current-limiting resistors and provides
1 infrared receiver module
(IRD1) (Jaycar ZD-1952;
Altronics Z-1611)
1 5mm yellow LED (LED4)
1 5mm green LED (LED5)
1 PC board, code 01109052,
54.6 x 80mm
1 Micro-U 19°C/W TO-220 heatsink (Altronics H-0637)
2 3-way terminal blocks, 5.08mm
pitch (CON1, CON2)
1 2-way terminal block, 5.08mm
pitch (CON3)
4 6mm untapped Nylon spacers
5 M3 x 6mm pan head screws
1 M3 nut & flat washer
1 LM317T adjustable positive
regulator (REG1)
1 LM337T adjustable negative
regulator (REG2)
1 7805 +5V regulator (REG3)
8 1N4004 diodes (D1-D8)
2 2200µF 25V PC electrolytic
2 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 47µF 25V PC electrolytic
3 10µF 16V PC electrolytic
2 100nF 50V MKT metallised
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 1.1kΩ
2 100Ω
1 330Ω 5W 5%
1 100Ω 5W 5%
a rolloff (pole) at roughly 800kHz.
This will slightly attenuate any highfrequency switching artefacts present
on the output of the DAC. In addition,
since this is a passive filter, it will be
effective at filtering any very highfrequency noise which some of the
active filter stages may pass through.
Power supply
As noted, this design uses the lownoise power supply from the Studio
Series Preamplifier (SILICON CHIP,
October 2005). It provides regulated
±15V and +5V outputs.
The power supply board accepts a
30VAC centre-tapped input from the
specified toroidal transformer, formed
by joining the two 15VAC secondary
windings. D1-D4 and two 2200µF capacitors rectify and filter the input to
give ±21V DC (nominal) rails.
LM317 and LM337 adjustable reg
ulators (REG1 & REG2) generate the
complementary positive and negative supply rails. Their outputs are
programmed to ±15V by the 100Ω
and 1.1kΩ resistors connected to their
OUT and ADJ terminals. We’ve used
adjustable regulators because the ADJ
terminals can be bypassed to ground to
improve ripple rejection, which we’ve
done using 10µF capacitors. Diodes
D5 & D7 provide a discharge path for
the capacitors should an output be
accidentally shorted to ground.
Two reverse-connected diodes, D6
& D8, across the outputs prevent their
respective rails from being driven to
the opposite polarity (eg, if a regulator
fails), something that should never occur during normal operation.
A 7805 regulator (REG3) is used to
generate the +5V rail. The 100Ω resistor in line with REG3 reduces power
dissipation in the regulator. As the
+5V supply draws power from only
the positive side of the unregulated
DC input, a 330Ω resistor across the
negative input is included to balance
the rails so that they decay at similar
rates at power off.
The +5V rail provides the power to
the circuitry on the main Control Board
as well as driving the LM3940T-3.3
regulator which provides power for
the DIR9001 decoder. This regulator
also provides a +3.3V rail (Vdd) for
the DAC.
It might seem strange to use a 7805
for REG3 when we want a low-noise
supply but in fact this series of regulators have quite low output noise
when used with a decent-sized output
Finally, the +5V rail for the analog
section of the DAC does not come from
REG3 on the power supply board.
Instead, we use another LM7805 5V
regulator on the DAC board and this is
powered from the +15V rail from the
power supply. This is so that digital
switching noise in the 5V digital supply does not affect the DAC’s performance.
Next month, we’ll show you how
to assemble the four PC boards and
mount them in the case.
September 2009 23
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Using a wideband O2
sensor in your car, Pt.1
For accurate measurement of air/fuel ratios
This Wideband Controller is intended to be used with a Bosch
Wideband LSU4.2 oxygen sensor and our Wideband Sensor Display
to accurately measure air/fuel ratios over a wide range from rich to
lean. It can be used for precise engine tuning and can be a permanent
installation in the car or a temporary
Main Features
connection to the tailpipe of the exhaust.
Accurate lambda measurements
Pre-calibrated sensor
S-curve output
S-curve response rate
Heat indicator LED
Data indicator LED
Engine started detection option
Correct sensor heat-up rate
Heater over-current and undercurrent shutdown
Optional fast heat-up if correct
conditions are met
26 Silicon Chip
modification an accurate air/fuel
ratio meter is a “must have”. An engine that runs rich will use excessive
fuel and cause air pollution while
an engine that runs too lean may be
Unfortunately, trying to diagnose
engine mixture problems with the
standard narrowband oxygen sensor fitted to all cars is quite difficult.
While it is good enough to indicate the
stoichiometric mixture for use by the
ECU, it is only accurate over a very
narrow band; that it why it is called a
narrowband sensor.
Typically, most engines should run
with a stoichiometric mixture except
when accelerating where the mixture
may go richer. Alternatively, during
cruise conditions and engine overrun,
the mixtures might go lean. In contrast,
some engines run at stoichiometric
continuously, regardless of engine
So why do you need a controller for
a wideband oxygen sensor? In brief,
it’s because a wideband sensor is very
different from a narrowband sensor.
In its most basic form, a narrowband
sensor has only one wire and this is
the sensor output. There is another
connection via the metal frame of the
unit. Other narrowband sensors have
an internal heater and these units may
have three or four wires. Fig.1 shows a
cross-section of a typical narrowband
By contrast, a wideband sensor has
six wires. This is because it comprises
a narrowband oxygen sensor, a heater
and an oxygen ion pump which diffuses oxygen ions into or out of the
chamber which is monitored by the
narrowband sensor.
Fig.2 shows the basic set-up for a
wideband oxygen sensor installation.
At left is the wideband sensor with
its six leads which are all connected
to the wideband controller module.
The controller module then has two
outputs. First, there is an S-curve
output which simulates the output
of a narrowband sensor and can be
used by the car’s ECU to control fuel
delivery to the engine. Second, there
is a linear 0-5V output which drives
the Wideband Display Unit (as published in the November 2008 issue of
S-curve characteristic
The S-curve characteristic is shown
in the graph of Fig.3 while the linear
0-5V output is shown in Fig.4. A voltage of 0V indicates a rich mixture
(lambda 0.7) while 5V indicates a lean
mixture (lambda 1.84). Lambda values
for other voltages are calculated using
the equation: Lambda = V x 0.228 + 0.7
Note that a multimeter could be
used to measure the wideband output voltage instead of the Wideband
Display unit. However, most readers
will want the combined bargraph and
digital display of the latter.
Note also that the lambda value is
simply the ratio of the air/fuel ratio
compared to the stoichiometric air/
fuel ratio. For petrol, it is generally
accepted that the stoichiometric air/
fuel ratio (the mass of air required to
completely burn a unit mass of fuel)
is 14.7:1 but this can drop to 13.8:1
when 10% ethanol is added.
Fig.1: what’s inside a narrowband zirconia oxygen sensor. It consists of a
zirconia ceramic sensor element with thin platinum electrodes on both sides.
A lambda of 0.7 for petrol is the
same as an air/fuel ratio of 0.7 x 14.7
or 10.29:1. Similarly, a lambda of 1.84
is an air/fuel ratio of 27.05:1.
The stoichiometric air/fuel ratio is
typically 15.5:1 for LPG and 14.5:1 for
diesel. These values can differ depending on the actual fuel composition and
for diesel it varies between the winter
and summer fuels.
In fact, lambda is probably the best
measure of air/fuel mixtures since it is
a universal value and not dependent
on the specific fuel.
Before we describe how a wideband
sensor and its associated controller
work it is best to become familiar with
the operation and characteristics of
the narrowband sensor. If you are not
sure how narrowband oxygen sensors
work we had a full description of this
topic in the November 2008 issue of
As noted above, wideband sensor
design is based on the narrowband
Zirconia oxygen sensor but it includes
a clever method to obtain a more linear response. This involves a second
chamber incorporating a pump cell
where exhaust gas enters via the diffusion gap. The oxygen measurement
is made within this diffusion gap. The
pump cell moves oxygen ions into or
out of the diffusion gap in order to
maintain a stoichiometric measurement for the sensor cell.
If the measured mixture is lean, then
the sensor cell detects excess oxygen.
The pump cell then drives oxygen
ions out of the diffusion gap until the
Fig.2: here’s how the Wideband Controller is used with a wideband oxygen
sensor and with the Wideband Display described in November 2008 to
provide accurate air/fuel mixture monitoring. As shown, the Wideband
Controller has both a wideband output and a narrowband (S-curve) output.
September 2009 27
Fig.3: the S-curve output from the Wideband
Controller simulates a narrowband sensor
output (the response follows the Bosch LSM11
narrowband sensor curve). Note the steep slope
in the curve at stoichiometric (ie, lambda = 1).
sensor cell measures a stoichiometric
Conversely, if the mixture is rich,
oxygen ions are pumped from the
surrounding exhaust gas into the
diffusion gap until the sensor cell
reaches its stoichiometric measurement. As a result, the current applied
to the pump cell can be either positive
or negative, depending on whether
oxygen is pumped into or out of the
diffusion gap. At this point, it may
seem as though the oxygen pump
Fig.4: the wideband output from the Wideband Con
troller is linear with respect to lambda values from
0.7-1.84. The resulting signal is ideally displayed on
the SILICON CHIP Wideband Display Unit from the
November 2008 issue.
actually tricks the narrowband sensor into “thinking” that the mixture
is stoichiometric. This might seem to
defeat the purpose of having the narrowband sensor at all but bear with
us; all will be revealed.
Wideband controller
Fig.5 shows the basic scheme for a
wideband controller. Vs is the output
voltage from the oxygen sensor cell
while Ip is the current into or out of
the pump cell. At the stoichiometric
Fig.5: the basic scheme for a wideband oxygen sensor and its associated
controller circuit.
28 Silicon Chip
point, Vs is 450mV and this is compared against a 450mV reference.
If Vs is higher than the 450mV
reference, the mixture is detected as
“rich” and the Vs sense comparator
output goes high. This “informs” the
controller that Ip needs to change, to
pump oxygen ions into the diffusion
gap in order to regain a stoichiometric
Similarly, if Vs is lower than the
450mV reference, the exhaust mixture
is detected as “lean” and the comparator output goes low. As a result, the
controller adjusts Ip to pump oxygen
out of the diffusion gap.
Note that if there is no Ip control,
the sensor cell behaves like a standard
narrowband sensor with an output
voltage above 450mV for rich mixtures
and below 450mV for lean mixtures.
However, with current control, the
pump current is adjusted to maintain
a 450mV reading from the sensor cell.
Variations in the sensor cell voltage indicate the change in mixture in
either the rich or lean direction, while
the Ip current shows whether the mixture is actually rich or lean. A negative
Ip current indicates a rich mixture
and positive current a lean mixture.
The amount of current indicates the
lambda value.
Fig.6 plots oxygen content against
pump current Ip for lean mixtures.
Note that the graph is almost linear.
The controller converts Ip current to
an equivalent lambda value for display
on the Wideband Display Unit.
Ip is sensed by measuring the voltage across the 62Ω 1% resistor (in parallel with Rcal). However, during the
manufacture of each sensor, the actual
resistor used by Bosch is 61.9Ω (a 0.1%
tolerance value from the E96 range).
Rcal is trimmed so that the voltage
across this resistor, measured against
lambda, is the same for each sensor. In
fact, Rcal can vary from 30Ω to 300Ω,
depending on the characteristics of the
individual sensor. Hence, the value for
Ip shown on the vertical axis of Fig.6
(and Fig.9 which we will come to later)
is not the total pump current.
Ip in these graphs only relates to
the voltage across the 62Ω resistor. So
while Fig.6 shows Ip varying between
zero and about 2.55mA, the actual
range could vary from 0mA to 3.07mA
if Rcal is 300Ω or up to about 7.8mA
if Rcal is 30Ω. This is really only of
academic interest but we mention
it for the sake of completeness. The
same convention is used by Bosch in
its application literature on the LSU4.2
wideband oxygen sensor.
Fig.6: this graph plots the oxygen concentration against the Ip current for
the lean measurement region where there is 0% or more remaining oxygen.
Note that the current with respect to oxygen content is almost linear. The
marked points on the graph have the values shown in the table.
Fig.7: the temperature of the sensor cell is monitored by measuring its
impedance using the circuit configuration shown here.
Heater element control
Apart from controlling the oxygen
pump, the Wideband Controller also
controls a heater element so that the
sensor’s temperature is maintained at
approximately 750°C. In fact, the sensor doesn’t provide accurate readings
until this temperature is reached.
There is no temperature probe
within the sensor and so the temperature is measured by monitoring the
impedance of the sensor cell. This
has an impedance above 5kΩ at room
temperature, falling to 80Ω at 750°C.
We measure the impedance of the
sensor cell by applying an AC signal
to it. Fig.7 shows the circuit arrangement. A 5Vp-p (5V peak-to-peak) AC
signal is applied to the sensor cell via
a 220nF capacitor and 10.5kΩ resistor.
The capacitor ensures that the sensor
receives AC with no DC component
and the resistor forms a voltage divider
in conjunction with the impedance of
the sensor cell. When the sensor cell
is 80Ω, the voltage swing across the
sensor cell is 37.8mVp-p.
Amplifier IC5a has a gain of 4.7 so
its output is 177mV peak-peak. The
microcontroller maintains that value
by controlling the heater current.
Fig.8: the heater element is controlled by a Mosfet that switches the power
on and off. Temperature control is achieved by driving the Mosfet with a
PWM signal to vary its duty cycle.
Fig.8 shows how the heater is controlled. The gate of Mosfet Q1 is driven
with a pulse width modulated (PWM)
signal to control the heater current
over a wide range.
The Mosfet current is monitored
via a 0.1Ω resistor in series with its
source. The voltage across this resistor is filtered via a 22kΩ resistor and
100µF filter capacitor and fed to the
microcontroller (input AN5). Should
the heater become disconnected or
open circuit, the lack of current will
be detected and this will switch off
the Wideband Controller functions.
Similarly, if the heater current is excessive, the controller will switch off
the heater.
Note that when the Wideband Controller is first switched on, the heater
must heat up gradually to minimise
thermal shock to the ceramic sensor.
Our circuit uses an initial effective
heater voltage of 7.4V that rises at a
September 2009 29
Fig.9: this diagram shows the general arrangement for the pump sensor
control and the sensor cell measurement. Buffer stage IC4b supplies current
to the pump cell via trimpot VR5 and the paralleled Rcal and 62Ω resistors.
The other side of the pump cell connects to a 3.3V supply (formed using
buffer stage IC2b and set by trimpot VR3 – see Fig.12).
this higher effective heater voltage at
start up will shave three seconds off
the preheat period. This faster heat up
requires a software change and this
will be discussed next month.
Note that we use the term “effective
heater voltage” rather than “voltage”
because the effective heater voltage is
the RMS value of the pulse waveform
applied by the Mosfet. In order to
monitor the heater voltage, we also
have to monitor the battery voltage
which can be from around 12V before
the engine starts up to more than 14V
when the engine is running.
As shown in Fig.8, the battery voltage is measured using a voltage divider
comprising 20kΩ and 10kΩ resistors,
together with a 100nF capacitor to
filter out voltage spikes.
To sum up, the impedance of the
sensor cell is constantly monitored
and as soon as it reaches 80Ω the
preheat is complete and power to the
heater is controlled to maintain this
value. Once the sensor has reached
operating temperature (750°C), the
pump control circuit begins to operate.
Pump sensor control
Fig.10: this graph plots the Ip current versus lambda for the wideband
sensor. The curve in the lean region (lambda = 1-1.84) was developed
from the oxygen concentration graph shown in Fig.5 and the equation
((Oxygen percentage/3) +1)/(1 - 4.76 x Oxygen percentage) to give a 20-step
piecewise linear graph. The intermediate values were then calculated by
interpolating between adjacent calculated values. For the rich region, the
4-step graph provided by Bosch is used.
rate of 73.3mV every 187.5ms. This
is 0.390V/second and just under the
maximum rate of 0.4V/s specified by
Bosch. The initial effective heater voltage depends on the sensor temperature
and ranges from 7.4V at -40°C to 8.2V
at 20°C. The Wideband Controller
30 Silicon Chip
always starts at the -40°C value.
For a permanently installed sensor,
heating can begin from a higher initial
effective voltage of 9V at -40°C. This
is provided that the sensor is installed
in accordance with the mounting requirements specified by Bosch. Using
Fig.9 shows the general arrangement
for the pump sensor control. Buffer op
amp IC4b supplies current to one side
of the pump cell via trimpot VR5 and
the paralleled Rcal (inside the wideband sensor) and 62Ω resistors. The
other side of the pump cell connects
to a 3.3V supply.
When the output of IC4b is at 3.3V,
there is no current through the pump
cell. For positive current through the
pump cell, IC4b’s output goes above
3.3V. Conversely, when IC4b’s output
is below 3.3V, the pump cell current is
negative. IC4b can swing between 5V
and 0V, to allow for the current range
required for the 1.84 to 0.7 lambda
extremes of measurement.
The pump cell current (Ip) is monitored using op amp IC5b which has a
gain of 25.45.
Fig.10 shows a graph of Ip versus
lambda for the wideband sensor. The
curve in the lean region (lambda from
1-1.84) was developed from the oxygen
concentration graph shown in Fig.6
and the equation:
((Oxygen% ÷ 3) +1)/(1 - 4.76 x
to give a 20-step linear graph. For the
rich region, the 4-step graph provided
by Bosch is used.
Another calculation is made to
A Look At Narrowband Oxygen Sensors
Narrowband oxygen sensors are installed on most modern cars. They are
used to monitor the air/fuel ratio from the
engine exhaust but they really are only
accurate for measuring the stoichiometric
mixture value. The stoichiometric mixture
is where there is just sufficient oxygen for
the whole of the fuel to be completely burnt.
Under these conditions, a car’s catalytic
converter can work best at converting
combustion byproducts to less harmful
compounds. Carbon monoxide (CO) is
converted to carbon dioxide (CO2), unburnt hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water (H2O) and nitrous oxide
(N0) to nitrogen (N2).
When a vehicle is running with a stoichiometric mixture, the engine management
unit is constantly monitoring the oxygen
sensor and altering the fuel so the mixture
remains constant. The sensor output under
this controlled condition tends to rise to
around 480mV as the mixture goes ever
so slightly rich before the ECU reduces
fuel so that the mixture becomes very
slightly lean at about 420mV. The sensor output therefore oscillates about the
stoichiometric output at 450mV. Under
these oscillations the system is said to be
in closed loop.
Richer or leaner mixtures from stoichiometric result in the sensor output voltage
going much higher or lower than 450mV.
However, the response from the sensor is
very steep at stoichiometric such that the
vert the lambda value to the voltage
required at the wideband output as
shown in Fig.4. Similarly, the lambda
value is converted to an S-curve response for the narrowband S-curve
output. This curve is shown in Fig.3.
A further complication with the
pump current is that it is dependent on
exhaust back pressure. Fig.11 graphs
the change in Ip versus pressure. This
can be matched with the Lambda vs.
Ip graph (Fig.10) to determine the effect on the readings. Note that exhaust
pressure does not have an effect on
stoichiometric readings because the
Ip current is zero.
Op amp IC5a monitors the sensor
cell voltage. Its gain is 4.7. Trimpot
VR4 is used to provide an offset voltage
which is buffered by IC4a. VR4 is set
so that IC5a’s output is 2.5V when the
sensor cell voltage is 450mV. The
sensors output can range from 150mV
through to about 750mV with very little
change in the mixture. The output response for a typical narrowband sensor
is shown in Fig.3.
For other mixtures (ie, when it is rich
or lean), the sensor output can only be
used as a guide to the actual air/fuel ratio.
For rich mixtures there is unburnt fuel in
the exhaust and a narrowband sensor
produces a voltage that can vary from
typically 0.75V to 0.9V, depending on the
fuel mixture. For lean readings where there
is excess oxygen in the exhaust, the sensor output will generally be below 150mV.
When a vehicle is running in the rich or
lean region, the control is said to be open
loop where the mixture is not controlled.
Rich mixtures are often set to provide improved acceleration response, while lean
mixtures are often initiated during cruising
to reduce fuel consumption.
Additionally, the response within the
rich region is very temperature dependent and can vary by several hundred
millivolts between when the sensor is cold
compared to when heated by the exhaust.
Some sensors include a heater element
but unless it is controlled to maintain a
constant temperature, the mixture readings are inaccurate.
For accurate rich and lean readings
off stoichiometric, some other way of
measuring the mixture is required. The
Bosch LSM11 narrowband “lean” sensor
provides a more accurate response to air/
fuel mixtures than most other narrowband
sensors and has been called a wideband
sensor. However, this sensor is not a true
wideband sensor and has the characteristic steep curve response at stoichiometric.
It was the recommended sensor for use
with our Air-Fuel Mixture Meter described
in September and October 2000.
Wideband sensors, however, introduce
a new era for accurate air/fuel ratio measurements.
Fig.2 shows how a narrowband zirconia
oxygen sensor is made. It’s typically about
the size of a spark plug and is threaded
into the exhaust system so that the sensor is exposed to the exhaust gasses. The
assembly is protected using a shield that
includes slots so that the exhaust gasses
can pass through into the sensor.
The sensor itself is made from a zirconia
ceramic material that has a thin layer of
porous platinum on both sides. These platinum coatings form electrodes to monitor
the voltage produced by the zirconia sensor as the exhaust gas passes through it.
The device operates by measuring the
difference in oxygen content between
the exhaust gas and the outside air. The
oxygen content of the air (about 20.9%)
serves as the reference. In operation, a
voltage is produced between the electrodes because the zirconia sensor has a
high conductivity for oxygen ions at high
Fig.11: this graph
shows how the Ip
current changes with
pressure. This can be
used in conjunction
with the Ip Current
vs Lambda graph
(Fig.10) to determine
the effect on the
September 2009 31
32 Silicon Chip
100 F
100 F
IC4, IC5:
BC327, BC337
22 F
100 F
D2-D4: 1N4148
'3' 11
E Vss Vee
IC3 '1'
10 F
100 F
10 F
10 F
100 F
13V TO
VR5 1k
REG2 7808
10 F
Fig.12: the full circuit uses microcontroller IC1, several CMOS op amps (IC2, IC4 & IC5) and a multiplexer (IC3). The microcontroller monitors & controls the
wideband oxygen sensor and drives the Wideband Display Unit. It also provides a narrowband (S-curve) signal output.
D1 1N4004
Q1 D
F1 5A
crocontroller monitors this voltage and
varies the pump current accordingly.
LED indicators
Two LED indicators, Heat & Data,
show the operation of the wideband
sensor. During preheat, the Heat LED
is continuously on until the sensor is
up to operational temperature (750°C).
After that, the Heat LED flashes once
a second to indicate normal control.
If the LED is not illuminated, then the
sensor temperature is above 750°C
which can occur for very high exhaust
gas temperatures.
The Data LED flashes each time the
wideband output is updated. With
constant data updates, this LED will
be constantly lit. However, it may
extinguish during an exhaust gas
mixture change before current control
is restored.
If this LED flashes at a regular 1Hz
rate then the data is in error. This
could be because the lambda reading
is over-range or the heater has become
disconnected. In this later case, the
wideband output defaults to a lambda
value of 1 and the S-curve output is
set at 450mV.
Circuit description
The full circuit is shown in Fig.12
and it is based on a PIC18F88-I/P microcontroller (IC1). Its features include
a 10-bit PWM output and 10-bit analog
to digital conversion. It runs with an
internal 8MHz clock oscillator.
The op amps used in the circuit
are special. We have specified one
LMC6484AIN quad op amp (IC2) and
two LMC6482AIN dual op amps (IC4 &
IC5). These have a typical input offset
of 110µV, a high input impedance of
more than 10 Teraohms (>10TΩ), a
4pA input bias current, an output to
within 10mV of the supply rails with a
100kΩ load, and a wide common mode
input voltage range that includes the
supply rails.
An LM317T adjustable regulator
(REG1) supplies 5V to the whole circuit except for IC4. VR1 is adjusted so
that REG1’s output is exactly 5.00V.
The battery voltage is measured
at the AN3 input of IC1 via a 20kΩ
and 10kΩ voltage divider connecting
between the 12V input and 0V. This
divider results in a maximum of 5V
at the AN3 input for a battery voltage of 15V. 5V is the upper limit for
analog-to-digital conversion by IC1
to the maximum 10-bit digital value.
Power requirements: 11V to 15V. Nominally 12V at 5.7A peak at start up
maximum. Typically 16W when heated.
Sensor ageing: lambda at 1.70 ±0.15; lambda at 0.8 ±0.04.
Reading accuracy: ~1%.
Measurement range: 0.7 (rich) to 1.84 (lean) lambda.
Sensor Heating: begins at an effective 7.4V and ramps up at 73.3mV/187.5ms
and is equivalent to 390mV/s.
Heat up period: < 22s from initial 20°C.
Heater over current: 4A.
Heater open circuit detection: if current is less than 390mA at initial power up.
Heater PWM frequency: during ramp up, 15.26Hz; during heat control >2Hz.
Heater maximum effective voltage: 12V after initial preheat and at 13V for <1
Sensor temperature: Controlled at ~750°C using the 80Ω at 750°C impedance
of sensor cell for the measurement.
Sensor cell measurement: AC drive at 1.953kHz and 473µA.
Sensor cell DC loading: <10µA.
Wideband output: Linear 0-5V output for 0.7 to 1.84 lambda.
S-curve output: simulates a 0.8-1.17 range following the Bosch LSM11 sensor
S-curve response: Adjustable from the wideband response rate to 1.2s more
than the wideband response rate.
Reading variation with pressure: see graph of change in Ip versus pressure.
Reading response: 250ms to a 5% change in oxygen.
Data for the LSM11 and the LSU4.2 sensors mentioned is available. For
Bosch LSM11 and Bosch LSU4.2 sensors see
Further data on the Bosch LSU4.2 is at
15V converts to a digital value of 1023
while 8V converts to a value of 545.
Trimpot VR3 provides the reference
voltage of 3.3V which is buffered by
op amp IC2b. This op amp drives one
side of the pump cell, the Vs/Ip connection, via a 150Ω resistor which
isolates the op amp output from the
22µF capacitor which is included to
remove ripple on the Vs/Ip supply
reference. A 10kΩ resistor provides DC
feedback while the 10nF capacitor is
included to prevent instability.
Multiplexer drive signals
IC1 delivers a 7.843kHz PWM signal
to the common input pin of the 4052
multiplexer IC3 via a 4.7kΩ resistor.
The 1nF capacitor to ground provides
some filtering of this signal, removing
the high-frequency components of the
square-wave above about 33kHz. This
reduces crosstalk between the three
output channels at pins 11, 14 & 15.
IC2d actually provides the DC voltage, after the PWM signal is filtered,
to drive the S-curve output. IC2c provides the wideband (0-5V) output and
IC4b provides the pump cell drive.
Let’s look at this in more detail.
The micro drives the A and B inputs,
pins 9 & 10, of IC3 to select its output.
