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Thousands of antennas… one radio telescope
The Square
Kilometre Array
By Geoff Graham
By any standards the Murchison region of Western Australia is an
empty place. There are no towns, few roads and the population
density is just one person for every 300 square kilometres. But
there is a sense of excitement in the air. A high speed optical
fibre has been run into the heart of the region, large semi-trailers
regularly arrive loaded with high-tech equipment and scientists
have become regular visitors. What is happening?
ustralia and New Zealand are engaged in a high
stakes race that most people do not even know
about. It is a race to host one of the largest scientific projects ever envisaged on the planet… the Square
Kilometre Array.
The Square Kilometre Array (abbreviated to SKA) is an
international initiative to build the largest radio telescope
in the world.
The stakes are high. It will use technologies that have yet
to be developed, will involve many countries from around
the world and will cost billions of dollars.
The SKA consortium started with a list of four possible
sites and has whittled that down to a short list of two; one
in South Africa and the other in the Murchison region in
Western Australia.
The Square Kilometre Array is a response to two of radio
astronomy’s great issues: resolution and sensitivity.
With an optical telescope you are dealing with light that
has a wavelength of the order of 600 nanometres and it is
relatively easy to construct mirrors and lenses that can
reflect and focus these short wavelengths.
Radio telescopes
In a radio telescope the wavelengths are much longer and
so the “mirrors” (reflecting dishes) need to be correspondingly larger. This and the need for sensitivity has led to an
“arms race” in radio telescopes with dish sizes growing
14 Silicon Chip
from the 76-metre dish of Jodrell Bank in the UK (1957)
to the 305-metre dish used by the Arecibo Observatory in
Puerto Rico (1963).
With increasing size came improved resolution and sensitivity but it came at a cost. The Arecibo telescope is so
large that it had to be built onto the walls of a valley and
its view of the sky is determined by that part of the Earth
is pointing to any particular time.
Another way of addressing the size issue of radio telescopes is to use an array of smaller dishes and employ
complex electronics and powerful computers which correlate the signals to simulate one large dish.
The Very Large Array in New Mexico (USA) uses this
technique, with the individual dishes spread out by up to
36km. This gives it the resolution of a single, very large
steerable dish. While this was a great advance, the sensitivity of the telescope was still limited by the relatively small
number of dishes and the resulting small collecting area.
The Square Kilometre Array
The Square Kilometre Array intends to get around this
issue by using thousands of dishes with a total collecting area of one square kilometre; hence the name, Square
Kilometre Array.
The majority of the dishes will be concentrated in one
area but some will be up to five thousand kilometres away.
So the array will have a resolution implied by the 5000km
Artist’s impression of
dishes that will make up
the SKA radio telescope.
Each dish is approximately
15m in diameter. Courtesy
Swinburne Astronomy
Productions/SKA Program
Development Office
baseline but a sensitivity
However the rewards will
derived from its one square
be great. The SKA will be 50
kilometre of collecting area.
times more sensitive and be
The Australian and New Potential SKA array station placement in Australia
able to survey the sky 10,000
Zealand bid for the SKA envis- and New Zealand indicating the 5,500km ‘baseline’
times faster than any imaging
ages about 3000 dishes centred or maximum distance between the array stations.
radio telescope array currently
in the Murchison with some Image courtesy CSIRO
dishes scattered as far away as the east coast of Australia
Its high sensitivity means that it will be able to probe
and New Zealand, giving that huge baseline.
earlier in time towards the big bang and observe the very
The signals from all these antennas will be correlated first black holes, stars and galaxies that shaped the develand reduced using massive super-computers, giving scien- opment of the universe.
tists a detailed and far-reaching image of the sky at radio
Other key projects include investigating the evolution
of galaxies, testing theories related to cosmology and dark
One of many technical problems that must be addressed energy and answering questions related to the origin and
is that current supercomputers are simply not capable of evolution of cosmic magnetism. Astronomers also want to
processing the enormous amount of data involved. But the use the SKA to search for life and other planets outside our
SKA is planned to become fully operational in about 2024 solar system and conduct tests of general relativity using
and it is anticipated that by then, the evolution of electron- pulsars and black holes.
ics and computer technology will have reached the level
The SKA project
where it will be able to handle the data stream.
