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Tektronix MDO3054
“Six-in-One” Mixed
Domain Oscilloscope
Just what you’ve always wanted... a four-channel digital storage
oscilloscope, logic analyser, protocol analyser, spectrum analyser
and arbitrary waveform generator with digital voltmeter and
frequency counter in a single package!
ou may recall our review of the
Tektronix MDO4104-3 Mixed
Domain Oscilloscope in the
November 2011 issue.
It was (and still is) a very clever device, capable of ‘freezing time’ like a
DSO but operating in both the time and
frequency domains, ie, alongside the
waveforms from the four analog and
sixteen digital channels it could also
display a time-correlated RF spectral
We were very impressed with
this capability but the price of the
MDO4000-series scopes puts them out
of reach for many.
The just-released MDO3000-series
also combines a scope and spectrum
analyser (plus some other functions)
in a more affordable package.
This unit is part of the recent trend
to try to integrate as many extra functions into a scope as possible. We’ve
seen mixed signal scopes with waveform generators and DVMs before but
by adding the spectrum analyser in as
well, the MDO3000 is the current “king
of the mountain”.
Common features
The overall instrument is fairly
compact given its screen size and
the number of knobs and buttons – it
measures 417 x 204 x 148mm (not including carrying handle) and weighs
88 Silicon Chip
4.2kg. It’s somewhat wider than the
most compact scopes but that’s due
to the large 23cm (9”) display which
has excellent colour and contrast and
a reasonably good viewing angle too.
While the big handle makes it taller,
it certainly makes it very easy to carry,
too. Overall, it does not seem unwieldy.
There are soft buttons on both the
bottom and right edges of the screen,
which simplifies the operation of the
menu system somewhat, along with
the two general purpose knobs (rather
than one as is typical). As you can see
from the photograph, there are plenty
of specific-function knobs and buttons too.
While it does take up more physical space, we prefer having separate
vertical controls for each channel as it
makes operation simpler. Overall, the
control layout on this scope is above
average and we quickly got used to the
location of most buttons as they are
positioned logically.
When both multi-purpose knobs (“a”
and “b”) are active, on-screen icons
show which one does what and you
quickly get used to looking for those
icons. The zoom/pan knob is pretty
easy to operate too, with the pan function being spring-loaded and the zoom
‘jog wheel’ within it.
The spring-loaded pan wheel gives
a scroll speed is proportional to how
much force you’re applying and allows
for quick panning.
You will notice that there are some
extra buttons on the right side compared to a regular scope and these are
the numeric keypad and mode buttons for the spectrum analyser, which
means its controls are mostly separate
to the rest of the unit.
The spectrum analyser shares some
knobs and the soft buttons with the
scope but we think they could have
used more of them; for example, the
pan and zoom controls do nothing in
RF mode whereas they could have been
used to adjust the span.
While the numeric keypad is primarily used for the spectrum analyser,
you can use it for entering numbers in
other situations such as when setting
the signal frequency and amplitude
for the arbitrary waveform generator.
This is certainly quicker and more
accurate than twiddling knobs. You can
also plug in a USB keyboard instead to
make it even easier (and that also simplifies typing labels and file names).
The spectrum analyser section operates similarly to stand-alone spectrum
analysers that we have used and its
performance is good, on par with a decent stand-alone unit. Essentially, it’s
a separate instrument that shares the
Review by Nicholas Vinen
The large screen and generous number of ‘soft buttons’, plus
the well-organised control layout make driving this unit quite
d i s p l a y,
c on t ro l s
and power
supply with
the rest of the
device. It does take up a lot
space than having two separate devices and there is also the advantage
of only having to learn one control
The spectrum analyser input is an
N-connector. If you’re at all serious
about using the spectrum analyser you
will need to pay for the 3GHz bandwidth option; otherwise, it is limited
to the same bandwidth as the scope
inputs, ie, 100MHz-1GHz.
But even 1GHz may not be enough
as many users these days will be looking at WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee etc, all
above 2GHz.
