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Vintage Radio
By Malcolm Fowler
The Mullard 5-10 Ten Watt Valve Amplifier
One of the finest amplifiers available for hobbyists to build in
the early 1960s was the Mullard 5-10 ultralinear valve unit. This
had state-of-the-art performance and a working example would
give a very good account of itself in comparison to the best valve
amplifiers now available.
N THE EARLY 1960s, I was fortunate
enough to attend a school in the UK
where the physics master was not only
a great teacher but a hifi buff, electronics whizz and semi-professional sound
recordist. These extra-curricular interests were put to good use in the running
of a radio club and the production and
recording of school plays and concerts.
Students involved in the radio club, of
which I was a member, were recruited
to build and operate an array of audio
We had at our disposal several
Ferrograph tape recorders, a recordcutting lathe and a multitude of
Mullard-designed mixers, preamps
and power amplifiers. The majority
of the Mullard-designed equipment,
based on “Mullard Circuits for Audio
Amplifiers” published in 1959, was
built by the students and this was my
introduction to a lifelong interest in
audio and electronics.
Fifty years later and a wave of nostalgia had me thinking of revisiting
92 Silicon Chip
these valve amplifiers, not because
I prefer valve sound but just for the
delight of it and particularly the glow
of the valves. Solid-state may give great
sound but it lacks a certain charisma!
I initially looked into building a pair
of 10-watt Mullard 5-10s from scratch
but the availability and cost of components, particularly transformers,
seemed to rule this option out. Consequently, I started looking at vintage
amplifiers suitable for restoration such
as the Leak Stereo 20 but again cost
was an issue. Leak Stereo 20s typically
sell for well in excess of $1000 and
then need to be refurbished.
Aegis 5-10 amplifiers
After some research, I eventually
came across two dissimilar Aegis 5-10
amplifiers being offered for sale on the
Internet. On the spur of the moment, I
bought them, sight unseen, for far less
than the cost of a new mains transformer. I knew relatively little about
these amplifiers other than that they
were built by the Aegis Manufacturing Company in Melbourne in the late
1950s and early 1960s and that they
adopted the Mullard 5-10 amplifier
designs in their various formats.
These amplifiers could be purchas
ed new as individual units for £40/5/(forty pounds five shillings) in 1959.
They were also incorporated by other
manufacturers into high-end console
My secondhand amplifiers, complete with all their valves, survived
the journey from Queensland to Melbourne via Australia Post. As mentioned, the two units were dissimilar,
both physically and electronically. The
first (Serial No: 378), which I shall refer
to as ‘Amp1’, was built on a single-level
steel chassis and was fitted with A&R
mains and output transformers. The
circuit was exactly to the Mullard 5-10
design for “Distributed Loading” (also
called ultralinear), where the screen
grids of the output valves are fed from
tappings on the output transformer.
Fig.1: the circuit of the Mullard (Aegis) 10W amplifier. V1 (EF86) is a voltage gain stage and this drives an ECC83 twin
triode (V2) operating as a phase splitter. V2 in turn drives two EL84 pentodes (V3 & V4) operating in ultralinear pushpull mode. Feedback is applied from the output of the speaker transformer back to the cathode of the EF86 pentode.
This configuration is used to achieve
a compromise between the performance of the two EL84s when connected as triodes and pentodes. Sufficient power reserve is maintained yet
distortion is much lower than with a
normal pentode connection.
The second unit (Serial No: A272),
which I shall refer to as ‘Amp2’, was
built on a stepped aluminium chassis
and was fitted with a National mains
transformer and a Barco output transformer. The circuit was exactly to the
Mullard 5-10 design for “Low Loading”
where increasing the cathode resistance
and lowering the anode-to-anode load
to 6kΩ results in a reduction in quiescent current from 36mA to 24mA.
This configuration is recommended
for use with speech and music as it
has low distortion and lower power
consumption. However, it cannot cope
with continuous sinewave inputs.
Both units came with passive tone
control modules built to the Mullard
specification. I had no interest in using these as from my experience they
only detract from the performance of
the main amplifier due to reduced
sensitivity and hum and noise pick up.
