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The Atten ADS1102CA
Digital Storage
“Hands-On” Review
by Mauro Grassi.
This affordable dual-channel DSO has many features found in
more expensive oscilloscopes, with a wide analog bandwidth
of 100MHz, a colour LCD screen and good connection options.
It is light, portable and very quiet in operation.
he prices of entry-level DSOs
have fallen in recent years and
many have features previously
found only in more expensive models.
One of the most affordable in its class
is the Atten ADS1102CA, a dual channel model with an analog bandwidth of
100MHz and a colour TFT LCD screen.
While the higher bandwidth of this
DSO makes it substantially more expensive than, say, 20-25MHz or even
50-60MHz models, it still represents
very good value for the combination
of software and hardware features that
it has.
the resolution of the screen won’t
matter particularly, because you’ll be
looking for qualitative features of the
waveform (and any quantitative features can be measured).
On the plus side, the display is bright
and can be read well over a range of
viewing angles.
1GS/s but this only applies if using one
channel. If using two channels, you
need to halve this rate (and the rate of
500MS/s applies only if the timebase
is faster than 50ns per division).
Each knob is “digital” and responds
to turning and pressing. There are two
other, smaller, knobs on the front panel.
One is used to set the trigger level and
Front panel layout
is grouped with the buttons associated
The front panel of the ADS1102CA with the triggering menus. The other is
mimics other DSOs we have reviewed. a so-called “universal” knob, used to
The layout of the controls is logical, change different settings depending on
with buttons grouped according to the context and it lights up when it can
be used to change a setting.
There are dedicated offset and ampliThe six menu buttons are laid out in
LCD screen
tude (vertical scale) knobs for each of two groups of three; there is a dedicated
The screen is a 64K colour (16-bit), the two analog channels, and another help button and illuminated buttons for
5.7 inch TFT LCD with a resolution pair for the horizontal timebase. The each channel.
In addition, five context-sensitive
of 320 x 234 pixels (close enough to timebase can be varied between 2.5ns
QVGA at 320 x 240 pixels). You can and 50s per division. The real time buttons run down the right hand side
vary the brightness of the LCD and its sampling rate of the ADS1102CA is of the display that correspond to the
menus displayed on the
intensity, as well as choosscreen. The menu system
ing the look of the grid.
is simple to use and apThe rendering can be in
pears and disappears as
vector or “dot” mode and
Input channels:
required. It is hiearchical
you can enable timed or
Analog Bandwidth:
DC to 100MHz
and in some cases encominfinite persistence. While
Sampling Rate:
1GS/s (single channel)
passes more than one on
the screen is big, its resoluMemory Depth:
screen page. You move
tion is relatively low – the
Vertical Sensitivity:
2mV/div (at x1)
from one “page” to the
major compromise with
next using the lowest of
this model.
Vertical Resolution:
8 bits
the five buttons.
A colour screen is conLCD Display:
5.7inch 16-bit colour TFT QVGA,
The menu display dissiderably more attractive
320 x 234 pixels
appears when a timeout
than a monochrome display
Size and Weight:
305 x 154 x 133mm; 2.3kg
period expires without
though and in most cases,
Specifications At A Glance:
92 Silicon Chip
305mm x 154mm x133mm
user input and this can be set from two
to 20 seconds (the timeout can also be
disabled). There is a dedicated button,
just above the five context sensitive
buttons, that can be used to make the
menus disappear instantly.
When the menus are visible, you can
still see 10 of the 12 timebase divisions
of the waveform display (and always
eight vertical divisions).
As mentioned, some of the pushbuttons are illuminated, usually green but
some change colour; the RUN/STOP
button is green when running and red
when stopped. Each of the two channels has an illuminated button that is
lit green when the channel is enabled.
Pressing this button also brings up the
options for that channel.
Analog input connectors
There are BNC connectors for each
of the two analog channels that accept
(passive) probes, as well as an external
trigger input. The ADS1102CA is supplied with two passive 100MHz probes
Fig.1: this screen grab shows the 1kHz square wave used
for probe compensation. The frequency counter is in use
showing the frequency is very close to 1kHz. The voltage
scale is shown as 56mV per division (on the “fine” setting)
which makes the amplitude around 170mV (or 340mV
peak-to-peak). Note that the ADS1102CA can also perform
a self test and self calibration procedure.
switchable x1 or
x10 attenuation,
although the settings allow for x10 and x1000 probes as well.