By the way, all software-controlled
options are enabled for the first 30
days of operation. That includes the
3GHz spectrum analyser bandwidth.
It also includes the logic analyser
rial bus decoders. After that
time, you will need to pay
for the options if you want
to continue using them.
The spectrum analyser is FFTbased and has all the features you
would expect such as a very wide capture bandwidth of 3GHz which means
you can look at the whole spectrum in
a single display (see Fig.1).
We’ve set the resolution bandwidth
to be much finer than the default for
this span (at 30kHz rather than 3MHz)
as this lowers the noise floor and
improves peak discrimination at the
expense of display update rate.
Fig.1 also demonstrates the automatic markers and averaging features.
The unit can also make some basic
measurements on the RF signal: channel power, adjacent channel power
ratio and occupied bandwidth.
Note though that unlike its bigger
MDO4000-series cousin, the scope
and spectrum analyser functions are
essentially separate and can only be
used one at a time. So if you want to
be able to see the scope inputs and
spectrum analysis on the same screen
or be able to freeze the instrument and
then do spectral analyses at different
points in time, you will have to spring
for the higher end unit.
As you would expect, the scope
is supplied with two or four passive
probes that have equal or greater bandwidth than the scope itself. The probes
supplied with our demo unit were
500MHz 10:1 types, although they
didn’t actually indicate the division
ratio on the probes anywhere we could
see (which is somewhat unusual).
These are high-quality probes and
the hand-held portion is quite small;
we like that, standard probes seem
pretty bulky in comparison with modern circuitry and can really get in the
way when you are trying to measure
several parameters at once on a small,
tightly-packed PCB. The cables are
May 2014 89
Fig.1: we connected a 2m length of wire to the RF input and ran a spectral analysis
over the full span of 10kHz to 3GHz. Automatic cursors are enabled, giving peak
details at the top of the screen. The low resolution bandwidth gives a relatively low
noise floor but does slow down screen updates with such a large span.
very flexible which also helps when
probing cramped PCBs.
Interestingly, while the probe inputs
are BNC sockets, the probes are actually held in place by a spring-loaded
clip integrated into the boxy section.
This has a button which you hold down
to release the probe and it can then be
pulled free.
Once you get used to it, this makes
connecting and disconnecting probes
quite convenient.
If you purchase a mixed-signal scope
(ie, a model with the logic analyser
enabled) then logic probes are also
supplied. The analyser has 16 channels
which is good; some scopes only have
eight and while that is plenty in most
circumstances, if you need to monitor
two SPI buses plus a few digital I/Os,
it won’t be enough.
All versions are supplied with an
IEC mains cord and accessory pouch
which can be used to hold the probes
and so on. They also come with a small
manual and a CD with the rest of the
documentation. The quality of the
documentation is above-average and it
includes clear explanations of what the
various options and modes do.
Other functions
As DSOs go this one actually has a
lot of features, both in terms of hard-
ware and software. Hardware-wise,
it comes standard with 10Mpoints
memory per channel which is great. It
supports active probes and can autodetect compatible probes when they
are connected. It also has Ethernet and
VGA interfaces by default.
What about HDMI, you might ask?
VGA is rapidly becoming obsolete.
This seems to be an industry-wide
issue; presumably scopes with HDMI
outputs will appear soon but for the
moment, if you want to connect an external monitor or projector to a scope,
you’re stuck with VGA.
The DVM feature is free after completing a registration form. This gives
more accurate voltage measurement
for low-frequency signals; the reading
has four digits rather than the three
you get in measurement mode but for
AC (RMS) measurements, it is only
good for signals up to about 10kHz. It
also incorporates a 100/150MHz frequency counter (depending on scope
While this is handy to have, it
doesn’t have the same precision as a
good multimeter and lacks the other
features such as current measurement,
capacitance, resistance etc. One day
those functions will probably be integrated too but for now you’ll still need
a multimeter or two.
