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Vintage Radio
By Ian Batty
Anything you can do – Raytheon’s
T-2500 7-transistor radio
Raytheon’s T-2500 (left)
was considerably larger
than the Regency TR-1
shown below and was a
much better performer.
Electronics giant Raytheon (light of the gods) made it to market
with their 8TP transistor radio just a few months after the first
“trannie” – Regency’s TR-1 (see April 2013). It was quickly
followed by the T-2500. So was Raytheon’s offering better?
and Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (soon to
become Sony) were among the frontrunners in domestic transistor radio
development. As a large, specialist
manufacturer of military hardware
and other high-tech products, Raytheon held an enviable position. The
company pioneered sub-miniature
valves and had developed a number of
highly-specialised applications, such
as proximity fuses for artillery shells.
Raytheon’s business was founded
in 1922 by the redoubtable Vannevar
Bush. The first electronic product
keted under the Raytheon brand was a
1925 cold-cathode helium gas rectifier
used in “battery eliminators”. Bush
went on to administer the Manhattan
Project (which developed the atomic
bomb during WW2) and to invent
“memex”, an adjustable microfilm
viewer with a structure that can now
be compared to the World Wide Web.
The subsequent Apollo Guidance
Computer that took Neil Armstrong
and his crew to the Moon was a joint
MIT-Raytheon project – “the most
reliable computer of its time”. Why,
then, did the much smaller Texas
Instruments, in partnership with the
Regency Division of Industrial Development Engineering Associates,
beat Raytheon to the transistor radio
market, given the latter’s outstanding manufacturing and engineering
The reason for this was mainly due
to the different types of transistors
used by Texas Instruments and Raytheon in their early transistor radios.
TI’s laboratories had managed to bring
the grown-junction technique to reality before Raytheon’s alloyed-junction
design. But although grown-junction
June 2013 81
The T-2500 was built on a metal chassis, with transformer coupling between the
various audio stages. Power came from four D-cell batteries.
describe it as “a toy that didn’t come
at a toy price”. However, Raytheon’s
initial offering was more ambitious.
Designated the 8TP, it used the 8RT1
chassis design and boasted a total
of eight transistors, used as follows:
oscillator, mixer, two IF amplifiers, a
detector, an audio driver and a pushpull audio output stage. It sold for
$79.95, over half as much again as the
cost of the TR-1 and the equivalent of
around $683 today.
Ironically, the TR-1 had also initially
been designed with eight transistors
but an aggressive cost-cutting, “man
overboard” program cut that down
to four. In terms of value from money
though, Raytheon’s design was more
than “one and a half times” better.
Those extra transistors really made
a big difference to the performance!
The 4-transistor TR-1 has a maximum sensitivity of about 500µV/m for
a meagre 3mW output and its maximum audio output is just 6mW. By
contrast, the 8TP’s sensitivity for 3mW
is easily 10 times better. And with its
large speaker and 100mW push-pull
output stage, the 8TP provides good
listening levels, even against normal
background conversation. The TR1, however, demands “quiet room”
conditions for comfortable listening.
Timber cabinet
Most of the minor components in the T-2500 are connected to tagstrips. The
seven transistors were mounted in sockets on the other side of the chassis.
transistors were far superior to firstgeneration point-contact devices, they
struggled to operate at broadcast radio
In fact, the grown-junction transistor’s limitations are confirmed by the
Regency TR-1 being forced to use an
IF (intermediate frequency) of only
262.5kHz. What’s more, it required a
22.5V supply (close to the maximum
rating) in order to operate at even this
low frequency. In short, Regency’s
transistors did not have enough gain
to operate at the standard 455kHz IF
and from more normal supply voltages
of 6-9V.
82 Silicon Chip
By contrast, Raytheon’s engineers
and scientists pinned their hopes on
the newer alloyed-junction design.
This was easier to manufacture and
offered superior performance, as evidenced by the famous “CK” transistor
types that the company developed.
