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12 Silicon Chip
What was the main
global real-time radio
navigation system before
GPS took over in 1997?
If you answered
“Omega”, you are
And where is the tallest
man-made structure
in the Southern
The answer is the nowobsolete 427m high
Omega tower near
Woodside in Victoria.
Here’s how the Omega
system worked – and was
used for more than 20
The US Navy had
mega is now obsolete
a very specific and
but the huge antenna
specialised need for
mast still stands as
Omega, apart from it
an imposing landmark in
being a general purthe Gippsland area in southpose, global, real-time
eastern Victoria.
navigation system.
The tower is 427.45 metres
In 1964 it was introhigh (1,402.4 feet) and when
ducing a fleet of naviit commenced operation in
gation satellites called
1982 it was the fourth highTRANSIT (also known
est structure in the world. It
as NAVSAT – Navy
is also said to be the world’s
Navigation Satellite
tallest Very Low Frequency
System). These would
(VLF) radio antenna.
allow global high acSince the tower is close to
curacy position fixes
the sea, it is used by fishermen
of around 120 metres
as a visual guide to their loca(decreased to 3m by
tion. Assuming a 472 metre
1980 with software
height (the base of the tower
improvements and betis about 45m above seal level) To get to the top, you have to climb that ladder seen in the foreand a fisherman with his eyes ground – there is no lift or hoist. The person you can (perhaps!) see ter geodesy models)
which would origi2 metres above the water, the is an abseiler, probably illegally descending from inside the top of
top (bright red during the day the Woodside Omega Tower. There has also been at least one death nally be used to reset
the inertial navigation
and illuminated at night) can amongst daredevils using the tower for illegal BASE jumping.
be calculated to be visible Attribution: “Woodside Omega Transmitter” by Nickinator – Own work. systems on submarines (later TRANSIT
from about 83km away.
became widely used elsewhere).
The tower was originally intended to be built in a more
Ground stations used the Doppler effect from signals
optimal location in New Zealand but this did not happen,
transmitted from these satellites to determine their position
because of opposition by protest groups against military
much like (but in reverse of) how the Argos satellites (see
infrastructure, even though it could be used by civilians.
SILICON CHIP, July 2014) determine the position of some
There were seven other stations around the world, used
models of the Argo floats.
in conjunction with the tower in Victoria.
TRANSIT satellites were in use for more than 30 years,
The Omega Navigational System preceded GPS as a
from 1964 to 1996, for both civilian and military use and
global navigation system and operated between 1971 and
these seemingly indestructible satellites remain in use
1997, transmitting VLF radio signals between 10kHz and
today, as part of the US Navy’s Ionospheric Monitoring
14kHz to provide navigational fixes.
The system was developed by the United States, although
A problem with this Doppler navigational technique is
a US court subsequently determined that it was based
that it results in two position
on work by the British Decca
fixes, one real and one
Navigator company. It refalse and it is necesceived US Governsary to distinment approval
guish befor go-ahead
in 1968.
Omega stations were located in Bratland, Norway (Station A), Paynesville, Liberia
(Station B), Kaneohe, Hawaii (Station C), La Moure, North Dakota (Station D),
Chabrier, France (Station E), Trelew, Argentina (Station F),
2014 13
2014 13
Woodside, Victoria, Australia (Station G)
and Tsushima, Japan (Station H).
After the Omega System shut down, some of
the equipment was transferred to the Maritime
Museum in nearby Port Albert
This is just one of the items on display: an Omega
receiver (although there were many types).
the two. Traditional navigation techniques were not always
accurate enough to do this but Omega could provide the
correct one.
Omega’s design accuracy was 2 to 4 nautical miles (3.7 to
7.4km) but this was largely dependent upon the accuracy
of tabulated radio propagation predictions.
TRANSIT positions were more accurate than Omega’s
so they were used but Omega’s fix was good enough to
distinguish between the real reading and the false one.
And although TRANSIT position fixes were more accurate than Omega’s, another problem with TRANSIT was
that it took several hours before a fix could be obtained at
the equator and one or two hours at mid latitudes. Thus it
was not a real-time system, unlike Omega.
So despite the better positional accuracy available with
TRANSIT, Omega soon became an accepted navigation
system in its own right.