Checking the components revealed
that the main filter capacitors were
beyond redemption and most of the resistors were reading at least 20% high.
This view shows the two Aegis valve audio amplifiers and their associated tone
control units as purchased by the author. Both amplifiers required complete
rebuilds before they could be used (the tone control units were not restored).
The valves were tested by a friend and
were found to be serviceable but of
varying quality. The two power transformers tested as good, passing both
voltage and insulation tests with flying colours. The one disappointment
was that the A&R output transformer
on Amp1 had an open-circuit primary
somewhere deep within the winding!
Due to the state of the filter capacitors and the open-circuit output transformer on Amp1, no attempt was made
to power up either of these amplifiers
in their original state.
Decision time
The difference in output formats,
the failed output transformer and the
state of the components, wiring and
connectors made it clear that complete
rebuilds would be necessary to create
two functional matched amplifiers
for stereo use. I wanted to rebuild the
amplifiers in the ‘Distributed Load’
October 2014 93
offset the cost to some extent.
I would also need to purchase a full
complement of capacitors, resistors
and other hardware to complete the
renovation. I assumed at this stage that
the valves would be acceptable, at least
initially. I was hooked – it was certain
that I was going to proceed!
Purchasing the parts
These two under-chassis views show one of the Aegis amplifiers (Amp1) before
restoration (top) and after restoration (above). Note the turret board with the
valve sockets and other parts at the bottom.
This is the rebuilt turret board for Amp1. It was fitted with new valve sockets
and new capacitors, resistors and wiring. Note the spacers between the sockets
and the associated earth bus bar.
output format as this, in my opinion, is
the best of the Mullard alternatives. To
do this, I would need a new matched
pair of output transformers which
94 Silicon Chip
wasn’t going to be cheap. However, I
already had a purchaser in the wings
for the Barco ‘Low Loading’ output
transformer in Amp2 so this would
The biggest purchase decision involved the output transformers. After
some considerable research, I decided
to order a pair of Transcendar output
transformers from the USA. These
have an 8kΩ primary impedance,
screen grid taps at 40% and a power
rating of 30W. The transformers are
built to order and are very competitive
with locally equivalent products, even
with freight costs included.
The capacitors and resistors were
ordered from Digi-Key in one lot so
as to minimise the impact of shipping.
The reason I ordered from Digi-Key is
that I had a wide choice of well-known
brands, full specifications and in most
cases the prices were very competitive.
Add to that a shipping time of around
six days and it stacked up well.
I selected Panasonic EE series electrolytics for the filter capacitors, Vishay BC for the low-voltage electrolytics,
Cornell Dubilier for polyester film and
mica capacitors, Vishay Dale for the
wirewound resistors and Vishay BC for
all other resistors which were 1W 5%
metal film types. The required axial
format and working voltages limited
the choice of capacitors in certain
New Belton Micalex valve sockets
(fitted with skirts for the EF86) were
also ordered, while the wiring ordered
was stranded 22AWG hookup wire
from Alpha Wire. This wire, trademarked as ‘EcoWire’, is insulated with
a wall thickness of only 0.23mm PPE
(polyphenylene ether) and has a 600V
DC rating. It’s not cheap but it is great to
work with as the insulation, similar to
PTFE, is not affected by the heat of soldering and the overall diameter makes
it easy to fit into relatively tight spots.
Other hardware such as potentiometers, fuseholders, speaker terminals,
RCA sockets, switches and mains IEC
connectors came from my existing
stocks on hand.
Dismantling & preparation
Both amplifiers were completely
dismantled back to bare chassis and
Use Safety Fuses
Note that the fuseholders shown fitted
to these units are not recommended for
mains or other high-voltage (HT) work.
These days, mains safety fuses (eg, Jaycar SZ-2025 or Altronics S5977) should
be used to eliminate the possibility of
electric shock when removing the fuse.
all unnecessary connectors removed.
New holes were then cut as necessary
to provide for the speaker terminals,
volume control, RCA input socket,
IEC mains input, mains switch and
two fuseholders (mains and HT). The
remaining holes from previous fittings were blanked off with steel or
aluminium plate, depending on the
particular chassis.