With both A and B at 0V, the selected
output is “0” (pin 12) which is not
connected. However, this “0” output
is selected each time the duty cycle of
the PWM signal is changed to suit the
three selected outputs at pins 11, 14 &
15. So the switching sequence for IC3
is 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3 and so on.
Each output has a low-pass filter
to convert the PWM signal to a DC
voltage and this is buffered using the
respective op amps.
September 2009 33
cell voltage, Vs. As already noted, IC5a
is set so that when Vs is at 450mV, its
output is 2.5V. To do this, VR4 provides an offset voltage which is buffered using op amp IC4a. This means
that IC5a can swing symmetrically
above and below this level to drive
pin 17, the AN0 input of IC1.
Link settings
All the parts except for the oxygen sensor and its input socket are mounted
on a single PC board which fits inside a diecast case. The full assembly
details are in Pt.2 next month
IC2c & IC2d buffer the voltages for
the wideband lambda output and Scurve signals respectively, while IC4b
buffers the voltage for the pump cell
current. The 220nF filter capacitors
at the inputs to these op amps store
the voltage during the periods when
the respective outputs from IC3 are
not selected.
Extra supply rails
IC4b is a special case because its
output is required to swing from 0-5V
to drive the pump cell. To ensure this,
IC4’s positive supply rail needs to be
more than +5V and the negative rail
needs to be less than 0V.
Hence REG2 provides 8V and a
negative supply is produced using
transistors Q2 & Q3, diodes D2 & D3
This is the Bosch LSU 4.2 wideband
sensor that’s used in conjunction with
the Wideband Controller
34 Silicon Chip
and the associated capacitors. The
circuit is driven by the RA6 output of
IC1 generates a 1.953kHz square wave
signal. Q2 & Q3 buffer this signal to
drive the diode pump consisting of
D2 & D3. The resulting negative supply is -2.5V.
This means that op amp IC4 is not
operating with symmetrical supply
rails but that doesn’t matter; the supply rails are adequate to guarantee that
IC4b can swing its output positive and
negative as required by the micro.
Diode D4 is there to hold the negative supply rail at +0.6V when the
negative supply generator is not working, ie, when IC1 is not in circuit.
Op amp IC5b is connected as a
differential amplifier to monitor the
voltage across the paralleled 62Ω and
Rcal resistors. Its gain of 25.45 is set
by the two sets of 560kΩ and 22kΩ
resistors at pins 5 & 6, respectively.
A 3.3nF feedback capacitor rolls off
high frequencies and prevents amplifier instability.
The output of IC5b is referenced to
the Vs/Ip voltage (+3.3V) by the 560kΩ
resistor between its pin 5 input and the
output of op amp IC2b. As a result,
when 0V is across the 62Ω resistor,
IC5b’s output sits at 3.3V.
Note that the Vs/Ip voltage is continuously monitored by the AN1 input
(pin 18) of IC1.
Op amp IC5a monitors the sensor
Link J1 selects the in-car installation
mode. This requires that the engine
starts before any electrical heating of
the sensor begins. This ensures that
any water condensation in the sensor
is blown out before electrical heating.
This prevents thermal shock and possible damage to the sensor.
Basically, the battery voltage must
rise above 13V before heating begins.
13V indicates that the engine has
started and the alternator is running
to charge the battery. Once heating begins, the battery voltage can fall below
13V without switching off the heater.
Without link J1 installed, the heater
is driven as soon as power is applied.
This is suitable when the wideband
controller is used as a portable air/
fuel ratio instrument. This means that
the sensor MUST be protected from
moisture ingress and from physical
shock when not in use.
Mosfet Q1 drives the heater with
a DC voltage derived from the PWM
signal delivered from the RA4 output,
pin 3, of IC1. Its source current is
monitored via the AN5 input, pin 12.
Note that the circuit uses two earths.
One earth (GND2) is for the heater and
the other (GND1) is for the rest of the
circuit. These two grounds are connected to the car chassis via separate
wires. Without this separate earthing,
the switching current applied to the
heater would cause inaccuracies in the
measurements of voltage and current
and for the wideband output.
LEDs1 & 2 are driven via the RB1
& RB2 outputs of IC1 via 470Ω resistors. The MCLR-bar input to IC1 is the
reset input and ensures IC1 is reset on
power up.
The S-curve output response rate is
set using trimpot VR2. This can apply a
voltage ranging from 0-5V on AN2 (pin
1) of IC1, corresponding to no delayed
response when set at 0V through to a
1.25s response at 5V.
That completes the circuit description. Next month, we will move onto
construction and describe the settingSC
up procedure.
OLED Displays
Organic LED technology is now affordable for the hobbyist. In
this article, we survey some available OLED screens and modules
and give an example for a simple oscilloscope.
LED displays are becoming
mainstream and are now commercially available at prices affordable for educational and hobby use.
While the technology may still need
further development to seriously
challenge LCDs in the bigger sizes,
OLED screens of modest sizes can be
purchased in Australia from a number
of distributors at comparable prices
to LCDs.
OLED screens emit light, rather than
relying on backlighting like LCDs. For
that reason they have a much wider
viewing angle. They also use less power than LCDs, exhibit higher contrast,
are lighter and can be manufactured
on more flexible materials.
All these advantages over LCDs are
making them the display screen of
choice. For example, mobile phones
using OLED screens are now on the
In Australia, 4D Systems have a
range of OLED displays, including
modules and standalone screens. The
modules are essentially a screen and
an embedded graphics processor.
By contrast, the screens contain a
driver IC embedded in the flexi-cable
connector and can be directly driven
by a host microcontroller – see photos.
Some driver ICs, like the SSD1339
used in the 4D OLED-282815 screen,
have inbuilt graphics acceleration for
drawing lines, rectangles and circles.
This means that you can draw primitives, simply by writing commands to
the display from a microntroller.
Instead of having to control individual pixels to draw a circle you can
simply send the opcode corresponding to the command to draw a circle.
You also send the associated data like
the coordinates of the origin and the
How the driver IC is used
For those readers interested in incorporating a screen rather than a module,
we will now give a brief overview of
the driver IC.
The biggest challenge for the hobbyist is the mechanical connection to the
flexi-cable, especially since the connectors themselves are surface-mount.
The interface to the SSD1339 can
be either parallel or serial. The serial
interface is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), with the D0 line being used
as a clock and D1 being used as data.
There are two parallel interfaces, to
suit 6800 style and 8080 style processors. Each has an 8-bit data bus but
they differ as to the control signals.
The 6800 style bus uses a R/W line
which acts as a write strobe when low
and a read strobe when high, whereas
the 8080 style bus has separate RD and
WR lines, each active-low.
The 6800 uses an active-high E
strobe to latch data. For both modes,
there is a further CS (chip select) input
active low that acts as a master enable
– no writing or reading occurs while
September 2009 35
The reverse side of two 4D Systems modules. At left is the OLED-160-G1, with
a 1.7-inch (43mm) display, while at right is the smaller OLED-96-G1, which
has a 0.96-inch (24mm) display.
ever CS is high. Furthermore, there
is a C/D line that selects whether the
data represents a command or data.
When C/D is low, the data represents a
command, while if high, it represents
a data word.
The command codes for drawing
primitives as well as the initialisation
sequence for the screen are outlined
in the data sheet for the driver IC
(SSD1339) and is available from 4D
Systems’ website (www.4dsystems.
Play sounds: the GOLDELOX modules
can play strings of notes, including
complex sequences. The PICASO
modules are even better in this respect, as these can play WAV files
from the memory card.
Convert analog readings to digital:
using an on-board ADC (Analog to
Digital Converter), you can use it to
read voltages, sensors and any other
type of analog signal.
Use simple I/O: there are also two general purpose I/O pins with myriad
Control a Dallas 1-wire device: you
can also configure the available pins
for the 1-wire Dallas protocol. The
Dallas 1-wire protocol can transfer
data to and from a compatible device
using only one data line (and GND).
The data line also supplies power
to the component! There are many
devices available that use the 1-wire
Dallas protocol including temperature sensors, memory ICs including
EEPROM, analog to digital converters and real-time clocks.
4DGL language
4DGL is a graphics-oriented language for use with the embedded
graphics controllers on 4D Systems’
OLED modules.
Developed by 4D Systems, it is
available from their website together
with an IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) called 4DGL Workshop
– see Fig.1.
OLED modules
You can purchase 0.96”, 1.5” or
1.7” modules named OLED96-G1,
OLED128-G1 and OLED-160-G1
respectively. The numbers indicate
the number of horizontal pixels. In
this article, we’ll be using the 96 x 64
pixel, 0.96” module which is a passive
matrix OLED module.
Passive matrix displays are cheaper
but more power hungry and have a
slower response than active matrix
screens. However, they are still suitable for many applications.
Each module has a GOLDELOX
embedded graphics processor, an
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated
Circuit) developed by 4D Systems that
can also be bought separately (for volume runs and lower production costs).
Some modules use another graphics
processor, called PICASO.
Some of what you can do with these
modules include:
Display bitmaps and animations:
you can select to store bitmaps and
animations to a microSD card that
plugs into the back of the module.
Once the files have been stored on
the memory card, you can display
them with a few lines of code.
36 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the 4DGL Workshop program running on a PC. This program is freely
available from the 4D Systems website and is a complete development
environment that includes a compiler for the 4DGL language, a programmer to
upload the program to the module and a text editor for modifying the source code.
4DGL Simple
Oscilloscope Program
#platform “uOLED-GOLDELOX”
// A Simple Oscilloscope
// SC 2009
#constant BLUE 0x059B
#constant ORANGE 0xF3E0
#constant BLACK 0x0000
func main()
var x, y, ox, oy, miny, maxy;
x := 0;
y := 0;
ox := 0;
oy := 0;
miny := 64;
maxy := 0;
pin_Set(ANALOGUE_10, 0);
txt_MoveCursor(7, 0);
print(“Pk-Pk(mV): “, 51*(maxy-miny));
if(ox!=0)gfx_Line(ox, oy, x, y, BLUE);
The OLED modules from 4D Systems work in two modes: serial or
4DGL mode. In serial mode, they
accept commands from another microcontroller.
You can use almost any off-the-shelf
microcontroller to control the display
using a list of inbuilt commands and
a UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver Transmitter).
The inbuilt commands include
putPixel and drawCircle, for example. Commands are sent in multi-byte
packets, with the first byte being the instruction code and the rest of the bytes
make up the data for the instruction.
For example, for the putPixel command, you send the instruction and
the x and y coordinates of the pixel
to draw.
In 4DGL mode, a program in the
embedded graphics processor runs on
power up. 4DGL is loosely based on
C syntax, although it also retains elements from other languages. If you’ve
done programming before, you will be
in a good position to learn this new
language quickly.
As an example, we’ve written a simple oscilloscope program in 4DGL. The
program can be loaded into the embedded processor using a serial connection or via a USB to serial interface.
For the purpose of this demonstration though, we have used the
OLED-96-G1 module on 4D Systems’
DEVBOARD-G1 which comprises a
power supply, a USB interface, a joystick and a mini speaker.
OLED oscilloscope
The oscilloscope has a rudimentary
trigger implemented in software and
measures the peak to peak voltage of
the signal. The analog signal is applied to one of the two I/O pins of
this module.
Note that this oscilloscope is for
demonstration purposes only and
its bandwidth is severely limited by
the speed of the embedded graphics
processor (which affects the sampling
frequency) and the resolution of the
display (which affects the display of
the waveform). It is OK for signals up
to around 150Hz.
The input signal is coupled to the
I/O pin via a capacitor and resistor.
There are also diodes to clip any
out-of-range signals, along with two
resistors which bias the input at half
supply. We have mounted the components for this on the mini protoboard
Unit 3, 61-63 Steel Street
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September 2009 37
Running the Oscilloscope program on 4D Systems’
DEVBOARD G1, in this case displaying a square wave . . .
on the DEVBOARD-G1 - see photo.
The program works by digitising the
analog signal and using the resulting
digital value as the y coordinate on
the screen.
Here’s an explanation of the program
(printed on p37).
The oscilloscope program
explained line-by-line
#platform “uOLED-GOLDELOX”
The #platform command tells the
compiler which hardware the code
will run in. In this example, we are
using an OLED screen with the GOLDELOX processor.
// A simple Oscilloscope
// SC 2009
The above lines are comments. As
in C, the ‘//’ indicates a line of comment. Multi line comments can be
enclosed within a block delimited by
‘/*’ and ‘*/’.
# constant BLUE 0x059B
# constant ORANGE 0xF3E0
# constant BLACK 0x0000
The above three lines define constants we will use in the code below.
These are equivalent to #define statements in C. The string BLUE is defined
to have the constant hexadecimal
. . . here a sine wave . . .
value 0x059B.
You may also define values in
decimal. The three defined strings
represent colour values. 4DGL assumes
a 16 bit colour value that is broken
up into three groups of bits (5-6-5)
that correspond to the intensities of
the three colours R-G-B (Red, Green,
Blue). In this way, 65,536 colours can
be displays on the OLED screen.
func main()
These lines declare the beginning
of a function. In this case, the main()
function is where execution begins,
as in C. Everything between this line
and the ‘endfunc’ line at the end of the
program is part of the main function.
var x, y, ox, oy, miny, maxy
Here we are declaring various variables that we will use later.
The variable x, y are the x and y
coordinates respectively of the point
currently being traced on the display.
The ox, oy coordinates are the previous
values of these.
The miny and maxy variables, as
their names suggest, store the minimum and maximum y values over
the cycle. The latter are needed to
compute the peak to peak voltage of
the waveform, which is displayed too.
This is a built in graphics function
that simply clears the display.
:= 0;
:= 0;
:= 0;
:= 64;
:= 0;
These lines initialise the variables,
notice that unlike C, the way to set
a variable is to use ‘:=’. The screen
coordinates begin at (0,0) which corresponds to the top left corner of the
screen. The value of 64 for miny is the
lowest value the 10-bit ADC conversion can have (after it is divided by
16). 4DGL currently does not support
floating point numbers, so all arithmetic operations are integer operations.
pin_Set(ANALOGUE_10, 0);
One of the general input pins (there
are two) is set to function as an analog
input. The constant ANALOGUE_10
specifies that we will use a 10 bit
conversion (you can also use 8 bit
Fig.2: the hardware for the simple oscilloscope. We’ve used
an OLED-96-G1 module and a DEVBOARD-G1 development
board from 4D Systems. The development board has a
prototyping area in the form of a breadboard where we’ve
added the additional components to bias the signal at halfsupply along with a measure of input protection.
38 Silicon Chip
10 F
. . . a sawtooth wave . . .
This defines a while loop which
is the main loop of the program. The
program will execute this loop indefinitely, as the constant in brackets is
This is similar to C except that the
curly brackets to group the statements
in the while loop are not used and the
‘wend’ (while-end) keyword is used as
delimiter instead.
Each time around the loop we increment the x coordinate of the sweep
This block is only executed once the
horizontal sweep gets to the edge of
the screen (remember we are using a
screen with 96 columns, each a pixel).
x := 0;
ox := 0;
y :=0;
At the end of each screen sweep,
we set the variables for a new sweep.
These lines essentially block the
program until the signal crosses the
horizontal line defined by y=32. It
functions as a rudimentary ‘trigger’
and holds periodic waveforms steady.
txt_Movecursor(14, 0);
prin(‘Pk-Pk (mV): ‘, 51*(maxy-miny));
The function txt_MoveCursor sets
the cursor position for text, the format
is in (line, columns). Thus, we’ve
. . . and a triangular wave, all at 50Hz.
lected the cursor to be set to the bottom
of the screen and leftmost.
The txt_Set function can be used to
set a number of attributes that apply
to text, such as the type of font or its
colour. In this case, we’re setting the
text’s colour to that defined previously
by the constant ORANGE.
Finally, we print out a string using
the print function. It simply shows
the peak-to-peak voltage. The scaling
factor of 51 converts from the y value
to a voltage level.
Now we simply set up the variables for the next sweep, resetting the
minimum and maximum values and
pausing for 100 ms. We then clear the
screen ready for the next sweep.
The pin_Read function converts the
analog level on the pin indicated in its
argument (ie, 0=IO1 pin) to an integer.
Since we’ve selected 10 bit mode previously, the value returned will be in
the range 0-1023. When we divide by
16, we’ll get a value between 0 and 64
which becomes the new y coordinate.
These two lines update the running
minimum and maximum values to
later determine the peak to peak voltage of the waveform.
if(ox!=0)gfx_Line(ox, oy, x, y, BLUE);
The gfx_Line function draws a line
from the point (ox, oy) to (x, y) in the
colour BLUE. The conditional (ox!=0)
means the line is drawn everywhere
except at the beginning of the sweep.
The last two lines then transfer the
contents of (x, y) to (ox, oy), the latter will represent the previous sweep
coordinates in the next phase of the
With the specified input coupling
network we show in Fig.2 you can
view signals of up to 3.3V peak-topeak. Larger signals will be clipped
by the input protection diodes.
While it is a very simple project, it
highlights how easy it is to write applications using these OLED modules.
At the time of going to press, prices
(excluding GST) of the OLED modules
from 4D Systems ranged from around
$60 (the one we used for the oscilloscope photos above) to around $230,
the latter featuring a 70mm active
matrix touch screen. The GOLDELOX
processor was priced at around $12.00.
For more information on 4D Systems’ OLED displays, visit 4Dsystems.
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your current subscription expires.
Check it out to see how many you still have.
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September 2009 39
At Last...
Review by
Geoff Graham
Logic Analyser
If you ever yearned for a logic analyser you will know how
expensive they can be, with professional units costing $5,000
or more. The good news is that a new crop of more affordable
devices is becoming available and a good example of these is the
Logic, from US company Saleae. It costs just US$149 and even
after Australian dollar conversion that price is very attractive.
40 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: this screen shot shows a typical capture without analysing the data streams. You can type your own labels to
identify the signals into the boxes on the left. The buttons down the left let you select the trigger conditions. Logic can
monitor eight signals. Each input is supplied with gripping type probes to hold onto IC pins. The colours used for the
wires matches the colours used in the software to identify the inputs.
hat do you get for your money? Logic has eight
channels that can record millions of samples at
up to 24MHz. You also get a software package that
includes decoders for I2C, SPI, serial (eg, RS232) and other
data streams. It communicates with your computer via USB
and it uses your computer to do the analysis and display.
Logic analysers
If you are new to digital circuits then you may not know
just what a logic analyser is and why you might need one.
Simply put, a logic analyser is like a multi-channel oscilloscope that displays logic levels (ie, high voltage or low
voltage) rather than tracing the actual voltage.
So why not just use an oscilloscope? Because a logic
analyser is optimised for investigating digital circuits, it
has multiple channels, making it easy to measure timing
differences and it can decode the data streams that are
transmitted and received.
Let’s say that you are developing a circuit which uses
a microcontroller and a chip that communicates via SPI
(Serial Peripheral Interface). Many chips use SPI to communicate, including memories, displays, accelerometers
and sensors.
You dutifully read the data sheets, build a prototype,
write the code and… it does not work.
Hmm... what next?
SPI uses four data lines to communicate. These are chip
enable, clock, data in and data out. So you pull out your
oscilloscope and check the various lines and observe “something” on each line. The first problem is that the signal is
fleeting. There might be a burst of data when the program
initialises but then nothing. With most oscilloscopes you
need a repetitive signal to keep the trace on the screen long
enough for you to see what is going on.
Another issue is that most oscilloscopes are restricted to
two inputs and while they can show you parameters such
as the pulse rise time, clock speed and voltages, they say
nothing about the data being transmitted on the lines. So,
while you see something, you are not sure what it means.
This is where the logic analyser comes in. It has multiple
channels so that you can simultaneously watch all four
data lines. It will store the trace data in its memory so that
you can catch that brief burst of data and it will decode the
data so that you can see just what is being sent.
If you look at Fig.2, the top four lines show a captured
SPI communication. The top line is Enable, the next is
Fig.2: this is the same
logic trace shown
above with two of
the analysers turned
on. The upper four
traces represent an
SPI interchange while
traces 6 and 7 are a
decoded I2C stream.
The software shows
the value of the data
byte in a coloured
September 2009 41
Fig.3: this screen
shot shows the Logic
software with the
cursor pointing to
part of a trace. In
the bottom right
hand corner you
can see the related
measurements. For
example, the width
of the pulse is a little
over 29
the clock, then data in and finally data out. The coloured
bubbles show the value of the data being sent. So now
you can ask yourself, is this data stream correct? Does the
timing match the data sheet? Is this what I was expecting?
Because a logic analyser will capture the whole conversation, you can scroll back and forth through the data at your
leisure – from the first initialisation through to the end.
data directly down
the USB interface to
the computer. Your
computer saves this
data stream in memory and when the
capture is complete,
displays the result.
Using your computer to do most of
the processing is one of the secrets behind the low price.
Having only eight input lines is one aspect where the
Logic does restrict you. For example, many displays have
an 8-bit bus and six control lines and it would be nice to
monitor them all. Expensive logic analysers with 32 bits of
input can do this and offer other frills such as being able
to set the threshold voltage on the inputs.
Despite its confusing name, Logic has a lot going for it.
For a start, it has been designed with a sense of aesthetic
values. The entire device is embedded in a small block
of what looks like solid aluminium engraved with the
product name.
At one end is the USB connector and at the other end a
9-pin connector for the eight inputs and ground. The software is slick, with translucent effects that mimic the look
and feel of Vista.
The analyser works by
grabbing the current logic
level on its eight input
lines and pumping that
Because Logic has minimal buffering, its performance
is very dependent on the speed of the USB interface. With
a modern, fast computer and little traffic on other USB
ports you should be able to capture data at the maximum
of 24Mbits/sec. This speed is not guaranteed however and
if the USB interface cannot keep up, the analyser will drop
back to slower speeds.
At 24Mbits/sec the analyser will sample the input lines
Fig.4: logic analysers
are good for showing
the relationship between
different signals. In
this case the software
has calculated that the
difference between the
falling edges of D1 and
D3 (marked with timing
markers T1 and T2) is
1.875μS. Sometimes
knowing a detail like
that can make the
difference between
getting a circuit to work
or not.
42 Silicon Chip
every 42 nanoseconds. In practice, this means
that you can use it to analyse circuits that are being clocked up to 15MHz or so. This covers most
microcontrollers that hobbyists are likely to use.
Even fast chips like the PIC18F2550 can only toggle their outputs at a maximum of 12MHz. Having
said that, there are faster chips out there, like the
new 32-bit series from Microchip that can toggle
their outputs at 80MHz.
Because your computer is used to store the captured data you can record a very large number of
samples. This is a great plus and something that
is not available in a standard logic analyser which
generally has a limited amount of internal memory.
As an example, with a capture speed of 12MHz
this device can capture up to 82 seconds of data
(50 million samples). This means that you can set
the analyser to trigger at power on and capture
everything that happens for the next 90 seconds.
This is invaluable if you want to investigate an
event that only happens once and a long time after
power up. Compare that with an oscilloscope that
can only show you something that happened a
few thousandths of a second after the trigger point.
Logic will also capture the activity on its inputs
immediately before the trigger, so you can go backwards in time to see what led up to the trigger.
Fig.5: a handy feature is that you can select from a wide range of
sampling speeds and sample sizes. Because the software uses your
computer’s hard disk to save the data it can record a considerable
number of samples.
Because Logic leaves most of the complex processing to
your computer, the software and its usability become quite
important. This is an area where the cheaper manufacturers
often fall behind; they may produce good hardware at a
good price but frequently the software is a disappointment.
Not so with the Logic. The software is full featured and
easy to use.
The screenshots show you what the software looks like.
In keeping with the careful design of the product the colour
coding of the labels matches the colour of the wires in the
probes. You can also type in your own labels to identify
the signals.
Sampling speed and depth is selected by buttons across
the top while triggering is selected by the buttons down
the left. The trigger conditions are quite flexible and allow
you to trigger on a combination of high/low levels as well
as rising/falling edges on all inputs.
You can easily zoom in to see details or out to see the
whole picture. You can also quickly scroll forwards and
back through time by clicking and swiping your mouse
Parameters such as pulse width, frequency and duty
cycle can be read by pointing with the mouse. You can
also drag and position two markers to make accurate timing measurements.
Menu functions allow you to export and import the data
in various formats. You can also save the data and later
reopen it. This allows you to work with the captured data
just as if you were still connected to the circuit under test.
The software has the ability to decode a number of
common protocols used for communications between
“intelligent” components. These include I2C, SPI, serial
(eg, RS232) and one-wire protocols.
This shows just how good a value this device is. Many
brand-name logic analysers make you pay hundreds of
dollars for the software module to decode just a couple of
these protocols – and that is more than the complete price
of this logic analyser including the hardware.
Using the analysers is reasonably simple; you just specify
what signals are on what inputs, select some options and
the software will draw an overlay over the display showing
the values of the data transmitted/received.
You can also use a number of analysers to track multiple
communications simultaneously.
If you would like to test the program and the analysers
before committing you can download the software from
the manufacturer (address below) and run it in simulation mode. At the moment it is available for Windows
only but Macintosh and Linux versions are reportedly in
Summing up
Having access to a logic analyser can save you untold
hours of frustration when debugging digital circuits. And
Logic is just the tool to save you that frustration. It is fast,
easy to use and does the job without any fuss.
As you might expect, it does have some weak points.
Eight bits of input is rather limiting, it is dependent on the
speed of your USB and it is missing some nice points that
a more expensive logic analyser would have.
For US$149 (less than $AU190 at press time) you cannot hold these points against the Logic. It is great value
and will do 95% of what a hobbyist would need. If you
are working with digital circuits you should have a logic
analyser and if you are on a limited budget then this little
gadget is recommended.
Logic is available from the manufacturer, Saleae at www. or from SparkFun at SC
September 2009 43
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
mains power switch
Many new computers now come
with rapid data transfer 6-pin Fire
Wire ports (IEEE-1394). Alternatively, you can add them by purchasing
a PCI card for about $30. They are
commonly used for video transfers
and sending data to external hard
Both these and USB ports provide
A discrete op amp
for audio use
This circuit is a discrete op amp
with a class-A output stage. It can
be used as an alternative to op amp
ICs in audio amplifiers.
Low-noise transistors Q1 & Q2
(2SA970) act as a differential input
stage with the emitter tail current
supplied by current source Q5.
Current mirror pair Q3 & Q4 act
as collector loads for Q1 and Q2
respectively. This arrangement will
improve DC offset and slew rate
compared with conventional resistor loads.
44 Silicon Chip
power to run the device attached
to the port. However, when the
computer is powered down the
voltage at the FireWire port goes to
zero whereas the voltage at the USB
typically remains at +5V. In theory,
if you want to switch off peripherals, all you have to do is wire a relay
across the FireWire power and use
it to control the mains power for the
external devices.
The only drawback with this ap-
proach is that the output voltage
from the socket isn’t defined and
can vary between 12V and 25V, depending on the brand of computer.
