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Vintage Radio
By Rodney Champness, VK3UG
Seyon 2D 2-valve “wireless” & an
old single-valve receiver
This month, we take a look at a Seyon mid-1920s wireless set and another set
of unknown age that was probably built (or rebuilt) between the 1920s and
the late 1930s. Both sets are owned by Mark Bennett and I have used the term
“wireless” deliberately, as these sets are definitely from the era when the term
“wireless” was used instead of “radio”.
LTHOUGH FROM the same era,
these two sets are quite different.
The Seyon is a 2-valve receiver and
was manufactured by the Noyes Brothers. How did it get its name? Well,
“Seyon” is “Noyes” spelt backwards.
The other set uses a single valve
only but its origin is obscure. It has “E.
Mills” marked on its baseboard but it’s
unknown whether this was the owner,
constructor or manufacturer.
The Seyon 2D
For a 2-valve wireless set from the
mid-1920s, the Seyon is quite small
82 Silicon Chip
and is remarkably well laid out. The
set featured here was probably built
in 1926, as the bias battery fitted to
it has a warranty expiry date of 1927
and the valves specified came onto the
market in 1926. In this set, however,
the A425 valve (which was down on
performance) has been replaced with
an A415 which came out in 1927.
A card inside the back panel of the
set shows the various connections for
the batteries, antenna and earth. In
fact, it’s rather unusual for such an old
receiver to have such useful information attached to it, although it’s not as
extensive as the information available
on some later receivers. However, it
still gives enough information for the
average person to make the connections and get the set going.
The information card would have
also minimised any errors when it
came to connecting the batteries and
fitting the valves. Unfortunately, it
was not uncommon for batteries to be
incorrectly attached to the receivers
of this era and this could cause big
problems. For example, attaching a
high-tension (HT) battery to the valve
filaments was certain to wreck the
valves, which could be heart-wrenching. Valves were very expensive in
those early days!
The front-panel photo clearly shows
the lack of control markings, something
that was common during the early
days of radio. The tuning dial is an
“Indigraph” with a simple numbered
dial scale.
The lefthand side of the front panel
carries the regeneration control, which
is a Bakelite-enclosed 360°-rotation
variable capacitor. Next comes the
main tuning dial and this is adjusted
using a vernier drive on its lower edge.
The only other front-panel component
is a jack socket, used for connecting either headphones or a sensitive
In addition, the set has a filament
rheostat but this is mounted on the top
of the chassis, towards the rear behind
the audio interstage transformer. This
rheostat has an open circuit section at
one end, so that the set can be turned
As far as the cabinet goes, this isn’t
a “coffin set” as such, although it does
have a lid that lifts up. However, it
was innovative for its time, with a
conventional chassis and an attached
front panel. The entire assembly can
be slipped out of the cabinet once the
retaining screws in the front panel
have been removed, along with the
battery, antenna and earth leads (these
go into Fahnstock clips along the back
of the chassis).
As shown in the photos, the wiring
connections are run directly to terminals bolted to the ebonite chassis (this
is an insulator and so no additional
insulation is needed). The speaker
currently used with this receiver is a
German-made Neufeldt and Kuhnke
unit, made in Kiel. It is a high-impedance (1.35Ω) reflex design and is
remarkably effective.
One minor problem with the underchassis layout is that both valve sockets are hidden, one under the unusuallooking tuning coil and the other under
the bias battery. This makes access for
servicing more difficult.
The circuit
Mark doesn’t have a circuit for this
set so I can only surmise that it is a
conventional 2-valve receiver for the
era, using a Philips A425 as a regenerative detector. This is followed by an
Igranic interstage audio transformer
with a step-up winding ratio of about
An above-chassis rear view of the 2-valve Seyon receiver. Note the large
interstage audio transformer between the two valves and the row of spring
terminals along the rear edge to terminate the battery connection leads.
An under-chassis view of the Seyon receiver. The grid-leak resistor (below
the tuning capacitor) required replacement, while three 1.5V AA cells
connected in series (and taped together) now provide the bias voltage.
1:3. It feeds the audio signal to an
audio amplifier output stage which is
based on a Philips A409 valve. Its plate
circuit drives either a high-impedance
speaker or a pair of headphones.
For those unfamiliar with their use,
an interstage audio step-up transformer increases the signal voltage at the
plate of the triode driver valve before
applying it to the next stage. A step-up
ratio of 1:3 is common but ratios as
high as 1:7 have been used. The higher
the ratio, the poorer the audio quality,
so 1:3 was generally considered to give
the best compromise.
Interstage audio transformers were
suited to the relatively low-gain triode
valves of the era. If the practical gain of
March 2013 83
expired in December 1927).
