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Review by Nicholas Vinen
Keysight 34470A 7.5-digit
bench multimeter review
This 7.5-digit benchtop multimeter supersedes the venerable
34401A which dates from the Hewlett-Packard era. In addition to
its high measurement precision, it has wide measurement ranges, a
4.3-inch colour LCD, standard USB and ethernet ports, high-speed
data logging modes, histogram/chart plotting modes and more.
S YOU WOULD expect for a
7.5-digit multimeter, the 34470A
has impressive accuracy specifications; its basic DC voltage accuracy is
specified as 16 ppm or an error of just
0.0016%. We won’t list all the accuracy figures here as they would take too
much space. If you’re interested you
can look up the specification sheet at
The 34401A is a Cat.II unit with the
following modes: DC and AC volts, DC
and AC current, 2/4-wire resistance,
frequency, capacitance, diode test,
continuity and temperature. The resolution at its most sensitive settings is
1µV (DC/AC volts), 1nA (DC/AC amps),
50 Silicon Chip
0.1mΩ (resistance), 0.01mHz (frequency), 0.1pF (capacitance), 0.1mV
(continuity), 0.001° (temperature).
Maximum readings are 1000/700V
(DC/AC volts), 10A (DC/AC amps),
1GΩ (resistance), 300kHz (frequency),
100µF (capacitance) and 5V (diode
test). For the temperature mode, RTD,
PTC, thermistor and thermocouple
probes are supported. It has front and
rear panel inputs and the active inputs
are switched by a latching pushbutton.
As with most high-precision multi
meters, there is an accuracy/speed
trade-off. This unit is capable of up
to 50,000 measurements per second
when it’s used in a data-logging or PCconnected mode but when operated at
that rate, it only reads four digits. To
get the full 7.5 digits of precision, it
needs to average its readings over 10
power line cycles, so with our 50Hz
mains that means five readings per
second. Of course, that’s more than adequate when you’re using it as a DMM.
In fact, in any mode, you can select
the sampling rate as either a multiple
of power line cycles or in milliseconds and the unit will then adjust the
number of digits displayed to reflect
how accurate the readings are under
that condition.
You also get the choice to override
the number of digits displayed; eg, to
eliminate last digit “bobble” when you
simply don’t need that much precision. Having said that, in 7.5-digit
mode, the last digit is usually pretty
stable with only a little noise evident.
This unit features Keysight’s “TrueVolt” technology which uses highspeed digital sampling to compute true
RMS values. This allows for accurate
measurements with a crest factor of up
to 10, compared with a typical figure
of only three for devices which do the
RMS conversion in the analog domain.
They also claim significantly lower
input bias current (25pA) and noise
(~50nA) than their competitors, for
accurate readings on the lowest ranges.
For voltage readings on the 100mV,
1V and 10V ranges, the input impedance can be increased from 10MΩ to
10GΩ which will result in much more
accurate readings when the source
impedance is high. Also, when sensing
small currents, it will withstand up to
3A; some multimeters limit you to 1A
or 500mA under such conditions and
it’s easy to accidentally blow the fuse.
Advanced features
That’s all pretty standard, albeit
impressive stuff. What we’re more
interested in though are the extra features that they’ve built into the unit,
along with some simple niceties that
make your life easier when using it.
As an example of the latter, in most
modes the default is for the single
reading to dominate the display (see
lead photo). But you can also select a
second reading to be displayed in a
smaller font below the main reading
(the main reading will shrink slightly;
see Fig.1). For example, in DC volts
mode, the second reading can either
be AC volts (ie, ripple), minimum/
maximum/peak-to-peak readings or
the “pre-math” reading (eg, if you
have nulled out an offset, this reading
includes the offset). Other modes offer
similar options.
The Display menu allows you to enable a bargraph display which appears
below the numeric reading(s) in any
mode (see Fig.2). This is very convenient for quickly being able to see how
a value is changing over time and its
response time is pretty fast; up to 10
updates per second.
You can also enable a statistics
display which shows the number of
samples collected, minimum, average, maximum, span (ie, peak-to-peak)
and standard deviation. In fact, the
display is large enough that you can
enable the second reading, bargraph
and statistics all at the same time
and they are all legible as long as you
aren’t too far away from the unit.
Or you can move the measurement
into the top lefthand corner of the
screen and the centre is then dominated by a trend chart (Fig.3) or histogram (Fig.4). The trend chart mode
is like having an oscilloscope with a
very long timebase, although unlike a
scope, the readings can be AC voltage,
current, resistance etc.
The timebase can be set to give a
full-screen span of 1, 5, 10, 30 or 60
minutes. You can also temporarily
switch to a display which shows all
readings taken so far. The vertical scale
can be set manually or automatically
determined, based on the range of
readings so far.
Data is shared between trend and
histogram mode, so you can switch
back and forth between them without
losing data. And in histogram mode
you can either have automatic or
manual binning (ie, the extents of the
horizontal axis). There are also options
for cumulative mode and for cursors.
Importantly, you can save the captured data at any point, either into
internal storage or to a USB flash drive
plugged into the front panel.
Fig.1: a voltage reading from our 2.5V
reference project (presented elsewhere
in this issue) in full 7.5-digit precision
mode. A second reading, in this
case AC voltage, is displayed below
although this appears to be somewhat
exaggerated as the noise voltage is so
much less than the DC reading.