This problem can be solved with an
external 12V power supply to power
the relay switched by a transistor
that monitors the FireWire socket
When the computer is on, the
voltage at pin 1 of the FireWire port
switches on transistor Q1. This energises the relay and provides power
to the peripherals. Conversely,
when the computer powers down,
Q1 switches off, de-energising the
relay which removes the power to
the peripherals.
The circuit shows a conventional
DC power supply using an 18VAC
centre-tapped transformer, two
1N4004 diodes and a 2200µF filter
capacitor. However, you could substitute a 9V or 12V DC plugpack.
Note that you will need to disable
“resume by USB” and “Wake-up by
PME# of PCI” in the power management set-up of the computer’s BIOS.
If you don’t, the computer will start
up again when the power to the
peripherals is switched off.
Les Kerr,
Ashby, NSW. ($30)
Q6 is the voltage amplifier stage
and this drives emitter follower
output stage Q9. Q8 acts as a current
source for the emitter of Q9 and it
sets Q9’s operating current.
Q7 is the current source for the
collector load for Q6, to ensure good
linearity. LED1 is a 3mm red LED,
used here as a voltage reference for
the three current sources Q5, Q7
& Q8.
To the right of the discrete circuit
is an op amp symbol showing a typical connection method. It is recommended that AC-coupling be used.
Most components are readily
available from Jaycar Electronics or
Altronics except for the low-noise
transistors Q1, Q2 & Q6 which are
available from
Alternatively, for a slight degradation in noise performance, Q1 &
Q2 can be BC549s while Q6 can be
a BC547.
All resistors are 0.5W 1% metalfilm types, while C1 is an NPO cer
amic capacitor. The supply voltage
can range from ±6V to ±20V.
Finally, the amplifier has wide
bandwidth and is unity gain stable.
Careful layout of the circuit is necessary to avoid oscillation.
Alex Sum,
Eastwood, NSW. ($50)
Temperature sensing
battery charger cut-out
Many tools and appliances with
rechargeable batteries do not monitor the charge state and can easily
overcharge the batteries if they are
left connected for a long period.
While a time-out can prevent an
excessive charge period, it will not
necessarily prevent overcharging.
The circuit relies on the fact that
as nicads or NiMH cells approach
full charge their temperature rises.
Two temperature sensors are employed. TS1 measures the ambient
temperature while TS2 measures the
temperature of one of the cells in the
battery pack. If you cannot access the
interior of the battery pack (eg, in
battery-powered shavers), attach the
second sensor (TS2) to the outside of
the case with an elastic band.
Op amp IC1 is connected as a comparator and monitors both TS1 and
TS2. The voltage across both sensors
can be adjusted using trimpots VR1
& VR2. When the temperature of
both sensors is the same, VR1 could
be adjusted for, say, 4V at pin 13,
while VR2 is adjusted so that pin 12
is less than pin 13. When the battery
on charge gets warm, its sensor voltage will rise and the comparator’s
output will switch from low to high
and turn on transistor Q1 which
powers the relay.
The relay has two sets of change
over contacts rated at 240VAC. One
set is connected in series with the ap-
pliance, (eg, shaver) while the other
is arranged to latch on the relay via
the 22kΩ resistor to the base of Q1.
Finally, the circuit shows IC1 as
from an LM324 quad op amp but
any general-purpose op amp could
be used.
John Malnar,
Banks, ACT. ($40)
This discrete audio op amp has wide bandwidth,
is unity gain stable and can operate on supply
voltages ranging from ±6V to ±20V.
September 2009 45
Circuit Notebook – Continued
PICAXE timer
This 6-digit timer can provide
time intervals in excess of 99 hours
with accuracy to within a second.
The heart of the project is a PIC
AXE28X1 microcontroller, with all
of the tricky logic contained in
the program, leaving a minimum
amount of hardware to achieve
all the functions. A ULN2803 Darlington array drives the common
cathodes of the 7-segment displays,
the relay and the buzzer. Since the
Darlington array includes internal
diodes from each uncommitted collector output to the positive supply
pin, no spike suppressing diodes are
required for the buzzer and relay.
S1 is the mode switch to allow the
desired time interval to be set. Each
digit is set individually using switch
S2. This taps a voltage divider of
4.7kΩ resistors and is connected to
the ADC input (A0) of IC1.
Each digit is incremented to the desired setting by pressing pushbutton
S3. If, for example, the “hours”
digit is selected by setting S2 to
position “H”, only the hours digit
will be illuminated and it can be
incremented using S3. Note that in
keeping with the minutes and seconds format, the “tens of minutes”
and “tens of seconds” can only be
incremented to “5” before cycling
back to 0.
When the required time interval
has been entered, switching S1 to
the “Run’ position will commence
the timing interval. The display then
counts down with all six digits illuminated. During this time, the relay
is activated and can be used to turn
on a mains-powered device.
The segment lines to the displays
are driven by a 4511 BCD to 7-segment display driver, operating from
a 12V supply. Transistors Q1-Q4
provide level shifting from the 5V
signals of the PICAXE to the 12V
drive required by the displays. The
transistors also introduce a phase
inversion but this is taken into account by the software. Outputs C1C4 from IC1 provide the necessary
phase-inverted BCD output.
At the completion of the timing
period, the relay is switched off and
a buzzer sounds to indicate that the
timing interval has elapsed. Also,
as a visible indication that the time
is up, the seconds digit only is illuminated and flashes at about a half
second rate.
Switching S1 back to “Set” turns
off the buzzer and prepares the timer
for a new timing cycle.
For long-term accuracy, the timebase is locked to the 50Hz mains
frequency and requires no setting up
or adjustment. A half-wave rectified
50Hz signal is provided by diode D3
and this is clipped by 4.7V zener diode ZD1 before it is fed to the counter
input (C0, pin 11). The software then
simply counts 50 pulses to obtain its
timing for 1-second intervals.
Jack Holliday,
Nathan, Qld.
Relays can do it
by themselves
Electronics people typically think
of using transistors or ICs to drive
relays, particularly if they need to
be latched or periodically opened
and closed. However, relays with
changeover contacts can be connected to provide those functions
without any active components being required.
For example, a relay can be made
to latch on or off, in response to two
pushbutton switches, as shown in
Fig.1 at right. Pressing the ON button
S1 energises the relay, with current
for the coil flowing through S1 and
the normally closed switch S2. One
set of relay contacts then supplies
current to the load while the other
set of contacts allows the coil current
to continue flowing even after S1 is
released. Hence, the relay is latched
on and will stay on until switch S2
is pressed to break the circuit.
In the second circuit (Fig.2), a
relay with two sets of changeover
contacts is arranged to operate a
pair of alternating lights. One set
46 Silicon Chip
of contacts alternately powers each
12V lamp while the other set provide
the on/off function in conjunction
with a 2200µF capacitor and 180Ω
When power is first applied, current flows via the relay coil to charge
the 2200µF capacitor and this briefly
operates the relay, until the capacitor
current falls to a low value. The relay
then de-energises and the normally
closed contact connects the 180Ω
resistor to discharge the capacitor.
The capacitor can then charge again
via the relay coil which closes. This
cycle repeats indefinitely.
In each case, a diode across the
relay coil is used to damp the voltage
spike which is generated as the current through the coil is interrupted.
While you may think the diode is
unnecessary since there are no active components like transistors to
be damaged, the undamped voltage
spike may otherwise be sufficiently
energetic to cause sparking on the
switch or relay contacts.
A. J. Lowe,
Bardon, Qld. ($30)
This timer circuit is based on a PICAXE28X1 microcontroller and can provide time intervals in excess of 99 hours with accuracy
to within a second. A 6-digit 7-segment LED display shows the initial setting and counts down to show the time remaining.
is th k Hollid
winn month’
k At r of a
rum Test
September 2009 47
Circuit Notebook – Continued
voltage doubler
The circuit was developed to run a
24V marine radio from a 12V battery
supply. It is basically a push-pull
inverter based on 2N2955 power
transistors Q1 & Q2, together with a
bobbin-core transformer which runs
at a high frequency.
The transformer has an interesting
configuration whereby the output
windings also supply the base current to the two PNP transistors. As
the load requirement increases, the
base current increases, thereby affording a simple voltage regulation
feedback loop, the output regulator
then being only required to main-
tain an accurate voltage level at the
The bobbin-core transformer is
bifilar wound, with the independent collector and base windings
connected in series and the centre
connections becoming the centre
taps. The input voltage is doubled
by virtue of transformer action and
the 3-terminal regulator voltage is
selected as required.
The 78xx series regulators will
supply up to 1.5A. Ultimately, the
inverter’s output is limited by the
base current rating of the PNP transistors but that would only be the
case if a higher output regulator was
No heatsinks are required for the
specified transistors operating at up
to 1.5A but the regulator will require
a heatsink. If the circuit does not
oscillate when assembled, either
the base OR collector transformer
leads should be reversed but not
both! This will set the phase of the
windings correctly. Additional RF
suppression in the supply leads may
be necessary when powering radio
The circuit will automatically
shut down when the output load is
disconnected, drawing only a few
microamps. It can therefore be permanently connected to the supply.
It is useful for powering 24V equipment from 12V systems, stabilising
the voltage from battery banks while
under charge and boosting voltage
when line loss is a problem. For
separately regulated devices or for
loads such as lighting, the regulator
can be omitted.
The prototype is used to power a
Koden 24V marine radio from a 12V
supply. Input current is 3.75A at 12V
while the output is 23.5V at 1.8A.
This represents a very acceptable
level of efficiency.
Dayle Edwards,
Westland, NZ. ($45)
Editor’s note: the transformer used
by the author was an FX2242 which
is now unobtainable. We suggest
winding the transfomer on an ETD34
bobbin instead. This is then fitted
with two ETD34-3C90 ferrite core
halves and the assembly secured
using ETD34 clips.
These transformer parts are available from Farnell Australia. You
will need 1 x 3056302, 2 x 3056387
and 2 x 105769.
Contribute And Choose Your Prize
As you can see, we pay good money
for each of the “Circuit Notebook” items
published in SILICON CHIP. But there are
four more reasons to send in your circuit
idea. Each month, the best contribution
published will entitle the author to
choose the prize: an LCR40 LCR
meter, a DCA55 Semiconductor
Component Analyser, an ESR60
Equivalent Series Resistance
Analyser or an SCR100 Thyristor &
Triac Analyser, with the compliments
of Peak Electronic Design Ltd – see
48 Silicon Chip
So now you have even more reasons
to send that brilliant circuit in. Send it
to SILICON CHIP and you could be a
You can either email your idea to
silchip<at> or post it
to PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
Buy Dad a Ferrari
this Father's Day!
SD Card Speech
Recorder/Player Kit
Superbly detailed & fully factory licensed,
these RC Ferraris will give hours of fun for
all ages. Pick from either 1:20 or the huge 1:10 scale 2008 F1 racer or GT California.
They have 3 or 4 channels so you can race against each other, full function remote control
and adjustable steering bias. Each has a rechargeable battery pack included for the car.
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine August 2009
With this kit, you can store WAV files on commonly
available MMC/SD/SDHC cards. It can be used as a
jukebox, a sound effects player or an expandable digital
voice recorder. You can use it as a free-standing recorder
or in conjunction with any Windows, Mac or Linux PC. The
length of time recorded is limited only by the size of the
card. Short form kit.
1:10 Scale RC Ferrari 2008 F1
• Remote requires 1 x 9V battery
Cat. GT-3201 $89.95
1:10 Scale RC Ferrari GT California
• Remote requires 1 x 9V battery
Cat. GT-3203 $89.95
• Includes overlay PCB, SD card socket and electronic components
• Compatible with SD, SDHC or MMC cards
1:20 Scale RC Ferrari 2008 F1
• Remote requires 2 x AA batteries
Cat. GT-3207 $54.95
1:20 Scale RC Ferrari GT California
54 95
A step up from conventional rabbit ears with
28dB variable gain. Suitable for VHF, UHF, FM
and DTV reception. Mains plugpack included.
Solar LCD Clock with
Calendar & Temperature
• VHF: 54 - 239 MHz
• UHF: 470 - 821 MHz
• Base: 190(L) x 120(W)mm
Ideal for home or office workspaces, this easy-to-read LCD clock
has several additional handy features. Its large numerical time
format and alarm function is complemented by a calendar date
and temperature display in either Celsius or
Fahrenheit. It's powered by 2 x AA batteries
with auxiliary solar cells to prolong battery life.
Cat: AR-1761
Suitable for wall mounting.
• Dimensions: 250 (H) x 250 (W)mm
• Size of digits: 55mm high
Weather Station
Notebook USB
Cooling Pad
An ideal solution if you have a notebook that
suffers from overheating or poor air circulation.
This notebook cooling pad simply plugs into your
notebook's USB port and has an inbuilt 18cm
cooling fan to dissipate
heat. Is quiet, has four
non-slip pads and an
Cat: XC-5210
ergonomically tilted surface.
Cat: LT-3133
Archiving Dad's old record collection couldn't be easier.
Record LPs directly to an SD card or flash memory via USB
without needing a computer or software. You can also
simply use the deck for playback via the built-in amp and
speakers or run stereo outputs to an external amp.
This highly advanced weather station features a touch screen panel
that you can connect to your computer through USB for storage and
a more accurate analysis of weather data. XC-0348 $199.00
44 95
• Belt-drive turntable
• Built-in amplifier (2 x 1.2WRMS)
• Track repeat function
Cat: GE-4057
• AM/FM radio
• Dimensions: 350(W) x 300(D) x 130(H)mm
Was $169.00
A feature-packed weather station for the
enthusiast forecaster. The outdoor sensors
will wirelessly transmit real-time indoor/outdoor temperature, relative
humidity, rain, wind speed, wind chill, dew point, and barometric
pressure. All minimum and maximum values with the date and time it
was recorded are stored for your reference.
Also available: Touch Screen Wireless Weather Station with USB
Along with its storm warning feature,
you can set programmable alarms to
Cat: XC-0346
alert you when certain weather parameters
fall above or below a limit you determine. If you enjoy
outdoor activities this is a great tool to inform you of ideal
weather conditions. See our website for full details.
Cat: KC-5481
VHF/UHF Active Indoor
Digital TV Antenna
• Working headlights
• Remote requires 1 x 9V battery
Cat. GT-3209 $54.95
74 95
UHF Rolling Code
Remote Switch Kit
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine August/September 2009
High-security 3-channel remote control that can be used for
keyless entry into residential or commercial premises or for
controlling garage doors and lights. Three separate receiver
outputs can be used for controlling different devices such as door
strikes, relays, motors or lights. Up to 16 transmitters may be
used with the one receiver so it's suitable for small-scale
commercial applications. As it features rolling code / code
hopping, the access codes can't be intercepted and decoded by
undesirables. The transmitter kit includes a three button key fob
case and runs on a 12V remote control battery. The receiver is a shortform kit without case so you can mount it in the location or enclosure of
your choice.
UHF Rolling Code Receiver and one Transmitter Kit Cat KC-5483 $99.95
UHF Rolling Code Additional Transmitter Kit Cat KC-5484 $39.95
* Receiver 12VDC <at> 150mA (1A for door strike use)
• Measures: 300(L) x 290(W) x 35(H)mm
Free Call: 1800 022 888 for orders!
Fo r T h e D a d W h o L o v e s H i s C a r
Kevlar 2 Way coaxial Car
Speakers With Dome Tweeters
Precision RESPONSE Subwoofers
The Kevlar cone series is renown for its strength and clean sound
reproduction. Crisp and naturally smooth highs are reproduced by the
soft dome tweeters, complemented with a 12dB/octave crossover.
6 x 9”
• 75WRMS, 4 ohms
• 90dB SPL <at> 1W, 1m
• 55Hz-20kHz
Was $149.00
99 00
• 75WRMS <at> 4 ohms
• 89dB SPL <at> 1W, 1m
• 65Hz-20kHz
Was $119.00
• 50WRMS <at> 4 ohms
• 89dB SPL <at> 1W, 1m
• 80Hz-20kHz
CS-2372 Was $99.00 Now $69.95 Save $29.05
179 00
Cat: CS-2352
199 00
Cat: CS-2354
Component Car Speakers
with Ribbon Tweeters
Everything you need to install a good quality split system in
your wheels. PMI/Kevlar®
composite cones for maximum
rigidity and response. Ribbon
tweeters for crisp highs.
Separate crossovers with screw
terminals. Mounting
hardware included.
79 95
4 x 50WRMS Response
Car Amplifier
Each kit contains:
• 2 x woofer/midrange drivers
Cat: CS-2338
• 2 x ribbon tweeters
• 2 x crossovers
Frequency response: 60Hz - 40kHz
• 2 x grilles
Crossover: 12dB/octave
Full range of cross-overs available in-store for every budget.
This unit is a compact and super affordable
4-channel amplifier that can power an entire
sound system and is ideal
upgrade amplifier
from a basic factory
installed system.
Cat: AA-0422
Car Ribbon Tweeter with Crossover
This is the excellent ribbon tweeter used in our component kit CS-2338.
Flush or surface mount, ABS housing, mounting hardware
and crossover included.
• Power / channel <at> 4ohm 14.4V: 50WRMS x 4
• Power / channel <at> 2ohm 14.4V: 80WRMS x 4
• Power / bridged <at> 4ohm 14.4V: 160WRMS x 2
Steelmate Paging Car Alarm
Unfortunately many car thefts happen because the thief gets the keys to the vehicle; this system
minimises that risk with a coded disarm feature. When enabled, it allows the owner to select
a 1 - 5 digit pin code that is entered via the remote control and is required to disarm the
system. Like our previous systems, this unit also includes two way paging with rechargeable
remotes. The alarm includes long range back-lit
LCD paging remote control with integrated
rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
inside, vibrating motors for
when the alarm is
triggered and an
alarm clock!
A 12V cigarette
plug charger is
provided to
keep your remotes
topped up while on
the go.
For full range of features see website.
Spare remote: LA-9017 $99.00
379 00
Cat: LA-9016
Wedge Base LEDs Pk 2
Cat: CS-2374
Excellent LEDs for a wide variety of
automotive applications. Two styles T5 & T10 both:
• Colour: White
• Rated voltage: 14V
• Maximum voltage: 16V
• Luminous intensity : 500mcd (T5); 1000mcd (T10)
• Forward current: 15mA
• Viewing angle: 60°
T5 ZD-0308 WAS $6.95 NOW $4.95 SAVE $2.00
T10 ZD-0309 WAS $7.95 NOW $5.95 SAVE $2.00
Limited Stock
10" Subwoofer
• 250WRMS <at> 4 ohms
• 84dB SPL <at> 1W, 1m
Was $219.00 ea
12" Subwoofer
• 300WRMS <at> 4 ohms
• 86dB SPL <at> 1W, 1m
Was $249.00 ea
Cat: CS-2378
High performance subwoofers with huge bass & SPL potential.
Die cast aluminium chassis and Kevlar reinforced cones
- these robust drivers seriously pump!
$2 00
4 95
Cat: ZD-0308
Was $6.95
• Frequency response: 3kHz - 40kHz
• Crossover: 12dB/octave
• Crossover size: 30(L) x
20(W) x 12(H)mm
69 00
Cat: CS-2339
7" LCD In-Car TV with Remote
Featuring a motorised 7" TFT LCD screen, this unit fits into a standard
automotive DIN opening and in addition to the TV
function, it takes two extra video inputs and an
input for a reversing camera. It also has composite
video and audio output. Comes
with full function remote.
• Screen size: 7"
• Display format: 16 x 9
• Resolution: 480 x 234 pixels
• Power consumption: 24W
• Chassis dimensions: 182(W) x
53(H) x 161(D)mm
Was $229.00
199 00
Cat: QM-3782
Indoor/Outdoor Dual
Display thermometer
Another of our handy miniature thermometers, this one displays the inside and
outside temperature simultaneously in °C on its LCD screen. The unit will
measure temperatures from -50°C to +70°C and is ideal for keeping track of
the temperature when travelling, or for general use around the home.
The outside temperature sensor is fitted to a 3 metre cable.
22 95
• Range: Indoor: -10°C to +50°C and
Outdoor: -50°C to +70°C
• Measures 115(W) x 28(H)
x 30(D)mm
• AA battery included (replacement
battery use our SB-2424)
Cat: QM-6326
All savings are based on original recommended retail prices.
G e t R e a d y T o Ta k e A d v a n ta g e O f T h e S u n
Massive Price Savings On
Powertech Solar Panels
Powertech Solar Panels
These monocrystalline panels are more efficient than polycrystalline panels &
are as strong and tough as the better known brands, but at a more attractive
price. Sizes range from 5 watts to a massive 175 watts.
12V 5W
12V 10W
12V 20W
12V 65W
12V 80W
12V 120W
24V 175W
Solar Rechargeable LED
Door Light with PIR
UP TO 70%
Here's a neat solution to lighting the entrance
to your home. When it's dark, the PIR detects
anyone approaching the door and automatically
turns the LED lights on for them, then times out
after 30 seconds. The batteries recharge during
the day to provide light at night.
No wiring needed.
Cat: SL-2750
• 3 x AA rechargeable batteries included
• Dimensions: 98(W) x 165(H) x 135(D)mm
Solar LED Spotlight Kit
Add a light to the garden shed, carport, entrance door or
even for a wandering pet. The 135 x 87mm solar panel
mounts anywhere you can catch some rays and the 9
LED spotlight can be mounted wherever it's needed.
The light has a PIR so that after dark it
will detect movement and turn the light
on, then automatically turn off after a
time delay.
• 3 x AA rechargeable batteries included
• Cable length 3m
Solar Charge Controllers with LCD
Protect your valuable solar installation and maximise battery service life with our photovoltaic (PV) charge
controllers. Microprocessor controlled with LCD, these chargers efficiently charge a vast selection of
batteries for a wide range of solar panels. They even feature an equalisation mode for wet type lead-acid
batteries, and automatically cycles once a month for 2 hours. 12V and 24V models available.
• Real-time clock display
• Display of system status:
- Charge current
- Load current
Cat: MP-3129
- Battery voltage
- Temperature
- Battery capacity
• Bulk, absorption & float charge status
• LED indication of battery levels
Cat: MP-3722
• Overload and short circuit protection
• Overvoltage and reverse polarity protection
3 models available:
12V 20A Solar Charge Controller - MP-3129
12V 30A Solar Charge Controller - MP-3722
Cat: MP-3724
24V 20A Solar Charge Controller - MP-3724
Cat: SL-2752
Smart Solar Battery Charger
This solar battery charger
supplies 15V at around
100-120mA of current.
This is enough to keep
an unused 12V battery
topped up. It's ideal for
that second car, caravan,
or boat. Housed in a plastic
case, it has an output lead to cigarette lighter plug, with a
LED, which illuminates when the solar panel receives a charge.
Note, some cars will require this to be directly wired to the battery,
as the cigarette lighter socket is disconnected
when the ignition is switched off.
Portable Folding Solar Chargers
- Great For Boating & Camping
Take your solar power with you wherever you need it. Folding to a
compact bundle, these versatile monocrystalline solar chargers will fit
anywhere, but expand to a full size 10 or 20 watt solar charger.
Each has a robust nylon fabric enclosure and cigarette lighter socket
for powering whatever you need. They also have utility loops so you
can tie them up in a convenient place to catch maximum sunlight. Two lead sets
are included - one with a cigarette lighter plug and another that terminates to
alligator clips. Ideal for camping, 4WD, boating, caravans or motorhome holidays.
Two models available:
10W Folding Solar Panel ZM-9120
Open: 750(L) x 220(W)mm
Folded: 250(L) x 100(W) x 40(D)mm
20W Folding Solar Charger ZM-9122
• Size: 370(L) x 160(W) x 20(D) mm
Cat: ZM-9120
Limited Stock
499 00
Cat: MB-3501
It’s time to take advantage of the sun with these great recreational solar package deals! Our
monocrystalline panels are by far more efficient than polycrystalline solar panels, and are strong and tough
against Australia’s harsh environment. Both packages come with solar regulators, to ensure you get the
most out of the sun. Choose between these two fantastic package deals.
Package 1: 80 Watt
1 x 80W Solar Panel 1 x 12V 6A Solar Charge Controller 2 x Female PV Connector 2 x Male PV Connector Normally - $696.75
650 00
Cat: ZM-9300
Package 2: 160 Watt
29 95
Recreational Solar Package Deals
Open: 965(L) x 362(W)mm
Folded: 375(L) x 120(W) x 45(D)mm
39 95
2 x 80W Solar Panel 1 x 12V 20A Solar Charge Controller 3 x Female PV Connector 3 x Male PV Connector 1 x Solar Panel 'Y' Lead 2 Socket
to 1 plug 300mm
1 x Solar Panel 'Y' Lead 2 Plug
to 1 Socket 300mm
Normally - $1351.55
Cat: ZM-9122
Solar panel mounting hardware and
batteries available separately.
Check in-store or on our website.
1200 00
Cat: ZM-9302
*ORRP - Original Recommended Retail Price
Free Call: 1800 022 888 for orders!
Dad’s Wish List
RC Mini Mosquito
Helicopter with LEDs
Remote Control
Lamborghinis & Audi R8
This chopper looks like a mosquito
and has green LEDs for eyes.
It is fun, fast, and stable.
Just hit the throttle and off it
goes. 30 min charge time for
10 min flying time
Distinctive in appearance, these supercars
feature see-through engine bays and superbly detailed
bodywork. Take your pick between a
Lamborghini Reventón, Superleggera
or an Audi R8. All are 1:18 Scale.
Cat: GT-3692
• Adjustable steering bias
• Built-in rechargeable 500mAh
battery (recharge time 5-6 hours)
• Each remote uses 1 x 9V battery
• Suitable for ages 8+
59 95
• Requires 6 x AA battery (SB-2425)
• 170mm long
• Suitable for ages 8+
Cat: GT-3694
59 95
69 95
Cat: GT-3262
Cat: GT-3696
1:18 Scale RC Lamborghini Reventón
1:18 Scale RC Lamborghini Superleggera
1:18 Scale RC Audi R8
Chinook Remote
Controlled Chopper
Durable Boeing CH-47 Chinook
IR chopper to take all the knocks
of flying around the
lounge room. Twin dual
rotors for stable flight and
easy-to-use 3-channel
controller with up/down,
left/right turn controls. A mains
charger is also supplied.
4 Ch Mini RC Helicopter
The smallest 4 channel RC helicopter on the
market, Dad will love this little beauty! Surprisingly
easy to control and stable in flight, it comes ready
assembled with a true 4 channel remote.
Running low on power? Just attach the
helicopter to the IR remote to recharge
it for 17 minutes, and you're up, up
and away again.