Mark now uses a mains-operated
power supply with the set, along with
three 1.5V AA cells to supply the bias
voltage. These AA cells are taped
together, clamped under the chassis
and connected via the only plastic
insulated wire in the set. Sometimes,
wire that’s authentic for a particular
era is not easily obtainable.
The external mains-operated supply
provides the two HT voltages required
by the set, plus the 4V supply for the
Inside of the Seyon receiver with the lid raised. The label attached to the rear
panel shows how the batteries, antenna and earth are connected to the set.
the A425 was 20 and the transformer
had a step-up ratio of three, then the
overall gain would be 60.
One drawback was that these transformers were expensive to produce.
As a result, they disappeared as higher
gain tetrode and pentode valves came
onto the scene and RC interstage coupling became popular. For example,
the 6AU6 valve has a gain of up to
371, so why would you bother with
a transformer when a few low cost
components would do a better job!
Manufacturers ceased using interstage
transformers when valves such as the
Despite its age, the original bias
battery, a Yale flashlight type, still
had an output of 1.3V.
84 Silicon Chip
6AU6 came on the market.
Even humble triodes like the 6AV6
will amplify signals by up to around
70 times in a practical RC-coupled circuit. What’s more, the resulting audio
quality is much better than through the
best audio transformer.
Battery triodes
Both the A409 and the A425 are
4-pin battery triodes with 4V filaments, each drawing 65mA. The A409
has a theoretical gain of nine although
it will be probably be around seven in
most practical circuits. A plate voltage
of up to 100V can be used and the valve
will draw 8mA with a bias of up to -9V.
By contrast, the A425 has a theoretical gain of 25, although this will
be reduced to around 20 in practice.
It can be used with up to 120V on the
plate and will draw around 1mA with
a bias of around 1V.
Power for the Seyon receiver was
supplied by a 4V lead-acid accumulator for the filaments, a 4.5V battery for
the bias and two dry batteries tapped
at various voltages for the high tension
(HT). The original filament and HT batteries had long since been discarded
when Mark obtained the set but the
original bias battery (a Yale No.117
flashlight type) was still there. A test of
this battery revealed that it could still
muster 1.3V – this some 85 years after
it was manufactured (the warranty
As indicated previously, the original
A425 valve was down in performance.
Mark replaced it with an A415 which
although lower in gain, still works
well in this receiver. In addition, the
grid leak resistor, like many of that era,
had gone open circuit. As a result, it
was dismantled and re-cored with a
small, modern resistor. The capacitor
in that assembly was also checked with
a high-voltage tester and found to be
in working order.
Once the repairs had been completed, the Seyon performed quite
well for a 2-valve receiver. It does not
need a large antenna and it will drive a
high-impedance speaker to reasonable
volume when tuned to local radio stations. The regeneration is controlled
primarily by the regeneration control
on the front panel, with further control afforded by adjusting the filament
Like most sets of the era, the dial
scale is marked 0-100. As a result, most
listeners made up a chart showing the
stations and their corresponding numbers on the tuning dial. This enabled
them to quickly tune to a particular
station at any time.
The 1-valve set
I’m uncertain as to the origin of this
little set but I’m inclined to think that
it was home-made rather than commercially manufactured. The reason
for this is that the circuit assembly
could hardly be described as first
class, especially when compared to the
Seyon. On the other hand, the cabinet
was obviously made by someone who
knew what they were doing although
it was rather dilapidated when Mark
came by the set.
As shown in one of the photos, the
various controls are arranged across the
ebonite front panel. These are, from left
to right: the regeneration control, the
tuning control and a filament rheostat
with an on-off position. Underneath
the tuning control are two terminals
which are used to connect the headphones or a horn speaker to the set.
The battery leads are fed directly
out of the battery compartment and
the antenna and earth points are connected via flying leads to terminals on
the lefthand side of the cabinet.
Circuit details
This 1-valve set is typical, both
in circuitry and cabinet style, of the
many simple receivers built in the
1920s and 1930s. It uses a single type
30 valve in a regenerative circuit (see
Fig.1) and this directly drives a pair
of high-impedance headphones or, if
the received station is strong enough, a
high-impedance horn speaker. In fact,
Mark uses this set from time to time
with a Browns horn speaker.
The 30 valve is classed as a detector/amplifier triode. It has a 2V 60mA
filament, can be used with up to nearly
160V HT, requires a bias of up to -15V
and will draw 1-3mA of plate current,
depending on the operating parameters selected by the designer.
The gain of the valve in class-A
mode is around nine, which is quite
modest. However, when used as a
regenerative detector, this low gain is
largely made up for by the feedback
network. A pair of 30 valves arranged
in a class-B push-pull configuration
can give an audio output of 2.1W,
which is similar to that derived from
19 or 1J6G twin-triode valves used in
the same way.
