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At Last...
Review by
Geoff Graham
Logic Analyser
If you ever yearned for a logic analyser you will know how
expensive they can be, with professional units costing $5,000
or more. The good news is that a new crop of more affordable
devices is becoming available and a good example of these is the
Logic, from US company Saleae. It costs just US$149 and even
after Australian dollar conversion that price is very attractive.
40 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: this screen shot shows a typical capture without analysing the data streams. You can type your own labels to
identify the signals into the boxes on the left. The buttons down the left let you select the trigger conditions. Logic can
monitor eight signals. Each input is supplied with gripping type probes to hold onto IC pins. The colours used for the
wires matches the colours used in the software to identify the inputs.
hat do you get for your money? Logic has eight
channels that can record millions of samples at
up to 24MHz. You also get a software package that
includes decoders for I2C, SPI, serial (eg, RS232) and other
data streams. It communicates with your computer via USB
and it uses your computer to do the analysis and display.
Logic analysers
If you are new to digital circuits then you may not know
just what a logic analyser is and why you might need one.
Simply put, a logic analyser is like a multi-channel oscilloscope that displays logic levels (ie, high voltage or low
voltage) rather than tracing the actual voltage.
So why not just use an oscilloscope? Because a logic
analyser is optimised for investigating digital circuits, it
has multiple channels, making it easy to measure timing
differences and it can decode the data streams that are
transmitted and received.
Let’s say that you are developing a circuit which uses
a microcontroller and a chip that communicates via SPI
(Serial Peripheral Interface). Many chips use SPI to communicate, including memories, displays, accelerometers
and sensors.
You dutifully read the data sheets, build a prototype,
write the code and… it does not work.
Hmm... what next?
SPI uses four data lines to communicate. These are chip
enable, clock, data in and data out. So you pull out your
oscilloscope and check the various lines and observe “something” on each line. The first problem is that the signal is
fleeting. There might be a burst of data when the program
initialises but then nothing. With most oscilloscopes you
need a repetitive signal to keep the trace on the screen long
enough for you to see what is going on.
Another issue is that most oscilloscopes are restricted to
two inputs and while they can show you parameters such
as the pulse rise time, clock speed and voltages, they say
nothing about the data being transmitted on the lines. So,
while you see something, you are not sure what it means.
This is where the logic analyser comes in. It has multiple
channels so that you can simultaneously watch all four
data lines. It will store the trace data in its memory so that
you can catch that brief burst of data and it will decode the
data so that you can see just what is being sent.
If you look at Fig.2, the top four lines show a captured
SPI communication. The top line is Enable, the next is
Fig.2: this is the same
logic trace shown
above with two of
the analysers turned
on. The upper four
traces represent an
SPI interchange while
traces 6 and 7 are a
decoded I2C stream.
The software shows
the value of the data
byte in a coloured
September 2009 41
Fig.3: this screen
shot shows the Logic
software with the
cursor pointing to
part of a trace. In
the bottom right
hand corner you
can see the related
measurements. For
example, the width
of the pulse is a little
over 29
the clock, then data in and finally data out. The coloured
bubbles show the value of the data being sent. So now
you can ask yourself, is this data stream correct? Does the
timing match the data sheet? Is this what I was expecting?
Because a logic analyser will capture the whole conversation, you can scroll back and forth through the data at your
leisure – from the first initialisation through to the end.
data directly down
the USB interface to
the computer. Your
computer saves this
data stream in memory and when the
capture is complete,
displays the result.
Using your computer to do most of
the processing is one of the secrets behind the low price.
Having only eight input lines is one aspect where the
Logic does restrict you. For example, many displays have
an 8-bit bus and six control lines and it would be nice to
monitor them all. Expensive logic analysers with 32 bits of
input can do this and offer other frills such as being able
to set the threshold voltage on the inputs.
Despite its confusing name, Logic has a lot going for it.
For a start, it has been designed with a sense of aesthetic
values. The entire device is embedded in a small block
of what looks like solid aluminium engraved with the
product name.
At one end is the USB connector and at the other end a
9-pin connector for the eight inputs and ground. The software is slick, with translucent effects that mimic the look
and feel of Vista.
The analyser works by
grabbing the current logic
level on its eight input
lines and pumping that
Because Logic has minimal buffering, its performance
is very dependent on the speed of the USB interface. With
a modern, fast computer and little traffic on other USB
ports you should be able to capture data at the maximum
of 24Mbits/sec. This speed is not guaranteed however and
if the USB interface cannot keep up, the analyser will drop
back to slower speeds.