The arbitrary function generator option is quite handy and can produce a
variety of signals up to 50MHz. It operates at 250 megasamples per second
and can generate arbitrary waveforms
with up to 128k points. The output is at
the back which is a little inconvenient
but you can leave a BNC cable attached
semi-permanently. There is only one
For mixed-signal models, the logic
analyser input is conveniently located
at the front, near the other probe connections and has a relatively small ribbon that splits out into two logic heads.
It’s supplied with the usual IC clips.
Software features
Fig.2: the ‘temperature’ display in FastAcq mode which is used to enable maximum
waveform update rate. This is used to detect runt pulses, check outliers, determine
jitter and so on. The colour indicates ‘hit density’ with the hotter (more red) colours
indicating more commonly sampled values for that point in the waveform.
90 Silicon Chip
We won’t describe all the usual DSO
features which of course are present,
such as cursors, waveform measurements, statistics, averaging mode,
high-resolution acquisition, zoom and
pan, waveform mathematics (“math”),
reference waveforms and so on. It has
all the modes you’d expect and more.
“Math” mode includes an FFT function
– we guess this is still useful since the
spectrum analyser has a separate input.
One interesting feature of this
scope is that it can display statistical
histograms of time or voltage data. For
example, it can plot a graph showing
the distribution of jitter in a pulse train.
You can also take measurements
from the histogram such as mean,
standard deviation, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Sigma values (percent of values within 1,
2 or 3 standard deviations) and so on.
Like the MDO4000-series, the
MDO3000-series has a particularly
powerful ‘math’ mode where you can
not only do basic calculations such
as adding or multiplying two traces,
you can actually enter a mathematical
formula based on the time domain
values of one or more traces to produce
a new trace which is then displayed
on the screen.
This can include functions such as
integration and differentiation and
is a very powerful feature – but you
will probably need to plug in a USB
keyboard so that entering formulas is
not too time consuming.
The “Wave Inspector” zoom/pan
control group also includes buttons to
search for and mark events in the recorded waveform, using similar logic
to that which is used for triggering the
scope; in fact there is an option to use
the trigger settings to mark events. You
can then skip between these markers
and you can place manual markers
which can be handy if you are moving
around a lot in a long record and want
to remember your place.
The triggering system is quite
powerful and includes sequential
triggers (ie, edge on one channel then
another), triggering after multiple
edges, depending on pulse-width, on
runt pulses, a logic combination, on
setup/hold timing violation, depending on rise/fall time, on video frames
(including HD) and on logic bus packet
contents, assuming you have that bus
decoder option installed.
There are a couple of very nice aspects to the measurement system on
this scope.
One, for measurements which involve analysing data over a time period
such as RMS, you can select that time
period, eg, over a single cycle, over all
the cycles displayed on the screen or
all the cycles recorded in memory. You
can also have it use the area between
the cursors to do the calculation.
You also have the option to turn on
‘indicators’ for a given measurement
and if selected, this displays a set of
Fig.3: here we have turned on a lot of different features, with the digital voltmeter/
frequency counter at top, zoom window below, then the graticule, status display,
two measurements plus the menus. Obviously you would not normally turn these
features all on at once as it leaves little room for the traces!
tomatic cursors which show how the
measurement has been calculated. For
example, if enabled with a frequency
measurement, two dotted cursors appear which show the two points in
the waveform used to determine the
signal period.
We especially like the fact that you
can select which measurement to
display the indicators for and that you
can turn it off if you don’t need it, to
de-clutter the display.
While all the features mentioned
above come standard, there are
some that come at extra cost (but as
explained above, with a free 30-day
trial). This includes limit and mask
testing (MDO3LMT option) and power
analysis (MDO3PWR option) including power quality, switching loss and
The logic analyser is also an optional extra and on top of that, there
are various serial bus decoder modules
you can purchase, including audio,
CAN/LIN, RS-232/422/485 and I2C/
There is also an option for USB 2.0
triggering and analysis for low-speed
and full-speed devices (ie, up to
12Mbit). With this option and a scope
with 1GHz bandwidth, you can also
...Continued on page 102
Fig.4: luckily it only take a few button presses to de-clutter the display; this shows
the maximum amount of screen space available for the graticule, with just the static
display at bottom (which can be turned off but just leaves an empty space). The
large screen space comes in handy for viewing multiple waveforms in details.