• 17 mins recharge for 5-7 mins flight time
• Weighs 19g, 190mm long (220mm including blades)
• Requires 6 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
• Suitable for ages 14+
• Adjustable trim controls
• Recharges in about 20 minutes for
8 minutes of flight time
• Remote unit requires 4 x AA
batteries (SB-2425)
• Dimensions: 210(L) x 130(W) x 165(H)mm
• Recommended for ages 8+
79 95
Cat: GT-3279
69 95
Cat: GT-3259
Novelties Dad Will Love
Pole Dancer LCD Alarm Clock
The pole dancer is back! When the alarm goes, your personal pole
dancer goes into her routine, complete with light show and funky music.
A bit of wholesome entertainment for the man who has everything!
• Requires 3 x AAA batteries (SB-2413)
• Backlit LCD
• Snooze function
• Dimensions: 120(W) x 200(H) x 100(D)mm
29 95
Cat: GE-4079
• 15m range
• Requires 4 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
• 1 x 12V battery for key fob (supplied)
Limited Stock
29 95
Cat: GH-1122
19 95
Cat: GH-1088
RC Burp Machine
Military Helicopter Alarm Clock
Having trouble getting up in the morning? This alarm clock
is certain to fix that. Set the alarm and when the it goes
off, the chopper makes lots of jet engine noises. It also
launches the propeller into the air and it flies around the
room. Finished in olive camo. Battery or mains powered.
19 95
Great for Father's Day lunch. Place the burp box near your intended
victim and set off random burps. They won't only be embarrassed
they won't know who's setting them up.
• 5 hilarious burp sounds
• Requires 2 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
11 95
Cat: GH-1081
Cat: AR-1766
Coughing Lung Ashtray
Designed to look like a pair of lungs!
Bursts into a disturbingly realistic coughing
fit when a cigarette is placed in it.
Talking Swear Box
Tired of Dad swearing and can't get him to stop?
Introduce him to the talking swear box and he will
soon change his bad habits.
• Requires 4 x AAA batteries (SB-2413)
• Handy belt clip
Replace Dad's old whoopee cushion with this remote controlled
Secret Farter. Great fun at home or the office. 3 different realistic
fart noises will keep your jokester Dad amused for ages.
Now Dad can wake up to a realistic V8 engine-sounding alarm.
Easy to use and attractive in design, it is sure to be a hit with
any motoring enthusiast young or old.
• Realistic pedals for demo and clock controls
• Spinning brake disc when the alarm is activated
Cat: AR-1769
• Clock 120mm dia.
• Requires 3 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
• 3 x LR44 batteries included
• Size: 160(W) x 105(H) x 60(D)mm
Absolutely essential equipment for Dad's next corporate
meeting! Next time someone starts going on about
synergies, tipping points, end-state visions and stakeholder
partnering, he can just turn on his Bullsh*t Detector and shut
them up with one of nine anti-bullsh*t messages.
RC Secret Farter
V8 Alarm Clock
• Requires 4 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
• Suitable plugpack: MP-3145
• Measures: 335(L) x 70(W) x 80(H)mm
Was $24.95
RC Bull SH*T Detector
19 95
Cat: GH-1316
• Requires 2 x AA batteries (SB-2425)
• Measures: 130(W) x 115(L) x 45(H) mm
10 95
Cat: GH-1330
All savings are based on original recommended retail prices.
Dad’s Wish List
6 Bottle Wine Cooler
USB Turntable with Amp
Help Dad store his best wines and keep
them chilled in this wine cooler. It has a
capacity of 18L, holding up to 6 wine
bottles and uses Peltier thermoelectric
modules to cool the wine bottles 18
degrees below ambient temperature.
Perfect for the Dad who has everything!
A great Father's Day gift for music-loving Dads.
Copy classic LPs, 45s or even 78s
straight to PC, or he can simply listen to
his cherished record collection via the
built-in amp and speakers.
Finished in contemporary white
piano finish with blue LED accents.
199 00
• Mains powered
Cat: GH-1372
• Power consumption 56W
• Quiet operation
• Dimensions: 245(W) x 380(H) x 510(D)mm
Limited Stock
USB Photo Scanner
Cat: GE-4056
This player includes a turntable, AM/FM stereo/mono
manual tuning radio, automatic start-play cassette
and a programmable CD player. Encased in a
cherry wood finish cabinet with two front
stereo speakers. See our website for
• 12"LPs & 7"EPs with 3 speeds 33/45/78
• Measures 390(L) x 360(D) x 260(H)mm
• Ask how to back up your LPs to CD
199 00
Cat: XC-4910
179 00
Cat: GE-4063
Was $199.00
Fresnel Magnifying Lens with Led
USB 2.0 DVD Maker MKII
Surprise your Dad by turning his aging collection of VHS and Betamax video
tapes into brand new video productions, or record
live video straight to your DVD or CD burner.
This new and improved version works with Mac &
Windows, allowing you to publish your videos on to
web application and many more features.
99 00
Retro Music Centre
Preserve your cherished old photos by converting them to
digital format with this easy-to-use USB photo scanner. Simply
download the included software, connect the photo scanner to
your computer via USB and you're ready to start scanning.
With an 8 megapixel sensor and crisp white LED lighting, it will
produce clear high-resolution scans quickly and easily. Bring
the best out of your images with the ArcSoft Media Impression
software, which converts your scans to JPEG or TIF
format, and enables you to do basic photo
editing such as crop, straighten,
retouch and colour adjust. PC &
Mac compatible.
• See website for specs and
system requirements.
• RCA line outputs
• USB cable and software included
Was $119.00
Keep one in your purse or wallet for those times when
you forget your reading glasses. Can be used with or
without the LED on. Battery included. Perfect for the
Dad whose always losing his glasses!
• Dimensions: 80(L) x 50(W)mm
5 95
Cat: QM-3533
• Supports USB 1.1 & 2.0 Plug-and-Play
• Stereo audio input via RCA connectors
• Dimensions: 35(W) x 95(D) x 15(H)mm
Was $99.00
89 00
Please note that the battery will last for years, but the product is not
designed to have the battery replaced once it goes flat.
Cat: XC-4867
iPod ® /iPhone ® Accessories
FM Transmitter
with Dock for iPod®
5.1 Home Theatre Receiver
with iPod® Dock & Remote
Let Dad listen to his favourite tunes through the FM radio in
his car - dock and charge your iPod ® at the same time. This
nifty little unit stays in your cup holder and is powered by your
car's cigarette lighter outlet. It's compatible with most iPod ®
models, works with MP3
players, CD players and
other media devices.
Not much you can't do with this receiver - home
theatre, stereo, or dock your iPod® and use it for
karaoke. The remote control operates all the
functions of the amp, receiver and a docked iPod ®
• Analogue audio inputs & 2 mic inputs
• Variable channel modes: 2 ch,
sim 2.1, 3.1 & 5.1 • Power output: Front - 60WRMS x 2
• Rear, centre: 15WRMS • Subwoofer: 100WRMS • 435mm wide
Note: iPod® not included
Was $249.00
• Last frequency memory
• Backlit LCD
• Size: 82(Dia) x 78(H)mm
Note: iPod not included
Cat: AR-1869
Car Charger for iPhone®
This sleek, attractive car charger is suitable for all versions
of iPhone® including the latest iPhone® 3G, and will also
charge all the different iPod® versions. Fitted with a curly
cord, it will easily fit in your glove box without making a
tangled mess of wires. Finished in gloss black.
Input: 12-24VDC
Output: 5VDC, 500mA
19 95
Cat: MB-3654
229 00
Cat: AA-0471
Dock Recorder for iPod®
Record and encode stereo audio MP3 straight to your iPod ® - no
computer required! Simply connect an audio source to the dock and
record via the voice/memo recording mode. You can adjust the
recording level and also sync to your PC via the USB port.
• Suits iPod®, iTouch, Classic, Nano 3G and 4G
• Mains plugpack included
• Dimensions: 100(L) x 100(W) x 35(H)mm
Note: iPod® not included Limited Stock
119 00
Cat: AA-0498
GPS/Mobile Phone Holder
This handy gadget plugs into your cigarette lighter socket and
adjusts to fit your GPS/PDA/Mobile phone. It also has a
piggyback socket so you can use the outlet to power your device.
Also includes a suction glass mount for alternative mounting.
• Adjustable up to 102mm • 180° rotation
• Also accepts mobile phones
34 95
Cat: HS-9002
Free Call: 1800 022 888 for orders!
Get Ready For The Party Season
Green Laser Display System
Speaker Covers
Create a dazzling atmosphere at your next party with
the green laser show. The unit comes fitted with a
microphone that changes the pattern of the lasers to
the beat of the music.
• 240VAC Adaptor
• Inbuilt microphone
• Dimensions: 230(L) x
155(W) X 60(D)mm
Note: Not available in W.A.
Was $299.00
269 00
Cat: SL-2935
Laser Light Shows
Liven up any party with these truly portable take anywhere laser light shows.
Green Laser Show SL-2937
• 100 pre-set geometric patterns
• Speed adjustment
• Auto, manual or audio laser
display controls
• 10mW green laser
• 532nM wavelength
• 240VAC adaptor included
Was $199.00
Protect your PA speaker investment, or keep the
prying eyes of thieves away. Made from durable
two-layer UV and water-resistant coated nylon,
these covers will protect your speakers from the
elements while being transported or from bumps
and scrapes when in storage.
Suits PA Speaker and
Speaker/Amp CS-2514 or CS-2517
CS-2500 $24.95
24 95
Cat: CS-2500
Suits 12" Foldback Speaker CS-2516
CS-2501 $24.95
Suits 12" Subwoofer CS-2518
CS-2502 $24.95
15" Party Speakers
169 00
Cat: SL-2937
Red Laser Show SL-2924
• 12 pre-set geometric patterns
• Auto or audio laser display controls
• 5mW red laser
• 700nM wavelength
• Batteries included
Was $79.95
Get ready for your next party! These
specialised party speakers provide good
performance in back yards, tents, party rooms
or community halls etc. Although rated at 120
Watts RMS plus, they can be driven by
amplifiers with modest outputs and still
provide impressive sound.
Overload protected.
• 15 inch woofer
• Piezo tweeters
49 95
Features two separate channels, one for each microphone. The
system includes 2 microphones and batteries, receiver unit,
14VDC plugpack and 1m 6.5mm mono plug to
6.5mm mono plug lead. Ideal for schools,
churches, karaoke, weddings etc.
219 00
Cat: CS-2515
Cat: SL-2924
Wireless Microphone
than hiring
219 00
Cat: AM-4078
USB MIDI Interface
Connect any MIDI device to your computer: keyboards,
controllers, instruments, sound cards, samplers,
drum machines etc. Plug and play,
no software or drivers required.
MIDI in and MIDI out connectors.
39 95
Cat: XC-4934
• Wireless range: 60m
• Frequency response: 40Hz - 18kHz
• 210mm wide
Limited Stock
• Cable length 2m
Limited Stock
I.Mix Club USB DJ MIDI Controller
All the features professional DJs require, like anti-shock, cue and seamless looping.
Rack-Mount Dual DJ CD Player
Mix, play and scratch your own MP3 tracks directly from your PC. The i-Mix gives you the
control you lose when going from a traditional mixer to a laptop. It sends MIDI data from the
controller to your DJ software without the inconvenience of mouse control. Complete with LE
versions of Deckadance and Traktor 3 software. This is the ultimate tool for the performing DJ.
Loads of features. See website for full list.
• 2-deck controller
• USB powered, no extra power needed
• Totally portable, smaller and lighter
than a laptop
• 2 pro jog wheels
• Pitch, search and scratch
• 6 EQ filters with 6 kills
Player unit: 482(W) x 90(H) x 255(D)mm
Controller: 482(W) x 90(H) x 85(D)mm
Limited Stock
System requirements:
Windows XP SP2 or Vista
Pentium III or Athlon 1GHz
Dimensions: 360(W) x 202(H) x 45(D)mm
399 00
Cat: AM-4250
Rave Fog Machine
Produces clouds of white fog on demand. Fantastic for use with laser
light shows, mirror balls and other party lighting. Mains powered.
• 70 cubic metres/min fog output
• 800ml fog juice capacity
• Measures: 330(L) x 160(W) x 140(H)mm
• Backlit LCD
• Variable pitch control
• Full function IR remote control
• Tactile silicone rubber buttons
• Compatible with CD, CD-R,
• Anti-shock buffer memory
• Quality Japanese transports
99 95
Cat: AF-1214
399 00
Cat: AA-0491
DJ Mobile 19"
Rack Frame
With a total of 18 units available, you'll be able
to fit all your rack gear and keep it completely
portable. Ideal for DJs, PA techs, sound
engineers or guitarists with large rack setups.
The top section can be rotated through a range
of 45° for maximum flexibility. Sturdy steel
construction with castors.
• Steel construction
• Hardware included
• Dimensions: 530(W) x 1050(H) x 500(D)mm
Note: Equipment not included
1 litre Fog Juice sold
separately - AF-1212 $17.95
99 00
Cat: HB-6348
All savings are based on original recommended retail prices.
Learning Books & Kits
Short Circuits Learning Books
Since its inception, the Short Circuits learning system has become the
preferred platform from which students can confidently tackle the various
levels of modern electronics. All books in the series are geared towards
specific levels of electronic knowledge.
Short Circuits Volume 1 - BJ-8502
Acts as an introduction to electronics, absolutely NO
previous knowledge of electronics is needed!
• Soft cover - 96 pages
• 205 x 275mm
13 95
Cat: BJ-8502
Short Circuits Volume 2 - BJ-8504
Assumes the reader/constructor has knowledge
up to the end of Shorts Circuits Vol 1.
• Soft cover - full colour 148 pages
• 205 x 275mm
Short Circuits Volume 3 - BJ-8505
• Soft cover - full colour 128 pages
• 205 x 278mm
The WattsClever Power Monitor allows you to understand your
household power usage habits, and adjust them to reduce your
carbon footprint and your electricity bill. Includes display unit,
one sensor, transmitter unit, USB cable and mains power supply.
• Wireless range: 50m
• Frequency: 433MHz
• Displays entire household usage and cost
Cat: MS-6155
• Suitable for single or three phase
• Spare sensors required for 3-phase systems
(use 2 x MS-6156 - sold separately)
• Data logging via PC
• Downloadable software
• Time and temperature display
• Display unit: 140(H) x 90(W) x 70(D)mm
• Sensor unit: 120(L) x 70(W) x 30(H)mm Was $199
Electronics Demystified
Cat: BJ-8504
Extends the concept. After completing Volume 3,
there would be no reason why you couldn't tackle
virtually any construction project you desire!
Mains Power Monitor
This book starts at simple DC circuits, goes through AC
circuits, impedance, reactance, power supply concepts,
semiconductor basics, amplifiers, oscillators, RF,
telecommunications and finishes on antennas.
At the end of each chapter is a straightforward quiz
(multiple choice) to make sure you are on top of
concepts. This is the best-written technical book on
novice to moderately advanced electronics we
have seen.
• 480+ pages soft cover
• Dimensions: 230 x 185mm
19 95
37 95
Cat: BM-7106
Cat: BJ-8505
Full range of Kit projects sold separately.
High Performance
Electronic Projects
for Cars
This is a great book to find out all you need to know about
solar energy if you are looking to use it in your home,
caravan, or anywhere. You will learn about solar panels and
how they work, how electricity can work for you, solar
regulators, deep cycle batteries, inverters, panel mounting
and wiring, and maintenance and use. All delivered in a
comprehensive and up to date easy-reading manual.
Australia's leading electronics magazine Silicon Chip, has
developed a range of projects for performance cars. There are
16 projects in total, ranging from devices for remapping fuel
curves, to nitrous controllers, and more! The book includes all
instructions, components lists, colour pictures, and circuit
layouts. There are also chapters on engine management,
advanced systems and DIY modifications.
Over 150 pages! All the projects
are available in kit form.
Cat: BS-5080
•137 Pages, soft cover
• Full colour pictures
• Size: 254 x 183mm
38 95
Cat: BE-1532
Battery Zapper Mk III
Multi-Function Active Filter Module
The popular battery zapper kit has gone through a
couple of upgrades & this is the latest easier-to-build
version. Like the original project from 2005, it attacks a
common cause of failure in lead acid* batteries:
sulphation, which can send a battery to an early grave. The
circuit produces short bursts of high levels of energy to
reverse the sulphation effect. The battery condition checker
is no longer included and the circuit has been updated and
revamped to provide more reliable, long-term operation. It
still includes test points for a DMM & binding posts for a
battery charger. Not recommended for use with gel batteries.
A versatile active filter module that could be used as an active crossover in a speaker project, a low
pass filter for a subwoofer, or a high or band pass filter by changing a couple of jumper links. Being an
active circuit, you'll need to add a power supply (see specifications on our website) and
amplifiers for the drivers. Short form kit only. You'll need additional components
to configure it for your chosen power supply & operation frequency.
• Voltage gain: adjustable from 0 to 2x
• Filter slope: 24dB/octave or 80dB/decade
• Input impedance: 47kohms
• Supply voltage: ±15 - 60VDC dual rail,
12 - 30VDC single rail or 11 - 43VAC
Cat: KC-5480
• Current consumption: 40mA maximum
• PCB with overlay and all common components included
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine July 2009
• PCB with solder mask, overlay and components included
• Screen printed machined case • 6, 12 & 24VDC
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine July 2009
79 95
Cat: KC-5479
Lead Acid Battery Health Checker
10A12VDC Motor Speed Controller
The first versions of the battery zapper included a
checker circuit. The Mk III battery zapper
(KC-5479) has a separate checker circuit - and
this is it. It checks the health of SLA batteries prior
to charging or zapping with a simple LED condition
indication of fair, poor, good etc.
Ideal for controlling 12V DC motors in cars such as fuel injection pumps, water/air
intercoolers and water injection systems. You can also use
it for headlight dimming and for running 12V DC motors
in 24V vehicles. The circuit incorporates a soft start
feature to reduce inrush currents, especially on
12V incandescent lamps. Includes PCB and all
electronic components.
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine August 2009
• Overlay PCB and electronic
components included
• Case with machined and
silk-screened front panel
Refer: Silicon Chip Magazine June 1997
• Kit includes PCB plus all electronic components to
build the 10A version.
Cat: KC-5482
Free Call: 1800 022 888 for orders!
24 95
Cat: KC-5225
Cat II 4000 Count
Autoranging DMM
Cat II Autoranging DMM
This Cat II DMM is suitable for voltages
up to 600VAC and has 15mm high
digits for easy measurement. Features
include overload protection, 10A AC &
DC current, diode check, data hold,&
backlit display.
Just select the parameter you want to
measure and the meter chooses the
appropriate display range which you can
override manually if you want to. It also
does capacitance, frequency & diode test.
• Display: 4000 count
• Category: Cat II 600V
• Autoranging
Cat: QM-1535
• Data hold
• Relative measurement function
• Auto power-off
• Holster included
• 10A AC & DC
• Dimensions: 150(H) x 75(W) x 33(D)mm
• Display: 2000 count
• Category: Cat II 600V
• Data hold
• Back light
Cat: QM-1524
• Diode test
• Holster with stand & test probes
• Dimensions: 140(H) x
70(W) x 31(H)mm
Much cheaper than the hardware store and with 400 pieces, this kit
will service every bit you will ever need. Housed in a plastic case.
• 32 range
• Transistor test
• Diode test
• Audible continuity
• Temperature
• Capacitance
• Display: 2000 count
• Category: Cat II 600V
• Dimensions: 200(H) x
95(W) x 45(D)mm
29 95
Cat: QM-1320
Ultra compact, non-contact thermometer. IP67 rated so is ideal for
industrial and lab applications. LCD readout gives temperature in
Celsius or Fahrenheit. Batteries and lanyard included.
Contents includes sanding arbours, sanding belts, drill bits, collets,
assorted grinding stones and polishing wheels with arbours, TC and
diamond burrs, wire brushes, cutoff wheels, buffing mop with paste,
paint removing wheel, 250 sanding discs and more.
Features include extra large display with 25mm high digits,
frequency, temperature and transistor tester. Also included
is a protective holster with hanging clip
and tilting bail, low battery indicator,
overload protection & test leads.
Mini Non-Contact
IR IP67 Thermometer
Rotary Tool Bit Set - 400pc
• Case measures: 210(W) x
300(H) x 70(D)mm
Frequency DMM
• Measurement range: -33 - 110°C
(-27 - 230°F)
• Accuracy: ±1°C
• Response time: 1 second
• Size: 82(L) x 17(Dia)
59 95
Cat: TD-2456
39 95
Cat: QM-7218
IT & Comms
On-Line 1000VA 700W UPS
The UPS provides a perfectly clean sine wave output no matter what the mains throws at it.
You’re covered for surges, spikes, noise, brownouts and blackouts for as long as the
batteries last. A backlit LCD shows you the operating status and advises you
of any fault condition. It also provides an RS-232 interface so the
UPS can be connected to a computer and used with the included
management software. See website for full specifications.
• Pure sine wave output
• True on-line operation
• 2 x 240V outlets
• Software included
• Batteries: 2 x 12V 7Ah
Cat: MP-5210
• Backup power: 1000VA
• Backup time: 7 mins at 50% load
• Dimensions: 400(L) x 145(W) x 210(H)mm
Was $749.00
$50 00
• Standard QWERTY layout
• Washable and hygienic
• Supports Windows
• Size: 370(L) x 123(W) x 15(H)mm
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Bondi Junction Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Campbelltown Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Gore Hill
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Ph (02)
Sydney City
Ph (02)
Taren Point
Ph (02)
14 95
Cat: XC-5191
Life for business travellers and students just got a lot easier. Now you can
have a convenient roll-up keyboard to take on the road or to
lectures, and it’s wireless. Convenient size with splash
resistant keypad, so is ideal for harsh environments
or areas that have to be constantly cleaned
such as sawmills, factories, workshops,
food preparation areas.
A SATA Docking station loaded with features. Dock your 3.5 inch or
2.5 inch SATA HDD and it will instantly mount on your computer as an
external hard drive. It also features slots for a multitude of cards.
CF/SD/MS and their variations can all be read. It also has 2 USB ports.
An invaluable tool for cloning disks or debugging HDD problems.
• Up to 480Mbps transfer rate with USB 2.0
• Up to 3Gbps transfer rate with eSATA
Cat: XC-4692
Note: HDD not included
Tweed Heads
Mini Roll-Up Wireless Keyboard
2.5/3.5" SATA HDD
Dock with Card Reader
Portable USB-powered speakers for use with laptops,
desktop PCs or mobile music players. Contemporary,
space saving design with plug and play functionality.
Separate volume control, power switch and
headphone output, and as they're powered via your
computer's USB, there's no need to use a plug
pack or batteries.
• Frequency response: 160Hz - 20kHz
• Impedance: 6 ohms
• Power output: 1.8WRMS
• Dimensions: 154(H) x 75(W) x 36(D)mm
Australia Freecall Orders: Ph 1800 022 888
Compact PC Speakers
Ph (07) 5524 6566
Ph (02) 4226 7089
Maroochydore Ph (07) 5479 3511
Mermaid Beach Ph (07) 5526 6722
Ph (07) 4772 5022
Ph (07) 3841 4888
Woolloongabba Ph (07) 3393 0777
Ph (02) 6253 5700
Ph (02) 6239 1801
Ph (03) 6272 9955
Ph (03) 6334 2777
Ph (08) 8231 7355
Clovelly Park Ph (08) 8276 6901
Gepps Cross
Ph (08) 8262 3200
Ph (08) 9493 4300
Ph (08) 9250 8200
Ph (08) 9328 8252
Ph (08) 9592 8000
69 95
Cat: XC-5145
Ph (08) 8948 4043
Christchurch Ph (03) 379 1662
Ph (03) 471 7934
Ph (09) 444 4628
Ph (07) 846 0177
Ph (06) 876 0239
Ph (09) 263 6241
Ph (09) 377 6421
Palmerston Nth Ph (06) 353 8246
Ph (04) 801 9005
Freecall Orders Ph 0800 452 922
Prices valid to 23rd September ‘09
Free Call: 1800 022 888 for orders!
Why do such things only ever happen to me?
I try to avoid fixing computers when I can.
They can be a right royal pain in the youknow-what and this job was no exception.
Still, with CRT TV repairs rapidly going the
way of the VCR and the dinosaur, I can’t
afford to be choosy these days.
This job all started when the boss
of a local company brought in a computer that had been handed down to
him from one of his employees. Apparently, this employee needs a fairly
powerful machine for his work and so
his old computer is always inherited
by another staff member each time he
talks (or should that be cons?) his boss
into buying him a new machine.
This particular PC was a fairly respectable Pentium 3GHz machine with
1GB of memory, a fancy graphics card
and Windows XP Home as the operating system. But despite its specifications, it was running like a hairy goat.
It was slow to boot up and once up and
running, it was still painfully slow.
It also had a very noisy power supply fan, something not surprising in
a machine about four years old. The
noise apparently didn’t bother the
previous user who’s fairly casual about
such things but there was no way his
impatient type-A personality boss was
going to tolerate it. He wanted the
noise fixed and he wanted the operating system restored to full health so
that the machine ran properly.
When I subsequently fired it up, the
power supply fan was so noisy that I
decided to fix it immediately. How
ever, rather than swap the supply out
for a new one, I decided to replace
the fan itself with a good-quality ballbearing unit that I happened to have
on hand.
As a result, I removed the power
supply from the case, opened it up
and blew out the accumulated dust
using an air-compressor. It was then
just a matter of installing the new
fan and remounting the supply. I also
spent some time tidying up the supply
wiring and securing it with cable ties.
This not only looks neater but also allows the air to flow freely through the
chassis to keep things cool.
That completely cured the noisy fan
so that was one problem down. Now to
clean up the operating system. “This
will be a snack”, I thought. Silly me!
When it comes to computers, I should
have known better – a whole lot better.
To cut a long story short, I tried
cleaning up the operating system (OS)
by uninstalling all unwanted programs
and running various registry cleaners
but it still had problems. In the end,
it was obvious that the quickest way
Items Covered This Month
Resurrecting a computer
Sony camera & memory
JVC VM/PD-Z50DX4 plasma
LG 50PX4RA-TA plasma TV
Volvo 940 GLE electronic
out would be to reinstall the OS and
so I took a brief walk down the street
to the client’s office and picked up the
original XP install disk.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t also
find the disk that came with the
motherboard, which meant that the
motherboard drivers would have to be
downloaded from the net. That would
be no big deal – finding the relevant
drivers for a Gigabyte motherboard
is easy.
Back at the ranch, I reformatted the
hard disk and then installed Windows
XP and the motherboard drivers which
I’d downloaded on another machine.
I then applied the service packs after
which I connected the machine to the
Internet in order to install the latest
security updates. And that’s when I hit
hardware problem number two – the
PCI network card suddenly stopped
This was rather puzzling as the
network card had initially worked
perfectly. Now, after installing some
September 2009 57
Serr v ice
man’s Log – continued
security updates plus Java and a few
routine utility programs, the driver
was refusing to load.
In fact, each time the machine now
started up, Windows XP would announce that it had found new hardware (ie, the network card) and would
prompt for the driver installation.