As an illustration of the technology involved it has been
The SKA project is a collaboration of 20 countries, comestimated that the combined data stream from the 3,000 prising Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany,
dishes will be thousands of Terabits per second, equivalent
India, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands, New Zealand,
to many times the world’s current internet traffic rate.
Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
So this is a project that cannot work today but is critically United Kingdom and the United States.
dependent on the relentless march of technical innovation.
It is difficult to be precise on the details of the SKA as
It’s a huge gamble, although some would say, a safe gamble! the design phase has only just started but it has been
December 2011 15
A close look at CSIRO’s ASKAP prototype phased array
feed which was installed on the Parkes Testbed Facility in
July 2008. Photo: David McClenaghan, CSIRO.
timated that the overall cost will be in the region of $2.5
billion. Much of that money will be spent in the contributing countries who will be building the technology – it
will provide an extra powerful boost for the host country’s
technical and scientific capabilities.
It is one of a very few multi-billion dollar science projects
in the world. Another often-quoted example is the Large
Hadron Collider at CERN, situated on the border of France
and Switzerland.
Currently the headquarters for the SKA project has been
selected (Jodrell Bank, UK) and some initial funding has
been allocated. Also some progress has been made towards
selecting the site, either in South Africa or the Murchison
region in Western Australia.
Key dates include the design phase starting in 2013-2015,
initial construction in 2016, the first astronomical observations in 2020 and full operation in 2024.
For Australia and New Zealand, the most anticipated
event is the selection of the country that will host the SKA.
Assembly of CSIRO’s first ASKAP antenna at the
Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory.
Photo: Carole Jackson, CSIRO.
Four of CSIRO’s new ASKAP antennas at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory, October 2010.
Photo: Graham Allen, CSIRO.
16 Silicon Chip
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The new global face of Farnell
Although the design of the SKA has not been finalised
it will probably involve more than just the traditional
radio telescope dishes. This is an artist’s impression of
the SKA’s proposed dense aperture array antennas. These
will operate at mid-frequencies and are closely packed
antennas arranged in tiles within stations. The size of the
dense aperture array stations is likely to be about 60m
diameter. Courtesy Swinburne Astronomy Productions/
SKA Program Development Office
This announcement will be made in late February 2012,
just two months away.
Government support
The Australian and New Zealand governments were
quick to provide high level support for the bid to host the
SKA. In particular, Australia has pulled out all stops to
demonstrate that the country has the technical capability
and the will to host the SKA.
To start with the Murchison region has been identified as
the best site for the SKA and to support this proposal the
Australian government has purchased a pastoral property,
Boolardy Station.
Typical of the properties in the area, at 3,467 square
kilometres it is one third larger than the Australian Capital
In this arid climate the number of animals must be restricted to give the natural vegetation time to regenerate
after being grazed on, so Boolardy runs a small number of
cattle which roam far and wide through the natural bush
with hardly any human contact.
The government has since leased the grazing rights back
to the original owners so that they could continue doing
that. As a result there could well be cattle grazing in the
shade of the dishes but this is OK; they do not emit radio
Kilometre Array Pathfinder project (abbreviated to ASKAP).
This project involves much of the technology required for
the SKA but on a smaller scale.
This includes 36 dishes, a high-speed fibre network and
a supercomputer facility in Perth.
The ASKAP is currently under construction at the Murchison Radio Observatory and should become operational
in 2013.
This is why the small population in the Murchison are
seeing so much activity. The high-speed fibre optic data
link is required to connect the site to the rest of Australia
and the large semi-trailers are carrying the components to
build the telescope.
Why the Murchison?
The primary reason for choosing the Murchison region
is the very low level of radio noise in the area, mostly due
to the small number of people living there. With a population density of less than one person for every 300 square
kilometres and no radio stations, no mobile phone towers
or most other sources of radio pollution, it is a very quiet
place especially as far as the radio spectrum is concerned.
