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By Maurie Findlay,
A revolutionary radio receiver
In the legend of King Arthur, “Excalibur” was a sword with magical
properties. It is an appropriate name for the latest Software-Defined
High Frequency Receiver from WiNRADiO of Melbourne, Australia.
Like its namesake, Excalibur is immensely powerful and – dare we
say it – almost magical in performance!
ixty years ago, communication
receivers used vacuum tubes
and came with precision mechanical dials in big metal boxes.
Thirty years ago, transistors and
integrated circuits had replaced the
valves and the boxes were smaller.
Today, this new receiver does a great
deal more than any of the former and
comes in a very small sealed metal
container – just 156 x 97 x 41mm.
A purchaser receives a professionally presented package which includes
20 Silicon Chip
the receiver, power supply, cables,
user’s guide, an SMA/BNC adapter
for the antenna socket and a CD-ROM
with the application software.
It is assumed that a computer, essential to the operation of the receiver,
is already on hand.
The user’s guide discusses the requirements for the computer. The one I
used is a four year old laptop, Compaq
Presario V6000 running Windows XP,
and is about the minimum standard
suitable for the job. Windows 7 or
Vista would be the operating system
in more modern computers. The hard
disk must have at least 20MB of free
space to hold the information from
the CD-ROM.
After connecting the receiver,
loading the CD-ROM and attaching a
random (short) length of wire to the
antenna socket, I followed the user’s
guide and within five minutes was
hearing my local station on 702kHz,
through the speakers in the computer.
Another five minutes and I was able,
one by one, to tune in all my local
stations on the default AM setting of
the receiver.
Yet another five minutes with the
guide and I was able to receive the
local stations in the USB (upper
sideband) and LSB (lower sideband)
modes. That is, with the receivergenerated carrier substituted for the
incoming carrier.
It is that easy to get started.
The 107-page User’s Guide is packed
with well written information. Most
owners, new to software-defined high
frequency receivers, will take several
weeks to fully appreciate the facilities
offered by Excalibur.
In addition to the manual, there a
great deal of helpful information on
Although I have a background in the
design and manufacture of commercial
radio equipment ranging from the
valve days to high performance types
using semiconductors, I am one
of those new
to this technology.
For the
first time,
in the
I came across abbreviations such as
DDC, DDS and SDR. For the uninitiated (like me!) these stand for digital
down-conversion, digital direct sampling and software-defined receiver.
While these are explained early in
the guide, it would have been easier
to study if these abbreviations
had been spelled out at the
beginning of each section
where they occur. A detailed index at the rear
would have made
the job of finding information
easier. There is
a 3-page table
of contents at the
The initial screen is shown above.
It is pin sharp and full of detail. The
panel at the top left indicates the frequency to which the receiver is tuned,
in this case 1278kHz; towards the
high frequency end of the
standard medium wave
band. To the right of
the frequency indication is a knob which
can be operated
by the computer (mouse) to
change the
End-on view of the WiNRADiO Excalibur WR-G31DDC HF receiver, shown here
close to life-size. Controls on the box are non-existent; everything is done by the
attached computer.
June 2012 21
ated by the press-to-talk switch, is
not satisfactory because the proximity
of the active arm of the relay and the
receiver contact will allow appreciable
power to be transferred. A specialised
antenna changeover circuit, designed
for the task, should be used.
Audio quality, particularly the
lower end of the range, is limited
by the small speakers built into the
computer. For many users this will
be all that is required. However all
computers these days have an audio
output jack which can be used to feed
a better quality audio system.
G31DDC receiving a broadcast station on 1278kHz with the spectrum displayed
in the “Waterfall” mode. It makes a colourful change!
frequency. Alternatively, the frequency can be entered from the keyboard.
The receiver covers the range from
9kHz to just below 50MHz.
To the right of the knob is a meter
indicating the strength of the incoming carrier: in this case -28dBm. The
buttons below the meter allow the
strength to be indicated in dBm, µV
or “S” units, the last being the usual
means of reporting signal strength on
the amateur bands.