May 2014 91
Review: Tektronix
MDO3054 Scope
. . . continued from p91
decode and view hi-speed USB
packets (but you can’t trigger on a
content match).
Boot-up time is around 20 seconds
which is par for the course with a
scope having this many features. The
next thing we looked at was analog
noise performance which is good.
It’s quoted as <150μV +6% of
one division for bandwidths up to
200MHz or + 8% of one division
up to 1GHz. In practice, the display
is quite clean, especially in ‘High
Resolution’ mode.
While the interface is easy to use,
its responsiveness leaves a little to
be desired. It can feel sluggish at
times but is pretty tardy in spectrum
analysis mode with a high ratio of
span to resolution bandwidth.
Of course, you would expect the
display update rate to be very slow
as this involves a lot of calculations
but we don’t see why it has to stop
responding to button presses during
this process. And while the waveform acquisition rate is far from poor,
it isn’t the best we’ve seen either.
To get the full specified rate of
280,000 acquisitions per second
you need to use “FastAcq” mode
which changes the way waveforms
are displayed (see Fig.2). Otherwise,
the limit is 50,000 acquisitions per
We like that you can display statistics for each measurement (min/max/
average/etc, see Fig.3) but unfortunately when you turn statistics off,
you don’t get that screen space back.
I then remade the loop with the exact wire recommended in the article.
This was worse as I was no longer able
to create an event of any sort with bars
or golf clubs. Any help would be appreciated. (M. M., via email).
• It certainly does sound as if the
loop is the problem. But it’s not easy
to zero in on the exact nature of the
problem itself.
If your multimeter shows that the
loop conductors themselves are cor102 Silicon Chip
The rear panel carries the connectors for the arbitrary waveform generator
output, a trigger output, Ethernet, VGA and two USB ports. One USB port is
for connection to a PC while the other is for a printer.
The measurements are displayed
in a vertical list rather than horizontally so with several on-screen, that
uses up quite a bit of valuable real
estate, despite the large display.
As a result of this and the large
number of features in general, it’s
quite easy to clutter it up with so
much information that you can barely see the traces (again, see Fig.3). But
at least you can press “Menu off” a
few times and turn off the zoom and
some other functions and get the
screen real estate back (Fig.4).
Tektronix have managed to combine a mixed-signal oscilloscope,
spectrum analyser and arbitrary
waveform generator in one package
without really compromising any of
those functions.
All of these features work well
rectly wired as a continuous loop, with
no segments reversed in polarity and
no open joints, this would leave the
outside screening braid. If this has been
accidentally connected to ground at
both ends (rather than only at one end),
it would act as a shorted turn rather
than a Faraday shield and would then
prevent the loop from working.
Try disconnecting the loop shield
connection at the righthand end terminal and then use your multimeter
although it is a bit of a stretch to call
it six instruments in one, as the protocol analyser functions are a pretty
standard feature of the logic analyser
and the DVM only provides a small
increase in utility over the existing
scope measurements.
Overall though, as you can gather
from the above, they haven’t skimped
on features. While we would like the
interface to be a bit more responsive,
that doesn’t really get in the way of
its ability to view signals which is
what this instrument is all about.
If you want a stand-alone scope
with a proper spectrum analyser,
Tektronix is currently the only game
in town.
For pricing, for more information
or to order one of these units, contact
TekMark Australia on 1300 811 355,
e-mail enquiries<at>
or visit
to see if there is still a connection
between the two. If there is, this will
show that there is still a connection,
eg, at the other end of the loop cable.
Monitor for
LiPo batteries
I am the proud owner of a new LiPo
100Ah battery. I intended to use two of
these in my new caravan as house batteries, charged by solar, an AC battery