Additional modes
Fig.2: a mains voltage reading with
frequency shown as the second
measurement, along with the bar
graph display. The bargraph makes
it easy to see rapidly changing
Then there are the “math” modes
which include measurement scaling.
These allow readings to be shown in
dB, dBm, % or Mx-B with adjustable
reference values. There’s also the usual
nulling offset adjustment plus the
option for a smoothing filter with a
response time of 10, 50 or 100 readings.
One very simple but clever feature
that we think will really come in handy
is “probe hold”. This can be activated
in any mode and it waits for the reading to become stable, then stores it in
a list of up to eight readings. If you
then probe a different part of the circuit and get a different reading, once
it stabilises it too will be added to the
list. This means you don’t have to constantly swap back and forth between
probing the circuit and making notes.
Unlike a handheld DMM, bench
multimeters typically have various
triggering options in addition to
the normal “auto” triggering where
sampling is continuous. This one
supports external triggering as well
as level-based (like a scope), single
triggering (manual) or auto with a
pre-determined sampling rate. It can
be configured to delay sampling from
the trigger event and can also be set
The lower-cost
model 34461A is a
6.5-digit version of
the unit reviewed
here. It has less
memory and a
slower update rate
than the 34470A
but has most of the
latter’s features.
Refer to Keysight’s
website for further
August 2015 51
equally to other bench multimeters.
By the way, we should point out that
this unit takes a few seconds to “boot
up” and calibrate; something that we’re
now pretty much used to with DSOs
but not so with multimeters. And a
further minor issue: when you go to
save a screen grab or data series, the
default name is always the same so you
have to manually change it, rather than
the software picking a new sequence
number for you each time.
The rear panel of Keysight’s 34470A bench multimeter carries a wide range
of input and output sockets. Note that the GPIB interface is an optional extra.
to produce multiple samples per trigger event.
The front panel USB port allows
screen grabs, logged data or settings to
be saved to a flash drive. Logged data
is saved to a CSV (comma separated
variable) file which can also include
the date and time that logging started.
Unfortunately, the mode and capture
rate are not included so you need
to note that separately if you want to
Fig.3: a trend plot of the AC mains
voltage in our location over a 5-minute
period. This shows ~30s variations in
voltage which is not apparent looking
at the waveform on a scope. It’s probably due to some nearby industrial
equipment cycling on and off.
Fig.4: a histogram of the same AC
mains voltage data shown in Fig.3.
The number of samples is shown
along with the percentage represented
by each “bin”. The bins can be chosen
automatically based on sampled
values or else the number and span
can be entered manually.
52 Silicon Chip
plot the data as a time series.
The unit can also be controlled by
a PC and data transferred using the
rear panel USB socket or it can be
done over an Ethernet network. Either
way, it’s done using the “BenchVue”
software which is available as a free
download for Windows, Android or
iOS. Note though that some of the
advanced features such as histograms
and unrestricted data logging require
the purchase of the “Pro” version.
The 34470A has a backwards compatibility mode which allows software
written for the 34401A to work without (or with few) modifications. The
34401A was the standard instrument
for so long that many contracts and
specifications will be written with
the 34401A in mind, so this is an important feature to give such users an
upgrade path; especially since 34401A
production will end in 2016, 24 years
after its launch.
Minor issues
It’s hard to fault the basic operation
of this unit, ie, reading voltage, current
and resistance. However, some of the
other functions seem like a bit of an
afterthought. For example, only being
able to read signal frequencies up to
300kHz is rather limiting; many DMMs
will go up to 10MHz or 20MHz. Similarly, the maximum capacitance reading of 100µF is a little low, although
having said that, it will read very low
values (<1pF) which is quite useful.
And while the diode test mode is
great for checking LEDs, its 5V limit
means it isn’t much use for checking low-voltage zener diodes. A few
DMMs have test voltages of around
20V which does allow this.
Of course, these are all relatively minor issues and will apply more or less
Options & accessories
Our review unit was supplied with
some options installed. These include
the capability of 50,000 readings per
second (5000/s standard), two million
readings memory (50,000 standard)
and an optional GPIB interface.
While the review unit is a 7.5-digit
type, three similar 6.5-digit models are
also available: the 34460A, 34461A
and 34465A. These differ in their basic accuracy, sampling rates, memory
sizes, measurement ranges and capabilities. The 34465A is essentially
identical to the 34470A except for being a 6.5-digit type with slightly worse
accuracy figures, while the others lack
some features (refer to the Keysight
website for more details).
The 34470A is a worthy replacement for the 34401A. It brings greater
accuracy and precision, a much better
display and many useful new features.
We particularly like its data logging
and display modes, especially the fact
that you can observe the data while
capturing it and then off-load it to a
PC for analysis without needing to
connect the two directly.
The display and its flexible configuration are particularly nice to work
with and the user interface is pretty
easy to figure out. In essence, this
type of unit brings the capabilities
of the bench-top multimeter more in
line with that of a modern DSO with
screen-grab, data capture and display
and convenient filtering and statistical
analysis features.
The 34470A is available from Trio
Test & Measurement (www.triotest. for $3420+GST. The 34465A
is $1651+GST while the less-capable
34461A and 34460A are $1298+GST
and $1118+GST respectively. For more
information or to place an order, call
Trio on 1300 853 407 or e-mail sales<at>