Buttons at the top right, accessed
by the mouse, allow the receiver to
be set for nine different modes of
reception: AM, AMS, LSB, USB, CW,
FMN, FSK, UDM (user-defined mode)
and DRM mode (optional). Below them
are a further eight buttons which access other functions including volume,
squelch and noise blanker.
Spectrum analyser
Across the bottom of the screen is a
spectrum analyser display, in this case
set to cover 0 to 30MHz. Strong signals
in the AM broadcast band appear to
the left. Above that is the spectrum,
expanded to cover the band from 0.5 to
2MHz. Individual carriers of the local
stations can be picked out very clearly.
A third display, to the centre right,
covers only 50kHz and allows the audio spectrum of the incoming signal
to be seen. The shaded area indicates
the receiver bandwidth and can be
changed by clicking the “BW presets”
button above that display.
So in addition to being a high performance communication receiver,
22 Silicon Chip
Excalibur is a very useful spectrum
It is designed to match an antenna
with a source impedance of 50Ω and
the short length of wire I used initially
is not very efficient. The receiver can
be used for general shortwave listening
with a long length of wire, attached to
the antenna terminal and preferably
outside the building but even this does
not give the best results.
WiNRADiO are able to supply an
aerial transformer which gives better
results with random lengths of wire.
The transformer is connected to the
receiver via coaxial cable and can
be placed well away from any local
sources of interference. A ground point
can be connected to the transformer.
Commercial users and amateur
radio people using the receiver will
normally have tuned 50Ω antennas
which can be directly connected to
the antenna terminal. In this case, of
course, it will only work efficiently for
the particular band and the spectrum
analyser will clearly indicate the resonance of the antenna.
Because of the spectrum analyser
presentation and many other features,
amateur (and perhaps even professional) radio operators may use the
WiNRADiO Excalibur to replace the
receiver section of an older transceiver. Great care must be taken with
the switching arrangement to ensure
that radio frequency energy from the
transmitter does not reach the receiver
antenna terminal.
A simple changeover relay, oper-
Modes of reception for the receiver
include the conventional AM (amplitude modulation), LSB (lower sideband), USB (upper sideband, not to be
confused with the universal serial bus
USB) and CW (continuous wave - for
Morse code). In addition, AM can be
received as AMS (amplitude modulation - synchronous demodulation)
in which case the received carrier is
replaced by a locally generated carrier.
One or both sidebands can be selected.
This results in a reduction of the
distortion caused by selective fading,
particularly with weak signals on the
shortwave broadcast bands.
Narrow band FM (frequency modulation) signals can also be received.
Digital, frequency shift keying and
user-definable modes are also discussed in the User’s Guide.
Selectivity is variable in fine increments from a bandwidth of 50kHz to
10Hz. The former is suitable for wideband AM and the latter for CW under
difficult conditions. The standard
mode for voice communications on
the high frequency bands is SSB and
a bandwidth of around 3kHz can be
selected for best signal-to-noise ratio.
Upper sideband is normal, although
radio amateurs use lower sideband on
frequencies below 9MHz. There is no
special technical advantage in using
LSB; it goes back to the early history
of the development of sideband on the
amateur bands.
