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Vintage Radio
By Maurie Findlay, MIE Aust, VK2PW
AWA R7077 Beat Frequency
and general quality of the Australianmade set was better than the original.
AWA’s associated company AWV
manufactured valves locally and
many, particularly those designed for
battery operation, were more reliable
than overseas types intended for the
same job.
The R7077 BFO
It was 1939 and Australia was at war. Its
future seemed far from secure and every
industry in the country was geared to
support the military effort. Amalgamated
Wireless Australasia (AWA) played a key
role by designing and producing vital
communication equipment.
HE R7077 Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) described here was a
very small part of the company’s output during the early 1940s. This wellmade piece of test gear provides a good
example of the techniques that were
available at the time. Vacuum tubes
(valves) were by then well-developed
and reasonably reliable but the transistor hadn’t been invented.
Indeed, it would be another 20 years
96 Silicon Chip
or so before equipment using semiconductors became available.
As a radio amateur after the war, I
acquired a number of pieces of AWA
equipment through the disposals outlets and adapted these for use on the
amateur radio bands. I also remember
having a famous American communications receiver (HRO) and an AWA
receiver made in the same general
format (AMR100). The workmanship
A handbook describing the R7077
BFO at the time lists the features,
applications and design of the instrument and these are summarised in the
accompanying panel. It is interesting
to note the technical style used in
the 1940s, long before terms such as
“Hertz” were introduced, both in the
panel and in the following text which
is also derived from the leaflet:
The audio output is produced by
mixing the outputs of two high-frequency oscillators, selecting the lowest frequency component of the output
and amplifying it to a suitable level.
One oscillator remains fixed at
100kc, and the other is variable from
100kc to 86.5kc by means of a variable condenser. The plates of this are
shaped to give an approximately
logarithmic law to the beat frequency
scale calibration.
Frequency drift, due to variations
of temperature and supply voltage,
is reduced to a minimum by using
silvered mica condensers and robust
coil formers in the tuned circuits. In
addition, a symmetrical layout is used
for the two oscillators.
Both oscillators are of the resistance stabilised tuned grid type, using
a triode oscillator electron coupled
to a heptode buffer amplifier. A type
6J8G valve is used in each oscillator
circuit, which allows the oscillator and
buffer amplifier to be accommodated
in the one valve. The output of each
oscillator is fed to the mixer valve, the
variable oscillator output being taken
directly and the fixed oscillator output
reaching the mixer through a filter.
A low-pass filter placed between the
Fig.1: the original circuit from the AWA handbook. The signals produced by the variable and fixed oscillators (V1 & V2)
are mixed in V3 and fed to a 6V6G audio output stage (V4). V5 is the rectifier, while V6 is a “magic eye” beat indicator.
mixer and the output stage effectively
prevents high-frequency components
in the mixer output from reaching the
output valve.
Inverse feedback is applied to the
output stage, which is a beam tetrode
(6V6G). This results in a reduction of
the output harmonic content, improvement in frequency response characteristic and stabilisation of output
The specifications also make interesting reading, as shown in a second
panel. It’s not so impressive by 2011
standards but that’s only to be expected. And remember, this was wartime
and in addition to applications in the
military, the instrument was also quite
usable for general audio work, just
covering the audible frequency range
(10Hz – 13.5kHz).
By contrast, modern audio signal
generators have a much greater frequency range (eg, up to 200kHz) and
distortion across the range is better
than 0.5%. An attenuator and meter to
allow low-level signals to be generated
accurately would also be included in
some of the more expensive models. In
addition, a total power consumption of
5W and a weight of about 3kg would
be typical of a modern audio generator.
Getting it going again
My R7077 BFO was picked up in a
Frequency range 10 cycles to 13.5 kc.
Directly calibrated 9-inch diameter semi-circular frequency scale,
with direct and 44 to 1 reduction drives.
Low relative frequency drift of oscillators.
600 ohm output impedance.
Typical applications of Beat Frequency Oscillator R7077 are the
measurement of audio amplifier characteristics and modulation of
transmitters and signal generators. The oscillator is also suitable for
use in the operation of AC bridges and in conjunction with Cathode
Ray Oscillograph R6673 forms part of the equipment for frequency
December 2011 97
Frequency Range: 10 cycles to 13.5 kc.
Accuracy: 2% from 30 cycles to 13.5 kc; 10% below 30 cycles
Power Output: 250 milliwatts maximum.