There is no town or city within the area and the nearest
reasonable-sized town (Geraldton) is over 300km away. It
does have some disadvantages though. It is hot and dry and
the remoteness is a logistical challenge but to the scientists
that is nothing when compared to the advantages of a region
with almost total radio silence.
The proposed site of the SKA lies in the Murchison Shire
which is in Western Australia, about 738km north of Perth
and 250km inland.
This shire is unique in Australia as it is the only local
government body that has no town or city or even a large
Murchison Radio Observatory
Part of Boolardy has been excised and named the Murchison Radio Observatory (MRO) and will be the core site
for the SKA should it come to Australia.
In addition, the Australian Communications and Media
Authority have established a “radio quiet zone” band plan
which outlines the purposes for which the radio spectrum
may be used within 150km of the MRO.
This seeks to manage all frequencies from 70MHz to
25.25GHz, with an inner zone of 70km where the requirements of radio astronomy will have precedence over other
The most potent demonstration of Australia’s determination is the funding of the CSIRO Australian Square
18 Silicon Chip
This “graphically” explains why the Murchison area was
proposed as the location for the Square Kilometre Array.
The top graph shows the typical level of RF “noise” for
Sydney; the centre graph is for Narrabri (where the Australia
Telescope Compact Array is located) and the bottom graph
is for the Murchison Shire. Courtesy Ant Schinckel, CSIRO.
The phased array detector under construction. Phased
array feeds will be used by ASKAP’s 36 antennas to detect
and amplify faint radio waves, a development being
pioneered the CSIRO for the ASKAP telescope.
Both photos: Courtesy Ant Schinckel, CSIRO
settlement within its boundaries.
The Murchison Shire is not small; it is 50,000 square
kilometres or a little bigger than the Netherlands. However
its total population is only 100 to 160 (estimates vary) with
just 29 pastoral properties as the major ratepayers. Imagine,
the Netherlands with only 29 farms!
The shire has its offices and maintenance depot located
in the Murchison Settlement (population about 25) which
is also the only place to buy petrol in the shire.
Most telling of all, there is no pub or hotel anywhere
in the shire.
As well as being the proposed site for the SKA, the
Murchison Radio Observatory will also host a number of
other radio astronomy projects. These include the SKA
pathfinder project (ASKAP) and the $30 million Murchison
Wide Field Array project developed by Australian, Indian
and American scientists. So this purchase will not go to
waste if Australia loses its bid to host the SKA.
The ASKAP project
The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
(ASKAP) project is being driven by the CSIRO and is a
very large project in its own right.
When completed it will be the world’s most powerful
survey radio telescope by a factor of 10. While it will be a
potent scientific tool it will also demonstrate that Australia has the capacity to
host a mega science project such as the
SKA and will provide a base for training our future engineers and scientists.
The completed ASKA phased array detector, the heart
of the telescope. A phased array feed array acts as a
multiple pixel sensor and is much faster than conventional
telescope sensors which can see only one pixel.
The ASKAP telescope will consist of 36 steerable dishes
each 12 metres in diameter linked to a telescope in New
Zealand to give an extended baseline.
The estimated cost is over $150 million; a lot of money
for a pure science project in Australia. Normally the scarce
research dollars are reserved for solving practical problems
in agriculture and the like.
Each dish will have a completely new and unique radio
“camera” that will be able to record multiple points in the
sky. A normal radio telescope has all the radio energy focused onto one detector so it can be thought of as recording
a single “pixel” of an image of the sky.
By contrast, the ASKAP dishes will have 188 active elements in an array, so they will be able to record multiple
“pixels” giving the telescope the ability to simultaneously
sample large areas of the sky much faster than a conventional radio telescope.
This Phased Array Feed (PAF), as it is called, comprises
a checkerboard phased array, analog and digital signal
processing systems and the associated support systems
required to run this unique receiver. It was developed in
Australia by the CSIRO for ASKAP.