And before GPS, Omega was the state-of-the-art realtime global navigation system. Other navigation systems
were available and more accurate but were not global in
scope, having only limited range or regions where they
could be used.
Very low frequencies
Omega antennas were so large because they operated
at very low radio frequencies; from 10 to 14kHz. The
wavelength of these frequencies is 21km to 30km so the
antennas have to be very large to be even moderately efficient. Even so, they are only a fraction of the wavelength
in height. One quarter wavelength would be ideal but a
This Omega Aerial Tuning Relay was one of five units and is
shown with cutaway sections. Each of the five relays might
switch twice in each ten second cycle to change the frequency
of the signal (see table overleaf) meaning that each relay would
have to operate around 6,000,000 times per year. The noise of the switching relays could be heard up to 400 metres away,
even though housed in a heavily built concrete building. The white objects inside the relay are vacuum switches designed
to prevent arcing as voltages as high as 200,000 volts may be present. The vertical copper tubes were designed to prevent
electrical losses as AC currents tend to be conducted on the surface (skin effect) rather than deep inside a solid conductor.
The donut-shaped rings were designed to prevent corona discharge and arcing as they offered a smooth surface and the
black spheres on the right were spark gaps to allow a harmless discharge of any electrical arcing that was to occur.
14 Silicon Chip
Woodside Omega Tower Facts
The Australian Department of Transport built the station for
a cost of $12 million (1982 dollars) not including land. The
tower itself was built by the Sydney-based Electric Power
Transmission company for a cost of $1.1 million.
The tower weighs around 500 tonnes and the base of the
tower is in the form of a ball joint which allows the tower to
move under wind load. The tower is designed to withstand
wind loads of 228km/h at the top and 145km/h at the bottom.
Beneath the tower is embedded an extensive copper wire
earth system or “counterpoise”.
Woodside Station G was the eighth and last station in the
Omega System but was subject to an eight month delay
because of union industrial action.
quarter wavelength of 10kHz is 7500 metres so the size
cannot be anything like that. Because of this the efficiency
is very low, perhaps only a few percent .
Due to the low efficiency of VLF antennas a very high
input power and drive voltage is required for a much
smaller output power, however the output power of this
Omega antenna was 10kW, as it was for all other Omega
installations around the world.
VLF frequencies were chosen because (a) the VLF signals
would be propagated globally with little attenuation in
the natural wave-guide created between the earth and the
bottom of the ionosphere, which would also minimise the
number of stations required, (b) the stability of VLF signals
as they are not subject to much fading and (c) the relatively
great distances between lines of zero phase difference
within which vessels would locate themselves, provided
by the long wavelength of the radio waves.
Coast Guard in partnership with Argentina, Norway, Liberia, France, Japan and Australia.
Conspiracy theories abound
As with most technical subjects that have any military
connection, conspiracy theories abound regarding the actual use of the Woodside Omega Tower (just as they still
abound regarding North West Cape).
And who could forget the crackpot claims which came
Top guy wires driven elements
In the case of the Victorian installation, the tower itself
is not an active antenna element. Instead, the uppermost
guy wires are the electrically active elements.
These radiating elements are electrically insulated from
both ground and the mast and are arranged in a pattern
akin to the ribs of an umbrella.
“Umbrella” antennas radiate vertically polarised waves
which is appropriate for the atmospheric wave-guide mode
of propagation with wave-fronts oriented vertically between
the ground and the bottom of the ionosphere.
Other towers may have had different designs depending
upon local circumstances.
The eight Omega stations were installed around the
world, distributed in such a manner that a receiver would
be able to receive signals from at least five transmitters. In
addition there was a testing station in Forestport, New York.
The Omega system was operated by the United States
This enormous helix coil is part of the matching circuitry
in the antenna feed, required because the wavelength of the
antenna is very much shorter than even a quarter-wave of
the signal wavelength. The gauge of the coil “wire” and the
size give some idea of the powers involved. (Photo courtesy
Catherine McAloon, ABC Gippsland).