Raytheon wanted to release a transistor radio that was at least as good as
comparable valve portables. However,
using the transistors of the day, this
required six or more active stages.
Although the Regency TR-1’s superhet design is electrically sound, its
low gain, low power output and short
battery life led one commentator to
Raytheon’s 8TP was housed in a
handsome timber cabinet with leatherette veneer and also featured brass
knobs and brass or anodised trim.
Power came from four “D” cells (giving
a 6V supply) and the battery life was
about 350 hours, compared to the TR1’s meagre 20 hours. The four “torch
battery” cells in the 8TP cost about
60 cents in 1955, for a running cost of
around 17 cents per hundred hours.
By contrast, the TR-1’s 22.5V “hearing aid” battery cost about $1.25 and
the running cost was around $6.25 per
hundred hours. So it was no contest
here either.
Following its release in March
1955, Raytheon’s 8TP gained universal approval from reviewers, the only
criticism being its large size although
some reviewers also complained of
low sensitivity. The sensitivity reservation is curious. Valve sets of the
time were rarely much more sensitive.
And a 1960 Mullard article refers to a
5-transistor portable (using the next
generation of alloy-diffused transistors) with 200µV/m sensitivity as being
Fig.1: the circuit of
the Raytheon T-2500
(7-RT4 chassis).
It uses separate
mixer and oscillator
stages (RT1 &
RT2), a single IF
amplifier stage
(RT3) and three
audio stages (RT4RT7). The two
transistors used in
the output stage
operate in push-pull
and deliver up to
“economical”, adding that including
an extra IF stage (for a sensitivity
improvement of about 10 times to
20µV/m) would make it “outstanding”.
AGC, IF stages & detector
The original 8RT1 chassis applied
AGC to the two IF stages. The IF intercoupling technique used was perfectly
standard, ie, a tapped, tuned primary
matching to a low-impedance, untuned, untapped secondary.
This configuration allowed a highQ IF-coil primary to match its driver
transistor’s medium-high output impedance. At the same time, the lowimpedance secondary closely matched
the following transistor’s low input
The detector operated in class-B,
working pretty much as a “diode with
gain”. Since it would conduct more
heavily with signal, strong signals
would force its collector voltage to fall.
This collector voltage formed part of
the bias network for the two IF amplifiers, thus providing AGC.
The 7RT1 chassis
The basic 8TP transistor radio went
through several changes before being
eventually discontinued. Raytheon
then reworked the 8RT1 chassis design
and released it as the 7-transistor 7RT1
while retaining the 8TP’s case.
The 7RT1’s chassis dispensed with
one IF amplifier stage and the transistor detector but added an extra audio
stage. This resulted in four transistors
being used in the audio stages (ie, two
audio amplifiers plus the push-pull
output stage). Another two were used
in the preceding RF/IF chain, while
the seventh was used in the local
The low signal from the 7RT1’s
diode detector was apparently unable
to generate sufficient AGC to be applied to the remaining IF amplifier’s
base. As a result, the 7RT1 (unusually)
uses AGC on the mixer. Because this
changes the stage bias, and thus its collector current and input impedance,
applying AGC to a single-transistor
mixer-oscillator (as used in the TR-1
and most other transistor superhets)
can cause unwanted oscillator frequency changes with changes in signal
However, Raytheon’s 7RT1 uses
a separate oscillator design, so it is
unaffected by AGC. Applying AGC
directly to the mixer reduces overload
due to strong signals in this stage and
is quite effective.
Another unusual design aspect is
that the 7RT1 uses transformer coupling between the detector diode and
the first audio stage. This matches the
detector to the low-input impedance
of the audio stage and in fact, the
entire audio section uses transformercoupling between stages. While this
gives the maximum possible power
gain, it comes at the expense of extra
transformers and their limitations on
frequency response.
Negative feedback
Negative feedback is used in the
audio stages, and is applied via a resistor connected from one side of the
speaker pair to the base of the second
audio driver stage. This helps reduce
crossover distortion in the output
stage, especially at low volume levels.