The ADS1102CA has a 1kHz compensation output, for calibrating the
probes. You connect the probe to the
compensation output and adjust its
trimmer capacitor until the “square”
wave looks square (see Fig.1). Apart
from the two BNC sockets for the two
Fig.2: this shows the cursors being applied to a simple
sinusoid. The cursors are in the time domain (horizontal
axis) and you can position them anywhere on the screen
using the “universal” knob. In this case we can accurately
read the time difference between the two cursors as 4.12s.
The cursor time positions are also shown.
March 2011 93
analog channels, there is a third BNC
socket for an external trigger input.
Pressing the channel button allows
you to vary the coupling for that channel (AC, DC or GND), as well as to
apply bandwidth limiting. The GND
coupling simply connects the channel
to a GND reference. This oscilloscope’s
inputs have a fixed 1M impedance
and are rated for 400V (CAT II). There
is no 50 input option.
Bandwidth limiting
Each of the two analog channels can
be bandwidth-limited to 20MHz. This
is a good idea when you want to ignore
very high frequencies as it reduces
noise (ie, above the 20MHz cutoff
frequency). If you know beforehand
that your signals are below 20MHz,
you should enable this.
Note that although this is a 100MHz
oscilloscope, this requires the probe
to be used in its x10 setting. The
bandwidth is only 10MHz if you
use the probe in the x1 setting and
so the inputs are essentially always
bandwidth-limited in this case.
In the menus for each channel you
can also choose whether the vertical knob for each channel works in
“fine” or “coarse” mode; in the latter,
the knob follows the common 1-2-5
sequence while in fine mode, there are
many more intermediate steps. Pressing the vertical scale button toggles
between the two modes. The “fine”
mode is good for using the available
screen area most effectively.
The offset knob, when pressed, sets
the GND reference for the channel at
0V (centred vertically on the display).
From there you can move it up or down
as necessary to position the trace on
the display.
Trigger options
You can trigger on an edge or pulse
width, on the AC line (50Hz in Australia, New Zealand and the UK etc),
or via an external input. The edge triggering can function in video, slope or
the so called “alternative” mode. The
latter makes the trigger alternate between the two channels, which can be
very useful for stabilizing waveforms
of very different frequencies.
The trigger options are comprehensive, allowing you to choose the pulse
width, edge polarity, to sync on odd or
even video fields etc. If in doubt, you
can always use the AUTO SET feature
which has its own button. This sets the
parameters automatically to obtain the
best display.
In this DSO, the AUTO SET feature
can be customised so that it optimises
the display for one or many cycles of a
waveform. A nice feature of the AUTO
SET is that it can be undone, if you
decide it’s not exactly what you were
hoping for.
All the usual modes are available
and you can display traces in XY
or YT mode. The latter is the usual
time on the X-axis and voltage on the
Y-axis mode, while the former plots
the channels against each other and
Fig.3: screen grab showing the FFT (green trace) applied
to a square wave (yellow trace). The FFT trace can be
displayed either superimposed on the main display,
or in a split screen mode (as shown here). In this shot,
the frequency domain stretches over the whole analog
bandwidth of 100MHz. The vertical scale is in dBVrms,
decibels with respect to 1V RMS.
94 Silicon Chip
is useful for seeing phase differences
among other things; the display will
be a Lissajous figure.
Acquisition and triggering
You can easily set up the triggering
by using the “SET TO 50%” button.
This has the effect of setting the trigger
point to half of the signal amplitude.
This is a good starting point for then
customising the trigger condition.
Noise reduction
The ADS1102CA can average up
to 256 waveforms in real time and
display the result, reducing the effects
of noise. You can also enable a digital
filter which can be configured to work
as a low pass, high pass, band-pass or
band-reject filter, with configurable
cutoff frequencies.
Peak detect sampling can also be
enabled, to see very fast glitches in
a waveform. The peak detect mode
will trigger on glitches down to a
mere 10ns.
MATHs functions
This oscilloscope has the basic
MATHs functions that would be of the
greatest use: you can add, subtract and
multiply two waveforms and display
the result.