Tuning accuracy is given as 0.5
parts/million <at> 25°C but the sample
provided for review was better than
Furthermore, the User’s Guide
shows a method of adjusting the internal crystal oscillator against an external standard. This is of immense value
when using the WiNRADiO Excalibur
Receiver type:.....................................................................................Direct-sampling, digitally down-converting software-defined receiver
Frequency range:................................................................................9kHz to 49.995MHz
Tuning resolution: ..............................................................................1Hz
Modes:................................................................................................AM, AMS, LSB, USB, CW, FMN, FSK, UDM (user-defined mode) DRM mode (optional)
Image rejection:..................................................................................90dB typical
IP3 (intercept point 3rd order):...........................................................+31dBm typical
Attenuator:..........................................................................................0 - 21dB, adjustable in 3dB steps
SFDR (spurious free dynamic range):.................................................107dB typical
Noise figure: .......................................................................................14dB
MDS (minimum discernible signal): ...................................................-130dBm <at> 10MHz, 500Hz BW
Phase noise: .......................................................................................-145dBc/Hz <at> 10kHz
RSSI (received signal strength indication) accuracy:..........................2dB typical
RSSI sensitivity: .................................................................................-140dBm
Processing and recording bandwidth (DDC bandwidth):....................20kHz - 2MHz (selectable in 21 steps)
Demodulation bandwidth (selectivity): ...............................................10Hz - 62.5kHz (continuously variable in 1Hz steps)
Spectrum analysers:...........................................................................Input spectrum/waterfall, 30MHz or 50MHz wide, 1.5kHz resolution bandwidth
...........................................................................................................DDC spectrum/waterfall, max 2MHz wide, 1Hz resolution bandwidth
...........................................................................................................Channel spectrum, max 62.5kHz wide, 1Hz resolution bandwidth
...........................................................................................................Demodulated audio, 16kHz wide, 1Hz resolution bandwidth
ADC (analog/digital converter):...........................................................16 bit, 100 MSPS (mega-samples per second)
Sensitivity (typical <at> 10MHz):............................................................AM -101dBm (2.00 µV) <at> 10dB S+N/N, 30% modulation
...........................................................................................................SSB -116dBm (0.35 µV) <at> 10dB S+N/N, 2.1kHz BW
...........................................................................................................CW -123dBm (0.16 µV) <at> 10dB S+N/N, 500Hz BW
...........................................................................................................FM -112dBm (0.56 µV) <at> 12dB SINAD, 3kHz deviation, 12kHz BW, filter 300-3000Hz, de-emphasis -6dB/octave
Note: Below 200kHz, the sensitivity gradually drops.
Typical figures (CW, 500Hz BW, 10dB S+N/N) are as follows: .......200kHz -123dBm; 100kHz -116dBm; 50kHz -112dBm; 25kHz -97dBm; 10kHz -81dBm
Tuning accuracy:.................................................................................0.5 ppm <at> 25 °C
Tuning stability: ..................................................................................2.5 ppm (0 to 50 °C)
MW filter: ...........................................................................................Cut-off frequency 1.8MHz <at> -3dB; Attenuation -60dB min <at> 0.5MHz
Antenna input: ....................................................................................50Ω (SMA connector; SMA to BNC converter supplied)
Output:................................................................................................24-bit digitised I&Q signal over USB interface
Interface: ............................................................................................USB 2.0 Hi-speed
Dimensions:........................................................................................156 x 97 x 41mm
Weight: ..............................................................................................430g
Power supply (operating): ..................................................................11-13V DC <at> 500mA (typical, operating); 45mA (typical, power save)
Operating temperature:.......................................................................0 to 50 °C
as a communication receiver because the boys”. First is sensitivity – the abilthe transmissions are frequently too ity to receive very weak signals; the
short to give time for retuning. With other is blocking performance – the
this accuracy, you can be sure of clear ability to receive those weak signals in
audio even with SSB at the higher the presence of strong signals on adjafrequencies.
cent frequencies. This is particularly
A feature of the receiver is the abil- important on the crowded amateur
ity to receive three signals at the one bands.
time provided that they fall within the
There are a number of accepted tests
range of the DDC (digital down con- for sensitivity and blocking. I decided
verter) analyser which has a maximum
to apply a simple test, that I have used
bandwidth of 2MHz.
previously in my own laboratory, to
This could be of value on the ama- the Excalibur receiver.
teur bands; however most
of the allocated channels
for the marine, flying doctor
and VKS-737 high frequency
networks, that you may wish
to monitor at the same time,
are separated by more than
Sensitivity & blocking
There are two features of
communication receivers
which separate “the men from
24 Silicon Chip
It was tuned to 10,000.0kHz SSB
(upper sideband), with a bandwidth
of 3kHz, and a signal at 10.001.5kHz
applied to the antenna terminal. The
signal generator has a source impedance of 50Ω and the receiver a nominal
input impedance of 50Ω.
The attenuator of the generator indicates the signal level at the receiver.
(The audio output of the receiver is a
tone at 1,500Hz.) The output of the
signal generator was reduced until the
signal plus noise to noise ratio of the
output was 10dB. The signal
level at the antenna terminal
was -112dBm (0.5 µV).