Output Impedance: 600 ohms balanced.
Harmonic Distortion: For 2V across 600 ohms: 4% at 50 cycles, 1%
at 400 cycles and higher.
For 10V across 600 ohms: 10% at 50 cycles, 3% at 400 cycles and
For 10V across 50,000 ohms: 10% at 50 cycles, 1.5% at 400 cycles
and 1,000 cycles, 2% at 7.5 kc.
Frequency Response: 2db from 30 cycles to 10 kc.
Noise Level: 40db below a reference level of 6 milliwatts.
Radio Frequency Content: From fixed oscillator – negligible. From
variable oscillator – 0.05 V across 600 ohms.
Power Supply: 200-260 V, 50– 60 cycles.
Consumption: Approximately 36 watts.
Valves: The following valves are supplied with the instrument: 3 –
type 6J8G, 1 – 6V6G, 1 – 6X5GT, & 1 – 6U5/6G5.
Finish: Case – grey wrinkle. Front panel – polished grey with white
lettering. Control protecting handles fitted.
Types: 2R7077 – Portable 12” x 8” x 8” case weight 24lbs. 3R7077
– Rack mounting type, 19” x 10” x 8 ¾”
junk store for a few dollars. Externally,
it looked to be in good condition except for the power flex which had lost
so much insulation as to be dangerous.
Inside, all seemed original and with
the schematic diagram stuck inside
the case, the chances of getting it to
work seemed good.
When it came to the minor components, I reasoned that the 14µF
electrolytic capacitors in the power
supply (C28 & C29) were the most
likely to have deteriorated. By now,
they probably had low capacitance and
high leakage and so they were disconnected and modern types wired into
place under the chassis. The power
cord had also deteriorated and this
was replaced with a 3-way flex/plug
combination, with the earth lead securely connected to the metal chassis.
Checks of inductors L1-L5 indicated
the expected resistance but the primary of the output transformer was
open circuit. As a result, a speaker
transformer (5kΩ:3Ω) that had been
salvaged from an old broadcast receiver was wired in place of T1. This
was connected in a temporary fashion
so that the screen of the 6V6G would
not be damaged with the high-tension
The resistance from the cathode
of the 6X5GT (pin 8) to the chassis
measured about 20kΩ (due to voltage
98 Silicon Chip
dividers across HT line), while the
resistance from the primary winding of power transformer T2 to the
chassis was greater than 10MΩ. This
indicated that the power transformer
was probably OK, so the 230V power
was applied and all the valve cathodes glowed an encouraging dull red.
However, the 6U5 zero beat indicator
at the front panel gave only a hint of
its normal green colour.
What’s more, an oscilloscope connected across the output terminals
indicated that there was no audio output from the instrument. The time had
come for a systematic check through
the circuit with a multimeter.
The high-tension (HT) line measured about 250V and the cathode of
the 6V6G about 3V, suggesting that
both the 6V6G and the 6X5GT rectifier were in good order. Next, the plate
Fig.2: this diagram shows the
connections for the alternative
octal-base Y61 zero-beat “magiceye” indicator.
and screen voltages of V1 (the 6J8G
variable oscillator) were checked and
these gave readings close to 170V and
80V respectively, suggesting that the
valve was doing its job.
It was a different story, when the
voltages on the plate and screen of
valve V2 (another 6J8G) were checked.
They were much higher than they
should be, indicating that its emission
was low. I had a spare and when this
was substituted, the voltages returned
to normal and the scope then indicated
the presence of an audio signal at the
output terminals.
Obtaining spare parts
Obtaining replacement electronic
parts for the R7077 BFO is usually not
a problem. All but one of the valves
were made in large quantities and are
still generally available. Most valves
made even 60 or more years ago seem
to still be in good working order if
they have not had a great deal of use.
The best source is a friend who is an
enthusiast but you can also find dealers on the internet who can supply
valves at a reasonable cost.
The exception is V6, the 6U5/6G5
zero beat indicator, which tended to
have a short working life. The circuit
diagram suggests that a Y61, which has
an octal rather than a 6-pin base, can
also be used. I didn’t have either but
I did have a similar type with a 12V
heater and an octal base (1629/VT138). But where could I get the 12V?