Device Manager also showed that the
network card was present but that the
driver had failed to load, as indicated
by a yellow exclamation mark next to
the device entry.
No problem, I thought – just reinstall the driver. The only problem
was it wouldn’t let me, the machine
stubbornly refusing to recognise the
driver each time I attempted to install
it. Swapping the network card into one
of my own XP machines gave the same
result, so I swapped in an identical
network card which the company kept
as a spare but that didn’t work either.
Grasping at straws, I then tried
reserving the IRQ for the PCI slot that
the card was plugged into. Again it
made no difference and I had now run
out of ideas.
Well, almost – it was time to take the
easy way out (something I’m very good
58 Silicon Chip
at). I ducked down to the computer
store, grabbed a $12 generic network
card and popped it in. It worked immediately, with XP discovering the
card on boot-up and automatically
installing the driver.
So what was stopping the other
network card from working? I “dunno”
and what’s more I don’t want to know.
Life’s too short to worry about it.
A nasty surprise
By now, everything was starting
to look hunky-dory but this machine
still had some nasty surprises in store.
The next morning was cold and frosty
and when I turned the machine on it
refused to start. Instead, it just gave
out a long beep followed by two short
beeps and the power LED was flashing on and off. I left it on and then,
after about five minutes, the machine
started up and worked normally.
Why do such things only ever happen to me? There are literally thousands of ways of making a living in
this world and I had to pick this one!
A quick call to the company revealed that the machine had been
regularly doing this for about three
years. It was perfectly OK during the
summer months but as soon as the
temperature dropped below about
20°C, it would always initially refuse
to start. The staff member who was
using the machine didn’t care – he simply came in, switched the machine on
and waited patiently for the five or six
minutes it took to warm up. This guy
is never going to die of hypertension.
But there’s no way that this delayed start-up would be tolerated by
the boss. Instead, he would be more
likely to blow a gasket and drop-kick
the machine out the door and into the
OK, this had to be some sort of temperature-sensitive fault so I removed
the cover and took a look inside. And
that’s when I spotted two electrolytic
capacitors (3300µF 6.3V) with bulging tops on the motherboard. These
capacitors were located close to some
supply regulators and this particular
brand are infamous for causing problems in motherboards of this vintage.
They just had to be the reason for
the delayed start-up in cold weather,
so I removed the motherboard and
replaced them. And while I was at
it, I replaced four other similar electrolytics as well. Of course, this is no
5-minute job and you have to be careful removing the capacitors so as not
to damage the board.
The machine started normally when
it was all back together again but by
now the workshop was nice and warm.
That meant I couldn’t be sure whether
the delayed start-up problem had been
fixed or not but by now I was feeling
pretty confident.
It only took until next morning to
find out that the problem was still
there. Once again, when turned on, the
machine gave one long beep and two
short beeps and then sat there with the
power LED flashing. I switched it off
immediately while the fault was still
present, so it didn’t have a chance to
warm up.
This time I did what I should have
done in the first place. I downloaded
the manual for the motherboard from
the Internet and looked up the “beep
codes”. This indicated a problem with
the video card.
Encouraged by this, I replaced the
video card with a similar one from one
of my own PCs and guess what – the
machine now started normally. I then
swapped the two video cards back and
forth several times to confirm the result
and each time the original card went
back in, the machine refused to start.
In the end, I left my card in the
machine and that completely cured
the cold start-up problem. However,
the bulging motherboard capacitors
would certainly have caused problems
of their own further down the track,
so replacing them was hardly a wasted
Acting out of curiosity, I plugged
their supposedly faulty video card
into my own machine and was rather
surprised when it immediately started
up. It started the next morning as
well despite the weather being quite
cold and what’s more, it has kept on
Why? I “dunno” again and what’s
more I don’t want to know again. As
long as the problem is fixed, then
I’m happy. It’s just chaos theory in
IE is crashing
By now, you would expect that that
would be the end of it but this computer had one more poke in the eye left
for me. After using it for a short time,
it became apparent that Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) was unstable. For some
reason, it would crash frequently, at
the same time indicating a fault in
either mshtml.dll or ntdll.dll – and
this on a fresh install!
I trawled the net and found lots of
references to these two “.dll” files but
nothing seemed to be all that relevant
to this situation. I tried several suggestions without success and eventually
decided to uninstall IE8 and see if
that solved the problem. This takes
you back to IE6 which I immediately
upgraded to IE7 but the instability
problem was still there.
Next, I tried installing Firefox and
discovered that this worked normally.
However, I wasn’t about to give up on
IE8, as it worked on my own computers
without any problems.
I trawled the net some more and
eventually found a recommendation from someone to uninstall and
reinstall the Flash Player. I did that
and that was the cure, with IE8 now
functioning perfectly. Apparently, it
had been falling over on web pages
with Flash content, probably due to a
corrupted file.
And that finally was it. Unfortunately, due to the time spent, I didn’t
make a lot of money from the job and
so I really could do with another $900
stimulus payment. I’m not holding my
breath though.
My new camera
I am no whiz when it comes to
photography and, until recently, have
been using a Sony Cybershot DSC-P8
3.2-megapixel digital camera to take all
my photos. This was bought secondhand about five years ago and it has
been a great little camera. However,
as I have grown older, my hands have
become shakier and the long delay
between pressing the button and the
shutter closing (especially in poor
light conditions) often now results in
blurred pictures.
In view of this, I recently decided
to upgrade to a new camera which
would eliminate this problem. The
choice was mind-blowing, with the
technology increasing exponentially
with price.
In the end, I settled on a very
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September 2009 59
Serr v ice
man’s Log – continued
diagram for this power supply, so I
persevered without any data available.
However, the only things I could find
that were faulty were two open circuit
10Ω 5W resistors in the Power Factor
Control circuit.
In the end, there was nothing else for
it but to fork out $700 for a new power
supply which the client agreed to!
LG plasma TV
nice Sony Cybershot DSC-W290, a
12.1-megapixel camera with a 3-inch
(76mm) LCD screen. Even more importantly, it has a gyroscope on the lens
as well as digital stability correction.
Together these two features should
more than compensate for my shakes.
I don’t really need 12.1 megapixels,
the 3.2 megapixels from the old camera
being easily enough for my requirements. However, 12.1 megapixels is
nice to have, the downside being that
file sizes are much larger.
The new camera didn’t come with
memory sticks, so I had to purchase
them separately. And because of the
large file sizes, I had to buy much larger
sticks than the ones I had been using
with the old camera.
Previously, I had used 256MB sticks
but now I was getting 8GB and 16GB
memory sticks, both Sony PRO Duo
MagicGate Mark 2.
However, when I got everything
home, the 16GB stick wouldn’t work
in the new camera. Instead, it was
giving a “Cannot Access the Memory
Stick” error and was instructing me
to “Reinsert the Memory Stick”, with
“Error C:13:01” also on the screen. The
latter code indicates a formatting error
so I tried reformatting it, initially with
the camera and then on the computer
using format y:/FS:FAT/A:8192 which
also redefines the cluster size from
512B to 8kB.
60 Silicon Chip
In both cases, it still would not work
but when I put the memory stick from
my old camera into the new camera, it
worked fine. Adding to my frustration,
the new memory sticks worked fine
in the old camera and all the sticks
worked fine when plugged into the
USB ports of a computer.
The 8Gb stick gave a different error
message when plugged into the new
camera. In this case, the error was
“Memory stick may not record or play”
but if you pressed OK on the camera,
everything then worked fine.
So go figure. Only chaos theory fits
JVC plasma TV
A 127cm JVC VM/PD-Z50DX4 plas
ma TV with a MultiMedia Box was
brought in DOA (Dead On Arrival).
Removing the covers revealed a
complicated power supply roughly
similar to the Toshiba 42WL58A
described last month. The primary
power supply generates +370V, +5V,
+7V & +12V rails and these were all
there. However, the +Vs (65V) and +Va
(+185V) rails were absent.
The sub power supply produced
the standby +5V rail which feeds the
Media Box, which then feeds
back to turn on the rest of the primary
power supply. This control voltage
was there.
I was unable to obtain a circuit
I was recently called out to service a
2005 LG 50PX4RA-TA 127cm plasma
TV. The client complained that while
she was watching, the set suddenly
made a loud “pop” noise and then the
picture went off.
When I arrived, the set switched on
OK from red LED to yellow to green
and the sound was fine but, just as
the client said, there was no picture.
There was nothing for it but to take
this large and rather heavy TV back
to the workshop.
After removing the 40,000 or so
screws to get the rear cover off, I
started measuring the supply voltages
plus other voltages on the circuit but
these were all there and within tolerance. What’s more, all the fuses were
OK, the fans were working and none
of the heatsinks became excessively
hot, even after the set had been on for
30 minutes.
This symptom and similar ones like
dark pictures sometimes occur with
the 104cm models and normally a replacement SUS-KIT (Y, Z and Control)
fixes the problem. However, there are
also a lot more clues like flashing red
LEDs, blown fuses and missing or low
voltages. In this case, none of these
symptoms were noticeable and they
don’t make a SUS-KIT for this model.
In the end, a new Y-SUS and Z-SUS
board fixed the problem. These boards
are completely different from those in
the smaller size LG plasmas.
What’s wrong with Newcastle?
The following story on car electronics comes from one of our readers, J.
E. of Canberra. I’ll let him tell it in his
own words . . .
This story is about a weird electronic fault in a 1990 Volvo 940 GLE.
The speedometer appeared to be allergic to Newcastle, NSW, in that it
would fail a short time after getting
to Newcastle and then start working
again soon after returning home to
Canberra. Unfortunately, the fault also
affected the cruise control because the
cruise control receives its input from the speedometer.
In operation, the speedometer receives its input signal
from an inductive pick-up in the differential. After some
investigation, a mechanic found that the cable between
the differential and the car body was intermittent. Unfortunately, fixing this did not fix the problem.
The genuine Volvo workshop manual costs around
$500. However, I was able to get copies of a few diagrams of the dashboard, so I decided to investigate the
problem myself.
The first task was to check the signal at the input to
the dashboard using a voltmeter (sitting an oscilloscope
in the car was just not practical). This confirmed that the
incoming signal was always present, so that seemed to
eliminate anything outside the dashboard.
The speedometer is mounted on the dashboard backplane and the only component related to the speedometer
is a resistor (presumably to provide current to the inductive pick-up in the differential). This resistor measured
correctly which suggested that the problem must be in
the speedometer itself.
The speedometer uses two PC boards, each about the
diameter of the speedometer dial and mounted behind
it. Now, I have had significant electronics experience but
that was a long time ago and the lack of serviceability of
the unit combined with its $1000 new price-tag scared
me (my hands are not as steady as they used to be and
my eyesight has deteriorated).
Unfortunately, the professional “speedometer fixers”
didn’t want anything to do with an electronic speedometer. However, I was able to find a local electronics
service centre that does quite a bit of work fixing ABS
electronics. Even better, the owner also had a Volvo
940 GLE with the same problem, so he was particularly
interested in fixing my problem because it would give
him the solution to his.
He soon found that a number of electrolytic capacitors
on the PC boards were faulty and replacing them fixed
the problem. In fact, they had leaked and it appears
that the residue is hygroscopic and conducts when not
entirely dry. Newcastle is on the coast and I assume that
the humidity got into the residue and shunted the signal,
causing the speedometer to fail. Conversely, in Canberra
the residue presumably dries off, the signal in no longer
shunted and the speedometer works again.
Professionally Designed and engineered
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September 2009 61
Phone: 02 9798 9233
138 Liverpool Road, Ashfeild, NSW, 2131
Not just pretty . . .
pretty smart!
We’ve received a range of small PC
boards from SchmartBoard which are
claimed to make applications involving SMD chips almost child’s play.
The patent-pending technology of
SchmartBoards has the solder mask
higher than the solder pads, which
allows the chips to be easily held in
place as their legs are in the grooves.
Along with a general-purpose
SMD Schmartboard (bottom right)
and a general-purpose 0.8mm pitch
thru-hole board (bottom left, with
wires) the photo at right also shows
Schmartboard’s Power Module board
(left), Parallax Propellor Board (blue),
8-bit PIC Development Board (black)
and RS-232 Module (red). Neither of
the microcontroller boards have the
microcontroller chip (you choose the
one you want); similarly the power
supply module is waiting for the appropriate 78xx regulator.
Like many products these days,
information packed with the modules
is relatively scant but URLs direct you
to the relevant pages of the Schmart-
board website where you should find
everything you need to know . . . and
much more!
Schmartboard Connections
131 Palm Beach Drive, Patterson Lakes, 3197
Tel: (03) 9017 3194
Thermal-imaging camera priced as everyday tool
Emona Instruments has launched the Dali TE thermal imaging
camera. For the first time thermal imaging cameras can be regarded
as an everyday tool rather than a high priced instrument with limited
use by consultants and specialist engineers.
The Dali TE has a 160 x 120 resolution thermal imaging camera
with a temperature range of -20°C to +250°C and laser pointer. It is
ideal as a service tool for everyday electrical, industrial and HVAC
applications and is priced to allow every technician to have one in
their toolbox.
The TE offers a number of measurement modes, including moveable sport, moveable area (maximum, minimum and average), Isotherm and alarm function. It also provides a choice of three palettes.
Emissivity is variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or can be selected from a
pre-defined materials list. Around 100 images complete with measure-
ment data, can be stored on the
built-in flash memory and are
downloaded to PC via USB.
The thermal images are
saved as 14-bit radiometric
jpegs. Battery life is three hours and the unit
is supplied with two Li-Ion rechargeable battery
modules and intelligent fast charger.
The TE is supplied
with “Dali Infrared Contact:
Reporter” software, a Emona Instruments
full function reporting PO Box 15, Camperdown NSW 1450
and analysis software Tel: (02) 9519 3933 Fax: (02) 9550 1378
Av-comm’s “Pacific Satellite News”
If you want to keep up with the very
latest satellite news and information in
this part of the world, you’ll find no better source that the monthly newsletter,
“Pacific Satellite News”.
It’s prepared and distributed by AvComm Pty Ltd whose principal, Garry Cratt,
is regarded as one of Australia’s leading
exponents in the field.
It contains news on free-to-air and pay
TV services, satellite launches and delays,
industry snippets and most importantly,
up-to-date satellite program listings with
62 Silicon Chip
the data you need to watch them!
There are also adverts from several satellite
reception equipment suppliers.
They also offer a library of back issues
on CD. For more information, to arrange a
subscription or even to get a FREE sample
back-issue, contact Av-Comm direct.
Av-Comm Pty Ltd
24/9 Powells Road, Brookvale NSW 2100
Tel: (02) 9939 4377 Fax: (02) 9939 4376
Cleverscope high speed charting
Cleverscopes’ new charting module
for the CS328A Oscilloscope Cleverscope adds 1 Mega Samples/s charting
It streams captured signals to the
hard drive at up to 1 Mega Samples/s
until the hard drive is full.
Powerful compression techniques
make for snappy viewing of the signal
which may be up to hundreds of Giga
samples in length.
Using a moving average filter, the
100MS/s captured signal is compressed down to the range 1 S/s to 1
MS/s with better than 14-bit ENOB,
yielding unsurpassed dynamic range
at this storage rate.
Navigating the captured signal is
fast and easy. The zoomed Tracking
graph follows the Scope graph tracer
to see the big picture and the detail
28 Ranfurly Rd, Epsom, Auckland NZ
Tel: (649) 524 7456 Fax: (649) 524 7457
New Fluke RLD2 UV leak detector
flashlight uncovers leaks instantly
Designed for use by HVAC, plant maintenance and automotive technicians, using the new RLD2 UV leak detector flashlight
technicians can uncover refrigerant leaks instantly, then use the
laser pointer to pinpoint the exact leak location. With 100,000
hours of LED flashlight life and four operating modes, this versatile leak detector is a must-have for HVAC and A/C technicians.
The detector has four modes for all flashlight and leak detecting
needs, six bright UV/blue LEDs, which highlight leak detection
dyes, so leaks are found quickly and easily plus a laser pointer that
clearly locates the centre of
the UV/blue field to pinpoint Contact:
leak location.
Fluke Australia Pty Ltd
It also incorporates a bright Unit 26, 7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill, 2154
3-LED flashlight with a lock fea- Tel: (02) 8850 3333 Fax: (02)-8850-3300
ture, to hold on the flashlight beam
Basslink commences
telecoms link service
Basslink, the high voltage DC interconnect between Tasmania and the
mainland (see SILICON CHIP, Sept 08),
has launched the Basslink Telecoms
For the first time, Tasmanians –
through their ISPs – will be able to
choose a provider to carry high bandwidth telecommunications across the
fibre link between Tasmania and the
The new network brings infrastructure-based competition in backhaul
to Tasmanian businesses and households, giving much greater access to
high capacity broadband services.
New PIC18F/LF1XK22
with nW XLP
Technology Inc
has announced
a new family of
8-bit PIC microcontrollers
featuring nan o Wa t t X L P
Technology, which enables extremely
low sleep currents. The high-performance, low-power PIC18F13K22,
PIC18LF13K22, PIC18F14K22 and
PIC18LF14K22 (PIC18F1XK22) MCUs
are available in 20-pin packages and
provide 1.8 to 5.5V operation, with up
to 16Kbytes Flash program memory.
The devices feature an enhanced peripheral set that includes support for
mTouch capacitive touch sensing and
are well suited for a variety of generalpurpose applications.
nanoWatt XLP Technology allows
the PIC18LF1XK22 MCUs to operate
longer using less power, or with fewer
battery changes, by enabling sleep current of 34nA, typical at 1.8V; Timer1
oscillator currents of 800nA, typical
at 1.8v, 32kHz and Watchdog Timer
currents of 300nA, typical at 1.8V.
Most low-power applications require one or more of these features and
nanoWatt XLP Technology combines
all of them into one device in the “LF”
versions of the PIC18F1XK22 family.
Microchip Technology Australia
PO Box 260, Epping, NSW 1710.
Tel:(02) 9868 6733 Fax:(02) 9868 6755
Billion’s Gigabit switch beats network blockages
Network specialist Billion has released a $99
8-port Gigabit (Gb) switch to meet the increasing need for high-speed performance
from home networks. While switches are
often neglected as pedestrian plumbing for a
computer network, no one disputes the benefit
of top quality plumbing when their toilet gets blocked!
The Billion BiPAC GS08 is a low-cost, high-performance switch which handles wired
connections through its eight 1Gb Ethernet ports. It avoids network blockages caused by
gamers on the PS/3 or X-Box 360 competing the TiVo downloading movies or parents
trying to do their Internet banking. The Billion BiPAC GS08 uses a non-blocking architecture that supports every switch port at fullduplex capacity, backing all eight ports with
a 16Gbps backbone link. The unit also has
PC Range
integrated Smart Power Saving technology
19 Aldenhoven Rd, Lonsdale, SA 5160
that enables your network to save power by
Tel: (08) 8186 1800 Fax: (08) 8186 0222
as much as 60%, saving both power and
September 2009 63
Here’s a FREE graphics program to make your
Imagine being able to produce a professional quality diagram
such as the one shown above to show how a circuit was laid out
on a breadboard. You can – and the software to do it is FREE! And
despite the name, it’s not limited to PICAXE circuits, it’s universal!
e shouldn’t have to tell you how incredibly ver- but to make it nice and simple for anyone else (magazine
satile breadboards (also known as “Protoboards” editors included!) to understand.
are when it comes to designing, developing and
Professionals are one thing but newcomers hesitantly
troubleshooting electronics circuits.
following circuits “paint by number” style may especially
We often use them here at SILICON CHIP when developing benefit from lucid layouts.
projects for the magazine and we encourage readers of all
Typically these will be students learning about practical
levels to use these quite cheap and widely-available aids. electronics (often under tight syllabus and time constraints),
But what if your design doesn’t quite work as intended when very clear circuit layouts may be appreciated as a
and you start looking for help – perhaps on-line.
confidence booster.
You’re going to need to transfer the design onto paper,
In spite of today’s ease of digital imaging, pictorial reor at least into a format that someone else can easily read quests may however meet with some reluctance, perhaps
and hopefully trouble-shoot.
due to the untidy nature of hook-up wiring. Well – let’s
Or perhaps it does work exactly as you’d hoped and you face it – often it IS messy!
want to share your brilliant design with the world (maybe
Even some old hands are wary about posting public
even get it published in
photos of their new super
SILICON CHIP?) It’s essenOriginal “Virtual Breadboard” software: Ray Wilson duper layout, as they
tial that a clear, lucid repfeel the wiring may be
resentation is presented, PEBBLE development and article author: Wayne Geary scorned.
Additional material: Stan Swan and Ross Tester
not only to avoid errors
At least one’s soldering
64 Silicon Chip
breadboarding easy . . .
will not be criticised with solder-less
breadboards! Although long established
for versatile and rapid prototyping, these
breadboards still take time to populate,
with associated wire stripping and neat
component layouts requiring a focused
mind and steady hand.
When wrangling components under
pressure, perhaps as a stressed teacher
organising course work or a student Going way back,
meeting project deadlines, confusing this is a valve “crystal
set” radio receiver. Many, many
“rat’s nest” layouts may result.
millions of radio and electronics
Well, now there’s a way to produce
enthusiasts have “cut their teeth” breadsuperb breadboard layouts in just a few boarding circuits just like this one or more recently,
minutes – thanks to new JavaScript- with diode-based crystal sets!
based software known as PEBBLE
(PICAXE Electronic Bread Board Layout
Emulator). This totally free program has appeal for newcom- and straighten the leads. A 1964 patent describes a wooden
ers, old hands in the electronics field and even (or perhaps plate breadboard with mounted springs and other facilities.
especially?) school electronic courses.
Some early commercial electronic kit “boards” had a
While the title includes the word “PICAXE”, it is stressed cardboard or plastic base with a series of springs arranged
that the program is equally useful in general and digital in a matrix and the component leads were slid between
electronic fields. Besides, “PEBBLE” has a much better ring the turns of the springs to secure them mechanically and
to it than does “EBBLE”!
electrically. These were still readily available in the 1980s
There’s something compulsive about a neat looking and 90s; indeed it is still possible to buy such things today
breadboard circuit that makes you want to go and build it. as part of multi-circuit electronics project kits.
Compared with gathering the tools to wrestle with a lashed
All this brings us to today’s classic, usually white or
up soldered version, a lucid “birds eye view” breadboard bone-coloured plastic pluggable breadboard, as illustrated
layout tends to encourage even the most hesitant assem- in this article. It was designed by Ronald J Portugal of EI
Instruments Inc. in 1971. The author purchased his first
breadboard of this type in the late 1970’s having 30 rows
Breadboards and their advantages
of two groups of five holes and two rows of holes along
“Breadboards” got their name from the way electron- each side for power rails.
ics circuits were often lashed together on a piece of scrap
The breadboard has a matrix of holes in the top, one tenth
softwood, sometimes using small brass nails hammered of an inch apart (most multi-pin components are based on
into the board as anchor/solder points.
the Imperial measurement). Inside there are sprung metal
Occasionally, beginners misunderstood the term and strips which electrically link groups of holes together in
actually pinched mum’s good breadboard to hammer nails a known pattern.
into and connect components – with predictable (and often
When a component lead is pushed into one of the holes
painful!) results.
it slides between the copper fingers at each side of the hole
Some early breadboards in the days of vacuum tube cir- which makes electrical contact. When a second component
cuits (valves) used point-to-point wiring and later circuits lead is pushed into another hole in the same group then
used tag strips mounted to the board, onto which compo- the two component leads make electrical contact. A typinents were soldered to the various tags.
cally breadboard has one or two rows of holes down each
Other examples had an insulating sheet with a series side that are generally used for the power supply rails.
of tags or pins along the two long sides between which Between these two sets of power supply rails are rows
components were soldered.
of holes, normally arranged as two groups of five with a
The downside of these early breadboards was that the re- central gap. The gap is two holes wide and suits most of
use of components could be difficult due to need to desolder the DIP integrated circuits.
As discussed in this article, here’s a
five-way tagstrip . . .
. . . and two types of tagboards.
All three of these were very popular
methods of construction before PC boards
became the more preferred method.
September 2009 65
Again, back in the pre-PC board
days, construction methods were
usually either point-to-point (ie,
from component to component
where possible) but also involved
the use of tagstrips to also mount
components on.
One prime advantage of the breadboard is that no soldering is required,
which removes the safety risk (eg,
of burns). Other advantages are that
components can quickly be changed
for circuit adjustment, there is no
damage from soldering and desoldering so that components can be
re-used many times over and time to
develop or change a circuit is faster
than a soldered board.
As such, a circuit can be constructed and tested quickly to prove
operation before moving to more
permanent prototyping boards and
ultimately designing and assembling final project circuits
on custom-designed printed circuit boards.
For these reasons, many hobbyists, electronics labs and
in particular schools make use of breadboards. In the school
environment, safety with hot soldering irons and the short
time available to perform an electronics lab session make
the use of breadboards virtually paramount.
What is (and is not!) PEBBLE?
PEBBLE is a software program that gives a visual or
pictorial simulation of a circuit layout on a protoboard. It
does not design the circuit for you, nor does it show any
errors you have made.
If, for example, you connect the battery the wrong way
around and your errors are copied by those who then build
the circuit, the smoke will escape just the same!
It enables the user to show the layout of a circuit being assembled on a breadboard or protoboard. The visual
representation includes the wiring and a range of discrete
electronic components, integrated circuits and even a range
of off-board components.
It was originally intended as an aid to producing PICAXE
circuits, therefore PEBBLE features an extensive range of
PICAXE chips and many of the more frequent support
chips, all of which have the pin designations shown against
each pin.
But it’s grown into much more than a PICAXE aid. It’s now
universal and can be used with virtually any breadboard/
protoboard circuit. There is a range of general-purpose DIP
format IC chip layouts for those occasions when the chip
Above is the opening screen of PEBBLE. The 23-way board
is the default but you can change it as you wish. At right is
the component menu – just drag and drop those required.
66 Silicon Chip
you are working with is not
Included is a range of comincluded in the default packponents suited to the PICAXE
age library of components.
microcontroller community.
PEBBLE does not incorAfter some months of hard
porate any animation. If you
work including a number of
must have animation, there
preliminary releases for othare several commercially
ers to trial, Version 2.2 was
available packages which
incorporate animation and
Now in version 2.4 (even if
operational emulation.
our screen shots show 2.3!), it
Commercial programs inincorporates some recommenclude PICAXE VSM by Rev
dations from members of the
Ed for £50, Yenka ElectronPICAXE community includics by (Crocodile
ing well respected educator
technology) at $825 for a small
and frequent S ILICON C HIP
school site license), Virtual
contributor Stan Swan.