It, along with the entire ASKAP project, is a good demonstration to the rest of the world of the level of Australia’s
capabilities in building and designing the high-tech com-
The ASKAP telescope will generate 72
Terabits of raw data every second. Onsite processing will reduce that to 40Gb/s
which will be transferred to a new
supercomputer facility in the suburbs of
Perth which in turn will reduce the data
volume to the equivalent of one DVD
per second; still an awful lot! The SKA
is expected to generate many thousand
times this data rate.
Courtesy Ant Schinckel, CSIRO.
December 2011 19
“Mr WiFi”
One scientist who was involved in
the design of the ASKAP telescope
is Dr John O’Sullivan. He helped design the unique multiple pixel sensor
used in the telescope.
Dr O’Sullivan is also noted as
the lead scientist involved in the
development of the ubiquitous wireless networking technology IEEE
802.11a – also known as WiFi.
As most of our readers know, WiFi
has stormed the consumer world
and is used all types of gadgets
from mobile phones to cameras and
much more.
While researching this story SILICON CHIP had a rare opportunity to
meet and talk with Dr O’Sullivan
about the development of WiFi. It
makes an interesting tale.
The story began in the early
1980s as scientists were using more
and more exotic technology in the
pursuit of the faint signals from radio
telescopes. During this period, one
technology that became pivotal was
the implementation of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processing in
At about the same time, the then
new CSIRO Chief of Radiophysics,
Dr Bob Frater, set a challenge to the
scientists in the division: to develop
some commercial application from
these technologies.
As Dr O’Sullivan simply put it
“there was a need to network our
laptops” so the CSIRO formed a
team of scientists to focus on just
Their target was way beyond
anything then available: a 100Mb/s
wireless local area network for offices and meeting rooms.
The technology they used (later to
become WiFi) was based on multiple
carriers, all transmitting part of the
data stream and is called OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency-Division
The team built on the idea that
FFT technology could be used to
divide up the spectrum in such a way
that the severe and complex reflections found inside buildings could
be compensated for at the receiver.
The development effort involved
many CSIRO scientists in associa20 Silicon Chip
CSIRO Fellow, Dr John O’Sullivan and a prototype of the phased array feed
being developed for ASKAP. Dr O’Sullivan also led the CSIRO team that
developed 802.11a or WiFi Photo: Chris Walsh, Patrick Jones Photographic
tion with Macquarie University and led
to an Australian patent in 1992 and a
USA patent in 1995.
These patents covered the technology behind the wireless transmission,
not the idea of wireless networking
itself as believed by many people.
With more development and an
overseas promotional campaign,
OFDM was eventually adopted as the
basis of the IEEE 802.11a standard
in 1999.
The early implementations of WiFi
were hampered by the level of semiconductor technology available at the
time, as the digital processing power
required was bulky and consumed a
lot of power. Now everything can be
packed into a few integrated circuits
using very little power.
This is another example of a technology which needed the ongoing
march of semiconductor development
to make it a practical reality.
From 2000 to 2009 WiFi saw an
enormous take-up but most vendors
implementing the standard were ignoring the CSIRO’s patents.
The result was increasing litigation
against companies such as 3Com,
Asus, Belkin, D-Link, Fujitsu and
In response, the industry formed
a single heavyweight group including HP, Apple, Intel, Dell, Microsoft
and Netgear in an effort to quash the
CSIRO’s claims.
Fighting this case was a high
stakes gamble undertaken in foreign
courts with legal costs running into
many tens of millions.
Full credit is due to the tenacity of
the CSIRO in pursuing this strategy
as a loss would have been very
As most Australians know, the
CSIRO did have a win in 2009, with
a number of manufactures agreeing
to pay royalties.
Bolstered by this the CSIRO is
now pursuing other companies and
is steadily reaching agreement on
The terms of the agreements are
confidential but they are expected to
bring hundreds of millions of dollars
to the CSIRO who will invest it in
new and innovative projects within
Dr O’Sullivan has since retired and
has been made a CSIRO Fellow – a
great honour.