Fortunately, AWA engineers at the
time tended to be very conservative
and I was able to come up with a
solution. The 6X5GT rectifier is provided with a separate heater winding, despite the valve being rated to
withstand the high-tension voltage
between heater and cathode. I took
advantage of this and connected the
6X5GT’s heater in parallel with the
other valves. This left a 6.3V winding
free to connect in series with the main
6.3V winding to provide 12.6V for the
1629 (its connections are the same as
for the Y61).
A general check around the circuit
revealed a few resistors which were
high in value and these were replaced
with modern types, using the closest
resistance from the preferred value
series. The output level control (R15,
0.1MΩ) proved to be intermittent and
was replaced with a unit incorporating
a double-pole mains off/on switch.
Coils L1-L5 are unlikely to go open
Silicon Chip
This top view of the chassis shows the robust construction techniques used in
the R7077. The valves are all held in place by clamps, so that they cannot come
loose as the unit is moved about.
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Only a few parts under the chassis required replacement. These included the
power supply electros, a few resistors which had gone high and the output level
control. Valve V2, the zero beat indicator (V6), the power cord and the output
transformer also required replacement .
circuit but it would be possible to
hand-wind replacements if necessary
(a rather messy job). Filter chokes L6
and L7 are also unlikely to be faulty
but their inductance is not critical
and something to do the job will be
found in many junk boxes. If they are
not doing the job, there will be 100Hz
hum at the output terminals.
A replacement for the power transformer (T2) is no longer available from
parts suppliers but it is similar to the
transformers used in many valve AM
receivers. So scrounging a working
unit from an otherwise defunct radio
receiver shouldn’t be too much of a
Finding suitable replacements for
the mechanical parts may not be so
easy. However, it’s worth remembering that the 75mm control knob, with
the 44:1 reduction mechanism, was
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December 2011 99
This war-time photo shows the AWA Works Cafeteria at
Ashfield. Meal breaks were staggered to cater for the large
staff numbers involved and for shift workers.
used in several pieces of equipment
manufactured by AWA in the 1940s. If
this proves faulty, it should be possible
to find a replacement although it may
take some tracking down. This usually
won’t be necessary though because it
has proved to be reliable.
Output transformer
That leaves the serious problem of
the output transformer, T1. It is unlikely that an exact replacement for
this unit (type 1TX7127) can be found.
The temporary speaker transformer
that I installed worked but the output
from the BFO was much lower than
the specified and fell off even further
at lower frequencies.
The specification for T1 is not given
in the literature and all I can do is to
A general view of one of the assembly lines in the Radio
Electric Works, at AWA’s Ashfield factory. Many types of
transmitters and receivers were built here during the war.
go back to fundamentals. The 6V6G is
operated with a low screen voltage and
the plate current is only about 15mA,
which means that the optimum load
resistance is not the usual 5kΩ. To
determine the best load, a set of curves
for the valve for a screen potential of
around 50V would be needed and as
far as I know, no such curves have
been published.
As a result, all I can do is rely on
experience and make an informed
guess. In my opinion, the optimum
load would be around 15kΩ and so
the impedance ratio of the transformer
would then be 15,000 divided by 600.
This gives an impedance ratio of 25,
while the turns ratio would be five.
The easiest solution is to find a
speaker output transformer with the
highest primary impedance rating
possible. The output of the instrument
would still be much lower than specified but it would still would be useful
for jobs such as checking resonances
in loudspeakers.
Modifying an existing unit
Modifying an existing speaker transformer is also within reason. It would
need to be of the open type, using E & I
laminations, and the rated primary and
secondary impedances would have to
be known. The low impedance winding is always on the outside – if you
remove this, counting the turns as you
go, you can then calculate the number
of turns on the primary.
The number of turns for a 600Ω
secondary can then be calculated
and wound on, obviously using finer
wire than in the original (so that the
turns fit).
Note that speaker transformers made
with E & I laminations have a gap between the two to prevent saturation
of the magnetic materials due to the
direct current flowing in the primary
winding. This gap is provided by a
piece of insulating material. The plate
current of the 6V6G is only 15mA and
the best result will be obtained by replacing the material with something
as thin as possible, even tissue paper.
Modulation source
This photo shows workers building sub-assemblies on another of AWA’s war-time
production lines.
100 Silicon Chip
In my case, I often use the restored
R7077 BFO as an external modulation
source for a signal generator, when
checking the audio response of radio
sets. The audio range is covered in
one sweep of the dial. Besides, it is
interesting to preserve some AustralSC
ian electronic history.