In this set, the 30 valve has a 25Ω
rheostat in the filament line and this
acts as a subsidiary regeneration
control and on-off switch. It certainly
suggests that the 30 will work quite
well with less voltage on its filament
than 2V. Indeed, if the rheostat is set
to full resistance, there will only be
about 1.2V across the filament.
As an aside, many “do-it-yourself”
designs published during the era used
a 1.5V torch cell to provide the filament voltage. The valve worked quite
well with this lower voltage and 45mA
of filament current.
Getting it working
Despite looking a bit tatty, the circuit
breadboard didn’t require any major
Fig.1: the circuit for the 1-valve receiver. It’s a simple regenerative set with
a type 30 triode valve used as detector/amplifier. This directly drives a
pair of high-impedance headphones or a high-impedance loudspeaker.
The chassis layout of the 1-valve set is as simple as it gets. It was restored by
replacing the grid-leak resistor and cleaning up some of the wiring connections.
work other than fixing a faulty gridleak resistor and cleaning up some
wiring connections. The grid-leak
resistor was fixed by removing it from
its case (by drilling it out), then sliding in a new resistor and soldering its
leads to the capped ends. This is a neat
method that keeps the components
looking original.
The mica capacitor across the grid
leak resistor is a different type to that
used in the Seyon and it checked
OK. However, some of the wiring had
deteriorated so much that it had to
be replaced. In addition, some of the
wiring connections had corroded, so
these were cleaned up and the terminals re-tightened. The 30 valve was in
working order, as were the remaining
passive components.
Power supply
To power this set, Mark uses a small
12V sealed lead acid (SLA) battery and
a linear regulator circuit to provide
2V for the filament. This may not be
an efficient method of supplying the
filament current but it is convenient,
as the set is not used a great deal.
By contrast, the 45V HT for the
plate circuit is provided by five 9V
216 batteries wired in series. These are
daisy-chained together to give a spare
terminal at each end which is then
connected to the receiver. A battery
snap connector cut in half makes the
March 2013 85
The cabinet for the 1-valve set was restored by stripping off the gold paint,
then sanding and staining the timber. The doors and hinges were replaced.
connections to the battery terminals.
As shown in one of the photos, the
9V batteries are taped together and sit
in the cabinet’s battery compartment.
Cleaning the controls
The next step in the restoration
involved cleaning the control knobs.
This was done using soapy water and
a small scrubbing brush. The knobs
were then polished (using car polish)
and rubbed clean with a soft cloth to
remove any old oxidised Bakelite.
The markings on the knobs had
disappeared long ago so the indents in
each control were then hand-painted
in white. The paint was initially applied over the indentations with no
particular care and the knobs then
wiped using a cloth moistened with
turpentine. This removed all the paint
except from the indentations and
grooves, leaving a neat finish. This
technique proved so successful that
the controls now look like new.
Cabinet restoration
The cabinet restoration required
a considerable amount of work. The
original cabinet (doors included) was
covered with ugly, gold-coloured paint
which really looked out of place, especially as the timber underneath was
quite attractive. As a result, the cabinet
was dismantled along all hinged edges,
so that all the corners and edges could
be easily reached during the restoration work.
As well as being covered in gold
paint, the doors were also in rather
The batteries for the 1-valve set sit in a special battery compartment at the
bottom of the cabinet.
86 Silicon Chip
This Browns horn speaker is often
used by Mark with the 1-valve set.
poor condition. These were replaced
by two new doors made by Dennis, a
friend of Mark, while another friend
(Marcus) turned up a new catch. In
addition, all the old hinges were discarded and new brass hinges of the
same general style obtained to go with
the cabinet.
The rest of the cabinet was restored
by first applying paint stripper to remove the gold paint. The cabinet was
then sanded down along the wood
grain using progressively finer grades
of sandpaper to obtain a smooth finish. A product called “Feast Watson”
(a wax-enriched timber oil) was then
applied to the cabinet using a soft
cloth and this gave the timber a rich
golden-brown finish.
Mark, with help from Marcus and
Dennis, has restored both of these
early receivers to good working order.
Generally, Mark ferrets out suitable
sets for restoration, Marcus does the
technical restoration and Dennis does
the cabinet work. So it’s a collaborative effort.
The Seyon receiver is particularly
interesting because it uses a chassis,
with components mounted both above
and below it. This construction technique wasn’t all that common when
the Seyon was manufactured.
Both sets are quite collectable, particularly the 2-valve Seyon. It offers
better performance than the 1-valve
set but the latter has a more impresSC
sive cabinet.