Now for the hard one. A resistive network was arranged so
that two signal generators could
be connected to the receiver,
both generators being correctly
terminated and the source reGENERATOR
sistance, as seen by the receiver,
still 50Ω. The level of the first
generator was increased so that
The test setup I use for communications receivers. It
revealed an outstanding result.
the S+N/N was still 10dB.
The second signal generator, tuned
to 10,020Hz, was fed into the network
and the level adjusted until the S+N/N
changed by 3dB. The level at the receiver terminal when this happened
was -7dBm (0.1V). That is, 105dB
above the wanted signal.
All these tests were done without
the input attenuator of the Excalibur
in operation.
A figure of 90dB was considered the
norm for high-standard communication receivers when I was involved
in their design and manufacture – so
at 105dB this receiver is very good
indeed; exceptional, in fact.
However, it could be even better:
discussions with WiNRADiO engineers suggest that shortcomings of
the signal generators I used may have
influenced the test so that the real
blocking figure may well be greater
than 105dB.
Interference? Notch it out!
The Excalibur has another trick up
its sleeve, for dealing with high level
adjacent channel blocking signals, in
the form of a notch filter. This can be
brought into operating by clicking the
Notch button when the frequency and
width of the notch can be adjusted.
(The interfering signal can be seen on
the analyser display.)
Space in the User’s Guide is devoted
to the elimination of interference,
particularly that from the computer,
which is an essential part of the receiving setup. When I initially operated the
receiver, with a short length of wire
close to the computer for an antenna,
the interference was obvious.
However, when an outside length
of wire or a tuned antenna was used,
computer noise was swamped by the
incoming signals (as you would expect). Obviously, the noise generated
by various computers will be different
but with my “typical” PC, performance
was outstanding.
It is not true to suggest that newer
PCs may be better in the noise department than older models – some recent
PCs (escpecially plastic-cased laptops
and notebooks) have been woeful in
this regard compared to their forebears. But I am confident in suggesting
that with rare exceptions (and a proper
antenna) computer noise should not
be an issue.
Software control of the receiver
makes possible a large number of useful adjustments and displays which
would be quite impractical with the
conventional design. One of the most
important is the ability to vary the
bandwidth in small increments.
A conventional superhet may have
a crystal filter with a bandwidth of
6kHz for AM and another with 3kHz
bandwidth for single sideband but
there will be times when different
selectivity will allow better reception.
The Excalibur has a conventional
spectrum analyser, which plots
frequency against amplitude (ie,
frequency domain), while frequency
may be plotted on a linear scale in the
horizontal and amplitude on a vertical logarithmic scale. It also offers the
alternative of a “waterfall” display,
which some users may prefer.
Other facilities offered by the Excalibur include the ability to record
various settings and also received
Would you like to work for
this innovative company?
is seeking bright,
enthusiastic Electronics and
RF Technicians/Engineers
for R&D work, prototyping,
testing and production.
Interested? Then send us
your application with your
professional background
addressed to:
WiNRADiO Communications
15 Stamford Road
Oakleigh, Vic 3166
Ph (03) 9568 2568, ext 0204
The WiNRADiO G31DDC Excalibur offers a tremendously powerful
performance at a cost less than that
of a conventional communicationsstandard superhet receiver.
This is the way of the future.
It is sold direct from WiNRADiO’s
online store in Australia or through a
number of specialist communications
distributors overseas.
For readers who don’t have Windows-based PCs, WiNRADiO also have
available MacRadio and LinRadio
(Linux) versions.
We gratefully appreciate the assistance of
Helmut Riexinger of WiNRADiO Communications in the preparation of this review. SC
Where from, how much:
The WiNRADiO Excalibur WR-G31DDC
receiver is made in Australia by
WiNRADiO Communications,
15 Stamford Road,
Oakleigh, Vic, 3175.
Phone: (03) 9568 2568
Recommended retail price is
$995.00 +GST
The spectrum analyser displaying the demodulated signal from a broadcast
station. The shaded area indicates the sidebands, each side of the carrier (the
peak in the centre), which are passed on to the audio amplifier.
Readers in Australia should contact
WiNRADiO direct via their website or
phone; readers in other countries can
contact their local distributors (details
on the WiNRADiO website)
June 2012 25