You can also perform an FFT (Fast
Fourier Transform) on a waveform and
have it displayed on the screen. The
FFT can work in one of four modes,
each suited to a particular task: Rectangular, Hamming, Blackman and
Hanning. The FFT has a 10 x digital
Fig.4: all the measurements which can be displayed for
a waveform, shown at once. The waveform itself will
be concealed behind the measurements display but you
can see all the vital statistics. When a measurement is
unavailable, it is shown as a string of asterisks. The
frequency counter is shown at the bottom right corner and
is separate to the measurements.
zoom (in the frequency domain) and
you can choose to have the FFT superimposed on the main display or
appear separately in a split screen
configuration. See Fig.3.
There are two vertical and two
horizontal cursors that can be used
to measure parts of a captured waveform, with up to two cursors used on
a waveform at any one time.
The cursors can be applied to the
MATHs waveform, as well as to a
previously “stored” waveform (one of
the so-called “reference” waveforms).
This is useful if you wish to examine
in detail a portion of a waveform.
Each cursor can be positioned using
the “universal” knob. It can work out
the difference between the two cursors, or get the reading at that point.
The back panel houses only the pass/fail out socket and RS-232 and USB ports.
Mains power connects via an IEC socket under the rear.
difference, time between first falling
edge of first waveform and last falling
edge of second waveform, etc.
Automatic measurements
You can enable measurements on
a waveform from a comprehensive
set; they are displayed superimposed
on the LCD, as shown in Fig.4. The
following are among some of the
measurements: frequency, amplitude,
RMS voltage, positive pulse width,
fall time, duty, overshoot, true RMS,
mean voltage.
When you select to display “All
Measurements”, the measurements
are in three groups. You can choose to
enable or disable all the voltage, all the
time or all the “delay” measurements.
The first two are self-explanatory. The
“delay” measurements include phase
Although you can measure the frequency of either of the two channels,
for best accuracy you can use the built
in frequency counter with up to 6 significant figures of resolution.
Pass/Fail mask
The ADS1102CA has a simple pass/
fail feature that is very useful for testing hardware. You can define a “pass
mask” and get a simple PASS/FAIL response for input waveforms (see Fig.5).
If the incoming wave falls outside
the mask, you can configure a PASS or
FAIL response. The results are tallied
and displayed.
Fig.5: the PASS/FAIL feature. Given a waveform, in this
case a simple sinusoid, a PASS/FAIL mask can be created
(shown in blue). Subsequent waveforms can be compared
against this mask. If they lie outside of the mask, you can
configure the oscilloscope to produce a FAIL response.
This makes repetitive testing easy. The number of pass/fail
results are shown on the display.
Delayed mode
If you enable the “Delay” option in
the timebase menu, the display changes to a split screen, with the lower half
of the screen displaying a “zoomed”
are of the waveform (you reach this
mode by pressing the “Hori Menu”
button just below the timebase knob).
You choose the zoom area (which is
shown in the top half of the screen)
by using the timebase knob and its
smaller, offset knob to move horizontally in the time domain (see Fig.6).
This can be useful for going back
and forth in time from the trigger point
and it allows you to see more detail of
the waveform.
USB host port
The front panel also has a Type
A USB host port that can be used to
Fig.6: the delayed mode allows you to scroll back and
forth and zoom in on a waveform in the time domain. Here
the top half of the display shows the actual waveform,
and the non blue area represents the selected portion of
the waveform that is displayed in the bottom half of the
display. We can see better detail of this “square” wave’s
rise time. The waveform rises 4.40V within a 1us or so.
March 2011 95
Serr v ice
man’s Log – continued from p48
This time, after everything had been
plugged back in, there were no beeps
and the scooter moved accordingly
when the controls were operated.
The lack of circuit diagrams can be a
real hindrance in service work. If Dad
buys another mobility scooter to fix, I
hope he gets one with the same electronics as the one we’ve just repaired,
otherwise I foresee more headaches.
Intermittent car radio
This next story is from F. W. of
Airport West, Victoria, who recently
locked horns with an intermittent car
radio problem. Here’s his story . . .
In 2001, I bought a 1988 Nissan Skyline R31 GTS special vehicle which
was in a run-down state and in need
of some major rebuilding. My licensed
aircraft engineer background enabled
me to do most of the work myself and
I literally rebuilt most of the vehicle.