Breadboard by Virtualbread- Here’s how the component holes are connected together
The original package, and the National internally in a typical breadboard/protoboard. Others may cupied 354 Kbytes of disk
Instruments Multisim “Elec- only have one supply rail top and bottom.
space and contained a total
tronic Workbench” for $909
of 54 files. The program infor a single user for 1 year or
corporated a single 23 row
$27225 for a college license. Some of these commercial breadboard as a working “surface” with single orientation
products may have a free limited version available for general 8, 14 and 16-pin DIP IC packages, a single size of
trial purposes.
resistor, a single type of capacitor, a single colour horizontal
PEBBLE is not a trial – for your money ($0.00) you get format only LED, a single size and type diode package, and
the complete working version. Schools will be lining up wires that could only be aligned to the breadboard holes.
for this one!
While Ray Wilson has subsequently incorporated some
of the changes started by the Author (for example 38-row
Origins of PEBBLE
bread boards) and a few of the simple suggestions put forA US audio enthusiast by the name of Ray Wilson cre- ward by PICAXE community members, Ray, being primarily
ated a program called Virtual Breadboard to aid him and analog-oriented was happy to leave development into the
his followers in the analog and audio fields. This program digital and PICAXE realms to an enthusiast in that field.
had a rather limited repertoire of components and wires.
PEBBLE at Version 2.4 occupies 3.6MB of disk space and
Earlier this year, the author contacted Ray Wilson for contains a total of 461 files.
permission to take the core from the Virtual Breadboard
What PEBBLE includes
program and create a program package aimed at the general
and digital electronics enthusiast.
PEBBLE has an extensive repertoire of components,
Dragging the DIP IC image to the breadboard, then (right
click) editing to insert label text and selecting the “Picaxe
14M” to display the IC with pin identification”
Composite image showing the editing features for various
types of light emitting diodes (at the left) and signal/power
diodes (at the right).
September 2009 67
• approximately 40 breadboard permutations,
• numerous DIP integrated circuits in 8 pin sizes,
• resistors in four physical sizes,
• capacitors in four types with each in three sizes,
• LEDs in five colours and four orientations,
• diodes in two packages with three sizes,
• transistors in two package formats and four orientations.
• terminal strips in various formats including some generic
SIL plug-in modules which use terminals strips,
• four switch formats,
• and extensive range of other components including
LDR’s, thermistors, resonators, piezo sounders, potentiometers, trimpots, LCD modules, various battery combinations, keypads, relays and assorted motors including
a servo-motor.
Breadboards are provided in 23, 30, 38, 44 and 50-hole
lengths. In addition to the ubiquitous white breadboard
there are several in alternative colours such as some light
blue variants which provide better contrast for many components. There are boards available in formats with single
and dual power rail per side.
One breadboard variant is based upon the complete DSE
H-6505 prototyping board, a second is based on the DSE
H-6513 fibreglass prototyping board while a third is based
upon the Kiwi Patch Board (KPB).
While not exactly a breadboard in the visible sense, there
is a separate off-board area provided below the displayed
breadboard with a similar but invisible, hole spacing for
the positioning of typical related breadboard components
such as toggle switches, LCD modules, motors and batteries. The invisible hole spacings are the same as the visible
breadboard area.
There is also a specialised version of a 23-row white
breadboard with coloured polarity indication for the power
Flexible wire editing allows colour selection, wire
positioning and compact grouping with the offset wire
68 Silicon Chip
rails, a small off-board patch area at the right end having
visible holes/connections points and a pre-wired battery
box (including three AA cells) for a quick-start format for
learners and school applications where time in getting
newcomers under way is critical.
DIP IC packages
From the humble beginnings for DIP IC packages with
just a single orientation in 8, 14 and 16 pins, PEBBLE has
an extensive range providing 27 DIP packages.
These include 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28 and 40pin formats and can be orientated with pin 1 to the bottom
left or the top right. Each size is available as a general DIP
package for use when a specific IC is not available.
A full range of PICAXE chips in the 8 to 40-pin range
is provided. The ubiquitous 555 timer IC is also included.
Frequent support chips such as RTC’s (DS1307 and similar), EEPROM (24LC series), i2c Expanders (MCP23017),
Darlington transistor packages (ULN2803), H-driver package (L293D), various other packages such as the 74HC595
shift register and 4000 series IC’s for counters and BCD
to 7-segment drivers. Finally there is a typical 7-segment
display (FND500 series).
Discrete components:
Resistors are available in four physical sizes and two
orientations (horizontal and vertical).
The colour bands on the resistors are active and change
to reflect the selected resistance value.
Capacitors are provided in polyester “greencap”, radial
and single-ended electrolytics and tantalum packages.
Capacitors can be oriented in four directions to account
for polarity and three sizes for each package. Capacitance
value can be included as a notation displayed across the
body of the component image.
Diodes are provided in both glass (orange colour) and
plastic (black colour), each in four orientations to account
A large range of breadboards/protoboards are available
from the selector below the component menu.
for diode polarity. The text colour for diode type notation/
labelling realistically reflects the typical colours on these
diode packages.
LEDs are available in five colours and four orientations.
Terminal strips are available in a number of different
formats including header sockets and header pins and
screw type. General terminal strips come in lengths from
2 to 9 terminals/pins per strip. Longer presentations can
be provided by placing shorter strips end to end.
Under the terminal category are included some specialised items which includes a series of Single-In-Line (SIL)
modules with from two to nine terminals, a typical mini
stereo socket as used for PICAXE micro-controller programming and the RevEd AXE029 modules intended for plugging
onto a breadboard for ease of programming.
One can of course still lay out a PICAXE programming
circuit on the breadboard using the standard 10k and
22k resistors.
Miscellaneous components currently include some 12
device types including LDR, thermistor, clock crystal,
resonator, potentiometers and trimpots (both in two orientations), batteries in eight formats from two to four AA cells
a 9V battery and a CR3032 3V Lithium cell, 2x16 character
LCD modules with serial, i2c and parallel connections, two
sizes of keypads, two relay images and several motors: DC,
uni-polar and bi-polar steppers plus a servo motor.
Switches are provided in four basic packages being SP
momentary push button, SPST toggle, SPDT toggle and
DIP switch. The pushbutton and toggle switches are provided in four orientations. DIP switches are available as a
hexadecimal rotary 6-pin package and from two to nine
switches in a single DIP package.
the resistor colour code) and with horizontal and vertical
orientations aligning with the breadboard holes.
Selections now available include:
• wire ends to be bare (for insertion into a hole) or insulated
for continuation in a new direction;
• the body of the wire to be offset vertically and horizontally
from the breadboard holes by one-third of a row so two
wires can be run between the rows of holes:
• wire ends that start and end straight or turned left/up
or down/right;
• wire end alignment to three positions as left/up from hole
lines, on the hole lines, or right/down from hole lines.
Note tabs
Small one and three-line note tabs are available, akin to
post-it note strips, that can have some (short) text on them
as indicators or for information. Note tabs are not restricted
to alignment with holes and can be placed anywhere on
the screen.
Memory/screen resolution
Wires are an area where extensive permutations have been
incorporated. The original scheme started with wires available in ten colours (as black, brown, red, orange etc akin to
PEBBLE version 2.4 is a 3.6MB package comprising an
HTML program front end and a series of JavaScript files with
various functions for the internal applications and utilities
which make up PEBBLE and finally a library of component
images. The bulk of the memory required is taken up by the
component library.
PEBBLE runs under a JavaScript-enabled browser. It has
been tested by the Author with Internet Explorer 7 and
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.11. PEBBLE may function with other
web browsers but has not been tested by the author. Note
that the browser must allow JavaScripts to operate.
(Editor’s note: we can also confirm it runs perfectly on
Google Chrome!).
Ideally, the screen resolution should be at least 1280
x 1024. The following provides a guide on what can be
achieved/seen with various screen resolutions.
A minimal PICAXE 08M circuit to allow programming and
operation on the breadboard with battery supply. The circuit
matches the insert schematic from the PICAXE manual.
Adding a pushbutton switch (digital input) and
potentiometer (analog input) to the PICAXE circuit in the
image at the left.
Breadboard wiring
September 2009 69
breadboard is fully visible and the breadboard plus the
entire off-board component area is also visible without
scrolling once the titles at the top of the screen are scrolled
out of the way.
For longer breadboards, a screen resolution width of 1440
pixels is required for a 44-row breadboard and a width of
1600 pixels is required for a 50-row breadboard without
the need to scroll horizontally.
Just imagine trying to draw out this rats-nest in the
conventional way: the likelihood of errors is enormous!
However, with PEBBLE, it’s just a matter of moving
methodically across the protoboard and reading
component positions, then dragging PEBBLE components
into the same places on the virtual protoboard. Repeat for
all the links and you have a diagram that’s not only easy to
follow, it’s repeatable – and it also makes troubleshooting
that much easier!
At a resolution of 1024 x 768 the screen width is adequate
for a standard 23-row breadboard (but not the stretched
23-row Learners Board). The entire breadboard is visible
but it will be necessary to scroll down to see the off-board
component area and some selectors/buttons at the bottom
of the component menu.
With a 30-row breadboard, all of the holes are visible
but not the right hand border/edge of the board without
scrolling horizontally.
With a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024, up to a 38-row
Expanding the circuit by adding three LEDs as output
indicators to the PICAXE circuit.
70 Silicon Chip
To start PEBBLE, simply double-click on the PEBBLE.
html file within the directory (folder) where you have stored
the program package. A desktop shortcut can be created
right clicking the PEBBLE html “program” file and selecting create shortcut. Then drag or copy this shortcut onto
the desktop for a quick start.
Once the program is started, the user is presented with
a component menu down the left side of the screen, an
empty 23-column breadboard, SAVE/LOAD buttons below
the menu together with a breadboard selector.
When the breadboard selector is clicked upon, a full
list giving all the breadboard permutations is given. Select
the desired board type and the displayed board changes
instantly without affecting any components already on
the board.
Components are placed by left clicking the icon on the
component menu or dragging to the breadboard. Once on
the bread board the component can be further repositioned.
Right clicking on a component or wire initiates a component specific pop-up window with various editing options
including the ability the copy or delete the component.
The pop-up window for many component types has a text
input box at the top in which the user can place text for
the component label. Remove the default text if no label
is desired.
The component specific pop-up edit windows allow
defining a title/label, selection of package type/size, ori-
Click the Save/Load button displays a window with the
data for the circuit in the image at the left. Cut and paste
to a text editor to save for the future.
entation for many discrete components.
Once the user becomes proficient in the use of the wire
editing window, a wire can be routed to virtually any point
on the board in whatever shape or path the user desired.
Below the left side component selection menu are two
buttons. The right side button labelled “Clear all” does
just that. There is the usual “Are you sure?” type pop-up
confirmation window in case of an accidental click. Click
the “Okay” button in the confirmation window and the
breadboard is instantly cleared.
The left side button labelled “Save/Load” provides a
new window. When clicked the component data for all
items including wires on the breadboard is displayed in a
list. You can copy and paste this data into a text file, using
for example MS Notepad, for saving and future use. To
reload a previous design, copy the component data from
the saved text file into the window and click to “Load
Circuit” button. You are asked to confirm that you wish
to delete all existing components, then the new circuit is
loaded and immediately displayed. This text file method
can also be used to transfer breadboard circuit designs/
layouts with others.
To obtain a hard copy of the visual presentation, just
press the “Print Scrn” button on your keyboard. Then, using an image editing program such as Photoshop, MS Paint
or PaintShop Pro, paste (Ctrl-V) the data into your image
editing program of choice.
From there you can clip the desired portion and save the
image in whatever image format you desire (from those that
your paint program provides).
So with PEBBLE loaded onto your computer, never again
should there be embarrassment over providing an image of
what your latest and greatest breadboard project looks like.
You will need to ensure that you unzip using the directory structure so that the various file type are placed in
the correct sub directories. The package can be placed on
any drive or even a memory stick and the main directory
name can be changed but the sub directories must remain
as defined in the zip file.
Accessing PEBBLE
PEBBLE V2.4 can be used in either of two ways.
Firstly, some sites are hosting PEBBLE in an on-line format so that users can use PEBBLE direct from the internet
without having to download a zip file and uncompress the
file to store the program on your hard drive.
Sites that are providing this form of access to PEBBLE
Alternatively, some websites will provide the PEBBLE
program as a zip file that can be downloaded, uncompressed
and stored onto your hard drive, which will enable use of
PEBBLE without access to the internet in future.
Note that the computer must still have a javascript enabled browser installed to use PEBBLE.
September 2009 71
And now for something completely different similar!
Putting PEBBLE to work!
Mount a Seismograph on a Protoboard, PEBBLE it
then transfer it to a KPB. What’s a KPB? Read on!
by Stan Swan
powerful 7.8 magnitude
earthquake – the biggest experienced in the Shaky Isles
for 80 years – occurred in southern
New Zealand during the early evening of July 15th last. Had you owned a
Seismograph, you might have known
about it virtually straight away.
The earthquake fortunately struck in
a very remote part of the South Island
(Dusky Sound-Fiordland) and damage
was minor, with no injuries or deaths.
Few Kiwis in the more populous
North Island even felt it! However as
a tribute to the massive power of the
event, it transpires that this NZ region
has been measurably twisted slightly
Once the shaking settled, the net
result in that region has been a land
raising of about a metre, along with
a sideways shift westward approximating a handspan. Yes – NZ is now
(fractionally!) closer to Australia.
With memories of the Boxing Day
2004 magnitude 9.3 Indian Ocean tsunami still painfully fresh, Australian
east coast alerts (and even some precautionary Lord Howe Island evacuations) promptly developed.
Thankfully these concerns proved a
false alarm, as only mere surges – no
This map shows
the locations of
the Australian and
Pacific Plates, with
the site of the NZ
July 15 earthquake,
right at the junction
of these plates.
higher than normal ocean waves –
eventuated trans-Tasman.
However, closer to the quake source,
waves of 1m high were experienced,
and even in remote Hawaii handspanhigh rough water was noted. The event
served as an excellent test run of the
Australian Tsunami Warning System
(ATWS) and as a reminder that devastating earth movements can strike at
any time, with no warning.
New Zealand sits above an area of
the earth’s crust where the Pacific and
Australian tectonic plates collide and
earthquakes are a regular occurrence.
Kiwis reckon lots of small quakes
(to relieve pressure) are better than
a single large rumble! The Dusky
Sound quake was certainly no mere
pebble splash however and it has triggered renewed interest in earthquake
monitoring overall, perhaps even with
an eye on the holy grail of eventual
We mentioned before a Seismograph
which is, of course, a device used to
The Kiwi Patch Board, a PC board which is has the same hole
spacing as a 23-way Protoboard but has many extra features.
It can be used to transfer protoboard layouts to PC boards.
72 Silicon Chip
both monitor and, with the right equipment, measure earth movements.
Readers may recall the September
2005 SILICON CHIP Seimograph article
by Dave Dobeson. This detected delicate earth movements and vibrations
by pendulum displacement, with
deviations optically monitored by a
LED/LDR combination.
These READADC values were
then handled by an opamp and
PICAXE-08M to yield a classic earthquake “squiggly line” seismic trace
Dave’s design is still perfectly valid
and motivated readers may already
have nervously thumbed through dog
eared SILICON CHIP magazines looking
for details. But wait – here’s a fresh
layout approach involving PEBBLE!
Kiwi Patch Board
Taking the breadboard/protoboard
concept one step closer to permanency,
a so-called “Kiwi Patch Board”(KPB)
has now been developed which essentially allows the direct transfer of
the classic 23 x 10 breadboard layout
onto a PC board which has exactly the
same hole pattern and spacing.
The KPB is a quality fibreglass and
silk-screened PC board measuring
~90mm x 45mm. It has many “extras”
over the breadboard, including space
for a 7805 regulator and smoothing
capacitor (or other 3-pin regulator if
you aren’t using a PICAXE), 3.5mm
PICAXE programming socket, screw
PEBBLE diagram of the Simple Seismograph (SILICON CHIP September 2005)
control transferred to protoboard – but exactly the same layout can be used to
populate a Kiwi Patch Board. There’s also room for the “extras” such as the
voltage regulator, sensitivity pot, programming socket, etc.
terminal, header pin and support
mounts, dual supply and even extra
rails under the IC.
The KPB is now available in Australia from MicroZed and sells for $6.75.
The approach involves doing initial
circuitry development on a solderless
breadboard,using PEBBLE as a layout
refinement aid. The advantage of this
technique is that components and
links on the final working breadboard
design can then be progressively
swapped over and soldered onto a
the KPB. Such “paint by number”
style assembly can be very confidence
REG1 7805
Of course, this goes against traditional PC board design somewhat
which call for as few links as possible
– but being able to switch between
breadboard and patch board with
exactly the same appearance means
much less likelihood of misteaks misstakes misst . . . errors.
In fact mounted circuitry can look
so professional that projects may not
even progress to a dedicated PC board.
Educational acceptance of the KPB
has been very strong here in NZ.
Kiwi educators, keen to both improve
VR1 100k
The circuit diagram of the Simple Seismograph, reproduced from the September 2005 edition of SILICON CHIP. Refer to
that issue for complete operational details and the seismic mass which drives it.
September 2009 73
Developed as a teaching tool,
the PICAXE is a low-cost “brain”
for almost any project
Easy to use and understand,
professionals & hobbyists can
be productive within minutes.
Free software development
system and low-cost in-circuit
Variety of hardware, project
boards and kits to suit your
Digital, analog, RS232,
1-Wire™, SPI and I2C.
PC connectivity.
Applications include:
Measurement & instruments
Motor & lighting control
Farming & agriculture
Internet server
Wireless links
Colour sensing
Fun games
Ben, a 17 year old electronics student at Hutt Valley High School, Wellington,
NZ, finds putting it all together is so simple when he has PEBBLE to guide him.
presentation and ease the agony many
electronics novices experience with
circuit construction, were predictably
behind the KPB design.
PEBBLEing the
Kiwi Patch Board
Although PEBBLE is essentially
intended for basic breadboards, it’s
been satisying to also have the moreinvolved KPB layout available under
this versatile emulator. PEBBLE’s save
and load facility pleasingly also allows designs to be emailed or set up
as templates.
Given the intended PICAXE slant
of the KPB, the two resistors and inverted 08M programming layout may
especially suit the latter. To further
ease the quest, some components (in
particular the screw terminals, 7805,
smoothing capacitor and programming
socket) have been pre-mounted.
If these are unwanted then a
trimmed KPB board can be selected
from PEBBLE’s offerings.
KP-Boarding the Seismograph
Distributed in Australia by
Microzed Computers
Pty Limited
Phone 1300 735 420
Fax 1300 735 421
74 Silicon Chip
Components in the original 2005
earthquake detector were shown soldered onto a dedicated PC board and
run from an unregulated 9-15V supply.
Programming can be via the 3.5mm
socket but an input has also been provided to suit the header pin style used
in many SILICON CHIP PICAXE articles.
Component placement onto a KPB
under PEBBLE was almost “paint by
number” but the ability to juggle board
layout proved very gratifying.
Such “cut and try” versatility,
normally requiring extensive pen
and paper planning and tedious wire
stripping, made for great productivity.
The bonus of a large-screen board
view furthermore eased eye strain.
Aside from the supply rail red and
ground black, most wire colours
shown here are not sacred and were
simply selected for functional clarity.
Many alternative layouts are possible for this circuit but with a further
ground rail assigned in the channel
under the ICs, the eventual wiring
became very clear and direct. Readers with a keen eye for such things
are encouraged to relate to this new
PEBBLE version to both the schematic
and original layout.
NZ’s well known tectonic tendencies, also manifested as significant
volcanic and thermal activity, means
comprehensive monitoring systems
have long been warrented here.
Both Civil Defence alerts and web
based seismic services (www.geonet. are well established, perhaps
reducing the need for a personal seismometer within NZ.
Coastal Australian readers of a nervous disposition however may already
have their soldering iron out and
warming up . . .
Resources, credits and references
are hosted at
Autodim add-on for
the 6-Digit GPS Clock
Here’s a low-cost add-on for the Digital GPS Time Display published
in the May & June 2009 issues of SILICON CHIP. It senses the ambient
light level, so that a modified program running in the display unit’s
PIC controller can adjust the LED brightness to a comfortable level
– ranging from full brightness when the ambient light level is high
down to dim when the ambient light is very low.
OON AFTER THE basic 6-Digit
GPS Time Display was published
in the May 2009 issue, we received
emails from readers who were disappointed that we hadn’t provided the
design with an “autodim” facility. And
they wanted to know if such a feature
could be added in.
Unfortunately, trying to incorporate
dimming on the existing clock PC
board is quite difficult. The conventional way of doing it would be to use
a transistor and LDR circuit to control
the emitters of all six common-cathode
driver transistors, Q15-Q20. We have
used this scheme on quite a few past
projects which had a PIC micro and
7-segment LED displays but a quick
look at the PC board pattern shows that
it would be quite impractical.
This presented a real dilemma un
til we came up with an alternative
scheme: use an LDR and transistor
circuit to allow the PIC micro to directly monitor the ambient light level
and then change the duty cycle of the
multiplexed drive to the 7-segment
So we set out to develop the “Auto
dim Display Sensor” described here.
The hardware was the easy bit, of
course – the firmware mods took a
bit longer.
How it works
The new hardware consists of just
a few parts on a small PC board. This
mounts on 10mm spacers in front of
the display unit’s main PC board, in
place of the DB-9 connector (CON1)
which was originally used to feed in
the NMEA-0183 data stream from the
September 2009 75
lower than the 2.2kΩ emitter/collector resistor. This makes it suitable for
driving one of the analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) inputs of the display’s
PIC18F877A microcontroller (IC1). In
this case, the sensor voltage is fed to
the micro’s AN5 ADC input.
And that’s really all there is to the
hardware side of the add-on, apart
from the 100nF capacitor across the
150kΩ resistor. This capacitor is used
to filter the LDR’s output voltage, to
remove any modulation from the indoor ambient lighting level.
PIN 8 (AN5) OF IC1
BC548, BC558
Modified firmware
The modified firmware for the PIC
regularly monitors the voltage applied
to the AN5 input (pin 8). It does this
by directing the ADC module inside
the PIC to measure this voltage. It then
tests the measured voltage level and
varies the on-off ratio of the display
digit switching signals to vary the
apparent display brightness, over six
As a result, the apparent display
brightness varies between virtually
full brightness at high ambient light
levels down to about 17% of full
brightness at very low ambient levels.
Fig.1: the circuit uses an LDR to sense the ambient light level. The resulting
DC voltage across the 150kΩ resistor is then buffered by complementary
emitter follower stage Q1 & Q2 and fed to pin 8 of the microcontroller on the
display board.
TO +5V
1 9 0 8 0BC548
BC558 Q2
Building it
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board
as shown here. Take care not to get the
two transistors mixed up.
GPS Frequency Reference.
This DB-9 connector is no longer
needed if you’re using the GPS receiver module described in the June
2009 issue.
Fig.1 shows the circuit details. The
ambient light level is sensed by LDR1,
a small light-dependent resistor (LDR)
which varies its resistance between
about 2MΩ in the “dark” and a couple of
hundred ohms in bright sunlight. This
LDR is connected in series with a
150kΩ resistor across the +5V supply. As a result, resistance changes
in the LDR result in corresponding
DC voltage changes across the 150kΩ
As mentioned earlier, the additional
components are all mounted on a small
PC board. This is coded 04208091 and
measures just 36 x 19mm.
Fig.2 shows the parts layout on the
PC board. The only polarised parts
are transistors Q1 and Q2, so make
sure you fit these with the orientation
shown. Also be careful not to swap the
two: Q1 must be an NPN BC548, while
Q2 is a PNP BC558.
The LDR is not polarised and can
be fitted either way around. Leave its
leads about 15mm long so that they can
be bent outwards from the PC board
after it is fitted to the board. This allows the sensitive “front face” of the
LDR to be turned away from the main
LED displays when the add-on board
is mounted in position.
Note: if the LDR is able to pick
resistor, the level varying from close
to 0V when the ambient light level is
very low up to about +4.5V in bright
Unity-gain buffer
The other components in the circuit, based on transistors Q1 & Q2,
make up a near-unity gain impedance
step-down buffer. This ensures that
the light-dependent output voltage
is made available at a much lower
impedance level than 150kΩ.
In greater detail, transistors Q1 and
Q2 form a complementary emitter follower, with a source resistance much
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
76 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown green yellow brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown green black orange brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
IC1 PIC 16F877A
Fig.3: only three leads are required to connect the autodim board. Note that
the connections are actually run to the underside of the display board.
up too much light from the displays
themselves, the auto-dimming feature
won’t work. Instead, the displays will
run at full brightness, regardless of the
ambient light level.
Only three wires are required to
connect the auto-dimming board to
the main display board. Fig.3 shows
the details.
The first step is to solder three 80mm
lengths of light-duty hookup wire to
the three external wiring points (ie,
+5V, AN5 & GND). That done, attach
two M3 x 10mm tapped spacers to the
underside of the add-on board, using
two M3 x 6mm machine screws.
The completed add-on assembly can
now be mounted in the lower lefthand
corner on the main display board. You
will have to remove the display board
from its case in order to do this. The
add-on board is secured in place using
two further M3 x 6mm screws which
pass up through the upper pair of 3mm
holes that were originally provided to
secure the DB-9 connector (CON1) –
see photos.
The three leads from the add-on
board can now be fed to the rear of
the main board and connected to the
Parts List
1 PC board, code 04208091, 36
x 19mm
2 M3 x 10mm tapped spacers
4 M3 x 6mm machine screws
1 light dependant resistor (LDR1)
3 80mm lengths of light-duty
hookup wire
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BC558 PNP transistor (Q2)
1 100nF MKT metallised polyester
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 150kΩ
1 2.2kΩ
1 10kΩ
appropriate points underneath. As
shown in Fig.3, the +5V lead goes to
the +5V supply rail near the output
pin of REG1, while the ground wire
goes to the earth copper at what was
originally pin 5 of CON1.
The third centre wire (AN5) goes
The autodim board is mounted on two
M3 x 10mm tapped spacers. These are
attached to the main board using the
holes originally provided to secure the
DB-9 connector.
to pin 8 of the display’s PIC16F877A
micro (IC1). This pin was not used in
the original “non-dimming” version.
Once these three connections have
been made, you can slip the finished
board assembly back into the enclosure and fasten it in place. All that
now remains is to download the new
version of the GPS Time Display firmware (0410509B.hex) from the SILICON
CHIP website and reprogram the PIC
micro so that it knows how to monitor
the LDR voltage and vary the display
brightness accordingly.
Note that the add-on board by itself won’t give you the autodimming
function unless you use the revised
firmware in your PIC.
The updated firmware now replaces
the original program whether or not
you have the add-on board. However,
if you don’t have the add-on board,
you must now connect pin 8 of IC1
to the adjacent +5V supply rail via a
2.2kΩ resistor.
This is necessary to give the PIC’s
AN5 input a de-facto “bright sun”
input voltage level in the absence of
the LDR sensor board.
That’s it! With the add-on LDR sensor board and the modified firmware
running inside the PIC, your GPS Time
Display will now be able to adjust its
brightness according to the ambient
light level.
Issues Getting Dog-Eared?