To date, over one billion WiFi
chipsets have been manufactured.
When asked if he was surprised
by this success, Dr O’Sullivan replied
“Well not completely. We thought it
could be big but I am blown away
by how big.”
“Nowadays when I see the amazing number of portable and mobile
devices I have to think that even
my rosiest predictions have been
Its starting capacity will be 100 teraflops, later rising to one
petaflop as demand increases (a teraflop is one million million floating point calculations per second and a petaflop
is a thousand teraflops).
After this processing effort, the data stream will have
been reduced to the equivalent of one DVD every two seconds. This data will be stored in disk arrays at the Pawsey
facility for later retrieval and analysis by researchers across
the world.
Remember, this is just for the Australia’s pathfinder
telescope (ASKAP). The amount of data from the Square
Kilometre Array will be many, many times this.
SKA site selection
If you want to know what it is like driving to the Murchison
SKA site, staring at this photograph for four hours is a fair
approximation – but you will still miss out on the bumps, heat
and the dust. Photo credit: Paul Bourke and Jonathan Knispel.
Supported by WASP (UWA), iVEC, ICRAR, and CSIRO.
ponents required for today’s radio telescopes.
ASKAP technologies
It is not possible to talk at length about the technical
details of the SKA because design decisions and funding
arrangements are still being made. It is not even certain
what antennas and frequencies will be included in the final
design and anyway, there will undoubtedly be changes in
direction as the project progresses. It is much easier to talk
about the technology being used in the ASKAP project as
that is already underway.
Currently the ASKAP project has installed nine dishes in
the Murchison, with another in Warkworth, New Zealand
to give a long baseline of 5,500 kilometres. When finished,
the telescope will display an amazing array of technologies,
mostly developed in Australia.
The data stream starts with the 188 pixel sensors at the
focal point of each telescope. These will produce an enormous 1.9 Terabits/second resulting in a total data stream
of 72 Terabits/second from all 36 dishes. To put this into
perspective, it is estimated that the world’s current total
internet traffic is only 20 Terabits/second. This is for the
ASKAP project alone, the SKA telescope will generate more
than a thousand times this rate.
The data stream from each telescope is carried via an
18-fibre optical ribbon cable to a rack of equipment called
a Beamformer, with one of these for each telescope. The
output of each of these goes to more electronics which
correlate and further reduce the data streams.
The processing requirements are enormous with one
Peta operations per second (that is one thousand million
million operations per second) needed to reduce the total
data stream to 40Gb/s.
This is still a very high data rate and it will be piped via
fibre cable to Perth for processing.
The federal government has made a grant of $80 million
to build a supercomputer facility in the suburbs of Perth
to process this data stream. The facility will be known as
the Pawsey High Performance Computing Centre for SKA
Science and it will rival supercomputer facilities overseas.
As mentioned before, the competition for hosting the
SKA is between South Africa and Australia/New Zealand.
South Africa is also pulling out all the stops in an effort to
attract the project. It has proposed the Karoo Desert in the
Northern Cape as the preferred site for the SKA and has
joined in partnership with eight neighbouring countries
in its bid.
Not to be outdone in proving its capabilities, South Africa
has proposed the MeerKAT, a 64-dish array that it claims
will be the “largest and most sensitive radio telescope in
the southern hemisphere until the SKA is completed.”
This is an enormous investment for the country; the
money allocated to their overall SKA bid is many times
the current annual budget of the country’s main research
organisation, the NRF, and a significant component in the
nation’s finances.
In conducting this international competition the international SKA project is also striving for a win/win outcome
for all participants.
An important feature of this contest is that both telescopes
and the SKA will have differing characteristics, so none
will be made directly redundant when future decisions
are made. Regardless, there is still a lot of money being
invested in this area of science.
The two countries made their final submissions to the
project’s site selection committee in September and now
they have a nail biting wait for the decision. An independent SKA Science Advisory Committee will evaluate the
bid documents which represent eight years of work and
announce the decision in late February 2012.
So stay tuned for the big announcement.
December 2011 21