Could you produce a new version
or present changes to component values which will get it working with this
remote? (D. V., Kirwans Bridge, Vic.)
• It seems that the Foxtel HD iQ3 remote control is not an infrared system
and that is why the Remote Control
Extender does not work with it. The
HD iQ3 is actually a Bluetooth wireless remote and should work a reasonable distance from the Foxtel receiver
when the two are paired.
Apparently, the remote control from
the iQ2 system is compatible with the
iQ3 receiver and you can possibly use
an iQ2 remote with the Remote Control
Extender instead.
Power supply options
for the 4-channel mixer
I have been recently reading your article regarding the 4-channel mixer kit
and have a question regarding power.
This new version has replaced the old
version which had ±15V power rails
and therefore could run off the power supply of a preamplifier. With the
new kit only running from 12V DC,
what can I do if I want to run it off
the ±15V power rails in an amplifier?
(M.M., via email.)
• We assume that you are referring
to the June 2007 4-channel mixer that
runs from a single 12V supply. The
June 2012 Mix-It! 4-channel mixer
can use a ±15V or +15V supply (or
various other combinations including higher and lower voltages and
AC input). The June 2007 4-channel
mixer can be run from a 15V DC supply without any changes to the circuit,
so you could run it off say the positive amplifier supply rail and ignore
the negative rail. Its maximum supply
input is 16V.
Notes & Errata
50A Battery Charger Controller,
November 2016: the Online ShopSC
(page 80) shows the microcontroller as a PIC16F88; it should be a
PIC12F675 (the parts list is correct).
WiFi Switch Control Using a
Raspberry Pi & Smartphone,
November 2016: a revised version
of the script (v2) is now available
which has two improvements.
Firstly, it shows the current state
for all outputs, rather than the
most recently changed output.
Secondly, if URLs stored in browser history are accessed, they will
no longer repeat previous actions
(ie, turn outputs on/off or pulse).
Precision Voltage & Current Reference with Touchscreen Control,
October 2016: Fig.1 on page 74
shows a resistor with a value of
R÷12 as part of the Programmable Gain Amplifier and the gain
is shown as being 1-20 times. In
fact, this resistor value should be
shown as R÷8 and the gain range
is 1-15, giving a maximum VREF
of 37.5V. The panel at the top of
page 79 is also incorrect; again, the
1.5kΩ resistor is 1/8 the ladder resistor value of 12kΩ (not 1kΩ and
1/12 respectively, as stated).
Advertising Index
Allan Warren Electronics............ 103
Altronics.................................. 78-81
Digi-Key Electronics....................... 3
Emona Instruments.................... IBC
Freetronics..................................... 8
H K Wentworth............................... 7
Hare & Forbes.......................... OBC
High Profile Communications..... 103
ICOM (Australia).......................... 12
Jaycar .............................. IFC,49-56
KCS Trade Pty Ltd........................ 33
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly ........ 103
LD Electronics............................ 103
LEDsales.................................... 103
Microchip Technology.............. 11,73
Mouser........................................... 5
Ocean Controls.............................. 6
PCB Cart...................................... 23
PicoKit............................................ 9
Sesame Electronics................... 103
SC Radio & Hobbies DVD............ 99
SC Online Shop................. 91,96-97
Next Issue
The January 2017 issue is due
on sale in newsagents by Monday January 2nd. Expect postal
delivery of subscription copies in
Australia between December 29th
and January 13th.
Silicon Chip Binders....... 85, 90, 103
Silicon Chip Subscriptions......... 101
Silicon Chip Wallchart.................. 43
Silvertone Electronics.................. 10
Trio Test & Measurement.............. 13
Tronixlabs............................. 77, 103
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such
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Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC voltages or
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104 Silicon Chip