Keep your copies safe with these handy binders.
Available Aust, only. Price: $A14.95 plus $10.00 p&p per order (includes GST). Just
fill in and mail the handy order form in this issue; or fax (02) 9939 2648; or call (02)
9939 3295 and quote your credit card number.
September 2009 77
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A Deluxe 3-channel UHF
Rolling Code Remote
Control Part 2 – by John Clarke
Last month we introduced our new high security remote control
and got as far as completing both the receiver/relay driver and
transmitter. This month we’ll put it all together and get the two parts
talking to each other – securely!
e’re assuming that you’ve completed construction, including setting the transmitter and
receiver identities, as detailed last month. You
will also have given both PC boards a visual check and
made sure that there are no solder bridges (except the
deliberate ones in the transmitter identity!) or breaks,
bad joins or errors.
With IC1 out of its socket, connect a 12V plugpack
or other 12V supply via the power socket. Check
that LED5 lights and that there is about 5V between
pins 5 and 14 of the IC1 socket. The voltage could
range from 4.85 to 5.15V.
If this is correct, switch off power and plug in
IC1. Place the LK1 jumper in the “out” position
and rotate VR1, VR2 and VR3 fully anticlockwise to set the momentary period at minimum.
Apply power and press S1, S2 and S3.
This should activate RELAY1, RELAY2 and
RELAY3 for about a quarter of a second each
with LED1, LED2 and LED3 lighting up during this period. If this test is OK,
you can assume the circuit is
working correctly. Now it’s
time to set the operation of
the relays.
Momentary or Toggle
Note that while we have
made two of the relay “NC”
connections available, these
may not be of much use in the
momentary mode. However,
they could be quite useful in the
toggle mode.
Setting the relays for momentary
or toggle mode is done in this way.
82 Silicon Chip
We presented construction
details for the two PC boards
last month. Here’s what our
completed project looks like. The
panel on the receiver is actually an
overhead projector transparency
glued to the inside of the lid, so you
can see the LEDs inside the case.
Fig.6: drilling details for the
specified polycarbonate box. The
“B” holes are for the output wiring
cable glands while the “A” hole is
for the DC input socket.
Place the LK1 jumper in the ‘in’ position. Set BCD1 switch
to the number of the relay that you wish to change operation. Then press S2 momentarily. (Do not press S1 or you
will lockout the transmitter with the identity number that is
set on BCD1 instead). For example, if you want RELAY1 to
be changed from momentary to toggle operation, set BCD1
to position 1. Then press S2. Now you can place the LK1
jumper in the out position and by pressing S1 you will have
RELAY1 operating in the toggle mode.
To revert to momentary mode, place LK1 in the ‘in’ position, set BCD1 to ‘1’ and press S2 again. Placing LK1 in the
out position and pressing S1 will show that RELAY1 now
operates in momentary mode.
Momentary period
Momentary period for each of the relays is set with its
associated trimpot (ie, RELAY 1 is set by VR1; RELAY2
by VR2 and RELAY3 by VR3. Periods are adjustable from
0.26s to 2s in 0.26s steps, then in 1s steps to 10s and in 15s
steps to 4.4minutes. Table 1 shows a sample of the settings
available and the approximate voltage that is measured at
the trimpot test points for various timeouts. The voltages
can be measured between TP GND and the appropriate
test point (TP1, 2 or 3) for VR1, VR2 and VR3 respectively.
If you want only short timeouts, it is easier to simply
experiment with the position of the trimpot for the desired
timeout. For longer timeouts you will save time in finding
the right setting for the trimpot by measuring the voltage
and comparing this to the timeouts from Table. 1.
Note that the minimum period of 0.26s will be set for the
first 10-20° of trimpot movement clockwise from its fully
anticlockwise point. This is done so that it will be possible to
finely set the increments of 0.26s at the lower end of travel.
Trimpots tend to jump in value at their travel extremes and
having this dead band of operation moves any changes in
time settings into the more linear section of the trimpot.
At this stage if the transmitter identity is ‘0’, pressing the
switches on the transmitter should activate the relays on the
receiver. This is only if you have not used the randomise
function on the transmitter. Also the transmitter needs to
be at least 1m from the receiver to work correctly – any
closer may overload it. If you have activated the randomise
function on the transmitter, then you will need to register
the transmitter. See the registering section.
Randomisation of the transmitter ensures that it uses a
unique set of parameters to calculate the rolling code. This
procedure is a vital step in ensuring security because the
default parameters are the same for every transmitter.
You need to personalise the parameters to prevent another transmitter that has the same identity from possibly
operating your receiver. If randomisation is not done there
is the risk that someone else’s transmitter that also has not
been randomised will operate your receiver.
To randomise a transmitter, simply connect the jumper
shunt into the LK1 position. The transmit LED will flash at
a 4 per second rate for the duration. Wait for a short period
(say several seconds to a few minutes) then remove the
jumper. To prevent losing the jumper, it can be stored in
the “keeper” position when finished.
Parameters are altered every 40s and that is 25,000
times per second, so they will end up being different for
each transmitter. The randomisation relies on the fact that
it would be impossible to randomise two transmitters over
exactly the same period by plugging and unplugging the
jumper plug to within 40s of the same period.
Add this to the fact that we do not specify a particular
period to run the randomisation (as we leave this up to each
individual person); a unique set of rolling code parameters
is ensured.
After randomisation, the transmitter needs to be registered with the receiver in order to work. Both transmitter
and receiver must be readied for this. Place the transmitter
September 2009 83
Fig.7: wiring the controller to external
devices. CON3 (door strike) output is
effectively in parallel with RELAY1
COM/NO contacts so it would not be
normal to have both wired. But you can
do so if your application calls for it.
TP 12V
V 0 WS V 2 1
F0 1
V 5 PT
1P T
2P T
4 56
4 C 1
2 C 8
78 9
3P T
M4 x 10mm
jumper in the LK2 position and at the receiver, place the
LK1 jumper in the ‘in’ position. Now press and hold S3 on
the receiver and then momentarily press S3 on the transmitter (with the transmitter about 1m away from the receiver).
The acknowledge LED on the transmitter will flash twice
and the receiver’s acknowledge LED should then flash on
and off at a 1-second rate until S3 on the receiver is released.
This 1-second flashing is an indication that the registration
process has been successful.
If the LED does not flash, then registration was unsuccessful so try again. Release S3 on the transmitter and receiver,
then press and hold S3 on the receiver again and momentarily
press S3 on the transmitter.
If the registration process still fails, try re-randomising
the parameters and then register again.
The randomisation and registering procedure must be done
for each new transmitter. Note that registering a transmitter
will prevent the use of a previously registered transmitter if
it has the same identity. For this reason transmitters need
to have their own identity. A different identity transmitter
can be registered with the receiver without affecting the
registration of the other transmitter.
Testing transmission
If registration was successful, the LK2 jumper can be
84 Silicon Chip
removed from the transmitter and placed in the keeper position. Switch S3 on the receiver should by now be released.
The receiver is now ready to respond to the transmitter on
the second press of one of the transmitter switch buttons.
Pressing a switch on the transmitter for the second time
should activate the corresponding relay on the receiver.
It should activate the relay on each successive press of a
switch thereafter.
Any transmitter that has been synchronised can be later
locked out from operating the receiver. To do this, insert
LK1 on the receiver in its ‘in’ position. Then set BCD1 to
the identity number of the transmitter you wish to lockout.
Note again that the A, B, C, D, E and F positions on BCD1
are the 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 identities. Press S1 and the
acknowledge LED will light once for 1 second. Then it will
flash briefly for about 0.25s a number of flashes equal to the
identity number.
For identity 0, only the 1-second flash will not occur
because the identity is zero and so does not briefly flash.
Put another way for identity 0, the LED does flash but for
zero times. After flashing the identity number, the LED will
remain off for 3 seconds. If S1 is held pressed the cycle of
displaying a 1-second flash and then the identity number
Use this photo in conjunction with the diagram at left to
ensure that your project looks the same when completed.
Note that the nuts for the three P-type cable clamps (right
side) are all soldered to the underside of the PC board to
make final assembly much easier.
will occur again. This cycle will occur only for three times,
as S1 is kept held pressed. After this if S1 is still held pressed
the LED will then stay lit. This ‘stay lit’ indication means
that now all identities are locked out.
When all identities are locked out, re-registration will be
necessary for each transmitter that is in use.
To open the case remove the self-tapping screw and take
off the battery cover compartment by prising at the holes
where the keyring attaches. The lower half of the case is
removed by squeezing the sides of the top half of the case
to release the catches from the base.
Transmitter case
Using Fig.6 as a guide, mark out and drill the holes in the
side of the box for the four cable glands and the power lead
connector. At this stage you can also drill the holes for the
four cable glands but don’t put any wire in yet.
The PC board is secured in the box using the integral
corner pillars. These accept M3 x 10mm screws.
While the three on-board switches will generally not be
needed once setup is finished, some constructors may wish
to fit external switches so the relays can be activated without
the keyfob transmitter (ie, a “local” mode). In fact, external
switches can completely replace the on-board switches.
In this case momentary push to close switches can be
installed onto the lid or side of the case and wired as shown
in Fig.7 to TPS1, TPS2, TPS3 and GND PC stakes. A suitable
switch is the Jaycar SP-0702.
If you decide not to install S1, S2 and S3 on the PC board
because you are placing switches on the lid, note that the
ground track on the PC board is connected via the lower two
Switch caps supplied with the keyfob case are designed
to fit over the switch actuators of S1-S3. You may find that
when the lid of the keyfob case is in place, the switches are
already pressed. Note also that IC1 must be pressed fully
into its socket so that S1 can be operated.
The top of each switch actuator may need to be shortened
by a very small amount so the switch is not depressed when
the lid is in place. Take care with filing the actuator so not
too much is removed. If you do remove too much, the switch
will not work, as the switch cap will touch the switch body
before the actuator is pressed. To solve this the bottom of the
switch cap can be filed to prevent it touching the switch body.
A translucent light pipe diffuser is supplied with the
case and is inserted into the hole in the top of the lid. The
rounded triangular wire for a keyring attachment is placed
in the case lid at the battery end of the case. A self-tapping
screw holds the lid secure at the battery end of the case.
Receiver in its box
September 2009 85
Table 2: Momentary period settings
Momentary period
settings for VR1, VR2
and VR3 with Voltages
as measured at TP1, TP2
and TP3 respectively.
Timeout periods are
adjustable in 0.26s
increments to 2s, then
in 1s increments from
5 to 10s. Adjustments
in 5s increments are
made above 10s. Not
all available timeout
periods are shown in
the table. You would
need to interpolate the
values for other timeouts.
For example, to set for
2.5 minutes adjust the
trimpot to between 2.79V
(2 minutes) and 4V (3
minutes). A 3.4V setting
should be close enough
for 2.5 minutes timeout.
0 to 0.18........... 0.26s
0.26............... 0.52s
0.34............... 0.78s
0.41............... 1.04s
0.49................ 1.3s
0.57............... 1.56s
0.65............... 1.82s
0.73................ 2.0s
2.79............2 minutes
4..............3 minutes
5............ 4.4 minutes
bridging terminals of switch S1. Removing S1 will mean
you need to place a horizontal wire link between the lower
two horizontal holes left after removing the switch. S2 and
S3 positions do not require any links. A note to this effect
concerning S1 is located on the underside of the PC board.
Wiring into equipment
For an electric door strike, which is usually rated at less
than 1A, you can use CON4 to directly drive the strike with
12V. The wires pass through a cable gland in the side of
the box.
The relays are provided for switching 230VAC mains to
power lights, door motors, etc. The relays do not supply
any power – they can simply be regarded as a switch. If
controlling a light, for example, the pair of wires from each
relay (common and NO) are simply wired across the light
switch. For two-way light switching, the common, NO and
NC contacts would need to be used. These three contacts
are available for outputs from Relays 1 and 2.
If you want to control a garage door, you would wire
across the push button switch “local” door control switch
Fig.8 shows how this is done. The push-button switch
almost invariably controls a low-voltage circuit (hence
they can use bell-push switches) so this can be run using
light-duty figure-8 cable. If using this mode, make sure
the system is set for momentary operation – garage door
controller local switches are almost invariably wired as
push to open, push again to close. And some controllers
might not like a long-term short across their local switch!
Switching mains
For switching 230V mains, the wire must be sheathed 2
or 3-core mains flex (depending on what you are switching), rated at 7.5A 230VAC. Use 10A wire if switching more
than 7.5A. In Australia, a licensed electrician must wire
anything connected permanently into the 230V supply.
The wire is passed through a cable gland in the box end
86 Silicon Chip
Fig.8: connecting to an existing
garage door controller is really simple
(and safe!) if your system has a “local” pushbutton switch
to open and close the door. This section of the circuit shows
relay 3 but any of the three relays could be used – wire in
the COM and NO terminals. Note that this would require
the Rolling Code Remote Control to be used in “momentary”
and secured using a P-clamp that is attached to the PC board
with an M4 x 10mm screw washer and nut.
We soldered the M4 nuts to the underside of the PC board.
This allows securing the P-clamps in position without accessing the underside of the PC board. If the 2-core wire is
not held tightly enough in the P-clamp, enlarge the diameter
of the wire by placing a short length of heat shrink tubing
over the wire. Use a second layer of heatshrink tubing, if
one layer is insufficient. The cable gland also helps secure
the wire when tightened.
Note that these glands are easily undone from the outside
of the box and so do not meet Australian standards for
mains wiring where wiring is required to be securely held
in place; hence the need for the P-clamps as well.
After wiring, replace the plastic cover over the CON1/
CON2 terminal strip. It snaps into place when the PC board
is mounted in the case (otherwise it slides in from the side).
Disable existing controllers?
While this controller should operate quite happily in
conjunction (parallel) with an existing wireless garage
door controller, it could become confusing to the operators.
Because you can add up to 16 transmitter remotes, you’re
not likely to need the old unit anyway.
We suggest disabling the existing wireless receiver. The
best way to do this would be to disconnect power to the
receiver without disconnecting power to the controller
itself. However, in many commercial garage door openers,
the receiver and door control circuitry are combined so this
might prove difficult.
Because of the variety of commercial garage door controllers, we cannot offer any real advice in this area – except
to say that it might be as simple as removing the external
(wire) antenna which most have fitted.
This should make the existing receiver “deaf” enough so
that nothing happens if an old transmitter button is pressed!
Errata from Part 1 of this project (August 2009)
On page 77, discussing the BCD switch, should read:
Position 15 (or F) sets all switch outputs at 0V.
Also on page 77, on the circuit diagram, the terminal
second from bottom on CON2 is of course the common
terminal for relay 3.
On page 81, where it says we need a seven-way barrier
terminal, we actually need an eight-way, as described
and shown in the photographs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happens if the transmitter is out of range and one
of the transmit switches is pressed? Will the receiver
still work when the transmitter is later brought within
range and the button pressed again?
These questions are asked because the receiver was
expecting a code that has already been sent and the
transmitter has rolled over to a new code. So how does
the system get around this problem?
A. The answer to this is that if the signal format is correct
but the code is incorrect, the receiver then calculates
the next code that it would expect and checks this
against the received code. If the code is now correct
the receiver will operate.
If the code is still incorrect, the receiver calculates the
next expected code and will do this up to 100 times. If
none of these are correct, the receiver keeps its original
code and it will not trigger. So the transmitter buttons
can be pressed up to 100 times while out of the receiver’s
range without problems.
transmitter and receiver will use these numbers to
perform the calculation. The values quoted for the
multiplier and increment value are not as simple as
100 and 7 but are 24 bits and eight bits respectively in
length. Without knowing both the multiplier and the
increment value, it would be very difficult to predict
the next code. This is particularly true because of the
very large numbers involved.
The code length is 48 bits with as many as 2.8 x 1014
This reduces by a factor of 100 because of the lookahead feature to a 1 in 2.8 x 1012 chance of striking
the correct code – still impossibly long odds.
Code scrambling
A further complication with the transmitted code is that
the code is not necessarily sent in sequence. There are
also 32 possible scrambling variations that are applied
to the code and the scramble changes each time that
code is transmitted.
Q. How do you restore the transmitter operation?
A. The only way to trigger the receiver after this is to reregister the receiver with the transmitter. A different
registered transmitter will still operate the receiver.
That’s because this transmitter has a different identity
and a different code to the other transmitter.
Automatic Re-registration
Some rolling code transmitters systems offer automatic
registration if the transmitter and receiver lose synchronisation.
In these systems, the receiver includes a code “lookahead” feature as described above but the number of
look-ahead codes is usually limited to fewer than 100.
What happens is that if the code is not recognised after
all the look-ahead calculations have been made, the
receiver changes its synchronisation method.
Basically, the receiver requires two separate transmission codes before restoring correct operation. On the
first transmission, it calculates the next code it should
receive using this received code as the basis for calculation. If the second code sent by the transmitter is
the same as the code that was calculated, the receiver
The drawback of this latter scheme is somewhat less
security since, in theory, two successive transmission
codes could be intercepted and recorded. These codes
could then be re-transmitted in sequence to re-register
and thus trigger the receiver.
Q. What if the rolling code calculation results in two
consecutive codes that are the same and the code is
intercepted and re-transmitted to open the lock?
A. This is highly improbable and our rolling code transmitter has safeguards preventing the same code appearing twice in succession. For each code calculation, a
comparison is made between the current and last code.
If the code is the same, the code is recalculated after
an increment of the code value to ensure successive
code calculations diverge. It is this new code that is
The receiver performs the same re-calculation so that
the new code will be accepted.
A warning, though, is that, as with any encoded UHF
encoded transmission, the signal can be intercepted and
recorded. When played back it can be used to unlock a
receiver. This is particularly true of fixed code systems
where the same code is always used.
For rolling code systems, a capture of the transmitted
code can be used to unlock the system if the code is
captured when the transmitter is used out of range
from the receiver. The captured code could then be
used to unlock the receiver if it is transmitted before
the genuine transmitter is used to unlock the receiver.
The captured code will only work once because the
receiver will change to its new code upon reception of
the signal. The captured signal will also be nullified if
the genuine transmitter is used to unlock the receiver.
Q. How does the receiver know which code to expect from
the transmitter, since this changes each time?
A. The answer to this is that the transmitter and the receiver both use the same calculation to determine the
next code. They also both use the same variables in
the calculation and these variables tend to be unique
values that no other transmitter uses.
For example, if the calculation for consecutive codes
requires the original calculated code to be multiplied
by 100 and the number 7 added to it, then both the
Q. Does each transmitter use the same rolling code calculation and if so, wouldn’t the receiver lose its synchronisation if several transmitters were used?
A. Each transmitter is treated independently to another
and uses different rolling code and calculation parameters. So a receiver will not lose synchronisation with a
particular transmitter, even if it is not generally used.
Imbedded in the rolling code is the transmitter identity value from 0-15 and so the receiver knows which
transmitter is sending the signal.
September 2009 87
Vintage Radio
Kellogg TRF receiver: home
made or manufactured?
ally impossible to distinguish between
home-made and commercial receivers
on the basis of their construction.
Certainly, in those early days, there
was no need to tip a chassis upside
down to access components. In fact,
there was no chassis – that innovation
came towards the end of the 1920s.
The Kellogg company
This simple little receiver is an excellent
example of a 3-valve TRF set from the
mid-1920s and has quite reasonable
performance. Its exact origin is somewhat
obscure, however.
N THE EARLY DAYS of radio/
wireless, many listeners used homemade receivers to pick up the broadcasts. Some early experimenters even
made some of the components and
only bought those parts they couldn’t
make themselves, such as valves. Of
course, this strictly wasn’t necessary
as many companies supplied a variety
of parts for radio constructors as well
as making their own radios.
The set described here is owned
by Mark and was restored by Marcus,
88 Silicon Chip
both fellow club members. All of us
are unsure as to whether it is a Kellogg
receiver made by the Kellogg company,
a home-made receiver made using Kellogg parts or a receiver built from a kit
supplied by Kellogg.
In fact, it’s often not easy to be 100%
sure as to whether receivers from the
1920s were home-made or built by a
manufacturer. All used the ubiquitous
breadboard construction style of the
era, with the parts mounted on the top
of the breadboard. As a result, it’s usu-
In Australia, the name “Kellogg” is synonymous with cornflakes. However, the company
we’re talking about here was
started by Milo Kellogg of
Chicago, who established
the Kellogg Switchboard
and Supply Company in
1897. His factory concentrated mostly on telephones
and telephone equipment and
was quite a large concern.
Milo Kellogg was a prolific
inventor and on one day in
1899 he was granted 125 patents for telephone-related
equipment. Subsequently,
when radio became the
next technological advance,
Kellogg began making components
for receivers and other equipment. I
am unsure as to whether they manufactured complete radios or not but
they certainly made some high-quality
components, as is evident from their
1923 catalog.
Kellogg remained an independent
company until 1951 when ITT bought
a controlling interest. The Kellogg
name subsequently remained until
1962 when it became ITT Kellogg
and then in 1965 it changed again to
ITT Telecommunications. There were
several other amalgamations into the
1980s and it is now a part of Cortelco.
The circuit
The Kellogg, for want of a name, is
a conventional 3-valve TRF receiver
from the mid 1920s. The antenna
tuned circuit consists of a single winding that is tapped for different-size
Fig.1: the circuit is a simple TRF receiver based on three UX201A triode
valves. V1 is the detector while V2 & V3 are audio amplifier stages.
antennas. It also has a tapped feedback
winding for regeneration (or reaction).
The top of the tuned section feeds
a parallel 150pF mica capacitor and
5MΩ resistor. This combination forms
a “grid leak” and is connected to the
grid of V1, a UX201A valve used as a
regenerative detector. Regeneration is
controlled by the variable capacitor
connected between its plate and the
tuned circuit.
Some readers will not be familiar
with the terms “regeneration” and
“reaction”, both of which are generally used to mean the same thing. To
explain, early radio valves had quite
low gain and were expensive, so every
endeavour was made to get the most
out of each valve. And that’s where
regeneration came in.
Regeneration is a technique whereby
the incoming radio signal is amplified
and then a portion of this amplified
signal is fed back to the input again and
re-amplified. As a result, the overall
gain of the stage is multiplied many
times. This means that the stage may
have as much gain as a more complicated (but non-regenerative) circuit
using one or two additional valves.
Each technique has its advantages
and its disadvantages. A regenerative
detector is simple, cheap to make,
sensitive and reasonably selective.
However, it can be difficult to adjust for
optimum performance, which makes it
unsuitable for non-technical users. In
addition, the audio output has higher
distortion levels than that from most
superhet receivers.
In the 1920s, however, before
This is the view inside the set with the top cover removed. Note the breadboard
style of construction, with all parts readily accessible from the top.
perhets became available, enthusiasts
had little option but to accept sets with
regenerative detectors if they really
wanted to listen to radio.
Following detection in V1 the audio
component of the signal appears at the
plate of the valve and is fed though a
radio frequency choke (RFC) to the primary of T1, an iron-cored 1:3 step-up
transformer. A 201 valve has a nominal
gain of around eight and by feeding its
output to this transformer, the overall
theoretical gain becomes 8 x 3 = 24.
From there, the signal is applied to
V2 where it is amplified and applied
via another audio iron-cored 1:3 step
up transformer (T2) to a third UX201A
valve (V3). The amplified audio signal
is then fed to a high-impedance horn
Step-up transformers
Step-up transformers were necessary in the 1920s because the valves
September 2009 89
the frequency response was limited
to around 300Hz-3kHz but even that
would have had 10dB peaks and
troughs over its range. It may have
sounded terrible but that’s all that was
available in the 1920s.
Finally, the filament rheostat and the
regeneration control set the volume of
the receiver. The filament rheostat also
acts as the on-off control. This works
by having the wiper break contact with
the wire resistance element at one end
of the control’s rotation.
These two photos show the tuning
knob before (top) and after repair
(bottom). The small central knob is
the vernier fine-tuning control.
of that era had such low gain. Their
main disadvantage was that the audio
quality was increasingly degraded as
the step-up ratio increased. However,
that didn’t matter all that much as
the detector itself had considerable
distortion, as did the horn speakers
that were used.
In fact, it’s probable that none of
the early sets had distortion figures
below about 20% or more. In addition,
Like almost all “ancient” radios, the
Kellogg TRF receiver wasn’t exactly
in pristine condition when Mark obtained it some time ago. The cabinet,
however, was still in remarkably good
condition. It was dusted out with a
brush and a vacuum cleaner and then
rubbed down with linseed oil to make
it look almost new again.
The dial had a section that had broken away but fortunately, the broken
piece was supplied with the set. The
dial, the dial shafts and the tuning
capacitors are rather unique. As usual,
a large knob turns the main part of the
tuning capacitor but now we come to
the unusual part of this tuning gang
– a separate shaft inside the main
tuning shaft controls a vernier plate
at the back.
The tuning knob for the vernier is
the small knob in the centre of the
main dial. It’s a very clever way of
doing the job but it would have required more precision during manufacture than a more conventional
tuning gang and so would have been
more expensive.
Of course, the added complexity
also makes it difficult to repair any
damage if the set is mishandled. And
that is exactly what had happened in
this case – the set had been dropped
at some stage and had landed on its
tuning knob. As a result, a section had
broken out of the knob and although
this was easy enough to repair, considerable damage had also been done
to the tuning capacitor shafts.
Suffice to say that the repairs to
the dial mechanism were not done in
five minutes. On the contrary – professional machine-shop equipment
was needed to drill and realign the
mechanism. The earthing braid that
was on the centre shaft had fatigued
and broken off too. It was replaced
but it appears as though it will be
a continuing problem that requires
routine repair.
Just why such a complex and costly
mechanism was produced for sets like
this is anyone’s guess.
Missing valves
The set was obtained with just one
valve in place and this proved to be
a Philips A415. However, although a
variety of valves could be fitted to the
set (the valve base arrangements at that
time were reasonably standardised),
it was decided to fit UX201As to the
receiver. They weren’t cheap but are
more applicable to this American-style
set than Philips valves.
Once the valves had been obtained,
it was discovered that the filament polarity had been reversed in the wiring.
This was easily corrected.
Further checking of the circuit
revealed that there was a short to the
5MΩ grid leak resistor and that audio
transformer T1 had an open-circuit
winding. The short to the resistor was
easily fixed but then it was discovered that the resistor had gone high
in value, to 14MΩ. This resistor is a
Television & Video
Technology – by KF Ibrahim
New edition has a full and
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58 starting with fundamentals.
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90 Silicon Chip
The tuning gang is unusual in that it features an additional
single moveable plate at the back which is controlled by a
separate shaft inside the main tuning shaft. This allows the
station frequency to be precisely adjusted when tuning.
glass-mounted type and could not be
dismantled without risk of damage, so
an 8.2MΩ resistor was wired across it.
This brought the total resistance down
to the required 5MΩ.
The audio transformer problem
was fixed by replacing it with a new
one. This, along with the valves, was
obtained from overseas, as they are
difficult to find in Australia.