Among other things, this involved rebuilding the engine, transmission and
differential, plus the complete removal
of the dashboard and instrument panel
to replace a leaking heater core.
The rebuild took about four months
and when it was finished, the car
started and ran perfectly. However,
there was a puzzling fault in the vehicle’s radio.
The car had the original radio/tape
deck in it and the radio had intermittent reception. For example, if I started
the car in the garage, the reception
would perfect on both AM and FM.
However, as soon as I had been driving for some time, the reception would
suddenly fade away to almost nothing,
sometimes with some static.
Because the unit only had a tape
deck and I wanted to play CDs, I decided to scrap it and fit a more modern
radio with a CD player. At the same
time, I was also hopeful that this would
cure the reception problem.
And so a new Panasonic radio/CD
player with all the bells and whistles
was fitted and it initially appeared to
work fine. Unfortunately, as soon as
the car was driven on a warm day the
reception disappeared, just as it did
with the old radio. The time had come
to really sort this problem out!
With the engine running, I checked
the supply line to the radio and found
this to be at about 13.5V, as expected.
The earth connections were then
checked and these also proved to be
Next, I removed and carefully inspected the roof-mounted antenna.
I also checked the continuity of the
antenna cable, checked for shorts between its inner core and the braid and
checked the earth connection on the
roof. No faults were evident.
And then something strange happened. With the advent of winter, the
problem suddenly disappeared and
was all but forgotten until the following summer when it just as suddenly
reappeared. By now it was beginning
to dawn on me that the problem was
temperature-related but what could
it be?
I would like to say that the problem
was found by my years of troubleshooting expertise. However, it came down
to a simple car wash to find the fault. I
was at my local car wash and wanted
to listen to some music from the radio
while the car was being hosed. As a
result, I turned the volume up so I
could hear it with the windows up.
As I washed around the roof-mounted antenna, the volume of the radio
varied up and down dramatically. I
then found that moving the antenna by
just a small amount duplicated this effect so when I got home, I removed the
antenna and repeated all my previous
antenna checks. To my amazement, I
found nothing.
It was only then that I thought to
look down into the hole in the roof
where the antenna fitted. When I did, I
noticed the end of a screw which held
the central internal mirror base to the
roof. This screw was too long and was
within a bee’s whisker of touching the
antenna base.
Obviously, as the car roof heated up,
it expanded just enough to allow this
screw to touch the antenna’s base. I
fitted a shorter screw to the mirror base
and the problem was solved.
The mirror was one thing that I had
not removed during the rebuild so I
suspect it was like that from new. SC
Atten ADS1102CA Digital Storage Oscilloscope: continued from page 95
connect a USB flash drive. This allows
you to store waveforms, settings and
take screen grabs.
You can also connect a PictBridge
compatible printer directly using a
Type B USB socket on the back panel.
There is a dedicated button for printing
screen grabs on the front panel. You
set the printing mode (ink saver on/
off), layout (portrait/landscape) and
paper size in the menu system. This
bypasses the need for a PC to print; you
can obtain a hardcopy immediately
from your printer.
The USB port also allows you to connect this DSO directly to a PC and use
the supplied Windows software suite,
EasyScope, to control the oscilloscope.
The only other connectors on the
96 Silicon Chip
back panel are the IEC power socket,
a serial port and an additional BNC
connector that is used for pass/fail testing, as described earlier. Note that the
firmware can also be upgraded using
a USB flash drive.
Customisation options
Interestingly, the waveform interpolation can be switched between
sin(x)/x (commonly used and optimal
for reconstructing waveforms) and
linear (linear interpolation simply
connects points using a straight line).
There is also a comprehensive
help guide in a number of languages,
including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic
and Russian (as well as English!) and
a selection of up to four “skins” which
vary the look of the display.
In summary, the Atten ADS1102CA
DSO is a portable, affordable DSO with
many good features and is very capable. It is supplied with two switchable x1-x10 passive probes, good for
100MHz, user manual (CD), Windows
EasyScope software (CD), IEC power
cable and USB cable.
Where from, how much?
The ADS1102CA is available from
from Wiltronics (www.wiltronics. It costs $A760 plus GST.
Contact: Wiltronics Research Pty
Ltd, Unit 4, Corner Ring Road & Sturt
St, Ballarat Vic 3350. Phone (03) 5334
2513 or Free Call 1800 067 674. Email: