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Vintage Radio
All about thermionic valves
. . as told by a veteran
(or vacuum tubes) .radio
Valves reigned supreme in the electronic
world for more than 40 years, being the
essential components of radio receivers,
transmitters, early computers and many
other devices. When television first came
to Australia, it was black & white and the
sets used valves. It has now been 50 years
since the end of the valve era.
ITH AN EYE to preserving our
history, there are many enthusiasts who restore early equipment,
mostly radio receivers from the 1930s,
40s and 50s. Most popular sets used
from four to six valves and many of
them were well made and are wellworth keeping as representative of the
technology of the era.
During the World War 2 (WW2), all
84 Silicon Chip
radio communication depended on
valves. It wasn’t much use sending
up a squadron of fighter planes if they
couldn’t talk to each other and coordinate the operation. Initially, valves
were the least reliable parts in the
equipment used until valve manufacturers in several countries made them
much more rugged.
These military valves were pro-
duced using the latest technology
available and in versions equivalent to
ordinary valves. Most of them, if not
abused, will meet their original
specifications after 60 years.
Not all people restoring
early radios will be trained
technicians or engineers.
They may be able to do
a great job of polishing
the cabinet, replacing the
dial cord and even repairing
the speaker cone. However, when
switched on, the set just doesn’t perform as well as it should. Maybe the
maximum volume is limited or it will
pull in only strong local stations. If
so, does the set need realignment or
does it have a faulty valve? Or could
something else be wrong?
Valves are a common reason for
poor performance in old radios and
this article will answer some of the
questions that are commonly raised
by people restoring vintage sets.
But first a word of warning. Most
enthusiasts will be aware of the basic safety issues for radios operating
from the 230VAC power mains. If you
are not confident about dealing with
mains-operated equipment, then leave
well alone. Even if you are capable and
know what you are doing, be careful
about doing repairs for acquaintances.
There could be legal implications if
something goes wrong.
We’ll assume here that we are dealing only with sets that have a mains
transformer. If you have such a set, it
should be fitted with a good-quality
3-core power lead that’s been properly
anchored and has a good earth connection to chassis.
Unless you a very experienced
and know exactly what you are
Taken in February 1954, this picture shows “Radio & Hobbies” staff members Raymond Howe, Neville Williams, John
Moyle (Editor) and Maurice Findlay on the roof on “The Sun” newspaper building in Elizabeth St, Sydney (there to watch
the Queen proceed down nearby Macquarie St during her 1954 visit to Australia). Both Raymond Howe & John Moyle
served in the RAAF during WW2, specialising in signals and radar.
ing, don’t touch transformerless (hot
chassis) AC/DC sets that have one side
of the mains (Active or Neutral) connected to chassis. They are absolute
death traps for the unwary and should
be avoided.
What sort of valves are there?
The simplest electronic valve type
is the diode. It has two elements – the
cathode and the plate (anode). When
the plate is made positive with respect
to the cathode, electrons are attracted
to it and a current flows. Conversely,
if the plate is negative with respect to
the cathode, no current flows.
Diode valves are used to rectify
alternating current. The larger diodes
typically rectify the high-voltage AC
secondary of the mains transformer,
while the smaller diodes are used to
recover the audio modulation from radio frequency (RF) signals. More often
than not though, the latter will not be a
single diode valve but will instead be
incorporated into other valve types. In
fact, there will usually be two diodes
in the envelope – one to recover the
audio and the other to derive the AGC
(automatic gain control) signal.
The next valve on the list is the
“triode”. It has an element called a
“grid” which is placed between the
cathode and the plate. This grid usually consists of a fine helix of wire
which surrounds the cathode.
In operation, the grid is usually
made slightly negative with respect
to the cathode and, depending on
the voltage applied to it, controls the
electron flow to the positive plate. In
this way, it can be made to amplify.
As a result, triodes in radio receivers
are usually used to amplify audio signals (ie, the audio is fed to grid of the
triode stage). However, triodes have
problems operating at radio frequencies (RF) because of the capacitance
that exists between the plate and the
grid (known as Miller Effect).
This problem can be overcome by
placing another helix of wire around
the control grid, to screen it from the
plate. Valves with this feature are
known as “tetrodes” and are used in
simple circuits to amplify RF signals.
Another grid called the “suppressor” is often also placed around the
screen grid. This improves the efficiency of the valve which is now called
a “pentode”. Like the screen grid, the
suppressor grid also usually takes the
form of a helix but the turns are more
widely spaced.
A special case for power valves is
the “beam tetrode”. It employs a special construction technique that does
away with the need for a suppressor.
Pentodes are commonly used for both
audio and RF amplification.
Special valves
To make things more complicated,
there are a number of special valves
that are frequently used in superheterodyne receivers to convert the
tuned RF signal to the intermediate
frequency (IF). One such valve is the
“triode heptode”
In this type of valve, the triode
element forms part of an oscillator
and it injects the oscillator signal
into a screened grid which is in the
main electron stream to the plate. As
a result, the intermediate (IF) signal
appears at the plate and is then fed to
the receiver’s IF stages.
September 2010 85
Fig.1: reproduced from the April 1949 issue of “Radio & Hobbies”, this diagram shows the various valve types that were
available. The valves designed for battery sets used directly-heated cathodes, while valves designed for use in mainsoperated sets generally used indirectly-heated cathodes to eliminate hum problems.
Most valve superhet receivers use
a triode-heptode for the input stage.
However, more elaborate receivers
may use a pentode RF amplifier stage
before the frequency converter. This
amplifies the tuned RF signal before it
is fed to the converter and so provides
better performance on weak signals.
Cathode construction
The cathodes for all the above valve
types can take two different forms. For
battery operation, strands of wire are
used and valves with directly heated
cathodes suitable for operation from
both 1.5V and 2V were produced.
By contrast, most of the valves
encountered by restorers in mainsoperated sets use indirectly-heated
cathodes. This type of cathode consists
of a fine metal tube with the heater
wire inside and insulated from it. A
big advantage of indirectly-heated
valve cathodes is that the heater can be
operated from low-voltage AC without
introducing hum.
An exception in mains-operated
sets may be the main (double diode)
rectifier. This rectifies the high-voltage
AC secondary of the transformer to
provide the HT (high-tension) line
and this valve is often directly heated.
Both directly and indirectly-heated
cathodes employ special coating
materials to ensure a good supply
of electrons. In use, these materials
gradually deteriorate, resulting in low
86 Silicon Chip
emission and eventually making the
valve unserviceable.
Other parts
Now for a brief look at other components. First, the electrolytic capacitors on the HT line in the power
supply don’t last for 50 years and if
the originals are still there, they will
need replacing. You can often tell from
their appearance that they have failed,
especially if they are leaking.
If there is any doubt, replace them
with modern capacitors with a voltage
rating of, say, more than 400V. The replacement values should be equal to or
only slightly higher than the originals.
In particular, note that substituting
much larger value capacitors in the
position immediately following the
rectifier will invariably shorten the life
of this valve, so don’t do this.
Note also that the negative leads of
these capacitors are sometimes connected to positions other than to the
chassis. This means that you must
check the lead connections carefully
before removing the originals.
Low-value (non-electrolytic) capacitors and resistors are more reliable
than electros. Most resistors can be
checked in-circuit (with the power
switched off) using a multimeter,
while suspect capacitors can be removed and checked on a capacitance
meter. One common problem in old
sets is a noisy volume control. An
aerosol contact cleaner may fix this
problem but if the control is worn,
replacement is the only answer.
Valve sockets and the pins of the
valves themselves can also cause
problems if the radio has been stored
in damp conditions. Look carefully at
the general condition of all metal parts
– if they are corroded, this gives a good
indication of valve socket problems
Power transformers are generally
reliable, even after many years. The
primary winding can be checked
with a multimeter by measuring the
resistance between the Active & Neutral pins on the power plug with the
power off and the radio’s on/off switch
(if fitted) in the ON position. The primary winding will typically have a DC
resistance of several hundred ohms.
If you have an insulation tester,
check that the primary isn’t breaking
down to the transformer frame.
Valve testers
During the heyday of valve radios,
valve testers were readily available.
You simply removed the valve from
its socket, set the controls of the tester
according to a chart, plugged the valve
into the tester and checked the reading
on a meter. Although not totally foolproof, the results given by a valve tester
were good enough for most purposes.
In fact, technicians who didn’t
know much about radio could often
fix sets just by testing the valves.
Alternatively, they just replaced the
valves in turn to determine which one
(if any) was faulty. Such technicians
were often derisively referred to as
“valve jockeys”.
Because they had to accommodate
a wide variety of valves with different
connection and power requirements,
most valve testers were generally quite
complicated. The most basic units tested the ability of the cathode element to
emit electrons and checked for shorts
between the elements. By contrast, the
more sophisticated units also tested
the valve’s ability to amplify at varying
power levels and usually required an
experienced operator.
Making an instrument to test valves
is impractical as a hobby project unless it is confined to simple tests on
a particular series of valves. Instead,
it is far easier to check valves in-situ
by checking voltages (and sometimes
current) while the radio in operation.
In addition, an emission test on a
valve tester can reject valves which
may work perfectly well in low-power
The valves and other parts should
also be checked visually (eg, are the
valve heaters glowing?) but for other
checks on the circuit, a multimeter is
essential. Many basic digital multi
meters (or DMMs) are available for
$30 or less and these have a number
of ranges to read current, AC and DC
voltages and resistance. Nearly all
DMMs have a high input resistance
on the voltage ranges (typically 10MΩ)
so that they don’t disturb the circuit
being measured.