September 2014 15
Omega’s “Hyperbolic” Navigation System
A hyperbolic navigation system involves measuring
the timing or phase difference for the reception of two
radio signals from different places to establish the rela(Hyperbolic Fix)
tive distance from each station. One way these timing
differences can be determined is through looking at
the phase difference between the received signals. If
the transmitted signals were perfectly synchronised
with each other and if the receiver was equidistant
between two stations, there would be zero phase difP-1
ference between the two signals. If the receiver was
closer to one station than the other, there would be
a phase difference, indicative of the relative distance
to each station.
Plotting on a map the location for all possible positions corresponding to the observed timing or phase
differences results in a hyperbolic line called the Line
of Position (LOP). The receiver could be anywhere
along that line so another measurement is made with
Hyperbolic Lines of Position (solid lines). The dashed green lines
a different (third) transmitter. This results in another show zero phase contour lines between station M and X and the
Line of Position. The point at which these two lines dashed red lines show zero phase contour lines between station
intersect corresponds to the position of the receiver.
M and Y. These dashed lines correspond to “lanes”. The Lines of
The reality is a little more complicated though, as Position (LOP) for the observed timing or phase differences have
there are multiple points where zero phase difference been plotted by the observer for both stations X and Y and the
can occur. As one travels away from a point of zero intersection of these lines gives the position of the vessel.
phase difference going closer to one transmitter and
away from the other, the phase difference increases from
At the lowest frequency of 10.2kHz used by Omega, the
zero to 360°. A phase difference of 360° is the same as a lane width was around 14.7km or 8 nautical miles (correspondzero phase difference. The distance between these points ing to half the wavelength). Different frequencies resulted in
of zero phase difference (or zero phase contour lines) cor- different lane widths and different frequencies could also be
respond to one half of the wavelength of the radio signal.
combined to generate very wide lane widths for purposes
Since the distance between stations is much greater we shall see later.
than half the wavelength of the transmitted signal, there
The position of these lanes was plotted on reference maps.
are multiple zero phase contour lines. These zero phase For reference purposes the lane midway between stations
contour lines are known as “lanes” which are shown as the was numbered 900 and with the lane numbers decreasing
dashed lines on the diagram above
toward the station with the lower letter designation and increasing toward the station with
the higher letter designation
(eg, decreasing toward StaStation A: Bratland, Norway
10.20 13.60 11.33 ------ ------ ------ ------ -----tion A and increasing toward
Station B: Paynesville, Liberia
------ 10.20 13.60 11.33 ------ ------ ------ -----Station H).
In addition, it was possible to
Station C: Kaneohe, Hawaii
------ ------ 10.20 13.60 11.33 ------ ------ -----determine the relative position
Station D: LaMoure, ND, USA
------ ------ ------ 10.20 13.60 11.33 ------ -----within these lanes by examinStation E: Chabrier, France
------ ------ ------ ------ 10.20 13.60 11.33 -----ing the proportion of phase
difference corresponding to the
Station F: Trelew, Argentina
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 10.20 13.60 11.33
relative position within the lane
Station G: Woodside, Vic, Australia 11.33 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 10.20 13.60 (from zero to 360° representing
Station H: Tsushima, Japan
13.60 11.33 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 10.20 from zero to 100 percent of
the lane width), so the lanes
Each Omega station transmitted three different frequencies in a unique order and
could be further divided into
duration and could be identified on that basis. For example, Station A transmits
100 equal parts for greater
10.2kHz for 0.9 seconds, then 13.6kHz for 1.0 seconds, then 11.33kHz for 1.1 seconds.
Between each transmission there is a 0.2 second delay. Note that for any point in the
The big question was, which
transmission sequence there were always three different frequencies being received,
was one within? As it
10.20, 11.33 and 13.66kHz from three different stations. For example, when Station A
turned out, it was not possible
transmitted its 0.9 second 10.20kHz signal, Station G was transmitting on 11.33kHz
to directly determine what lane
and Station H was transmitting on 13.6kHz with a total transmission cycle takes of 10
one was within. It was necesseconds, endlessly repeated. All stations were synchronised via Caesium beam atomic
clocks. Note that throughout Omega’s service life some frequencies were changed and
sary to count the lanes a vessel
also each Omega station transmitted an additional frequency as an aid to identifying
crossed from the time it began
the station; not for navigational purposes.