With the faulty parts replaced, it
was time to test various sections of
the set. To do this, an antenna, earth,
horn speaker and external power
supply were connected to the set and
the supply’s DC outputs adjusted to
the levels suggested in the valve data
sheets. This ultimately consisted of 5V
for the three filaments, -4.5V to bias the
two audio stages, +100V to the plate
circuits of the audio stages and 45V
to the detector.
The 45V HT for the detector was
derived from a variable power supply.
At just 17V HT, the detector was going into oscillation so it was in good
order and some stations could be heard
behind the whistling. However, an HT
of 45V appears to be about optimum
for this stage. Certainly, regenerative
detectors used voltages ranging from
22.5-45V for valves such as the 201A
during that era.
At full volume (ie, minimum resistance setting of the filament rheostat),
the set had a tendency to go into
supersonic oscillation. As a result, a
500pF capacitor was wired from C- to
A+ and this fixed the problem. Sets of
this era had little if any decoupling,
instead relying on the batteries to act as
The regeneration (or reaction) control resembles a mica
padder capacitor. Rotating the control knob varies the
distance between the plates and thus the capacitance and
the amount of regeneration.
filters and de-couplers between stages.
In addition, the sets had relatively little gain so extensive decoupling was
One problem with this type of
circuit is that the audio transformers
sometimes had to have their primary or
secondary leads transposed to prevent
feedback. In other words, the terminal
marked “grid” has to be connected to
the bias line while the “bias” terminal
has to go to the grid, for stability to be
The power leads from the set are
connected via an octal plug into a
purpose made AC power supply. This
eliminates the possibility of errors
being made when connecting the set
to power.
Alignment & performance
There are virtually no alignment
adjustments to be made in this type of
set. The tuned winding has no alternate taps to alter the tuning range and
must be accepted as it is. However, the
antenna can be tapped at two points
and a simple switch selects between
them. The tapping nearer to the earth
end of the tuned section is intended
for long antennas, while the higher tap
results in greater gain from the set to
compensate for short antennas.
The regeneration winding has one
tap so that either it or the end of the
winding can be selected to ensure
regeneration with either a 22.5V or
45V supply. The regeneration control
is rather unusual and is constructed
somewhat like a mica padder capacitor. When the plates are brought closer
Three UX201A triode valves
are used in the old Kellogg TRF
together by rotating the control, the
amount of capacitance increases and
the regeneration increases.
Not surprisingly, the set is not parSeptember 2009 91
A close-up view of the “Little Spitfire”
decal that’s attached to the horn-load
ed loudspeaker that’s now used with
the Kellogg receiver.
with a 50mm speaker mounted above
it. As a result, it still looks original
and its performance is pretty much as
expected of a horn speaker, as it still
has the original horn baffle.
The old Kellogg 3-valve receiver was built into a wooden cabinet which
is still in good order. The on/off volume control is at bottom left, while the
reaction control is at bottom right.
ticularly sensitive but was probably
average for its time. However, it has
good selectivity and is able to discriminate between adjacent stations
quite well.
The loudspeaker
The “Little Spitfire” horn speaker
shown in the photos didn’t come
with the set but is the type of speaker
that would have been used with it.
This item was obtained separately
but unfortunately its high-impedance
winding was open circuit.
Rewinding the coil to get the speaker
going again wasn’t worth the effort.
Instead, its internals were removed
from the base and its mounting points
modified so that a small line-to-voicecoil transformer could be fitted, along
As with many very old receivers,
this unit required a lot of work to
restore it to working order. However,
it’s now a good-looking set and is an
excellent example of a mid-1920s TRF
Its performance is fair and its ability to discriminate between stations
is good. A 10kW broadcast transmitter is located just 8km away from my
location, while a second 5kW station
is also located at a similar distance.
Together, these two station provide a
good test of a set’s selectivity.
Finally, I’d like to thank Marcus
who supplied me with the photos and
information for this article.
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Audio filter
Regarding capacitor selection for an
audio filter, I discussed polyester capacitors with a friend and she showed
me a book on the subject. It points out
that a problem with polyester capacitors is their poor temperature stability.
In a filter, to some extent, you don’t
want the frequency shifting with
temperature changes. According to
that book, polypropylene capacitors
are about as good as polystyrene and
they reckon they’re better in all three
categories than polyester (accuracy,
temperature stability and leakage).
Any comments on this? I would like
to know whether there’s any reason to
pay the extra that polypropylene costs
or should I stick with polyester in most
applications? (N. V., via email).
• We don’t think temperature stability is particularly important for audio
circuits, with the possible exception
of notch filters.
To get an idea of the significance of
temperature stability, have a look at the
likely capacitance variation. Polyester
has the highest temperature coefficient
for a plastic dielectric capacitor but
if you look at the variation from 0°C
to 70°C, it is likely to be less than
1.5%, ie, not worth worrying about
for the vast majority of circuits. Yes,
such a variation will shift the corner
frequency of a filter but not by much.
On the other hand, we would avoid
using any type of ceramic capacitor
(disc, tubular, monolithic etc) for filter
circuits as they are definitely inferior
to plastic dielectric capacitors.
USB charger
for motorbike
I need to charge a GPS device from
my motorbike via a Mini-B USB plug.
I was thinking I would get a normal
cigarette lighter charger with the cigarette plug on one end (with a built-in
12V-to-5V converter) and USB on the
other end. I would then cut off the
USB end and solder on a waterproof
female USB A plug, which comes with
a cap for keeping it waterproof when
not in use.
At the other end, I was thinking
about taking the cigarette lighter part
apart, waterproofing the lot within
some resin and adding a small fuse
before it and connecting it directly to
the battery. This avoids any cutting
of wires (voiding the bike warranty)
and makes the whole thing easy to
remove later.
My question is, will connecting one
of these 12V-to-5V converters directly
to the battery always drain a small
amount of power, even when there is
Multiple Laptops Cause Power Overload
My school has a laptop trolley
with 16 Apple Macs on it. All have
chargers rated at 1.5A maximum so
why does the power point they are
plugged into trip out circuits and
spark at the switch?
I have tested the current with
a clamp meter to be around 2.5A
continuous. Is it because of a splitsecond load draw or back-EMF or
something technical like that? Please
help – this is a major problem. (W.
S., Rockingham, WA).
94 Silicon Chip
Your laptops are tripping out your
power circuit because they have
switchmode power supplies and
these have high inrush currents at
the instant power is applied (ie, for
the first cycle or so).
Try powering your laptops up
in groups of four (eg, by connecting them to four separate switched
power boards). That way, the current
drawn by each group of four will
have time to stabilise before power
is applied to the next group.
nothing plugged into the USB cable?
If it will, what is the likely current
drain when not in use? I do not want
this thing to drain the battery when
the bike is left in the shed for two or
three weeks.
The only other option is to put a
switch inline before the 12V-to-5V
converter or cut into the power cables after the ignition switch (cannot
do due to voiding warranty). (D. E.,
Ainslie, ACT).
• You would need to measure the
standby current drawn from the 5V
charger as it would depend on the
internal circuitry. Some would have
a linear 5V regulator that would draw
10-20mA standby while others would
use a switchmode supply that may
have a much lower standby current
For a bike battery, you would need
to have a low standby current of
preferably below 1mA to prevent it
discharging after two or three weeks.
Speed controller
for bench grinder
Over the years you have published
several circuits for motor speed controllers. I’d like to control the speed of
a typical 150mm, 150W bench grinder
with a wheel at each side. When sharpening tools this type of grinder runs
too fast and overheats the tool.
Ideally, it would be great to have a
set-up so that, when sharpening tools
on the very fine wheel, I could flick
a switch to drop the speed to half. A
drop in power isn’t an issue as when
sharpening plane blades etc, little
power is required. Then for serious
grinding fabrication etc, I could just
flick the switch for full power and use
the coarse wheel.
Would any of your circuits be suitable? I would construct it to just have
a fixed speed. (K. W., Newport, Vic).
• As far as we know, all bench grinders are based on induction motors
which run at a fixed speed (usually
1440RPM) which is shown on the
nameplate. The only way their speed
Multiple CFLs Can Cause Switch-On Problems
I have been enjoying your articles on CFLs (compact fluorescent
lamps). I have been experimenting
with different types at home over the
years, with various colours, styles
and wattages.
Recently, I needed to change one
bulb on a light fitting that has 10 light
bulbs. Since the light fitting hangs
from the second storey ceiling over
the stairwell, I thought I’d do the job
once and change all 10 incandescent
bulbs over to CFLs.
There were 10 25W incandescent
bulbs, so I bought 10 8W B22 Philips
Tornado CFLs in warm white. I
chose these because of their small
size and weight. I also find that the
Tornado type warm up a lot quicker
than other types. 8W is equivalent
to 40W incandescent (I have found
this to be a little over-rated).
After installing the 10 CFLs I
switched the lights on to test them
before I put back the light covers.
(Actually, I got my wife to flick the
switch as I hung from the plank of
wood suspended across the hand
rails). Click . . . no lights – the circuit
breaker had tripped.
can be varied is if they are driven
with a speed controller which varies
the output frequency and voltage. We
have not described such a controller.
Question on
battery capacity
I have acquired a battery and would
be interested to know its amp-hour capacity as it is not stated on the battery
label. I believe it is an AGM battery
from a large UPS. The label shows
it to be a SPRINTER S12V300F 12V
As it is a sealed battery I cannot tell
how many cells are in it. It must have
a fairly large capacity as I am using it
for camping and it ran my Waeco fridge
in the back of the ute for four days in
30°C+ heat. It would be very much appreciated if you could explain how to
convert from watts/cell to amp-hours.
(D. J., Hallett Cove, SA).
• The 300W/cell rating does not provide the battery capacity but just the
power it can deliver. Capacity is the
I tested all the CFLs one at a time
and all tested OK. I then installed
one CFL at a time and asked my
wife to flick the switch after each
one. All was going well until the
eighth one was installed, whereupon
the circuit breaker tripped. Now I
know that CFLs draw more current
at switch-on but I would not have
thought to the point of tripping my
10A circuit breaker.
I eventually installed seven CFLs
and three incandescents in the light
fitting. I then turned on all the lights
on this circuit and then turned on
the 10-way fitting last. That worked.
So what is causing the circuit
breaker to trip? Would it be leakage
to ground in the light fitting because
there is too much current draw at
turn on? Is there a formula to work
out the current drawn from a CFL
at turn on? (Z. J, Cordeaux Heights,
• This is yet another drawback
of CFLs although it normally does
not arise because few light fittings
require so many lamps.
If you refer back to the April 2007
issue, on page 15, you will see a
amount of energy it can deliver over
time. The watt-hour rating for the battery depends on the discharge current
and is higher for lower currents.
A 12V lead-acid battery has six
cells. Because the cells are in series
and each cell is around 2V, the current
through each cell at 300W is about
150A. For 12V with six cells in series,
the power is 1800W so it can provide
150A at 12V.
If you do an internet search for your
battery you will be able to find its
data sheet which shows the capacity
Huge 400Hz
inverter wanted
Have you ever described a 12V or
28V 400Hz inverter, at around 200kVA
at 115V or 250VAC? Restorers/users
of some military/avionic equipment
would welcome suggestions as to how
best attain this. Is it feasible to modify
an existing 240V 50Hz inverter to do
the same job? Sinewave output is pref-
typical circuit for a CFL. Its input
circuit is effectively a bridge rectifier and 4.7µF capacitor, with inrush
currents limited by a 47Ω resistor.
Neglecting the impedance of the
capacitor, the initial surge current,
if switch-on occurs at the peak of
the 50Hz 230VAC waveform, could
be in excess of 6A.
When you put 10 CFLs in parallel,
you have 10 times the initial surge
current and that could be up around
60A. This is far more than the initial
surge current of the equivalent 250W
incandescent lamp load which
would typically be around 10-15A
for less than one cycle of the 50Hz
mains supply.
In fact, we are only guessing what
the true surge current is but you can
understand the mechanism behind
it and grasp that it could easily trip
your 10A circuit breaker.
You may be able to solve the problem by increasing the circuit breaker
rating to 15A or you may need to
connect this particular light fitting
to one of your 15A power circuits.
You will need to consult a licensed
electrician to have this done.
erable and it has been suggested that
a 400Hz oscillator feeding an audio
amplifier might be acceptable. Your
suggestions would be appreciated. (P.
W., Metung. Vic).
• A 200kVA inverter is a massive
unit and it would not be feasible to
power one from a 12V or 28V source
as the currents would be excessive.
And using an oscillator and amplifier
to deliver 200kVA at 400Hz and with
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September 2009 95
Using An Audio Amplifier For The LF Amateur Band
As you may be aware, Australian
amateurs were recently given an allocation in the LF region from 135.7137.8kHz. The power limit is 1W
EIRP which, at first glance, seems
very low. However, given that any
practical antenna (within amateur
means) only achieves tenths of a
percent efficiency, power levels of
the order of 500W are permissible.
A signal in this band could be
considered as a very high audio frequency and many overseas amateurs
have had success using high-power
audio amplifiers as linear amplifiers.
Of course, a transformer is required
to match the low-impedance output
of the amplifier to the standard 50ohm antenna impedance.
As a result, I am considering
building the Studio 350 Amplifier
(SILICON CHIP, January & February
a 250VAC sinewave is just unrealistic.
The amplifier would need to produce
a 250VAC waveform at 800A and its
efficiency would be very poor. The
power supply for the amplifier would
need to be more than ±350V DC.
A switchmode unit would be the
best design but even then it would be
a very large unit.
Observations & queries
on 6-Digit GPS Clock
I like your 6-Digit GPS Clock (SILICON CHIP, May 2009) and I am working
on building two or probably three of
them. However, I do not like the idea
of showing all the components in the
clear “plastic-lidded” box. It is purely
a personal objection, quite subjective
and comes from dealing with commercial equipment. As a result, I have
located several boxes in the Jaycar
catalog, similar to that used to house
the GPS-based Frequency Reference
described in March 2007.
I also notice from the PC board artwork that pin 26 on the PIC16F877A
is connected to pin 33, an unused
output on the same chip. That is an
output is connected to an input. In
my experience, this does not always
give the required results. Has it had
any adverse effects on the operation
of the clock?
96 Silicon Chip
2004) and trying it on this band. I
note that, as standard (and at 1W),
the frequency response begins to roll
off at 60kHz and looks to be about
-4dB down at 137kHz. How does
the frequency response at full power
differ from that at 1W? Is it possible
to extend the upper frequency limit?
What problems can you foresee in
using this amplifier at 137kHz? (D.
S., via email).
• That is an interesting question.
While the frequency response at 1W
may be above 137kHz, the power
response (ie, frequency response
with respect to full power) is likely
to be no more than say 30kHz or
40kHz at best. We certainly have
not tried driving it to full power at
supersonic frequencies; for a start,
the output matching network (L1,
etc) would burn out.
I propose to add two additional
switches to put earths on the bases
of Q19 and Q20 in order to prevent
continuous operation of the seconds
displays. I find it very distracting
with the bars moving so frequently.
However, the seconds display is necessary when setting other clocks to the
correct time.
With regard to the Daylight Saving
Setting (DLS), is it possible to advance
the time by more than one hour? I am
asking this because I have a daughter
in France and a brother in Canada and
if it is possible to alter the difference
by more than an hour then I can set
the local time to that of France ie,
UTC plus one or two hours and then
add nine or eight hours to the DLS
setting to give our local time. In other
words, the system becomes two time
zones rather than just an additional
local setting.
It will involve resetting the times
when they change to DLS at both ends
but this should happen only twice
a year. It would also be convenient
when working between Perth and the
eastern states, as there is a two-hour
difference in time normally and three
hours during DLS.
On a lighter note, I observe in the
inset “UTC Local STD Time Offset” on
page 28 of the March 2009 issue that if
Russia is correct reading west to east
The driver and output transistors
are the main limiting factor here.
Obtaining or making a transformer
rated at 350W and suitable for
137kHz would also be no simple
However, it might be worth trying the amplifier driving a 50-ohm
load directly, ie, without a matching
transformer and without the output
network (which might need to be redesigned to match a 50-ohm load).
Given that the Studio 350 Amplifier
will deliver 240W music power into
an 8-ohm load, it should deliver over
35W and it might comfortably do it
at 137kHz.
The other point that needs to be
considered is the likely duty cycle of
the signal. If it is low, the amplifier
would have a much easier time and
would not be so likely to overheat.
+3 to +12, then the USA and Canada
should read east to west -4 to -8 (not
west to east as printed).
The fact that the time is immediately
reset to being exactly correct after a
power failure is very handy as it saves
a lot of adjusting as is required with
mains-operated devices such as clock
radios and microwave oven clocks.
As there is still enough room left
on the modified PC board, after the
EM408 receiver module is added, to
accommodate the PIC16F628A unit
from the GPS-based Frequency Reference in March 2007, will the newer
EM408 GPS module still drive it? I am
thinking of just putting on the tracks
so that in the future I or others can add
the chips to an existing set-up without
having to go to a lot of trouble. (K. S.,
via email).
• The PC board track running through
pin 33 of the PIC 16F877A in order to
reach pin 26 does not cause any problems, because the PIC firmware programs pin 33 (RB0) as an input, even
though it’s not being used. Hence there
is no interaction or adverse effects.
It would require a fairly extensive
change to the firmware to allow the
“Daylight Saving Local Time” setting
to be used as another local time setting, with an offset of its own instead
of a fixed one-hour delay from local
standard time. Sorry!
Notes & Errata
10A/230V Motor Speed Controller,
May 2009: due to a tendency to highfrequency oscillation in comparator
IC1b at the moment of switch on for
the IGBT (Q1), it is possible that Q1
will be damaged with some types of
load. The typical damage to the IGBT
is a short circuit between emitter and
collector; the motor then runs at full
speed. Usually no other components
are damaged.
The cure involves three small
changes to the circuit:
(1) Connect a 220pF 50V ceramic
capacitor between pin 7 of IC2c and
(2) Connect the collector of transistor Q4 to the wiper of speed pot VR1,
instead of to the output of the IC1b.
This prevents high-frequency oscillation during over-current events
and provides a softer restart after
an overload;
(3) Increase the 10kΩ resistor from
Q4’s base to ground to 100kΩ; the
over-current protection now starts
at about 26A instead of 48A.
The accompanying circuit and PC
board overlay diagram show these
changes: (1) the 220pF capacitor is
installed underneath the PC board
between pins 7 & 8 of IC2; (2) the
track from the collector of Q4 to the
4.7kΩ resistor is cut and connected
to the “+” side of the adjacent 10µF
capacitor using a short length of
tinned copper wire; (3) the 100kΩ
resistor is just below IC4 and one
end connects to IC4’s pin 7 (GND).
12V Charge Controller, April 2008:
a 10µF 16V PC electrolytic capacitor
is missing from the circuit diagram
(Fig.5) and the parts list. This capacitor connects between the adjust
terminal and ground of the LM317
regulator, REG1. The wiring diagram
(Fig.6) is correct.
Over-Voltage Protector, Circuit
Notebook, May 2009: the 3.6MΩ
resistor in Fig.2 should be 1.2MΩ.
with reversed polarity on both the
circuit diagram (Fig.1) and parts
layout diagram (Fig.3).
In addition, the 100µF capacitor
in series with the 100Ω resistor at
the output (pin 7) of IC4b is shown
with reverse polarity on Fig.1 (but
is correct on Fig.3).
There is no problem in setting the
local standard time offset to any value
in the range 0-23.5 hours, of course
(see May 2009 article).
You are quite correct about the
UTC offsets for the time zones across
the USA and Canada being shown in
reversed order in the table on page
28 of the May 2009 issue. Thanks for
pointing this out.
Finally, we are not sure why you
would want to add the PIC16F628A
SD Card Music & Speech Recorder/
Player, August 2009: the two 10µF
capacitors in series with the wipers
of VR2a & VR2b (volume) are shown
from the GPS-Based Frequency Reference to the 6-Digit Time Display but in
any case the EM408 module is not suitable for use in the Frequency Reference
because it does not provide a 1pps (one
pulse per UTC second) output – only
the NMEA data sentences.
Charger for an
electric scooter
I have a small electric vehicle (looks
like a Vespa but doesn’t sound like
one) which was supplied with a cheap
switchmode power supply battery
charger. The battery charger is very
unreliable and among other faults,
has destroyed several controller ICs
and I’m unable to diagnose why it is
doing so.
I would like to replace it with the
Charge Controller described in the
April 2008 issue. Could you please
run a critical eye over the following
September 2009 97
Increased Range For Battery Capacity Meter
I have been reading your articles
on the Smart Battery Capacity Meter
with great interest. This project is
very similar to a commercial product – the Xantrex Xlink 10 emeter.
Is there a way to add a prescaler
to handle larger voltage and current,
as used in an EV, assuming that the
software also has to be changed as
well? (J. D., Bracknell, UK).
• You can double the current range
by installing a second, identical
shunt in parallel with the specified
100A shunt. You would then need
to recalibrate the meter using the
menus, as explained in Pt.2 of the
Unfortunately, increasing the voltage range is not easy. The meter runs
on a 5V rail derived from a switchmode regulator whose maximum input rating is 60V. It would therefore
be difficult to increase the voltage
range beyond that. Also, the highside amplifiers used are rated at 76V
changes to adapt this circuit to charge
a 48V sealed lead-acid battery:
(1) Use a transformer made with a 44V
winding and a 9V winding. With a
bridge rectifier and smoothing capacitor, the DC output from the 44V winding should be close to 62V, enough to
take the battery to cut-off.
(2) Use the 9V winding, again with a
bridge rectifier and smoothing capacitor, to produce 12V to run the control
section, with diode D1 deleted.
(3) Replace R1 with a 100kΩ resistor to
scale down the sensed voltage. Replace
the 1.5kΩ resistor for the “Battery”
LED with a 2.7kΩ resistor.
As the controller will be permanently mounted on the machine, relocate
the thermistor to beside the batteries.
(T. N., Whenuapai, NZ).
• R1 should be 120kΩ for the correct battery voltage division. The LED
resistor should be about 4.7kΩ at 1W.
Otherwise it should work. Make sure
you use a 100V N-channel Mosfet,
such as an IRF540N. The IRF1405N
is only a 55V device.
Chokes for
switchmode regulators
Can you advise me on how to make
a 100µH toroid choke rated at 3-5A?
I have been looking at many pages
on the web for information regarding
details on how to wind the choke but
nothing has helped.
The toroids are available at Jaycar –
Cat. LF1272 (3A) and LF1270 (5A). My
concern is whether they are suitable
for use with an LM2576 3A switching
regulator. (B. B., via email).
• Commercial chokes such as the
Jaycar ones using ferrite cores are
suitable although powdered-iron cores
are better as they produce less interference. You can wind your own choke
using a powdered-iron core. The inductance depends on the AL value (in
nH) of the core.
Normally, you use wire that is sufficient for less than 5A per square mm.
So a 1mm diameter wire is 0.79 square
mm and suited for up to 4A. 1.25mm
diameter wire can be used for up to 6A.
The calculation for the number of
turns = 1000 x square root of inductance L in mH/AL (in nH))
For the Jaycar LO-1246 core, assuming an AL of 120, the number of turns
for 100µH is 29 turns.
The value Li2 sets the core’s power
rating. In this case, 100µH x 5A2 is
2.5mJ. Assuming that the LO-1246
rating is 16mJ, then the core should
not saturate.
Carbon monoxide
alarm heater problem
I am building your Carbon Monoxide Monitor (SILICON CHIP, August
2005) and have a problem with the
heater control circuit.
The voltage at pin 11 of IC1 varies
correctly from 5V to a fraction of 1V at
regular intervals, however the voltage
on the base of Q1, a BC327, varies from
5V to about 4.5V and the transistor
does not switch off. As a result, the
collector remains at 5V.
I have replaced the transistor and
still have the same result. Do you
have any suggestions please? (G. C.,
via email).
• The 5V to 4.5V base voltage variation for Q1 suggests that the transistor
is being switched off (5V at base) and
on (4.5V at base). The emitter is at 5V.
If the collector remains at 5V, then
perhaps there is no heater connection
through the CO sensor and the collector is pulled high via the 75Ω and 10Ω
series-connected resistors between
collector and emitter.
Check that there is a connection
between the top sensor heater terminal and Q1’s collector and the lower
sensor terminal and supply ground.
The sensor heater resistance should
be about 33Ω.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage.
All such projects should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely.
Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the instructions in the articles. When
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Advertising Index
Altronics..................................... 78-81
Av-Comm...................................... 103
Dick Smith Electronics............... 24-25
Emona Instruments......................... 59
Futurlec........................................... 10
Grantronics................................... 103
High Profile Communications........ 103
Instant PCBs................................. 103
Keith Rippon................................. 103
LED Sales..................................... 102
MicroZed Computers...................... 74
Mornsun.......................................... 71
Oatley Electronics......................... IBC
Ocean Controls................................. 8
Ozitronics........................................ 95
PCBCART....................................... 11
PCBCORE........................................ 9
Quest Electronics.......................... 102
RCS Radio.................................... 102
There’s something to suit every
radio frequency fan in the
SILICON CHIP reference bookshop
RF Circuit Design
– by Chris Bowick
A new edition of this classic RF
design text - tells how to design
and integrate RF components into
virtually any circuitry.
Practical RF H’book
– by Ian Hickman
A reference work for technicians,
engineers, students and the more
specialised enthusiast. Covers all
the key topics in RF that you
need to understand
Practical Guide To
Satellite TV
– by Garry Cratt
The reference written by an Aussie
for Aussie conditions.Everything
you need to know.
You’ll find many more technical
titles in the SILICON CHIP
reference bookshop – see
elsewhere in this issue
104 Silicon Chip
PO Box 631, Hillarys, WA 6923
Ph: (08) 9307 7305 Fax: (08) 9307 7309
Email: worcom<at>
Silicon Chip
Circuit Ideas
Do you have a good
circuit idea? If so,
sketch it out, write
a brief description
of its operation & send it to us.
Provided your idea is workable
& original, we’ll publish it in
Circuit Notebook & you’ll make
some money. We pay up to $100
for a good circuit idea or you
could win some test gear.
Silicon Chip Publications,
PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
RF Modules................................ 3,104
RMS Parts....................................... 37
SabTec.............................................. 5
Sesame Electronics...................... 102
Silicon Chip Binders...................... 103
Silicon Chip Bookshop........... 100-101
SC Performance Elect. For Cars... 104
Silicon Chip Order Form................. 99
Silicon Chip Subscriptions.............. 93
Siomar Battery Industries................. 7
Soundlabs Group............................ 57
Speakerbits................................... 103
Splat Controls............................... 103
Tech Repairs................................. 102
Truscotts Electronic World............. 103
Wagner Electronics......................... 61
Worldwide Elect. Components...... 104
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON CHIP
designs can be obtained from RCS
Radio Pty Ltd. Phone (02) 9738 0330.
Fax (02) 9738 0331.
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