If you don’t have a DMM, buy one.
You will probably pay less for it than
you did for the radio!
The older-style moving-coil multimeters can be used for some measurements. However, their input impedance is much lower than for DMMs
and this can lead to misleading results
when making voltage measurements,
particularly in high-impedance circuit. Even modern moving-coil multimeters have this problem.
Typical valve problems
OK, so what goes wrong with valves.
Here are the most common problems
and how to diagnose them:
(1) They lose emission – after a long
period of use, the cathode (or filament)
can no longer supply enough electrons
to allow the valve to operate properly.
In practice, a valve’s emission can
This photo illustrates the size
difference between an octal (8-pin)
valve and a later 9-pin “miniature”
valve. The 9-pin (and 7-pin) types
dispensed with the Bakelite base,
the valve pins emerging directly
through the glass envelope.
be checked in circuit by measuring
the current at the cathode. A valve
data book can be helpful here, to give
an indication as to what to expect. If
the valve has a resistor from cathode
to earth, simply measure the voltage
across it and then calculate the current
through it using Ohm’s Law.
Power valves in mains-operated
sets typically have cathode currents
of 50mA, while other valves typically
have values from 2-10mA. However,
the cathode current will be lower for
battery-operated sets.
(2) Vacuum is lost – when this happens, the cathode no longer emits
electrons and so there will be no
cathode current.
(3) Short-circuits between elements –
this can be detected by checking the
voltages around the valve. If elements
are shorted, the voltages on them will
be the same and will be incorrect.
(4) Open circuits – this particularly occurs with valves which have Bakelite
bases, where wires from the elements
are extended to the base pins. They can
sometimes be repaired by re-soldering
the base pins.
(5) Loose Bakelite bases and/or top
caps – can be repaired by re-gluing.
8-pin octal valves
Untold millions of broadcast-band
radios were manufactured in Australia
between 1930 and 1960. AWA, Philips,
Mullard, Astor and Kriesler are just
a few of the brand names that come
to mind. The early sets used valves
with an 8-pin (octal) base and a glass
envelope. Some valves also had the
grid connection via a cap at the top.
The valve type was usually screenprinted on the glass. Basically, a
valve with a particular type number
complied with the standards set by
agreement with a number of manufacturers. There were several sets of typenumbering standards, two of which
were widely used in Australia – the
American system and the European
For the American system, the starting number usually denotes the voltage for the heater or filament. Thus,
a valve with a type number starting
with “6” was designed for 6.3V while
a type number starting with a 12 was
designed 12.6V (this odd voltage
comes from the fact that many radios
were made for cars).
The last two letters denoted the type
of envelope. “G” indicated a normal
glass envelope, while “GT” denoted
a smaller glass envelope. There were
also valves produced with metal envelopes and for these the “G” or “GT”
designation was simply left out. Metal
September 2010 87
Fig.2: this was virtually the standard configuration for a mains-operated 5-valve superhet radio during the late 1940s and
1950s, although this particular circuit was actually published as the “ABC Five” in the August 1966 issue of “Electronics
Australia”. The “ABC” stood for “all bits collected”.
valves were produced in relatively
small quantities.
By contrast, European type numbers
often started with letters to indicate
the elements within the valve. An
“A” usually indicated a diode, a “B”
a triode and so on.
If your object is simply to restore historical radios, it isn’t really necessary
to become an expert on the thousands
of valve type numbers. However, you
should try to get a circuit diagram of
the radio with the voltages marked
and the base pin numbers indicated.
A valve data book could also be useful or you could check the data on the
Directly-heated valves
Inexpensive battery-operated radios
from the 1950s typically used the following valve types: 1R5 (frequency
changer); 1T4 (pentode IF amplifier);
1S5 (diode and pentode detector plus
audio amplifier); and 3V4 (audio
power amplifier – used to drive a
small loudspeaker). These valves are
of all-glass construction, have 7-pin
miniature bases and had directlyheated cathodes.
A 1.5V battery is used to power
the filaments, while a 90V battery (2
x 45V) is used for the high tension
88 Silicon Chip
(HT) supply. By modern standards,
the performance is not outstanding
and a common problem with these
valves is that the filaments tended to
be unreliable.
A more rugged series of valves designed for battery-operated receivers
was produced by AWV in Australia.
These came in larger glass envelopes,
with octal plastic bases and 2V filaments. Their power consumption was
higher than the 1T4 series but they
were more reliable and gave better
performance. A number of military
sets used the 2V series.