At 24Mbits/sec the analyser will sample the input lines
Fig.4: logic analysers
are good for showing
the relationship between
different signals. In
this case the software
has calculated that the
difference between the
falling edges of D1 and
D3 (marked with timing
markers T1 and T2) is
1.875μS. Sometimes
knowing a detail like
that can make the
difference between
getting a circuit to work
or not.
42 Silicon Chip
every 42 nanoseconds. In practice, this means
that you can use it to analyse circuits that are being clocked up to 15MHz or so. This covers most
microcontrollers that hobbyists are likely to use.
Even fast chips like the PIC18F2550 can only toggle their outputs at a maximum of 12MHz. Having
said that, there are faster chips out there, like the
new 32-bit series from Microchip that can toggle
their outputs at 80MHz.
Because your computer is used to store the captured data you can record a very large number of
samples. This is a great plus and something that
is not available in a standard logic analyser which
generally has a limited amount of internal memory.
As an example, with a capture speed of 12MHz
this device can capture up to 82 seconds of data
(50 million samples). This means that you can set
the analyser to trigger at power on and capture
everything that happens for the next 90 seconds.
This is invaluable if you want to investigate an
event that only happens once and a long time after
power up. Compare that with an oscilloscope that
can only show you something that happened a
few thousandths of a second after the trigger point.
Logic will also capture the activity on its inputs
immediately before the trigger, so you can go backwards in time to see what led up to the trigger.
Fig.5: a handy feature is that you can select from a wide range of
sampling speeds and sample sizes. Because the software uses your
computer’s hard disk to save the data it can record a considerable
number of samples.
Because Logic leaves most of the complex processing to
your computer, the software and its usability become quite
important. This is an area where the cheaper manufacturers
often fall behind; they may produce good hardware at a
good price but frequently the software is a disappointment.
Not so with the Logic. The software is full featured and
easy to use.
The screenshots show you what the software looks like.
In keeping with the careful design of the product the colour
coding of the labels matches the colour of the wires in the
probes. You can also type in your own labels to identify
the signals.
Sampling speed and depth is selected by buttons across
the top while triggering is selected by the buttons down
the left. The trigger conditions are quite flexible and allow
you to trigger on a combination of high/low levels as well
as rising/falling edges on all inputs.
You can easily zoom in to see details or out to see the
whole picture. You can also quickly scroll forwards and
back through time by clicking and swiping your mouse
Parameters such as pulse width, frequency and duty
cycle can be read by pointing with the mouse. You can
also drag and position two markers to make accurate timing measurements.
Menu functions allow you to export and import the data
in various formats. You can also save the data and later
reopen it. This allows you to work with the captured data
just as if you were still connected to the circuit under test.
The software has the ability to decode a number of
common protocols used for communications between
“intelligent” components. These include I2C, SPI, serial
(eg, RS232) and one-wire protocols.
This shows just how good a value this device is. Many
brand-name logic analysers make you pay hundreds of
dollars for the software module to decode just a couple of
these protocols – and that is more than the complete price
of this logic analyser including the hardware.
Using the analysers is reasonably simple; you just specify
what signals are on what inputs, select some options and
the software will draw an overlay over the display showing
the values of the data transmitted/received.
You can also use a number of analysers to track multiple
communications simultaneously.
If you would like to test the program and the analysers
before committing you can download the software from
the manufacturer (address below) and run it in simulation mode. At the moment it is available for Windows
only but Macintosh and Linux versions are reportedly in
Summing up
Having access to a logic analyser can save you untold
hours of frustration when debugging digital circuits. And
Logic is just the tool to save you that frustration. It is fast,
easy to use and does the job without any fuss.
As you might expect, it does have some weak points.
Eight bits of input is rather limiting, it is dependent on the
speed of your USB and it is missing some nice points that
a more expensive logic analyser would have.
For US$149 (less than $AU190 at press time) you cannot hold these points against the Logic. It is great value
and will do 95% of what a hobbyist would need. If you
are working with digital circuits you should have a logic
analyser and if you are on a limited budget then this little
gadget is recommended.
Logic is available from the manufacturer, Saleae at www. or from SparkFun at SC
September 2009 43