The three amplifying stages result
in an audio sensitivity of about 4mV
for 50mW output. This does, however,
make the audio section somewhat
noisy at low volumes.
T-2500 receiver
The 7RT1 chassis was used in the
author’s T-2500 set. With two 5.25inch loudspeakers and a cabinet
measuring some 310 x 150 x 230mm
(including rubber feet), it’s really about
the size of a small car battery so it’s
hardly compact.
The T-2500’s timber cabinet is
soundly constructed and like the
June 2013 83
designed to match the low transistor
impedances but no other specialised
components are used.
Basically, the standard of construction is excellent and Raytheon seems
to have spared no expense to ensure
a quality product.
T-2500 circuit details
The control knobs on the T-2500
are much too short to grip properly,
making them fiddly to use.
TR8’s, is covered in leatherette. The
front and rear grilles are anodised expanded aluminium, with an anodised
bezel for the front speakers. A cast
enamelled badge and cast nameplate
complete the front presentation.
The leatherette-covered carrying
handle is attached via two brass
screws and the cast-metal tuning and
volume control knobs sit towards the
top rear of the cabinet. The tuning and
volume “zero” marks are provided by
flat-topped, engraved brass screws. Being a US-made set, the dial has “Civil
Defense” arrowheads at 620kHz and
1240kHz (as has my Regency TR-1).
The main chassis is cadmiun plated
and passivated steel, with aluminium
brackets. Unlike the TR-1, with its
printed circuit board, the T-2500 uses
sockets for the transistors, tagstrips
for the minor components and pointto-point wiring. The IF and audio
transformers, the ferrite rod and the
volume control have all been custom-
Unlike Regency’s TR-1, Raytheon’s
sets used conventionally-sized components, as used in the valve sets of the
day. Raytheon’s military equipment at
the time was at the forefront of technology, a place it holds to this day.
Raytheon subsequently piloted the
hobbyist use of transistors with the release of its famous CK722 germanium
transistor, now fetching as much as
$250 online. But while Regency obviously felt the simplicity of PCBs justified their development and production
for its TR-1, Raytheon elected not to
adopt this form construction for its
T-2500, preferring instead to stick to
hand-wiring and tagstrips.
Fig.1 shows the circuit details for
the T-2500. Its RF/IF circuit is distinctive: a mixer with AGC applied, a
separate oscillator stage that is unaffected by signal strength and a single
IF amplifier stage.
The circuit voltages indicate that the
mixer (“RT1”) has virtually no baseemitter bias. That’s because mixers
must operate by swinging into cut-off
(Class-B operation). The oscillator coil
is air-cored, with no ferrite adjusting
slug, and there’s no oscillator adjustment at the low-frequency end of the
broadcast band.
RT3 is the sole IF amplifier stage
but there are three IF transformers – a
carry-over from the 8RT1 with its two
IF amplifiers. In this case, the “missing” second IF amplifier is replaced
by a top-coupled “bandpass” circuit
using two coils, each with a single
tapped winding.
As in the Regency TR-1, the T-2500’s
IF amplifier uses neutralisation feedback (C12) to combat the regenerative
effect of collector-base capacitance. A
conventional diode detector follows
the IF stage and the demodulated audio is then fed to the first audio stage
via an audio transformer. The signal
at the bottom of the primary of this
transformer is also filtered to produce
the AGC voltage and this is fed back
to the mixer stage (RT1),
The detected audio is transformercoupled to the first audio stage (RT4)
via volume control R19 and this then
drives the second audio amplifier stage
(RT5) via another audio transformer.
RT5 then drives the push-pull audio
output stage (RT6 & RT7) via another
audio transformer. This transformer
has a centre-tapped secondary and
acts as a phase splitter.
The push-pull output stage drives
two series-connected speakers, again
via a transformer, making four audio
transformers in total.