Indirectly-heated valves
Indirectly-heated valves were man
ufactured with a number of heater
voltages: 2.5V, 4.0V, 6.3V and 12.6V,
plus some with even higher voltages.
However, the majority required 6.3V.
A simple mains-operated radio of
the 1950s typically used the following valves: 6J8-G (triode heptode –
frequency changer); 6U7-G (pentode
– IF amplifier); 6B6-G (double-diode &
triode – detector, AGC & audio amplifier); 6V6-G, (beam tetrode – audio amplifier); 5Y3-G (double diode – power
rectifier). These are all 6.3V indirectly
heated types except for the 5Y3-G
which has a 5V heater/cathode and is
operated from a separate 5V winding
on the power transformer.
Combined with well-designed
tuning coils and IF transformers, the
performance of a radio with this valve
line-up on local stations is more than
adequate. In fact, the audio gain of
the standard 5-valve mains-operated
set has some reserve and the audio
amplifier following the detector can
be left out if very high volume is not
required. This was the basis of the
4-valve “Little General” radio made
popular in the 1940s by John Moyle
who was the Editor of “Radio & Hobbies” (later to become “Electronics
It now more than 60 years since the
original “Little General” was described
in “Radio & Hobbies”. Since then, transistors, ICs and large capacity memory
chips have made mobile phones and
digital radios both reliable and inexpensive. None of these consumer items
are now manufactured in Australia.
Modern day marvels
John Moyle died in 1960. What
would he have made of a little radio
on sale in popular stores in the year
2010 for about $40 – an hour’s working
time for a skilled tradesman?
The type of set I’m thinking of
Maurie Findlay – An Interesting Career
Maurie Findlay began his electronics
career by making valve radios while still at
school in the 1940s. He subsequently did
a course to become a marine operator in
his late teens and qualified for an amateur
radio license at about the same time.
Being an avid reader of “Radio & Hobbies”, he jumped at the chance when offered a job with the magazine in 1947. He
subsequently left in 1953 to spend a year
with Mullard-Australia as a sales engineer,
just three years before the introduction
of TV into Australia. His responsibilities
included advising manufacturers on the
best valve types to use in early TV receivers. During this time, he made a number
of trips to Mullard’s plant at Hendon in
South Australia to study the manufacture
and testing of valves.
Maurie then rejoined “Radio & Hobbies”
for another five years. During his 10 years
total with the magazine, he completed a
cadetship as a journalist and studied part-
time to become a professional engineer.
As well as being involved in the production of the magazine, Maurie also designed
and described valve and later solid-state
radio receivers, as well as amateur transmitters and test equipment. He hand-made
the mobile radio equipment used by “The
Sun” newspaper in the early 1950s and was
generally involved in designing and testing
the system. A major accomplishment at the
time was his ability to eliminate receiver
hash, due to the crude “vibrator” power
supplies that were used!
Maurie left “Radio & Hobbies” at the
end of 1959 and joined the de Havilland
Company as a trials engineer working on
the “Black Knight” research rocket. This
British-designed rocket was used to study
the physics of re-entry into the Earth’s
atmosphere at very high speed. The aim,
almost reached at that time, was 20,000
miles/hour (32,000km/h).
Maurie’s responsibility on the Black
Knight project involved the special tape
recorder used in the re-entry head. He
then returned to the company’s plant at
Stevenage in the UK to study the larger
“Blue Streak” rocket.
Family responsibilities had priority over
career and he subsequently returned to
Australia to take up a position as Chief
Engineer with Weston Electronics. Among
other things, this company was involved in
the manufacture of VHF transceivers and
outback radio systems.
In 1962, Maurie formed Findlay Communications Pty Ltd which was to produce
SSB marine equipment and mobile sets
for use in the Royal Flying Doctor Service
over a period of nearly 25 years. During
this time, Findlay Communications also
designed and supplied receivers and solidstate 1kW transmitters for the Australian
Civil Aviation Authority.
Now retired, Maurie is a Member of the
Institution of Engineers Australia and is still
an active radio amateur with the call-sign
There were lots of “Little General” 4-valve sets described in
“Radio & Hobbies” over the years. This one was described
in January 1946 by Neville Williams and is closely based
on the design originally published in the April 1940 issue
by John Moyle. The valve line-up was as follows: 6J8-G,
EBF2-G, 6V6-G and 5Y5-G.
cally measures no more than about 100 x 60 x 30mm and
is powered by two AA cells which last for about a month
with typical usage. It features not only an AM broadcast
band but shortwave, stereo FM and an inbuilt digital clock
with alarm features as well. And of course, digital tuning
and a preset station memory are all part of the deal.
John Moyle was an imaginative and resourceful man.
He would almost certainly have come up with some new
angle. I knew him well.
September 2010 89