The aluminium chassis was much
easier to work with but the rigidity of
the steel chassis made it the preferred
option. After a thorough degrease, all
metalwork was spray-painted, first
with primer and then “Old Gold”
hammertone finish enamel. The two
chassis were then put aside to allow
the paint to thoroughly harden.
The turret boards with valve sockets
incorporated were stripped down,
desoldered and all terminals cleaned
with a Dremel wire brush. The original valve sockets were removed by
drilling out the mounting rivets and
the boards given a final clean with
isopropyl alcohol.
It was my original intention to ‘restuff’ the old filter capacitors with
new, physically much smaller, 450V
DC capacitors. However, the cases
disintegrated during the removal of
the bases so that idea was shelved in
favour of new sub-chassis tag boards.
Once the components arrived, I reassembled the turret boards. The new
valve sockets were secured using M3
machine screws and nuts. The new
valve sockets didn’t have central spigots on which to mount a ground bus
bar, so I fitted spacers to the tagstrip
between each valve socket. A solder
tag was then fitted to the top of each
spacer to create a mounting point for
the bus bar. All ground connections
were made to this bus bar which itself
was earthed only at the input socket.
All the links were then installed
followed by the components, care
being taken to insulate long leads
These photographs show the two fully-restored amplifiers with their transformer
covers removed. Note that the fuseholders shown here are not the recommended
types for mains and high-voltage work (see panel).
where relevant. Once the turret board
was fully assembled, it was checked,
checked again and then checked again
– first against diagrams I had made of
the original installation, then against
the Mullard schematic and finally
against photographs I had taken of the
original board.
The new connectors, volume control, power socket and fuses were then
fitted to the chassis. The transformers
were then re-attached, albeit in a dif-
ferent orientation. It was necessary to
change the orientation so that the coils
of the mains transformers and the new
output transformers would be at 90° to
each other to minimise hum pick up.
I checked these locations by first
powering up each main transformer
and then connecting my oscilloscope
to an output transformer secondary.
The scope was then monitored while
I changed the orientation of the output
transformer. My conclusion was that
October 2014 95
The chassis of both units were completely re-sprayed, first with primer and then with “Old Gold”
hammer-finish enamel. The transformer covers were also re-sprayed to make them look like new.
orientating the output transformer at
90° relative to the mains transformer
made a big difference! On Amp2, it was
necessary to modify the transformer
cover slightly to accommodate the output transformer, as it was not possible
to re-orientate the mains transformer.
The turret boards were then reinstalled and the necessary connections
to the transformers, sockets and fuses
etc completed. The filter capacitors
and their associated dropper resistors
were assembled on a tagstrip close to
the original location for these parts.
Although a fiddly process, it was very
satisfying to see the end approaching.
The moment of truth
Once everything was complete, I
repeated the checking procedure – I
didn’t want expensive smoke coming
out of those new output transformers!
It was then time to fire up the first
amplifier. I set Amp1 up with a full
complement of valves and connected
an 8Ω dummy load to its output. I
then connected my multimeter to the
HT line and slowly ramped up the
voltage from the Variac.
First, the neon indicator in the
mains switch came on, then the valves
started to glow and the HT voltage began to increase. I increased the Variac
voltage to 180VAC and let it stay at
that for some time. It all seemed good;
there was no smoke and the voltages
looked about right. I then increased
the voltage to 240VAC and it all still
seemed to be OK.
The next step was to connect a
Links For Additional Information
Mullard Circuits for Audio Amplifiers – First published April 1959 (51MB PDF download):
Mullard 5-10 Amplifier:
Aegis Basic 10W Ultra-linear Amplifier:
Transcendar Transformers:
96 Silicon Chip
speaker and a signal source and much
to my satisfaction, undistorted sound
was the result. In short, it all seemed
to be performing correctly although
there was a little more background
noise than I would have liked – not
hum, just “white” noise. I then put
Amp2 through the same process with
the same result.
Once this initial trial was over, I
decided to check all voltages against
the Mullard specifications and run a
frequency response curve using TrueRTA software. It’s worth noting that
at this stage, both units still had their
original valves.