16 Silicon Chip
its voyage from the port whose position was accurately
known. This lane count was related to a map showing the
lanes for a particular geographic area.
A problem arose if the lane count was lost for any reason,
such as due to power or equipment failure, adverse radio
propagation conditions or transmitter failure. In the event
of a loss of lane count it was easy enough to re-determine
the position within lanes but the actual lane numbers were
not known and had to be determined.
This inability to directly determine a lane number if the
initial lane count was lost was known as “lane ambiguity”. It
was therefore necessary to know one’s approximate position
using navigation techniques such as maintaining a vessel
track with dead reckoning. But the accuracy of the vessel
track determined by dead reckoning or other traditional
means was less than the spacing of the lanes so it was not
possible to accurately locate the vessel within any particular
lanes with certainty. In reality, a proper location fix within the
lanes required that the other navigation method (eg, dead
reckoning) be accurate to half a lane width.
Lane width could be increased by changing the transmitting frequency but 10.2kHz was already the longest
wavelength in use and therefore the widest lane width. But
as shown in the table at left, there were three transmission
frequencies, at 10.20kHz, 11.33kHz and 13.60kHz. The
13.60kHz signal gave a lane width of 11.0km or around 6
nautical miles; unfortunately an even narrower lane width.
But here is the clever part. These frequencies were carefully selected so that four 13.6kHz lanes (4 x 11.0 = 44km)
equal the same width as three 10.2kHz lanes (3 x 14.7 =
44km ignoring rounding errors). When these frequencies
are electronically subtracted in the Omega Navigation
equipment, 13.60 – 10.20 = 3.4kHz, we get a much lower
frequency with a correspondingly greater lane width, the halfwavelength of this frequency being 44km, ignoring rounding
errors. This is exactly triple the width of the 10.2kHz lanes.
Then to establish lane count it was only necessary to
establish one’s position by dead reckoning or other means to
within half the lane width or 22km instead of around 7.35km,
as with the 10.2kHz signal. This is within the capability of
dead reckoning and other means. Having established one’s
position within the 44km wide lane the position within that
lane is determined (on a scale of zero to 100 percent of
Recalling that this 44km wide lane corresponds to exactly
three 10.2kHz lanes it is then possible to establish which
of those lanes the vessel is located within by reference
to Omega navigational charts. The frequency is reset to
10.2kHz and lane counting can then resume. The 11.33kHz
frequency can be utilised in a similar manner and wider lane
widths of 133km can be established.
Of course, in matters maritime, the original measurements
were in nautical miles.
All Omega readings had to be adjusted according to
correction tables which related the propagation of the VLF
radio signal in relation to changes in the ionosphere related
to time of year, location on the globe, time of day etc. The
corrections may change the percent of lane readings and
may even change the lane count number.
Above is a Google Earth image of the tower with the ground
plane clearly visible, along with the many guy wires.
out about the HAARP research station (see SILICON CHIP,
October 2012).
One story about the Tower in particular and Omega in
general, which was published back in 1994 in the “Green
Left Weekly”, had all sorts of claims and ‘statistics’ (see
Now, we’re not saying we subscribe to ANY of the conspiracy theories in that story but “reading between the lines”
does give a few more insights, despite its sensationalism
and outright bias.
For example, they query the “10kW” radiated power of
Omega, maintaining there is also a half-million watt “ground
wave” transmitter also associated with the installation.
(We believe that the very high input power – perhaps even
approaching 500kW – is required because of the very low
efficiency of the antenna. But why ruin a good story with
Omega shutdown
The Omega Navigation System was shut down worldwide
at precisely 0300Z on September 30, 1997. All navigation
users, having been given appropriate warning, were as-
Visiting the Tower
The Woodside Omega Tower is well worth a visit, particularly if
you’re in the Gippsland area. To get there, go a short distance to
the east of Woodside on the South Gippsland Highway, A440.
