This is only a preview of the June 2014 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 37 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "The Majestic Loudspeaker System":
Items relevant to "2-Way Passive Loudspeaker Crossover Network":
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Items relevant to "The Micromite: An Easily Programmed Microcontroller, Pt.2":
Items relevant to "40V Switchmode/Linear Bench Power Supply, Pt.3":
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Cash in your surplus gear. Advertise it here in SILICON CHIP
high-speed drill press, hookup wire.
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Audio + Video: Professional quality
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format, hobbyists welcome. Sesame
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PCBs & Micros: Silicon Chip Pub
lications can supply PCBs and programmed micros for all recent projects.
Order online or phone (02) 9939 3295.
Superbright LEDs of all sizes, shapes
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Closing date: 5 weeks prior to month of sale. To book, email the text to silicon<at> and include your
name, address & credit card details, or phone Glyn (02) 9939 3295 or 0431 792 293.
amplifier. I also built a trickle-charger
from the February 2005 issue and fitted the whole assembly into a small
loudspeaker enclosure with an SLA
battery. The intent is that the unit will
be operated from the battery between
charges and should last at least 12
hours on the 1.3Ah battery I have used.
However, when fully charged, the
SLA battery is delivering in excess of
13V and the Champion is specified to
operate between 9V and 12V. Can you
advise if the Champion will continue
to operate under these conditions and
if not, what would you recommend
doing to change it? (B. D., via email).
• The AN7511 chip used in the
Champion has an “absolute maximum” operating voltage of 14V with
a recommended range of 3.5-13.5V.
If you are trickle charging the battery
at 13.8V (a typical value), there will
be some voltage drop across diode
D2 which should keep the AN7511’s
supply more or less within the recommended range. In other words, we
would expect it to receive no more
than 13.5V as long as the battery does
not go above 13.8V.
If the battery can go above 13.8V
or you just want some extra safety
margin, you can change diodes D1/D2
(whichever you are using) to a 1N4004
or similar which should drop the voltage by another 0.5V or so. It would
also be possible to wire two diodes in
series (eg, a second diode in-line with
the supply wiring) to drop the voltage
further if necessary.
Note that at the high end of its operating voltage range, power output
quickly becomes thermally limited so
if you want maximum power from the
chip, it’s best to run the board at less
continued next page
June 2014 103
Advertising Index
Altronics.........................loose insert
Chemtools.................................... 75
Control Devices Pty Ltd.................. 5
Core Electronics............................. 9
Emona Instruments........................ 7
Enertel Pty Ltd............................. 11
Gless Audio................................ 103
Hammond Manufacturing............. 13
Harbuch Electronics..................... 13
Hare & Forbes.......................... OBC
. . . continued from page 103
than 12V; around 9V is ideal. This can
be done with a zener diode.
For example, if you leave D1/D2 as
originally specified (1N5819) and add
a 4.7V zener in series with the positive
supply, with its anode to pin 2 of CON8
and its cathode to the battery positive
terminal, IC2 should have a supply of
around 8.7V.
That will give a continuous power
output of around 3W, compared to
about 2W with a 12V supply. Note
that you would need to use a 5W zener
diode (eg, 1N5337) as it will dissipate
about 1.8W when the amplifier is delivering maximum power.
For a cheaper solution, you could try
putting a 10-12Ω 5W resistor in series
Notes & Errata
Speedo Corrector Mk3, September
2013: there should be four 1µF capacitors in the parts list (not three)
and the circuit should show a 1µF
capacitor between pins 5 & 14 of
IC1. The overlay diagram is correct.
Micromite Microntroller, May 2014:
a new version (Ver 4.5C) of MM
Basic for the Micromite is available
from the SILICON CHIP website. This
version fixes a bug which could,
in rare cases, cause the Micromite
to partially erase its firmware and
disable MMBasic when used with
some low-cost USB-serial adapters.
Other than that, no new functionality has been added. All but three
chips we have supplied have the
latest firmware version and those
three customers have been notified.
104 Silicon Chip
High Profile Communications..... 103
Icom Australia................................ 8
PO Box 631, Hillarys, WA 6923
Ph: (08) 9307 7305 Fax: (08) 9307 7309
Email: worcom<at>
Jaycar .............................. IFC,49-56
KCS Trade Pty Ltd........................ 21
Keith Rippon .............................. 103
KitStop.......................................... 75
with the supply. This will cause the
supply voltage to drop as IC2 draws
more current, reducing dissipation
in IC2 at higher power settings. This
may also drop the supply voltage by
enough at idle to keep IC2 within its
ratings with a 13.8V battery but you’d
have to check it.
LD Electronics............................ 103
Query on channel
component matching
Premier Batteries......................... 12
In your various stereo preamp/power
amplifier kit designs, do the various kit
suppliers go to the trouble of matching
components (between channels) when
deemed necessary (RIAA equalisation)
for example? I’ve graphically learned
this lesson in many of the stereo kits
that I’ve personally built.
Just the other day, I checked the
value of the RIAA capacitors in the
old Universal Preamplifier kit (SILICON
CHIP, April 1994) that I’d built some
years ago. The capacitor values as
measured on my trusty (but reliable)
capacitance meter were all over the
place so I replaced them with matched
sets of the correct values and it has
made quite a beneficial difference in
terms of equalisation accuracy and
stereo image.
I don’t recall this point ever being
stressed and/or even mentioned in
your construction articles. Perhaps
in the interests of optimised performance, it should be. My capacitance
meter is my most used and valuable
LEDsales.................................... 103
Master Instruments...................... 93
Microchip Technology................... 79
Mikroelektronika......................... IBC
Ocean Controls............................ 10
QualiEco Circuits Pty Ltd............. 59
Quest Electronics....................... 103
RFrepairs................................... 103
RF Modules................................ 104
Rohde & Schwarz.......................... 3
Sesame Electronics................... 103
Silicon Chip Binders..................... 48
Silicon Chip Online Shop........ 38-39
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........... 96
Silvertone Electronics.................. 61
Wiltronics........................................ 6
Worldwide Elect. Components... 104
bit of test gear for such projects. (F. S.,
Ingham, Qld).
• Ideally the components in the
feedback network (which sets the
RIAA equalisation) should be 5%
tolerance or better. Most capacitors
with a nominal 10% tolerance can be
expected to be within 5% (or better)
of their nominal value.