The voltages were largely in line
with Mullard’s figures. However, the
heater voltage in Amp1 and the HT
in Amp2 were a little too high for my
peace of mind. Another issue of note
was that the anode voltage on the EF86
and the corresponding grid voltage
on the ECC83 were about 20% low,
although the sound was fine and I was
assured that this was acceptable by
those ‘that know’. It was also thought
that this may be due to “tired” EF86
The frequency response at 1W using TrueRTA was within -2dB from
20Hz to 20kHz. The noise floor was
The completed valve amplifiers (one for each channel) are used in a stereo set-up with a pair of Celestion Ditton 15
loudspeakers. A CD player (not shown) is used as the signal source.
obviously higher than specification
at somewhere around the -54dB mark
(the specification is at least -75dB at
Tweaking & listening
The HT voltage in Amp2 was reduced to below 320V DC by installing a 195Ω resistor prior to the first
filter capacitor. A pair of back-to-back
Schottky diodes were also installed in
the heater supply of Amp1, thereby
reducing the heater voltage by 0.4VAC
to just below 6.3VAC overall.
It was always my intention to use
these two amplifiers in a stereo configuration, initially using a CD player as a
signal source and Celestion Ditton 15
loudspeakers which I had purchased
new in 1970. The input sensitivity of
each amplifier is 40mV for full output
and this needed to be attenuated to suit
the CD player’s output and to allow an
‘upstream’ remote motorised stereo
volume control to be included.
The suggested Mullard attenuation
for use with their 2-valve and 3-valve
preamplifiers proved to be just right.
This modification was made ‘downstream’ of the inbuilt volume control
which is really there for the purpose
of setting the balance between the two
Subsequent listening tests proved
to be very satisfactory. The increased
background noise was annoying but
easily forgotten; I particularly liked
the sound of classical piano, violin
and solo vocals.
New valves
As the weeks went by, I really felt
that I had to install a new set of valves
of known quality to see what improvement could be achieved. I disappeared
into the world of ‘New Old Stock’
(NOS) valves, new manufacturers,
Mullard valves that aren’t Mullard at
all, JJs versus EH etc. It’s a whole new
world out there and most of the emphasis is aimed at guitar amplifiers where
they want controlled breakdown and
distortion and ‘musicality’!
Fortunately, there is another sector that is more focused on audio
and this tends to be where NOS is
hallowed and overpriced. A genuine
1956 Amperex Bugleboy ECC83 from
the Mullard Blackburn factory could
compete with Penfolds Grange in price
and desirability!
To cut a long story short, I managed
to obtain pair of NOS Tesla EZ81s
from Bulgaria, a pair of Siemens EF86
pentodes from Serbia, and a pair of
matched Raytheon ECC83 triodes
and matched pairs of Raytheon EL84
pentodes from the USA. These valves
were all produced in the 1960s, had
never been used and tested as new.
Interestingly, the Raytheon valves
were all originally produced in Japan
by Hitachi and branded as ‘Baldwin’,
for use in organs. I was told that only
the best valves were reserved for the
audio amplifiers in organs!
The new valves were installed and
the lack of background noise was immediately apparent; both amplifiers
now measured at better than -78dB.
I listened for many hours to run the
valves in and it was (and still is) a very
pleasant experience.
After about 40 hours, I rechecked
all the voltages. They were very close
to specification and identical between
Amp1 and Amp2. It still seemed to
me that the anode voltage of the EF86
was too low so I decided to reduce
the anode load resistor from 120kΩ
to 100kΩ. That increased the voltage
and slightly reduced the voltage gain.
I can’t say that I’ve noticed any difference in the sound but it makes me feel
better to be within the middle of the
specification rather than at one end!
I am satisfied that the amplifiers are
now complete. The covers have been
put in place and custom labels affixed.
A remote stereo volume control is
operational and I enjoy the listening
experience and the glow from the
valves. I make no claim that they sound
better than my Luxman L410 which I
love but they do make a very satisfying
and alternative sound!
Acknowledgement: I would like to
acknowledge my physics teacher Dr
K. G. (Doc) Britton, Rydal School, UK
October 2014 97