You can’t miss it! It can be seen from the side of the road (make
sure you park safely). You can also see it on Google Earth: its
specific location is at 38° 28’52” S, 146° 56’ 7” E or -38.481111,
146.935278. There is also a YouTube video by the author showing
the installation at
September 2014 17
Warsaw Radio Mast
While the Woodside Omega Tower remains one of the
largest radio masts in existence, it is a pygmy compared to
the long-wave AM radio mast which once stood in Warsaw,
Poland. This was 646 metres (2,120 feet) tall and was the
world’s tallest structure until its collapse in August 1991.
Its two megawatt, 227kHz broadcasts could be heard around
the world.
This equipment rack contains the following instruments: 1) a
synchronometer, which kept the signal correctly timed with
others around the world, deriving its timing pulses from a
caesium beam atomic clock; 2) an Omega monitor, receiving
signals from a remote site at Blackwarry for self-monitoring
purposes; 3) Omega Format Display showing which stations
were transmitting and when; 4) Omega Signal Controller –
provided computer control of the signal and also monitoring
capabilities; 5) Power supply, one of several required to
provide voltages of 12, 28 and 11,000 volts DC and 115, 240,
415, 480 and 9,000 volts AC; 6) Frequency Counter to check
the signal or do other system checks; 7) Relay Driver to
switch high voltage relays; 8) a modem to communicate with
the remote monitoring site mentioned in (2); 9) a high voltage
relay to switch 100,000 volts for aerial tuning purposes.
sumed to have migrated to GPS by that time.
While GPS has replaced most radio-navigation systems,
they were much more difficult to jam by enemy or terrorist
activity than is GPS, which is relatively easy to jam. They
were also likely to be more resistant to the effects of electromagnetic pulses from nuclear explosions than are satellites.
Today, we take GPS for granted and it is built into numerous devices such as phones, tablet computers, cameras, cars,
collars to track pets and other animals and there are even
dedicated GPS units! It is highly accurate (typically within
3 metres) and simple to use. In fact, the typical consumer
experience goes no further than seeing one’s location on
a map or planning a trip route. Navigation technology has
come a long way in a very short time.
Use by the Royal Australian Navy
After the Woodside Omega station was shut down it
was acquired by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) for use
in submarine communications. VLF signals are useful for
submarine communications because unlike other radio
frequencies, VLF waves penetrate between 10 and 40 me18 Silicon Chip
tres into seawater. For this purpose the station had to be
converted from operation at 13.0kHz to 10-14kHz and other
significant equipment changes had to be made to support the
2-channel constant envelope minimum-shift keying (MSK)
required for unidirectional submarine communications.
California-based company Hi Q Engineering, who specialise in LF and VLF communications, was contracted to
make these changes. Changes included: adding a phase shift
network and converting some existing tuning variometers
to T-network coils plus adding a capacitor bank, removal
of the existing matching transformer and adding another
tuning variometer, reducing the inductance of remaining
tuning variometers, modifying the main helix and tapping into it with fewer turns, major changes to the helix
network; and adding digital antenna current metering and
an automatic antenna tuner.
After these modifications the station supported 100 baud
two channel MSK transmission with 150kW antenna input
power and a radiated power of 36.5kW. Its station designation was VL3DEF.
It was shut down for Navy and all other use on December
31st 2008, as it was no longer considered viable for use.
Incidentally, there is another large VLF transmitter still
in use in Australia. The Naval Communication Station
Harold E. Holt at North West Cape is a joint facility of the
US Navy and RAN. With 13 towers ranging in height from
304 to 387 metres it operates at 19.8kHz, with an input
power of around 1MW. A counterpoise comprising a mat
of 386 kilometres of copper wire is buried underneath the
antenna array.
The Omega tower’s future?
The future of the Woodside tower is uncertain, depending on who you ask. Some say it should be removed as even
ongoing maintenance is no longer justifiable (there are numerous reports of its aviation hazard lights failing and not
being replaced as quickly as they might).
But many others say it represents an important part of
Australian and international navigational history.
Let’s hope an appropriate alternate use is found for this
tower, such as for amateur radio groups or scientific organisations (or even legal BASE jumpers or tourist operators) and
it is not demolished just because some bureaucrat deems it
convenient, economic or politically correct to do so.
Want to know more?
There’s a wealth of information on the ’net – including a US Navy movie on Youtube showing how ships
and planes can work out their position and much more.
Enter “Omega Navigation” in YouTube’s search panel.