The end of the line
With its four audio transformers,
its cavernous case and dual 5.25-inch
speakers, it’s perhaps not surprising
that the T-2500 was the end of the line
for Raytheon’s attempts to penetrate
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84 Silicon Chip
manufactured in
Australia by
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
Toroidal – Conventional Transformers
Power – Audio – Valve – ‘Specials’
Medical – Isolated – Stepup/down
Encased Power Supplies
Toroidal General
The T-2500’s volume and tuning controls are mounted on the top of the
cabinet and are awkward to use.
the domestic radio market. Raytheon
also produced several smaller sets but
even these were unable to create a
sufficiently profitable line to continue
The T-2500 did leave one legacy,
though. Moulded plastic cases are specialised items whereas timber cases are
relatively easy to make, even at home.
The Radio, TV & Hobbies “Transporta”
series subsequently mimicked the Raytheon line with their generous timber
cabinets and 5-inch speakers.
The author’s T-2500
The author’s Raytheon T-2500 (chassis number C093258) was purchased
online for $375. Cosmetically, it was
in very good condition, with acceptable wear on the case and no battery
corrosion. A “506” date stamp on the
tuning gang indicates that it was made
in the sixth week of 1955.
The original 8TP’s control layout on
the top of the cabinet was carried over
to the T-2500. These are awkward to
use because the knob bosses are too
short to grip properly. In addition, the
small diameter of the calibrated dial
ring on the tuning control does not
indicate the station frequencies with
any great accuracy.
The tuning does, however, have a
slow-motion dial movement, which
eases the task somewhat.
Despite this, the T-2500 is more
difficult to tune than the TR-1. The
latter’s large dial face is easily read, it
indicates frequencies more accurately
and the dial can easily be used as a
thumbwheel. The TR-1 also wins out
on design. Its sleek, “post-deco” styling
stands out, even today, from any number of anonymous transistor portables.
The T-2500’s volume control is another drawback of the design. It has a
slow onset, followed by a sudden increase in volume from about 90° of rotation. As a result, setting the required
volume level can be rather fiddly.
The T-2500 easily meets its published specifications. Its sensitivity is
150µV/m at 600kHz for 50mW output,
rising to 200µV/m at 1400kHz. The
selectivity for 60dB signal attenuation is around ±30kHz at 600kHz and
±40kHz at 1400kHz.
The audio performance is modest by
today’s standard, with some 13% THD
(total harmonic distortion) at the rated
output of 100mW and a more respectable 4.6% THD at 50mW output. The
frequency response of the audio stages
(measured by feeding a signal into the
volume control) is 230Hz to 2.3kHz.
By contrast, a modulated RF signal fed
into the aerial socket gives an overall
frequency response (ie, for the entire
receiver) of 580Hz to 2.3kHz.
Compared to the valve portables of
the day, the T-2500 has similar audio
fidelity but less than half the output
power (ie, 100mW versus 250mW).
However, this equates to a difference
of just over 3dB which is hard to pick.
The T-2500’s sensitivity is equal to
all but the best valve portables using
RF stages.
As mentioned previously, the set’s
battery life (and thus its running cost)
Comprehensive data available:
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl, HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476 5854 Fax (02) 9476 3231
is excellent. At today’s battery prices,
the set costs just two cents an hour to
run. And although I’ve not carelessly
left it in the sun, I suspect that the
T-2500’s timber cabinet would survive
such mistreatment much better than
any plastic cabinet.
It may seem that I’ve been unduly
harsh on some design aspects of the
Raytheon T-2500. However, as an
engineering design, it’s an excellent
performer, especially when judged by
the standards of the day.
Schematic errors
Some corrections to Raytheon’s
original circuit schematic for the
T-2500 should be noted. First, the
detector diode was shown connected
in reverse (the AGC would not operate if the detector was connected as
shown in Raytheon’s circuit). Second,
the schematic also shows incorrect DC
voltages for first audio stage based on
RT4. The circuit diagram published
here (Fig.1) is correct.
Finally, the Howard W. Sams “Photofact” (Set 329, Folder 11) also shows
the detector connected in reverse. It
also shows incorrect emitter and base
voltages for mixer RT2.
June 2013 85